Ali is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Wow! Last time I wrote was over a month and a half ago, and I was trying to figure out how to study for REG while coping with my father’s passing. My client at work was bought out, and in between what feels like a million audits, I’ve barely

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Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello from the snowy artic of Utah! It is another week and all I can say is WOW! We have had temps around 20 degrees and I have to tell you that I do not like it one bit. I know some people probably live places colder, but for

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Alex is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I recently just started studying for the Regulation exam, and there is a lot of information to memorize. I am still going through all of the videos currently and taking intense notes. I am just noticing that this section may require quite a bit more note taking

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