FAR Review Questions (last exam)

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  • #1662935

    Hey guys,

    I had a few questions that I wanted to get some advice on listed below:

    1) I am using primarily NINJA CPA (the Sniper package) and I have gone through the MCQ so much that I am starting to memorize the answers. As my exam is 12/4/17 I am unsure if this is the best way to keep studying. What are your inputs on this? (It should also be noted that I have access to Wiley as well)

    2) In the NINJA MCQ I haven’t come across any questions about partnerships, should be worried about this? If this is left out then it makes me worried other important info is left out as well..

    3) FAR is my LAST exam.. I know I should have all the motivation in the world to study but I have been studying so much that I am starting to partially slack off just because I am sick of studying (I hope at least a few people reading this understand/can relate). Does anyone have any motivation or advice to lend here?

    4) How would you recommend that I spend the rest of my time until the exam? I’ve passed the other 3 exams but I still question if I am spending my time as efficiently as possible.

    Thanks for taking the time to read/respond, much appreciate!

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  • #1662941

    Hello! FAR is my last one as well-tomorrow! It is extremely hard to stay focused, but I mean it's the last one-gotta do it! How are you doing the Ninja MCQ? If you have gone through all of it, maybe go back through subtopics where you have gotten lower scores or do trouble questions only for a while. If you have Wiley, I would jump into that testbank now, as part of your review-might help uncover some areas that need additional work and fine tuning. are you working the SIMS? It might be a good way to switch gears. There is nothing on Partnerships in Becker at all, and while Ninja mentions them in the audio, there are no MCQ-I say don't worry about it then. Good luck!


    @anyatver I will admit that I barely study the sims. I am now switching to Wiley and switching between a testlet of 20 MCQ then 5 sims and repeating. In the beginning I struggled quite a bit with the MCQ but now that I am doing better my scores are weighted down haha. I trended in audit about 60 and passed with I think it was 79 so its nothing that surprises me.


    Yeah, the trending vs. average is kind of a sham, I try not to worry about that;) LOL SIMS are impossible to prepare for, but I have just used them to review JEs and get a feel for what it may look like (we know it never does look anything like in practice!) 🙂


    I would hit SIMs for a different perspective and they can serve as a good review to tie the material together. I see you're using Wiley so that's a plus, but there will be overlap between the two from my experience. Gleim is pretty good too, as their test bank is huge and you're less likely to see too many of the same questions (although it happens). It probably seems like overdose and you might not want to spend the extra cash on another test bank, but I see it's your last exam (congrats on that!), so why not pull out all the stops.

    Regarding partnerships, I fairly certain they have been removed from FAR.




    @SBNY2K17 Thank you for the encouraging words! I have failed the CPA exam 9 times over the past 2+ years but I am finally passing them and doing much better. I have until July 2018 to pass this last exam so I know I can do it!

    I definitely think I will start to focus more on the sims. I am trying to break it up where I do MCQ, review notes, sims, notecards then repeat.. I think doing just MCQ all day everyday might be what is wearing and making me slack off.


    james, you and i are in very similar situations. I take FAR 12/4 as well, last exam, just not using ninja. I have found myself slacking off too, and I am getting a bit worried about it. My internal argument in my brain on the one side tells me I can slack off, since I am slacking off as compared to my previous exams studying, which I believe I overstudied for. And also because I appear to be doing very well in the MCQs so far in FAR as I go through the content (using Roger, about 80% through question bank, with a cumulative of 76.7% score on chapters I have done the questions for, first pass through). Then the logical side of my brain kicks in and says wait a minute, FAR is a beast nearly everyone says its harder than the other exams, or at least the scope of it is the widest and thus needs way more studying than the other tests.

    What has motivated me recently? I just got to the governmental accounting section and none of this shit makes much sense to me, so I am realizing I NEED to bunker down and get serious about this.

    We are so close, so I tell myself if there is any exam to overstudy for its this one. It's been helping me get my shit together the past couple weeks.

    Good luck to you, kick its ass 12/4 and here's to having many frothy beverages that day.

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 89
    FAR - 91
    REG - 97

    @anyatver ,all the best for Friday.I hope you have reviewed the blueprint and ready to roll.


    @Wannafree-I have not in it's entirety but I focused on a lot of those SIMS in my review and final review so I am hoping for the best! Will report as soon as I can.


    @Tommythecat I just got to the Gov't chapter too, taking on 12/1. I wish I had worked harder my first time through the material. Seriously paying for it now.

    FAR - 85 (12/17)
    AUD - 80 (1/18)
    REG - 83 (6/18)
    BEC - 85 (7/18)

    Ethics - 95



    @anyatver ,what time is your exam ?


    im with you on that oli. planning to re-watch the entire chapter of roger lectures again before i move on. Brutal subject matter for me. Im having a hard time getting the entries to make sense, they are so seemingly backwards at times.

    Good luck to you

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 89
    FAR - 91
    REG - 97

    @tommy I know. It's like we spend five years learning proper accounting and then they say WAIT! Learn this stupid backwards way, too!

    FAR - 85 (12/17)
    AUD - 80 (1/18)
    REG - 83 (6/18)
    BEC - 85 (7/18)

    Ethics - 95



    @TommyTheCat Thank you for the encouragement. What I have been trying to do is picture two scenarios in my head:

    Scenario 1) I failed… I feel upset and angry and have to study all over again
    Scenario 2) I passed! I am super excited and telling everyone and celebrating

    After picturing those two scenarios I think- what I am doing right now, which is that contributing to?

    That is what is keeping me going right now.

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