Week 26:
I had a very productive study week, logging just short of 23 hours. Ive also tallied up my hours since the beginning of March and have logged almost 97 hours on BEC. I plan to log just as much during the next 5 weeks, so hopefully I should be prepared. I finished up what was left of Financial Management this week and also made it more than halfway through Info. Systems & Communications.
While I did make it through Financial Management, I will certainly have to go back and make a listing of all the formulas. There are quite a few, especially in the Financial Valuation section. As Ive said with the other BEC topics, these are all things I remember from Graduate School, but I will need to spend time drilling them or there is no way Ill remember them all. I did see some postings on the blog about all the formulas in BEC and I now understand what the writer of the post meant. As for the Info. Systems & Communications, that actually went better than I expected.
I am comfortable using technology, but when it comes to bits and bytes, I dont really get how it all comes together (nor do I really care), but the section wasnt as bad as I expected. Again, another area that Ill have to keep drilling and rereading or else I will forget it. Hopefully theres enough time in the next 5 weeks to go back as needed to freshen up on some of these topics.
This upcoming week is going to prove difficult in logging my study hours. Its quarter end, work will be very busy with closing of the books and preparing necessary analysis, price valuations, disclosures, etc. In addition to that, I have an appointment with my accountant one evening, so that will be one study night lost (I know, Im a procrastinator. Im the guy taking my tax returns to the post office on April 14th or 15th, maximizing the float).
Then on Saturday, we are booked solid with two birthday parties that couldnt be further from each other and further from our house, so I dont expect to log any time at all on Saturday. Thats a big blow, because I usually do 5+ hours on Saturdays, so not sure I will be able to make up that lost time during the week, but I will try my best. Ill let you know how it goes in next weeks post. Good luck to everyone studying for exams and congrats to Brad on passing all 4 sections. Hearing of his success inspires me to push on and work tirelessly to pass these exams.
Jay. O