Official Wave 2 CPA Exam Score Release Prediction Dates & Information + Club 75 Christmas $18,000 Giveaway

03 Dec 2010


By Jeff

Club 75's $18,000 (Yaeger CPA Review HomeStudy Combos, iPads, etc) Christmas Giveaway. Details inside Club 75.



Update #4 (12/14/10):Ninjas Reporting In! ALL Scores to be released by Thursday.

Update #3 (12/13/10):
My original predictions will end up all being wrong (but in a good way)…

Updated Ninja report:
BEC – Tuesday 12/14
AUD – Tuesday 12/14 (yes, same day)
FAR – Wednesday 12/15
REG – by Friday 12/17
Update #2 (12/13/10):My Score Release Ninjas tell me BEC is expected Tuesday the 14th.

Update #1 (12/9/10): Wave 2 CPA Exam Scores will start rolling out the “week of the 13th” and all scores anticipate being released to NASBA “before the holiday”.

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RDGA 14 years ago

As I can't listen to this at work, what are the predicted release dates for each section. Thanks!

A Clayton 14 years ago

Love it! "Just give me the stupid predictions, I know they are wrong but they will make me feel better!" So right on! They really do help ease the pain!!

Todd 14 years ago

I cannot listen at work either. What are the wave 2 predictions?

Jeff - 14 years ago

BEC - December 14th or 15th (you'll understand if you watch) AUD December 16 FAR December 20 REG December 21

Allyson 14 years ago

Did Santa eat all the gumballs? I want scores to release earlier - so there are no stragglers to ruin everyone's Christmas. Can you make THAT happen? :) I would imagine the AICPA and NASBA may be closed December 24 until the first of the year???

Wisconsin 14 years ago

As Wisconsin still waits for Wave 1 scores. This state is cold and slow on the score release... Seriously, what is wrong with our board, just release the scores already.

A.K. FRE$H 14 years ago

Love the background music to the score predictions, Jeff! I cannot place the tune. What track is it? Thanks for all you do.

Jeff - 14 years ago

Thanks AK My friend actually made that track for a video game project he was working on :)

VJ 14 years ago

12/20 is Monday.. 12/21 is Tuesday. Looks like you got the dates incorrect in your video..

Jeff - 14 years ago

Yeah - I noticed that and left some annotations in the video, but I don't think it took.

Juan Carlos 14 years ago

I took AUD on November 21, 2010. That's right, sunday afternoon. Do you thing I will receive my score before Christmas as a Christmas gift?

TN Candidate 14 years ago

Can someone post the dates that were predicted? I can't view the post. Thanks!

Jen 14 years ago

lol...hilarious. thanks for the giggle it made the wait a bit less painful.

Name (required) 14 years ago

As per Jeff's posting on Dec 3rd, the predictions are: BEC – December 14th or 15th (you’ll understand if you watch) AUD December 16 FAR December 20 REG December 21

Walid 14 years ago

hi all and good luck to everyone BEC Passed on Aug. 2010 FAR Waiting. AUD Wiating NTS REG Waiting NTS

Kevin 14 years ago

Hi all, this year has been a great one for me, i work full time at a Big4, in the audit department. After several attempts i managed to complete these section in 2010. FAR (79)Jan AUD (92)Apr BEC (?) Nov REG to be done Feb 2011.

DHIREN SARIN 14 years ago

How accurate are these predictions. I am eagerly waiting for my AUD result. Took on Nov 30 2010

Name (required) 14 years ago

We will most likely know by Christmas. FYI - Whether you get your score on the 17th or the 22nd; it wont alter your grade. Clam down; study for your next exam and if you are down to your last one; have a whiskey and relax.

Name (required) 14 years ago

I have a friend who took AUD on 11/11/2010 and she already got her score (called me last night). She failed but she already received it. I took the exam on 11/20/2010 and I'm still waiting on my score. I thought the prediction for AUD was 12/16.

Margaret 14 years ago

Got my AUD score in the mail yesterday -- tested on 11/11 - PASSED!

AUD 14 years ago

Margaret - What state did you take your exam in that you already received your score!?

Name (required) 14 years ago

She received a wave 1 score release by mail. This is not a wave 2 release.

Name (required) 14 years ago

@ Name (required) 08. Dec, 2010 at 9:10 am I left the comment about my friend who took the exam on 11/11 and found out she failed. So 11/11/2010 fall under wave 1? I thought that would be considered wave 2.

MIA Girl 14 years ago

@ Margaret CONGRATULATIONS! I'm waiting on my AUD. I took it on 11/20. I'm praying I can say the same thing. :-)

Chris 14 years ago

What song was that in the Wave II predictions? I love it.

AUD 14 years ago

Took AUD on 10/15 in CA, still waiting for results.

passing BEC will set me free 14 years ago

i am anxiously awaiting my BEC score from 11/24 as it is my last test and i got a 74 the first time! (it was crushing, haha) here's hoping the AICPA shows mercy on us and releases the scores ASAP! :)

JW 14 years ago

I took AUDIT in CA on 11/1, still waiting for my score.

Mike 14 years ago

I took FAR on 11/11/10 in GA and got my score back already - 74. Seems strange that it was so close, and after the deadline for wave 1 and already got it back. Thoughts?

Name (required) 14 years ago

@Mike - it seems to me that based on the high volume of candidates sitting for the exam (most likely due to the pending changes on 1/1) the AICPA was trying to get through as many scores as possible in wave 1 so they can release all of wave 2 prior to the holiday break. Just my thought though...three down and waiting on REG

Name (required) 14 years ago

Me too, 3 down and also waiting on REG. Just thought I'd share how they tweeted about the candidate bulliten for new CPA's. A lot of the information in the bulliten is expired as the next testing window has many changes. :)

can't take much more 14 years ago

so does anyone know if "update #1" came from the mouth of an AICPA person or if that is just a prediction....

mdb 14 years ago

@can't take much more the use of quotations leads me to believe Jeff has sourced it.

Jeff - 14 years ago

I sourced it - I asked the barista this morning when scores were coming out and that's what she told me. :) (yes, I did source it)

can't take much more 14 years ago

thanks, Jeff! i was thinking you did but as you know it is about that time where we hit crazy mode and will hang onto anything we can get. :)

Name (required) 14 years ago

Sorry not following the "update #1". Is the score release still expected to start on the 14th???

God please help mw 14 years ago

I am not sure how the AICPA can give somebody their score 1 day after they take the exam, and now it has been 10 days since the window closed, and they cant release them. What is the difference.

PLEASE i want to pass 14 years ago

I passed 3 parts till now and REG remaining i applied REG in 11/28/2010 and still waiting the results, i applied for REG before during Sep. 2010 and i got 74!!!! thats so weird hope to pass this time and to finish this matter, i been with this since 2 years i got board from repeating :(

impatiently waiting 14 years ago

jeff - any word on what day of "the week of the 13th" those scores are coming? this is killer....

Pass Rates 14 years ago

Jeff- In one of your video's you mentioned that reg was getting the shaft. Could you elaborate on this? For the first 3 qtrs cumulative pass rates reg has the best and bec had the worst? Anyone else find this odd?

JW 14 years ago

I just hope AUDIT will not be the last section again in Wave 2. -_-'

Jeff - 14 years ago

The "shaft" was in regards to REG usually coming out last for score releases, that's all.

Jeff - 14 years ago

Update: My Ninjas tell me BEC is expected Tuesday the 14th.

Acgbandit 14 years ago

BEC tomorrow? fingers crossed last one left. This has been the longest 8 weeks of my life....FAR 88 / REG 96 / AUD 96 / BEC ?

j 14 years ago

i am in your boat acgbandit...waiting on BEC...done with the other three... i was hoping for mercy and a score release today!

Jeff - 14 years ago

My original predictions will end up all being wrong (but in a good way)... Updated Ninja report: BEC - Tuesday 12/14 AUD - Tuesday 12/14 (yes, same day) FAR - Wednesday 12/15 REG - by Friday 12/17

DB 14 years ago

Thanks for the update Jeff. Passed three already and waiting for FAR results!!

Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

Hi Jeff Thanks for the update. I reside in North Dakota. I took audit on 11/30/2010 and eagerly waiting for results. Does this date means that we will receive scores by email tomorrow or receiving the scores will still take a day or two? Thanks in advance.

Really? 14 years ago

Are these predictions based on anything? Why are there words in quotes?

RDGA 14 years ago

Am I correct to assume these predictions represent the date we will be able to view our scores online? As in, when I hit 'submit' tomorrow I'll see a 75 appear?

Doughy in TX 14 years ago

Thanks for the updates Jeff! You are my lifeline in this crazy waiting game. Here is to getting the AUD results tomorrow. CMON!

Raghu 14 years ago

Thanks for the updates jeff... Waiting for AUD. Done with the other three. Hope I finish with CPA b4 Christmas...

Jonathan 14 years ago

Yes, i also would like to know if score release date means ill see my grade today or if it means we are now in the 24-48 hour waiting period after scores are released to see them online.... So far i went on NASBA today as of 9:50am eastern time and no scores are available yet. does the 9pm score release deal factor in?

Name (required) 14 years ago

jonathan, it depends on what state you are in... some of the nasba states are set up to get the scores within hours of nasba getting them and some still take 24 to 48 hours... jeff had a post of them during the wave 1 release updates and there is surely one on nasba's twitter if you look back a few weeks.

Name (required) 14 years ago

We now provide, in less thn 24hrs, scores for AL AK CO CT DE FL GA HI IA KS LA MA MI MS MT NH NJ NM NY OH PA RI SC TN UT & WA. from the NASBA site...

Kevin 14 years ago the above statement true? is it from a credible source?

Name (required) 14 years ago

i took that off the nasba twitter... they said now once the aicpa releases them then those states above come out within hours... i actually got the info from nasba twitter and jeff during wave one after nasba posted they got the FAR scores and mine was up for MA within the hour... you can prob find jeff's post from wave 1

Name (required) 14 years ago from the mouth of the master....

VL 14 years ago

waiting for AUD & BEC results today. attempted first time. hopefully things go my way. jeff's prediction is making me nervous. anyway thanks jeff for your predictions which is a sort of guidance to all cpa students and all the best for those who are waiting for results like me.

Score is driving me crazy! 14 years ago

I passed FAR in the first wave and waiting for my BEC score but it is driving me crazy. They need to come out now so i can start studying for Regulation!! Thanks Jeff for your continuous updates even though i think they are driving me more insane!

Kevin 14 years ago

Name (required)....Thank you very much. I just hope BEC actually comes out today.

Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

Have scores been released yet?

Kayla 14 years ago

Thank you very much for all of the information Jeff!! You are greatly appreciated.

aylin 14 years ago

But I dont understand how is that both BEC and AUD are getting release today, should we expected by the end of the day or at any time today. Waiting on AUD.

j 14 years ago

my MA BEC score just went up!!!!!

Andrew C. 14 years ago

Jeff, thanks for taking the time to make your predictions. So far with the four sections I took I have been happy with your predictions. It brings on the nervousness more quickly. :) Unfortunately I did not pass AUD the first time, so I am waiting for that score. I took my second AUD test 11/29/10. Not only would a release today with a 75+ score for myself be a nice early Christmas present, but also an excellent birthday present (that's tomorrow). Whether your predictions pan out or not, I still really appreciate you taking the time to predict the releases. Thank You and Happy Holidays!

Name (required) 14 years ago

BEC in MA is up.... dont know if my last comment went through!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Really??? Are you lying??? I took it in NH and nothing yet on the website

Name (required) 14 years ago

My MA BEC score isn't up yet... has anyone else gotten theirs?

Lori 14 years ago

I love all these people posting how they took AUD in Nov or late Oct and are complaining they don't have their score. I took AUD Oct 1st, the first day of the window- 11 weeks ago and STILL don't have my score from CA. Talk about having patience!

Name (required) 14 years ago

I'm in MA and my BEC score isn't up yet... has anyone else gotten thiers?

KAS 14 years ago

Any scores for NH yet?

Jyoti 14 years ago

Appeared for auditing on 16th nov.wtg..wtg...wtg...wtg..

Jeff - 14 years ago

Sorry for the comment moderation..not sure why it's doing it. Other posts aren't holding comments...for some reason the score release posts always start doing it.

Daniel 14 years ago

If I'm in California, when will I be able to view my scores?

MD 14 years ago

Anyone got anything within Maryland for Wave 2? I am waiting on BEC and AUD.

A.K. FRE$H 14 years ago

BEC in NJ is posted.

Kristopher 14 years ago

Daniel, According to a lady at the CBA whom I spoke too, she said when the AICPA releases to NASBA the CBA receives it at the same time. I'm waiting for 3 scores; REG, AUD and FAR.

kerwin 14 years ago

I am also a NH candidate, and I also did not see anything on BEC as yet? Is NH an early bird or not? should I waite until tommorrow?

Daniel 14 years ago

Thank you Kristopher. That is good news.

Name (required) 14 years ago


Name (required) 14 years ago

in NY naba score site seems to be down aaaahhhhhhh

aaaahhhhh 14 years ago

in NY nasba score site seems to be down aaaahhhhhhh

aaaahhhhh 14 years ago

in NY nasba score site seems to be down aaaahhhhhhh and this site tooo

aaaahhhhh 14 years ago

in NY nasba score site seems to be down aaaahhhhhhh and this site tooo aaaahhhhhhhhh

Jonathan 14 years ago

THE NJ SCORES ARE NOT UP YET AS OF 3:29PM EASTERN TIME. Dont know what A.K. Fresh is talking about.

A Faithful Follower 14 years ago

Utah BEC posted this afternoon. I took the exam 11/21/10. And with a big fat passing score I have completed my journey. Thanks to all for the encouragement and support. And thanks to Matt for making the journey a little more fun, with less unknowns! Keep going, friends. There is an end! Signing off! FAR 91 AUD 91 REG 90 BEC 91

kerwin 14 years ago

So if NH is an early bird, How is it that I did not get any scores as yet?

Virginia 14 years ago

Does anyone know when VA scores are coming out..?

kerwin 14 years ago

if Nh is early, why is that I do not see my scores?

Tina Beena 14 years ago

NY scores are up (well at least BEC)!! I passed!! wooop woooop

Name (required) 14 years ago

NY anyone?

Name (required) 14 years ago

@virginia waiting on BEC in VA as well. hope its sooner than later!

Name (required) 14 years ago

NASBA's tweet: Some may hv rec BEC scores, they r slowly being released, NASBA states: continue checking webpage over next 48 hours

Matt 14 years ago

The NASBA twitter said that the scores are releasing slowly so keep checking.

Jonathan 14 years ago

Whats the difference between a CPA getting a combined 300 points on all 4 tests and a 360 on all 4 tests... nothing......

steve 14 years ago

MT anyone??

Name (required) 14 years ago

Well, one put in a lot more time studying for one. But both get the same Certificate. Nasba tweet "keep checking" ya very funny. grrrrrrrrrrrrr

colorado 14 years ago

any word on audit scores being released today. believe it or not I do not have a twitter account

mdb 14 years ago

From NASBA twitter acct.. Today, 11012 AUD, 18970 BEC scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Oct/Nov 2010 testing window. #cpaexam <--- Wave 2 starts now!

Dan 14 years ago

I took my BEC exam Nov 30, so that puts me under wave 2. When will wave 2 scores be released, does anyone have any idea? It wont be today right?

Ash 14 years ago

BEC is posted!

idahocandidate 14 years ago

I took Auditing on Nov 19 my very first exam and I am soo nervous about the results, even though I know Idaho isn't an online state I keep checking back here. Let me tell you it isn't not easing the nerves.

Ash 14 years ago

BEC for UT is posted!

steve 14 years ago

MT BEC released! passed!

Jeff - 14 years ago

Man, those Ninjas are good :)

Lins 14 years ago

BEC posted in Utah. Passed the first time. Woo hoo!! :-D

Shannon 14 years ago

Do they release scores all night... or do we have to wait for more tomorrow. Waiting on BEC in CO

ML 14 years ago

CA - Audit - Still waiting......

J 14 years ago

took bec in ny on nov 18- still not up :(

ML 14 years ago

CA - Audit - Still waiting.....

Name (required) 14 years ago

California Audit Scores have been posted.

JW 14 years ago

According to an earlier post, 11,012 AUDIT and 18,970 BEC scores were released by AICPA to NASBA. What about California ? When will California get a piece of this big pie ?

Kristopher 14 years ago

Jeff, Those ninjas are good. Just don't piss them off. You won't like nijas when they're pissed off. lol Now, if the ninjas could just steal the 3 scores I'm waiting for, that would be awesome.

VL 14 years ago

still not got results for BEC & AUD from NH? jeff any specific news as to when ill get my results?

TN 14 years ago

Waiting on Wave 2 scores for AUD in TN. Any news? FAR 87 BEC 81 REG 80 AUD ??

steve 14 years ago

MT-Audit waiting... BEC Passed! TODAY

kerwin 14 years ago

Jeff what happen to new hampshire scores? All now I cannot hear nothing!

Kevin 14 years ago


Jyoti 14 years ago

Jeff, Any update on auditing( california) score release?

Alex 14 years ago

Still waitning on CA AUD score, this is killing me, this is my last one.

Alex 14 years ago

Still waiting on CA AUD score, this is killing me, this is my last one.

Jonathan 14 years ago

NJ- BEC Took Test Mid November..... Still waiting as of 7:23pm eastern time

Texas 14 years ago

Jeff was MONEY on that prediction.. let's keep it up

anonymous 14 years ago

NY AUD taken 11/23, no score yet

Senator 14 years ago

I take it TX has to wait 48hrs after CA. I hate TX right now.

Kristopher 14 years ago

I don't understand why my AUD score is still not posted on CA. 10000+ were relesed today, and yet there is no score. CBA says the NASBA and CBA sites are liked. So why do I not have my AUD score yet? Is it because more AUD scores will be released later or because CA does not actually release when NASBA receives them? I guess waitng is truly the hardest part.

kerwin 14 years ago

Got my NH scores, OK.

Jyoti 14 years ago

Any update on audit score for california? :(

VA 14 years ago

Anyone..News on BEC in VA?

Name (required) 14 years ago

Just got BEC score (81!) for CT online. Wishing AUD was really coming out today because that's the last one I have left!

Jeff - 14 years ago

SOrry for the comment moderation - word press is acting up. Go to the forum and post doesn't moderate your comments.

Name (required) 14 years ago

@va nope, still waiting for the same.

Name (required) 14 years ago

I don't think VA BEC will be released until tomorrow morning

lefrax 14 years ago

Anyone recieve FAR NY yet?

dan 14 years ago


usha 14 years ago

Now that BEC and AUD are out anybody knows when FAR will be out

usha 14 years ago

Now that BEC and AUD are out anybody knows when FAR will be

NH Candidate 14 years ago

BEC NH????? Has any on received their NH score as yet?

lefrax 14 years ago

@dan, nice!

Dan 14 years ago

im waiting on NY FAR the nasba score site seems to have locked up its not working

Gregg 14 years ago

Waiting for BEC in CT. The NASBA score site isn't working... guess I'll just check in the morning.

j 14 years ago

cant access ny for over an hour. i forgot the shortcut tip- can anyone help?

Jeff - 14 years ago


Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

I am waiting for my Audit score in North Dakota, Any guesses when can I receive it. I took it on 11/30/2010. Eagerly Waiting

Alex 14 years ago

Why is the nasba site not working

Kristopher 14 years ago

Grand Master Jeff, Thank you for the update. That is very encouraging news.

Name (required) 14 years ago

California Audit scores have been out since 3pm...for me at least. I took it on 11/05 and i passed

VL 14 years ago

anybody received AUD scores from NH?

NH Candidate 14 years ago

NH scores are out for BEC. Got me a 81......CONGRATS TO ME. Check the NASBA website!!

cpasteve 14 years ago

my AUDIT released! MT passed

Rachel Price 14 years ago

Jeff, does the loophole still work with the new changes?? Please let us know!

CPA 14 years ago


Kayla 14 years ago

Jeff, you said all CPA Exam scores by Thursday, does that mean Thursday is when the AICPA releases them? Or is Thursday when we should be able to see them? I am from Illinois, an indie state. Thank you!!

Jonathan 14 years ago


Kyle 14 years ago

BEC up in Pennsylvania! Two down two to go!! Woot! Thanks Jeff for the predictions! FAR - 10/7/10 - 75 BEC - 11/30/10 - 86 AUD - Feb '11 - ?? REG - May '11 - ??

audit??? 14 years ago

Any audit scores in Virginia?

VA 14 years ago

Anyone got the REG score in VA yet? BEC is out for VA.

VA is up 14 years ago

Just FYI -- BEC has been posted to VA BOA website. FAR: 85 REG: 81 AUD: 77 BEC: 84 (done. merry christmas.)

j 14 years ago

got my BEC score...passed! i am done! thanks jeff for all you have done and thank you everyone else for all the support! i dont know how i would have survived without finding this site!

Done with CPA 14 years ago

Got my AUD results (91) from CO Done with CPA, all the best for others. Cheers.... thanks a lot jeff...

Master P 14 years ago

Anyone get a wave 2 FAR score back yet? I have 3 down and waiting on FAR - if all goes well i will be partying like a rock star tonight

waiting 14 years ago

Anyone got their BEC scores in IL? What a nightmare. How much longer we have to wait for the scores that were available to them since yesterday?

Boom! 14 years ago

VA is out. Boom! Passed all parts this year, one part each month of the last two windows. First timers club! Drinks are on anyone else except me!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

I don't know what to do to get my audit score after 2 months and half. Anything about CA audit scores.

Brad 14 years ago

Thanks Jeff. BEC passed earlier. I saw the AUD score this morning. I passed yeah! Now waiting for REG. Hopefully I will only have one test to deal with next year. (FAR)

VA 14 years ago

Are REG scores in for VA? Thanks for any infor!!! I'm so nervously waiting......

Jennifer 14 years ago

Does CA usually take longer to post?!

Jeff - 14 years ago

The comments are being held up in moderation and I don't know why - please post over at the forum if you want them to show up right away:

Name (required) 14 years ago

Sweet, All scores released by Thursday. WOW, seriously good news.

Alex 14 years ago

Still waiting on AUD score in CA, it is usually up by now, does anyone know what is going on? CA has been pretty quick for me in the past, I don't why it is taking so long this time. This is my last exam and the wait is KILLING me. Good luck to all

Name (required) 14 years ago

AUD has been released!! I just received my score this morning on NASBA's site.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Any news on CA? specifically FAR, but I assume AUD and BEC have to be released first and from some of the posts, this hasn't happened yet in CA.

Lil Wayne 14 years ago

Jeff - any updates from the ninjas? you still think we are going to see FAR today?

buzzywasabuzz 14 years ago

question on the loophole.... IN-waiting on won't let me check it...too early or good sign I passed?

Elena 14 years ago

Tweet from NASBA: Today, 13,044 FAR scores were released by AICPA for the Oct/Nov 2010 testing window GOOD Luck to those who're waiting for those!

Elena 14 years ago

buzzywasabuzz...DEFINITELY a good sign. When that happened to me on three sections, I passed all three :)

Elena 14 years ago

So far those Ninjas are on the money! Very impressive!

VA Waiting 14 years ago

REG? Will REG scores be released today?

j 14 years ago

so whats the deal with this "instant" release now? if they announce FAR is up today, will i see my score fairly soon or is it a few hour lag?

Jeff aka The Redeem Team 14 years ago

Jeff You have redeemed yourself beautifully my friend. All those "haters" as some like to say are now very quiet. Your ninjas are great warriors. Just a quick question since you've been reviewing this stuff a lot longer than me. Is this a record for number of scores in a window? I mean 11k-AUD, 18k-BEC, 13k-FAR. Thanks as always for getting me through this painful/stupid process waiting on FAR as my last one in IL AUD-91 BEC-81 REG-89 FAR-Waiting

Loopy?! 14 years ago

What is this loophole people are talking about?!

Elena 14 years ago

REG will probably not be released until tomorrow. Patience friends. I am waiting on REG also :)

Jeff - 14 years ago


S 14 years ago


Elena 14 years ago

Instant Release: only a few states. See for the list Loophole: Go to NASBA-OHIO-RE-REGISTER-APPLY-No jurisdiction ID, SSN (enter info). If after the scores have been released by AICPA for a particular section the loophole does not let you re-register (box grayed out), it's a belief that the section is passed. If it lets you check in the box, the belief is that you failed.

Elena 14 years ago

Okay... I have no more patience for people's impatience :) I don't know how Jeff does it. Good Luck to all!

Name (required) 14 years ago go to this website and you will find every thing about FAR and REG releases

cpa 14 years ago go to this website and you will find every thing about FAR and REG releases

MA Loophole 14 years ago

Does the Ohio loophole work for MA?

Loopy?! 14 years ago

I don't think California has that loophole?! I don't see the "re-register" thing and we don't get our scores through the nasba website.

Baker 14 years ago

Just tried the loophole.....FAR was BLACKED OUT!!!!!! I pray this hold true, last time I failed it allowed me to re-register.

Loopy?! 14 years ago

Totally was looking in the wrong place for my score! But I passed woot!!and I'm CA for all of those wondering and it was BEC

PrayinForA75 14 years ago

So I am glad FAR released today, guess I will find out if I passed in the morning. I have passed all three other parts, but this is my third time taking FAR. My REG score expires in the middle of Feb, so I really need to have passed this. the anticipation is killing me. I just wanted to wish everyone, including myself, luck that we all passed. It has been a year and a half and I am so sick of studying for this think. Thanks again to everyone, it helps knowing you aren't the only one in this and thanks again to Jeff for the site.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Does the AICPA ignore those of us who sat for audit on the first week of october? I cannot believe I'm still waiting for my score.

Loopy?! 14 years ago

PrayinFora75, Good Luck! I know it isn't ever easy.

Name (required) 14 years ago

As soon as someone gets FAR score in CA please let us know!!!

lefrax 14 years ago

PrayinForA75 We are in the same boat. Passed all three and waiting for FAR results. Good Luck to you & everyone else waiting!!

JW 14 years ago

Perhaps there is another minor wave of AUDIT scores coming soon? Perhaps...

Larry 14 years ago

Anyone heard anything about FAR in CO?

Name (required) 14 years ago

Still waiting on FAR in CO!

waiting 14 years ago

@prospectivecpa - i am in CA and i am still waiting for my audit score too!

Name (required) 14 years ago

FAR CO posted!!!

Name (required) 14 years ago

CA Posted - Passed - Sat Sunday 11/28/10 - One More to Go

LastONE 14 years ago

nothing at all from IL (AUD). Website has been down, but I'm finally in and still nothing

wantingonFAR 14 years ago

The CA post; was tha fo FAR??????

VA waiting 14 years ago

What about REG???

wantingonFAR 14 years ago

The CA post; was tha for FAR??????

NY AUDIT 14 years ago


AUD 14 years ago

Anyone get CA audit yet?

Name (required) 14 years ago

I have not gotten CA audit. Still waiting...

Daniel 14 years ago

I'm also still waiting for CA Audit.

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Someone please post when you have your AUD score for CA. This wait is killing me!

lefrax 14 years ago

Anyone recieve FAR NY?

AUD IN DE 14 years ago


Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone receive FAR in CA?

CA FAR 14 years ago

Still waiting for FAR in CA. CA is not in the Instant release list. Does it mean we are not getting our scores today in CA?

Alex 14 years ago

My guess is that we will not get AUD scores in CA until the morning, this is my last exam also. The wait is torture. But we will know soon enough. Thanks Jeff for putting up this site, it has been great for me. Best of luck to everyone.

AUD - CA 14 years ago

@ CA FAR - Was FAR just released by NASBA today? There is usually a one day lag between the NASBA release and when it gets posted to your online account. If FAR was released today, check your account tomorrow.

prabha 14 years ago

waiting for FAR in CO, appeared on 29/11

CA FAR 14 years ago

@AUD - CA: Thanks a lot for the info, will hope for some good news tomorrow... Good luck with AUD score to you! Jeff, thanks a lot for all the work you do!

lefrax 14 years ago

Does anyone know if the " loop hole" works in NY? I tried to re-register for FAR, my last part,it would not let me re-register. However, it did not say that i passed, simply that all scores were still " in process"

SCSUAUDIT 14 years ago

Still waiting for AUD in MN

WantingA75 14 years ago

CA people, what's the deal with FAR? It's looking like NASBA released FAR scores today and we're looking for them to post to our CA accounts tomorrow? I sat for FAR on 11/27/10 here in CA. I hope this will be the last score I'm waiting for! Hope the 2nd time around is the charm for FAR. Good luck to all! Here's to a good Christmas for all of us!

Name (required) 14 years ago


MIA Girl 14 years ago

Does anyone know if the FL scores for AUD is up? Have anyone received their scores?

AUD-MO 14 years ago

Still no AUD score up for MO. Took 11/23. Last score needed. Should we expect tonight?

Name (required) 14 years ago

So if CA is getting AUD scores tomorrow, that means TX will get them Friday?

jaycpa 14 years ago

lefrax: I am in PA and that is the same thing I am seeing as well. I have passed three exams and I am waiting for FAR. I was told that if the screen goes to that message...its a good sign. Hopefully that holds true. Good luck! Praying for a Christmas miracle!

NY FAR 14 years ago

FAR scores in NY were posted

IL waiting 14 years ago

Did anyone get any scores in IL yet? Was anyone able to get a hold of IBOE on the phone? I don't understand why BEC is not posted yet, they have the scores for more then 24 hrs.

CPA2011 14 years ago

Anyone get their FAR results in the great state of PA?

NY 14 years ago

@NY FAR - I'm so jealous your NY FAR score is up! MINE IS NOT

cpa 14 years ago

i got my FAR grade, its 80 thanks god

IL_BEC 14 years ago

I'm also waiting for BEC scores in IL. ILBOA website is really slow or doesn't work at all sometimes. This is really frustrating...

Tex_Aud 14 years ago

So Texas Aud scores are coming out when? This is my last section!!

WantingA75 14 years ago

@cpa: What state are you in? Congrats!!!

Baker 14 years ago

Nope, waiting for my FAR score in PA too. However did the loophole and if it still works then I passed, last cycle I failed FAR (74 ugh) and I did the loophole and I would have failed.....which obviously I did. So here to hoping the loophole still works.

TN Candidate 14 years ago

In TN waiting on REG. Passed BEC (79) in July, took REG in November. Planning on sitting for FAR in February and AUD in May if all goes well. The best to everyone and thanks Jeff for your predictions and keeping us in the loop.

Oras 14 years ago

Hi everybody, what does mean "ohayoloop"

75MIA 14 years ago

Waiting.... waiting... anxiety is not helping!!!! Virginia, COME ON!!!!

FLBill 14 years ago

Anyone get their FAR scores in FL yet? Waiting anxiously.....

Jeff - 14 years ago

Ninjas Hit for the Cycle: Today, 8136 REG scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for the Oct/Nov 2010 testing window. This window is now closed.

Sarah 14 years ago

Anyone get BEC or FAR in INDIANA?? Thanks!

JW 14 years ago

Closed already ? Oh man, when will CA release our AUDIT scores ?? Gaaaaaaaaa

DB 14 years ago

Jeff, I have not received my score for FAR in TN but one of my co-workers received theirs earlier today. Do you think it is possible that there are more FAR scores to be released?

Eric 14 years ago

I am in the same boat as DB. I just called NASBA and they said they haven't received my FAR score yet. So there must be some more still to be released.

AUD in Cali 14 years ago

How could it be closed? I took AUD in Cali on 10/15, still waiting for my results....

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone recieve REG CA?

sharkdog 14 years ago

JW, I am in the same boat. I have come to realize CA does things a little differently. I received my BEC score in 2-1/2 weeks after taking it in Nov. but took my REG on Oct 7 and still have not received it. I am assuming NASBA releases it to CBA and that is where the stall is. I bet we will find out later on today or tommorrow. Here's to hoping.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Got my FAR score. I passed and I am done! Thanks God! A big Thank you to Jeff and this website and all the support it provided while we are all waiting and waiting for our score to be released.

Name (required) 14 years ago

@sharkdog, we are in the same boat as Prospectivecpa, waiting for our BELOVED CA to release our BEDEVILED audit scores. LOL

FAR Score 14 years ago

Anything about Michigan FAR scores?? I took FAR in Nov30 and I did not get it yet.

CA - Last State for Scores? 14 years ago

Waiting for Audit as well.... Has anybody received ANY exam scores for CA? bec, reg, or far even.

NY 14 years ago

NY score is posted? i still have not got mine. what does that mean?

Elena 14 years ago

by "window closed" means ALL the score were released! Oh God. Please make this happen!

JW 14 years ago

My friend just got her BEC score in CA !

JW 14 years ago

Her BEC score was released on 12/15 at 5:48am. This is California. So perhaps our AUD score will be released on 12/16 at 5:49am ? Perhaps...

Waiting in MO 14 years ago

Anyone receive a BEC or AUD score in MO yet????

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Does AICPA have more scores to be released? We are still on CA to post our AU score.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Jeff, Are u sure that the window is closed? What about those whose sat for the exam on october and still don't have our scores?

prayfor75 14 years ago

anyone got REG in CA?

oras 14 years ago

Hi everybody, anyone get the REG in NH?

Name (required) 14 years ago

any news on IL?!

CA 14 years ago

I got my AUDIT score in CA. Took it on 11/05 and I passed

Name (required) 14 years ago

anyone having trouble loading the nasba site?

Name (required) 14 years ago

Nasba site is not working for me either - probably tons of traffic and updating scores, hopefully we can get REG later tonight or tomorrow in NY.

Gregg 14 years ago

Got my BEC score in CT this morning. Passed with an 82!!!

AUD 14 years ago

does CA post scores only in the morning or multiple times throughout the day?

CPA Hopeful 14 years ago

@CA - did you just get your results?

CA 14 years ago

Has anyone from CA gotten their FAR score?

Mike D 14 years ago

It seems the NASBA website has crashed for score retreival? Anyone else experiencing this? Any FAR scores for MA yet?

Katie W 14 years ago

I am having the same troubles with the NASBA website. I hope it comes back up soon. I am impatient.

Jeff - 14 years ago

I am positive the window is closed. It is official from the AICPA. Your score will come.

San Franciscan 14 years ago

hurry up california.

Name (required) 14 years ago

As a non-NASBA state, OK takes it's sweet time. Does anyone know about how long it will take the OAB to post scores?

maggie0917 14 years ago

Hi ,Jeff I still have the trobles with NASBA website.I have checked my score this morning. The score is 75. I am afraid it would be changed, as the website works again......has this situation happened before?

Name (required) 14 years ago

the OAB normally posts scores the next day. Don't count on seeing anything tonight.

CA-FAR 14 years ago

No FAR score for CA posted yet. I assume it will be tomorrow since they were just released today.

needhelp 14 years ago

hey everyone - so i am in NY and FAR was released today... found out last night i got a 74 on BEC which i was pretty confident i passed! last time i took it i got a 72, so ridiculous! anyway i am waiting on FAR, was pretty confident i failed..and i just did the ohio loophole and everything is grayed out minus BEC (which i foudn out 74 last night). Do u think that means i passed far, or would it not be working for some reason? UGH!

Leave a Reply 14 years ago

@needhelp-wow, 74. I have just been dealt a 74 in AUD, which I was positive I passed. Also have received 4, yes 4 74's on REG, trying again in January!! I did get BEC after a 74 also. Keep your head up, keep trying you are right there!!! As for the loophole, I hope it is working and you pass!

needhelp 14 years ago

@leaveareply thanks for your post! I hope so too! 74s are the worst! this site is so positive and keeps me going i have had a struggle - passed aud my 3rd time with an 83...reg passed first try 79, BEC took 4 times, this was my 4th! 67,69,72,74...ugh. and waiting on FAR... cant get my hopes up bc i was sure i passed BEC and didnt, and it will be a miracle if i passed far but waiting on the damn score... Thanks for the encouragement and u keep admire ur determination as well, 4 74s on Reg is just a scam! i hate how they say u cant be a CPA, by ONE point?! esp on a test other then BEC! good luck to you!!

Elena 14 years ago

needhelp! DO NOT DESPAIR! The loophole worked for me 3 times! It looks like you passed FAR! I have to share it with you. I failed BEC twice before I finally passed it. When I failed, I felt like I passed. When I passed, I felt like I failed. With FAR I was POSITIVE I failed, and I passed with an 88. You just never know! BUT, the fact that the other three are grayed out is a WONDERFUL sign!

Mike D 14 years ago

So are we thinking the NASBA website won't work until tomorrow morning?? Is that normal?

Name (required) 14 years ago

what happens if i failed audit (this testing window), the score is posted (today), and the re-application still shows audit grayed out (today)?? what does that mean about my greyed out far??

Elena 14 years ago

It's definitely not unusual. I have been waiting for scores for 5 times before this one. It usually crashes from now until about 11pm or 12am. The site cannot keep up with peiople's refreshing it...unfortunatly

Elena 14 years ago

It's definitely not unusual. I have been waiting for scores for 5 times before this one. It usually crashes from now until about 11pm or 12am. The site cannot keep up with people's refreshing it...unfortunatly

Elena 14 years ago

Then I don't know buddy. The loophole is not a scientifically proven fact. I'm just saying. 3 times it worked for me. Let's hope it is good news.

needhelp 14 years ago

@elena... man i do hope u are right... that would be a miracle, id taking passing FAR on the first try over taking BEC for a 5th time haha!!! i never wanna take far again after the test i got, but i just cant see myself passing that one only did the WC parts of the sims! hence confidence in failing.. my only apprehension about the loophole is that the scores were released today... the loophole has always worked for me as well but once i checked to early and then the next day i checked again it had showed a fail and i did fail it... so im hoping its not to early to check for FAR? but now that it doesnt take 24-48 hrs for NY, i thought it might work... thanks for ur encouragement! what are u waiting on and state?

usha 14 years ago

Anybody got their FAR scores from MA. My NTS starts with 433

Mike D 14 years ago

So does mine Usha, NASBA site won't let me get in!!

Elena 14 years ago

@needhelp It sounds so familiar. When I took FAR, I was not confident in my MCQ and on the second simulation the only thing I had time to do is write a very pathetic essay. Granted, the first simulation was about 90% a pure guess. I was PRAYING for a 75. Imagine my shock when I saw an 88. In regards to the loophole, it is not too early. It works AFTER AICPA releases. And all 4 sections have been released :) I am keeping my fingers crossed! I'm in Maine waiting for REG. My last one..I hope. With BEC though, I honest to God think that in 2011 it will get easier. With 3 essay, you have so much more room for error than you do with MCQ only.

needhelp 14 years ago

@elena that is insane thats exactly how i felt about my FAR... if i pass it I will be the most excited on earth and will sign up for BEC in late january tomorrow!!! I hope its not too early and i actually receive a passing score, it will put my 74 on BEC behind me! I would just feel much better! crazy how addicting this stuff is... ugh. I am praying for this to be ur last! that would be such an amazing gift i cant even imagine the weight lifted once u pass!!! no idea when nasba will be back up, but hopefully soon. Keep me posted on ur score, hope you get to celebrate greatly u deserve it!

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Are people still waiting for audit scores in California? Seems like someone posted earlier that they goes their score (passed) but mine has yet to materialize. Do non-passing scores get released after passing scores???

reallyneedtopass 14 years ago

I have passed all but REG, and I'm waiting on the REG score release tonight. When I did the "Ohio loophole", I get the following message: "We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process..." Any thoughts from the loophole experts?

Elena 14 years ago

@needhelp, Thank you so much! That is so very sweet of you! :) To be perfectly frank, BEC SUCKS...just to get THAT off my chest. That part was I swear the worst part immaginable! So don't lose hope. FAR is not necessarily the hardest :)

Tym in Chicago 14 years ago

The suspense is terrible... I hope it'll last

Elena 14 years ago

@reallyneedtopass I am waiting for the same thing and I am getting the same message.Rumor has it, it's good news. Otherwise, it would have let you re-register. Who knows? We'll see tomorrow.

reallyneedtopass 14 years ago

@Elena Thanks for the reply. If nothing else, maybe it will ease the pressure in my chest until I see my score. Hopefully we will both be done! Best wishes!

Mike 14 years ago

NASBA site is up! Just got my FAR exam for MA. 85! Yippee!! Good luck to everyone else!!

Elena 14 years ago

@reallyneedtopass Oh I hear ya! How would THAT be for a Christmas present? :) Good luck to you also! I'm hopeful...for you and I and all those that trully put their heart into this..time and effort. We all deserve it

Helen 14 years ago

What about Texas scores? Does anyone know when they'll be posted?

Carol 14 years ago

Yey, NASBA site is back up just got my FAR score 92, and I had tried earlier to see if I could reregister for FAR and it was greyed out so I guess the loophole works.

needhelp 14 years ago

@carol congratssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! what state? n first 3 digits of ur nts?

Carol 14 years ago

Thanks, I am very relieved, NY and first 3 digits were 435

HopingInPA 14 years ago

@needhelp: Why do you ask about the first 3 digits? What does that tell you?

CPA goodluck 14 years ago

Has any Delaware candidate got FAR score? My first three digits for Sec ID 437. Thanks!

usha 14 years ago

Got my FAR scores for MA. Got an 80. 2 down and 2 more to go. So happy.

YJ 14 years ago

Any REG score up in any NASBA state? I am waiting my NY REG. Three down, REG left, but FAR and AUD gonna be expired after 2011 Q1. I cannot do anything but clicking SCORE button on the website.

AB 14 years ago

Still waiting on NY REG score too... when the prediction is "before Thursday", does that mean in the next 15 minutes.. haha? just hopeful backdoor method says i passed. anyone else try that? attempt to re-register and see if your test is grayed out.

Finally Done 14 years ago

FAR scores up in FL - first three digits 436. This was it for me - 93, all done! Good luck to all those still waiting. BEC 85, REG 99, AUD 88, FAR 93

YJ 14 years ago

@AB Could you tell me what the backdoor method is?

mags0012 14 years ago

Has anyone in MN received their scores yet? I'm waiting for FAR. The backdoor method indicates that I passed, but I'm skeptical!

mags0012 14 years ago

@YJ - Try to reregister to take the exam on the NASBA website. People say that if you can't click on the box to the particular section, it means you passed.

YJ 14 years ago

@magsoo12 Cause it is my last section, I got the msg with "We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process." Then, should I just sit back and click SCORE button tomorrow morning?

Question 14 years ago

Quick question: I'm in CA waiting for last one, Audit, and now the CBA website allows me to reprint a remittance form...Is that a good indication I missed this one? Thanks in advance.

mags0012 14 years ago

@YJ - looks like you'll have to wait a little longer:(

YJ 14 years ago

NASBA score website down again. Hope NASBA shuts down their DB to post scores now.

Brit101 14 years ago

I have been following this site for a while. I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to Jeff for keeping all of us sane during the difficult process. Good Luck to all of you. Don't give up. Passed all 4 parts and couldn't have done it without the support I got here.

ca - question 14 years ago

How did u reprint the remittance form? i am in CA too.

Ca-Question 14 years ago

Ca-Question, I obviously think i didn't pass if i can reprint it - go to the website, and the tab next to status. GL

Name (required) 14 years ago

I dont have a button like "reprint" it just says" Application (ATT) accepted by NASBA. BEC: Confirmed." i have no idea wats going on! we just have to wait till tomorow ii guess lol

Name (required) 14 years ago

idk about this backdoor method because i was awaiting my far score and it was greyed out. then my coworker who already got his failing score tried it and his was greyed out too..

FAR waiting 14 years ago

I'm in CA waiting for FAR and I can reprint remittance form too... Scary!

Cat 14 years ago

I really DON'T like waiting for AUD in CA. It is killing me. I check my account every 2 minutes today. still getting NOTHING!!!

CA 14 years ago

I think being able to reprint your remittance before the score is released is CA's way of telling us we didn't pass ....but that's just my guess...

CA 14 years ago

Is there anyone who can't reprint their remittance in CA??? Does anyone know if they were able to reprint it before today?

CA FAR 14 years ago

I am waiting for FAR in CA, and i don't even see where this button reprint is... Where do you guys see it?

CA 14 years ago

The tab right before "Status" has the remittance request button. Please check and let me know

CA FAR 14 years ago

I can only see button "Request New Remittance form" there, nothing about the reprint... But i haven't gone to that tab since May when i actually applied for FAR. So i don't know how long ago did the "reprint" vanished from there, sorry...

CPA 14 years ago

AICPA has released REG scores to NASBA before 6 hours

REG 14 years ago

REG scores was sent to NASBA before 7 hours but not yet released by them on thier website

KS 14 years ago

finally, i have cleared all the sections, though a long journey......just got BEC 78 and FAR 77 for CO....YIPPEY...its done for me....congrats to all those who cleared this time and those who have not, please dont be dishearted, just fo thru the scores below. BEC - 75, 73, 78 AUD - 69, 73, 75 REG - 46, 72, 83 FAR - 33 (no study), 69 (some study), 71 (lot of study), 77 (a lot more study)

needhelp 14 years ago

hey everyone just wanted to let u know, dont go with the ohio loophole, I have tried it in the past and it usually works but i tried it yesterday for FAR, the scores got realeased in the morning, and I didnt try it until around 9pm then again at 10pm and everything was grayed out except BEC which i found out the night before I got a 74 on... I thought it meant i passed far (already had reg and aud done). But got my far score from NY around 11pm and i failed FAR w/ 65 so it didnt work ugh... back to the drawing board. good luck to all.

Jyoti 14 years ago

Any news on CA audit? normally they are the first one to release but this time.. even if they are last there should be something by now!!!

Texas_Aud 14 years ago

Has TX released anything??? Still waiting on Audit

Loralee in TN 14 years ago

REG scores are up!!! I'm in TN and literally just got my score. It's my last one so I am done!!!! Thank you, Jeff and everyone who uses this site! All of you inspired me to keep studying when I really felt like giving up! Good luck to everyone:)

lefrax 14 years ago

Just got NY FAR. Passed & Im done! Congrats to everyone who passed and best of luck to everyone still waiting. BEC 78 (4/09) REG 77 (8/09) AUD 85 (2/10) FAR 80 (11/10)

DB 14 years ago

I got my FAR score at 9:30PM last night and I passed!! This is my last one! Good luck everone!!

DB 14 years ago

.....I meant to tell everyone...FAR score received and I am in TN

Name (required) 14 years ago

any news on IL. I don't know how much longer I can take it.

IL_Waiting 14 years ago

No news in IL for me ... waiting on FAR

Elena 14 years ago

@needhelp I am so very sorry to hear that. I wish the loophole was true. I did some research on the forum re: that and saw a post from about 4 months ago saying that NASBA was trying to close it. Maybe they did. Don't give up. It will all be over some day!

needhelp 14 years ago

FAR Tutor – Does any of the high scorers on the CPA exam especially in the FAR section feel comfortable/confident tutoring FAR? I live and work in NYC and really want a CPA candidate that has recently taken the exam as a tutor. I just took FAR for the first time and got a 65… I have 2 parts passed (Aud & Reg) and just received a score of a 74 on BEC… will take BEC in January and looking to take FAR again at the end of February. I have this testing window to pass the two parts, and then the april/may testing window as well before I lose Audit. I want to be confident going into the Jan/Feb session that I can pass these both to take the pressure off. Need the most help in FAR on Journal Entries, they were all over my 2 sims and I had no idea. Please contact me at if you are interested with a brief cpa story and scores, we could work out a schedule and a pay rate. Thanks!

needhelp 14 years ago

@elena thanks for ur post, i suspected i failed far, I was way more confident with BEC ugh. But i was hoping for a miracle! plan on taking BEC in jan, and far again in feb! did u find out about reg?! hope you passed!!

Bradley Bateman 14 years ago

Thank the Lord. Thank you any and all. I am now 3/4 of the way there REG, AUD, and BEC are now done. FAR is going to be the next victim. This will be a very relaxing Christmas.

Elena 14 years ago

Still waiting. Maine is not one of those states that releases quickly. I'm assuming I might know either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. If you need any help or advice, let me know. I hate it when people that want this so bad have to go through the emotional turmoil of failing. It never feels good...There is that saying though. If you never failed, you never tried :) I know you can do this!

Elena 14 years ago

@needhelp Still waiting. Maine is not one of those states that releases quickly. I'm assuming I might know either tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. If you need any help or advice, let me know. I hate it when people that want this so bad have to go through the emotional turmoil of failing. It never feels good...There is that saying though. If you never failed, you never tried :) I know you can do this!

PrayinForA75 14 years ago

Has anyone received any scores back in KY. I am waiting on FAR and nothing yet. I looked in the comment section to see if anyone else in KY had gotten any scores at all cause it doesnt appear to me that the state board site has been updated. Let me know if you are in KY and have gotten any scores back, Thanks!!!

MayhemCPA 14 years ago

Hello Group, I recv'd my last passing score for FARS last night. (NY 439). This may be my last post so I wanted to say few things: 1. FARS Exam: was hell for me. Before going into exam I was sure that I will have to repeat this part. I only had 17 days to prepare for this exam. I used Becker and went over 7 lectures in 7 days. I skipped last two. (That part was heavily tested on my exam). I went through Gliem questions (Yes all of them) and studied my notes for last two days. For all other CPA parts I was confident going into exam, but FARS was different because I felt I did not have enough time to study. On the exam day, I went through first testlet in less than 25 mins, I felt Gliem q's helped me. Second tested was little harder many long Q's but I still went through it very quick. Last testlet was also very hard, I had to guess on couple of Q's. By the time I got to SIMS I had plenty of time (1 hour and about 45 mins). But SIMS were hard as hell. First SIM I did communication part first. Everything else I was not sure if I was right. Second SIM I did communication part first. But all other tabs I had to guess. Also I did research part correctly for both SIMS. I walked out of test feeling little better than I walked in. I still had doubts about passing. These are my scores for each part and time I spent studying: BEC: 94 (23 days) REG: 91 (14 days)( I knew most of the topic) AUD: 94 (68 days) (Baby came out, new job, and I was scared of AUD) FARS: 94 (17 days) (Last chance before 2011, Could not get later dates) 2. Jeff: I did say nasty things about him sometime ago. I am very sorry for that. I think he has done wonderfull job with this webpage and I wish him luck. I am not sure if I ever got help passing exam because of this website but I did help me around result time. 3. Members of this group: If you prepare well than CPA exams are easy. I have noticed few people trying many times for each part of the exam. They can pass this exam very easily once they are prepared for it. There is no set amount of time you need to prepare for each part. I always go through topics of each part and decide how many days I need and then I schedule exam. This way I am locked for that date and I can focus on study. But for FARS I did not get time I needed but I guess I was lucky to pass...

TXFutureCPA 14 years ago

Any hope on TX score releases?? Passed three and trying to patiently wait for REG....ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS MY CPA!!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Is there any other way to bypass California BOA to get our scores. It is really rewarding to register with a NASBA state. I have been waiting for almost three months to get my audit score. This process is painful and unfair to those of us who have been waiting for so long.

AUD-MO 14 years ago

Anyone receive Aud in MO?, I got BEC last night but still no AUD.

VA 14 years ago

Anyone in VA received REG score? Thanks!!!

NY 14 years ago

Finally, I passed all four sections. It has been a long journey for me. BEC 82 AUD 99 REG 92 FAR 93 Congraduations to those who passed. Those who fails do not feel bad. Just keep trying, you will get that eventually. Just to say something about FAR. To be honest, I walked of the room with distressed mood because I did so bad. I did wrong on both research, I got hedging question for the simulation which I had no idea about that. But I still passed, I think it is because I did good on the multiple questions. I have heard that if you did good on questions, average or below on simulations, mostly you will pass. So if you are short of time in studying, try your best on the questions.

LM 14 years ago

Anyone receive REG is PA yet?

AUD - CA 14 years ago

@ Prospectivecpa -- I'm waiting on audit results as well ... not as long as you have so I can only imagine the anxiety you must be feeling. But what is going on with the CA BOA??? This is my last section and usually they are quick to post scores so this is super irritating.

Jenny 14 years ago

Anyone have any luck with FAR in IL? I know it's not a NASBA state so I didn't know if anyone knew how long it would take for them to post FAR scores?

Tex_Aud 14 years ago

@ TXFutureCPA....I've yet to recieve my Audit score in Texas...last one!!

Name (required) 14 years ago

where's CA FAR?!?!?!?! after nasba twitter announces released scores, i usually receive mine by 7am the next day!!!! THIS IS TORTURE! IT'S MY LAST EXAM!!!

FAR Waiting 14 years ago

Yeah, where's CA FAR???

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ AUD - CA - This process is killing me I have been waiting since for almost three months to get my audit score. Can u imagine taking the exam on 10/1 and still waiting for ur score? This is nonsense to me. I think those who are involved need to do a more effective and efficient job to meet our expectations.

California REG 14 years ago

Anyone in CA received REG score? Thanks!!!

MO-AUD 14 years ago

BEC - 85 FAR - 89 REG - 96 AUD - ??? When are we getting these scores, I have checked 100+ times since the NASBA tweet. Anybody in Missouri received AUD?

IL_Waiting 14 years ago

Since FAR was released yesterday, it has been my experience I received the score the following day sometime in the morning. Although I have friends waiting for BEC and AUD in IL and they haven't received their score and that should have been posted yesterday. So I have no clue with IL. I'm assuming the delay has something to do with the sight being down yesterday.

California REG 14 years ago

Do anyone know the reason for delay in releasing REG score for specific someone ?????

Name (required) 14 years ago

My status is "Attendance received" till now, should I have to worry ?????

Doughy in TX 14 years ago

No Audit score in Texas yet! CMON...POST!

TN Candidate 14 years ago

The back door trick must not always work. I was waiting on REG score and it's still grayed out but my score is 73. Good luck to everyone on their exams!

FLReg 14 years ago

REG is up in FL, I passed - it was my last one so I am done. Good luck to all you candidates!!

CA Loophole 14 years ago

I do not believe that CA has a loophole like some other states. I accidentally hit the button to reprint last week and it let me. This was clearly before any scores were ever released and I did pass BEC. So I would not get discouraged. Chin up and good luck to all.

IL No scores 14 years ago

No scores in IL yet, at least I haven't receveid mine. Waiting for BEC since Tuesday. How fair is that? Why are they not posting them?

asim 14 years ago

Hi Jeff i cleared other three papers BEC,AUDIT and FAR in regulation i got second time 73, and iam very much confident that i did well, so i want to know is it advisable to go for score appeal thanks

Name (required) 14 years ago

IL wants you to suffer, they will not post for another week.

Alex 14 years ago

I am also waiting on AUD score in CA. My co-worker got his BEC score the day before yesterday, and it is driving me crazy because I thought that they released BEC and AUD on the same day, yet here we are, sitting on PINS AND NEEDLES, waiting on the BOA to get it done. Good luck to all and congrats to those that have passed

California REG 14 years ago

All People I know, had received their score from CBA, HOWEVER My status is “Attendance received” till now, should I have to worry ?????

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone receive FAR in MD?

KCPA 14 years ago

When is AUD CA going to post?!!!! I thought scores would be out this morning. The wait it killing me!

Jeff - 14 years ago

It's not worth it, unfortunately...not even for a 74. Jeff

JW 14 years ago

@Alex, same here. A friend of mine got her BEC score on 12/15 afternoon (it was posted 5:48am on 12/15). Prospectivecpa and I are also waiting for the AUDIT scores in CA. C'mon C'mon........ -_-'

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

We are all tired of waiting. California needs to call Nasba to find out what's going on with our scores.

RK 14 years ago

Has anyone in CA received their scores for FAR and REG? I haven't received the scores for any one of these tests? Also, CA exam takers, I don't think the loophole works in CA so don't even try it. What it does is just lets you create a new application. I hope they don't just fail me thinking "oh, maybe we should give her a 74 since she already created a new application"

Jodie 14 years ago

I just got my REG score and for the second time I got a 73. When I try to reregister the REG section is greyed out with the other sections I have passed. What does this mean?

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ RK- I hope this is not the case.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Do those folks at NASBA and BOA of CA understand what we are going through for not having our scores posted on time?

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Jeff, Could u please tell us what's going on in CA?

Jeff - 14 years ago

You're bankrupt - that's what's going on!

RK 14 years ago

I hope not! Prospectivecpa, I can't even believe you still haven't received your score. I really feel for you. Hopefully after all the waiting it'll be a good news for you.

Name (required) 14 years ago

And what's going on (or not) in IL

HB 14 years ago

I too am waiting for the CA audit scores. Took it on the 15th Nov. Fingers crossed they come out by tomorrow.

impatientpat 14 years ago

CA - FAR Waiting.. I've been checking my score since 5AM... I was able to create a new remittance application... Does this mean I failed? it's my last exam... why why whyyyyyy must they torture us :P

Jim 14 years ago

Anyone hear about AZ yet?

Slow poke CA!!! 14 years ago

when are scoress coming.......?????????????? We should do something if we dont recieve our score by tonight Audit was released on tuesday..and its thursday now

really 14 years ago

Loophole: It isn't the Ohio loophole. Try your own state. If it will let you register-you did not pass....if it won't, chances are you did. This is supposedly still working for the slow states. I believe everyone thinks this is the "ohio" loophole because someone used Ohio as an example.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Does CA owe NASBA?

frustrated and waiting 14 years ago

Why has everyone besides CA and AZ received their scores?

Name (required) 14 years ago

and IL

Vanessa 14 years ago

Has anyone gotten any results from VA? Waiting on my AUD score.

PA candidate 14 years ago

I am now getting frustrated. Almost everyone is posting that they have been passing, and i am extremely jealous. I just found out that i failed FAR for the 2nd time. This doesn't make for a cheerful holiday season :(

TME 14 years ago

VA candidates...There is a voice message on the VA BOA phone line that no one made it into the office today due to inclement weather. However, they said that they should receive the file from NASBA and upload the sit today.

really 14 years ago

I'm from Indiana and still have not received my BEC score-want to poke my eyes out in anticipation. NTS 441.

Waiting 14 years ago

So does anyone know why IL is being so slow at releasing? Has IL received the scores or does NASBA still have them? I just called NASBA and a woman said all she knows is that all scores will be released by 12/31....that's too long!

Daniel 14 years ago

I am also waiting for CA AUD. I called the CBA yesterday and they said it could take up to two weeks from the date the scores were released by AICPA. I also called NASBA today and they said that they haven't released all scores and will continue to release scores up til the end of December.

Gone Crazy 14 years ago

I love how a quarter inch of snow shuts down the Mid-Atlantic. MD - waiting on FAR.

needhelp 14 years ago

FAR Tutor – Does any of the high scorers on the CPA exam especially in the FAR section feel comfortable/confident tutoring FAR? I live and work in NYC and really want a CPA candidate that has recently taken the exam as a tutor. I just took FAR for the first time and got a 65… I have 2 parts passed (Aud & Reg) and just received a score of a 74 on BEC… will take BEC in January and looking to take FAR again at the end of February. I have this testing window to pass the two parts, and then the april/may testing window as well before I lose Audit. I want to be confident going into the Jan/Feb session that I can pass these both to take the pressure off. Need the most help in FAR on Journal Entries, they were all over my 2 sims and I had no idea. Please contact me at if you are interested with a brief cpa story and scores, we could work out a schedule and a pay rate. Thanks!

Tex_Aud 14 years ago

Not everyone has received their audit results havent been posted in TX yet....

TME 14 years ago

VA is up (at least FAR)

Name (required) 14 years ago

why does CA suck so bad? STILL waiting on AUD. I will be much more motivated to study for my last exam once I know this one is out of the way!

CA-FAR 14 years ago

Really?! Up to 2 weeks for CA to post scores? I think we should start a riot outside the CBA office :)

CA is lazy 14 years ago

I agree. Riot!! Haha ya, my coworker received his BEC score yesterday in CA. I would imagine FAR and AUD would be posted before the end of the week. No reason why those would take so much longer (since we are already waiting 3 weeks)

Daniel 14 years ago

yeah the lady at the CBA said they are experiencing a problem with the scores somewhere between NASBA and the board. My friend took BEC after I took AUD and yes he got his scores on Wednesday. I'm thinking that since BEC, is the only one without SIMS, that is why it was the only one released. Maybe they're having an issue with the scores on the SIMS for AUD, FAR and REG???

CA 14 years ago

I dont think the SIMS were an issue since the AICPA released all the scorest to NASBA

Cat 14 years ago

@Name (required) I have the same situation. I can't consentrate on REG becasue I still have not received AUD in CA. SO Painful. I don't like waiting AT ALL...

CPA goodluck 14 years ago

Hi, just so you know Delaware FAR is out and I passed with a tiny margin: 79. Good luck to everyone here~

Waiting in Texas 14 years ago

Does anyone in Texas have any of their section scores? The wait is unbearable Why cant we just call NASBA direct and cut out the middle man?

Name (required) 14 years ago

My friend in Texas already received her BEC score. I still haven't received my FAR score, but I'm in IL.

CA Releases 14 years ago

I just spoke with a lady at the CBA. She stated that California does not do ANYTHING with the scores. Our applicant accounts are directly linked with NASBA and that any releases from NASBA go straight to our accounts. She also indicated that NASBA confirmed in a memo they received this morning that not all scores have been released. However, the memo did say to expect another batch release some time today. So for those of us who usually see scores first thing in the morning, it may be worth checking later today.

Elena 14 years ago

Maine oh Maine! Please make it happen today NASBA. I am so curious as to what is taking them longer than usual to release. Even in the slow states. AUD and BEC were released on Tuesday and noone knows yet. hmmmm...granted, I'm waiting for REG..Oh well

TN Candidate 14 years ago

@Jodie - I had the exact same experience. I rec'd a 73 on REG and if I try to register to take REG it's grayed out with the other section that I passed. I called 800-CPA-EXAM and they said b/c of the faster release of scores it's slowing down the updating process and I should be able to register for REG in 24 hours.

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

Just wanted to let the poor IL people know that I just called the board and they have nothing to do with the delay in the score release. They have not received any scores from NASBA yet. Right before that, I called NASBA and she made it sound like even though the tweets went out that the scores were released by the AICPA and the window was closed, that in reality NOT all scores have even reached NASBA yet. So if NASBA doesn't have them, then the board can't get them. This sucks! By the way, I've been trying to join you guys in the IL forum but it won't let me set up a username. It never sends me an email with a password and I've tried twice. Any suggestions??

RJ 14 years ago

CO FAR out. I am done. Good Luck everyone. Peace out.

Jyoti 14 years ago

Jeff, Plz , can you help usfind out whats going on with California scores?

CA 14 years ago

yes, please help us find out what's going with california.

Name (required) 14 years ago


Kayla 14 years ago

and Illinois too please!

Jim AZ 14 years ago

Anyone hear about Arizona yet?

CA - Aud 14 years ago

Anyone in California receive their AUD score yet?

AUD in Cali 14 years ago

Yes please, can we find out what's up with Cali? I took AUD in mid October, still waiting for results. This is my last part. I needed to know if I need to study, I have 2 months until I loose FAR credit.

JW 14 years ago

Not yet, not yet. I took AUD on 11/1 in CA and stillllllllllllllllllll waiting. Has anyone in CA got any scores beside BEC ?

IL Candidate 14 years ago

Just got my AUD score in IL, 76 :)

123 14 years ago

@JW No... Two people in my office (including myself) are waiting for FAR scores. We took them within the same week of each other... No idea what the problem is

Upset in CA 14 years ago

Yes, let's find out what is taking so long...

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Still waiting as well. I took audit on 11/20 and this is my last section. I need to know if I truly have my life back!

CA Lost Hope 14 years ago

Beginning to lose hope that it will be out today.. Tired of refreshing all my forums and signing in and out of CBA website... Im sure by tomorrow it will be up

FAR from CA 14 years ago

I took FAR on 11/23 and did not start the 2nd sim but feel good on other testlets....Praying for a Christmas Miracle!!! Come one Cali; your tearing the bandaid off tooooooooo slowly

CA-FAR 14 years ago

Well, I took FAR on 10/2 and STILL waiting! I don't know if I will make it another day...

CA SanFran 14 years ago

Dear Jeff, could your ninjas do some Christmas trick and let us have our scores in CA? Update #4 says that window has been closed, but according to many calls it looks like NASBA doesn't have all scores yet. Please help us find out what is going on with CA if you can! So many of us are on the clock with the sections which are about to expire, and others are just desperate... I am just hoping my FAR score is worth the wait - praying for 75!!

CA - BEC 14 years ago

Still awaiting my score from 11/27!!!

Cat 14 years ago

@CA-FAR I took FAR on 10/4, but I received it last month from 1st wave. Are you sure you have not received yours?

AUD - CA 14 years ago

This is some sort of cruel joke because Cali is usually one of the first states to have scores posted. Gaaaaah! Someone call the Governator!

JW 14 years ago

Imitating the governor: What's the worst that could happen ? hee hee hee I don't owe anyone ANYTHING (except CPA scores to you guys) I'll be back...

Alex 14 years ago

I am also waitning on my AUD score in CA, so, I sent a VERY friendly e-mail to the CBA tring to get answers on the hold up, if I hear anything I will let y'all know. I hate to wait (yes, that was a Princess Bride reference) good luck to all

SoCalCPA 14 years ago

I am a CA candidate and have been waiting on my audit score since Oct 6th. I called the CBA this morning and they confirmed that there was a transmission error on Nov 22nd between NASBA and the CBA and that the IT dept in the CBA is currently working with NASBA to figure it out. Basically, this means that anyone whose scores were included in that transmission won't get them until they fix this error... :(

@SoCalCPA 14 years ago

Did they give you another method of acquiring your score?

Upset in CA 14 years ago

We need to figure something out soon. I've developed carpal tunnel from hitting F5 so many times.

Alex 14 years ago

LOL, I hear ya, my mouse button is worn down from clicking here and the CBA site so many times

CA-FAR 14 years ago

Seriously, why can't they just snail mail the darn scores?! How can they expect people to pass all within 18 months, if they take 3 months to release scores (been waiting 11 weeks now). So Frustrated!

CA-FAR 14 years ago

@CAT Definitely sure I do not have it. Did you recieve a passing score? It all just seems so random :(

AUD in Cali 14 years ago

Well if its a system glitch, can't they just upload the scores manually? I mean it's a text file with all the scores I suppose. Why would it take this long to post it on the website. I guess Cali budget cuts affected exam applications also.

CA SanFran 14 years ago

Is there anyone waiting scores from states other than CA? It seems that only californians are left, and that's very disturbing... Besides, CBA keeps giving different explanations to every one who calls, it gives me some paranoid ideas - what if they lost all our scores?

JW 14 years ago

@SoCalCPA, did the error affected only our AUDIT scores or other parts as well ? My friend got her BEC score yesterday so I am guessing the worst scenario: the tech glitch affected only the AUDIT scores. -_-

123 14 years ago

@JW My guess is that it has affected FAR as well... results were released yesterday.. nothing has happened since then.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Got my IL Aud result: passed!!

Christina S. 14 years ago

I'm still waiting on Audit in Texas. Seems like Audit is the problem :)

AUD expiring 14 years ago

Does anybody know if I take an exam ON the day my AUD score expires, will it still count if I pass? Or do I need to take it BEFORE the exam expires? In CA the CBA calls is "Last day of Credit Period" so I was hoping that meant I can still take an exam on that day.

Illinois 14 years ago

Illinois BEC scores are out, I passed!! AUD - 91 REG - 85 BEC - 83 Congratulations to everybody else!

Grrr 14 years ago

I hope the CBA knows that thousands of would-be-productive hours have been and are continuing to be lost due to CPA hopefuls reading this site instead of working.

Cat 14 years ago

@CA-FAR Yes, I received a passed score. Goodluck to you. I really don't understand what they are doing...

123 14 years ago

@Grrr Haha I cannot agree more... Ive been at work all day and have pretty much done nothing except refresh this page and the CBA page over and over... sad... Tomorrow I will probably find out I passed FAR but be fired because of my lack of productivity

MA in TX 14 years ago

@ Christina TX usually takes two days to post scores. If audit was released on Tuesday, it should have been there this morning. Maybe they are running a day behind. When I wait for the second day, I have checked my account at 5 am and scores have been posted, with an official email to follow around 9 or ten. Here's to hoping TX posts both AUD and FAR tomorrow morning.

Jyoti 14 years ago

@cat when did u appear for ur far exam? and when did u get ur score today? i am waiting for audit-ca.Plz update

SoCalCPA 14 years ago

@JW: yes, I believe it is just the audit scores. I took BEC on Oct 1st and REG on Nov 7th and both of those scores came in during the last week of November. I think some friends of mine who took FAR during Oct/Nov have received their scores as well but I'm not as sure about that one

Tiredofwaiting 14 years ago

We now understand why california is a bankrupt state. This is mismanaged in every aspect. If they have a problem with their system why do they need to hide it and let us believe that NASBA has not released the scores?

John 14 years ago

Jeff, I have a recommendation for You should create 2 separate comment links on each update; One for the people who are just looking for informative updates and another for sad, desperate, and cheap individuals who feel the need to ask annoying questions as if you were God and you knew what was going on with all 50 states. If you are guilty of this, stop wasting time posting nonsense on here and purchase Jeff's book and read it. Also, use some analytic skills on top of common sense and realize that a significant amount of people tested in this window and the AICPA released 4 sections in two days which probably caused different complications in a number of states. I apologize for ranting but someone needed to say it. Good luck to all!

CA_FAR 14 years ago

CA FAR scores are missing too. No one I know has gotten any of their scores. That includes BEC, FAR, and AUD

JW 14 years ago

Guys, this is the official notice regarding the glitch. It DID affected AUDIT scores ONLY !!! GOshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ======== 'The California Board of Accountancy (CBA) has received noticed that there was a transmission error for AUD scores released on November 22, 2010. NASBA has been notified of the issue and is working to re-transmit the scores. Please continue to monitor your Client Account for status updates. I apologize for any inconvenience.'

JW 14 years ago

Just ignore John. He has no heart and therefore is not qualified to become a CPA anyway.

Cat 14 years ago

@Jyoti I took FAR on 10/4, and received it in the middle of Nov from 1st wave. I am also waiting for AUD and starting losing paintience. :p

Heidi 14 years ago

touche JW

K 14 years ago

where is my REG score in CA?.......crying....

CA SanFran 14 years ago

@John: The fact that you just called a lot of people "sad and cheap individuals" says a lot about you, don't you think? @JW, thanks for update! were you asking about AUD specifically? I am thinking this transmission error happened one month ago, they could have figured something out since then. And yet we have no clue why wave2 is delayed for all the sections... Did anyone else get any notices from CBA?

Jeff - 14 years ago

It's all good John. For one, my book is free ( Two...I understand people's panic...I just can't do anything about the indie states...I only have friends @NASBA.

Tiredof waiting 14 years ago

Why didn't CA post something on its webpage to inform us of what happened? Do they really care about us? It was a shame to register with CA because they have respect for candidates. When you call them they keep saying we have until the end of December to receive our scores.

NotSurprised 14 years ago

Waiting on Reg in CA..last exam Not to put fuel to the CA fire, but tomorrow is a furlough day....lets hope they get it solved before then.

Yeah 14 years ago

@John...100% agree. It's bizarre to me to see mature people behaving like imatient people. @Imatient and annoying people. John is right. Someone had to say it. John don't take their comments personally. You're not the only one that feels this way. Jeff went through the trouble of making a book for you people...not that hard to read it!

Yeah 14 years ago

@John...100% agree. It's bizarre to me to see mature people behaving like imatient children. @Imatient and annoying people. John is right. Someone had to say it. John don't take their comments personally. You're not the only one that feels this way. Jeff went through the trouble of making a book for you people...not that hard to read it!

allana 14 years ago

Waiting on AUD in CA. Checking DCA website every 2 minutes. IS there a way for me to get my score from the NASBA website?

Cal Problems 14 years ago

@allana...unfortunately no. We do not have access through NASBA; only our accounts through the CA website. @NotSurprised...NASBA uploads directly to the CA website. That is why you will see some scores released on weekends when no one is in the office. So, generally speaking it should not be a problem.

ILLadyInWaiting 14 years ago

Has anyone received a REG score from IL yet?

Pathetic John and Yeah 14 years ago

I bet John and Yeah are now happy that ppl stopped taking here.. And yet we still have no scores in CA

skm 14 years ago

CA isn't the only state with unavailable scores. It's just the people from CA who have been most vocal... in other words, you guys whine a lot!

AUDIT - MO 14 years ago

Has anyone received audit score in MO? I got BEC last night and still no audit. What is going on?

IL BEC 14 years ago

Finally, IL decided to post BEC scores. I Passed!!! 3 down, 1 next year Good luck everyone! Cheers :-)

megan 14 years ago

MD scores for Reg are still not out yet. Any revised predictions since the old ones are wrong? Thanks!!

Doughy in TX 14 years ago

Texas state board website is down right now. Hopefully that means they are posting scores!

TX - AUD 14 years ago

AUD is posted in TX web site.

Juan Carlos 14 years ago

Has anyone received the AUD score in Puerto Rico??? Please!!!! I need the boost for the new version of BEC. If I pased AUD it will be !!!three down one to go!! Someone from PR there????

TX AGGIE 14 years ago

FAR scores posted in TX. I'm done! Whoop! BEC 75 AUD 85 REG 86 FAR 88,74

Tired of waiting 14 years ago

Anyone got REG scores in VA? Thanks!!!

u2buzz 14 years ago

Anyone in Indiana receive their BEC scores?

TX FAR 14 years ago

Checked TX FAR score and have not received as of this morning? Hoping i'm not on the cut line....

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

I am still waiting on my audit score, but reg scores are out for CA, please check yours.

HB 14 years ago

Still no CA audit result. I am doubtful that we will receive anything today or over the weekend, but that may just be the pessimistic side of me coming out. It is so much easier when you have a pre-determined date, but when everything is in limbo it can get quite stressful, patient or not. The biggest annoyance is that any extensive waiting period will inevitably eat into potential xmas revision time.

Jen 14 years ago

Has anyone in MD received anything other than BEC?

Machine 14 years ago

Hmm, I see CA - AUD, BEC and FAR scores up...

AKTPA 14 years ago

CA Audit- on the start page with the status of your application, my app for Audit is no longer there??!!! What does that mean? Jeff? Anybody? No score is posted. I think I have aged 10 yrs waiting on this score

JM 14 years ago

I am waiting for TX- FAR score and haven't received it yet.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ Machine - When did u check AU in CA?

CA - FAR Posted 14 years ago

Hey everyone. FAR scores posted in Cali this morning! So I can personally confirm that BEC and FAR have now posted. So I am now done. A perfect six for six! REG - 97 BEC - 87 AUD - 90 REG - 93 BEC - 88 FAR - 95 And no, I don't recommend letting your tests expire. Having two surgeries and getting pneumonia just before two tests expire is not the way to do the CPA exam. Signing out and good luck to everyone else!

Name (required) 14 years ago

IL FAR is up! Passed all four within the last 6 months!!! So excited to move on with my life : )

Machine 14 years ago

@ Prospectivecpa - 20 mins ago, I have all my three (AUD, BCE, FAR) scores I could squeeze in for this period. AUD and BEC were up earlier this morning, FAR just recently.

TXFutureCPA 14 years ago

Anybody get REG scores in TX??

Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

Anybody received scores in North Dakota?

K 14 years ago

REG is out in CA, I passed! All were done. YES. Thanks to everyone and Jeff and you did a great job here for us. So, next where to take the ethics and when?

MD-cpa 14 years ago

MD FAR is up! 75, I'll take it!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Thanks Machine. I'm still waiting to get my audit score wchich I took on 1/10. Hope to get it soon. I see the status change from attended to score pending.

JW 14 years ago

Guys, this is a correspondence from CA board (cited from other forums). It seems to confirm that the CA Board does not do anything with the score. We can only wait for NASBA to release our AUDIT score. =============================== In response to your email, as of today NASBA has not released your advisory score into your Client ACcount. The board expects NASBA to have all advisory scores posted by the end of December. ===============================

Machine 14 years ago

@ Prospectivecpa - Good luck! I got my ones shortly after they changed the status, so it is a good sign.

TXalmostCPA 14 years ago

No REG scores posted for TX yet.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Thanks a lot, Machine. This is my last one and hope to get it today.

Jon 14 years ago

Anyone in MN get a reg score yet?

K 14 years ago

Has anyone gotten their CA Audit score?

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Hmmm ... my status has been "score pending" for days now since the NASBA tweet. Has this been the case for anyone else?

Jyoti 14 years ago

My cali-audit status shows attended ....(score pending).. wtg wtg

Anxious in AZ 14 years ago

What in the name of all that holy is ARIZONA'S problem? Still waiting for FAR. Anyone in AZ have any scores?

Machine 14 years ago

@ K - Yes, I got mine. I still keep checking as it is 99, so I am worried that they messed up and it will show it as 66 in the next moment...

VA 14 years ago

REG scores are up for VA.

Jyoti 14 years ago

@ machine, when did u appear for cali-audit exam and when did u get the scores(time and date on the score status stamp) Plz update. Thanks

Jyoti 14 years ago

AUD 11/5, FAR 11/13, BEC 11/26 Status stamp 5:58

Machine 14 years ago

Jyoti AUD 11/5, FAR 11/13, BEC 11/26 Status stamp 5:58

CA-Impatient 14 years ago

CA-Aud...score pending on status since Dec. 14...Ugh!

Machine 14 years ago

@ Jyoti AUD 11/5, FAR 11/3, BEC 11/26 This morning 5:58am

Machine 14 years ago

@ Jyoti Sorry, FAR is not 11/3, but 11/13 (weak with numbers:-) ) AUD 11/5, FAR 11/13, BEC 11/26 This morning 5:58am

Jyoti 14 years ago

@ machine that means u got score for nov first wave. I appeared for audit on 16th nov. So I guess we need to wait. you got ur BEC score as well for 26th nov? Thanks.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ Machine Could u plz tell me how many times did u check today before u got it?

CA FAR 14 years ago

Anyone know if all CA FAR exams are posted yet? It seems like half the people are and the other half arent...

Machine 14 years ago

@ Prospectivecpa - Few times, I had some meetings, so I was not at my comp. @ Jyoti - Yes, but I got the rest and I sat those 11/13 and 11/26.

still waiting 14 years ago

still waiting in CA. took audit 10/12 and far 11/30.

sharkdog 14 years ago

Not everyone's REG score is posted in CA...should be soon.

CA posted! 14 years ago

CA REG and FAR are posted! And I am done with all 4 sections!!!! Thank you!!!

CA AUD 14 years ago

What's wrong with california?! They've always posted it so fast, now I guess they're punishing us for it.

CA 14 years ago

Im wondering if they are releasing them in alphabetical order (or something ridiculous like that). It doesnt seem as though its in the order of when the test was taken. So maybe thats what it is... My last name starts with S and I have not received my FAR score. Anyone else?

ca sucks 14 years ago

I hate California where is my score. You lazy government employees.

Ben 14 years ago

I still havent received my scores from Missouri. Anybody else in my boat?

JW 14 years ago

@Prospectivecpa, how come your status just got changed to "score pending" just now? My status has always been "score pending" right after I took the exam.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ Machine, I keep on checking my audit pending score every 5 mns. Do u think I have any chance to get it today or should I check tomorrow?

Machine 14 years ago

@ Prospectivecpa - I would check couple of times this afternoon, I think that they are releasing the scores in batches (no clue what's the logic there) and by afternoon you can shorten your name to 3 letters...

CA FAR 14 years ago

I think, it might be based on last name, because i have two friends that took reg on the same day.... one has a last name beginning with the letter C and the other has a last name beginning with the letter T... and i'm waiting on my FAR score and my last name begins with he letter L and my "C" friend got his REG score whereas me and my "T" friend haven't received any scores yet. :/ what's up with that!!!!

CA AUD 14 years ago

Usually ca posts scores in the middle of the night. Has anyone gotten their score during the day?

CA FAR 14 years ago

@ CA FAR Makes sense that it is by last name. My coworker and I have S and T as last names... still waiting

CA FAR 14 years ago

@CA AUD my friend says he got his BEC score like in the afternoon once.

Machine 14 years ago

I am "K" so probably they released A - at least up to K as first batch and will release L - Z in the next batch (afternoon, tomorrow, etc).

Name (required) 14 years ago

Name doesn't matter I'm B and haven't had CA FAR posted yet

Elena 14 years ago

Maine. One of those slow states. Out of 3 sections, from the looks of it BEC was the only one that has been posted. AUD, FAR and REG people are still waiting. We'll get there eventually.

grrr 14 years ago

Still waiting FAR in Cali...I don't think its last name starts with C. :(

Elena 14 years ago

I did check my oasis though. Under the application status, here's what is says: Details The section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scored. The score(s) reported generated a score notice to be mailed to you. If you do not receive your score notice via US Mail after the next 10 business days (domestic) or after the next 30 days (international), contact our office at Please provide the following; your name, your jurisdiction, your jurisdiction id number, your complete mailing address, and in the subject line - Score Notice not received. I KNOW it was not saying that this morning. So I guess it is only a matter of a couple more hours. We can do this.I know we can.

FAR from done 14 years ago

my CA FAR score was posted this morning at 6am. squeaked by but passed

Tex_Aud 14 years ago

Passed Audit with an 81.I'm finished with all sections!!!!!!! Jeff, thanks for running this site. It has brought me peace of mind when things were in hectic. Everyone else, if you havent passed all sections yet, stay focused and be determined. If I can pass all 4 sections, anyone can. best of luck!

Tex_Aud 14 years ago

Passed Audit with an 81.I'm finished with all sections!!!!!!! Jeff, thanks for running this site. It has brought me peace of mind when things were hectic. Everyone else, if you havent passed all sections yet, stay focused and be determined. If I can pass all 4 sections, anyone can. best of luck!

Jeff - 14 years ago

Congrats Tex!

Cat 14 years ago

@CA FAR Oh, my God. if this is the case that they post it based on names. I got troubles, both my first name and last name start with "Y". ha ha ha

Whoa 14 years ago

I've read this sight during my entire exam process and FINALLY get to say I'm DONE! I had 3 passed (first time around) and had to take reg FOUR times before I passed, but not before FAR expired. It was awful! Then I failed FAR the next time and just FINALLY passed all 4!!! Stick with it, it makes it that much sweeter!!!

Jyoti 14 years ago

Do we get california scores in the middle of the day? or we just call it a day and wait for tommorow morning?

Kristopher 14 years ago

California Breakdown for Me: I received my FAR at 5:58am PST - Failed with a 73 I received my REG at 5:58am PST - Passed with a 77 I have not yet received my AUD result. Some people were wondering if NASBA releases by last name. My last name starts with W. I hope this helps.

Kristopher 14 years ago

California Breakdown for Me: Further information - My NTS# for AUD and REG is 428 My NTS# for FAR is 440 Hope this helps further.

allana 14 years ago

Still waiting onf AUD in CA. I dont thinks its alphabetical either. My last name starts with A. So once NASBA release them, score go directly to our accounts? No need for CBA to delay further with posting to individual accounts. Cant work, cant look away cant look at the screen - CANT DO ANYTHING!

Erica 14 years ago

Hey Ben, I'm in your boat. I'm still waiting on AUD in NE. It's driving me crazy that it's not up!!

allana 14 years ago

Do CA post on scores on the weekend too? Or will I have to wait till Monday?

MO-AUD 14 years ago

@BEN Still not Audit score for Missouri, checking every 30 minutes. Last test I need to be done. Good Luck.

Hi 14 years ago

Anyone get FAR in MN yet?

Name (required) 14 years ago

CA does post scores over the weekend.

whoa 14 years ago

Oh, and for those that are still waiting. My exam was FAR and my board is CA (and last name begins with H. I checked early this morning and nothing and checked again around 10 (mountain time) and it was posted.

Elena 14 years ago

I am not usually an impatient person but man...In 1hr and 11 minutes will be 48 hours from when we got that tweet from NASBA saying REG was released. And I know they released scores faster than in the past but this is starting to be painful.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

I wish they post AU tonight or tomorrow. Took the exam on 10/1 and still waiting.

AUDIT-MO 14 years ago

@ MO-AUD, i feel your pain. I still have no audit. I took it the last day in the window, MO sucks! It is my last score too. We probably won't get it until Monday, if it's not released today.

WI - FAR 14 years ago

Why is Wisconsin always the last state to post? They usually report 2-4 weeks after anyone else. Do I have a chance of getting my FAR score before Christmas? Has anyone else from Wisconsin received FAR scores or any scores for that matter?

CA AUD 14 years ago

All I want this Christmas is 75 on my AUD score =)

AUD - CA 14 years ago

I second that wish CA AUD! Okay, I'm done checking for today. Hopefully there will be good news tomorrow morning for those of us in CA still waiting on scores.

Chester The Lover 14 years ago

@Elena I know the feeling, 2 friends who took BEC got their scores... and still I sit here waiting for FAR very VERY impatiently... Come'on MAINE!!!!!!!!

Elena 14 years ago

It's officially been 48hrs! Where are our scores? @ChesterTheLover (btw, hilarious name). I know! A girl from my office got her BEC score today too. While myself and another friend is waiting for REG, two friends waiting for AUD (been WAY over 48hrs for those two) and another friend is waiting for FAR. I think Maine NASBA people fell into hibernation. It's cold out there! Who knows?

REG in MAINE (required) 14 years ago

Jeff, can you send some assassin ninjas to get the Maine Nasba folks? Tip for Maine victims: you can submit your info and save it to favorites so you won't fill it over and over again! :-)

secondthoughtsCPA 14 years ago

No word in AZ. Anyone else befuddled by the irony of being in a profession known for its ability to "bean count", "crunch numbers" and "strict deadlines", and yet the AICPA can't get this simple grading stuff down. We are the cobbler's kids without shoes.

Elena 14 years ago

@REGinMaine Lol. Been doing that trick for about a year :) Saving to favorites on both, work and home computers :) @secondthoughtsCPA AICPA already did it's job. They did their crunching REAL fast this window. Blame it on boards of accountancy! :)

CA - BEC 14 years ago

Still no word on BEC in CA for me.

Elena 14 years ago

Maine is up! This is the end of the road for me! Passed all four! Good luck to all. My advice is to never ever give up. It is worth shedding happy tears in the end!

thePhilDaddy 14 years ago

Indiana AUD scores are posted, FYI.

thePhilDaddy 14 years ago

Jeff, Thanks for running this site. This forum, in addition to your score release updates, certain help temper thank you.

Jeff - 14 years ago

You're welcome...thanks!

Elena 14 years ago

I gotta agree! Jeff-YOU ARE A MIRACLE!

Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

Hi Can anybody let me know , when North Dakota will report the scores. I took Audit on 11/30/2010. Thanks

Waiting for FAR in CA 14 years ago

No scores for me yet. I sat for FAR on 11/27 and my last name begins with a T. I am in California. Anyone know if "failing" scores post faster? When I took FAR for the first time on 5/10/10, it seemed to post in mid-June. Maybe 5/10 was part of the first wave. Good luck everyone! I just want to pass.

FAR in CA on 11/29 14 years ago

at 7:13am, there's a "sign-in failure" notice on CBA website, maybe they are working on something

JW 14 years ago

Guys, finally after all these anxious waitings. My Audit (in CA) score posted last night and I passed. Exactly one year ago today (12/18) I submitted the first CPA exam to the board. Exactly one year later I am finally DONE with it and move on to the Ethics exam. To all those of you still studying, remember this : "YOU CAN DO IT !!" @Prospectivecpa, @Alex, plz go check your score again. I hope yours should be up by now. Here is my wonderful CPA exam journey: REG: 82 (02/22/2010) BEC: 83 (05/03/2010) FAR: 80 (08/02/2010) <- Absolutely miracle!! AUD: 82 (11/01/2010)

ca - aud 14 years ago

received ca audit score today and passed. score posted at 5:35am. 14 years ago

CA REG score from exam taken 10-7 finally posted this morning at 5:35. BEC-67 REG-73 Back to the drawing board. I am doing as some others have suggested on this site and re-writing my own notes. Going to Becker classes did not work for me.

CA FAR Waiting 14 years ago

As of now (Sat 9am), still no FAR score. Took on 11/20

CA FAR Waiting 14 years ago

Cont'd: NTS 418 Last Name F Still haven't got the score yet, does it mean I failed or does it mean I'm at the boarder of pass and fail... Congrats to the ones who have passed. This waiting is killing me!!!

Procpectivecpa 14 years ago

Praise the Lord who has inspired Jeff to set up this website to help us go through this painful process of tireless waiting our scores. Jeff, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. With an 86 for audit, I'm done. To those of you who didn't make it, don't be discouraged, nor don't give up. If I made it for the first time, it isn't because I am smarter than you, let put it simply your exam could have been more difficult than you had expected. My far and reg simulations were so difficult that I was worried I wouldn't make it.Thanks God, I passed them. For those of you who work full time, I know it can be challenging, but just create some time to make it happen. Good luck and Merry Christmas to all of you.

CA - AUDIT! 14 years ago

Prosepctive CPA...u got ur audit score in CA finally?.....WHEN?!! I still have not got mine! i TOOK IT 11/29

CA- AUDIT! 14 years ago

ca-aud....u recived ur score at 5;35 this mrining...when did u take it?? congrats on passing I still haven't got mine...does that mean I failed??

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ CA-AUDIT- I get it this morning. I believe it is the first wave that should have been released on November. I hope u'll get yours pretty soon. Good luck.

Cat 14 years ago

@Prospectivecpa congratulations to you, finally you got it. I still haven't got mine. hopefully I can pass.

HB 14 years ago

@ CA Audit Still waiting on my CA audit results as well.

HB 14 years ago

I took it 15th November. Like prospectivecpa pointed out, it could be the 1st wave that was released today .

IL-IL 14 years ago

REG 74, AUD 74......

CA- AUDIT! 14 years ago

ouch IL-IL...i am really sory to hear that....that must hurt! =( I am 101 percent sure u will pass it next time....dont give up! U r SOOO damn close! Yep! I guess wave 1 got released! If anyone gets wave 2 in california PLEASE update rigth away! I am checking this sire more often than cba!

Jeff - 14 years ago

Congrats Prospective!

North Dakota CPA Result 14 years ago

Hi I am looking for AUD score in North Dakota. I took the test on 11/30/2010. Anybody has an idea when the scores will be out?

Done in AZ 14 years ago

Got BEC results today in AZ! Finally finished with this aweful exam! Good luck to all of you still waiting for scores.

CPA 14 years ago

I passed all parts i am Qualified now thx Jiff it was a long trip it took me 2.5 years to finih it now its finished its time to relax. goodbye i am singing off. :)

AUD in Cali 14 years ago

I just checked my CBA exam account and learned that I passed with 88 score! I am officially done with CPA exam, with 2 months to go until my FAR expires. Thanks God I passed! Jeff, thanks again for this awesome website and all the support it offered! For all those who are still waiting for your scores, good luck to all of you, I hope you get good results soon! Happy holidays!

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Took my exam on 11/20 and I'm still waiting on results as well. Do you think anything will be posted Monday or we'll have to wait until Tuesday morning? Congrats to all those who passed!!!

sam 14 years ago

unfortunately i got an 72 on my Auditing for Colorado. i failed but i cant beleive it it is failure right? SAY SOMETHIN GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AUD - CA 14 years ago

@ Sam -- Take a look at which sections of the exam you scored lower on and you can target your studying for the next time. I know it is discouraging but your score is so close so don't give up!!!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@ IL-IL; @ Sam- I know how painful it is be so close and failed. Don't give up, just put a little more to master every piece of the material because you don't know on which part you will be tested. Keep on looking forward and try to get over it. Happy Holidays.

CA - AUD - Wave #2 14 years ago

I'm still waiting on AUD results for CA. I took the test on 11/23. Has anyone received scores yet?

PrayinForA75 14 years ago

It is over for me!! I just passed the last part of my exam. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the support on the website. This kept me sane and I just wanted to give a word of encouragement to all of you still to pass. I took seven total parts that took a year and a half, but through th support I got on this website, it helped me get through it all. Thanks everyone and good luck!!!

CA-Impatient 14 years ago

I took my Aud test on 11/23 and I haven't gotten my score tired of waiting...

TX - FAR 14 years ago

Well...looks like abunch of people did below average based on comparison scores that I just received for FAR from Texas. Got a 73 but I was worried I was going to get a 50 based on how i felt after the exam. Almost as good as passing but just have another month of studying and then should be golden and on my way to my CPA...dorky line from Becker...thank Olinto! Good luck to everyone else out there!

WI - REG 14 years ago

Took REG 11/22 for WI candidate at MN test site. Still haven't got a score. This is frustrating! Anyone else still waiting?

CA-FAR 14 years ago

took on 11/30, and still waiting for score.

Ramy 14 years ago

Attended AUD at 11/16 and still waiting for the score :$

Katie - CA 14 years ago

Took AUD on 11/25, still waiting...

HB 14 years ago

Still waiting on CA audit score (taken 15 nov).

CommaCPAComingSoon 14 years ago

Final REG score was in at 5am in TX this morning through the grace of God I am done!! BEC-74,75 FAR-77 Audit-74,84 REG-80 ....good luck to all of you and don't give up!!

Cat 14 years ago

what's going on? give me my AUD score, CA!!!!!

K-AUD CA 14 years ago

I am pulling my hair out waiting for my AUD score. What is going on California?!!!! I mean really ...

ca sucks 14 years ago

Hi everyone if you want to complain about CA board of accountancy here is the web link I just filled out my complaint and i feel a bit better. But i just want my AUD score!!!

CA FAR 14 years ago

Did most ppl get their CA FAR score already? I know me and two other friends are still waiting for CA FAR. Was wondering if any1 else is still waiting? Hope it's not cause we all failed... haha I took FAR on 11/20 and I think they took it 11/27

CA FAR & Waiting 14 years ago

took it 11/24 and still no results. It is like the AICPA and CBA decided that they are through with the old exam and don't care anymore. I have never seen it take this long after release.

Giannina 14 years ago

I received REG and I passed!!! I'm finally done with this nightmare after 2 LONG YEARS; a lot of tears and hard work went into this process!! It totally felt like a MARATHON It may take a while, but you'll get there... continue having FAITH and study, study study!! My best holiday wishes to all of you!! Merry Xmas from Puerto Rico!

Ca Audit.... 14 years ago

My status still says "attended". My audit score has not even been released yet! I took audit on 11-15, and this is probably the longest i waited for a result.

REG-WI 14 years ago

What website do you use to see if scores have been released to nasba? I know how to check my score but don't know how to check what the status is. Still waiting on my REG score.

AUD - CA 14 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't think those of us waiting for scores in CA are going to see anything unless NASBA released our scores to the BOA yesterday (Sunday) for them to post today. We may have to wait until tomorrow. But I could be wrong which would be great because I'm sick of waiting as well.

CAFAR waiting 14 years ago

Took FAR in CA on 11/20, still status says "score pending".

FAR Waiting 14 years ago

Also took FAR in CA on 11/20. Still waiting!!!

AUD-NY 14 years ago

anyone get their audit scores in NY yet??

FAR in CA 14 years ago

Hi Guys, I took FAR in San Francisco on 11/27 at 6pm and I still don't have my score either! My status still says I "attended" the exam on 11/27 and my start page still tells me about my NTS. It looks like scores have not been released to the CBA yet. I hope this is a good sign that means I passed. I am thinking that if I failed, they would post the score much faster. Good luck to everyone else! Thanks Jeff for the great forum.

mitch 14 years ago

$6500 and 24 exams later, i am offically done AUD - 88 FAR - 76

Mitch 14 years ago

$6500 and 24 exams later, I am offically DONE.... Thank you blue pills AUD = 88 FAR = 76 BEC = 75 Reg = 75

Allana 14 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in CA. Took the exam on 11/20. Im new to the CPA exam process and from the looks of it CA is making us payyyyy. Is the delay a good sign or bad based on history?

WTH CA?? 14 years ago

Two of my co-workers and I are still waiting on our Audit scores in CA. This suckssss. Hurry up CBA.

Question for Eveyrone! 14 years ago

I am retaking an exam I failed once. In addition to the 50 dollar application fees, you have to pay the exam cost again ??? ( for instance 174 for bec)?? Please help! I didnt recieve any new NTS in my email. But when I checked payment coupon through nasba...It is asking me to pay 174 again for the resumbitted application

FAR in CA 14 years ago

I took far for the first time on 5/10/10 and got my score by early June (I forgot the exact date, but it was fast). It's possible that 5/10/10 was part of wave 1. But I did not pass that first time, so I figured that if you fail, they seem to post your scores faster. I got a 67 the first time around and I thought I got severely worked on the MC. This second time around on 11/27/10, things went a lot better. I'm hoping it's good enough! FYI, for the other 3 sections that I passed, it took weeks to get my scores back. I took them: 8/29/09 - BEC, 11/28/09 - AUD, and 2/24/10 - REG. I believe all those dates were wave 2 sittings, so maybe that's why it took 3+ weeks from my test dates to find out those scores. Who knows, it may be that I just took FAR during wave 1 and that's why my failing score posted faster than my wave 2 seatings on the three sections I passed. I hope to get my 2nd FAR score soon! The suspense is killing me. I DO NOT want to take FAR in 2011 with the international accounting in there.

CACACA 14 years ago

@Queston..: Yes, you have to pay each time you take / re-take the exam. @FAR in CA: It has nothing to do to failing or passing score, last window in August i sat for REG on 10th and got my score (81) on 23rd, just cuz i sat for exam on about last day of wave 1.

North Dakota 14 years ago

Jeff, I definitely have to disagree with your predictions on this one! You are usually only off a day at most...this time it's been 5 already!

CA-AUD-REG 14 years ago

got REG score, still waiting for ADU.

nannas 14 years ago

guys lets use fifo method here .. i.e. who first receives his aud score in CA posts immediately

Jyoti 14 years ago

5.40 am in sclifornia.. no audit scores.. that mean another day of waiting.....

HB 14 years ago

No CA audit score either. Getting a bit ridiculous now. Maybe we will get lucky and they will issue by the end of day, or at least before Christmas Eve.

Dhiren Sarin 14 years ago

Hi All I got my Audit score yesterday night at 8 PM by an email. I passed it with an 87. Thank you god.

North Dakota CPA Result 14 years ago

Hi All I got my Audit score yesterday night at 8 PM by an email. I passed it with an 87. Thank you god. Dhiren Sarin

CA AUD 14 years ago

I don't understand this. Can anyone (Jeff) explain why the score is released to NASBA but takes so long to post?? It's not like some person in ca is waiting to push a button at 5am to post the score. It's on some kind of schedule to post each section one wave at a time, one day at a time. Why not just release them all!

CA AUD Still waiting 14 years ago

My CBA site still says attended... i took it on 11-15.

CA- AUDIT!!! 14 years ago

mine says score pending since day 1! god knows when the scores will be up!

Cat 14 years ago

The 1st day I checked my AUD for CA, I felt super nervous; 2nd day, nervous; 3rd day, no feeling; 4th day, impatient; 5th day, annoying... today, when I checked it, it still is not there, I feel extremely angery.

FAR waiting 14 years ago

CA AUD and FAR candidates who haven't got their scores, I'm with you. I took FAR on 11/20. Checked this morning at 6am and checked again just now, still "attended; score pending"! I have had problem sleeping for the past week!

AUD - CA Waiting 14 years ago

Anyone have any idea when CA will release the AUD scores? We've been waiting forever. I thought the worst case scenario was us getting them yesterday...

HB 14 years ago

I think worst case scenario is us getting them at the end of December. Best case scenario has just moved to tomorrow, lol!

Anxious in AZ 14 years ago

Passed FAR. Thank Christ, I'm done. It took me a long time and even had to retake a section because it fell off. For those of you still struggling, don't give up. If I can do it, you can do it!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Is CA the only state still waiting on scores? this is ridiculous!

sam 14 years ago

I am so nervous. My friend take CA AUD on October 4. He got his score in December 17 and he fail with 70. I took my AUD CA on 11/26 still score pending. I do not know when CA would release the AUD score. I hope that tonight we can have AUD score. Good luck for all of us waiting CA AUD.

FAR in CA 14 years ago

No score for FAR yet! I took it 11/27. I hope I passed! My last name begins with a T. My buddy who took REG on 11/26 already got his score. Looks like REG came out before FAR? I am so stressed out! Good luck to everyone who is still waiting.

Score pending Vs. Attended? 14 years ago

Does everyone's record show (Score Pending) or Attended? Last time mine simply said attended ...and I failed.....this time it says score pending since the day i took the friend who took the exam on the same day at the same location ...only 10 minutes time difference..her status says attended.....WHY IS that? Is there are any pattern ppl have noticed?

JYCPA AUD-CA 14 years ago

Mine said attended for a few weeks. Now it is score pending. I took AUD on 11/29/10 and still waiting for the score.

nannas 14 years ago

mine still "attended" I sat for the AUD in CA on 21 Nov. !!!!!!!!

HB - CA Audit 14 years ago

Ok. What do you reckon the spread should be today guys and girls? : b I think this wait is actually starting to kill me. My hair is falling out, my appetite has diminished (not necessarily a bad thing), and im struggling to enjoy my holiday. Need of closure i believe...need to know if i have failed so that i can make the most of my holiday to revise : / On the other hand i do feel less nervous everytime i open that site.

CA - AUD 14 years ago

6:30 AM and no score. This sucks!

HB 14 years ago

Very much so.

FAR waiting 14 years ago

CA 7:20am, still no score for FAR!!! I sweared to myself not to check until after the holidays, but can't help! What's wrong with NASBA and/or CBA???

AUD CA 14 years ago

8:16 AM and still no score. AUD taken on 11/22/10. Maybe all the scores were lost and everyone will pass!

Cat 14 years ago

I dreamed that the score of CA AUD was posted on my account, but I can't see it clearly. Then I ran to my computer and checked, but still "score pending..." *@#^)^%($$%$*%@@$&#...

Allana 14 years ago

Another day and no AUD score (CA)! I took my test on 11/20. I actually feel relieved when I log in and see "pending" - the wait is killing me. Do the CBA have to have posted scores by the end of December - or will the holidays disrupt things futher yet?

CA - AUD 14 years ago

The scores must come before christmas...dont you guys think? So by friday we should get them for SURE! I hope! It would suck if they make us wait till like dec31st! Because CBA did say that they will have our scores posted by the end of december!

HB 14 years ago

If they havent got them posted by tomorrow, then we may have a bit of a wait on our hands. We may see something next Monday or Tuesday. Just my thoughts. I have no idea what could be taking so long. I get the feeling somebody is still grading them, lol! If NASBA had the results they could have, by now, uploaded the results straight onto the CBA site. Other CA students, wave 1 and 2, have received results. Why the trouble with wave 2 AUD and FAR?

Allana 14 years ago

Frustrating! It seems like CBA has mismanaged this royally. Any hope of getting timely results to help plan for the next steps have been prevented!

CA-FAR 14 years ago

took far on 11/30. still waiting on score too.

FAR in CA 14 years ago

Yeah, still says "attended" for me. Took FAR on 11/27 and the status date says 11/29/10. I don't recall a difference in "attended" and "score pending" equating pass or fail. Anyone know anything about this? To me, it seems as though "score pending" means that your score will be coming very soon and maybe the CBA has it. As for "attended," it seems to me that the CBA just got notice that you sat for the test. Ideas anyone? For example, for me it says status date 11/29/10 "attended." So it looks like on Monday, 11/29/10, they got word that I sat for the test. Just my guess. For those that say "score pending," what is your status date? Is it way after the date you took the test?

CA - AUD 14 years ago

@ FAR in CA: My "score pending" is just in parentheses. The date and time on the status correspond to the my exam appointment. There's no indication when the "score pending" notation was posted. It seems like those of us who took FAR/AUD late in November are still waiting. Ironically, I thought my wait would be shorter if I took the exam as far towards the end of the window as possible ... Go figure

AUD CA W#2 14 years ago

To be the odd ball out, I took AUD on 11/24 and mine still only states "attended". Also, I don't think there is a correlation between "score pending"/"attended" and passing/failing; otherwise, we'd already know our answer by now and wouldn't still be blogging about our scores being posted. Regardless, I want these scores to post so I can get a decent night of sleep. Good luck everyone!

CA - AUD - 11/13 14 years ago

I took AUD on 11/13 and still waiting. If I pass, i'm done. if i fail, BEC expires. Oh, that reminds me, if you take a test on the exact day a test expires, it still counts, right? you don't have to take it BEFORE the expiration date, right? btw, i think "attended" is just when they see you sat for the exam. When NASBA releases the scores to the CBA and it is running through their automated system it says "score pending."

FAR 14 years ago

I took FAR on 11/27 in Reno, though I am in CA, and my status page updated to both attended and score pending on 11/30. I have a friend who took FAR in CA on 11/30 and she received her score already. From what I have heard NASBA has released all the scores but CA has had an issue with the posting and they dont know why, but that they are working on it.

@ CA WRONG 14 years ago

That would be a big mistake. If you take it on the day it expires you are one day too late. Read the instructions on NASBA. You must sit BEFORE the date of expiration. Best of Luck!!

FAR waiting 14 years ago

Tried to call CBA today and left a message asking if they will post scores during the Xmas weekend. They left me a message saying that "it is true that NASBA has until end of Dec to release scores" and that "scores may come out any day" and advised me to check "at lease once every 24 hours." The translation is: keep waiting and checking. This is going to ruin my holiday!

@ @CA WRONG 14 years ago

I did a little research regarding whether one must take a test before the expiration date. This is a copy-paste from the CBA website: "Expired: Indicates that you did not receive scores of 75 or above on all four sections of the CPA Exam by the last date of the credit period for this section. (Note: Expired status may be changed to Pass depending upon the receipt and posting of score(s) for section(s) taken ON OR BEFORE the last date of the credit period.)"

Still Waiting...FAR 14 years ago

Stat for FAR 11/21 & status is "still pending". I called the CBA and the lady was actually super nice. She told me that NASBA hasn't finished releasing all the scores and that once NASBA does release scores they go directly to our client account "status" tab. Guess all we can keep doing is waiting....come on NABSA!

mohamed 14 years ago

any one knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww when CA audit will be post , is it today,tomorrow or after the vacation , please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FAR in CA 11/29/10 14 years ago

guys! it's posted at 5.53 am good luck everyone!

FAR in CA 11/29/10 14 years ago

AUD 83 BEC 81 REG 86 FAR 83 i'm done, signing off

HB 14 years ago

Oh man! Thank God it is finally up. Can enjoy my holiday now : D Good luck everybody.

CA FAR SCORE POSTED 14 years ago

CA FAR SCORE POSTED- Under the start tab it now says "CBT Advisory Exam Scores received." I'm so nervous I don't want to check now. haha

Name (required) 14 years ago

is anyone have ca audit scores

eloise print 14 years ago

I checked at 6am. CA Aud scores are out, but no score report. Only an advisory score. That counts, right?

WI- REG 14 years ago

Still nothing in Wisconsin for REG with 11/22/10 exam date.

CA-AUD-REG 14 years ago

I got AUD score and report this morning.

CA - AUD 14 years ago

Did anyone get their audit scores??? Seems like some people did. Mine is still pending :(

CA Audit 14 years ago

CA audit scores have posted! I passed!! woohoo!!!

CA AUD WAVE #2 14 years ago

Guys, I had the "attended" vs. "score pending" the entire time and I just received a passing score. Hope everyone has a great holiday!

CA - AUD 14 years ago

I just checked again and it IS POSTED! I PASSED and I'm DONE!!!!!! WOO-HOOOO FAR - 86 REG - 83 BEC - 85 AUD - 89 I just want to say that this community has been awesome and it has really helped me to keep sane during this journey. THANKS JEFF and ANOTHER71!

ALEX 14 years ago

We got em, I passed, all 4, first try, get that ethics, and the 500 hrs and that is it. Good luck to all, and remember, study and you will pass!! And by the way, mine said score pending, not attended, and I passed, so I think that has nothing to do with if you passed or failed.

Jeff - 14 years ago

Congrats everyone!

WI 14 years ago

Still nothing!

CA FAR OUT! 14 years ago

Just got my CA FAR exam this morning. Both my coworker and I got it at the same time. I took my exam 11/20 and he took his 11/23. Oh and also I passed. Good luck to you all.. hang in there

CA AUD no report 14 years ago

Am I th eonly one in CA with an advisory score but NO score report? What does it mean?

CA-Impatient 14 years ago

CA-AUD scores are out! Thank God I passed!! I would like to thank everyone and Jeff here at for all the support and encouragement. This forum has gotten me through my darkest moments throughout my cpa journey...keep on trying, don't give up!Happy Holidays!!

WI - Joke 14 years ago

WI is a joke when it comes to releasing scores. I suspect that we won't get them unitl after the first of the year. This assumes history repeats itself. They've been consistently behind the eight ball and put their candidates behind if they don't pass. Examples of Delays: BEC - Took August 28th - Received Score around October 4th. Most scores were out by September 20th. A representative told me at NASBA that they require all scores before the next test window. That didn't happen. REG - Took October 14th - Don'te remember the exact date that I received the score, but I know it wasn't before a trip I took on December 3rd. This was well past the date other states released the score. Most received their score three weeks before. I suggest you drink a lot of eggnog and not worry about the score. We should get to enjoy our holiday just like the people who are responsible for releasing our scores in WI - We know they're having a few and not worrying about us.

FAR waiting 14 years ago

Yup, my CA FAR is out too! AUD 91 BED 87 FAR 79 REG 95 Happy holidays to everyone!

Bill 14 years ago

Check the scores for CA AUD this morning at 6:20am, and scores and reports are both out. Long wait but passed 77.

Ahmed 14 years ago


CACACA 14 years ago

Got FAR in CA today, failed with 68... Studied for 4 months! Such a miserable christmass :(

ca sucks 14 years ago

CACACA, i just got 71 on audit for the second time. I know how you feel i was depressed all day yesterday after studying my ass off. Just keep going we can get through it.

far 14 years ago

I got my FAR score on 12/23! Passed with a 79. However, I cannot login to the cba website anymore to see my score again. Anyone else have trouble? Merry Christmas! Thanks.

CA-FAR 14 years ago

Jeff, do you have any advice regarding the appeal process with a 74 on my last exam, and now my others are expired? :(

Jeff - 14 years ago

Check out my 50 things book - it has it in there. I too faced that. Jeff

CA_AUD_REG 14 years ago

Look like CA website crashed.

@ JEFF 14 years ago

Been waiting on a video update for the end of the year/ new year!

Eduardo 13 years ago

JEFF: Where are you. WE MISS YOUR VIDEOS. Waiting on FAR (LAST ONE) 03/16/11