FAR Exam Time Mangement

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  • #2759817

    I just took my first simulated FAR exam in Becker and got a 54% after 5 mo of study – totally disappointing. Anyway I was shooting for 1 min 30 sec for each MCQ and 15-20 min for each SIM. I was trying to strictly adhere to those time limits, so I ended up guessing on several MCQs that were computation heavy so I could keep pace time wise. However I ended up breezing through the SIMs and ended up finishing the exam 1 hr early. I felt that I needed more time on the MCQs, would I be okay with budgeting say 2-2.5 hrs for MCQs instead of 1.5 hrs on the real test? I find it hard to answer MCQs in 1.5 minutes, especially ones that involve computation.

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
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  • #2759964

    It is like that with Becker mocks. The real exam will not be so easy on SIMS. Matter of fact, the real exam will be much easier on MCQs but supr heavy on SIMs that you'd feel stupid after taking it, like “DID I STUDY THIS RIGHT?”. I couldn't finish the exam because I got hung up on the longest bank rec question and had only 20 mins for the entire last testlet. Turned out to be not that bad. I would definitely urge you to spend more time on MCQs on your practice because those are the real game changers. The real exam MCQs won't take you so much time so 1.5 hrs are sufficient.

    Shoot for the stars!

    FAR 88 04/19

    REG 95 07/19

    BEC 91 11/19

    AUD 88 12/19


    I definitely agree with what Puppykoala posted. I took FAR a week ago, and can say majority of the MCQs did not require 1.5 minutes. I think I had about 2.5 hours left for SIMs and ended up having maybe 20-30 minutes left to spare. If you haven't already, I would definitely suggest doing the AICPA sample test for FAR, those SIMs are great practice! Best of luck!

    AUD - 84
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 79
    What a journey! It took me 12 attempts, do not give up, keep going! Praise God!

    Passed Exams: 8/25/2020

    Licensed in Pa: 11/24/2020


    Thanks everyone for your helpful replies! Will definitely look at AICPA sample tests and MCQs more closely.

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
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