Q3 2019 Pass Rates Released

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  • #2725314

    SEC ——— Q1 ——— Q2 ——— Q3
    AUD —– 48.56% —– 55.11% —– 51.94%
    BEC —– 58.00% —– 59.74% —– 63.04%
    FAR —– 44.43% —– 49.37% —– 50.29%
    REG —– 50.23% —– 58.66% —– 58.41%

    Looks like all pass rates for Q3 are over 50%! AUD/REG took a slight dip from Q2 to Q3 but overall still high pass rates. Shocked at BEC.

    AUD - 87

    BEC - 92

    FAR - 87

    REG - 84

    Thank you Jeff/Ninja!

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