Wiley test average versus final CPA score

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    For those who have Wiley Test Bank online, and you’re taking tons of practice tests, how does your overall average score on Wiley compare to the final CPA test score you got?

    I’m currently studying for FAR and am passing the last few practice tests lately. I do plan on taking more practice tests. I’m pretty strong on simulations (get deep 80’s in them frequently) and am hoping I’ll do well on FAR in a couple of weeks. My overall score is 71.67%. Wiley believes that scores on simulations will be lower on their site than on the CPA, so that gives me some hope.

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  • #434923

    Did anybody ever answer this? I'm curious too. My scores are normally around 70% so I'm wondering if I need to get a little better before actually taking the exam.

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!


    Honestly, Wiley's “grading” system does not compare to the actual exam. BUT it is definitely a good tool, if you are understanding the wiley questions and reasons behind answers, then you will do fine on the exam. I used Wiley & Becker for AUD and got a 93 (first two times I took it was Becker only)… I just took REG today and can say that I had very similar questions from what Wiley had…. so don't stop until you've answered all the Wiley questions at least twice 🙂

    BEC - 65 (4/10), 83 (8/10)
    AUD - 64 (10/10), 73 (2/11), 93 (8/11)
    REG - 47 (7/09), 80 (10/11)
    FAR - 84 (11/11) Texas. I'm done!!!


    I know the grading system on the MCQ's is very different on the exam vs. study material, but I think how well you do on the study material should have some relation to whether or not you pass the exam. I've always used Gleim and consistently got in the low 70's on my practice tests and passed the exam so I'm wondering if Wiley is the same. But maybe I should just play it safe and work until I get at least 75% consistently.

    Thanks for the input snick! Good luck on your FAR studies. 🙂

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!


    for me I was scoring about an 85% on wiley and about 72 to 79 on becker and I got a 76! for some reason my exams so far have been nothing on what I was actually studying and i understand the concepts very well. I think the SIMS saved my life! because I don't know how I passed FAR and have no hope for REG! the mind can only learn so much just try to do your best!! and pray that it works!

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"



    Interesting, as my Wiley and Becker scores are the other way around – 85-90% on Becker's progress tests and 75 (more or less) on Wiley. Please note that I'm studying for BEC, perhaps it depends on the section. I'm also not practicing (maybe I should) written communications when I take the practice test, so my scores are for MC only.

    BEC - 10/12/2011 - 78
    AUD - 11/23/2011 - 84
    FAR - 02/22/2012 - 76 (I'll take it!)
    REG - 08/31/2012

    “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson


    yeah they where switch for REG for me. I was about 75-79 for wiley and 83-93 for becker. I don't even look at the scores any more because both REG and FAR was nothing like both test banks. maybe 2 or 3 that were similar ( wording and such) but for the most part I was sitting in REG like they did it to me again. 🙁 ( heavily tested my ass) Now that I am studying for BEC I saw a few questions that were on my REG test ( i think that I got those right but they are probably pretest). The test is so RANDOM so I say screw the scores and just be as comfortable as possible if that is even possible.

    I am studying BEC as well. I would take maybe a 2 days or so ( depending on how well of a writer you are) and look over the format and maybe practice a few. The thing about BEC is that 85% is multiple choice so you have to decent on those to pass. At least that is my assumptions.

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    I just took FAR yesterday and I walked out of there with a smile on my face. I believed I did well and that I was thoroughly prepared. In the last two weeks of studying, I was pulling scores in the 80's in the Wiley test bank practice tests and even got close to 90 on one, and this was routinely.

    Understand that I did not take any coursework in Advanced Accounting, Governmental accounting, non-for-profit accounting, Intermediate II or any coursework in IFRS. The last accounting course I took was intermediate I.

    When I got to the prometric center and did the exam, I was not nervous. I zoomed past the first testlet in 40 minutes. The next two I did quickly too, and had 2 hours for the Sims, which I completed in an hour. I had an hour left and rechecked all my sims to make sure.

    I'll find out in mid-to-late-November how I really did, but I believe I passed. I predict a score in the 80's if my previous experience is of any predictive value 🙂



    I hope you did really well!

    I'm just wondering how were you able to satisfy education requirements in accounting subject if you never took any advanced accounting coursework? I mean how did you even get enough semester units in accounting to fulfill the requirement?

    BEC - 10/12/2011 - 78
    AUD - 11/23/2011 - 84
    FAR - 02/22/2012 - 76 (I'll take it!)
    REG - 08/31/2012

    “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson


    @iPass: I live in Illinois and all we need are 24 credits in accounting and 24 in business as part of the regular 150 credits requirement. I have an MBA in finance and a BS in Economics, and took some extra courses at university, so I had over 200 semester credits before, and more than enough in business. I had only 8 credits of accounting in both of those. I had really boring accounting classes in University. So when I decided to go for a CPA 14 years later, I had to take courses at a local community college, and I was able to get another 19 credits. I am planning on taking more credits as Illinois is raising their requirements in 2013 to 30 credits in accounting.


    I would be interested as well to see how Wiley compares to the actual exam scores. I just failed REG for the 3rd time and cannot use my Becker 2010 anymore (not that I would really even want to, at this point..) Becker was good for MCQ and general review, but their sims are awful and nothing even close to what was on the exam. I was able to make up the difference with MCQ on the other 3 sections, but I just can't get over the hump with REG, it is an absolute bear.

    I'm considering buying the Wiley test bank membership and maybe some study materials as well. It is a bit cheaper than buying a whole new course packet from Gleim/Yaeger/etc., I'm wondering if it will do the trick for me? I have until September next year to pass REG or else I start all over. 🙁

    BEC: 2/12/2011 = 78
    FAR: 2/19/2011 = 73, 7/9/2011 = 80
    AUD: 4/30/2011 = 76
    REG: 4/2/2011 = 74, 8/20/2011 = 71, 11/19/2011 = 73, 2/25/2012 = 89!!!
    I am AWESOME!!


    My scores are below. I've only used the Wiley testbank and book. I worked MCQs with the online test bank until I was hitting 75%+ in all modules.

    Some modules I was in the high 90s, and others I was in the 70s. It depends on the topic for me. For REG I was hitting in the 80s and 90s before sitting and escaped with a 77.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012



    Ha-ha, my highest accounting class is Intermediate I as well 😛 (I'm in IL too)


    So far Wiley hasn't failed me. If you do all their MCQs (book+test bank) and understand all of it, you're good to go.

    The only exam mode tests I do are the final tests in the books, after I've finished studying everything, and the results are pretty close to my actual ones (only a few points higher).

    I do the test bank in study mode and I usually score in the 70s.


    For Audit, I housed the practice exams on Wiley, getting around 96% overall. I only managed a 79 on the actual exam though.


    Like someone before me said, don't pay attention to the grade. As long as you're learning from it, that's what's important. I was consistently getting 70% on wiley and I got a 90 for AUD. I don't think wiley scores are important.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88



    Inspired by the “Post Your Becker Final Score vs Actual Score” topic, I searched to see if there was a similar topic for the WTB. And found this.

    CPA (MA, Non Reporting) since Oct. 2015


    B – 33, 71, 79

    A – 32, 61, 70, 83

    R – 33, 58, 73, 69, 81

    F – 47, 78

    1st test 01/19/2013

    Last test 05/26/2015


    CPA (MA, Non-Reporting)

    The difference in winning & losing is most often, not quitting - Walt Disney

    B - 33, 71, 79!
    A - 32, 61, 70, 83!
    R - 33, 58, 73, 69, 81!
    F - 47, 78! 🙂
    After 3 long years, I'm finally DONE!
    I could not have done it without NINJA MCQs.

    Used: Roger for his Videos, WTB, and NINJA Audio, Notes and Test Bank.

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