Exam 11/2 any tips will be more appreciated than you can imagine

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  • #1305301

    As the title says. I have my exam coming up. Any tips will be more appreciated than you can imagine (I’m serious).

    Should have could have would have passed before starting to work

    Using Becker's & Ninja MCQ

    BEC - Passed

    FAR - Ninja in training

    AUD - Ninja in training

    REG - Ninja in training

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  • Author
  • #1305378

    Need more information…what have you been doing? If nothing….postpone your test.

    AUD - 86
    BEC - 85
    FAR - 76
    REG - 78

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    My advice would be to review from now until the day before your test (hopefully you've already gotten through all of the material and are now in the review phase). Focus on nailing down topics you've been struggling with that could be a large percentage of the test based on the CSO. Don't study the day before the test, just do something relaxing to take your mind off the stress. Go to bed early the night before and try to get a good night's sleep.

    On test day, make sure you have a plan for how much time you will spend on each testlet and don't go over that time. That way you won't be rushing through the sims at the end. I personally never take breaks because I like to stay focused and get it over with, but if you want to take breaks between testlets make sure you factor that into your time budget. If there are any formulas you have a really hard time remembering, take a minute to write them down on your scratch paper at the beginning of the first testlet so you aren't struggling to remember them when you're tired halfway through (we're talking just a few formulas here, don't waste time writing down every single one).

    Good luck!!

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