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Kristopher 14 years ago

Wazz ups G, Say ya want to gits dat booty action, lay'er down n smack'em yack'em. But seriously, I noticed you had some "insider info" about AICPA's release of during yesterday. It's nice to hear more scores "might" be released, since I have not received my AUD score from California yet. I guess the AICPA must be hammered by all the tests because people want to pass before the new test come out next year. Is the AICPA open on the holidays?

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

I highly doubt the AICPA is open Friday. Fo Realz.

RK 14 years ago

Dude, are you drunk in these videos? Seems like you do couple of shots of tequila before you do these videos :)

Allyson 14 years ago

Hellz yeah, Jeff. Thanks for the updates and Happy Thanksgiving!

sharkdog 14 years ago

I took REG in early OCT in Alameda CA and still have not received the result. I did take BEC a few weeks ago and did receive the results -- go figure.

Baysista 14 years ago

@sharkdog - Same story. Took Reg Oct 19th in Alameda and still no score.

AUD Score 14 years ago

Anyone know what is considered the 'communication' breakdown on the score report when you fail? And, the 'review' portion breakdown? Is it in refernece to performing a review or workpaper/partner review? Just trying to decifer as I begin studying again, those were my two weak areas. Thanks

@ AUD 14 years ago

I think the score breakdown referencing Review is referring to interim reviews. Basically that interim review procedures are more limited and interim reviews emphasize timeliness over accuracy. The Communication breakdown is in reference to the communications tabs on simulations.

bryan 14 years ago

Hey Jeff, I think the AICPA got word of another 71.com and decided to mix evertyhing and I do mean evertyhing up... just to make you look bad... a smear campaign if you ask me. They just were so mad that they weren't toturing us future CPA's enough. Once again though, thanks for the humor!

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

My little dog and pony show is nothing new to them. I did nail 2 out of 4 last window in Wave 1, though. hmmm... :-)

Todd 14 years ago

Jeff - I'm guess that wave 2 scores will come out around the week of christmas. Any thoughts?

Name (required) 14 years ago

Oklahoma finally released scores for BEC and REG. AUD yet to come.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Here's a good ? for you Jeff. Checked my score on WED and it showed I passed AUD. My last one and then I was going to view it again today at work to print it and it says no score. What's the deal?

Prospective MN CPA 14 years ago

Here’s my question: I have been waiting since Oct 1 for MN Aud scores. I tried the loophole a few times and it always let me be able to select to re-register for Audit. This made me thinkm I had failed, although the score never came up. Now, I went to try to re-register for the exam today and it is greyed out, although the score is not yet posted. Does this mean that I passed the exam?!?!

@ prospective 14 years ago

Sorry to say I still think you may have failed. I believe that nasba must be doing some updating today which would be why it is grayed out. I have not known the OHIO loophole to be wrong yet! I had received a pass for AUD and now the score is not showing up.

sharkdog 14 years ago

Still waiting for REG score in CA...and waiting...and waiting...(took Oct 8)

MN CPA 14 years ago

Doesn't it mean if it's greyed out that you passed, and thus, you can't re-register to take the section?

Nicole 14 years ago

They released Audit scores for South Carolina yesterday around 2-3pm!!! FINALLY!!! I am done with the CPA!! So people have faith, they are still randomly releasing!

CA 14 years ago

Is anyone else still waiting for FAR in California? Took the exam Oct 2nd...I am dying here.

Texas 14 years ago

Jeff, I just took Audit yesterday. When do you think the results will be released? I was surprised though coz I got my FAR results yesterday which I took on Nov 12 so I thought I wouldn't get it until Dec 21 or something..

HF 14 years ago

Jeff, Is it officially over now? i mean wave 1, when do u expect wave 2 to save us with 75+ scores?

sharkdog 14 years ago

This must be just for California. I called the CA board of accountancy and got the generic answer that scores will be released by the end of December even when I told the person that everywhere else has theirs released. I told her I got my BEC score last week and took the test beginning of November but did not get REG yet and took that in early October. Then she said as soon as NASBA gives them the scores, they release them. I'm at a loss on this whole process.

CA REG 14 years ago

I took REG on October 8th in California and still haven't gotten my results either. I'm not sure if maybe I had a new simulation or if California's score release is all screwed up.

CA-AUD 14 years ago

I'm a California candidate and I've taken all 4 sections ... just waiting on my AUD results (yikes!) For the other sections, my scores were always posted the day after the AICPA announces the release. So if your score hasn't been posted and all scores have been released for this wave, then unfortunately you are in Wave 2.

Name (required) 14 years ago

come on wave twoooooo :)

WaitingOnWave2 14 years ago

What are the Wave 2 score release predictions?

Joseph Connolley 14 years ago

Wave 2 scores came out in PA 12/16/10 for REG. I've passed, it was my final section!! Thanks everyone for the great updates and posts on this site. Also, if you don't know about cpanet.com, I used all the forums there for each section and it is VERY useful. And Finally, Phil Yaeger and Cindy Simpson, WILL get YOU through the CPA exam!