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  • #160222

    I am up against a short period of time to study for FAR. I will have 3 weeks only (third time taking it…hopefully it will be the charm this time :). I just took this at the end of February and got a 73 using the Yaeger software. I am not working, so I will be able to put in 6 hours a day. (126 hours total) I am not going to watch the videos, I am going to go right into reading the book and taking notes. But I thought I would buy the cram for Yaeger. They tout that the cram will increase your score by 5 to 10 points……….any thoughts on this or suggestions on my study plan would be most appreciated.

    Waiting till the end of June is a killer!!!!

    Best of luck to everyone out there this window.

    Thanks for your help.

    Yaeger CPA Review

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  • #286277

    The ONLY reason I have any passing scores is because of the crams. I failed FAR first time with Becker with a 69… did the FAR cram in 3 weeks (with full time job and kids)… nailed it with an 80. Would have done much better but ran out of time and couldn't finish my second sim.

    My suggestion… especially since you don't have to work…

    1. Watch a video lecture

    2. Do the suggested questions

    After doing 1 & 2 for each module in FAR…

    3. Go back and do only the questions… don't peek back at the chapters, don't read the chapters, don't review anything. Just questions.

    4. Do assigned SIMs. I didn't do any, and it would have helped a lot if I did.

    Actually, by this point, reading the modules may do nothing but waste your times. The FAR cram is by far their best. They had me completely 100% ready without reading a chapter.

    Also… I do my questions in 10 question intervals… if they give 50 Bond questions… do 10 questions in a row, then review the answers. Then do the next 10.

    Seriously… I did three sections of the exam in one window… all cram.

    BEC - Pass 10/2010
    FAR - Pass 10/2010
    AUD - Pass 11/2010
    REG - Pass 05/2011



    WOW! That is amazing. No flashcards, no notes??? Let me ask you one question: do you consider yourself a good test taker? I find that I have a hard time, I think my head gets in the way, so I need to approach things confidently. I will have taken 2 exams this window by using a modified ninja note taking process. This helped to solidly things in my head. But if I can be more effective without reading and writing notes on the Wiley book, then I am game!!

    So, from what you are saying, the cram process took you 3 weeks, did you fit in any review?

    I am sooo glad that you posted a comment. This is a big help, I really would like some wins. I decided to quit my job, so that I could focus my energy on passing this thing. I seem to be stuck in the 72-74 mode. I have been looking for the “holy grail” of cpa review software and it sounds like the cram is my ticket for FAR. Will you be using it for REG also?

    Thanks again!!


    Thanks a lot! Well, let me answer your first question… I am absolutely NOT a test taker. I am as ADD as they get, I have always been a bad test taker… when its a memorize situation. But even in the crams, they do a good job showing you how to master answering questions.

    “cram process took you 3 weeks, did you fit in any review?” NO. This WAS my review. I failed FAR in August, then during the September black out month, I received my score while I was studying for BEC. Then I got pissed off and decided to pass three sections during Oct/Nov… took BEC on 10/4, then had until 10/25 to take FAR so that I had time to get AUD done on 11/30… I figured I just failed FAR, it should still be in my blood, and if I focus, I can do this in 3 weeks.

    What the 3 weeks consisted of… Wake up 4:30ish, study until my son wakes up (6:00), play with him until I go to work… during lunch… study… come home at night… play with my son until he goes to bed at 7:00… study until my eyes bled. Wake up, repeat.

    The FAR cram is an intense 18 hour course (I think its still 18) but it's not for a new student. I think you say you took Yaeger before… so that sentence isn't for you… for those reading this, if you haven't had a review course already (any course), the cram will probably not do it for you. I don't suggest anyone do ONLY the cram.

    But it's intense… every single minute of video is necessary. Every question assigned is necessary. I read the entire FAR book for Becker, did every flashcard, and watched every video and did every question… I did much worse than the 69 score implies.

    I don't know how the regular course is b/c I took Becker… but for FAR and BEC… the cram is worth more than we pay for it. Let me tell you a few things about my 3 weeks:

    1. I never read a module in Wiley. As Phil/Cindy/Etc went through the material, I highlighted (becker training 101).

    2. I read the explanation to EVERY question I did, not just the ones I got wrong. I wanted to get it right for the right reason, and know why I was right.

    3. Dumbass… sorry to offend anyone… but when I got something wrong that I just felt I should have known, I wrote dumbass next to the answer. When I went through the questions the second time, I'd see that dumbass in the answer paragraph and if I got it right, I knew I improved, if I got it wrong AGAIN, I saw that dumbass and it really drove it home that I did something stupid twice. I didn't write it next to all I got wrong, but for those boneheaded “I should have caught that” situations.

    4. Divide by 12… the biggest examiner trick is to throw in a weird date to mess with your calculation, like something began amortizing on 3/1/10… well, when I sat down, on my scratch paper I quickly wrote:

    1/12 = 0.0833

    2/12 = 0.167

    3/12 = 0.25


    I did that for all 12 months. That way when I got a question for 7 months of amortization, I had the number to plug into my formula, instead of thinking about 7 months and dividing it. It didn't save A LOT of time, but eased my frustration.

    5. Ten Commandments… the day before the exam, I thought of the 10 things that I was weak and scared I would forget in the exam, I wrote them down and realized I could fit all my issues (and explanations) on one page of paper. Well, they give you more than that in the exam. If I could memorize this, I could jot it down when I get in the exam. So, I wrote this one page over and over and over until I could quickly write it in under 5 minutes (if it takes you longer than 5 minutes, DON'T do it). When you get in and log in, you have like 10 minutes to read all the introductory screens… during that time I quickly jotted down my 10 commandments, and just did a data dump onto the page… for instance, I was worried about Earnings Per Share (and diluted)… the formula was in my 10 commandments, as well as a sentence or two for weird caveats… well, I can't say what I was tested on, but it really helped that I had my 10 great notes available. So if you can get your 10 scariest issues, write them all on one page, then write and re-write it… not only have you memorized it, but you will have it as a “cheat-sheet” in the exam. Remember, every second counts, you can't spend more than 5 minutes doing this.

    Anyway, you didn't ask for all that, but that is my 3 week FAR course. Yaeger cram videos, don't read the chapters, do all the questions, read ALL the answers and do your best to understand them. You've already had a course, this will help fine tune it, and show you where you suck and where you rock.

    When I was done with my BEC course for Becker I knew nothing… 7 hours of BEC Yaeger cram… I was ready. I can't vouch for the AUD one, b/c Becker actually does a good job with that (put PIE ACDO in your 10 commandments). I used the AUD cram, but I was prepared before hand.

    For REG, I had to sit through hours of Becker course, then went through the cram and after packing in 3 passes in two months, I was cocky… and frankly, felt like I'd breeze through REG. I personally failed REG. Not Becker, Not Yaeger… ME. I got lazy, quickly went through lectures, homework, go to bed. I didn't do any of the things I said above in my REG, but did them in my other exams. You can bet I will be this time.

    Got my 73, then decided I'd do to REG what I did to FAR. I rematch with REG next Friday (13th). This time, I'm heeding all of the advice I just gave you.

    Is the Cram the Holy Grail of CPA review? No. But it was for me. I'm sure someone could counter everything I said, but I'd still be taking FAR today if it weren't for the Cram.

    Good luck.

    BEC - Pass 10/2010
    FAR - Pass 10/2010
    AUD - Pass 11/2010
    REG - Pass 05/2011



    Holy Cow!! I am channeling some Harry Caray…….not sure if you know this reference. He was a famous announcer for the Chicago Cubs. I digress, but it is late and I am studying Audit. UGH.

    I can't express enough thanks. I will be printing out your posts and using that as my guide to plan out the 3 weeks of FAR studying. I am ordering the cram tomorrow. You went above and beyond in giving me some information–very generous. I am excited to begin. Wait, did I just say that???? haha. Well, for me, FAR is much more interesting to study for than Audit. I did really like Yaeger –I think Cindy is great.

    Congrats to you on your success. Frankly, hearing your story is encouraging and inspiring. I am hoping that I can grab onto that on Monday. I do appreciate you taking the time to be so detailed —I know that you are busy with REG—so many thanks on taking the time out from REG to pass on information.

    Good luck with REG, I know that you will be successful. Your studying plan is methodical, which is such a huge part of this nutty process. I will be looking out for your post of “I'm done!!” at the end of June.

    Thanks again!!


    Hey yankeeaccountant – I am studying for FAR and have been through all the 2011 FAR Becker material. This is not my first time taking this section. I found that after going through all of the REG Becker matrials, then going through the REG Yaeger minimum recommended MCQs really made the difference. I have the 2009 Yaeger question, but was trying to find the listing of minimum recommended questions listing…..



    First of all good luck!! I am in the same boat. I sit for Audit on Monday and then begin studying for FAR for 5/30. I hope you read through this chain of posts because 32CPA gave alot of great information. I am going to use the Yaeger cram to study for FAR. I just took it in February, so I already watched all the videos. I still have the Becker software, so when I am doing mcq's I will use both Becker and Yaeger. I will probably use cpareviewforfree as well. Have you taken the exam in 2011? I would be concerned about IFRS. I had quite a few more IFRS questions than I expected, so it is a good thing that you had 2011 Becker.

    The crams are fairly inexpensive, so it makes it alot easier to swallow. When is your exam?



    Just wanted to give you a shout out and say thanks for all your help. I followed your method and in the short time that I had, it worked. I am sure a bit of luck played into this whole thing, but I passed FAR. Thanks for sharing your ideas on studying and for taking the time to do so, that is definitely a commodity while studying for this.

    I passed two this window, didn't pass Audit. So, I am off to Audit and REG this window….trying hard to make me a “whole” CPA. Best of luck to you with REG!!!!


    Your conversation has given me hope to pass FAR this time around. It will be my attempt #6 and the last test I need to finish. If I don't pass it, I lose AUD. I already have Yaeger CRAM on its way!

    AUD - 82 Becker
    BEC - 75 Becker
    REG - 71, 82 Becker
    FAR - 66,61,71,74,70 and #6 80!!!! FINALLY DONE!!! 9/20/12
    Yaeger and Yaeger CRAM for the final battle!


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