Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010.
Week 40
Hello all. Ive got another week under the belt and have made it through a good part of Beckers Chapter 4 on Partnerships, Estates, Trusts & Gifts. Im happy to see Peter Olinto half way through the chapter, because that means Im into the non-tax related part of this material, which is a sigh of relief for me.
I spent 17 hours studying last week, less than planned, but made some good progress with Partnerships. My weekday studying has been light, but I am actually going to start getting to work earlier, so I can log at least 1-2 hours of studying from the office during the day.
This will help me meet my daily goal of 3-4 hours, because Ive barely been able to get 2.5 hours an evening with the combination of later work nights and shorter library hours. Im afraid this will be the only way to make up the time.
Listen, the company isnt losing out, anytime I currently spend reading at work is during a lunch break and this additional time will be before the day starts for most employees, so I dont expect this to be an issue for my boss or my peers.
The problem is, I get caught up doing various things at lunch and havent been disciplined about using the hour to study each day. This is where I need to increase my discipline and make it happen or else Ill be studying for REG again during Q411.
This is going to sound ridiculous coming from someone that has been slacking and falling short of target study time for the past month, but I am increasing my study target to 24-25 hours per week to pick up the slack. If I can be disciplined about the 2 hours per day at work plus another 3 days of evening studying, I should be able to log a good 15-16 hours during the week plus my 10 hours on weekends.
I know its a stretch, but the countdown has started, 36 days remaining until D-Day. The plan for this week is to finish chapter 4 and make meaningful headway into Chapter 5 (Contracts, Sales & Employer Law).
One last comment for the week, these people on Capitol Hill are really ridiculous, playing chicken with each other and leaving our economy in the balance. I wish they would all grow up and do something for the greater good of our country, instead of always politicking. Sorry to vent, but Im sure Im not the only one thats frustrated by this stuff. Good luck studying to all.
Jay. O