FAR – SIMs vs. MCQs practice

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  • #1672498

    Hello guys,

    I need some advice…I have quite a lot of FAR Sims in becker to go through F3-F10 (at least 30ish individual SIMs). I’m wondering if I am wasting my time and energy going over ALL the sims when I should really be practicing MCQs? Test is on Dec 8th.

    Let me know your past experiences with this. Theoretically, I would love to finish all the SIMs, but not so sure now that its the correct reviewing strategies…since there are 66 MCQs up for grabs as well.

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - 76
    REG - NINJA in Training
    It's an accrual world for us CPA Candidates.
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  • Author
  • #1672538

    If you are pressed for time, I would suggest you do all the SIMS that call for JEs and DRS (there are only 5 DRS in Becker). There is a thread going around that matches topics to possible SIMS, but in my own experience, I think that's not helpful-practing MCQ and knowing the concepts will prepare you for the SIMS, but it's helpful to see a couple just to be familiar with the format. I would also highly recommend AICPA practice test-there are 5 SIMS in there and while the real ones are harder at least you get a taste for what it looks and feels like.


    Thank you!

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - NINJA in Training
    FAR - 76
    REG - NINJA in Training
    It's an accrual world for us CPA Candidates.
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