Waiting for CPA Exam Results?

12 May 2010


Wave 1 CPA Exam results should start rolling out by the AICPA this Friday, May 14.

Is this guaranteed? No.

Only the AICPA knows when they are going to release the first wave of scores.

Another71.com has been tracking CPA Exam score releases since Moses parted the Red Sea November 2008 and knows that NASBA released scores to candidates on May 15, 2009, which means that the AICPA released scores around May 13, 2009.

Could BEC be released today? YES, absolutely.

Would it shock me? NO, absolutely not.

Would it shock me if the AICPA took until the following Monday to release BEC?

NO, absolutely not.

The safe bet is Friday, May 14 which gets the ball rolling for the onslaught of score releases.


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Jeff 15 years ago

Is there any anticipated delay in the score release due to the flooding??

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Per NASBA, no.

Jeff 15 years ago

Ok,thank you.

A.M. 15 years ago

any word regarding BEC

Ahmad 15 years ago

I truly dislike the AICPA. And I am a "peace and loe" person. To make someone wait 2 months for an all multiple choice exam (BEC) is just being a snob. It is just them acting like they are members of some elite secret club and we should be gratefull that they even score it at all. Being a CPA does not make you a better person or human being which is what their actions suggest their attitude is. Sorry I had to get that off my chest.

WJ 15 years ago

I took BEC on May 3rd. Will keep you posted when I get the score. BTW, don't be too harsh on the AICPA. After all, they are the BIG BROTHERS as long as you still want to be in this profession. Just quit if you don't like it. Peace !

Ahmad 15 years ago

I am not complaining about the difficulty of the exam or the hard work. I love and embrace it. I haven't failed any sections (yet)and have no problems with the material or level of difficulty. It should be difficult to maintain its value but what does that have to do with making people wait? I rarely complain about anything at all really. It just seems really silly to make us wait so long for a score that is probably "scantroned". To tell someone to "quit the profession" is really silly when you know nothing about me. I did not complain about the level of difficulty, they could make it even more difficult for all I care. If I took the exam May 3rd as you did I would probably not be so frustrated but add another month or more to the wait and tell me how you feel.

Ahmad 15 years ago

I will now sit back and wait for BIG BROTHER to infiltrate my computer and reprimand me for insubordination. Sorry AICPA please be nice to my score. And by the way for the exams with simulations I totally get the wait, it is just for BEC I have not heard one valid explanation to make us wait so long.

Ahmad 15 years ago

At the same time I do admit "dislike" was probably a little overboard and uncalled for. I believe I may have lost my composure ther for a sec. They have every right to make me wait as long as they want, and I have every right to complain about it. Maybe if I had a life the time would have gone by faster but that is a whole other topic.

idontagreebut 15 years ago

A reasoning for why the scores take so long to post is probably because they need to analyze the scores to develop some type of curve. Although they claim to not curve, I believe there is some sort of 'curve' because it is not a straight score that we all get...

Ed 15 years ago

Ahmad, you should have your own blog!

levi 15 years ago

anyone get BEC? its the 14th

Linh 15 years ago

I lived in VA. Called the State this morning re: BEC score, but they said they did not have the score from NASBA yet. Desperately waiting. I have AUD tomorrow. So scared!!!!!

MB 15 years ago

I took BEC in the middle of April and still waiting for the score. Has anyone received their score yet?

MB 15 years ago

Can i ask you guys something.... i found the BEC exam questions to be really easy and it's my 1st time taking it. Does that mean i did bad in the exam? Please comment those of you took the exam in April.

Dickybone 15 years ago

ANyone get a REG score?

Alex 15 years ago

I just checked for BEC, nothing there :(

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

MB - BEC is not adaptive...no worries.

Alex 15 years ago

Hey Jeff - did NASBA have a history of posting scores on weekends?

MB 15 years ago

Jeff - Thank You. i will stay hopefull. LOL

sarah 15 years ago

Hi, I am waiting for the results for BEC I took it on April 5. I am getting the following message ERROR: Please check you section and date of birth. I input the section ID from my NTS and I got my birthday right. Is this the normal message when the test scores haven't been released?

Cesar 15 years ago

Oh yeah baby, the final countdown !

Cesar 15 years ago

Good luck to my two friends waiting on BEC, I will feel their pain for REG on Thursday.

DBell 15 years ago

Sarah, That is a normal message until the scores are posted.

Amber 15 years ago

Waiting on BEC scores, It's such a torture. I hope I pass this one, this will be my only hope of motivation.

dan 15 years ago

It's about 8:30 checked if BEC score is up.... nothing.... all of us still have to wait I guess.

Norm 15 years ago

8:00 am central time, nothing for IL.

MB 15 years ago

I checked several time this morning for the BEC score.... no luck for VA.

Amy 15 years ago

Did the AICPA release BEC scores yet?

D. 15 years ago

It doesn't look like the AICPA has even released the scores yet, so anyone waiting for a BEC score has at least another day to wait (NASBA states specifically).

JH 15 years ago

no BEC scores for TX yet..

Alex 15 years ago

Absolutely! Scores have not been released to us by AICPA. Anticipated 3rd wk of May. #CPAExam -------------- The above statement is from NASBA twitter page . more wait my friends

OnMyWay75 15 years ago

Waiting to see a 75+ on FAR. This was my last exam and hope to celebrate the passing of the cpa exam this weekend as my daughter turns 1 year old. Good Luck to all of you in Wave 1.

Dirty 15 years ago

Waiting on my last exam too OnMyWay (Audit). Let's hope they post these soon so we can officially relax.

Theresa 15 years ago

Waiting on my score for AUD (4/2) in Michigan...while studying for REG on 5/22...ready to be done studying.

kg 15 years ago

I am seriously beginning to detest the AICPA

TR 15 years ago

to an earlier question I saw, I was waiting for my AUD score that I took on Jan 11... I checked daily and on Saturday, Feb 20 I checked at 1pm and nothing, checked again at 3:30pm and I had passed! I was very excited, and YES they do post on Saturdays. I am currently waiting for my last exam (FAR) which I took on April 28, I really hope we get results this week.

LA 15 years ago

No BEC scores yet. Reporting live, from suburb Los Angeles, May 17, 2010, 9:39am.

BATTLE 15 years ago

No FAR scores yet from San Francisco,CA.

Cesar 15 years ago

Called NASBA, BEC scores will not be released today ! Oh Shish kebab !

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Cesar - a NASBA CSR won't know this...no one knows if it's going to happen until the AICPA actually releases. Until then, everyone is in a holding pattern.

TheOne 15 years ago

lol @ Cesar... How about some Chappli kebabs and Briyani too when we all pass the exam...

Almost Done 15 years ago

I am glad to see that I am not the only crazily obsessed person who checks their score every few hours on prediction day. Patience is a virtue that I am working on a today. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! Still not posted 11:23AM PST

Waiting on REG - VP 15 years ago

lol...I actually spend my time refreshing the blog...at least the stories/comments/fighting is entertaining!..I figure as soon as something is up we will hear it here!

Waiting on FAR 15 years ago

I agree!

Reggie 15 years ago

Took REG on April 3. Taking FAR on May 29. I wonder which score I will get first. No, really.

Alex 15 years ago

Reggie : sure the FAR away on :)

Chris 15 years ago

Took BEC for 3rd time (1st time didn't study enough, 2nd time missed by 4 points, last time used the Yaeger Cram DVD). If I don't pass it I lose credit for Auditing, so this is one of the most stressful times of my life!

Alex 15 years ago

Same here chris, BEC three times, first time I took it as a joke second time half half, third time now, if I don't pass :( I will lose REG credit, I am really frustrated. I believe BEC problem is people look at as the easiest one but it is not I discovered that both AUD and REG are way easier than BEC , hopefully we will pass my friend

MB 15 years ago

I think it's time for Jeff to say something positive. LOL.

JB 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, Do you know why the 18 month rule is in place? Also, has anyone been in the successful 1% pool in receiving a change in score after submitting a rescore?

chris 15 years ago

Yea, Alex, I have to agree. BEC was the smallest study guide and didn't have simulations, so I assumed I could save it for last and it would be easy...boy was I wrong. If I took Yaeger the first time, I don't think I would have done as poorly (I guess we'll see) because they really weed out the BS you don't need to know...and there is a lot of it in BEC!

Norm 15 years ago

I am waiting on BEC, but took the other three sections in the the first wave window also. Hopefully they will all roll out on time and the scores won't get released with the second wave.

Amber 15 years ago

Although I love bihrai kabab, chapli and seekh kababs infact all kinda kababs, We should find a nice place for them lol. This thing is getting annoying. I can't concentrate on Audit. I am obsessed, tired of checking the scores and more wait :(

Bryana 15 years ago

I took my first cpa section(FAR) on the 19th of April, any idea when those scores will be released? And how do we even get the scores? I'm super new to this (my questions sound stupid lol) Help please!

LA 15 years ago

Bryana, check your state board of accountancy's website, see if they have a place to post the "advisory score" online. For example, I'm in California and on the board's website where we make the CPA exam applications, we can see our scores as soon as they are released. Altho you have to provide consent for the board to release your scores online. ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Here's what everybody's been waiting for all day (it was a cloudy day here in LA burb)... BEC SCORESSSSSSSSSSS ^_^ NOT YET !!! ha ha (GOT CHA !!)

Norm 15 years ago

LA, I will find you...

jsb 15 years ago

I remember waiting impatiently for SEVEN weeks for my audit score. Good thing I passed or I would have been committed. REG is my last section - 3rd times a charm! and I am again, impatiently waiting. I just love this sight b/c it's nice to know we're not alone through this crap. And for what? I got out of public accounting. . . now its a resume boost and piece of paper with MyNameHere, CPA. And I want it! I'll even find a nice frickin' frame for it.

LA 15 years ago

Hey Norm, I'm right here... (^_^)/" Amazingly close... But... Tantalizingly far... Just like the scores of FAR...

TheOne 15 years ago

Does anyone know when the FAR scores are expected?

nacol is waitin 15 years ago

FAR is it for me...all I need is to see a bright shiny "75" on the screen.

Angel 15 years ago

This site is terrible at predicting when scores come out. It is worse than the weather man.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I couldn't agree more, Angel. This site sucks!

james thomas 15 years ago

i don't trust any dude who goes by the name angel. experience.

Eunice 15 years ago

In fact, I have got lots of information from this web-site, which I can't appreciate more.

Amber 15 years ago

I hope it's sometime this week before the weekend.

AlmostThere 15 years ago

A prediction or forecast is a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. While there is much overlap between prediction and forecast, a prediction may be a statement that some outcome is expected, while a forecast may cover a range of possible outcomes. (according to Wiki)

Bryana 15 years ago

I love this site, thanks Jeff

jsb 15 years ago

This site allows me to set the odds as all my CPA friends place bets on when scores will be released - I've gotta recover that 3rd REG NTS somehow! Thanks, Jeff.

Anti Angel 15 years ago

Angel, no one is forcing you to come on this site, if you dont like Jeff's predictions then you can do your own predictions. Let us know how you are doing

Ramsay 15 years ago

Sigh...8:50 am in VA and still no word on BEC. Taking REG on the 25th. I don't need this right now!

Waiting 15 years ago

LOL at Ramsay... at least I know that I am not the only VA candidate waiting for BEC!

TX 15 years ago

No BEC in TX! I am tired of waiting!!

MB 15 years ago

I love this site and million thanks goes to Jeff for keeping us updated. Those of you are pessimistic, good luck like to you anyway

Andrew 15 years ago

So frustrating.... AICPA has to release something today!

Stacy 15 years ago

If I hear one more "older" person tell me how back in the day they had to take the whole thing in two days and get their scores the old fashioned way through snail mail. . . grrrr! I don't care! I want my score now! And I am dangerously close to throwing an actual temper tantrum. :) lol, not really, but I am almost in pain with all the waiting. Took AUD on April 3rd! That was a longgggg time ago.

Ramsay 15 years ago

Sidenote: Am I the only one that think's NASBA's website looks incredibly boot leg?

Sean 15 years ago

No BEC in NY yet! =(

Julie 15 years ago

Any word on Audit scores??? I took the exam April 13th and have not heard anything!

BATTLE 15 years ago

FAR SCORES ARE UP IN CA.... NOT... HA HA Good luck to everyone, sounds like we are all stressing over this thing. I am waiting on my last exam score (FAR UGHHH).You would think that after all the money we pay to take the test that they would have a quicker process.

Megan 15 years ago

Took AUD 4/9 - No scores in Texas! This is sort of a blessing for me though, because I was going to find out my score on 5/20 per past trends, but that's the day I take REG! I wouldn't be able to focus during REG if I passed, failed, or if the score was out there without me seeing it! So I apologize to everyone for praying that the scores get delayed :)

Elhamy 15 years ago

plz....god i really need your help make the scores released today i can't work, i am not able to concentrate in anything....:(((

MB 15 years ago

LOL @ Battle...

Norm 15 years ago

The NASBA is bootleg. I found it next to the highway.

LizP 15 years ago

I just talked with a person from IL Board of Examiners, and she said they probably won't get the scores until next week. Boy, do I hope she's wrong!!

Elhamy 15 years ago

@ LizP i hope your informer is wrong coz waiting another means that I'll probably die of stress

Joe 15 years ago

You guys need to get a grip. You appear pathetic on here. If you cannot handle waiting for CPA results, I doubt that you can handle being a CPA. Get a life.

Sam 15 years ago

Joe, what are you doing on here then? Your a tool

Relax 15 years ago

Wow someone sounds a little bitter. 99% of the people on here aren't being completely serious. Its a stressful time for everyone and its nice to have a place to vent. If you don't like it don't read it.

kg 15 years ago

They should let the AICPA interrogate terrorists...they are great at torture

Joe 15 years ago

I am on here because its a good site for information. I then read your comments and laugh and think how you guys are a joke. Then I feel bad for your clients and the profession. I am not bitter at all. I have taken the CPA exam for the first time. I am confident that I passed because I put the work in to pass. I am not going to take this 4 or 5 times like most of you. spend your time studying instead of being a moron and calling the NASBA, posting dumb comments, and crying about your scores.

Stacy 15 years ago

Joe, you do realize the person that hosts this blog took the exam several times?

Andrew 15 years ago

Well I think you'll at least take it 4 times since there are fours parts... And a fifth if you have to take ethics. But goodluck to you anyway even after you ridiculed the posts.

Kimberly 15 years ago

Wow Joe. This can be a place for support. Not everyone can be as smart as you. I assume you are under stress yourself or you wouldn't be lashing out at strangers who are doing the best they can. I am proud that all of you have stuck with your goals. There are many success that came about because of initial set backs. Good luck to all of you, including Joe. : )

Mike 15 years ago

Tuesday May 18th at 11:28 in Florida and still no BEC score. :(

Ash 15 years ago

Wow, that was a little harsh Joe!

AlmostDone 15 years ago

No scores in CA. 8:35PST Just as a heads up (Joe) my 74 on BEC is probably the most humbling experience of my entire life.

Sam 15 years ago

Joe, I bet my scores will be higher than yours on each section of the CPA. Quit being a pompous ass, people just want confirmation of the months of hard work

Ash 15 years ago

I think Joe just needs a hug!

LizP 15 years ago

@ Elhamy--I am right there with you! I checked my scores at least once an hour all day yesterday. So far today, I have checked it probably 8 times in 3 hours. I'm waiting to hear back about a job this week, too. I'm about to explode from all of this waiting! I need some good news!! :)

Stacy 15 years ago

Almost Done & Sam, I doubt Joe is going to bother reading anymore. He has a life, remember? You know- besides bullying bloggers, he has to bully his coworkers and kick some puppies today. We can't expect him to stick around with pathetic losers on the web.

Paul 15 years ago

There are really only a few reasons for "Joe" to be such an ass. He's either a troll (and quite an obvious one) or he's so ignorant that he feels the need to tell everyone else how ignorant they are. So if Joe's comment are sincere, which I doubt, I feel bad for HIS clients as I would never wish that kind of attitude on anyone. And don't worry, if he even has any clients of his own, he probably makes them feel stupid as well. I guess when you are a jackass, insulting people is really the only way to feel good about yourself. Good luck "Joe".

TheOne 15 years ago

Herbert: Guess who? Sorry to leave you so many messages. Just lonely here. Thinkin' about the one and only NASBA. Wishin' he'd come by and bring me some good news. (beep)----- Family Guy (adapted) lol

Elhamy 15 years ago

@ LizP good luck for all of us can you imagine how stressful period i am living in this period its our performance appraisal period and i am expecting a promotion this year and waiting for the BEC score for the 3rd time my previous score was 74 which was the last section to pass, this time if i failed i will lose FAR credit.....so good luck for all of us...:)

Joe 15 years ago

@ Stacey - true. And, yea I realize Jeff took the exam like 14 times. But, thanks for "informing" me. At least is is not whining like you.

TX 15 years ago

Joe...you crack me up! I just hope we get scores soon! It has been a long journey. Good luck to all of ya'll!!

Stacy 15 years ago

It's cool Joe. I'm on here for support. Jeff's site has a lot of good info and a lot of other relatable candidates. I don't mean to be gloomy, just joking around about the wait and my own impatience. Okay, good luck to all of you. Seriously, all of you. :) Candidacy is a tough place to be.

Waiting on Reg - VP 15 years ago

LizP - Me too!! on all points! I am waiting for Reg and I am hoping to hear of a job offer this week! Let's go AICPA! lol... Joe - I feel bad for the people you work around with! You are so negative! =(

Bill 15 years ago

Oh man, I'd love to see someone like this Joe Blow character here totally eat it on the exam, get like a 60 or something.

Rick 15 years ago

The only thing we should all really care about is being a part of the 300 club 75 75 75 75 Anything above is wasted time. YOur certificate doesnt differentiate b/w high & low grades...we never ask our doctors their grades in school, and they have much more responsibility (hey, I like my job but let's keep it in perspective). Waiting on BEC...a MULTIPLE CHOICE EXAM...

Andrew 15 years ago

Great point Rick.... If you're scoring in the 90s it means you wasted time studying for that part. COME ON AUDIT!

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I only took it 14x? Seemed like at least 20.

Travis 15 years ago

I think these posts are great. After all, misery loves company, right? :)

MB 15 years ago

Jeff to the rescue...... LOL. Kids aren't behaving here at you site.... Joe....You probably a 1st year fresh out of college taking the CPA for the 1st time and don't know jack about being a professional.You and your cocky/arrogant attitude will not take you further in this profession... trust me on this. Please don't comment on anyone else comment if you don't like it. The last thing i want it someone like Joe Smo.... pissing me off..... while i am patiently waiting for my score... WTG... Rick.... i like that

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Score releases bring out the worst in people on here...it's like a full moon.

MB 15 years ago

LOL @ Jeff....

jsb 15 years ago

Joe, if you're in public accounting boy do I feel bad for your clients. Everyone who puts in the work deserves to pass AND vent the stress. Play nice.

dkenny 15 years ago

so if BEC is released today, does that mean that AUD will be tomorrow, REG the day after, and FAR the day after? I can't remember if there is a day in between the releases or not ALSO, if you go to NASBA's twitter, you will see when they are released, instead of continually refreshing your score pages.

kg 15 years ago

seriously Jeff i love u and all the work u do but can u please refrain from sending anymore tweets unless it's about the score release. my heart literally has jumped twice in the last minutes because of the tweets u sent that turned out not to be about the score release

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

If you guys haven't read my book...it's free when you try Club 75...get the book and cancel if you want...fine by me. Paid members who upgrade get a download of the Result Watch software, which will monitor NASBA.org and e-mail you your score...pretty cool. My study notes are also included. https://club75.another71.com/

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

kg - I will refrain :) Another option is the Club 75 30 day free trial...I will e-mail you info directly when anything happens...people like to be able to work and not mess with forums, blogs, or Twitter.

kg 15 years ago

thanks Jeff :). i really don't know how you stuck with it so many times. this is my 3rd part and im already so sick and tired of the whole process especially the waiting. how did you stand the waiting 15 times?

meng 15 years ago

got info from another site that wave 1 won't be released until next week.

Hussam 15 years ago

hi all thank you J. for the website, it keeps one up to date. does anyone know if AICPA has released the BEC scores to NASBA? Good luck for all CPA candidates

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Meng, I can relate ... I took REG April 2 and AUD May 3 ... and I take BEC May 29! I would really like to know how I am doing before going to take another section of the exam. Have you seen any other predictions about scores? I follow on twitter and none of the sites I follow have said anything about scores coming out any time soon. Frustrating ... Good luck in your studying for REG!!!

Kim 15 years ago

Same here! I am taking FAR on 5/27. I would really like to know just one score! Am I studying too much? Not enough? Am I getting 99s or 59s? If I got one of the new simulations and it will take even longer... I may jump out my window. It is good that I live on the first floor.

AE 15 years ago

Meng-I can relate when it comes to being anxious. I took FAR on April 30th and it is my last part so I am sitting here, NOT patiently waiting! Good luck! And to those who are taking REG; focus on corporate taxation as I felt that almost 60% of my exam was on that topic as well as "like kind exchanges." And when it comes to being worried about studying to much, I look at it like this- You would rather over study, get the part done with, and move on, than take it over again, because I compare it to a root canal! No one likes it! I ended up getting a 99 on REG, and everyone said I studied too much, and that maybe, but I would have rather gotten a 99 than a 74!

AE 15 years ago

Short-term sacrifice for a Long-term Gain!

Cesar 15 years ago

Two thumbs up for AE (99) and two thumbs up for Jeff. I bet all of the firms are after him but he is probably running his own firm in addition to this site. The CPA exam requires that we become professional machines and be able to professionally deal with all of life's vicissitudes including dealing with anxiety in all of its forms. I am more concerned over finding an alternate meeting of the minds, like this forum, once we all pass, some type of national CPA conglomerate site. (Florida)

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I have a direct connection with several people at NASBA and I personally know NASBA's Twitter person. No one credible is saying scores won't be out until next week. Their guess last Friday was that BEC wouldn't be released until Wednesday, which I didn't share because I thought that there was NO WAY that they would be delayed this long. Looks like their crystal ball is going to be right.

AE 15 years ago

Cesar-Thank you for the thumbs up; but more like thumbs up to the individuals who dedicate a large portion of their time to the CPA examination, as I believe it is one of the most respected Certifications out there; not to knock other certifications! And to Jeff- thank you for your dedication to this website and updating candidates on progress of both NASBA and the AICPA! It is much appreciated and hopefully we can see some of those scores soon because I know I am not the only one sitting in front of a computer screen constantly refreshing my browser to see if there are any updates.

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Jeff, If BEC doesn't come out until tomorrow (hopefully it comes out tomorrow!), when do you expect the other sections to be released at this point? Specifically, NASBA releasing Audit and Reg?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Best case scenario, one of them (AUD or REG) via NASBA Friday and one Monday. That's if everything is perfect, however.

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Jeff, Thanks for the constant updates :) The waiting game continues then...

Herlinid 15 years ago

It seems like there is a delay, they will release the score next week based on what I knew from someone who called NASBA.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

When people call NASBA, they speak to a customer service rep who isn't intimately involved with the score release process. Their standard answer is that scores will be released by the end of the month. I will e-mail NASBA right now and see what they say...their gut feeling last week was that it would be today, but I thought there was no way things would be delayed this long by the AICPA.

norm 15 years ago

It sure would be nice to get the BEC scores today :) Hang in there everyone!

StillAtItCPA 15 years ago

I sure hope that they will start releasing the scores soon. I'm taking BEC May 31st!! Jeff, I think I can speak on behalf of everyone. Thank you for getting the info for us. Any piece of news is better then no news.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

NASBA is "hoping" for BEC scores today. fyi...scores normally come out around 5:30pm Eastern from the AICPA.

Alex 15 years ago

Thankx Jeff.

herlinid 15 years ago

Jeff, Do you have any idea when they will release REG ? Thank you

MB 15 years ago

Thanks Jeff for the update. I will check back around 5:30...Now i can go back to the client and harras them for supports. LOL

duttyalacrity 15 years ago

I'm hoping AUD will be released this week. I took AUD April 9th... it feels like it's been forever

TR 15 years ago

Jeff - Correct me if Im wrong, but besides BEC being released 1st arent the other 3 tests released in any particular order. I am waiitng on FAR and I know last window FAR was released before REG, but the window before it was the opposite.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

BEC is always first (at least always has been), then it's a crapshoot between AUD and REG...then FAR. However, FAR has been second before and sometimes third. On average through, it will go BEC - AUD/REG - FAR

Sean 15 years ago

The wait for BEC is getting to me... I have no finger nails left! :-D

VS 15 years ago

Hey, In AUD i did not have time to write written communication in one of the testlet but overall i had done my Multiple and simmulations well do i stand a chance to get passing score.

warren 15 years ago

I just hope I passed BEC. I felt terrible leaving the exam. I also took REG on 5/8 I hope i get the results this this week. I could possibly have 3 test done and 1 to go.

Trevor 15 years ago

@Sean, I am with ya... It was my first test, very hard to study for the next I feel. Props to everyone out there who has passed and who WILL pass this exam. Someone posted earlier that they should have a deadline on when the scores will be released, I agree- we all have to work and test under deadlines/time limits...

OnMyWay75 15 years ago

VS - You do stand a chance. On one of my exams I was only able to put 3 words down in the second simulation. That was the only part of the second simulation I was able to even get to because time was running out. I received an 85 on the exam. Good Luck to you and the rest of those waiting on 75+ results!

Brian 15 years ago

I took BEC on April 4, still no score, took REG this past Monday and now studying for AUD that I hope to take in early July. I'll be sure to post when my scores are received. I feel okay about the BEC but REG really put me through the wringer.

Paul 15 years ago

I learned from Wave 1 in March that there is only one thing that is predictable about the score releases - They are unpredictable. So far this year, not one score release has had any common traits of those in the past. I'm waiting for both AUD & REG in wave 1. I have to retake FAR on 5/26 and this score release is screwing up my head!!! Lets go AICPA get the f****n lead out!!!!!!

Kate 15 years ago

How long does it take for the state boards to post scores after the AICPA has released them?

Elhamy 15 years ago

Somebody tell what does this means the following statement is on NASBA's twitter 10min. ago (The 1st wave typically begins late in 3rd week of May. All scores (Apr-May 2010) will be released by AICPA to NASBA by June 30th.) https://twitter.com/NASBA If this means we are not going to receive our scores for wave 1 not before June 30 this is simply UNFAIR

Paul 15 years ago

Elhamy - It seems pretty self explanatory that Wave 1 typically begins in the third week of May and that ALL scores (INCLUDING WAVE 1 & WAVE 2) will be released by June 30th. If this tweet confused you I'd hate to see how you handle actually fact patterns on the exam.

Alex 15 years ago

I believe they are trying to say 1st wave during this week, and 3nd wave be June 30. In way it is really disappointed and frustrated ,

Elhamy 15 years ago

Paul-thanks for the explanation what a genius guy you are.....i think if you read my comment carefully you will see that i have said (If this means we are not going to receive our scores for wave 1 not before June 30 this is simply UNFAIR) which means that i got their point but i was asking ironically about this fact....anyways thanks for your explanation again

Paul S. 15 years ago

I'd just like to point out there is more than one Paul in here. I posted @10:47 and thats it

Elhamy 15 years ago

paul s.- sorry, i didn't mean you i meant paul posted @19. May, 2010 at 11:17 am ....:)

AE 15 years ago

Kate- Are you an independent state? or a NASBA state? I am an IL candidate and it usually takes about 24 hours, sometimes less, for scores to be posted once released from the AICPA. However, as we all have seen, NOTHING is predictable. VS- Yes, you stand a chance for passing even though you did not finish the communication. Only one communication essay is graded, both simulations are graded, and the research questions are worth 7 points ( 3pts and 4pts for the 2 ?s). To make it better, communication questions are never hand graded unless your score falls between a 74 and 76, give or take. A grammar package grades it for spelling, grammar, and whether or not you stay on topic. Thats it! I wouldn't worry too much as I know a few individuals who didn't even start the second simulation on an exam and still passed!

AE 15 years ago

Whoops, let me clarify. One communication is graded, and the J/E's, fill in the blank, matching, forms, calculations, etc. are graded in both simulations as well as the research ?s! Sorry about that!

Cubicle Gangsta 15 years ago

Why is the AICPA still in the dark ages here? No twitter, nothing. WTF!?!?!? I'd love to see the policies they have in which it is required to torture candidates and not ever relase any details on score release. There really is no reason for it. My 2 yr old can tweet, why can't they? OK I'm done venting, back to my spreadsheets and waiting for 2 scores

need2pass 15 years ago

Jeff, Any idea when FARE results will be coming out? Next week sometime? 3/4 down with 2 expiring in July! Really stressing!

MB 15 years ago

LMAO @ Cubicle Gangsta.

JS 15 years ago

The wait is killing me!! Took FAR 4/15 and AUD 5/3. Have passed REG and BEC (86's). I can't concentrate on anything but my unknown scores...

AE 15 years ago

Cubicle Gangsta- I am in 100% agreement. Anyone up for a roadtrip to their office to possibly try and speed up the process? Maybe it just takes a little "motivation" on our part to get the process going

JS 15 years ago

@ AE I'm in!! I'll bring my FAR review materials to threaten them.

Brian 15 years ago

Apart from establishing accountancy as a profession distinguished by rigorous educational requirements, high professional standards, a strict code of professional ethics, a licensing status, and a commitment to serving the public interest. The secondary goal of the AICPA is to help make the DMV look like world class leaders in cycle time and process innovation.

AE 15 years ago

Rally up the troops! We're going! JS-which exam part are you waiting on? I'm waiting on FAR and it is my last part! UGH I can't be patient much longer! Jeff- I think you should sponsor, once a year, a meeting for all us cpa exam candidates, past candidates, etc, to meet and celebrate passing and then burn all of our review material in celebration! Ok maybe not the burning, but to celebrate!

JS 15 years ago

@AE, I'm waiting on scores for both FAR and AUD.

AE 15 years ago

What state? I'm IL!

JS 15 years ago


AE 15 years ago

Good luck and hopefully the AICPA stops dragging their feet and gets the ball rolling here....

cpainatlanta2010 15 years ago

Too funny Brian!!

Allyson 15 years ago

@Brian, Sooo funny!

Cubicle Gangsta 15 years ago

Hey AICPA - I'ma let you finish but the Bush/Kerry election had the best delay of results of ALL time - just sayin. Based on my experience I'm guessing that after AICPA gets their crap together and actually releases the scores and Nasba fondles all the scores for two whole days that BEC waiters will be getting their scores either late Friday at the earliest and the rest of us will be seeing the remainder of the scores by the 26th....thoughts? Like one of the Pauls said above, nothing this year has been at all near any of the predictions, AICPA is unpredictable. I think they just have a "mob" mentality and they will not succumb to the pressure of responding to members as do the rest of the consumer based organizations on Twitter. Thanks for the middle finger AICPA we love you too

Bryana 15 years ago

@AE If they only grade one communication unless you are close, why does Becker focus on the writing so much? Becker tells you that the written part is worth like 10% or something like that. Hmmmmm....

AE 15 years ago

@ Bryana - Every review program, regardless of Becker/Bisk/etc/ will always have you write communication essays, because, communication is worth 10% of the 30% for simulations and the topics that can be chosen are endless. Therefore, the more practice you get the better. And also, you have to be careful not to copy and paste directly from the Research standards, which some people do, because the standards are written in such a unique way, that when your communication is graded, you will actually lose points because you in essence, just copied and pasted the standards. In simulations, it is important that you do the Communication and Research first because they are together, worth around 17% of the simulations. So far, I am 3 for 3 passing the first time, and I can honestly say, I never once practiced an essay because I knew that you only had to stay on topic, write and spell well, and have clear organized thoughts, not necessarily the correct answer. I BS'd a communication ? on my REG exam, and I knew I was wrong, but I ended up with a 99.

AE 15 years ago

I'm sorry if that didn't help; let me know if I need to clarify more

Bryana 15 years ago

Thanks!!! That makes me feel better. I took FAR in March and I felt like the sims kicked my a** and were way harder than any of the ones that I mastered in the software! I think I did pretty well on the m/c, but I ran out of time to complete all of the tabs on the sims, but I made sure that I did both research and communication tabs so hopefull I will get some points there. So far the studying has gotten easier after FAR, but not gonna lie that sucked!

Stacy 15 years ago

@AE, How did you find out they reduce your points when you quote the standards? I don't really get why they would do that. I mean, if you were actually writing a memo to someone about why they should or shouldn't do such and such financially, you WOULD quote the standard. We reference them all the time at work when we're trying to justify a change in old or outdated financial procedures.

KIng 15 years ago

Hello: I read the becker material and they say research is only 1 point each. is it correct? Thanks

AE 15 years ago

@ Stacy - I am in COMPLETE agreement with you that when writing a memo to a client, you would in fact, use the standards as support to your position. However, the examiners look at it in such a way that, they want candidates to research and interpret the standards themselves and not just to copy and paste them. It's more of a game than anything, you play the examiners game by their goofy rules, and you will win. I don't agree with it, but I have to follow it.

texas 15 years ago

NASBA posted on twitter that 7706 BEC scores have been released.

TheOne 15 years ago

“All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope” Alexandre Dumas Père

AE 15 years ago

@ Texas- Thank you for the update!

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

So now the question will be "when will I see my scores???" The answer: CA/IL/VA will likely see them by tomorrow afternoon. NASBA people - tomorrow evening around 10:15pm is the earliest you will see them. -Jeff

norm 15 years ago

I live in IL, so it sure would be nice to know my BEC tommorow before bed!

Cubicle Gangsta 15 years ago

All righty then, here we go. My prediction is on target so far, I bet NASBA states starting seeing BEC by EOD Friday or Monday at the latest

cari 15 years ago

I guess now that BEC has been released my next question is how long before AUD?

Waiting for Reg - VP 15 years ago

And how long for Reg!! =( ...Waiting in CA

TheOne 15 years ago

And how long for FAR!!! waiting in Idaho, aka as the potato state

Linda 15 years ago

I just called the State Board and they said that scores for BEC were released to the States 30mins ago. He was not sure as to how long the delay would be for the states to get back to candidates, but States do have the first wave of scores for the BEC exam section. Didn't ask about the others, bcus BEC is my last one and I hate the wait. sorry

TR 15 years ago

Jeff - Do you have a prediction for FAR in IL?

MW 15 years ago

Jeff - Do you have a prediction for REG in VA?

herlinid 15 years ago

Seems like I should not expect to receive the REG score anytime this week :(

Bill 15 years ago

So I the states already have received BEC scores according to the earlier posts....is there ANY chance that they actually release those today, or just wait till tommorow/friday?

bill 15 years ago

Whoops, didn't see Jeff's post. He's saying there's no chance we see BEC till 10:15 thursday night I guess. Bahhhhh

Maggie 15 years ago

Waiting on FAR in AZ. Last exam I need to pass. I don't want to habe to take it again. By far the hardest exam for me.

Kevin 15 years ago

Jeff- I took Audit on May 8. Is there any chance of being in Wave 1 of scores?

norm 15 years ago

Kevin....do you feel lucky? Huh, do ya punk?

JS 15 years ago

For real why can't the AICPA get there act together and just release my scores!!

William 15 years ago

@JS One answer, money.

Rick 15 years ago

In CT waiting for BEC score...last part...3 for 3 so far..My AUD score disappeared a few hours ago, usually a promising sign that a new score is coming

Jay 15 years ago

Rick, Where did your scores disappear from? NASBA? AICPA?

CPA$ 15 years ago

BEC Scores are up in KY!!!! Granted that I am still waiting on AUD, but I figured I would let everyone know. I hope I can get my scores before the weekend

Waiting 15 years ago

VA is not up yet... but I have faith!

norm 15 years ago

Got an 85 on BEC!!! in IL.

dan 15 years ago

Congrats norm..... MA is not up yet either.

cari 15 years ago

Way to go, Norm!! Congrats from your fellow Illinoisan! I'm waiting on AUD. Hope they are quick to post AUD in IL.

Robbie 15 years ago

In case you didn't know, if BEC is your last part, you can go try to do a re-exam registration at nasba.org and if you've passed, it will tell you that you something like their records show that you have passed all parts of this exam. I just did it and it told me that. And if it isn't your last part, if you do the same thing, BEC should be grayed out to where you can't select it if you have passed it. Just be sure you're in Wave 1. Don't want anyone to think they have failed if they haven't.

Steve 15 years ago

Hi Everyone. I just wanted to say good luck to everyone trying to pass this exam. I sat for FAR (which is my last part) on 4/29 and ran out of time on the last simulation, so I left a few tabs completely blank. If I don't pass, I will lose BEC which is probably one of the most underestimated exams which is also reflected by its passing percentage as it is one of the lowest of the 4 parts. Congratulations to all those that have passed. For all of those that haven't, keep you head up and keep trying. Whatever you do, do not give up. It's a challenge and it is not suppose to be easy which will make the accomplishment that much sweeter. Like Jeff, I have sat for the exam many times. This is my 8th registristation for the Exam and I am hoping that it is finally done with. Good luck everyone!

mk 15 years ago

Jeff-Can you confirm what Robbie said above--I just tried to re-register and it said I have passed all 4. BEC was the last one that I was waiting on. Does this definitely mean I passed!?

Pat 15 years ago

Robbie, For what state did you try to do the re-exam registration? I tried but it didn't work. Let me know please!

Sean 15 years ago

No BEC in NY... YET!

OnMyWay75 15 years ago

Steve - I'm with you. Waiting on FAR to be done if not AUD is lost. Good Luck to you and the rest of the gang waiting on results.

Robbie 15 years ago

I did it for Georgia. If your state hasn't released the scores, then you should get the message that all parts are currently in process. Also, if your state hasn't released the scores, I believe BEC would still be grayed out, which wouldn't mean you passed or failed. Sorry, I should have thought of that before my last post. Good luck to everyone.

Shelly 15 years ago

I just tried to do the re-registration for MO and it said something to the extent of 'all exams are still pending.' I have AUD and REG done, and I am waiting on BEC, so I don't think that re-registering works for all states.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 15 years ago

BEC scores up in VA

chris 15 years ago

did someone here something from new hampshire?

Tami 15 years ago

Shelly - I am in MO and took BEC 4/2 and FAr 5/7 and I'm getting the same message (previously passed AUD and REG)

sq 15 years ago

no news on bec for FL :( Passed 3 parts waiting for bec. Re-registering dose not work for FL it allowed me to re-register for a part I already passed.

Jenilee 15 years ago

@Tami, I'm in MO too and the wait is driving me nuts!!! I can't focus at all (sorry clients) BEC was my first exam so I really have no idea how to feel about my next :(

KS 15 years ago

What is the Jurisdiction ID for New Hampshire?

Waiting 15 years ago

Va is up.... I didn't pass BEC :-(

Alex 15 years ago

I am taking it at MO, waiting for BEC and AUD , hopefully I will pass

Shelly 15 years ago

Waiting--Major suck!! I'm sorry to hear that. BEC was definitely the hardest to prepare for, I thought. Hang in there!! (a few martinis won't hurt either!!)

KS 15 years ago

Could you help me with the New Hampshire Jurisdiction ID?

Trevor 15 years ago

@KS, You should be able to use your SSN...

Trevor 15 years ago

Also no word from VT. Knowing our state we will be last to release... I hope that the re-registration does not work here either, tried it and I could register for BEC (was my first exam).

chris 15 years ago

cannot re-register for BEC. But my score for REG from the first testing window (Jan/Feb) is still shown in the system. So doubt that the theory is working for New Hampshire....

KS 15 years ago

Thanks Trevor. I am not form the States, I don't have a SSN.

KS 15 years ago

@Chris What is the Jurisdiction ID for NH?

chris 15 years ago

@ ks 525026

KS 15 years ago

Thanks. I am waiting on AUD. Taken 4/30.

Trevor 15 years ago

@KS sorry, Good Luck on AUD. I take it on monday... sooo not ready

Eduardo 15 years ago

Hello all. I took AUD 04/04 No news yet from NASBA? Anyone know if the flood is affecting the release date? Thanks GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

No News 15 years ago

What is up with Florida??? No scores here yet!!!!

Bill 15 years ago

So...I'm a bit confused here. I thought NASBA always (or most always) released after 9pm at night, but people are getting scores this morning? Could that mean they are speeding things up a bit?

KS 15 years ago

I passed FAR (79), Taken in January 2010. Passed AUD (77) in 2007. So i did a resit April 2010. So i am waiting.

RG 15 years ago

Any updates on when Reg is going to be released? The freakin' waiting is almost worse than seeing a failing grade on that damm NASBA website!

alex 15 years ago

Bill : These are not NASBA states, they release their scores earlier than NASBA, for me I am waiting for NASBA :(

Brian 15 years ago

The waiting didn't bother me until I took a 2nd part and I'm now studying for a 3rd part, yet I still don't know if I even passed the very first part. Hard to measure the effectiveness of your study routines if you have no results to base them on.

Info 15 years ago

If it's your first time taking the exam in order to re-register for the exam on-line you need to wait 6 weeks, however, you can call NASBA and purchase the NTS that way.

LA 15 years ago

Passed BEC with 83 points. The score must have been released late last night...or so I thought... Reporting live from Suburb Los Angeles.

CT 15 years ago

any guesses as to when CT scores will be released?

LA 15 years ago

@LA What was your strategy for BEC. I have take this section several times, 45, 69,74,69. What are your thoughts?

Steve 15 years ago

Good luck to you as well ON My Way 75 and good luck to everyone as well.

Nicole S. 15 years ago

Sooo I got a 72 on BEC...this was my first time taking it. Could anyone tell me what my next step is? I would like to take BEC again before I take another section since everything is fresh. Do I have to do a full re-application? Thanks!!

Tracy 15 years ago

I got my BEC score this morning - from ILL. I passed using Becker right after busy season. I just studied for 3 days straight. took all the questions in the book (Didn;t do any supplemental questions - I believe the book questions tests you on everything). Got an 80. The CPA does not need to be so time consuming. I have had much better luck cramming (but REALLY studying, I mean 10 hours a day) vs doing an hour every day. i've done this approach with each and passed all 4. Only robbed me of 15 days of my life!

katiej 15 years ago

OK is posted!

AE 15 years ago

@ Steve - I admire your perseverance for sticking with the exam. Good for you! If it were easy, everyone would be a CPA! Keep up the hard work and it will pay off; there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Eduardo 15 years ago

LA: I used BECKER (did all the problems twice, including supplemental) got 88 first attempt. Read all the material ONLY once. Hope this helps.

Renee 15 years ago

Anyone have any idea when Reg will be released?

AE 15 years ago

Waiting on FAR!! IL Candidate; wouldn't it be nice if they released it next instead of the usual last! Wishful thinking! Wonder what the next exam to be released is?

Mike 15 years ago

Still no BEC in Florida...

Charlie want cookie 15 years ago

Any word on PA scores for BEC?

NH 15 years ago

when will the BEC scores for New Hampshire be posted??

Amber 15 years ago

Any word for GA, BEC scores.

LizP 15 years ago

I got my score for BEC in IL!! 77!!! I didn't want to be too much of an overachiever! :) This was my first one I took, and now I've got FAR on Tuesday. Praying hard!!! Congrats & Good luck to everyone out there!

JohnVB 15 years ago

Still waiting for BEC in NJ! I definitely should've been in the first wave, but maybe I got pushed to the second wave :|

MB 15 years ago

@Tracy. Congrats You must be really good in cramming.... I studied about a week, probably 3 hrs a day, and failed the BEC by 69.

MB 15 years ago

Correction .... Failed by 6.

Anna 15 years ago

Amber- I am waiting on AUD in Georgia. I haven't talked to anyone else with Georgia results either. Hang in there!

Amber 15 years ago

Thanks Anna Good luck!!

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Update: NASBA is working on loading scores right now...BEC expected tonight.

mike 15 years ago

Does anyone know when the nasba states are published?

mike 15 years ago

ah ok.... great. thanks to Jeff

Jenilee 15 years ago

so if NASBA hasn't posted yet then why do some people have their scores? are they done state by state? "patiently" waiting in Missouri(misery)

v 15 years ago

Jeff, DO you have any info on when AUD will be released?

mike 15 years ago

just got my score via email.... 75... its enough and fine considering the little time i invested... good luck for everyone... hope u do not have to wait much longer...

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

No info on any scores other than BEC so far... Jenilee - the video in this post might shed some light on the score release process.

mk 15 years ago

Jeff-Can you confirm what Robbie said above (regarding putting in a "re-register" for your NTS) –I just tried to re-register and it said I have passed all 4. BEC was the last one that I was waiting on. Does this definitely mean I passed!?

mk 15 years ago

Also-from PA and passed my first one last July

cs 15 years ago

Any word on AZ BEC?

@ MK 15 years ago

@ MK check out the "sticky" thread in the forums... It looks like he is right. So Congrats!

lkay08 15 years ago

I've passed all 3 sections except for FAR - got a 73 first time around. Is Texas usually one of the last states to release scores?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

It appears that the Loophole works...

hussam 15 years ago

No BEC for COLORADO yet, the FAR is after few days and all i am thinking about is the BEC score !!!!

Loophole 15 years ago

OK I am curious about this loophole as well as a general re-registration. I have taken one exam, and signed up for the next, but called to get the NTS (did not do it online) where can I do this online? is it the "re-exam registration" button on the NASBA site? from there I can click "Apply Now" does this sound like the right spot?

TonyD 15 years ago

Washington State is in, BEC 89!

Chicago 15 years ago

The loophole does not work for IL as we do not have the option to re-register for the exam on the NASBA site. Waiting on my final section - REG.

Tulsa 15 years ago

Chicago - I Feel your pain. Exact same situation here in OK. Come on REG.

Erica 15 years ago

I am REALLY hoping there are other intricacies to this "loophole" thing, as I am waiting on an AUD score and the auditing section is *not* greyed out for me in the re-registration area of NASBA. So possibly having your section greyed out does mean something? If AICPA hasn't yet released AUD scores, they shouldn't know yet if I passed or not. Can someone else from a NASBA state (preferably MN, for best comparability) in either REG, FAR or AUD check to see if the section they are waiting on is available for re-registration or not? We know with relative certainty that if it tells you that you've passed, you've passed, right? But do we know if having it available means you didn't pass? Or could it also mean they just haven't received your score?

Blue 15 years ago

So...if you do the Re-Exam Registration and if the Credit Card Info Screen pops up then it means you've failed that section? Please, please say it isn't so.

Jenilee 15 years ago

TonyD (or anyone) is Washington a NASBA state??? Does that mean NASBA is happening before 9pm??? -anxious in Missouri(misery)

Leah 15 years ago

Erica - I'm not going to be a lot of help because I am waiting on the BEC section...but I am from MN and am still waiting to see my score...my box is not grey so if that means I failed bummer

jw 15 years ago

Jennie-O, WA is indeed a NASBA state. And where is my REG score???

So 15 years ago

@Erica I'm waiting on a first wave AUD score in KS. Trying to re-register worked, and asked for my credit card info. So either, it will not work for other sections b/c they are not scored, or we both failed. ?? Anyone else with us?

JH 15 years ago

no Texas BEC scores yet....please update if TX gets the scores !!!!

AE 15 years ago

Come on FAR scores!!!!!

Erica 15 years ago

Before anyone gets excited and thinks they didn't pass, there are a few possibilities here: 1. It may not work for MN or certain states 2. It probably doesn't work if the score wasn't received.... Leah, this may mean you were 2nd wave or that there is another round of BEC scores yet to be released. Based on me and SO both being able to access re-registration, my guess is that you can re-register as long as they don't have a passing score in the system yet. Could someone on here who hasn't yet taken their 2nd section for the window enter re-registration and see if they can access? That would enable us to say with more certainty that having it available is related to not having a score, rather than not passing. It would be very interesting to narrow down who it does/doesn't work for and compare to scores afterwards for the benefit of future masses (and ME, since I have more sections left, LOL).

John 15 years ago

@ erica - scores need to be released to NASBA from the AICPA before the 'loophole' will work

Leah 15 years ago

I will take REG on 5/26 and it is not available for me to reschedule (I took BEC on 4/6 so unfortunately I would assume I'd be wave 1)...Maybe we would want someone to check who already took their test but is definitely in wave 2? Then maybe it becomes available after the date of your test and not necessarily related to a score at all?

whyspeculate 15 years ago

Why speculate? Even if you "think" it works, you still wont really feel that great, until you know for certain, which is when the scores get posted anyways. Speculation is like ASSuming.

Leah 15 years ago

Because speculating passes the time :)

whyspeculate 15 years ago

@ Leah True to an extent, but it also contributes to that anxiety like several posters above have exhibited. For instance, when it doesn't "work" you kind of panic and worry you failed.

Erica 15 years ago

Leah- EXACTLY!!! :) Plus, whyspeculate, I'm a chronic over-analyzer. So problems like this can potentially provide me with *hours* of anal retentive enjoyment. How could I possibly pass that up?!?

TN 15 years ago

I took BEC on 4/4 and Reg on 5/17 and when I go to re register, both are greyed out. I think this means if you have a valid nts and they haven't received pass/fail scores you can't sign up again.

Erica 15 years ago

Good catch, TN! I do not currently have a valid NTS, as I took my section on the last day it was available to be taken. And mine is available to re-register. So I think the NTS thing is probably right. So now we're back to having it greyed out (or not) potentially means nothing, and it only works for sure if it says you've passed all sections. *shrug*

Susana 15 years ago

I am in TX and it usually takes 2 days after the AICPA release for TX to update it on the website. They only upload it once and it is usually in the morning so if you have not received anything by now don't go crazy just wait until tomorrow morning. If nothing is posted tomorrow morning it will probably be monday. This is based on past trends and it has worked for me. Hope this helps!

So 15 years ago

Maybe every state is just different because I have a valid NTS, and mine was available. My BEC was there too, and I'm not testing until next week. I guess the chance of knowing is too good not to try to find out - because even a fail would relieve some of the pressure.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

The Club 75 Chat Room will be open tonight for BEC's score release. Admission is free :) Just sign up for the 30 Day Trial and you're in. https://club75.another71.com/

Amber 15 years ago

Holy cow if this loophole things is true I failed. God please give me a passing score, I need a miracle.

AT 15 years ago

Amber. did you test for BEC? and can we test the loophole for REG?

Amber 15 years ago

I took Bec, which is not greyed I dont know if it works. Jeff said it does not sure if its good for reg.

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Jeff, Now that BEC is out, have you heard what section of the exam will be released next?

Cesar 15 years ago

No NASBA state BEC results yet? 30 minutes left? Is 10:00 pm the magic time? Oh yeah baby !

Travis 15 years ago

Still waiting in Utah...checking about every 5 seconds.

hussam 15 years ago

no bec for colorado yet :(

Cesar 15 years ago

Utah Travis......that is 10:00 p.m. Eastern so for you it would be 8:00 p.m.

Cesar 15 years ago

Am I the only one awake in FL?

PennStater 15 years ago

Finding it hard to study for Reg on Monday when waiting on my BEC grade. Hoping to get a passing grade to motivate me to continue.. Maybe tonight?? (NY)

Mr. Cooper (MA) 15 years ago

Jeff, do you have any updated information on the release of the AUD scores? When is AICPA due to release scores to Massachusettes?

mk 15 years ago

what time are the scores supposed to be posted? tongiht at 10? (PA)

levi 15 years ago

still no BEC ny JUST CHECKED WTF IS GOING ON anyone get BEC

Bill 15 years ago

This is really BS that Massachusetts is still waiting on BEC. Has anyone in Mass go BEC yet??

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I have no info on the next release, unfortunately.

chan 15 years ago

anything for SC?

m 15 years ago

what time does BEC come out though tonight... is it definitely supposed to?


Hey jeff first thank you for all your great work......Im in NY and still no BEC if i understand correctly you said today the nasba should have the scores up whats going on ?????

Trevor 15 years ago

Check now I hear NY is out

ben 15 years ago

Hey trevor Im in NY and just checked still nothing for NY BEC im loosing my mind

Mike 15 years ago

Anyone else in FL get BEC yet? Starting to wonder if I'm in the second wave. . .

nonews 15 years ago

What's going on with FL. The wait is driving me crazy.

nonews 15 years ago

Took BEC on 4/5 I am sure I am in the first wave, but no scores yet. Last exam so I think I am putting a lot of pressure to find out NOW!!!

Alex 15 years ago

there is nothing .... having a headache .... feeling really bad .... I just wait all day today ... I checked NASBA web site thousands times ... even if found out I passed I will enjoy it ....

Trevor 15 years ago

@Ben, it was someone from the BEC forum that said it... after that someone had posted no NY scores... then Jeff said if you did not get a score u may be in wave 2 which is released with AUD/REG. I'm in VT and losing my mind too, still nothing here.

Jenilee 15 years ago

Missouri is UP!!!! 77!!!! wahoo!!! good luck everyone!

mm 15 years ago

you're not necessarily in wave 2...because i still havent received my score online (PA, took BEC 4/5). I called NASBA today and they said my score has been released...so i'm assuming that means i'm in wave 1 but yet my scores still not up....

ben 15 years ago

@trevor thanks for responding....i took the BEC exam on april 30 though ......

Trevor 15 years ago

@Ben and mm, ok so there is still hope lol... i think the submit button is starting to wear out on the screen...

h 15 years ago

the scores for bec for colorado appeared good luck

Alex 15 years ago

lol @ Trevor thanks man for making me smile

J 15 years ago

Hi MA scores at out just checked mine.

Travis 15 years ago

STILL waiting in Utah...do they release them alphabetically by State or something?

Trevor 15 years ago

@Travis, man if thats the case we have a ways to go (a Vermonter...) I doubt it though some people from GA have not gotten theirs yet from what I understand

Josh 15 years ago

NY BEC is up.

mm 15 years ago

this might be alphabetical...PA still is not in...

Leah 15 years ago

not alphabetical...i'm still waiting in mn

Kim 15 years ago

Kansas BEC score is available. Got a 79 - whew! I think Kansas is a NASBA state. I took the exam on April Fool's Day - April 1st. Since I hate econ, thought it was appropriate.

Travis 15 years ago

@Trevor, Good thing I've got all night! Trying to study for REG while waiting, but it just isn't happening for me.

5 15 years ago

Waiting on BEC for TN..

Trevor 15 years ago

@Travis, haha same situation here, except im "studying" for AUD. I have not put in the time on this exam... This is not helping.

JKL 15 years ago

@Travis, I'm studying for REG while waiting too! Good luck to you...no news yet in Indiana

JKL 15 years ago

I lied...IN scores just up! 83 for BEC :) :) :)

Alex 15 years ago

still waiting MT

Trevor 15 years ago

VT is up... 73 GOD DAMNIT!!!

Amber 15 years ago

crap a 65 :(

Joel 15 years ago

UTah is up. 83!!

mm 15 years ago

anyone hear from PA?

geez 15 years ago

Still waiting BEC in TN. Nell Carter just called Nasba and said, Gimme a Break.

Travis 15 years ago

Sorry Trevor...I still have not seen mine...maybe I'm in Wave 2 :( Took it on April 29, so was hoping for Wave 1

Rich 15 years ago

Anyone know about IN - REG?

DBell 15 years ago

Waiting for BEC in TN....sure hope I am not in wave 2...do not think I can handle the wait. Trying to study for REG...really hard to move on to the next part!!

Bill 15 years ago

Well, don't I feel stupid. MA has been up awhile; the script on Internet Explorer was royally ****** and as a result I wasn't able to see my score. 81. The whiskey tastes mighty fine tonight.

jack 15 years ago

because bec was released tonight does that mean reg is pushed off a day

Travis 15 years ago

@DBell, When did you take it?

PennStater 15 years ago

Passed BEC. Half way there. Thank CPA god.

jack 15 years ago

april 30

Travis 15 years ago

86! Good luck to everyone still waiting.

DBell 15 years ago

@Travis...took it April 13th

SC 15 years ago

@Travis. Were you checking on the NASBA website?

COME ON TN 15 years ago

Anyone have BEC score in TN? What the heck????

Cesar 15 years ago

Studying for AUD while waiting for REG, but I don't think we will know about REG until tomorrow. If AICPA releases, then we might be looking at late Monday, fingers crossed that REG is released before any other part. This is the time for BEC people to either celebrate or re-register. Just do it !

Brian 15 years ago

still no wave 1 BEC in TN. Considering how crappy this is, I say we all band together and join our state cpa societies BUT refuse to join the AICPA, this is insane, how do they get ANYTHING accomplished.

AE 15 years ago

Come on FAR...anytime now! Wishful thinking that it will be released next! But the anticipation is killing me

Mike 15 years ago

BEC for Florida is up! 88 for me :)

Brian 15 years ago

I took BEC on 5/1 in MA, and the score is up. So I hope all those who took the exam in April get their scores too.

Shelly 15 years ago

Hey Jenilee--I think that I know you...are you in KC? Congrats on BEC!! I passed too!! :)

Travis 15 years ago

@SC, yes, I was checking the NASBA website.

Amy 15 years ago

Are they still releasing more scores tonight this late? Waiting on BEC in TN....

mm 15 years ago


Brian 15 years ago

Wasssuup? Aww nothing, just chillin, waiting for my BEC score release, watching Tough Love Couples, whats up wit you?

cari 15 years ago

I took AUD on 4/2, and the suspense is killing me. I finally got back to studying after two days of nothing but following tweets and forum comments. I can't waste any more time. This is my first time. I am already not a fan of this antiquated, completely moronic scoring/score release process!

So 15 years ago

Is anyone else "rewarding" themselves after each answered question on their study software by checking the NASBA site? I always knew I would do great things. . .

Jenilee 15 years ago

Shelly! Thanks I'm so relieved!!! Congrats to you too!!! Matt just told me you passed too, small world! (but a happy one!)

Amy 15 years ago

No I'm 'rewarding' myself with some alcohol...

ga 15 years ago

where is ga?! has anyone gotten bec from ga? still waiting...

never_ending 15 years ago

These scores seem to be taking longer than usual..

B 15 years ago

PA BEC is released. 80!!!!!!!!!! I think that loophole thing works. I couldn't sign up earlier for BEC it was greyed out. Maybe just coincidence.

Eunice 15 years ago

I took BEC on 5/7 (VT) seems like VT scores have been released, but I am still having the error message. Does this mean I have to wait until June? This is my last part. I am pulling my hair out ... waiting!! Please Help me.

Lindsay 15 years ago

any update when AUD will be released??

dbell 15 years ago

Has anyone got their BEC scores for the state of TN??

Brian 15 years ago

@dbell, I haven't, I took BEC on 4/4. What time of day would they typically be posted?

ga 15 years ago

So apparently GA is up. I am still getting the error message though. Does this mean I am wave 2?

Andrew 15 years ago

Does anyone have an idea of when FAR scores are getting released? Waiting on my last score and I may go crazy.

Anna 15 years ago

@ga- So BEC scores are up in GA? I'm waiting on AUD and trying to study for FAR and work what a joke!

Waiting 15 years ago

@Anna.... lmbo.. same here! Waiting on AUD, got disappointed yesterday with BEC and studying for FAR AND WORKING a new job! What am I to do?!?

dbell 15 years ago

@Brian....I thought they would have been posted by last night. Maybe they will post sometime today.

Liz 15 years ago

@GA and Anna- So, GA BEC is out? Anyone know about GA FAR? Took Far for third time May 7 and studying for Aud/last part (hopefully) and taking it May 28. Need to know i passed FAR! BEC expires 7/31!

KS 15 years ago

Guys, Have you tried the loophole? I am waiting on AUD. When I tried to re-register with NASBA, AUD and FAR (79 -2/10) was grayed out, as in, i was prohibited for re-registering for these two sections.

liz 15 years ago

What is this loophold everyone is talking about?

So 15 years ago

@KS What state are you in?

Amy 15 years ago

Jeff- Do scores for TN only come out at night? Still waiting on BEC...

BB 15 years ago

@KS Does the loop hole only work for NASBA states? Va has their own website so assuming it doesnt work there.

Mike 15 years ago

BTW, I do not believe the loophole works. I tried to re-register for BEC before my grades were released and it was not grayed out and I was able to access the CC screen - I got a little freaked out, only to find out later that I passed. Moral of the story? It not being grayed out at any point before your scores are released probably means absolutely nothing. I cant speak for if it is grayed out, but there's no need to panic if its not.

SCC 15 years ago

@Mike - What state r u in? Does the loophole work for NY - anyone know>

crossing fingers MN 15 years ago

I don't think the loophole works if you still have more tests to take on this NTS... I tried, and got a message saying that all sections of the exam are currently in progress. The good news though... my AUD score disappeared... so this means other scores are coming, right?? I'm waiting on REG. Come on REG!

KS 15 years ago

Its the NASBA website. Go to Re-registration and try to re-register for the sections. It was discussed on this forum that if the site does not allow you to re-register for a section then there is a possibility that you might have passed such sections. However, I must say that Jeff has no confirmation of this, and i dont know if it really works. I my situation I passed FAR in January 2010, and took AUD in April. So I am waiting for AUD. On this basis, when I tried to re-register, both FAR (passed) and AUD (waiting) was grayed (not able to re-register for these section).

RG 15 years ago

BEC in TN is still not out. Took mine 4/2 so it's been a long 7 weeks. Seems like it was just yesterday. REG is in a week.

dbell 15 years ago

I tried to re-register for BEC which is the score I am waiting on (NASBA-TN) and it is grayed out. REG is also grayed out and it is because I have a pending NTS/Test to take. It is possible that it is grayed out because you are registered to take exam.

SCC 15 years ago

hmm interesting - i have one nts per exam and i was able to get to the CC screen - which means i either failed AUD (took April 25th) or am in wave two...yikes!

Mike 15 years ago

@SCC I'm in Florida Also, to add to my previous comment, I do not currently have any active NTS, which might have something to do with it not working for me.

RR 15 years ago

Have any scores been posted in NJ? I am waiting for FAR.

Ash 15 years ago

For those of you not expecting a BEC score this wave and expecting another exam score, has anyone tried viewing their previous scores? If they are nto available can you tell me what test you are expecting to see come out in this wave? Waiting for REG and AUD. My previous disappeared so I think one of the two have come in and the loop hole doesnt allow me to re-register.

Amy 15 years ago

I am currently waiting on BEC. I have REG and FAR scheduled, but they are on a separate NTS and I have passed audit. When I try to reschedule for a part it says 'all parts of the exam are currently in process'. Is that a good sign or does it not mean anything? Still waiting in TN...

Melanie 15 years ago

I took BEC on 4/2 and my score was posted today. I live in Louisiana. I finally passed!

Ashley 15 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in Alabama. Last part... Still crossing my fingers that I am done!

Amy 15 years ago

Melanie- Is Louisiana a NASBA state? If so, the released the score this morning and not last night? I'm just trying to save myself the trouble of checking all day if it's not going to be posted until tonight!

Emily 15 years ago

Jeff - Now that BEC has been released, when should we expect to see the other sections?? Has anyone heard anything?

numbercruncher 15 years ago

Passed BEC with an 82!!! I took it on 4/2 and received my score sometime between 6PM and 10PM CST last night (5/20).

Jay 15 years ago

Has anyone received ANY sort of score in Arizona? Took REG on April 6th... I can't wait to let the AICPA know what I think of their process....after I pass so they can't flag me as a hell-raiser!

numbercruncher 15 years ago

oh yeah...I'm in Alabama!

Will 15 years ago

@Amy, I am in Utah and I'm getting the same message while trying to re-register...I took REG April 24th. @Jay, I totally agree and plan on doing the same thing.

IL 15 years ago

@ Amy - My suggestion for those attempting to try this loophole, I wouldn't get too upset with not having a section either grey out, not show up, let you register, etc. because different people are getting different results and an individual earlier said it looked as if they failed bc they didn't get a certain result but they actually passed. I think it might just cause even more stress and worrying that may not be necessary. The system is constantly updating so it is very hard to determine whether or not you passed throgh a loophole.

MN 15 years ago

BEC 85. One more to go (AUD).

KV 15 years ago

Does anyone know if Reg scores were released to NASBA yet?? apparently the loophole only works once aicpa releases the scores to NASBA ...

Andrew 15 years ago

Any word on South Carolina FAR scores?

Just thinkin in TN 15 years ago

Maybe the scores are being delayed because everyone keeps going to the re-exam screen to check this loophole thing out. It doesn't work so don't do it.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Nothing is delayed on NASBA's end...it's the AICPA that is delayed.

Mr. Cooper 15 years ago

Has anyone received a score other than BEC?

Andy 15 years ago

73 on BEC for the second straight time. Any sugguestions?? I have the Yaeger CRAM, watched in both times and have the same score. Really getting annoyed.

OnMyWay75 15 years ago

@ John - I've used Becker for all my sections and I'm waiting on my last score for FAR. I don't learn well be reading/lecture. I have to do questions to understand the principles/concepts. I did all the questions and when I got one wrong or did not understand the concept I marked the question within Becker. I kept doing the marked questions over and over again until the concepts stuck in my head. Hope this helps you. Good luck to everyone waiting on passing scores!

OnMyWay75 15 years ago

* I meant @Andy

Jenna 15 years ago

BEC scores out today!! Just found out I passed...hope the same for you!

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Andy - did you work all of the Yaeger-assigned Wiley questions?

Will 15 years ago

@Andy, I got a 74 on my first try on BEC, so I know it sucks, second time I got a 82 and I didn't use Yaegar. Jeff may delete this post, but I used Gleim and did tons of MCQ's. Good luck, you will get it.

Becker 15 years ago

There is a reason why Becker is known as the best resource to use while preparing for any section of the cpa exam. I have passed my first 3 sections easily and am waiting for my REG score. Do all MC ?'s including supplemental and you should be fine

bakagal 15 years ago

Used only becker for BEC in Feb and passed with a 92. Is anyone else going absolutely nuts with impatience waiting for REG? I take AUD next week and I MUST know how I did on REG before I sit for the test!

Ash 15 years ago

@bakagal Yes, Im going CRAZY. Waiting for REG and AUD. Hopefully I passed and will be DONE!! Do you know if your BEC score is still up? That may help me narrow down which score is coming out next as they tend to take down your old score when there is a new score coming in.

Dirty 15 years ago

My strategy so far has consisted of reading the notecards the night before, identifying areas I am not confident about (flip those notecards a different direction, like horizontal vs vertical) then read through all the flagged cards one more time. Oh, and it helps if you remember the material from when you learned it during school. BEC 86 FAR 76 REG 76 AUD *hurry up AICPA*

bakagal 15 years ago

@Ash- I'm from an independent state so I don't think it would help you, but I don't think my state removes old scores....because I can still see my BEC score.

bakagal 15 years ago

Here's what my score page says on top: The following examination scores are available for your review. Please print a copy of the score and diagnostic evaluation report for your records. and then there's a table and my BEC score is right on top with nothing below

Katrina (for Jeff) 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, do you know if scores ever get posted on the weekend? In other words, if I am waiting on AUD and REG and they are not out by this Friday close of business, is it unlikely that they will post over the weekend? Also, do you know which exam is expected to be released next (i.e. AUD or REG)? Thanks! <3

JS 15 years ago

@Andy, I also used Gleim for BEC and finally passed a 3rd time taking it. Do all MC's.

Amy 15 years ago

Anyone in TN call NASBA and ask when the heck they are releasing BEC scores?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I have never seen it...enjoy your weekend away from the computer. Another option is the result watch software that you get as a member of Club 75. It will e-mail your score to you. No need to check NASBA.

Rachel 15 years ago

I just called NASBA and TN BEC scores should be released at 7:00 pm CST. They said that there is always a few stragglers that could be posted next week, otherwise you are in Wave 2.

Brittani 15 years ago

Jeff, Do you know if I took my AUD test May 11th, will it be released in the second wave?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Yes - Wave 2 is very likely.

Andrew 15 years ago

Is AICPA seriously only going to release BEC this week which is a computerized exam to begin with.... This is completely unacceptable and utterly ridiculous.

JR 15 years ago

Andy, I dont know how different Yaeger is from Becker, but what worked for me was memorizing the flashcards as a framework off which to build until they're second nature and doing practice problems 5-10 times. I made notes on thousands of practice problems in a spreadsheet and tape recorded them for easier review. This is coming from a C+ accounting student. AUD-89 BEC-85 FAR-82 (couldnt sleep the night before) REG-

bakagal 15 years ago

Jeff, Can you tell us anything, ANYTHING at all? Going stark crazy here :P

bakagal 15 years ago

nevermind, nasba just twittered that AUD was released..BOO, waiting for REG!

Andrew 15 years ago

Auditing released!!!!!!!!!

dbell 15 years ago

@Rachel....Thanks for calling NASBA and updating us!

Kimberly 15 years ago

NASBA tweeted that the 5577 AUD scores are released. What does the 5577 mean?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

They released 5,577 AUD scores...

Andrew 15 years ago

do they release scores during the weekend?

AT 15 years ago

Jeff: Is it that REG will be posted next week becuase weekend not counts?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Yeah - no release over the weekends by the AICPA typically.

SCC 15 years ago

Jeff - Will NASBA update today to tomorrow? DO we have a chance to get our AUD score by tonight or tomm (NY)

Erica 15 years ago

Andrew- I believe someone posted in the last couple days that once NASBA has the scores from the AICPA, the process is automated, and therefore can be posted on weekends. I can't guarantee this is accurate, but I did read that somewhere in the past few days.

Erica 15 years ago

Scratch that last post.... This just posted by NASBA via Twitter: Takes 24-48 hours but key phrase---> Biz Days. RT @flat_six: @NASBA What are the chances of AUD scores being rolled out tomorrow night!?!?!

alyssa 15 years ago

I talked to the ILBOE and they said that once the scores are released to them from the AICPA the tech department keeps working so scores keep being release. Meaning if you in IL, you should have your scores tomorrow morning! Unfortunately for me I am waiting to hear on REG and FAR...looks like the wait continues into next week. Just wish I could found out atleast one score to keep me motivated for the weekend. Sitting AUD next thurs and I cannot focus for the life of me...

alyssa75 15 years ago

Thanks for that update on Illinois! That is my state and I am waiting for AUD (took 4/21) as well as REG (4/7). I was hoping to get REG since that is the one I have been really sweating, but will of course settle for AUD no problem :-)

Rachel 15 years ago

@Dbell- No problem! I just couldn't keep checking my score every 5 seconds. It has really been killing my productivity studying for REG that I'm taking next week!

Massachusetts 15 years ago

Any update on Massachusetts? Did people receive BEC scores? Anyone get AUD which I am assuming is next.........

Mass 15 years ago

Waiting for Audit in Mass as well.. I keep checking

LA@CA 15 years ago

i'm going crazy here, took both FAR and AUD in the same week, if i pass, i'll be done, if not, i'll have to start all over again because the passed ones expired in may.........hurry up! AICPA!

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I got an e-mail from NASBA just now... There is NO chance of an AUD release this weekend...their IT dept. is doing a system update.

F you NASBA 15 years ago

Honestly...that is very inconsiderate on NASBA's part. Being as inimately involved as they are, they should know how much people are relying on this. They should really revamp their score release process where they set a concrete date in which they will release scores. I guess the problem is systematic as it stems from AICPA (NASBA's release is contingent upon AICPA's release).

AE 15 years ago

@Alyssa - I am waiting on FAR for Illinois as well. Looks like next week! The nice thing is, Illinois is really good about getting scores updated and released quickly. Turn around has been less than 24 hours which is great! Good luck!

Going Nutty... 15 years ago

Jeff - I'm waiting on FAR in Texas. Obviously the 24th release won't happen...when do you anticipate FAR being released in Tejas?! I need to know my last score!!!!!

Rachel 15 years ago

@dbell: Did you get your BEC score for TN? I didn't and it's past 7 oclock like NASBA said? WTF? I read a tweet from NASBA today that made it sounds like TN states are not posting any wave 1 scores...is this true?

Rachel 15 years ago

Jeff- Is it true that Tennessee will not be releasing any Wave 1 scores? I saw where NASBA tweeted something to that effect. I called NASBA today and they said that BEC for TN would be released at 7 pm CST and I didn't get my score. I took my exam April 1st...

DBell 15 years ago

@Rachel...I did not get my BEC score either (TN). If we are not going to receive our scores, it may mean our exam was a new exam. If that is the case, we will not receive our scores till wave 2. Really no way of knowing.

Rachel 15 years ago

@dbell..I took BEC April 1st..when did you take it?

DBell 15 years ago

@Rachel..I took BEC April 13th

Paying Customer 15 years ago

Seriously, NASBA? An IT upgrade? What planning genius decided to schedule an IT upgrade during a time when they could reliably PLAN on needing the IT system to provide CORE service to THOUSANDS of customers????!?!?!?! Typical monopolistic thinking... "They only have one provider, what are they going to do about it?" That's just plain poor customer service. I'm so glad I'm paying them a thousand dollars for this "privilege."

Brian 15 years ago

@dbell and Rachel, I took BEC on 4/5 and I still have no score either. I think the "new test, wave 2 release concept" only applies to tests that have a simulation. BEC should always be released in its corresponding wave.

Brian 15 years ago

(in TN)

So 15 years ago

@paying cust I know right?! I was thinking the same thing. I was sure this time that my score from one section would NOT be released on the day of my second. Wrong. The makers of Xanax thank you for your support, NASBA!

Rachel 15 years ago

@Brian- I'm afraid to say that I heard that TN will no longer be releasing wave 1 scores and they will all be released at the end of the entire window. I really hope this isn't true.

alyssa 15 years ago

@AE-I know we are lucky IL is so quick to release...now if we could only work on getting the AICPA to be a little more responsive! Good luck to you too!!

Lost in California 15 years ago

Help I took Far April 5th and still no score. Any word on what is happening for California? It's been 8 weeks!

IL 15 years ago

Did anyone get AUD scores in IL yet?

cari 15 years ago

@IL - I am waiting on AUD in IL too, and I don't have anything yet. :(

IL 15 years ago

@cari - glad to hear i am not the only one! Lets hope they come out today!

cari 15 years ago

@IL - do you know if they will post on the weekend? This was my first test, so I'm not familiar with the process.

Misterbum 15 years ago

IL, waiting for AUD as well, nothin yet. Sounds like it could go either way, today or Monday. Guess it depends on how much ILBOA wants to torture us. :)

IL 15 years ago

@Cari - I am not sure. I am just going off someones post on friday that said "I talked to the ILBOE and they said that once the scores are released to them from the AICPA the tech department keeps working so scores keep being release. Meaning if you in IL, you should have your scores tomorrow morning!" This is my last test and I have always received my other scores mid-week, so I am just wishing for today! Since they are not up yet, I think we may be out of luck until Monday.

Ann 15 years ago

How likely is a California AUD release before Monday? Has anyone from Cali gotten their AUD score?

Brian in TN 15 years ago

Okay so if TN isn't releasing wave 1 scores until wave 2, when on earth will that be? Nasba/Aicpa just needs to set up a system that emails you when scores are available, then you could navigate to the site and retrieve them. This whole click and hope routine is stressful and ridiculous.

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

No scores for AUD in IL yet....at least not for me. Guess it will either be Monday - or heaven forbid - Wave 2 :-(

alyssa 15 years ago

Hey I was the one who called the ILBOE on friday and was told that the tech dept works nights and weekends to update scores. However, since no one from IL has received AUD scores, the lady I spoke with could have been compeletly uninformed...wouldn't be the frist time I was give less than accurate information from them. For all those waiting for scores, hang in there!!!

still waiting 15 years ago

Just wondering if anyone in IL has received their AUD score yet? Really hope that I am not in Wave 2!!!

liz 15 years ago

Has anyone seen any GA scores yet? Waiting on FAR

Misterbum 15 years ago

stillwaiting - Based on comments so far, it appears that it's very possible IL did not post AUD this Saturday. No one seems to have received scores yet. That being said, for now I wouldn't worry about being in Wave 2, and hopefully we'll get scores on Monday!

Charlie 15 years ago

Liz: I took FAR on 4/21 in GA and haven't received my score yet.

sy 15 years ago

Any idea when wave 2 scores will be posted??

Sam IL 15 years ago

Did the AICPA release AUD scores? I see people talking about IL releasing, but I haven't seen anything about the AICPA releasing the score?

cari 15 years ago

@Sam IL - NASBA tweeted on Friday that the AICPA had released AUD scores. I have not received my score yet, and it doesn't look like any other fellow Illinoisans have either. Hopefully, we will see scores tomorrow.

Sam IL 15 years ago

Thanks Cari. Good luck to you. I'm hoping my score is released. I took the exam on May 7th so I am right on the border.

Ash 15 years ago

Anyone hear anything about when Reg will be released?

Cesar 15 years ago

I think AICPA will release REG today, at some point this afternoon, which means we should know our score within 24-48 hours, probably late Tuesday night (10 pm Eastern or so).

Lindsey 15 years ago

Waiting on Audit in Texas. Took it 4/21! I thought for sure we would have them this morning!

A 15 years ago

Still waiting on NY AUD. Anyone else?

kevin 15 years ago

i took reg/ far 4/1 and 2.. still waiting for results!!!

Mass 15 years ago

Still waiting for Audit in Mass, took it 4/28

SCC 15 years ago

@A - I am in NY and took AUD 4/25 - still waiting on my score..keep hitting refresh on NASBA but no luck yet :(

Meg 15 years ago

Has anyone received an AUD score in PA?

Very Unhappy 15 years ago

Just talked to NASBA. I took AUD on 4/2/2010 and they told me my score was not coming until the second wave. NOT COOL, NOT COOL AT ALL!

Rachel 15 years ago

@Debell- Just called NASBA again about TN scores and BEC was released last week. They are not holding scores this first wave and he said the fact I didn't get it just means I'm in wave 2 even though I took it April 1st. He said there is also a possibility they could be released at the end of this week after all other scores. Who knows?!

SCC 15 years ago

I just called nasba and they can tell you if ur name is within the 5577 people whose scores got released - unfortunately mine wasnt, even with a 4/25/2010 testing date for AUD...but i cant focus on BEC studying so i had to call and give it a shot - now i have to wait till mid june :(

Mary 15 years ago

Has anyone received AUD scores in SC??????

cari 15 years ago

Anyone get AUD scores in IL yet today? I looked and...nothing! I'm beginning to think this is a conspiracy.

Can't...stop...checking... 15 years ago

Any idea of when FAR will be released in Texas? I hate this waiting game!! They claim that our scores are not curved so why can the not tell us what our score is immediately after we take it?!

cari 15 years ago

Ok...I just talked to ILBOA. Customer Service really has no idea if they will be posted today. She did confirm that they didn't get them out over the weekend. She said that they get an email internally that is simultaneous with the scores actually being posted, so we would likely know as soon as they do whether or not scores are available. :(

Beth - IL 15 years ago

Is it true that FAR scores are always released last? I took it on 4/9 and I'm becoming VERY impatient...

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Nope - FAR is released 3rd sometimes...REG gets the shaft.

LAofCA 15 years ago

Did any scores get released today (Monday)? Anyone from any state get a score other than BEC?!?! I was sure that something else would have been released since BEC already started rolling out on Thursday of last week....

Beth - IL 15 years ago

Oh, thank God! Thanks, Jeff!

Warren 15 years ago

I took BEC on 4/2/2010 and I still haven't received my results. I know i'm probably in wave 2, but does that mean I failed? If I didn't get a MC only test back in the first wave?

Tracy 15 years ago

@ Warren - no I don't think that means you failed. I know they say if you had a new simulation you are in wave 2. for BEC, maybe if you had a large amount of new questions?I've also heard you will be in Wave 2 if you are very close to a passinggrade. So it could be ither!

norm 15 years ago

Nothing in IL yet.

warren 15 years ago

Does it helps to say that i'm in TN. Has any in TN received wave 1 BEC scores?

Ashley 15 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in Alabama... Any word on released scores in AL?

Stephanie 15 years ago

I took BEC in TN on 4/26 and have not received my score. Does that mean I am in Wave 2?

Ae- 15 years ago

Jeff- I took FAR April 30th. Would my score most likely be in Wave 1 unless I have a new simulation?

Andy - FL 15 years ago

Any word on AUD in FL? I had a testing date of 04/06/2010....

Ae 15 years ago

For those who have already received a score, did anyone test after April 30th? Just wondering...

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Ae - yes...most likely.

in CA 15 years ago

I took REG 4/29 - could I expect something today or tomorrow?

far nm 15 years ago

Has anybody recieved FAR in NM?

Ae 15 years ago

Thank Jeff- I appreciate it. I'm just nervous because I am seeing people who took other sections before that and they aren't getting their scores. Also, I am an IL candidate (not a NASBA state) can I still call NASBA to see if my score was one of the ones released or does that not work for us?

norm 15 years ago

Question to everyone: Has anyone gotten an AUD, FAR, or REG score yet?

Ae 15 years ago

Sorry Norm...I'm no help. Waiting on FAR; my last score! Best of luck to you

JT 15 years ago

I'm sitting for UT and just talked to NASBA. They said that all the scores they have gotten have already been released. I'm waiting on Audit so it looks like I'm in wave 2...not really all too happy about it either.

JT 15 years ago

I failed to mention that I took Audit on 4/25. I thought for sure I'd be in wave 1.

reggie 15 years ago

Norm - I'm still waiting on a REG score from April 3! Ugh.

JR 15 years ago

JT- I am in FL and took mine 4/21 and thought for sure I would be in wave 1 too. I called NASBA and they said they didn't receive a score for me and it wouldn't be released until wave 2. I am so annoyed!! How can they make us wait 2 1/2 months for a test score???

BW 15 years ago

Took AUD 4/2 in NY and have yet to receive a score...somewhat relieved because I'm taking FAR this coming Saturday. Is it possible that NASBA is still in the process of updating their system for the 24/48hr lag time?

IL 15 years ago

I called the IL board and they said that nothing will get posted for auditing until the IT person comes in tonight. So I guess I can stop checking until the morning. They cannot tell you if you are on list to get a score or not, and NASBA cannot tell you that if you are IL since it goes right to the state board.

JT 15 years ago

When I spoke to NASBA the representative informed me that they could not let me know if they had received individual scores or not. So I'm stuck speculating. Taking BEC on Saturday...hopefully to be my last exam!

Ae 15 years ago

For those who took AUD, it sounds like quite a few people who took it in the first month aren't getting their scores and are in wave 2; quite possibly AUD had a new simulation because people who took it early in the month are getting scores! Hang tough

Ae 15 years ago

Correction- *aren't getting scores!

PR 15 years ago

So is AUD wave 1 released from NASBA or not? Took it on 04/04 and nothing yet

JN 15 years ago

I took AUD 4/13 and am still waiting on my score. Does anyone know if the loophole of trying to re-register for the exam works for the Audit section?

norm 15 years ago

@IL, thanks for the information!

JT 15 years ago

PR - When I spoke to NASBA this morning(for UT) they said that everything they had received up to that point had been posted.

Dub 15 years ago

Jeff- You predicted May 18th for the NASBA release of AUD. I understand these are predictions subject to error; can you give us an update using your "connections"???

Ae 15 years ago

Wave 1 AUD scores have been released to NASBA and are in the process of being updated for candidates. They were released Friday. However, after reading posts, it appears that quite a few candidates waiting for AUD that took the exam in April, even early April, are not getting their scores and are in wave 2. AUD may have had a new simulation as it is hard to imagine that so many people have not gotten their scores when they took the exam that early on. I always thought that the cutoff was the 7th of May.

PR 15 years ago

@ JT and Ae. Thanks for the info. I feel very confident about the AUD score. I just need to see it to BOOST me on my study of my last part, FAR.

PA 15 years ago

@AE- it seems like no on has gotten their AUD scores- NASBA received the scores on Friday from AICPA, so I was under the impression that it takes them 24-48 business hours to get the scores released I don't think that its everyone is in wave 2, I just think that they have not been released yet. Has anyone gotten an AUD score???

Dub 15 years ago


JT 15 years ago

PR - I feel the same way and I'm sitting in the same boat. Good luck to ya.

WISHFULCPA 15 years ago


CA 15 years ago

Anyone received AUD wavie 1 CA scores?

Ae 15 years ago

That may very well be the case. I am just going off of posts by other people saying they called and found out that their scores weren't being released in this wave. Thats all. You may very well be right that states haven't released yet. Like I said, Im just going off of posts of people saying when they took it and that they somehow found out that they weren't getting their scores in this wave. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

Rachel 15 years ago

Stephanie & Warren- I took BEC in TN on 4/1 and I have not received my score. I called today and they said they were released on Friday, so if you did not get your score (which I didn't)...you are in wave 2. UGHH!!

PR 15 years ago

JT: GL to u 2. Tonight at 9;00pm seems like a good time to find out we all passed AUD. :)

CPA 15 years ago

Why dont you all just chill... we are all anxiously waiting for scores whether its one or two exams. Calling NASBA or checking the loophole isnt going to make you get your scores any sooner.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Yeah - the predictions are subject to major error :) I'll ask my peoples...chances are they won't know anything until the AICPA releases it.

NJ 15 years ago

Has anyone from NJ received their scores from wave 1, AUD in particular?

Will 15 years ago

per NASBA more AUD and FAR scores were released to them today. Looks like REG is getting the shaft...

AT 15 years ago

Jeff: the REG will released at the last, does it mean it is not a good sign for REG candidate, I mean it would be a tough grading? thanks

Olga 15 years ago

Today, 1132 AUD, 4898 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Apr/May 2010 testing window.

Erica 15 years ago

NASBA Today, 1132 AUD, 4898 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Apr/May 2010 testing window. #cpaexam #cpa #accounting

Brett 15 years ago

Unreal...Audit April 1, Georgia, no word

Anna 15 years ago

I 2nd that Brett.... AUD April 9th Georgia and nothing!!!

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Same ... Took REG 4/2 and AUD 5/3 NO WORD on AUD in Washington State and it looks like REG is going to be last. I wonder if I will even see it this week. Which is frustrating because I take BEC on Saturday. What is the deal with NASBA? Will we see AUD scores today??

Dirty 15 years ago

AUD April 5th Louisiana - didly-squat so far. / last part I need // just want to start the drinking binge with a clear conscience.

Waiting for Reg - VP 15 years ago

Ughh! me three! I took REG on Apr. 4th and the wait is killing me now! I have never been this impatient! = / At least AUD and FAR should be coming out soon according to NASBA ; )

AZ 15 years ago

Anyone know the lag between score release and emails being sent out in Arizona? We only get our scores via email. No posting in AZ.

futureCPA86 15 years ago

Jeff: Is Idaho a NASBA state?

IL 15 years ago

Dirty- I am on the same page as you! I am waiting on my last score; FAR!

Andrew 15 years ago

So will it definitely take at least 24 hours for Nasba to release FAR after they receive scores from AICPA or should I stay up till 3 AM pressing the refresh button?

IL 15 years ago

Andrew- Give it at least 24-48 hours for the scores to be released. Highly unlikely scores will be up that quick but I can't say I haven't been refreshing my score page every 5 minutes!

Kristen 15 years ago

Anyone know if FAR- Iowa first wave has been released yet?

CLM 15 years ago

When will wave 2 come out?

Sad sad (MN) 15 years ago

FAR before REG!!? So... that means REG was really difficult?? I sure thought it was on Apr 9!

E in MN 15 years ago

Sad Sad, have you tried the Ohio loophole at all? If so, what result did you get? E.

Abe 15 years ago

Is FAR out in NY it's my first and i can't sleep...

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

@ Sad sad (MN) I AGREE!!!!! I took REG April 2 and thought it was SO HARD! I prepared for a long time and was totally ready, but the sims were very difficult. I don't think I passed. What do you mean "that means REG was really difficult?" Do they take longer to grade if the test/sims were really hard? Do you think they will curve based on performance? (WA state)

Abe 15 years ago

To E in MN What is the Ohio loophole and what is so sad about it?

E in MN 15 years ago

It's not the Ohio loophole that's sad. The Ohio loophole: go to google, search for "Ohio Loophole cpa exam." Read the instructions- it's a way to attempt to figure out if you've passed in advance of actual score release. I am trying to find ANYONE from MN who has used it and/or can confirm it does(n't) work.

Waiting for Reg - VP 15 years ago

Sad sad - I thought Reg was very difficult as well. I definitely put the time into studing but when it came to the SIMS, I was so dissapointed. Granted, I finished both of them but I struggled!! I want my score! lol...waiting in CA

increasingly impatient in IL 15 years ago

Just wondering...since FAR was released by the AICPA today, when is the earliest I can expect to see the scores posted by the IL (which is normally quick to report)? Usually it is the next morning, as with BEC, but I think people are still waiting on AUD scores in IL, so I don't know what to think anymore!

Greg 15 years ago

I just called the Arizona State Board to see if I am in the first wave of FAR. They confirmed that I am so it should just be a matter of NASBA getting out the scores via email (within a day or two, hopefully).

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

Glad I'm not the only one who felt REG was pretty difficult. I took in 4/7 in IL. Am very nervous...but heard it is the most heavily curved...something like a raw score of around 65 will likely get you a passing score of 75. But I don't know if that even approximates the truth or not. BTW - still no AUD score for me (IL)

Sad Sad - MN 15 years ago

Me too... I did becker and felt semi-prepared heading into the test. I thought it was SO HARD! I also barely finished the sims, and didn't even understand what half of the questions were asking in one. I walked out of the test and all I wanted to do was vomit. I feel like I failed too... but am hopefull that I didn't. And hopefully that you didn't either! @LauraGrad10... I don't know for sure whether it would take longer for them to grade a more difficult exam. I am just hoping!! And hoping that means I'll still pass! @ E in MN.. I tried the "loophole" to see if I could re-register for Reg, and that didn't work because I had more tests left on this NTS. I'm not sure if that's the same as the Ohio loophole, but I think I've given up on them. I'll just wait. And study for BEC... test on Saturday! Yikes.

AZ 15 years ago

@Greg - Who did you talk to at the State Board? I just called and they said they don't have a list of whose FAR scores were released. It is my last exam so I am anxious.

Travis 15 years ago

It's sounding like a lot of people thought REG was pretty bad...I'm taking it this Thursday. Is it really as bad as people are saying? Could it possibly be worse than FAR? Good thing I have nothing to do besides study the next two days.

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

@Travis - It's hard to really compare FAR and REG since the material covered is so very different. I loathe taxes and don't have much experience in Legal issues so I felt it was hard. On the otherhand, Financial Accounting has always been a strong area for me and I have quite a bit of practical experience in it, so I was not surprised to do well on that one. So -just because FAR was hard for you is absolutely no indication on how you will feel about REG. Good luck to you.

Anxious in IL 15 years ago

Anyone in IL hear when the AUD and FAR scores are going to be released? I know that AUD hasn't even loaded yet and I am waiting on FAR? Any predictions? I remember someone saying they talked to the ILBOE and said the tech person is coming in tonight to do it.

Tracy 15 years ago

I thought REG was not bad. Although I work in tax so maybe that is why! I used Becker and studied about 40 hours over a 5 day period. There were only a few questions that I wasn't sure about. I took it 5/6.

Travis 15 years ago

Thanks guys. I do not work in tax or law, but I did the Becker course (still working HW). I just never know after leaving the exam! I walked away from BEC feeling sure that I bombed and ended up with an 86. It's a total crapshoot. Good luck to everyone waiting on scores! Still anxiously waiting AUD in UT!

Still Waiting 15 years ago

Still no sign of my AUD score in IL. Anyone else in IL received their?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

For people wondering about Wave 2, it will be mid to late June.

Bill 15 years ago

9pm approaches...presumably the watch for NASBA AUD scores begins.

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

@Bill Are AUD scores supposed to come out at 9?? I am in WA state.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

10:15 Eastern - 8:15 PST

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

Great to know Jeff!! Thank you! I should be a wave 1 AUD score so hopefully I will see it soon :)

FAR 15 years ago

NASBA Today, 1132 AUD, 4898 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Apr/May 2010 testing window. #cpaexam #cpa #accounting

ak 15 years ago

Jeff, Does the release tonight include the AUD scores from today or only friday's release? Also when should FAR scores be reported?

Misterbum 15 years ago

IL AUD here, nothin yet. Getting good news back today from AUD would've been great! I just got out of REG, and concur with anyone who thinks it's brutal. For all I know I could've passed, but I won't be surprised whatsoever if I didn't.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

AUD scores tonight are from Friday only. AUD/FAR released today should be out via NASBA tomorrow night.

Travis 15 years ago

Wait a sec...10:15 EST is 7:15 PST...That's NOW!!

Josh 15 years ago

Jeff...do you know when Reg scores will be up? I took it April 13th.

Kristen 15 years ago

Any possible way that FAR will be released tonight?

Sam IL 15 years ago

Why are IL AUD scores not posted yet? I don't understand

Bill 15 years ago

No one (not NASBA, not anyone) knows when scores for sections not yet released by AICPA will come out. Also, scores take 24-48 hours to be released by NASBA. So, no one knows when REG is coming out and no, FAR is not coming out tonight.

kim 15 years ago

Nothing yet... Did anyone get an Audit score?

Kevin 15 years ago

Nothing yet, waiting on AUD in NY, took it early April...

JD 15 years ago


cari 15 years ago

This is my first time going through this, and I'm beginning to think everything I heard about IL being an "early bird" state is (insert profanity here)! :)

cari 15 years ago

To clarify it is AUD that I'm waiting on that was released Friday and today. Not sure which set I may be in, since I took it on 4/2. I can't focus on studying for REG!

Kim 15 years ago

I am beginning to think that all this about the predictions etc isn't helpful. I was fine all through April knowing that I wasn't going to get a score. Ever since I was supposed to get my grade on the 18th I am a basket case.

ChrisD 15 years ago

I am still waiting on AUD in KY. This hopefully will be my last waiting for a grade to post. I spoke with the state board today and they still had not gotten the results from Friday. So I am heading to bed because they will not post them till tomorrow since they have their own site. Good Luck all!

True 15 years ago

@Kim, after I get this score I am done trying to figure these things out. I am glad I am on my "rest week" away from studying.

ChrisD 15 years ago

I honestly don't think you can predict the release I took Reg and Far on Jan 4th and got the results for Reg in like 4 weeks but didn't get Far until the end of March. I got a 75 so I assume they were deciding whether to give a passing score or not till the end of the window.

Dub 15 years ago

AUD SCORES!!!! have not been posted in yet....maybe tues?

norm 15 years ago

Still no scores AUD, REG, or FAR in IL.

cherie 15 years ago

someone said they have their AUD score in Alabama on another forum...so maybe tonight?!

Bill 15 years ago

I thinking maybe Jeff's mistake was in the eastern time and not west coast time...making 11:15pm eastern the release. Or, not. Either way, I'm giving up for the evening shortly after then.

IL 15 years ago

Ok..really? ILBOE is taking forever. they are usually really quick to post scores. 3 hour drive from here...yup. im camping out in front of the door.

alyssa in IL 15 years ago

@Kim-I totally agree, I was doing great focusing on my other exams while not knowing my REG and FAR scores. But ever since scores started coming out, all I can do is keep checking and hoping and get frustrated at how slow the process it. I personally think it would be best if they just set a date/time to release and stuck to it and fully informed everyone of the exact order and logic. Even if it meant a longer wait by a few days to ensure they could adhere to the deadline, knowing the how and when is so much better than this waiting/guessing game they put us all through. I mean we are accountants for goodness sake, is full disclosure and transparency too much to ask?!?

IL 15 years ago

Alyssa- I'm with you and think that is a great idea. I would have gladly waited a few days as long as I had a definite answer. It's time consuming enough to study for the exam but to have to wait and waste time checking all the time is even worse

MissLee in IL 15 years ago

Alyssa -- I could not agree more. The grading, the score release, it's all such a big mystery. Highly ironic, as you point out, considering our profession.

IL 15 years ago

WAIT..website down. Thats a good thing!!!!

alex 15 years ago

nothing yet on NASBA website ..... !!

E in MN 15 years ago

Bah. I give up.

IL 15 years ago

I need a shot...make it a double

E in MN 15 years ago

Haha, I already had one.

IL 15 years ago

This is what the CPA exam does to you...find comfort at the bottom of a bottle

Norm 15 years ago

@IL. I just checked and got garbaly server output junk. I re-logged in and still no score :(

Bill 15 years ago

My guess: Since NASBA got another 1000 AUD scores today per Twitter, they are just going to release them all together tomorrow night to minimize confusion with people thinking they are Wave 2. But I'd love to be wrong.

IL 15 years ago

@ Norm- I got the same thing...boo

Alex 15 years ago

I agree with you bill

I AGREE 15 years ago

@Kim - "I am beginning to think that all this about the predictions etc isn’t helpful. I was fine all through April knowing that I wasn’t going to get a score. Ever since I was supposed to get my grade on the 18th I am a basket case." Oh my... I feel exactly the same way! I'm starting to hate the predictions too because it makes me anticipate it way tooo much...

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

If I didn't post the predictions, then people would still ask "when am I going to get my scores?" They are a guideline and based on past trends and compared to last year. The AICPA is releasing much later than they did this time last year.

i like predictions 15 years ago

Jeff, I hope you keep posting the predictions...I always know there is some give/take. At least it helps with planning purposes. I have champagne in the fridge just waiting on that passing FAR score

BROWND 15 years ago

Keep posting predictions Jeff. It is good for our planning and anticipation. These other dorks need to learn some patience!

IL 15 years ago

Does anyone know if early bird states are reporting FAR/AUD yet?

Still Waiting 15 years ago

My score has not yet posted on the ILBOA site, from the looks of things they have not posted FAR/AUD.

ChrisD 15 years ago

Lets not forget that NASBA is in Nashville and has to be somewhat affected by the flood.

IL 15 years ago

Still waiting in AUD in IL :( I guess the lady i talked to yesterday was wrong, or if the IT guy did post last night I was just not in that group!

IL-2 15 years ago

Thanks! At least I'm not the only one still waiting on them. I'm sure they just haven't posted any yet!

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

Nothing here yet either...

IL-2 15 years ago

@Impatient- What are you waiting on?

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

AUD and REG (Reg isn't released by AICPA yet, but I was hoping to have seen AUD by now since it was realeased Fri).

Jess 15 years ago

I am going to be extremely upset if the NASBA update this weekend was to fix the stupid loophole! This is the one thing that gives any candidates any hope of ever receiving a score and the NASBA update seems to be the reason why scores are even further delayed! I can't wait to be done with this whole process and never deal with NASBA again.

BATTLE 15 years ago

Still no FAR scores in CA.

Tom C 15 years ago

Hey, anyone on here received their AUD scores in Maryland yet? I assumed I was in Wave 1, but haven't seen my score.

norm 15 years ago

@IL - my AUD score is not up either

CPA$ 15 years ago

Some of the AUD and FAR scores have been released in KY a few minutes ago!! I took AUD on April 30 and I am really hoping that my score will be posted later today and that I didn't have a new simulation and am getting pushed all the way back to mid June. If I pass AUD, I will only have FAR left which I got a 70 on the first time. So close yet so far away!!

TX 15 years ago

A friend received his BEC score on Friday, May 21 in TX. Still waiting on REG here...

ChrisD 15 years ago

AUD in Kentucky just posted!! BEC 86 REG 80 FAR 75 AUD 68, 87!!!!!!!

Ashley 15 years ago

@ChrisD ... that's awesome. Congrats! Is KY a NASBA state?

IL 15 years ago

IL was up! Passed with an 86!!!!!!!!! Last one so I am DONE! :)

Tami 15 years ago

Are you guys talking about AUD or FAR, I'm waiting for FAR?

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

Update for fellow IL folks (since IL is not a NASBA state). MY AUD SCORE JUST POSTED! On a personal note - I Passed! 85! Not a glam score but I'll take it :-) FYI - I took the exam 4/21.

CPA$ 15 years ago

@ Ashley, no KY is not a NASBA state. And congrats ChrisD, I just wish my AUD score would post since im in KY too and took it April 30th.

norm 15 years ago

In IL, scores just posted AUD 85 :) FAR 61 :( Well, at least now I know. Hope to get a passing REG score back in the next week or so.

ChrisD 15 years ago

KY is not an NASBA state but they get the scores from them and then post on their site. I spoke with the BOA in KY yesterday and they had not gotten Fridays AUD release so I assume that that mine was from Friday. It also takes a little while for them to update so hang in there CPA$

VA 15 years ago

Anyone get their audit score in VA yet?

Me 15 years ago

Has anyone from a Nasba state received their AUD score???

dk 15 years ago

@ tom c i am in MD and havent gotten my audit yet either. also waiting on REG...

Ashley 15 years ago

I'm in a NASBA state (LA) and have not received my score. Trying as hard as I can to be patient.

PHILLY 15 years ago

Anyone received scores in PA yet?

Texas... 15 years ago

Has anyone in Texas heard when FAR scores will be released or have a prediction of when they might be? I'm very anxious because this is my last one...I just need a 75!

Jodi 15 years ago

I am still waiting for AUD scores in VA too...this waiting game is almost worse than the test itself!

Beth - IL 15 years ago

I got my FAR score today - 89!!! I'm SOOOO happy...and relieved that I don't have to study the same materials again!!! :) :) Good luck to all of you who are still patiently awaiting your scores!

ashley 15 years ago

Alabama - 85 on Audit!! I'm done!! Finally a CPA!!!!

cari 15 years ago

Finally got my AUD score this morning in IL - 83!!!! I'll take it! Now just 3 more exams to go until I'm a CPA! Congrats to everyone who has passed and good luck to all who are still waiting!!

CPA$ 15 years ago

Sorry, this post is of no relevance but I saw there were 666 posts and I figured I should just add one more post. No one needs any kind of bad omens right now, haha

MI 15 years ago

Anyone got their AUD score for MI?

Oklahoma! 15 years ago

Has anyone from Oklahoma received a score for AUD?

PR 15 years ago

i am in a NASBA state (no audit results for me yet) took it 04/04.

KS 15 years ago

@Jeff We need you man. Give us(nasba states) an update, considering that non-nasba have been getting their AUD scores.

LB 15 years ago

Any word on GA FAR?

ak in IL 15 years ago

Couldn't access the ILBOE site forever, but finally got through....passed FAR!!! Somehow I got a 95, which makes no sense since I left the exam in tears after not finishing either of the sims. So for all of you out there with a similar test experience, hang in there, there is hope!!!!

MI 15 years ago

How do you know if you are a NASBA state?

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

For those of you who have taken and passed the Ethics exam...the 'open book' one...what sort of time committment was required to go through the materials and successfully pass the exam? (Still waiting on my REG score, but if I pass - want to get this out of the way before the end of the window if possible)

Andy 15 years ago

I got the ADU score today. VA. But I'm still waiting for the REG score.

Waiting 15 years ago

Audit sccores are up for VA!

Tom C. 15 years ago

AUD scores are available on Maryland's state website now. Just got mine. Guess I was being impatient when I posted 2 hours ago.

Me 15 years ago

are any of you that got your AUD scores from a Nasba state?

Andy 15 years ago

AUD score posted in VA!! 85!! but I'm still waiting for REG. AUD 85 BEC 84

LauraGrad10 15 years ago

No AUD scores yet in WA state ... we are NASBA. Has any NASBA seen AUD scores?

futureCPA86 15 years ago

Idaho is up...GOT AN 87 ON FAR!!!! One more exam to go!!!!!!!!! Good luck everyone!!!!

LT 15 years ago

Waiting on AUD in LA, a nasba state

MA 15 years ago

No AUD scores in MA yet (a NASBA state).

StillHopeful 15 years ago

No AUD scores for NY either. Going to lose my sanity soon!

Bill 15 years ago

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe NASBA usually releases late in the evening, so there is no point in refreshing all day for us NASBA folks.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I spoke with my friend at NASBA...the system IS processing your AUD scores, it's just doing it slower than usual. Not sure if a mid-day release will be possible or not.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

MI: here here... https://www.nasba.org/nasbaweb/NASBAWeb.nsf/wpecusm?openform If you click on Scores after clicking your state and can enter info, you're a NASBA state. If you can't input anything, you're not. Jeff

Andrew - SC 15 years ago

In South Carolina Waiting on FAR, my last one. Has anyone from SC gotten a FAR score posted yet this morning?

CLM 15 years ago

I'm done. KY is up and got my last two. No more tests or waiting!

cari 15 years ago

@Impatient in IL - I did the Ethics first thing and knocked it out. It was nothing really. I think it took me a couple of hours.

MI 15 years ago

Thanks for the info Jeff. MI is a NASBA State :) Now lets just pray that the scores will be up soon. I'm taking BEC on Monday and can't focus on my studying :( Good Luck Everyone!!!

Me 15 years ago

Waiting on AUD for SC (Nasba state)

KS1 15 years ago

Anyone got their FAR result in CO?

GS 15 years ago

VA scores have been posted for AUD.

Steve 15 years ago

Anyone have any luck with the loophole yet today, and in particular, FAR?

CA-Aud 15 years ago

Anyone receive AUD in California yet?

Kim-Texas 15 years ago

I haven't received my FAR score either for Texas. Just "patiently" waiting by checking my email every 2 minutes. Anyone have any idea when they are getting released??

action0602 15 years ago

Nothing in California yet. I dont think this is a NASBA state. Actually it should be an early release state. Took it 4/30, maybe I am in wave 2. Still waiting, no longer patiently!

TRACY 15 years ago

My coworker just checked in IL and got his audit score.

IL 15 years ago

IL- scores are up!!! FAR-94!!! I"M DONE!!!! Goodbye CPA!!

Tracy 15 years ago

Audit is posted in IL. Anyone have an idea with REG will be released??

ZZ 15 years ago

waiting for AUD and FAR in CA, nothing yet..........

E in MN 15 years ago

Question for Jeff- in your memory has there ever been a mid-day or morning score release by NASBA? I've only heard of the evening releases.

CA-Aud 15 years ago

ZZ- when did you take AUD in CA?

ZZ 15 years ago

hi CA-Aud, i took FAR on 5/1 and AUD on 5/3, technically i'm in wave 1, but who knows!

SoCloseICanTasteIt 15 years ago

Just talked to my rep in TN (NASBA state). He said there is no truth to the rumor about TN waiting until the end of the window to release all the scores at once. TN will release in "waves" like always. He also said they are hoping for AUD to be posted sometime today or tomorrow.

lb 15 years ago

Does anyone know the cutoff for Wave 1 (FAR GA)

CA-Aud 15 years ago

Hi ZZ, I just called the CBA and no one answered. I called yesterday and they said they did not receive my score as part of the 5500 AUD scores released by the AICPA last week. They told me throughout this week the AICPA will release AUD scores in chunks. Another 1200~ AUD scores were released by the AICPA yesterday so I called today to see if my score was part of that release and the CBA line went to voicemail.

CA-Aud 15 years ago

FYI- I took AUD on 4/26/10.

ZZ 15 years ago

hi CA-Aud, thanks for the info. CBA is not very good at picking up their phones......i hope the torture will be soon over for all of us. Good luck with everything!

CA-3131 15 years ago

ZZ - Also waiting in CA (took AUD on 4/30).

CA-Aud 15 years ago

FYI.. scores are released by the AICPA directly to your CBA account in California. The CBA does not do any sort of processing and does not see your score before it is posted on their website.

Steve - IL 15 years ago

Am I the only one from IL who has not receieved their FAR score? Anyone know what this may mean?

IL Hopeful 15 years ago

Some Il audit scores are out!

lulu 15 years ago

Any scores realesed in MI, I took FAR on 4/13, and Reg 5/4 , didn't receive grades yet :(

CA-Aud 15 years ago

Steve-IL It really doesn't mean anything. Illinois is the same as California, as they release the scores as they get them. The whole "wave one" thing really means that scores from the first half of the testing window will be released by the AICPA in chunks over the next couple weeks.

Bruck 15 years ago

Why is GA taking so long to release AUD ? Anyone from GA got result?

PZ 15 years ago

GA FAR on 4/5, nothing yet. I definitely need some better mood control mechanism.

Bre 15 years ago

@ KS1, No I am in CO and don't have my FAR score yet! I tested 16 April, and I am getting impatient. yesterday I got an e-mail that said "Today, 1132 AUD, 4898 FAR scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for April/May 2010 testing window" This is my first section, so I am not really sure what this means!

Bre 15 years ago

@Bre - totally understand, this is the worst form of torture!! I am going to sprain my index finger hitting refresh- I took mine on the last day of the window - May 7th - so mine could be either way...

KS1 15 years ago

oops sorry- am so nervous I put in your userid...@Bre!!

Nesa in Louisiana 15 years ago

Tested for AUD April 12 haven't received anything yet. Talked to NASBA rep and he said it could be anytime between now and the end of June. Cant wait to hear something.

MI 15 years ago

Lulu, I'm in MI and I know BEC scores have been up, nothing for AUD and not sure about the other two. Hopelessly waiting....

Still Waiting 15 years ago

I also took AUD on April 12th and have not received my score. Sounds like we may have been given a new simulation.

Still Waiting 15 years ago

Steve - IL I took AUD on April 12th in IL and have not yet received my score.

Waiting 15 years ago

Group- I need advice! I have FAR on this Sat and I have heard back on both AUD and BEC and they were both close, but no cigar! I have used Yaeger CRAM for both and Becker for my initial prep. I am looking for advice. What should I do now, for FAR this Sat to get me over this 70-74 scoring hump? PLEASE HELP!

Anna 15 years ago

@Bruck- I took AUD 4/9 through GA and have not received anything yet either.

Travis 15 years ago

@Waiting...I also used Becker for my prep, and I found that the scores I received on my exam very closely mirrored the scores I got on the Becker practice exams. I felt that for me the best study method was to review the flashcards over an over and do questions until I was ready to poke my eyes out. That stinks to be in that 70-74 range. I hope you find some better luck soon! STILL WAITING FOR AUD! Taking Reg on Thursday and GOING NUTS!

Erin 15 years ago

I have been watching this thread like crazy for the last week and just wanted to report in. I took AUD on 4/13 in Arizona, and got my score at 10:00 am this morning (Tuesday May 25). I passed!!! Anyway, hope that helps others figure out if they should be getting theirs yet or not.

Charlie want cookie 15 years ago

@Waiting - Becker Homework Questions!!! Otherwise, you'll end up like Jeff. Awaiting REG Scores in PA, Taking FAR tomorrow...Good Luck!!!

Erica in MN 15 years ago

@Waiting - I would do every MCQ question I could get my hands on and review closely why each answer is correct and why the others are incorrect. When you review them, before looking up answer, review in your head why each is correct and why each is incorrect. If you can establish this routine, test questions will be much easier to analyze on test day.

PA 15 years ago

any AUD scores in PA?

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Yes - don't end up like me. ;-)

Norm 15 years ago

Question to everyone: I failed FAR and am going to re-register for that section. But, I'm waiting on REG score, and may need to retake that one if I fail. Today, can I register for FAR, and then a few weeks from now register for REG if I fail REG? Anything wrong with this, besides about $4 difference in fees?

CABig4 15 years ago

took REG 5/1 in CA.. don't think that I got a new simulation as they looked pretty standard... any ideas when will the score come out?! The waiting is killing me!!

Me 15 years ago

I am pretty sure that won't work. Once you register, only those exams are available to schedule on your 6 month NTS. I thought that you could not add an exam to an existing NTS, you would have to register for a completey new NTS. If it were only a $4 difference, I would guess most people would register for one test at a time.

MI 15 years ago

@Waiting, I agree with Erica in MN, you need to know why the answers are right/wrong. When taking the exam also slow down and make sure that you know what they are asking about. I found that in some cases I was reading the question to fast and while I was thinking that they were asking about the same area Becker question would address in particular form, on the exam they were asking about the other areas. So slow down when you read the questions, and know why answers are right/wrong. After all you have over 1 min per question. Norm, if I were you I would wait with application for the sections. While there is a price difference of $4.00 if you need to reschedule for the two sections together the savings should be much greater. In the past I have calculated savings of approx.40.00

BW 15 years ago

No AUD scores for me in NY yet...

Waiting 15 years ago

Thank you all for the advice, I am going to get started on doing more MC questions now using Becker and be sure to do any I can get my hands on. And I think I struggle w/ reading too fast too, so I will have to slow down and read the question right the first time around. Wow, this test is driving me crazy. It seems like so long ago when I passed REG (4/16/2009) and now I am in serious crunch time to get them passed in my window!

Sara 15 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD score in MN. I took it on 4/19 and am going crazy waiting becuase it is my last one I need to pass.

CO 15 years ago

@Bre and @KS..I've taken several exams in CO and my experience has been CO does not release scores until at least 48 hours after. I am waiting for FAR and it is my last one but do not expect it to be up until Wed-Thurs morning. Good luck to both of you!

Philadelphia 15 years ago

Took AUD 4/19 and still waiting on score in PA

disappointed 15 years ago

It looks like we will not get REG scores until next week. I will be surprise if they release them this week.

Trevor 15 years ago

Jeff any predictions on Wave 2? do the HAVE to be released by AICPA by the 30th of June?

Impatient in IL 15 years ago

@disappointed - why do you think REG will be released next week? I was hoping AICPA would release them by Wed at least.

E in MN 15 years ago

Sara- also waiting on MN audit score. I did notice my FAR score from last Window dropped off yesterday, so mine is definitely in process. Sara, have you tried the Ohio loophole at all? I tried before and after and was able to reg for all sections both before and after. Does it work for MN?

eva 15 years ago

Did a/o see results yet in NY?

SCC 15 years ago

I am from NY and waiting on AUD no scores yet :(

OK! 15 years ago

AUD scores out in OK.

Bruck 15 years ago

The exam was much easier than waiting the results I guess.

StillHopeful 15 years ago

I am waiting on AUD score in NY as well. Still nothing yet.

Eva 15 years ago

SCC: I'm also waiting for AUD. It's my last test (hopefully) so I'm really anxious

KS 15 years ago

AUD is out for NH. I clocked a 91. FAR 79 AUD 91 Two to go. Congrats to me!

Sara 15 years ago

@ E in MN - I tried the Ohio loophole ting and got this "We are sorry. Currently all sections of this exam are still in process." However I just tried getting my score from last exam window and it was gone, but there a day or two ago. I'm trying not to speculate too much because it is driving me CRAZY

Okla 15 years ago

OK!-When did you take the test? I sat on 4/5, but my score hasn't shown up on the OAB website yet.

MI 15 years ago

Looks like the NASBA states are starting to update. KS you are so lucky, congratulations!!! I hope to get my score soon!!! Although by now even it if came now it's not soon enough :)

OK! 15 years ago

@Okla - I took it 4/29. It JUST showed up. I called OAB this morning and they said that all their wave 1 scores were already posted...obviously not. This guy said that not all OK scores roll out at the same time since it's actually NASBA that updates the OAB site so yours could still be on its way!

Okla 15 years ago

Thanks OK!. I appreciate the news. I will keep refreshing as I have done for the past two weeks. Congrats to you!

Julie 15 years ago

My AUD and my Hubby's AUD scores came out in OK around 11:30 or so. Have a friend that FAR came out in OK.... but I am still waiting on my FAR score... I think I may have got pushed to wave 2. :(

Andrew 15 years ago

Anyone seeing anything for Auditing from PA yet?

Getting ANGRY!! 15 years ago

@Andrew No PA results for me yet :(

REG RESULTS 15 years ago

I would predict REG gets released Wednesday afterneroon/evening if it is consistent. Since REG is usually 2nd or 3rd I am sure it will be Wednesday, latest Thursday.

Me 15 years ago

Anyone from a NASBA state received scores yet?

Getting ANGRY!! 15 years ago

@Me no NASBA scores yet :(

Josh in CA 15 years ago

any FAR scores in CA?

MI 15 years ago

Looks like NH is a NASBA state and I think someone got a score from that state, if I recall correctly from previous read.

JT 15 years ago

Has anybody from UT gotten a score back for the April/May testing window?

jb 15 years ago

I got my AUD in WA.

NorCal 15 years ago

@Josh in CA: Not as of 12:45 PST. Waiting for FAR (4/19) and taking AUD tomorrow.

tex 15 years ago

Any Texas scores yet? I am waiting on AUD and REG from early April.

Travis 15 years ago

@JT - I'm still waiting for AUD in UT. Took it 4/1.

JT 15 years ago

@ Travis - I don't know what is taking so long. I took AUD on 4/25 so I'm hoping to be included in wave 1. I guess we'll see.

Sweaters 15 years ago

If you're waiting on scores in Texas, don't waste time checking for them all day. The TSBPA updates their servers overnight (around 3am). If your score is not there now it won't be until then. A notification email after the update is sent between 9-10am after the update if your score is posted overnight.

Me 15 years ago

I took AUD on 4/12 (SC) and nothing.. so tired of waiting!

Michael 15 years ago

Has anyone received a FAR score in GA?

KS1 15 years ago

wow @CO I guess we have a looooong wait ahead for those who took in Colorado then....sigh!!

JK 15 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in MA. Took exam on 4/16. Any info?

Ashley 15 years ago

I'm in LA (Nasba) and no scores yet. Just in case anyone from LA is waiting on AUD scores.

Nick 15 years ago

Anyone know when WI will release any scores?

eeeee 15 years ago

Still waiting on FAR score in the state of CA as of 1:27 PST. Exam taken 4/19.

LB 15 years ago

@MICHAEL- I am waiting on FAR in GA too. took it 5/7. Am I in wave 1?

AL 15 years ago

Any word about FAR in WA? I sat April 5th so I assume I am wave 1.

E in MN 15 years ago

Per an email from NASBA, scores should post to the website tonight. My guess would be watch at the usual time. 9-9:30 central or thereabouts.

Why AICPA? 15 years ago

I am going to think twice before I join the AICPA... Due to the annoying score process I am no longer interested in their club! LOL

Anxious in MN 15 years ago

ARGH! Where's REG?! I keep waiting for a NASBA Twitter to tell me that the AICPA released the scores... but alas... no twittering.

Erica in MN 15 years ago

If they are going to release any REG scores today, likely it will be in the next hour. It's usually between 4pm and 5pm central.

Snail Mail State :-( 15 years ago

Why AICPA? - For the great group rates on life insurance!! I have heard that the rates are amazing from several people recently. Seems like the accounting profession is not considered 'risky'!

MI 15 years ago

In MI it will be closer to 10pm or midnight.

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

Looks like AUD/FAR and the TN BEC scores are a GO for tonight.

patiently waiting FAR 15 years ago

I am waiting for FAR...I can't even register for any section in my own state of NM. I get that "all sections are currently in process". Looks like loophole does not work for me in OH

CO 15 years ago

Does that apply for all other NASBA states as well?

AB 15 years ago

Jeff, Do you have any idea if anymore AUD scores will be released in this wave? I called NASBA and they told me my score hasn't been released yet.

Where is REG? 15 years ago

What is the hold up on REG scores? Sheesh!

KS1 15 years ago

@CO did you write FAR or AUD?

E in MN 15 years ago

@AB - I wouldn't guarantee what they told you was correct about being Wave 1 vs. Wave 2. They tell people wrong stuff all the time, as the people who answer the phones aren't usually "in the know." If I were you I'd check tonight around 10pm central time and see if your score is posted. If it isn't posted sometime tonight, then you probably have a wait ahead of you.

CO 15 years ago

KS1 if you are asking which exam I'm waiting for a score on it's FAR.

Zac 15 years ago

Where are the REG scores?!? I was under the impression that the order was generally BEC and then REG. It appears that it's gonna be BEC, FAR & AUD.... then REG (hopefully tomorrow!) ... but that is obviously just wishful thinking

Jeff - another71.com 15 years ago

I asked NASBA about REG...still nothing from the AICPA

Alice Miller 15 years ago

Does anyone know when Wave 2 is? I took FAR April 10th and have no score yet. I took BEC May 4th and got my score this week. When can I expect Wave 2 FAR?

Alice Miller 15 years ago

Is Wave 1 FAR out???

Andrew 15 years ago

Why don't they release the scores earlier than 10 PM EST?!?!?!? Give me scores or give me death!!!

Andrew 15 years ago

Also, I heard today that starting Jan. 2011 the CPA format is getting overhauled. From what I heard they are going to be including International Accounting Standards questions. I finished undergrad in 2008, masters in 2009 and did not learn anything about international accounting standards. So if you're planning on sitting for the exam I recommend you do it before 1/2011.

eeeeee 15 years ago

Has anybody received a FAR score from the state of CA? I took my exam on 4/8 and it sounds like NASBA sounds will be releasing tonight.

Ivy Lin 15 years ago

FAR scores are out for MD! I received FAR score and I got a 88! I took it on April 12. Good luck to you all!

shafted again 15 years ago

I seem to always get shafted when it comes to score releases...I took FAR in Jan and it ends up being the last score released. I take REG in April and yet again it ends up being the last score released... I have a feeling when I take AUD in July, yet again, it will be last to release in Aug.

lulu 15 years ago

Any one received any scores in MI. Lookes like they forgot about us. Any one can advice please, I have BEC. tomorrow and my mind is stop working :(

Dirty 15 years ago

Red bull and CPA notecards = excellent study prep.

VJ 15 years ago

Anyone in CO with scores for audit

Gonzo 15 years ago

8:50 eastern time in Florida and still no FAR score.

Gonzo 15 years ago

8:55 eastern time in Florida and still no FAR score. Will continue to refresh screen.

JCPA 15 years ago

9pm FL, still no AUD score . This. Is. Ridiculous.