Help, am I crazy?

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  • #1662506

    Ok with out going into a huge long discussion I will just say that I went back to school and got another undergrad degree in accounting a few years ago (graduated Dec 2013) but haven’t been working in the field since my current employer had paid for most of my schooling I had to stick around or pay it back.

    Well now I’m looking to move into the accounting field but with no masters or CPA I am understandably finding that difficult, or extremely low salary.

    Being so far out of school and not in the field am I crazy to think I could study enough to pass the exams? With a full time job and 2 small children at home 6-8 hrs a day of studying is out, but could do 2-3 without a problem, most days.

    Or am I better off finding an online Masters program and then maybe doing the exams after that?

    Thanks for any advice!

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  • #1662508

    Skip Masters, obtain CPA (assuming you meet credit hours requirement).

    If you're able to buckle down and study and have full faith in yourself that you can pass the exams, then the CPA will be cheaper and more valuable. If it were me, I'd buy a review course and get started.

    AUD- 82
    REG- 86
    FAR- 86
    BEC- 88

    I agree with @Bourne. Definitely go after the CPA, and it's completely do-able. If you look around here, you'll see plenty of people years removed from school and still working towards and passing the exams. Just find a review course that works for you – test drive them all. That's the best advice I've got. 🙂

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 82
    REG - 78
    Ethics - 95
    Licensed in IL & MO

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    You will find that at least half of the people on this forum are adults with full-time jobs and a family. It can absolutely be done with a ton of sacrifice and self-discipline (and a good review course). I have two kids and a full-time job and I have so far taken and passed 3 or these, with 4th looming on Friday. I started last October. I study at least 4 hours a day, more on the weekends if time allows. If you set up a schedule you can do it-it will just take a bit longer. If you have enough education to sit for the CPA exam and get licensed, I would go with the CPA exam and skip the Masters degree.


    @Jacob – Take a minute to read Jeff's story and you'll instantly feel ready to pass the CPA Exam. 🙂

    My CPA Exam Story – Jeff Elliott, CPA

    You can do it!

    VP NINJA Experience

    i second anyatver. Started studying in September of last year, we had our first child in February and I've had 3 tax seasons in the time between now and then. So far 3 for 3 on exams with #4 coming up first week of Dec. I am usually only able to study and hour and a half or so each night when the baby is down at night, and then I try and pack in as much as possible on weekends (typically 3 – 4 hours a day).

    It's totally doable if you set a schedule and stick to it. Good luck to you and you can do it if you want to. Just takes time and dedication. These exams arent a sprint or an IQ test, they are a marathon and if you put the proper study time in you'll nail em.

    AUD - 85
    BEC - 89
    FAR - 91
    REG - 97

    @tommythecat I couldnt help but notice the score that you have received. Do you use Ninja only or do you have another program like wiley, roger, etc. Do you have any tips or advice for someone who is going to be starting the exam process soon?

    Be like a postage stamp, stick to a thing till you get there. - Josh Billings

    no its not crazy, I was LUCKY to get 2 hours of studying on a weekday (worked full time, 2 kids, grad school and a part time job too)and still passed all 4 in less than a year.

    But I do want you to double check your expectations, you mention above finding entry level jobs with low salaries. Even once you've passed the exams you won't be a CPA yet and may be back to looking at lower salary than what you're hoping. Its the credential COMBINED with experience that provide a decent salary. I think its worth it even taking a cut in pay but see too many people here who think that passing the exams alone makes them worth 70k (maybe, in NYC but not likely in Idaho) and are shocked to learn its only part of the package.

    Old timer,  A71'er since 2010.

    Finance manager/HR manager



    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I did the exams when I work full-time. However, having the license alone won't guarantee a good job. You should consider any accounting job available to you. Most companies prefer fresh college graduates for the low paying accounting position. It all depends on the area, but in my area, not many entry-level accounting positions are available. I often heard that new college accounting graduates ended up working in the restaurant or something. If I were you, I would try to find an accounting job and start studying for the CPA exams. All the best.

    CPA/ MST/ Roger CPA Review

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16

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