CPA Exam Score Release and Results Predictions April/May 2010 Wave 1

01 Apr 2010


A tradition since 2008….

CPA Exam Score Release and Results Predictions: April/May 2010 Wave 1:

Friday May 7:

    Last day that you can sit for your exam and be eligible for Wave. This is not an exact science. Sometimes scores from exams taken on the 8th day of the third month in the testing quarter get released.

Per my Interview with the AICPA

      , if you get a brand new, never before tested simulation, you are in

Wave 2 automatically


Note: These are predictions based on historical trends.

May 14: The AICPA releases BEC

    May 17: The AICPA releases AUD
    May 17: NASBA and some indie states release BEC
    May 18: NASBA and some indie states release AUD
    May 19: The AICPA releases REG
    May 20: NASBA and some indie states release REG
    May 21: The AICPA releases FAR
    May 24: NASBA and some indie states release FAR


Q: I didn't get my score in Wave 1 – am I borderline?
A: No – it means you likely had a new simulation. Try not to read too much into it.

Q: My co-worker has their score already and we took the same exam before the Wave 1 cutoff. Did I fail?
A: No – it means you likely had a new simulation. Try not to read too much into it.

Q: I didn't get my score!!! Does this mean something?
A: No – it means you likely had a new simulation. Try not to read too much into it. 🙂

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Sfl 15 years ago

Where's nasba's release of aud?

JKing 15 years ago

My guess is May 19th

Jeff - 15 years ago

ha. I missed NASBA AUD :)

Jeff - 15 years ago

ok...I fixed...appreciate the heads-up

jw 15 years ago

Hi, I'm taking BEC on May 3rd. Since BEC doesn't have simulations, does it mean that my scores are GUARANTEED to be in Wave 1 ?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Nothing is guaranteed...but I don't see why you wouldn't be in Wave 1.

Divya 15 years ago

Hi, I gave BEC on April 9th, when are my scores likely to be released?

cpagal 15 years ago

What is the difference between wave 1 and wave 2. does it affect your pass rate?

levi 15 years ago

hey DIVYA who took BEC on april 9 did u get your score

Taara 15 years ago

Hi, I gave BEC on april 1, when am I likely to get the score, I am just not able to concentrate on my next exam AUD.

payne 15 years ago

I took BEC on April 9th in Tennessee and have not received my score either. However, I am trying to take FAR the end of this month and I just saw that the NASBA offices are closed due to the flooding in Nashville this past weekend. I wonder with this delay our scores and NTS. Any thoughts anyone???

snap 15 years ago

i think..... the aicpa grades the exams then eventually releases them to NASBA so hopefully it has not created any delay due to the flooding ....according to the website the aicpa should be realesing scores may 14

Jeff - 15 years ago

NASBA then has to upload them into their system, which would cause a day, if any.

BATTLE 15 years ago

I took FAR on April 2, 2010 any predictions on when the FAR score will be released to me?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Here are the predictions from above: May 21: The AICPA releases FAR May 24: NASBA and some indie states release FAR

Ws52 15 years ago

When you say "by the 8th day of the third month of the testing quarter" what does that refer to? May 8th? I took AUD on May 8th and am really hoping for a score next week.

Cortnie 15 years ago

I think he meant the 2nd month of the testing quarter. If you take it by the 7th of the second month (may 7th) and did not get a new sim you will most likely be in wave one. you could however take the exam on the 8th and still get in wave 1. i took an exam on feb 8th and was in wave 1. my question, could it be to your disadvantge to be in wave 1 since they compare your scores to wave 1 testers.

ben 15 years ago

any word on BEC

Rebecca 15 years ago

What are the anticipated dates for April/May 2010 Wave 2? Thanks!

Suchitra 15 years ago

please let me knw if results are out on may 17, April 2010 Wave 1.

Saswati 15 years ago

interested in appearing cpa exam in 2011 - anyone interested in studying together?

Derek 15 years ago

Has NASBA released BEC yet ?

Derek 15 years ago

Has NASBA released BEC yet?

Ken 15 years ago

Not yet well not mine at least. Has anyone received BEC results? Took mine on 4/7. It's multiple choice I can't fathom why it takes so long to grade. Let me know if anyone gets/got the resuts.

Vince 15 years ago

wow guys seriously???? Jeff has been of great help providing a great website and forum for CPA candidates (couldnt of ever imagined that) but yall are asking questions were the answers are on the page you are replying to and the youtube vid answers more detailed info... See if youre in wave 1 or 2 by the date you took your exam, look at the predictions per exam and AICPA or NASBA state, hit up the forum and subsection of recently taken exam, and chat it up in the tacked thread. Sorry but Im a bit straight up. Thanks for the awesome job Jeff!!!!

Hansen Guliani 15 years ago

I took BEC on April 27, 2010. When shall I expect my scores for GEORGIA?

Brad 15 years ago

No score yet. Did anyone get their BEC score yet? Did AICPA even release them to NASBA? I called NASBA and they said they haven't received my socre and the guy was very vague and said runs through June. I took my exam in early April.

Brad 15 years ago

I followed up with a NASBA rep and she said NASBA hasn't receivesd any scores from AICPA for April/May window - that nobody got their scores and was clueless as to when she expects AICPA to release them to NASBA only that it should be by end of May.

Hansen Guliani 15 years ago

Thanks for the update Brad; I check the NASBA website at 4PM (EST) no BEC scores yet - I took mine on 4/27/10 for the third time. Previous scores 73, 72, 71. I felt much better this time around though.

Jeff - 15 years ago

fyi...there won't be anything on the NASBA website for you to see until the AICPA releases scores, which will be announced in the Forum. Once that happens, the earliest you'll see your score on is the next evening, so if scores come out today - tomorrow night around 10:15 Eastern. -Jeff

BRAD 15 years ago

Thanks Jeff and good luck Hansen. I am fairly confident I passsed BEC but REG's on thin borderline - took both in the Wave 1 window and waiting for results of both keeping my fingers crossed. Preparing for AUD and FARE shooting to pass all pre-2011. God help us.

Sy 15 years ago

hey Jeff, i took my last exam, REG, yesterday. Just curious to see when we might expect scores for wave 2?

Hansen Guliani 15 years ago

Thanks Brad, and thanks Jeff for the update. If I pass BEC, all I need is to retake AUD; lost the credit-18 month rule. Brad, I hope you pass both REG and BEC. I used Becker for REG and its the only part I passed at the first attempt.

Michael 15 years ago

RE: AUD (Wave 1 - hopefully) I thought scores come out at 9pm EST? Per your 5/18 4.41pm, you say 10:15pm. Which time is correct?

Dan 15 years ago

Do any of you know if AICPA released Wave 1 BEC score? Where would I find this announcement?

Zaka 15 years ago

Hey. Any news about NASBA releasing REG and FAR. Did fairly well in FAR but afraid about REG. I appeared on 1st April and 8th April respectively. I passed both BEC 89 and AUD 90 in first attempt last August. Now it is more than 7 weeks since waiting for result. Anyone receive the NASBA result, please update here. Thanks Very difficult to wait that long when you are not sure

Neal 15 years ago

You guys should all follow NASBA on twitter ( You can see that yesterday afternoon is when the AICPA released BEC scores for Wave 1, and that NASBA states should be reporting either later today or tomorrow. So, the other three parts should begin to release either tomorrow or next week. Remember that this is not an exact science. Jeff, thanks for all of your help!

jester 15 years ago

Why does it take so long to get the BEC score when it's all multiple choice? For the amount that they charge you would think they would at least be able to get the scores out in a reasonable time when it was taken in early April.

Phil 15 years ago

Will your grade or score release date be affected if you took and unscheduled break during the exam?

Tom 15 years ago

Anyone in Georgia get their BEC score yet?

David 15 years ago

Montana UP!! thank god! I passed!! Everybody good luck!

Jeff - 15 years ago

fyi...this post has kind of taken over the blog discussion about score releases. The bigger discussion is on the forum.

rp 15 years ago

NY NASBA BEC released. i passed! good luck to all!

Bryan 15 years ago

I took Audit in PA on 4/9/10 and I am still waiting on my score. This is the last part I need to pass. Should I be concerned on getting my score?

Jas 15 years ago

When are the Reg wave 2 scores going to come out. This is my last exam. I really hope I pass.