Ellie writes in, “I want to study for the CPA Exam and I need your help. My son is nine months old and I need to study at night. Would you please let me know where do I start and what is the first step? Do you think a 20-day time frame is right for me?”
20 days, especially with a nine-month-old, way too condensed of a time frame. I mean, you're studying at night, so I'm assuming that you're working during the day. So, no. Go to another71.com/free and click and download our free study planner and it should give you a seven-week time frame. We're working on a condensed four-week time frame. So, you need probably seven weeks.
It kinda depends on the exam, you can get by for five weeks for Auditing and BEC. Regulation and FAR, it's about seven weeks unless you really wanna hit it hard, like pedal to the metal. You know, 25 hour weeks.
But, where do you start? Go to another71.com and read How to Study. Download our free Study Planner. It comes with a CPA Exam Survival Guide and it walks you through in detail the Ninja Study Framework. You don't have to use NINJA materials, you can use whatever course you want to and apply the NINJA Framework to it. It's a free download and that will help you how to study and so, that's what I would do.
20 days, too tight of a time frame unless you're just… Wait, unless your NTS is expiring or something like that. Well, I guess in your case, the exam window might be closing so you might not have a choice and so I probably should have thought this through more. Because we are at the end of the testing window.
So, if you're at the end of the testing window, there's another article on another71.com, it's on the sidebar. It's How to Pass in 20 Days and it's not a best practice. It's wild and crazy and just nuts, but it's how you can conceivably study and pass an exam section in 20 days. It's not pretty, it's not fun. You'll have no life, you'll hate me and everyone around you, but, I mean, if you use NINJA obviously. But, it can get you through in 20 days. So, that's what I would do.