CPA Exam Scores and Results Predictions July/August 2009 Wave 1

06 Jul 2009


Here are my CPA Exam scores/results predictions for the July and August 2009 Wave 1 and Wave 2 release:

Wave 1:

(Exams taken July 1 – approx. August 7, 2009 are eligible)

AICPA Release:

  • Predicted AICPA BEC release Thursday, August 13
  • Actual BEC AICPA release (8534 scores): Thursday, August 13
  • Predicted REG AICPA release – Saturday, August 15
  • Actual REG AICPA release (9084 scores): Monday August 17
  • Predicted AUD AICPA release – Monday, August 17
  • Actual AUD AICPA release #1 (7157 scores): Friday August 21
  • Actual AUD AICPA release #2 (676 scores): Monday August 24
  • Predicted FAR AICPA release – Tuesday, August 18
  • Actual FAR AICPA release #1 (7460 scores): Wednesday August 19
  • Actual FAR AICPA release #2 (581 scores): Friday August 21
  • Actual FAR AICPA release #3 (351 scores): Monday August 24

NASBA Release (posted between 9pm and midnight EDT):

  • Predicted BEC NASBA release – Friday, August 14
  • Actual BEC NASBA release: Friday, August 14 (Predictions: 1 for 1)
  • Predicted REG NASBA release – Tuesday, August 18
  • Actual REG NASBA release: Tuesday, August 18 (Predictions: 2 for 2)
  • Predicted AUD NASBA release – Wednesday, August 19
  • Actual AUD NASBA release #1: Monday, August 24 (Predictions: 2 for 3)
  • Predicted FAR NASBA release – Thursday, August 20
  • Actual FAR NASBA release #1: Friday, August 21 (Predictions: 2 for 4)

Wave 1 Prediction History (NASBA release):

  • October/November 2008: 0/4
  • January/February 2009 : 4/4
  • April/May 2009: 2/4
  • July/August 2009: 2/4

Go to CPA Exam Scores July/August 2009 Wave 2.

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Marcus IL 16 years ago

Jeff, To my understanding the CPA exam scores are not a %. Do you think that the scores, say a 75, are closely related to its % as in a 75%? Or do you think they would award a 75 even if one got a 70%?

Sharan 16 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to understand you prediction better.. I took the REG exam on July 1st.. so you think I will be able to view my score on the NASBA site around August 18th? Thanks

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - your score should be there around the 18th *unless* you had a new simulation on your exam, which per my interview with the AICPA, would put you in Wave 2 automatically. -jeff

John 16 years ago

Is it possible to pass FAR if you finish almost nothing in one of the sims. I ran out of time today!

anonymous 16 years ago

What exactly do you mean by "as well as those with new sims"??? I have not heard anything about this...what is this referencing?? Or anyone? I'm panicing now b/c I take mine after the 7th and wasn't prepared for new sims

another71 16 years ago

It's referencing my AICPA interview...there aren't any new sim formats, just new sim problems...they do this every doesn't affect your exam prep in the slightest.


Phil 16 years ago

Well, I received my exam score yesterday (taken 5/29) and I failed once again. This is one is really hard to deal with because I felt very prepared going in and I didn?t even really come close to passing (65). I?ve taken this same section (BEC) 5 windows in a row and haven?t even broke the 70?s yet. I have passed the other three and I have one more chance in August before my sections start expiring again. I don?t even want to think what that will feel like if that happens?.I want to get this over now. Last time I took it in May I did the Yaeger BEC Home Study and BEC Cram. Is there anyone else struggling as much as me? Any suggestions, advice, study tips?

another71 16 years ago


If you're a Yaeger student - call Phil Yaeger...he'll put you in touch with
Cindy Simpson...she'll help you.

Calling Yaeger and talking to Cindy is step #1 I'd say.


BigMac 16 years ago

So, I took REG on Thursday (my last part), and my score still isn't up! They've had the entire weekend to grade it. What gives?

This is going to be a long 6 weeks waiting for that score to come in. Oh well, at least I finally get to spend some time with my 5 month old daughter instead of studying, and who knows, maybe I'll even have some free time to work out and lose some of this CPA study weight I've put on!

Marcus IL 16 years ago

Does anyone know anything about my first post? Just curious.

whycantyoupass 16 years ago

Here are my 2 cents take it if you like:
#1: You are not made for this exam (BEC at least to say). You will have hard time no matter which course you choose. So stop asking which course to choose. And forget about calling Yeager- it's not worth it. No one can help you but......... Only you can help yourself, no one else. Not Dr. Phil not Another71 or me. This is what you should do if you really want to try:
1. Identify your weakness: most likely cost accounting. When you use exam prep material it is fast paced and you might not be able to grasp it. See whick topic is hard for you and learn it from college textbook.
2. Then practice MQ's: a lot of them, over and over. Don't waste time on this website until the result time.
3. I used Becker. I found it very helpful, practice Q's were must. I think even Becker does not address Cost accounting in detail, that is why you might need text. however do not study any topic not in Becker.
4. Divide Becker course in two: Ch-1,2,4 and Ch-3,5. Review them over and over.

monkey 16 years ago

I took BEC last week and I don't have a very good feeling about it. If i didn't pass do I have to pay the section fee again if my NTS is still good?

Marcus IL 16 years ago

...This exam is a rigorous beast, thanks though.

brandon 16 years ago

More likely than not, the percentage you earned is not close to your scaled score. Each question is weighted using pyschometrics and the "harder" questions are worth more, and the "easier" questions are worth less. Add in the fact that the multiple choice is worth 70%, the sims are worth 20% and the communication is worth 10%, it would be incredibly coincidental that your actual score approached the percentage of questions/tabs you answered correctly.

BigMac 16 years ago

Yes, you'll have to pay again and receive a new NTS, and you can only take a section once per testing window - just an FYI.

Chris 16 years ago

I am about to start studying for FAR. If I sign up to take it August 26th, is that enough prep time? Some people say 3-4 weeks for BEC and many weeks do you think I need for FAR? Thanks!!

Marcus IL 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Your wave one window includes July 1st through August 7th. How accurate do you think that is? I'm asking because I have scheduled REG on August 6th and I'm debating scheduling it earlier to make sure I'm in window one.

Rob in TX 16 years ago

Yeah I heard on discovery channel study/stress takes a good 10 or 15 yrs off ones life.

Anita 16 years ago

I took BEC 3 times already: 67, 71 and ,,, 74

Russ 16 years ago

Just took Reg yesterday 7/7... I can not wait for August 15th already! My luck I probably had a new sim though and will be bumped to 2nd wave... but I guess that would mean my Audit score for the test I'm taking in Aug would come at the same time one after another at least! Good luck to everyone testing this wave! Remember... study study study! MCQ's till you're blue in the face!

whycantyoupass? 16 years ago

Anita, read my comment on first page, this applies to you too.

Eric 16 years ago

I took FAR this morning and I am really worried. I finished it with a little less than an hour to complete the exam. I know I did not 'ace' it by any means but I have studied with Becker materials and I studied on average at least an hour and a half a day since February going through all the MCQ's three times and making flashcards each time I got a question wrong for review. I also practiced all the SIMS twice and took many progress tests. My question is this, is the whole exam determined before I start or does it load new testlets based on my performance after I finish one testlet. The reason I am asking is the exam did not get harder, (edit - you can't give out exam info that you encounter) and the sims seemed easier than I expected. I am afraid I was doing so poorly that it kept me at a low level. What do you think.

Eric 16 years ago

edit - no exam info allowed, please. You agree to this when you take the exam.

Tim Daly, Dana Point CA 16 years ago

to whycantyoupasscpa? not sure if your intent is to belittle the 2 other posters who are having trouble with the BEC exam, but it comes across that way. helpful advise is great and welcome, and some of your advise is spot on, but your tone comes off as unkind...this site is intended to be informative but also supportive, so try and keep it cordial and cool. that's my 2 cents.

whycantyoupass? 16 years ago

Hey I am sorry that I sounded unkind, but I just think that way. Getting CPA is a great deal, very respected. But when I hear people tried 5-6 times to pass the exam I get upset thinking that person who is really smart and passed the exam in one try will have same CPA status as person hardly passing. Now I know that this seems very rude but if you can't pass the exam that gives you message in a way. I am also aware that CPA exam is not that difficult. If you prepare enough I think everyone can pass the exam on the first try. Only motivation is missing in many people. One reason people do not prepare enough is because they know that if they can't pass they will have another shot at it! I am from a country where students get only one shot at most exam. I see students breaking their back studying for their exam, taking it very seriously. That country now produces more doctors, eng, scientists than any other country in world. But I still believe IF EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD PREPARES FOR THE EXAM AS IF THEY ONLY HAVE ONE SHOT AT IT, THERE IS NO REASON YOU CAN'T PASS THE EXAM. Let's go at it guys.

jeff @ 16 years ago

After an overly rude and mocking post this morning, whycan'tyoupass will not be visiting us any more. This isn't the place to belittle people and disguise it as "tough love". -Jeff

Anita 16 years ago

I tryed to focus on everything not just weak area, just can nt pass by BEC

Anita 16 years ago

Anyway , I wish goodluck all of you who taking exam this window.

- 16 years ago

Phil - Get to the point with your studying that before you walk into the test you can look yourself in the mirror and say "I did absolutely everything I could do and gave it all I had". If you can do that, you'll pass every section. This is more an exercise of committment/dedication than learning and knowledge. whycantyoupass is right, you don't need advice on how to do this. Make yourself accountable and you'll be successful.

Melissa 16 years ago

I also got 74 on audit last window

me 16 years ago

To all of those who are struggling on BEC and other exam. Just thought i would share. i have been taking the exam now for 3 1/2 years close to 4, BEC i have taken 5 times. (passed on the 5th). what i have determined is if your study materials arent working for you it is time to switch. i wasnt bombing the test i was getting 70's, but couldnt get the over the hump to the 75. I have recently switched to Becker (gave up on Gleim) and have passed 3 in a row. everyone learns differently. what you are using may not be bad, but it may not be for you. switch it up and keep the faith. you will pass eventually. i think the statistic is 86% of people who apply to test eventually pass. Dont give up

Fingers Crossed 16 years ago

My Becker software just expired. I think that I can manage studying with the Becker Book, but I really would like access to a decent bank of practice exam questions. Any suggestions?

BigMac 16 years ago

Check out a website They have a decent amount of MC questions to supplement any studying you're doing. Plus, IT'S FREE!

Phil 16 years ago

Thanks to all of you for your input. I am going to study as hard as I can so that when I go into this exam I will know I have given it my all in preparation for it. Over the last 3 and 1/2 years I have taken a section of the exam 18 times, and in a weird way I am thankful for this because over those years I have become much closer to God and it has taught me that even during our hardest and darkest times He is always there with us no matter what.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I'm sitting 7/25 for FAR, and 8/22 for AUD. I've used Becker for the last year, and now using a mixture of Becker(material) and Gleim (MCQs).

LA-cpa 16 years ago

Why do some people have problem with Becker material? I didn't try others. But Becker works just fine. I am a foreigner , english is not my language. I took Far on 4/28, got 91, took Bec on 5/27, got 88. Yesterday I took aud, waiting for score. Gonna take the last one next month, so i can finish whole exams within half a year, which is my target:)

Marcus IL 16 years ago

You answered your question in your own question Mr. LA. If you didn't catch it read carefully... "I am a foreigner" This means you are smarter than us. Regardless what number language it is.

M 16 years ago

I absolutely agree with this comment! If you walk out knowing that you have done everything you can, you will pass.

NateTheGreat 16 years ago

I was actually about to type up the same question last night. Whenever I see someone complain about the Becker material I usually think to myself that people just don't study enough. That doesn't go for everyone, but I just feel that Becker does prepare you well.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago


I feel your pain. I'm struggling with AUD and FAR in the same way.

Melissa 16 years ago

I think BEC is not covered enouph by becker, anyway I am going to use Wieley in addition.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

I always miss these posts. Crud.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

18 times. You have some serious patience....and cash. I'll buy everyone on here a beer when you and I pass!

John 16 years ago

I had the same problem John. I totally messed up the 2nd sim and if it wasn't for that I'm pretty confident that I would have passed.

Matt 16 years ago

Try Becker's BEC Self study program. It is expense, but I thought it was good.

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

Anita, Most of us here have experienced failure, multiple times. We all have our achillies heel so to speak. There is no shame in failure only in quitting. I have never met you but I KNOW that you CAN pass. You were smart enough to get a degree and to pass all of the required accounting classes so you ARE going to pass this test. You are the little engine that could! Keep telling yourself that "I know I can. I know I can." Don't be afraid to ask for help. That is what we are here for. I'm taking FAR Saturday Jul 11th for the second time and with the help of people that I have met on this board I know that I will eventually pass this beast. I'm going to start straight into BEC Sunday so I don't know when or if you are planning to take BEC again in July/August but if you do I would love someone to work with. Having someone to talk to or e-mail frustrations may be the trick to getting you past this. I would be more than happy to be that person. Just let me know. I'm sure Jeff can figure out how to get us each others e-mail addresses if you are game. Good Luck.

Sarah 16 years ago

Marcus - That cracks me up, I was thinking the exact same thing when I read LA-cpa's question!!!

RobinTX 16 years ago

Are you serious? It does not matter where you are from only if you can learn; accounting is basically universal; so with that said you must be good at English comprehension , have a great business vocabulary, be well taught in the field of school book accounting, and dedicated to passing a test. That’s it; no people skills, no human error resolution, or anything dealing with personality. I think it is not wise to think just b/c of where you are born makes you any less or better then another; it has to do with other factors and location is just one of those factors. Success is an equation; figure it out and you will achieve your objective. The point is that statement is Becker works; what is the big deal everyone knows it works; everyone is different; and 9 times out of 10 what works for one person does not for the other. I will be proud once I become part of the AICPA.

Josh 16 years ago

Overall, I thought Becker was a successful enough program. My problem is that I couldn't stand Peter Olinto, to the point where I had to stop watching the DVD's. I passed with basically just the MCQ's and books. So I guess that really does mean good things for Becker students. I tried Wiley for REG. Wasn't into the way the information was presented. Too difficult to look at for me. I enjoy reading fiction not dense non-fiction. Anyway, I agree, if you put your mind to it, you can do it. Good luck! And I want that beer, so that best not be hogwash, Mark_in_KS.

AO 16 years ago

I think Becker is a good program also. I passed BEC & REG the first time with Becker. However, I had taken them both before with another material. I failed FAR & AUD with Becker. I have purchased Yaeger's material for these two subjects. I will be taking FAR in a couple of weeks and AUD at the end of August. I feel that Yaeger is some really good info. Becker was ok, but it just wasn't enough for me. I know Jeff recommends Yaeger and hopefully that will be my saving grace to get past these last two sections. I agree with other posts that if the material you have isn't working, it's probably time to change to something else. Some material can work for some people and not for others. Good luck to everyone and don't give up. If you are determined you can get through it.

shan1123 16 years ago

I am taking AUD on 7/18 for the second time. I failed the first time with a 67. Does anyone know how to gage the scores? I realize they aren't percentages and obviously a 74 means you just missed it, but what does a 67 mean?? Was I way off, just a little, etc??? I'm scheduled to take FAR on 8/29...I really want to pass these exams and be done with it. Good luck to everyone and congrats to those of you who are passing!!! :)

RobinTX 16 years ago

means you are more likely to be weak in one or two areas I reckin

Nan 16 years ago

A big white envelope arrived with yesterday's mail. The return address says "CPA Examination Services." Inside is a letter and a form. The letter begins: "All the members of the State Board join me in congratulating you on your success on passing the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination. You have completed all four sections of the examination in accordance with the grading and passing standards as set forth in the State Board's Rules. Your passing grades were as follows:" So now it's official. I HAVE MY LIFE BACK! THE PAIN WAS WORTH IT! I wish for everyone here that you will see the same letter in your own mail soon.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Congrats Nan! ~ well done~

Nan 16 years ago

Thank you. Good luck to all who are committed to passing these exams.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

It's not.

UFbrett 16 years ago

when did you take your last section?

UFbrett 16 years ago

With regards to Becker, I have used this program for every section so far. I have passed the first 3 sections with Becker on my first try. But, I also had a part time job and gave my self approximately 45 days for each section. I think Becker is written well, but you need to have the time to go through everything. I would think if I had a full time job I would have not been able to pass the sections.

Chris L 16 years ago

What did your score report say?

RobinTX 16 years ago

I bet it was a break down of the sections tested and the score they give you compared to those who passed with a grade of 75-80 if I am not mistaken. then a overall rating of weaker satisfactory or stronger for MC Written and SIM

NoCoffeeforYou 16 years ago

Jeff, I will buy you a cup of coffee, heck even two if you stop messing with people and stop blocking me. Your goal is to make everyone think it is ok to fail. You failed many times that does not mean it is ok. Instead you should (I don't think you can but..) let people understand that there is no glory in failure and if one cannot pass exam, they are not made for it. That is the purpose of the exam, weed out the weak ones. Again I am not against people who fail but I think they should study harder, much harder instead of wasting time on this post. This post is good for estimating results. That is it, Jeff, you cannot provide inspiration to anyone. There is no glory in failure............... Jeff, earn your coffee if you can.

jeff @ 16 years ago

lol - have you even passed the exam?

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

There is no shame in failure. There is only shame in quitting. You obviously don't know what Jeff has done for a lot of us who post here. You don't know what is going on in our lives or our individual situations. You don't have a clue.

NoCoffeeforYou 16 years ago

I passed Reg(91), Bec(96) and Aud(89) and I am busting my back for FAR on Aug 31. I passed Jeff......... I passed because I worked hard... simple... I am not smarter than anyone or I don't have luxury....Jeff I have a family and full-time job too..... My commute daily is 4 hrs.... Again I just prepared 120%. It not the time you put in for the exam... it is how you use your time wise. Jeff it looks like you will have to wait for your coffee. And for Iacpa: you are right no shame as long as you don't quit.. but friend why not prepare to pass in the first try? Nothing is better than that. Good luck... I do have clues.. I passed...My family is pissed though because I missed many family events.

jeff @ 16 years ago

show me where I say failure is a good thing...this site is about overcoming excuses and circumstances...not sure what you're so fired up about...

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

In the first place, I'm not your friend. I don't make friends with negative people who belittle others. My family is pissed as well not because I missed some family event but because there is a sink full of dirty dishes waiting for me. And as for passed ... well I don't see CPA behind your name yet. Why don't you just go back to doing whatever it is that is working for you and leave the rest of us alone. Posting here is only taking time away from your studying and frankly ticking a bunch of us off. Maybe you missed your meds this morning or something. I don't know but you need to get over yourself.

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

On a happier note. You saved my butt yesterday on one question. I had just read something before I went into the test center that you had sent me and it was question 3 on the first test. I OWE you big time!

jeff @ 16 years ago


TX_09 16 years ago

Even though I ddidn't join club 74 but I salute jeff for all he is doing for keeps us going, and yes, you deserve all the best Jeff, maybe I will join one day...Job well done!!...thank you :)

shan1123 16 years ago

Yeah, I got a breakdown showing my score compared to the average... most parts I was only a few points under but for one of the sections I was quite a bit weaker... the written communications was comparable... I guess I was wondering though, exactly how bad is a 67??? I'm retaking it again this Saturday and so far I feel pretty good... been doing well on the mc and sims... so I guess I'll just have to wait and see

shan1123 16 years ago

I agree with the above people... nocoffeeforyou... you are just don't right rude. I failed my first attempt at the cpa exam, does that mean I am weak and I should "be weeded out". I'll answer that myself, no it does not!! Everyone is made up of different strengths and different weaknesses, but with dedication, hard work, and encouragement, anything can be done!! That is what this site is for, encouraging one another not to give up!!! SO, I recommend that you go to a different blog... one for people with big egos and big heads... not this one!

Tim Daly, Dana Point CA 16 years ago

all. Nocoffeeforyou is obviously whycantyoupasscpa. ignore him, as he's just a bitter guy with issues who has no ability to inspire or help, only the incredible talent to agitate. Jeff isn't glorifying failure. He just knows that for many people, failure is a reality and it's comforting and supportive to have friendly bloggers that can relate to help you deal with the failure, get over it, and keep going. everyone that aims to excel and accomplish is going to fail as they strive higher at whatever it is that they do: sports, academics, being a good human being, whatever. anyone that seriously attempts the CPA exam has guts because they're putting themselves in a position where failure is a very real possibilty, and is scary becaus it can make you doubt yourself and your capabilities. Choosing to face that risk of failure headon is a gutsy and admirable thing. All those that aren't passing! keep going...just either try harder, study smarter, or get different materials.

AO 16 years ago

To NoCoffeeforyou: What is your problem? You are a very bitter person. You really need to get a life!!! Why do you even bother posting on this site when you have nothing nice to say? Why don't you quit wasting everyone's time and just go study! I really feel sorry for your family because I would not like being around someone who is so bitter! You must be some piece of work to be around. I feel sorry for everyone who knows you. If you can't post anything that will help anyone then don't waste our time! You really are pathetic!!!

shan1123 16 years ago

Kudos to you! Great blog, well said! :)

Jamie 16 years ago

Just took audit for the second time. The first attempt I used Wiley book and Wiley practice software and scored a 74. This time around I used becker self study course. I got rediculously hard sims but feel I nailed all three multiple choice testlets so I am pretty confident the result will be 75 or higher. Will post when I receive the score. Good luck to all.

nacol boyd 16 years ago

Good luck Jamie! Stay positive.

AO 16 years ago

Good luck! I'm sure you did great!!!

Name 16 years ago


Gustavo_IL 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

Jeff, If i take my exam on aug 7th , will i still be eligible for wave 1?

jeff @ 16 years ago


John 16 years ago

Does anyone know if the FAR exam will still test FAS 141 or just 141(R)???

spstarla78 16 years ago

From what I've heard, 141(R) will be on there (and this topic is ripe for a sim), but you also should know FAS141 as well because sometimes a few old MCQs slip in. I believe this is what Cindy @ Yaeger says - Jeff, is that correct?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - that is correct. You should be ready to answer some 141 questions until they can purge the test bank completely of the old questions per the Yaeger instructors.

UFbrett 16 years ago

In Alaska they mail me my score, but I have the benefit of looking it up on-line sooner. I would go check on the NASBA website to see if your state has online scoring.

Name 16 years ago

Taking all 4 parts this months. Just finished a review "boot camp" as they call it. Did BEC the 3rd, FAR the 10th, now taking REG this Friday and AUD the 24th. I cant wait for this to be over.

jlu333 16 years ago

That is just insane

goingnuts 16 years ago

I just had the same thing happen to me today (well, yesterday, technically).

The sims that the AICPA had released for 2005-2007 were cupcakes by comparison to what I saw today. Kind of disheartening. The only thing I didn't complete was a memo (ouch). The other memo I think I almost did too well. I mean, I would have been better off just doing an average job on it and moving on.

Do you think I have a chance of passing? I mean, I put something down, often something reasonable, for everything except for 1 memo (bad time management, I know).

I think I did awesome on the multiple choice, though. I got done with that fairly efficiently and can probably count on one hand questions that I really might have missed. Will that be enough to save me?

I studied so hard for this, and I would rather spend time with my baby daughter than power through another Becker review for FARE. I think I'm just going nuts waiting for my score.

AHHHH!!!! I just needed 5 more minutes!

Will that one missed memo break me?!!! Anyone out there have a similar experience and pass?

Russ 16 years ago

One of the guys at work ran out of time before doing the memo and research section of one of his parts (I think it was Reg) and still passed with a low 80's. I think the key for you with whether you lose points for it or not will be if that memo is the one that is graded. From reading here it seems one memo is a pre-test and they only read one. So if they read the one you completed, you'll get some (or all) points. If they "read" the one you ran out of time for, obviously you won't get those points.

UFbrett 16 years ago

How long have you been studying for the CPA exam? Combine all of your study time.

goingnuts 16 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Good to hear about someone passing in my same situation. I actually answered the research question. I didn't have much time for it, but I may have gotten it right in the time I had.

I didn't know about one memo not being graded. Are you positive they might not give credit for one? I guess I'll find out.

I guess the goal is to pass and not get a 90+. So, I'll be happy with just a 75. I'm just hoping my multiple choice was good enough to carry the day.

Laura 16 years ago

Hello everyone...I am just now starting accounting college courses. I have my bachelors in Business Adm., but I love doing accounting. After working for a CPA, doing his bookkeeping, I decided to "go for it" and get my CPA! I am asking for advice for everyone...what is the classes that I really need to concentrate on? Which is the hardest? And please give me any other advice as I am starting my study in accounting. How hard is this CPA exam to pass, and which section is the hardest. I am in Texas, and I believe there are only two sections here. A teacher told me that most of the test are mulitple choice questions. Is this true? Will there be any actually journal entries to make, financial statements to create, etc by hand??? I will appreciate anyones advice and direction. God bless!!

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

Laura, You need to start with Jeff's e-book. It will save you a lot of money in the long run if a CPA license is what you really want. It will clear up some misconceptions about the test. As for how hard is it to pass, you need to look in the telephone book yellow pages under Accountants - CPA, count them, then flip over to Attorney's and count them. That should give you some indication of the brutal intensity of this exam. Good Luck

Russ 16 years ago

I'm not 100% positive, because I'm just a candidate like yourself. Though I feel Jeff would only post things that come from a reasonable source so I would guess that it is true... I tell ya though, on the recent Reg exam I took I had just enough time to do the 2nd written part at the end, but I sure hope they read my 1st one because I know that one was 100% right! I guess in my case if the one memo thing is true if I get a weaker written communication I'll know for sure which one they did read!

I hope things work out for ya!

shan1123 16 years ago

Hi All... I have a question in regards to taking the exam that I think is acceptable for the blog. Does anyone know if there is any penalty for using the research tab within the simulation?? I found on a testlet before that you can actually find a few of the answers (if you're looking for reassurance) on different parts of the sim by using the research tab. Is this ok to do?? I'm assuming so because otherwise they would block out everything... just looking for feedback on what you all think about that! I do want to clarify that I do not plan on going into the exam with that as a reliable method, it's just if I feel stuck...

jeff @ 16 years ago

yes - this is ok to long as you have the time to do it, of course. -Jeff

Chris L 16 years ago

You would also have to account for the fact Attorney's make lot more than a CPA. This would be the major driver in the number of ads. Most CPAs also probably work in corporate accounting rather than being available to the public.

UFbrett 16 years ago

I have used the research tab a couple of times for my simulation. I think its a great idea, but like Jeff said, make sure you have enough time.

UFbrett 16 years ago

Jeff, what do you take into account when guessing on release dates? I know you have said that you go with your gut, but is there anything you look at?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I get out a calendar and plot them based on past data and days of the week and dates in the month. -Jeff

TD, DPt CA 16 years ago

Has anyone received their score reports for Wave 2 of the April/May window? I took BEC on 5/28, & rec'd my prelim score 2 weeks later. It has been over 1 since prelim release and still no official score posted to my client account along with score report. I passed, but I like the comfort of knowing it is final.

houstongal 16 years ago

I recently took the REG portion and I had so much trouble with the simulations. It seemed that what I studied was totally different from what they were asking me on those simulations. It is so disheartening to have studied close to 150 hours for an exam and be tested on something that wasnt in the material. Does anyone know if the new simulations are graded differently?

houstongal 16 years ago


Chris L 16 years ago

My BEC that I took on 05/14 finalized yesterday. I called the CA BOA and they said that they will all be in by end of July.

Name 16 years ago

thanks Chris. Hopefully you did well on the BEC section.

Name 16 years ago

I am thinking about about getting either the Becker Final Review or the Yeager....any suggestions?

Chris L 16 years ago

got a 87, right now I am sweating on my REG score. i took the exam on 07/01

Laura 16 years ago


Chris L 16 years ago

forever it seems...predictions are at the top

seavol 16 years ago

Do they review all exams in Wave 1? I was planning on taking the exam at the end of July if I can get my score by August, but would hate to take the exam early and have to wait until September. I called Castleworldwide and they said plan on receiving the exam score in September. Any thoughts? thanks.

Name 16 years ago

Good job I'm takin Reg on 8/17. I'm nervous about that one, as I've put in around 1/2 the study time that i did for FAR (rcv'd an 88) and BEC (got an 87 too...high5!) I tune in to see how you did on REG

jeff @ 16 years ago

it's all in my book :)

Chris L 16 years ago

I have read about half the FAR book (I am using gliem) and it doesn't to bad yet. I thought REG was crazy. I am taking FAR on 08/27.

Heather_AlmostCPA 16 years ago

Laura, The tests are more than just multiple choice, as CPA's are required to be able to communicate well and think outside the box in a lot of situations. Also, CPA's must be able to research really well. It sounds like you are just now starting college courses for accounting. You asked about what classes to take, and here is my opinion: any and all of them! The more you learn and know the better prepared you will be for the CPA exam. I would really suggest taking a Governmental accounting course, because fund accounting is very different from "regular" business accounting. Luckily, I started with the Iowa State Auditor's Office right out of college and know governmental very well. However, I know a few friends who have not worked with it nor took the course/s in college and the material seemed foreign to them at first (its not difficult per se, just different!). Take business law classes as well, if you have not had those. Be sure to also take cost accounting. To this day I struggle with cost accounting, and I'm afraid it will be my worst score for the 4 parts (I just took my BEC part on July 7th). I believe upon looking at my Becker review material, you will have to make journal entries and know how to prepare statements. This was the same as it was on the paper exam when I took it between 2000-2002. Good luck! (PS: I've passed Auditing and Tax/Law thus far...if I can do can do it too! :) )

Name 16 years ago

Does anyone know what cumulative score you need to be considered for the Elijah Watt Sells award? I tried googling it but it didn't really help. The only thing I found was that one guy got it a couple years ago with scores of 89,98,99,99. Thanks

Name 16 years ago

Does anyone know what cumulative score you need to be considered for the Elijah Watt Sells award? I tried googling it but it didn't really help. The only thing I found was that one guy got it a couple years ago with scores of 89,98,99,99. Thanks

Helga 16 years ago

I have the following question. My REG credit expires on 10/31/09. If I sit for my last exam on 10/30/09, and I pass it, does it mean I would lose my REG credit (since the results will be available sometime in November or December, which is after 10/31/09, the date of my REG credit expiration)? Thank you!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I answer this in my book and it's actually in the demo...

MrCPA 16 years ago

Hey man, you're right. The CPA exam scores are not raw percentages. Rather they are percentiles, like the normal curve. So if you score a 75, you did better than 74.9% of the population who's taken the exam. Rough cut answer, but pretty much how it is, hope that helps. For further explanation check out the AICPA website for the exam. They give a really detailed outline of how they do things, as vague as it is. :)

Chris L 16 years ago

You will be fine. You have to sit for the exam by the date, not get your results. Good luck!

Helga 16 years ago

Chris, thank you very much!!! I greatly appreciate your response!

jlu333 16 years ago

that makes no sense at all... if you scored a 75 and did better than 74.9% of the other candidates, that would mean that only 25% of the population would pass

MrCPA 16 years ago

We're looking at historical averages. Are you familiar with the normal distribution? I never claimed to know exactly how the examiners are computing the score, but to say it makes no sense at all is wrong. All I'm getting at is that the score to pass (75) is not a raw percentage. Rather it is based on a percentile basis similiar to other standardized testing metrics. Either way, it's a scaled score. No expert here. How is it scored, apparently you have the answer? :)

RobinTX 16 years ago



shan1123 16 years ago

So I just got home from taking AUD today (for the second time). I knew chapters 1-3 solid, shaky on 4 and had good handle on 5. Anyways, I worked through the mc pretty solid, got to the sims and struggled quite a bit. In addition, I noticed a lag time in the computer. So I continued through doing as best I could. Finally, I get to the last simulation with like 45 minutes left (plenty of time) and the lagging is getting worse. I click on things and it takes 5-10 seconds for the computer to follow. I get into the second to last tab (communication) and as I'm typing my response, the letters are taking forever to show up. I have to constantly stop typing to wait and see where its at. The computer has gone nuts and I have 8 minutes left all of sudden!!! I get the attention of the staff person (who was new and not very helpful) she comes over and says "oh, I've never seen this before" and just stares at it. I'm trying to make her realize that my clock is going to expire and everything is frozen!! Yeah, that's right.... tabs frozen, nothing will work, but wait, clock is still ticking!! Awesome!! She goes to get her "coworker" and tells me not to touch anything, she'll be right back. At this point there's less then 2 minutes left and of course by the time they come back my exam has ended without me being able to finish. It pops up your time has expired and tells me to take the assessment, which then freezes completely. Bla bla, they call the help line, get me set up on a new computer and I log back in to my already timed out exam.... what now??? I welcome ALL FEEDBACK, please!!! I left the testing center so bummed and stressed, I really don't want to fail audit again. They gave me a number to call, but I have to wait for Monday.... ugh :(

TD, DPt CA 16 years ago

that sucks! I'm sorry you had to go thru that agony. You'd think that they'd have a system in place for dealing with malfunctioning computers and this nonsense 'cause it doesn't seam all that uncommon. don't stress over happened and things often have a funny way of working themselves out for the best.

jeff @ 16 years ago

As much as you don't want to hear will be sitting for AUD again. They will either grade your exam as is or let you sit for free after checking the log. The exam is hard enough with computer glitches to ruin everything. Sorry about your experience. -Jeff

MrCPA 16 years ago

No need to yell. :)

shan1123 16 years ago

Do I have to choose one or the other??? I'm not sure if I passed or not.. the only thing I really didn't get to do was the research question (which I know I got right on the first sim). Other than that, I did pretty solid on the mc but have no idea how the sim went. Can they grade it and then if I fail take it again for free or do I have to decide which one I'm doing from the beginning?? I don't want to take it again if there's a chance I passed... I'll take a 75, I'm not shooting for high honors here, haha!

NoCoffeeforYou 16 years ago

this is not cool, I would be pissed as hell. Man, I hope you pass this thing and may be the last sim was the experimental one. good luck.

NoCoffeeforYou 16 years ago

Helga no need to worry and by the ebook. You are fine, make sure you prepare 125% for the last exam.

AO 16 years ago

I've used both. I think Yeager might be better. I recently received Yaeger and it seems like really good stuff. They lecture but go through questions, etc. also. I passed REG & BEC with Becker, but not FAR or AUD. So I am taking FAR this Friday and I've been using Yaeger to study. I think it has been excellent and I really believe I am going to pass this time. I was so pleased with Yaeger for FAR that I decided to try it for AUD also. I plan on taking that at the end of August. I guess my suggestion would be Yaeger.

Helga 16 years ago

NoCoffeeforYou, thanks!

RobinTX 16 years ago

yay!!!! less than 8 hrs left of my yeager cram; 10min break yahoooooooo moral improving as I finish corporate tax review I have 2 more weekends of craming ahead and plan on doing 20hrs each weekend I haven't worked too many problems from wiley but I see many of the ones I practiced with my other review course; I am doing all 963 MC this week coming up. 14.0 is great no issues at all with vista; if you wanna save notes make sure to save a answer file and save it every time; if you pick new questions make sure it is with another file; label files good so you can select the right one you wanna work; do not select all b/c it will slow the system too much; just pick like 165-180 questions at a time max to avoid any lag/delays. Good luck everyone! I think I am going to avoid wasting time with the sims other than looking at the tax ones. Any suggestions......

RobinTX 16 years ago

I did it!!!!!!!!!!! I completed the whole REG Yeager cram in two days! It was a challenge but I did it I can't wait to put in another 25 hrs this week working 14.0 REG after work and another 22 hrs on the weekend and then another 25 hrs after work and a final once again tada you guessed it another 22 hrs on the last weekend before 8/5 my day of victory!!!!!

lisacpa 16 years ago

I would have probably said something about the computer being slugish sooner. Only because I would expect it to get worse (my bad luck). By the way, this waiting weeks for scores is horrible!

lisacpa 16 years ago

Also, I am in Texas so will I be able to see my score on NASBA website or will I have to wait until TSBPA website posts them?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Gotta wait until TSBPA posts them, unfortunately.

anne bounds 16 years ago

Hi Jeff, Can you take a section more than once in a testing window? So if I dont pass REG in July/August, do I have to wait until October?!?

jeff @ 16 years ago

No - you can't take a section more than once in a window. So, in your example, you would have to wait until October. -Jeff

Sharan 16 years ago

I took the REG section in Ohio, but through the Delaware Board. Would I be able to view my results on the NASBA site on August 18th (approx) or do I have to go to another site? Great site by the way! Atleast you know that your not alone in the game!

jeff @ 16 years ago

If DE (not sure if it is or not) is a NASBA state, then NASBA will have your score - Jeff

fsumarie 16 years ago

So i took AUD today. My last section. I feel good about the MC (it helps that i am an auditor), but i am iffy on the simulations. Hopefully it was enough to get the 75. Now i just have to wait a month. This is just as stressful as studying for the exam.

adopian 16 years ago

what do you mean by the new sims in Reg. Im taking mine this week.

RobinTX 16 years ago

UNLESS NOTE THE STARS ...............READ; nobody knows when new ones will pop up or when .............well the ppl who make the test might have a clue.

Don't worry about that focus on cram you are on your final count down.

adopian 16 years ago

i took mine 2 moths ago. i felf exactly the same way. thot the sims were very hard, but passedd with 82 so dont worry. taking Reg this week. scared its lots of materials. when did you take yours?

RobinTX 16 years ago

TSBPA is fast at getting them on-line now of days they are like one day behind...... I am almost positive.

fsumarie 16 years ago

I took BEC 2/23, FAR 4/11 and REG 5/30. Good luck on REG.

jeff @ 16 years ago

TX lagged even behind NASBA last window for some reason.

shan1123 16 years ago

I just took AUD and felt exactly the same. The MC went very well however I got to the sims and was only 50% sure in what I was doing... I'll be waiting with you!!

Name 16 years ago

I am taking FAR this week and was wondering if anyone who took this exam recently could point out major items they saw, other than governmental and not-for-profit accounting.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Wouldn't this violate your agreement not to disclose info that you see on your exam?

Name 16 years ago

I took REG two weeks ago and I feel like a did pretty well on the multiple choice questions, but I don't feel as confident about the simulations. The communication part was fine, but there is a tab that I know I completely messed up in one simulation. Additionally, I may have missed a couple things in another tab. I'm wondering how badly this will affect my score. The simulations minus the communication part are worth 20% so I am hoping I can still pass. What do you think Jeff and others?

John 16 years ago

I recently took FAR and I'm pretty sure I failed. My second testlet definately got harder but the third didn't seem too bad. The simulations were tough. The first one I think I did decent on but the second one I may have scratched out a few points at best. I did feel really confident about the communication portion though. Do you guys recommend beginning to restudy or waiting to receive my score? (Which most likely will be in wave 2)

RobinTX 16 years ago

no idea depends on topics you did well on and if it enough to meet the min standards for someone in public practice; good luck

laesquiv 16 years ago

ahh good to be back - passed AUD with an 81 last window! Trying to get into the "study mode" but an having some trouble getting motivated, so I'm back to see my old friend Jeff! Here we go REG!!!

BHR_in_Cal 16 years ago

Laesquiv, I am now preparing for the AUD exam. How much time did you spend preparing for it? Also, I am using the Becker. What about you?

Michelle 16 years ago

Firstly, I wanted to say that I really have enjoyed your site. Thank you! I took the four parts of the CPA after I graduated with my Masters and took my school's CPA Review (using Wiley). My scores: 74s - ALL OF THEM! After a little pity party, I pulled myself up by my boot straps - yea yea I know I was close - well it still sucked. So, this past month I have taken three more and plan to take the next one next week. I tried to cram too much into too little of a time frame, especially considering I was so burnt out of school and studying at the time. This site has been a huge help to me - it's nice to hear that other people have felt similarily and that I will get through it. Crossing my fingers for this time around!

prayer999 16 years ago

Jeff, could you kindly let me know: How can I know whether my AUD simulations have new type of questions or not? The reason that I am askign you is because that I was informed that if I have new sims, my test results will be released until the 2nd wave even later. I just took my AUD today and I don't knwo how to determine whether my sims are new ones or regular ones. I desparatly need NASBA to release my AUD score in the 1st wave:) I took my AUD back in April, they released my result until the end of June with not-passing score. I had to wait for more than two months to re-do it. That's really not pleasant experience for sure. Can you or anyone to let NASBA hear our voice???:-) Thank you so much for all your help!!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Prayer, There is no way of knowing if your sim was new or not. People who get a 141R sim on FAR this window obviously are receiving a new sim because the material is just now available for testing. Yes - if you get a new sim, you're in Wave 2 per the AICPA. Also keep in mind that it's not NASBA holding you up from getting your's the AICPA. Take care, Jeff

UFbrett 16 years ago

In my opinion, Becker takes a little bit longer to study with than other programs. I would think you need at least 3 weeks to get all of your studying in. You can do it quickier, its all about how much time you are going to put into studying per day.... Good luck

UFbrett 16 years ago

It all depends on how much time you have before your next section. I took my sections 6 weeks apart, so I would take 3-4 days off from studying and then get right back into studying. I got nervous about my scores everytime, but I wouldn't let that get in the way of my studying. Just make sure you dont burn yourself out.

Matt 16 years ago

I am taking my first part of the CPA exam soon. Does each simulation cover one topic (ie business consolidations) or can they test a different topic on each tab of the simulations?

spstarla78 16 years ago

The sim can cover one topic or many.

soclose 16 years ago

Jeff, I'm taking REG for the 4th time in August and I'm trying to decide if it's worth buying the Yaeger cram course for REG. I've used the Becker review for all my other exams and passed but I'm struggling with REG and got a 74 on my last exam! So close! Do you think the Yaeger cram is a good alternative and would help me get over this last one?! Or should I just stick with the Becker books and materials I currently have. Thanks

jeff @ 16 years ago

As Starla said, they can cover one topic or many and the written communication may be completely off-topic as well.

jeff @ 16 years ago

So close, You scored a 74, but that was in April/May and you probably started studying in March...and this is almost August. I scored a 74 (back to back 74s, actually) and REG and I went with the HomeStudy, not the cram just to be safe. How comfortable do you feel with the concepts. Are you "a few points away from passing" or do you feel like starting from scratch is in order? If it's the latter - get the HomeStudy - it's what I did. Does this help?

soclose 16 years ago

I feel that I'm a few points away and feel pretty comfortable with the material in the Becker books. Is the Yaeger cram just a live webcast or does it come with questions or practice exams? I do better with interactive things so I don't think sitting and listening to a 20 hour webcast will be beneficial. If I went with the HomeStudy, is it possible to get through it all in a month?!

jeff @ 16 years ago

If you're looking for active learning, then go with the HomeStudy. They work hundreds of questions with you on the video whereas they don't with the cram because there isn't enough time. If you study 25 hours a week, then one month should be enough time to get through it all, but you will need to be focused. -Jeff

Michael 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Great Site. Question for you. I am currently studying to take BEC for the 3rd time, using Becker each time. I've scored a 70 and a 71. I have a decent ride to work every morning and was considering purchasing the Cram MP3 to listen to in the car in addition to studying Becker. Do you think this would be worth while to get me over the top? Thanks!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Michael, The MP3s are a nice supplement, but if you're looking for a solution to get you passing, your money would be better spent on the HomeStudy or the cram - and my recommendation would be the HomeStudy. Will you pick up some points with the audio? probably. Is it enough?...I would not bank on it. That's my honest take...

yllejane 16 years ago

I had same problem while taking REG last session. I run out of time as well as had no glue about my last sim. I ended up with 95. No idea how. So keep hoping.

fishrule 16 years ago

I just took REG 7/23 and I too think it was crazy. Much of the material on the test was not in the Becker review course. Kind of makes me mad. Studied for it non-stop and basically let my last summer before full-time employment slip by. Kind of discourages me because I just graduated top of my class in college - so I don't think I am stupid...but nevertheless I am not happy the test. Hopefully there is good news when the score comes. It was my first exam. Going to take Aud in Aug.

Biff 16 years ago

Just for fun... If NASBA offered a "rush" score release option for like $25 and you would get your scores two weeks earlier, would you take it? I just remember getting that option with the SATs and AP tests, and I took it every time.

jeff @ 16 years ago

biggest $$ maker ever... :)

JD 16 years ago

hail yes

Iamnocoffeee 16 years ago

On ya I am in too I need my passing score right away. I hate to wait. But I guess wait is good if someome didn't do to well on the exam. I would pay $50 for fast lane......

sobro 16 years ago

Greetings all - Has anyone learned from Bob Monette? He runs the Philadelphia CPA Review (PA/NJ area) and I believe he is the instructor on the Bisk material - he's knows his stuff very much so. But he says the Board of Examiners have specifically stated there are NO case based simulations on NFP/gov't accounting. I have also heard this else where and I believe I read it through some jargon on this site...Jeff, or whomever else for this matter, do you know if this holds true? I'm taking FAR on Monday and am in the middle of a wicked cram!

Biff 16 years ago

I used Bisk to study, and Monette was my favorite instructor on the video lectures. He definitely knows his stuff, and more importantly, he knows how to teach it to students. I'm pretty sure Gov't and NFP accounting aren't eligible to be tested on a sim, and if it does show up, it won't be more than a tab on a simulation. Regardless, if you know the material well enough to do multiple choice questions, sims should be no problem anyway.

RobinTX 16 years ago

the high quality of QA procedures have dampened this idea

LP 16 years ago

Hi Guys of I take the exam Aug 7 and finish at 8. Will I be Wave 1 or Wave 2?

LP 16 years ago

Hi Jeff if I take my exam on Aug 7 and finish at 8 PM will I fall in first wave or second wave?

jeff @ 16 years ago

It depends on several things...if you get a new sim, you're wave 2 automatically. If you take it Aug 7, you're eligible for Wave 1. I talk about it more extensively in my book. -jeff

LP 16 years ago

Hi Jeff I am taking BEC, which has no simulations. So you think Aug 7 will be Wave, but I am currenlty scheduled for AUG 8, which is definitely Wave 2 right?

LP 16 years ago

Hi Jeff I am taking BEC, which has no simulations. So you think Aug 7 will be Wave 1, but I am currenlty scheduled for AUG 8, which is definitely Wave 2 right?

TX_09 16 years ago

Jeff, What Far topics do you recommend reviewing before taking the AUD exam. in case the exam has a FAR flavor. Thanks

jeff @ 16 years ago

I would review any FAR should trust your review package enough to go with what they teach you in their AUD course. Just my opinion, though.

donewithtest 16 years ago

Does anyone from Illinois know how long it takes the Department of Financial Regulation to acknowlege your scores after the IL BOE sends the scores to them? I have been trying to register for over a month and it keeps saying my scores are not on file. However, I got a letter from IL BOE saying that they sent my scores to them. Thanks!

taney 16 years ago

Hey Jeff! It's Taney (lmb - latestmusicblog). It's definitely been a while since I've been here. I have spending a lot of time studying for AUD again. The last attempt really hurt! It was my 3rd and I received a 73. I just scheduled my exam this morning for Friday, July 31st. I'm excited to be back on the site and probably back to checking this site regular for your predictions.;) I check this site so much that I don't even have to RSS feed it. LOL! Thanks for contributing to a great community, Jeff! I really appreciate you sharing your inside update with us. How are you? It's been a while since I've really talked to you. I hope all is well! To everyone else taking it in this testing window, I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK! (=

Pete 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, I'm taking BEC for the 3rd time in about a month. The 2nd time I took it I felt like I was well prepared but then sat for the exam and it seemed like I studied the wrong subject! Any suggestions for studying? I have been and continue to use becker. Thanks

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

I would suggest doing more questions and reviewing why you got your questions wrong. I took BEC back in March and failed (68) because I didn't have time to study during busy season. I took it again this morning and feel like I passed with flying colors just because I had time to do the questions over and over. I used Becker 2005 materials. The questions from the exam mirror Becker simulated exams...I seem to find. If Becker isn't working, Jeff highly recommends the Yaeger cram...I haven't fallen back on that yet, but I may if my score surprises me this time around.

fsumarie 16 years ago

I took BEC back in Feb and used Becker. I loved the flashcards. Since BEC is mainly memorization, it helped me keep things straight. And it is easier to review with flash cards than opening a book and flipping pages. But practicing the questions over and over and over also helps. Do not underestimate the IT or the financial management sections.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

Jeff, can you define what a new sim is? I sat for FAR this past weekend and had a weird sim that allowed me to copy and paste cells. I won't divulge the exam, but my 1st sim had this feature enabled a right click copy/paste in the fact pattern. It sped up my answering of the test.

jeff @ 16 years ago

A new sim is one that they have never used before on an exam, according to my understanding. -Jeff

adopian 16 years ago

Took REG and didnt finish the 2nd sim. Thot is was extremely hard. Any thoughts? please

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I see. According to the recent cpa exam newsletter, this is in response to calls for better copy/paste features. My guess is that this sim relegates me to Wave 2. Thanks for all you do on this site. I've been an exam taker since February 2007. Since finding this site, dealing with 71s have been much easier thanks to you. Its a great blog, and although I likely won't join Club 75, you should be commended. There just isn't enough real talking CPA exam blogs on the internet. I've been reading this for way over a year. I'm 2 away, putting me in Wave 2 could be a good thing as I sit for AUD the 29th (I moved it from the 22nd). A wave 1 failing score could decimate me (although it pushed me to pass BEC after getting two failures back to back).

Meg 16 years ago

Took FAR this morning..... ugh. I felt good coming out of AUD and ifffy coming out of BEC. This time, I just don't know. I'll be a wishin' and a hopin' and a prayin' for the next three weeks!

TD, DPt CA 16 years ago

I am on final chapter of Becker for REG, and am trying to figure out when to schedule the exam. do you think 2 weeks is adequate time for final review? I bought the becker REG final review. I work full time, and can probably commit to 2.5 hrs/day weekdays and 5-6 each weekend day. will this be adequate time? i heard the exam is a beast.

RobinTX 16 years ago

depends of your level of understanding it varies on how well you grasp it all I am doing 18 day cram b/c it wooped me before and I know what to expect and I know my level of understanding strengths and weakness etc I have the final review for becker 08 it is good lavatory reading material but I never got a cd just reading and I have found it to nicely summarize many topics.

fsumarie 16 years ago

I am an auditor (full time) and did my final review (with Becker) for 1 1/2 weeks. I have limited tax knowledge. But i think Becker is good about laying stuff out for you. if they say it is important make sure you know it inside and out. If you practice the mulitple choice questions over and over and review your notes you should be fine. I understand the limited time to study, but if you dont slack off and skip study days you will pass. Good luck.

Aaron 16 years ago

I think REG is the hardest exam because of the extreme time crunch. Audit is too long and REG is too short.

R123 16 years ago

I have passed all 4 sections,but i have 17 accounting experience in overseas,it is hard to find a job in public accounting firm currently,especially without public accounting experience,any suggests?

Aaron 16 years ago

I would probably go back to the country where you have 17 years experience. US job market is terrible right now...even for CPA's.

TD, DPt CA 16 years ago

thank you Robin and fsumarie for taking the time to provide me that feedback. I realize that it is kinda of dumb Q to ask, provided that it really depends on each individuals level of understanding the concepts. I just wanted to find out whether, under the circumstances of being employed, and having limited study time, 2 weeks is overly ambitious. I don't have all the materials mastered by any stretch, but I have already learned and grasped them once when i did the Becker MCQs. I just want to make sure that 2 weeks is enough time to get thru everything one more time (all Becker MCQs) plus use the Becker Final review. I've taken FAR and BEC and passed both first time, but I put in significantly more study hours for FAR, and about the same amount of time for BEC. I'm gonna go for it and schedule the REG exam for Aug 17...bright and early, monday morning. Regards.

fsumarie 16 years ago

If you aren't too pressed for time then if you aren't sure, give yourself an extra week, but make sure that you study that extra week. i am bad about only using part of my time to review that i gave myself, i tend to slack at the end. it just depends on how disciplined you are. if you think you need more time to review and you have the time, do it. you will get your score the same day if you take Aug 17 or Aug 31st. But i need the deadline to give me that push to power through the review, but that is just me.

Marko 16 years ago

Why does it seem like there are so many more people talking about failing BEC compared to the other 3 exams? Aren't the passing rates for all 4 exams roughly around 48 percent?

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

You overseas experience, do you mind me asking what country/company? I work for an accounting firm that specializes in foreign companies, and I imagine at least one of the offices might be hiring.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Not sure. I took BEC on Monday, and I felt confident I passed. Matter of fact, so confident that if I didn't, I would have no clue what to study because I felt confident on all but 7 questions or so.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

BEC is incredibly hit or miss. Two equally capable candidates could sit at the same time but one passes while the other fails. Since its straight multiple choice, its essentially a roll of the dice for question content.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

I agree......

shan1123 16 years ago

Ok, so I posted about a week back that I took AUD on 7/18 for the second time (scored a 67 first time, ouch I know) and towards the end of the exam the computer froze, exam timed out and I didn't finish. Well, Jeff correctly guessed what the outcome of my situation would be. NASBA contacted me today and told me that I could either retake the exam for free or choose to have my exam graded as is. You can't have your exam graded and then if you fail get to retake it for free (which I think is dumb, but oh well). Soooo, I'm looking for advice/opinions. I have FAR scheduled for Aug 31 and that is part of the reason why I don't want to retake AUD. The first time I took AUD I crammed all the lectures, studying, etc. into 9 days because of some family issues we were dealing with the two weeks prior. So, needless to say I knew I failed that time. This time there were about 15 mc that I wasn't positive on, the first sim there were pieces I knew and pieces I was unsure and the 2nd sim was very difficult (not to mention I didn't complete finish the communication or do the research tab) HELP! what should I do?????

jeff @ 16 years ago

Shan, I was sold on telling you to roll the dice and have it graded until I read that you didn't do the 2nd written communication, which would be curtains for you potentially if that was the one they graded. ON THE OTHER could just let it ride and see what happens and focus on FAR. If you fail - you retake AUD. If you were to take the "free" exam option - you would still have to take the same amount of time and re-study for AUD. This comes down to a question of $$. If you can afford the extra NTS - let it ride and see what happens. If you don't really want to shell out the extra money and it's not worth the gamble, then re-take it. If you re-take AUD in the "free" option, FAR suffers. If you study for FAR and end up failing AUD - then you're out the money and you'll have to study for it again. I guess it boils down to Option A: study for FAR and roll the dice Option B: re-take AUD and put FAR on hold The only real benefit I see to taking the free option is to not incur the extra expenditure to re-take AUD, which may or may not be needed. So...if it were me...I would roll the dice. (but that's just me...)

Eric 16 years ago

2 options: A.) Have them grade it as is and hope for the best. The worst that happens with this option is that they grade it, you fail, and you retake it after FAR. B.) You can forego them grading your exam and sit for the exam again. Here you basically are excepting your fate as a fail and retaking the exam. If money is not an issue I would have them grade it and who knows, maybe you'll pass. You know that they only grade one written communication and the one you did could be the one they grade. And as far as the research tab, it is minuscule compared to the rest of the exam. When I took financial I didn't do one research tab because I was unable to find them (I did not practice sims before hand and searching became difficult) and still passed the exam. What is $200-$250 dollars forgone to have the chance to NOT have to stress or sit for the exam again? That is my take on the situation, do what you please but I hope for the best for you. Good luck!

Eric 16 years ago

Hahaha I was responding to this post as you posted that comment. We seem to have the same consensus about the situation. BTW this is my first time posting and have been reading for a month or so. You do an awesome job with this site and when I finish up my tests (AUD left - pending I pass REG taken on 7/24) I will be sure to hit you up with a few beers. Thanks

jeff @ 16 years ago

haha...I was reading your comments and I was like "I just wrote this...but it's different" :)

shan1123 16 years ago

First of all, you guys are great... I never expected so many responses so quickly!! Haha, yeah money is not an issue... my dad said he'd even pay for me to retake it if I had too, haha... the perks of being an only child. I did finish the second communication too btw, it just wasn't as great as the first one because the computer was messing up... soo consensus is... I'm gonna roll the dice!! Will keep you all updated... thanks a bunch!!! Good luck to all!!

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I had REG crap out on me and was offered the same thing last summer. I rolled the dice and got an 81.

hope2pass 16 years ago

Does anyone know if you get partial credit for getting the journal entries right (correct accounts) but the wrong numbers???

Biff 16 years ago

I'm pretty sure sims are based on a point system, where every "blank" you fill in is worth one point. So for journal entries, the account is worth one point and the amount is worth one point.

John 16 years ago

I took my last part of the exam yesterday. I took Reg in May and got a 92 and I took FAR 7/1, AUD 7/15, and BEC 7/29. I hope I didn't get any new sims so that I can get all my scores in August. And I really hope that I passed them all so I don't have to retake any.

verysadcpaweed 16 years ago

I recently took the REG exam, and didn't really complete the Sims do to time i even have a shot at getting 75 ??

fsumarie 16 years ago

Yes they only grade one simulation. We mention it frequently. But Jeff wrote an article that has a lot of info in it. "50 things you must know about the CPA exam". if you are new to the test and the website i highly recommend you purchase it. It is very informative.

spstarla78 16 years ago

That's right, Chris - they only grade one *communication*; all the other tabs on both sims are graded. Not that it really matters since we don't know which one it is, haha! It still boils down to just doing your best.

jeff @ 16 years ago

true - both sims and one written communication are graded -Jeff

spstarla78 16 years ago

Jeff, you are so fast! LOL

jeff @ 16 years ago

I have an advantage - I get e-mailed every comment on here and can reply straight from my e-mail :)

fsumarie 16 years ago

yeah sorry. that is a typo. this is what i get for reading this while working. but you get the idea.

jeff @ 16 years ago


John 16 years ago

Yes, one girl in my review class barely started the second sim when she ran out of time and she still got an 85, so there is hope!

jamesmilber 16 years ago

Everyone seems to agree, to some extent, that the order of difficulty is: Far, Reg, Bec, Aud-- right? If this is so, how come the pass rates for Auditing and BEC are virtually the same as FAR/REG and often times even lower? Also, why do we hear so many horror stories of people taking BEC 5X? I have passed FAR, waiting for my REG, and find studying for Auditing EXTREMELY tedious and difficult.... yet everyone says its so easy? What are your thoughts on this guys

RobinTX 16 years ago

the grading sys they "MIB" use is like the da vinci code maybe just maybe wanna throw that one out there Good luck folks

jeff @ 16 years ago

Excellent point James

R123 16 years ago

Hi: Thank for your response,i worked for couples companies in china,one of them is a coal company,one is a export company,one is a is your CPA  exam. Rong --- 09年7月29日,周三, Disqus 写道: 发件人: Disqus 主题: [cpaexam] Re: CPA Exam Scores and Results Predictions July/August 2009 Wave 1 and 2 收件人: 日期: 2009年7月29日,周三,上午10:37 SwissBlissSC wrote, in response to R123: You overseas experience, do you mind me asking what country/company? I work for an accounting firm that specializes in foreign companies, and I imagine at least one of the offices might be hiring. Link to comment: -- You may reply to this email to post your response. To turn off notifications, go to your Disqus settings at: ___________________________________________________________ 好玩贺卡等你发,邮箱贺卡全新上线!

**PASS** 16 years ago

I recommend reading the NASBA website to understand how the exam is scored. I believe Jeff also has material on this site that does a good job explaining the system..

WORK!! 16 years ago

Are my comments even showing up?

jeff @ 16 years ago

yes - you have to go to the last page of the of the's a flaw in the comment plugin. They don't show up immediately in the sidebar widget either.

taney 16 years ago

Sweet! I just came back from sittin' for the AUD session. It's my last section. I believe I'm done with this CPA thing. Now, I'm just going to sit back and relax until August 17th. Thanks Jeff! You've been very support on my CPA journey. I totally appreciate it! To everyone else, GOOD LUCK! I'll let you guys know when I get my results. See yall later! (=

isant 16 years ago

I just took BEC yesterday and the anticipation for my score to come out is absolutely killing me. I'm certain you all know what that feels like! I'll go with Jeff's prediction and expect my score to come out on 8/14. I studied with Roger Phillip materials. He writes his own lecture/book material, but uses the Wiley book questions and CD questions. This was my third time taking BEC so I'm praying this 3rd time is a charm. Luckily, I passed the 3 others so this will be my last test. Is the job market for public accounting still bleak? I am striving to obtain a job in auditing once I pass all 4 parts. My goal is to land a position somewhere in the top 20 public accounting firms in CA. Anyone have any ideas/tips of where I should start searching? Appears applying online and sending in my resume with thousands of other pools of resumes will not have a successful turnout rate especially in this economy. I've been reading all the posts and am really glad I found this site. Everybody is so supportive and it feels like we all share a connection from our experiences with this "hurdle". My heart goes out to those who get scores which are so close to passing. This test is not about how smart you are. It is really a test of discipline. I kept a full time job throughout this process and it is really tough to come home and get yourself to study after a full day's work. As long as you keep to it, you can DEFINITELY pass. If I can pass, anyone can pass!! I graduated college with a major completely unrelated to accounting/business. BEST OF LUCK to those who are still trekking through this! It will indubitably pay off once we are all finished!! Look towards the final outcome and it will help drive your ambition!! Like a lot of people advise, whatever you do, NEVER GIVE UP and you WILL BE SUCCESSFUL! Jeff is our role model =)

RobinTX 16 years ago

isn't it wild how one part can give you so much headache; I hope you pass it; I thought BEC was easy but REG is killing me; Roger is good I bet you will pass if you worked those problems over and over and over again till you turned blue in the face; atleast that is what I did in addition to a review course and Yeager cram!

taney 16 years ago

Wow! Interesting! For me, it's AUD. I already took it 3x, this last attempt was my 4th. I never had any trouble with the other sections. I skinned through BEC with a 78 and REG with an 84. Good luck Robin! isant, what part of California are you from?

taney 16 years ago

I'd like to add the 3rd attempt was devastatingly brutal! I received a 73. =(

RobinTX 16 years ago

well in case I forgot I received a Computer-based Exam Appointment Reminder‏ today haha; not funny taney-Audit is a beast but I work with most topics covered with my company and all the time same goes basically for FAR topics anyway it just is different for everyone and I think some time luck has a little to do with it and other factors such as maybe lets say a full-moon on your testing day........haha well maybe so I did a random pull of 100 wiley questions and got a 93! ya I think I am ready for Wednsday I am surprised at how well I am doing on the sims; I did not pay them much attention to the sims until 7/31 but all the ones I tried I did better the expected. I hope this is the last time I ever see a regulation exam for the rest of my life!

taney 16 years ago

Good Luck Robin!

Name 16 years ago

Off to take BEC (attempt 2 after a 73 last year). I really focused all my efforts this time to financial management and cost accounting, hopefully i remember all the crap about ownership structures and IT as well. Jeff, I know your release dates are jsut predictions but what about the August 7th cut-off date? Is that a prediction too or is that from a nasba/aicpa source.

taney 16 years ago

USUALLY, for the most part, that's the cut off. However, there are unusual circumstances where exams taken before the 7th of the second month are in Wave 2 like the last testing window with AUD. I remember it being due to a new simulation being thrown in. Another thing that I would like to add is you probably shouldn't take it on the 7th, but before that! Just to be safe.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I just want to add that I'm a little upset over the BEC related written communication I received on my REG EXAM on Saturday. I surely hope that's not the one they grade, or I am going to have to cry foul. Ugh!

Name 16 years ago

I had the same thing back in May, I passes with 84!!

Cali Sal 16 years ago

I have AUD schedule for Aug 27th and I'll start studying today with Becker, that gives me just over 3 1/2 weeks. Have I given myself enough time to pass? I've passed (both on first try): BEC - 75 REG - 88

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Really depends if you're familiar with it. I'm studying for AUD to take on the 29th, and the info seems straight forward, but I work in audit. If you're listening to the lectures, I would try to knock them out in 1 -1.5 weeks, so you have a lot of time to practice questions and memorize the lists and standards.

Cali Sal 16 years ago

Thanks SwissBlissSC, I had listened to the first 2 lectures back in january but ended up taking REG instead. I work in tax so AUD is a little foreign to me, but I agree, it's seems pretty straight forward.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

That's good!! But I felt like I didn't know enough about the topic to really put forth a great effort on the written communication. I guess I can only hope for the best at this point.

brandon 16 years ago

You know they don't explicitly grade the communications on the accuracy of the content. If your discussion is way off base, they won't grade it at all and you'll score a 0 but a well written communication is really what they are looking for.

hopetobecpasoon 16 years ago

Is it possible to pass FAR without doing any of the tabs of one of the sims? I ran out of time. I did finish both written communications, but really no other part of one of the sims. Also, I thought the test just kept getting harder. I am convinced that I failed (FAR) first attempt but am hoping for a miracle.

brandon 16 years ago

yes its possible, the MC are worth 70pts and the written comm is worth 10pts. you only need a 75 to pass. obviously you'd have to do pretty darn well on both of those parts but its certainly possible.

AO 16 years ago

I've taken AUD twice with Becker and gotten 69 both times. I am also taking it again on Aug. 27th. I've bought the Yaeger material from this website. I have to say that I am very impressed with it! They go through a lot more questions in their lectures than Becker. I think Becker is good material, I also passed BEC & REG with it. I really wish you luck. You may be able to pass it, but I couldn't with just Becker. Good luck!!!

taney 16 years ago

@AO: I feel you! I pass FAR, REG, BEC with Becker. I took AUD 3x and failed it. 3rd Attempt, I received a score of 73. I just took AUD again last Friday. I feel pretty good about it. I've been using Becker since day 1. We'll see what happens in 3 weeks. Good luck! (=

marccus 16 years ago

So I took BEC early July, the projected release date is the 13th of August. I'm getting married on the 14th of August. I feel like I'll be pretty close to the 75 mark. I'm not sure whether I should look at my score or not. I'll feel pretty upset if I didn't pass (not enough to ruin a wedding day of course but enough to have it be on my mind) however it is going to kill me not to look at the score if I know it's up. What would you guys do?

Jayy 16 years ago

I'd say you should look. Like you said, although this test is meaningful in our lives, a wedding is on a whole different level. I'm waiting on REG and I will actually be in Vegas when the results roll out. I figured, either way (pass or fail), I'll be drinking to celebrate or sadly to kill the pain. So I guess it's a win win situation haha. kinda. Good Luck and Congrats on your future marriage!

LP 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, I am taking BEC on Aug 7, do you think I will fall in WAVE 1. Thanks for all you rhelp and keep up the good work.

isant 16 years ago

Thank you RobinTX! I somehow received an 83 in REG on my first try. Not really sure how I did that. Just make sure you watch the time. With REG and FAR, time is of the essence according to Roger. I have to say, Roger does work miracles. I never took tax and audit courses yet I somehow managed to pass both on the first try. Taney, I'm from the LA area. Very close to UCLA... Are you from CA?

LP 16 years ago

Thanks jeff

marccus 16 years ago

How are you sitting for the CPA exam without taking audit or tax?

shan1123 16 years ago

So I'm sitting for FAR on August 31st and so far I've completed the first two sections. I'm worried I've screwed myself on time, but can't move the date. Do you guys think I can pull it off??? I am working full time in tax right now as well.

RobinTX 16 years ago

marccus, please don't believe everything you read on the will drive you crazy anyways tomorrow it is a full moon and my exam woohoo; wish me luck

RobinTX 16 years ago

shan1123, you need to move past a slow pace review; work all the problems over 7 days and fly through all the other lectures you have not one minute to spare and take notes read all material then work all the problems two or three more times and hard topices even more; and work all sims and you will be fine that's about as good as it gets; or pay a fee and sit in OCT if you can work everyday as much as you can

luj333 16 years ago

its august... not late march whats working full time in tax have to do with it?

luj333 16 years ago

uh... this was in reply to shan1123's post

shan1123 16 years ago

Actually, I work with high net worth individuals so we file extensions and our deadline ends up being oct 15; however we also have a sept 15 deadline for trusts. So, that's what working full time in tax has to do with it.

isant 16 years ago

To sit for the CPA exam in CA, all you need is 24 semester units in accounting and 24 semester units in business related courses. As long as you satisfy that along with a BS/BA degree you are eligible to take the exam. CA Board of Accountancy does not require you to specifically have to take audit or tax courses. Just anything accounting related. GOOD LUCK RobinTX! KNOCK your test OUT!

DaliaChi 16 years ago

Aaron, I feel the same. To me REG is what to some people is BEC -- hell on earth. I had so much trouble with REG, and mainly b/c of time crunch. I'd say my take on difficulty is this (from hardest to easiest) -- REG, AUD, BEC and FAR. I passed all three except REG, and now waiting for a score for REG.

benrot80 16 years ago

Hey Phil, If you didnt yet take BEC, i would like to contact you. I failed it my first try, and just took it again on Aug.3. i can give you some tips on how to approach the exam. ben

taney 16 years ago

@isant: I'm from the Pasadena area.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

@ Shan1123 Yes, it's possible. I had 5 weeks to prepare (and passed), and I'm was working full-time as well on tax and benefit plan audits. And yes, April 15th isn't the only tax deadline (covered in REG) ;-) You can do it, but you have to be disciplined in the evevnings. If you're listening to lectures/reading materials, get it done with at least a week to focus on only M/C questions.

Johanna 16 years ago

Hey Shan1123 - I do the same work as you. My suggestion would be to move it. For FAR i took 1.5 weeks of vacation and just crammed my butt off. Studying at nights is not enough for this exam - plus, we're at the office at night's now anyways. My suggestion would be to reschedule for mid-Nov. This will give you some downtime after the hellish 10/15 deadline, and then some time to study before year end planning work picks up. Good luck!

shan1123 16 years ago

Johanna- I guess I forgot to mention that my NTS expires in September (which of course only gives me until the end of August). I take the bus in and out of the city of work (so that gives me an hour to study each way) and I get home around 8. I figured I could study from 8:30-10:30, then to bed at 11. Ugh, I just want to pass something!! I am waiting on my Aud scores.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Shan, in your case, I highly recommend the Yaeger audios...You can just sit on the bus and take notes while you easy way to study...They're less than $100 each too. -Jeff

Nan 16 years ago

A few months ago I was expecting be re-taking at least one section of the exam this month, and gnawing my fingernails with everyone else in late September. Instead I have my Congratulations letter and license application in hand, and have September reservations for Yellowstone. I'm going to be enjoying the geysers rather than frantically checking the NASBA website. I wish everyone here good luck, and encourage you push yourself just a little bit harder that you already think possible. Give your prep that last full measure of devotion, because there IS life after the CPA exam.

Aaron 16 years ago

I took 2 sections in July. If I passed both parts...when would I get my congratulations letter? I'm pretty sure I only passed 1 of the 2 but I'm curious now.

Nan 16 years ago


If those were your last 2 parts and you are successful, and your state does not handle the Congratulations letters themselves, CPA Examination Services promises that your Congratulations letter will be mailed by the middle of the second month of the following quarter. For July/August, that would be November 15th.

However, many people report receiving their letters 4 to 6 weeks earlier than the date given by CPA Examination Services. Mine was like that.

Good luck.

taney 16 years ago

Congratulations Nan!! I hope I'm next! (;

Aaron 16 years ago

thanks for the info Nan. Congrats!

Reno 16 years ago

Can you tell me how I know if I got those new sim. on my exam or not? Thank you!!

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

You can't really tell until the scores come out. If yours doesn't come out then you got a new sim. Or if it was FAR, if you had the new consolidations that would be an indicator.

Reno 16 years ago

Thank you for your answer, SwissBlissSC!
I took FAR on Aug. 1 and am now anxiously waiting for my result.. I really hope that I'll receive one this month!! Thanks again.

shan1123 16 years ago

You think I should purchase Yaeger even though I currently have becker??? I've been bringing my computer on the bus and listening to the lectures and working the mc??? I'm worried that if I get Yaeger I'll have too much material to study... what do you think?

another71 16 years ago

The audios are a compliment to your current course. I think that getting Phil's perspective on your exam material would be very can load them on your mp3 player and study wherever you are. I used to study at my desk at work by listening to the commentary while I rocked spreadsheets.

Karen 16 years ago

Use Becker instead. I used it and haven't gotten my score but would guess I'm in the 95 seemed WAY too easy after prepping with Becker....

CA 16 years ago

hey CA folks...I took my Reg exam on 5/29 and my official score has not been posted on the website yet...just the advisory score. Is anyone else in the same situation? I am dying to see my score report!

txwannab 16 years ago

I am in exactly the same boat as you right now. I am scheduled to take FAR Aug 30, and my window for testing expires in Sept. i have covered ch's 8&9 (I did worst on those when I got my 69 in April), and half of chapter 2. I have no idea if I can learn it well enough in time, but it costs the same whether I fail and reschedule, or chicken out and reschedule. So I say study your heart out, and give it your best shot.
No one has said that it gets harder your second time, so it sounds like you don't have any more to lose by keeping your appointment.

cajob 16 years ago

Does anyone know which state doesn't require one year experience for CPA licence. I am in CA and have passed all sections, but I couldn't find a job in a CPA firm. I am thinking to move to a state where one year experience is not required for CPA licence. Thanks

Chris L 16 years ago

You do not need to work for a CPA firm, just under a CPA. I am a Sr Accountant and my Controller is a CPA so that qualifies. I believe all states have the experience requirement.

Name 16 years ago

Has anybody ever studied for FAR for only about a week and still passed?? I'm not working right now, so I can devote all my time to studying. I studied about 5 days each for both BEC and Aud and passed both with an 89 and 92 respectively, but I just feel like FAR is in a whole different ball park. Does anyone have any thoughts on what I should focus my time on seeing as I'm so pressed for time? Thanks!!

WORK!! 16 years ago


I think it depends on how well you understand the material. You are correct that FAR is in a whole different ballpark because there is so much to study. I would focus on the material you struggled (if you did struggle) with in class (i.e. advanced- consolidations). I never took a government or n-f-p class so I focused on that. I would recommend leases, pensions, and consolidations. It's really a matter of how comfortable you are with the material. Browse over the general rules and exceptions to the rules. With your prior scores I don't see you having a problem. Good Luck!

jess 16 years ago

Jeff- Are you selling your notes for FAR yet (with the updated material)?

another71 16 years ago

Not yet...give me another month :)

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

SC just changed their rules a year ago July to only require one year of work experience. Although, I just re-read your note, and I'm not sure any state doesn't require may be able to find a state that will let you have your masters instead, but I'm not familiar with any. Good luck

WORK!! 16 years ago

Some states wave the work experience requirement if you have completed certain education requirements.

shan1123 16 years ago

Sounds like your boat might be a little farther ahead than mine!! I am just now finishing chapter 2 and am taking the exam on the 31st. It's hard because I just started a brand new job a month ago and have been focusing all my time there; when I get home I have no motivation to study. I have just about 3 weeks left now so it's time to kick it in to serious high gear. I've also never taking FAR yet so I don't know what is going to be my weak part... good luck to you!!! Keep me updated! :) You can do it!!

Go 16 years ago

Currently the only state that does not require a one year experience for the original license is "COLORADO". You, however, will need to have 150 credit hours in total. Of that 150 hours, you need to have 6 hours in Auditing. You can visit the CO state board of accountancy for more information (Look for the educational rule 2.5 - Education in lieu of experience). The fee for persons who have passed 4 sections in other states but would like to be licensed in CO is $165.

Go 16 years ago

Also... wishing everyone here Good Luck! I am waiting for my results too.

JimmN 16 years ago

Here's a silly question. When ever I fail a test about two weeks prior to getting my results I get mailers for a bunch of study materials. I don't think this happened with sections I passed.

1. Have you ever received these mailers and then passed (it's my last one. please give my confidence a boost)?
2. How do they get my info and know that I am studying for the CPA?

another71 16 years ago

I've never been mailed anything about materials...that's weird.

Russ 16 years ago

When I first read your reply my heart sank because I'm hoping for a passing Reg score next weekend and I had just checked my PO Box this afternoon and had CPA review ads in it! Thankfully I remembered though my license stuff is still going to my parents house. The only CPA related stuff signed up to the PO is an AICPA and CalCPA memberships that are "candidate memberships." Any chance you belong to the AICPA or a state run one as a "candidate"? If so, those are your likely sources of the ads.. in short don't let the paranoia eat you up!

HopefullySoonACPA 16 years ago

I took BEC 7/1 and I am dying to know. I take Audit 8/24 and I can't wait any longer. This is so painful.

wantmygradenow 16 years ago

I feel your pain. I took it 7/2 and I'm done if I pass it. If not, I have to take BEC, AUD, and REG again. I pretty much have an anxiety attack everyday that the scores are not posted.

Mitchell1627 16 years ago

I know I have gotten mailers as well but not sure how if it corresponded with failing scores. There is a good chance it did though as I try and remember!

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

I've failed all four tests and I've never received fliers/junk mail/spam from a review company. Sounds like a coincidence to me. I wouldn't read too much into it.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Exactly my scenario...with a small variation on dates. I'm with you. ;-)

NateTheGreat 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, we still looking pretty for BEC on Thursday?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Dunno...I won't know until they are actually released by the AICPA...that's what gets the ball rolling. I still feel good about Thursday's in line with past trends.

jm 16 years ago

Was the reg simulation new if taken around August 1? I'm hoping to have my results before the weekend.

REGNM 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, I was just wondering ifyou had a news lately that would lead you to beleive that your predictions are close, or if you've heard anything that may push those predictions back at all. I've passed AUD, BEC, and FAR, and took REG on 07/02, so needless to say, it's been a REALLY LONG 6 weeks! Thanks for everything.

jeff @ 16 years ago

nope...nothing yet - and I won't hear anything until they get released. I know how the waiting game feels :)

TexasBEC 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, How do you think the website will hold up this time around?

Eric 16 years ago

If Jeff's predictions aren't exactly "on" this time around then at worst it will be +/- a couple days. He has always been within 2 days I believe (past data). Somtimes earlier and sometimes later, you should expect BEC to come out around Thursday as he posted. Good Luck!

Eric 16 years ago

That is if you are in Wave 1, I forgot to mention that. And if you aren't a NASBA state, otherwise it takes a little longer.

TexasBEC 16 years ago

Hi Eric, Thanks for your reponse. I guess I should clarify my question. I was asking Jeff whether or not he thought the actual website will hold up with all the traffic of people looking at it. Last time, it was down a few times.

CPAhopeful 16 years ago

Might be a silly question (bear with me, I'm a first timer): How can I check whether my state is a NASBA state or an AICPA state for score release? Thank you!

LEE_IN 16 years ago

CPA hopeful, You are either a NASBA state or a non-NASBA state. You will need to go to the website: Click on your state and then click on score button. If you can put your section id number from NTS and date of birth, then you are a NASBA state if not then you are a non-NASBA state. There isn't a AICPA state. Hope this answers our question. I am waiting on FAR score this window. Good luck to you.

CPAhopeful 16 years ago

LEE_IN, Thank you so much! That answers my question. Good luck to you as well!

jeff @ 16 years ago

That is a legit question and the answer should be "yes"...I have switched to a java based system that can handle the load...

cpawannabe 16 years ago

HI Jeff: I took BEC on July 30th, and since there is no simulations for BEC, is it still possible that my score will be released in wave 2?

jeff @ 16 years ago

If I remember correctly, usually 99% of BEC scores get released in Wave 1 that are Wave 1 eligible. So, barring some computer issue, you should get your score soon.

lisacpa 16 years ago

It IS VERY painful. It is hard to understand why anyone in any real business would tolerate this much of a delay. AHHHHHH!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Any chance of AICPA releasing BEC today

jeff @ 16 years ago

sure...there's always a chance...

guest 16 years ago

my exam was on 1st july... tensed..

radny 16 years ago

I'm about to sit for this part for my third time pretty soon and would love to hear your advice on how to approach it. I want to start passing some parts and get a confidence boost to tackle the others.

UFbrett 16 years ago

I took the exam on the 10th of July and I have passed already passed 3 sections. This is my last section and I cannot wait for these scores to come out...

guest 16 years ago

Good luck to everybody.... i hope its a good day for me tom...

cpawannabe 16 years ago

I am in CA. Just now I checked the Board of Accountancy for my BEC score, the following message showed up: " The California Board of Accountancy's CBT Examination Application, Practice Privilege Holder Search and Practice Privilege Notification Form are currently offline for maintenance. This Web site should return to operation by 10:00PM PDT on 08/12/2009." I remembered that my friend told me that the night before his score came out he could not log on to his account. Would this message mean the the score will be out tomorrow?

RobinTX 16 years ago

man please I just want a 75!!!!!!!!!! good luck everyone!.....ah it took till 8/12 before I got my notice that my state board recevied a notice on 8/10 that I took REG on 8/5.........sinking feeling they will toss me in wave2 huh..... maybe since the number of test takers is up 10% this would explain pass rate increases and also indicate the potential for delays in score releases.........

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

So today's the day for BEC people. Is anyone else excited, stressed, paranoid, etc.? Good luck to all, and try to wait at least a minute before refreshing the site so we don't kill it again. ha ha.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Remember - today is the "predicted" AICPA release...CA/IL/etc and NASBA will follow after that...hopefully Friday *if* the AICPA releases today. I just don't want hate mail again this window :) The site should be fine this time...the new comments system seems to have alleviated the problem. I'll let everyone know the second I hear anything...

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Ah, no hate mail from me. I know the drill. ;-) Today is the day...meaning it will tell all of us NASBA people it's close. Thanks for all you do!!! I will be happy when I don't have to visit your site any more (that's a compliment by the way).

Jason Harris 16 years ago

Any other VA takers have issues with the website? According to the board, they will start releasing score information online (as opposed to the Jan and Apr windows over the phone only) with this window. I'm waiting on FAR this time around.

snhokie 16 years ago

I'm sitting for the exam in VA, too. I haven't had any problems with the website but I seem to be the only one - almost everyone else I know is having big problems. Their scores don't usually show up at all (even months later) so they've all been calling in to find out if they passed. I took FAR and AUD during the April/May window and both of my scores showed up online as soon as the VBOA released them. I didn't even have to call in to find out. I'm not really sure why the website is working for me but I'm not going to argue. Are you sure you're going to the right place on the site to look for your score? I'll be the first to say that I've never seen a more complicated, non-intuitive way to find something online. Truth be told, I actually found my FAR score by accident...

Jen 16 years ago

VA site is working fine for me as well. I agree. It is complicated to find! Too many steps are needed to look it up. My score from the January/Feb window is not on the site, but my other scores are. It should be working by now

Ed 16 years ago

Hi I was wondering if I took BEC on Aug 7th, would that qualify me for Wave 1? Thanks!

jeff @ 16 years ago

yep - you *should* be Wave 1

Christina 16 years ago

Hi Jeff (or anyone who would like to respond)! I took AUD on August 3rd and am curious as to your thoughts on how my results may play out. It took me 50 minutes to do the first testlet of MC, I didn't take a break before the second testlet, completed the second testlet in about 1 hour and 15 minutes (questions got a lot harder), did take a break before the third testlet, and then took 20 minutes for the third testlet (I wizzed through the questions because they were easier!). It is to my understanding that the test is adaptive and it worries me that the third testlet was so easy. I'm curious that if I didn't do well on the second testlet, but got all/majority of the questions correct on the third testlet, is there a chance I could still pass? Thanks!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I wouldn't worry about it...AUD is the one exam that people typically fly through...they may have seemed "easy" because you knew your stuff, right? Of course you can still pass! Jeff

CPA Hopefull 16 years ago

I guess no one has received a score today. Bummer!! Looks like I'll have to wait until next week to get mine.

Christina 16 years ago

That WAS my initial reaction - "It was easy because I knew that stuff". But then anxiety sets in!! Thanks for the vote of confidence!

jeff @ 16 years ago

They haven't been released yet by the AICPA...still waiting on that.

Lisa 16 years ago

It could be. I am also a CA candidate. I didn't take BEC this window (I'm hoping for AUD and FAR scores) and I was not given that error message. Keep me updated.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Jeff, I thought it was just major rumor that it was adaptive. Has there been any confirmation on that? Just curious.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Oh - it's a fact that AUD, REG, and FAR are adaptive...the MCQs, anyway. The sims are not adaptive. There's been several official releases that confirm this.

cpasoon 16 years ago

I took AUD in May and my first testlet seemed easy. . . second hard . . . third easy and I finished early . . I passed with an 89

guest 16 years ago

Prediction says .. scrores will be out tom- friday... not today...

snhokie 16 years ago

I took AUD in May, too. All three of my testlets seemed way too easy and I ended up passing with a 90. I remember the questions getting slightly more complex, but there was no drastic difference. That made me really uneasy - when I sat for both FAR and REG, the difference in difficulty between testlets one and two was huge. I think it's harder to determine the difficulty level on AUD because the questions are mostly theory (as opposed to calculations for the other two).

jacscallin 16 years ago

the wait is killing me...

brandon 16 years ago

Jeff-- Could I recommend an enhancement to the site? If there was a way you could put a breaking news line (like MSNBC does) at the top of your site (say for instance when BEC gets released), it would really help out so people would see it as soon as they clicked on, instead of having to open up this thread. Just a suggestion. Thanks for the site, Brandon

laurenCPA 16 years ago

I have a question regarding "new sims". I'm almost confident I had a new one, based on the material tested, does this mean that this sim was a pre-test and therefore will not be the graded sim?

CPA2009 16 years ago

I'm so ready for this wait to be over and praying that my FAR test is released with the Wave 1 scores; I took my exam July 11th so its been a long wait. This is my last exam and I'm eager to get my results.

waitingonbec 16 years ago

Jeff, If scores don't come out between Friday and Saturday is it possible that scores can be released on a Sunday? Thanks!

ohiocpa 16 years ago

I took BEC on Aug. 8th. Any chance I might be in wave 1?

val_duff 16 years ago

I took AUD on 7/16 and left with 1:45 on the clock still. I keep thinking I should be nervous, but I really, honestly felt good about it...of course, you know what they say. When you feel good, it's a bad sign. :( Dying for next Weds!

Jayy 16 years ago

Let's go AICPA, LETS GO!

need2passSoon 16 years ago

Hurry UP! This is affecting my AUD studying. I need a JOB!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Good suggestion...I'll put it up by the score release banner in red when it happens. Thanks Brandon

UFbrett 16 years ago

Jeff, How do you know when the AICPA has released scores for a section?

fsumarie 16 years ago

I am waiting for AUD too. i just hope it comes out as predicted. it has been late in the past and i really can not handle that kind of stress. this is my last one.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I get an e-mail from someone who likes my site...

darvin+one 16 years ago

Question for VA candidates: On the boa website, there is a checklist which includes passing each section of the CPA exam. I just found this area and noticed that the two exams i took this window, REG and AUD, have a name next to "processed by" but remain as "unchecked" vs. "complete." (The ones i have not taken have no name under "processed by") Does this mean I did not pass or is there still hope?

lolo3 16 years ago

The name appeared on mine a few days after I sat for the exam so I think it just means that they received confirmation that you sat for an exam. I definitely don't think it means you failed because they have not received any scores from the AICPA (according to my friend who called in this morning to ask).

doune56 16 years ago

I had the same issue when I sat for AUD in MAY. I think that the person responsible to update the system automatically includes their name next to the section after you sat for the exam. Once the results are released, you will be able to see both your scores (included in a different section of the website) and the date VA BOA obtains your results for the exam will be included in the checklist. I called VA BOA today and they have not obtained any results from NASBA. So there is still hope out there.

AK20 16 years ago

Any news on the AICPA release of BEC? I'm dying!

jeff @ 16 years ago

all is quiet...I've seen the AICPA release BEC at 9pm EDT before though...

Matt 16 years ago

Yes I am embracing that.

jeff @ 16 years ago

***The AICPA just released BEC***

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

If the AICPA just released BEC, will Illinois have them on their site today yet, or not until tomorrow?

Guest 16 years ago

I took BEC on 07/25 in CA but I haven't received my score yet. what does it mean?

Go 16 years ago

Jeff - Does this mean we have a hope to get a score tomorrow night for NASBA states?

guest 16 years ago

jeff when do u think NASBA will release it now?

jeff @ 16 years ago

IL could come out tomorrow (doubt highly that it's tonight)...not sure about CA...they're closed tomorrow right?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Still bet it's tomorrow night...9pm EDT

jeff @ 16 years ago


Chris 16 years ago

what about bec in texas?

TX_09 16 years ago

Jeff, Does regulation always come before Aud or could it be the other way around?

jeff @ 16 years ago

they tend to alternate...

Kirk 16 years ago

TX is not a NASBA state, although I know that the TX board posts these. For these "non-NASBA" states, would they be more likely to come tomorrow?

Chris L 16 years ago


TheStudier 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Great site! Yes, the California Board is closed tomorrow :( Does this mean there's no chance of receiving BEC scores until next week?

Chris 16 years ago

So here's what I'm wondering: what is the deal with the AICPA release date? Is that just the day they mail out the letters, or is that when they tell NASBA, or is there some way that I can see my score a few days earlier online, or what? Also, awesome site, this is like crack for me around exam release time. I've passed AUD and FAR, waiting on REG (Saturday or Tuesday?), and I'm taking BEC on Saturday, and I've been glued to this site every month or two. You do a great job, Jeff, and congrats on passing.

lisacpa 16 years ago

Here we go ....... weeeeeeeeeee. Good Luck Everybody!!!!

shan1123 16 years ago

Lauren, My understanding (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) is that a new sim means you will automatically be placed into wave two. This reason being that it is new and takes longer to grade while they need to compile a large enough number of people who had the new sim to grade it. It doesn't indicate that it is pre-test info... the tabs of the sim will definitely be graded, however they may be more likely to choose your communication from the other sim. Hope that helps!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - good explanation...

smeal2009 16 years ago

How do you guys deal with the nervousness?

Chris L 16 years ago

Can you say "refresh"!

Name 16 years ago

I'm wondering the same thing regarding FAR (took it Aug 8). I haven't heard on that, but let me know if you get your score in wave will give me hope. My logic is maybe Jeff put approx. Aug 7 as the cutoff because not all test centers are open on Saturday. Of course, I'm really trying to convince myself more than anything.

linda 16 years ago

I know Illinois will not release until tomorrow but I will still log in every five minutes. I hope they do it tomorrow morning because I will be at the water park all day with the family and no internet.

linda 16 years ago

Has anyone received their scores?

jeff @ 16 years ago

the 7th is the cutoff for just about every

UFbrett 16 years ago

The only way I get by without checking the website every 5 minutes, is drink some beer and hanging out with my family. This only works because I am waiting on my last seciton. Usually I just study twice as hard so I forget about the up and coming score releases

andrewgreiner 16 years ago

looks like a no on illinois...

cpawannabe 16 years ago

Hi Jeff: Somebody said that CA will be closed tomorrow. Does this mean that we won't be able to see our scores tomorrow if they are not released tonight?

jeff @ 16 years ago

That's a great question. I could see CA releasing them early in the AM after processing or I could see them lagging until Monday...

RobinTX 16 years ago

wow looks like some ppl will get grades this weekend after all.....go BEC ppl good luck!!! on another note......I read a very wise CPA argue about the pretest questions that they toss us during the is in the invitation to comments 2007 that was released last summer: page 70 is good and page74. overall a must read!.. 1. Why do candidates now have only 18 months to complete the CPA exam when we (i.e., almost everyone involved in the CBT decision-making at any level) had three years? 2. The demeaning and condescending comments about candidates strikes me as, at best, unproductive and, at worst, as an indication of the low regard that certain regulators have for candidates. Another recent example from your October 2007 document Improving the Uniform CPA Examination: "Candidates often do not take seriously their responsibility to review program materials, tutorials and practice tests." (page 8.) Do you have any evidence to back up this assertion? In the same document you admit that problems with the simulations were also attributed to the technology. Your document also implies that there is something wrong with candidates' behavior when they wait until the end of the period to schedule the exam. See my comment 3., below. I have listened to representatives of State Boards, NASBA, and the AICPA regarding this point and I find it offensive to me personally and to the thousands of hard-working students I have worked with in my 28 years as an educator at one of the leading Accounting Departments in the nation. It is simply an over-generalization of the population you are attempting to "serve." When we (the faculty) reported the results of anecdotal evidence from a large number of our former students who were then CPA exam candidates, we were dismissed by one NASBA official that these were "whiny" people who complain a lot. 3. The logic of your comment on page 6 concerning deadlines escapes me. You state: "If there is no end (to each test window), volume could well decline." How does that follow? Further, you state that people tend to schedule tests at the end of each window, implying that there is some aberrant behavior in this approach. Not only do I once again not see the logic as to why this should be a factor in not allowing the exam to be open for 12 months, but why would we expect exam takers' behavior to be any different than that of tax return filers? Of holiday shoppers? Of respondents to invitation to comments? 4. Why has NASBA taken nearly 11 months to compile the results of the 2006 CPA ...."

Go 16 years ago

Jeff - Per your historical data. Has NASBA been taking "one day" to release scores to candidates after AICPA released it?

jeff @ 16 years ago

NASBA used to take 2-3 days, but they have really done a good job of expediting the turnaround process...I won't be surprised if they have results out tomorrow night.

linda 16 years ago

jeff, Hows looking at the release date and time?

linda 16 years ago

Jeff, Hows the Illinois release date and time looking? Linda

guest 16 years ago

i hate this wait.. good nite guys... am off to bed.. cya tom..

linda 16 years ago

Jeff, Hows the Illinois release date and time looking? Linda

linda 16 years ago

Jeff, Hows the Illinois release date and time looking? Linda

luj333 16 years ago

you posting the same thing over and over isn't going to get a response any quicker

jeff @ 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

Dunno :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

Dunno :) :)

linda 16 years ago

easy there killer. it didnt show my wall post so i did it again.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I was just joking, btw. Illinois is always good about getting scores out...I bet you have them mid-afternoon tomorrow.

Darthjim23 16 years ago

NO SCORES YET....In Ireland checking...waiting for BEC!! BLAME IT ON THE A,A,A,A,A,A,A, ALCOHOL WIT IT

Darthjim23 16 years ago

If I don't get my BEC score soon, I'm going to lightsaber or "force choke" one of my commanding officers

Kim Hill 16 years ago

How good is Missouri with releasing scores?? You think it will be sometime today? Please, let it be!

Darthjim23 16 years ago

May the force be with you

jamie 16 years ago

any word from any of those ealier released states?

JG 16 years ago

VA candidates: I called this morning but VA BoA has not received scores yet.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

If it makes anyone feel any better, the SC NASBA site won't load when they are "uploading their scores," and I can't check my score right now because it's not loading. So hopefully. looks like you were right on the money Jeff. Jamie in response to your question, I don't think any of the "earlier" released states have received scores due to the later release yesterday. Jeff mentioned earlier yesterday that he didn't think their scores would come out until this morning sometime and to look for NASBA tonight. Good luck!

taylor 16 years ago

any michiganders in here, looking like scores will be up tonight?

cpawannabe 16 years ago

CA BEC score out. I passed~~

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

Congratulations! I am studying for that part right now. Any helpful tips??

mohamed 16 years ago

Is there any other site where i can check my result than my account on i am registered in CALIFORNIA , i took AUD, FARE exams on July 6, 10 . Thanks

mohamed 16 years ago


cajungirl 16 years ago

Jeff, First, thank you for your site. I have been taking this test since last August and have followed your site since December. I am waiting on BEC results, which hopefully, this is the last time I ever have to check my scores. My question to you is this - do you think you will be post on twitter when NASBA scores are released? I do not have internet at my house other than on my cell phone, and the only page I seem to be able to pull up is your twitter site.

Go 16 years ago


lolo3 16 years ago

VA candidates: BoA has BEC scores. My friend called in this morning and initially was told if her score wasn't on the online site, they didn't have it. She asked them to check because she had heard that NASBA released scores and lo and behold, they found her score and she passed. Just wanted to pass on that info. I am waiting, impatiently, for AUD and FAR scores.

linda 16 years ago


ISU_Ed 16 years ago

Illinois scores are available. I passed BEC. Got an 87

SoDoneWithThis 16 years ago

Any Illinois scores out yet?

Russ 16 years ago

Mohamed, That's the site for California... it will show up on the bottom of the "status" tab.

TC 16 years ago

I haven't seen anyone from VA with a score posted on the website yet... I hope they are posted soon.

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

Yes - BEC is now available

Joe Macaluso 16 years ago

Just got my Illinois BEC score (the first part of the exam I ever sat for) and I passed! Thanks for your great site, Jeff—makes me feel good to know I'm not alone in this. :-)

almostacpa 16 years ago

Any news on New Hampshire BEC scores?

cpawannabe 16 years ago

I use Becker, but Becker does not cover all of the material. I suggest you buy the Wiley's book as a supplemental to whatever you are using. Wiley's problems are helpful.

lolo3 16 years ago

If you are waiting for a BEC score, I would call the Board and ask. The VA site has had problems in the past (I know of people who passed a section earlier this year and still do not have a score reflected on the website, even though they received scores in the mail). I have heard they are working on fixing it, but I think it is worth a phone call so you don't have to prolong your misery.

cpawannabe 16 years ago

Aud and Far for CA is probably not out yet. I got my BEC score this morning, usually Aud and Far are a couple of days later than BEC

Nando9 16 years ago

Any NJ candidates on here?

SoDoneWithThis 16 years ago

BEC 82!!!!! FAR 76 AUD 82 NOW COME ON, RELEASE REG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JG 16 years ago

OMG thanks!!!! I was told that they didn't have a score when I called in the morning, and I called again after reading this post, told the lady I knew someone who received the score, and then finally she looked it up and told me I passed!!! Thank you!!!!

BL 16 years ago


lolo3 16 years ago

Glad I could help. We Virginians need to stick together!

Go 16 years ago

Waiting on TN. I think all NASBA states will be released at the same time tonight.

jeff @ 16 years ago


Go 16 years ago

Hopefully NASBA will release at 9pm as Jeff has predicted.

Laura 16 years ago

Just saw my score posted on the Virginia site. 75!

jeff @ 16 years ago


cpacrazy 16 years ago

I am waiting for my scores for BEC from NY. Does anyone know anything about NY?

Taylor 16 years ago

Checked the VA site again and it was posted. Passed! Good luck on AUD and FAR.

guest 16 years ago

is Colorado out?

Kirk 16 years ago

Anyone get scores in TX....

txwannab 16 years ago

Probably not until next week Kirk.

guest 16 years ago

BEC scores in CA is out. I passed. Thanks, Jeff!

Darthjim23 16 years ago

I am a NASBA State. I'm about to call the state board and tell them that if they don't release scores soon, I will be forced to utilize the full powers of the Death Star on Earth.

Darthjim23 16 years ago

The Dark Side needs people like you. Give me a call and we can discuss joining our accounting department

Chris 16 years ago

I think that they update the website at 3 - 4 am, and we should have our scores in the am.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Anything from NY?

guest 16 years ago

Why do they post scores from 8 pm to 12 pm.. EST... Dont they want to have a nice friday night and let others have it too.....?

marccus 16 years ago

YES! I passed BEC with an 80! Wow it is so scary looking up your score when you know it is posted. Thanks Jeff for all the support. Two down: AUD 81, BEC 80. Waiting for REG to come out.

Go 16 years ago

My guess for NASBA posting at night would be: NASBA processes score for most states and so processing during the day could cause a disruption to their system. I, agree, however that if they are staying late anyway, they should have done it last night when the AICPA released BEC score to them.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

that likely means that the other sections will be reported via telephone only.

SoDoneWithThis 16 years ago

Anyone want to guess when the AICPA will release REG?

ndow 16 years ago

I'm a NJ candidate, but waiting on AUD.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

It's at the top of this page under predictions.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Its an IT process that runs - starting at 8pm EDT

khumbu 16 years ago

BEC Colorado...............any results yet...?

luj333 16 years ago

yay... only like 2 more weeks until wisconsin releases scores

pratz3 16 years ago

Can you check your score on a blackberry???? I am going to be out tonight and I dont klnow how to access the website on my blackberry..I tried typing the entire link on my BB but it doesnt work..Im from NY...

Balckberry 16 years ago

Yes. Type in the entire link including your birthday etc. Check your results on a computer, then use the link that's up on top that includes your info. It'll work. Near the bottom of the screen it'll say Error... and it'll say your score when it shows up

acrua112 16 years ago

make sure you have the latest browser installed on your BB. start on nasba's home page and just click through the links to get to correct page instead of typing in the entire url.

Name 16 years ago

BEC - 74. What does this mean other than I failed? Was the 74 a matter of 1 question? Has anyone ever appealed a score on BEC?

pratz3 16 years ago

Im trying that...I cant even click on all the links..and I dont see the entire page..Only limited stuff... Even if i go on and try fro mthere I dont see everything..How do i get the latest browser??

pratz3 16 years ago

I think I have to pay with the browser settings..But thanks for responses...And Good Luck!!! :)

NUMBER 16 years ago

NAME: Most likely it was not a matter of 1 question.

cpasoon 16 years ago

I know someone that appealed their AUD score of a 74 and paid a decent amount of money to do it and it didn't do any good. Apparantly when you are that close more than one person scores your test (at least the ones with sims). I'm not sure there would be much room for an appeal on BEC since there aren't any sims

jeff @ 16 years ago

NASBA people can expect BEC **tonight**

jamie832 16 years ago

Received 74 on BEC and have retook again and waiting. Not sure what I will do if I get 74 again??

Adam 16 years ago

Do you get any notification from NASBA when your score is posted?

jeff @ 16 years ago just have to look at their site

fromca 16 years ago

Thank God!!! I passed BEC with an 84. It's not a high score but I'm happy. I thought that I failed miserably when I walked out from the testing site. Two down two more to go.

sammad 16 years ago

Another 82!!!! Off to LA to celebrate!!! AUD - 82 BEC - 82

Name 16 years ago

Thanks all. I'm just devastated with my 74!

wantmyscorenow 16 years ago

From the information I read on this site, it's only a score verification. They only ensure that the correct key was used. They don't regrade the test. It also indicated that no one passed by appealing. It was a Q&A article about myths of the CPA exam on this site. It was pretty interesting, but I know it addressed appeals. Sorry about the 74. Just hang in there.

Joe Macaluso 16 years ago

In this game, a 76 is a high score. :-)

Waiting 16 years ago

Jeff, Nice moves putting the score release updates in the banner!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Haha that's so true. It's like torture hearing all your friends in other states getting their scores when you're still waiting to hear!

The Piece 16 years ago

Did you take audit in the current testing period?

Russ 16 years ago

Name, Hang in there. The first time I took BEC I got a 74 also, it almost hurt worse than the high 60's I got on the rest of the exams the first time. I crammed cost accounting and worked a zillion MCQs and took it the beginning of the next window and passed. You can do it, you are so close!

txwannab 16 years ago

I just called the Texas Board and they haven't received the scores from NASBA. He said they would probably not be posted on Monday because, "they need to verify them first." Don't shoot the messenger, I am just letting you know what he said.

aaron 16 years ago

Yea the updates in the banner.

isant 16 years ago

Just saw my score for BEC and I passed. Finally done with all 4 parts! THANK YOU Jeff for making a dead on prediction! Going to Vegas this weekend and was really hoping I would find out prior to my departure. Now I'm off to celebrate after 13 months of tedious studying. Good luck everyone and I hope you all pass!

shan1123 16 years ago

Agreed Joe!!! Hell, I'll be happy to get 75's... passing is passing and the end of this dreaded torture!! Good luck everyone!! BTW- I'm in MA waiting for AUD.... I know, I still have a few more days :(

benrot80 16 years ago

NAME: I got a 72 last time around on BEC. I just took it again a week and a half ago. It hurts-I know.Better luck to all of us the second time!

exit322 16 years ago

So far so good on the predictions - looks like I'll be hoping to expect a couple scores mid next week (took AUD/REG on 7/1 and 7/20).

Texas 16 years ago

Texas doesn't receive their scores from NASBA. TX receives them directly from AICPA. If you call the TX Board 5 times, you'll get 5 different answers. I've taken/received 2 scores so far and both times the advisory score was posted 2 business days after the AICPA released the scores. So, we're looking at Monday....

lalalalalalala 16 years ago


HopefullySoonACPA 16 years ago

My heart is pounding. I just want it already.

waitingforbec 16 years ago

Has anyone received their BEC score from NASBA yet? I just tried and it wasn't there, but I'm not positive I have my right Section ID#

lalalalalalala 16 years ago

no, i am also waiting. it keeps saying error.

jeff @ 16 years ago

they arent out worries...

guest 16 years ago

500th comment... i m waiting too..")

Go 16 years ago

Counting down too.

yllejane 16 years ago

Yeppi. GA out. 87 in BEC. 2 done 2 to go.

Go 16 years ago

BEC:TN - 90 ... Woo Hoo

Darthjim23 16 years ago

BEC ohio yet??????

HopefullySoonACPA 16 years ago

CO 78 - That was a hard test. So happy it is over. 2 done, 2 to go.

jeff @ 16 years ago


Jarod 16 years ago


tdub 16 years ago

Fl yet?

lalalalalalala 16 years ago

BEC, CO 83

HB 16 years ago


Andrea 16 years ago

no :(

Name 16 years ago

Jeff, Do you think there is a chance AUD could show up before REG. cuz it did in previous windows.

guest 16 years ago

77 co state

Jones611 16 years ago

BEC TN 82!!!

khumbu 16 years ago

Colorado,BEC 80, second try ,first best.I am happy.Thanks guys for the support.I love you all.

SLR 16 years ago

Jeff, I finally overcame BEC with a 75. I want to thank-you for your great suggestions and studying techniques. Your suggestion of using Yaeger Self Study was what got me those 7 points (with Becker I previously scored a 68) I needed to pass. It has been such a long road for me, since accounting was not my original career. I had to take the 24 credits in accounting to actually sit for the exam. BEC was the most difficult since I never took a cost accounting or financial management classes . It has been a long two years! Now, I can get on with my life, with this behind me! Thanks again!

jeff @ 16 years ago

yes - it's very possible

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well done!!!

khumbu 16 years ago

All respect to Jeff and the forum members,you are awesome guys.

FL-BEC 16 years ago

Do all states release their scores at exactly 9pm or do they come out throughout the night? I'm waiting for BEC, but don't know if I should just check back tomorrow :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's a batch process...they're done for the night. I'm really sorry about your score...waiting sucks beyond belief...I've been there many times.

FL-BEC 16 years ago

Thanks for the info!

MsM 16 years ago

SLR- congrats! All that hard work paid off!

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

SC is out thankfully....77. One left two weeks from tomorrow. I see the light.....

NolaBadger 16 years ago

BEC came today 8/14, as predicted...took on 7/20 passed 90

NolaBadger 16 years ago

I got mine @ 9 Central. I checked @ 6 but it wasn't there at that time.

Russ 16 years ago

Anyone else checking for their scores for AUD, FAR or REG even though since Jeff hasn't said it you know they aren't out?! I just can't help myself from looking for my REG score as if its gunna be there!!

NolaBadger 16 years ago

Checked FAR, which I took 7/13, but no score yet...I'm guessing it will be next Thursday as the man predicts.

Keep_studying 16 years ago

BEC ME 83, 3 down, 1 to go !!! This was my 3rd try and was much harder than the first 2 tries! (BEC questions are so out there...) Thanks, Jeff. And good luck to you all!

NateTheGreat 16 years ago

BEC 76, I'll take it REG 79 2 down, 2 to go

bhoomaiah011 16 years ago

CO 89 BEC......this is my first attempt... happy :)

smeal2009 16 years ago

PA BEC - 89, first exam ever taken....what a great feeling

wishmeluck 16 years ago

im waiting for REG. Is Cali not a NASBA state? if so the result will be came out tomorrow on Saturday?? Im studying FAR and it is so painful........

luisfra 16 years ago

great prediction! I got my BEC score at 11PM August 14th...I don't know if I was more happy to pass than impressed by your prediction or viceversa! LOL

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

Jeff, REG is predicted to come out today, but it's Saturday. Do they ever come out on the weekend or do we have to wait for Monday? I am in NC where they mail the scores, so if they release it on the day you predict is that the day they would mail it, if your prediction is correct?

Chris L 16 years ago

Today would be the day that the AICPA releases the score. They would have to be formated into letters and printed, that would not happen today.

jeff @ 16 years ago

The AICPA does release scores over the weekend...they have in the past

A 16 years ago

Does anyone know anything about BEC scores for NY? Still waiting for my BEC scores to come out.

ras1 16 years ago

has all four parts passed first time now!!!!! got an 83 on bec and is so so so so so so happy! congrats everyone else!! : )

MsM 16 years ago

Jeff- How long are the Yaeger Audio cram lectures? and would it be worth it to purchase a week before my test? Thanks

jeff @ 16 years ago

Some are close to 8 hours or so...yes, if they are going to be the only Yaeger product you buy (the cram would be ideal, but you're short on time), then I think it would be a smart purchase. -Jeff

davec_MA 16 years ago

Jeff, Great prediction and great site...76 (whew) in BEC and just have FAR left Oct 1st. Good to know that there are others out there who share my pain/struggles/anxieties/frustrations. Thanks for sharing your story and creating a forum to have others share as well. Congrats to all those who passed!!!

guest 16 years ago

Jeff, I gave REG on 7th August.. so i can hope to be in wave 1 right...??

Nando9 16 years ago

Thanks for the prediction. Passed BEC, my first section. I am studying for FAR now, and not feeling overly confident. Have exam on Aug 26. Anyone know if it'd be possible to take Audit and Reg within 5 days of one another after a total of one month of studying? Good luck to all and congratulation to the succesful candidates

cpaneedy 16 years ago

Any word on Reg scores in VA? I just checked and it isn't up yet.

Steve 16 years ago

BEC is out in Indiana - was out last night around 9pm. 87 and I am done with this damn exam.

NUMBER 16 years ago

Jeff, Do you plan on putting an alert at the top of the page upon AICPA score release? We found it very helpful for BEC. Thanks!

rick 16 years ago

I just passed BEC. That was my last part. What are the next steps to actually get the licensce

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - as soon as I'm at my computer...I post from my phone a lot and the banner requires adjusting HTML, which I can't do from my phone...I will post it here and Twitter until I can get to my computer. Someone recommended that...It was a great idea! Jeff

jeff @ 16 years ago

Congrats! Your state BOA site should have the info.

jacscallin 16 years ago

please...please... have REG come out today... I am spending the day studying for FAR and checking the CA BOA website... lol

ACD1109 16 years ago

what is the difference between getting the aicpa scores and nasba scores? i know the nasba scores are online but if aicpa scores come out today does that mean i can find out my score?

Chris L 16 years ago

The AICPA grades the tests but does not know who you are. Only the states and the NASBA does.

brandon 16 years ago

Here's the simplified process: You sit for exam at Prometric --> Prometric sends scores to AICPA for grading --> AICPA releases scores to NASBA and State Boards of Accountancy that don't use NASBA for verification --> NASBA and State Boards post scores online at their own timetable.

ACD1109 16 years ago

wow thank you that makes a whole lot sense! Waiting for my Reg score...i keep having dreams it's a 68 lol

jeff @ 16 years ago

Check out the preview PDF to my book....the answer to this is included in the preview. Jeff

NUMBER 16 years ago

Hopefully you are dyslexic in your dreams and your score is really an 86 ;-)

cpaneedy 16 years ago

I read that AICPA does not release scores for VA. Does that mean I have to wait till tuesay for the state board to relase Reg scores on the website? ugghhh Tuesday is a long wait!

AMay127 16 years ago

I think you will survive this way... I would recommend taking audit 5 days after REG because the Audit test is a lot of memorization of lists (Becker has a ton of mnemonics to use for this). Whereas I found that REG was more application based and deserves more attention in your available study time....practice tests for REG are a must, but Audit seems to be more about parroting the study aids.

lolo3 16 years ago

AICPA releases scores for every state including VA. For a reference, AICPA released BEC to the states on Thursday and people in VA called in Friday morning and could get their scores. They were posted (at least for some people) on the VA website later Friday, When Jeff posts that the AICPA released scores, VA should have the score the next business day.

Kat 16 years ago

I'm from NY and one of my friends received his BEC score last night.

cpaneedy 16 years ago

Gotcha Thank you lolo!

Jen 16 years ago

Sounds like I'm the only one who failed BEC this window. Completely disappointed. 71, again! I don't understand it, I really thought I knew this stuff. When I was studying the second time around my thoughts were "I know all of this, how did I fail the first time?" Hopefully next window I can pass it

James M 16 years ago

You are definitely not the only one who failed! The fail rate exceeds the pass rate. You are just one of the few who decides to post that they fail, while everyone who passes jumps for joy and posts it for everyone to see ;) Good luck on your next test

Mike 16 years ago

Anyone have any suggestions for how to memorize the budget variance formulas for BEC? Taking my exam this week and just can't get it.

NUM83R 16 years ago

Any word on the release of reg or audit today?

mohamed 16 years ago

understand it , it is the best way to memorize

Jayy 16 years ago

Waiting impatiently!

jeff @ 16 years ago

nothin' yet

Mike V 16 years ago

Don't worry Jen, I failed it twice, both 74's.... Lets see if the third time is the charm ; )

Jen 16 years ago

Thanks Mike, it's tough. What review company are you using? I think I'm going to try and buy Yaegar's BEC review

Jen 16 years ago

Thanks James! Haha, I know I'm not the only one who failed, does seem like it sometimes. It did take me a couple days to come back to the this thread and read through it. I was so disappointed. Thanks!

hypnochick 16 years ago

Hi All. Waiting for Reg here in Texas. Any chance that if AICPA releases scores tonight that I will have my scores on line at the Texas State Board Site? I know that Jeff predicts Tuesday. I know for BEC, Texas updated right after the ACIPA release. I am just hoping that Reg will come out before Tuesday. Any thoughts? I am stressing!

Mike V 16 years ago

Tell me about it lol... I am using Yeager CPA review and I think its pretty good... I think my weak points are IT and the Cost/Managerial accounting ... I plan to retake it immediately... Good Luck!! - Mike

hypnochick 16 years ago

Hi Mike. I took BEC twice and had issues on the first test (73) with those stupid cost accounting formulas. (but I am not bitter - ha ha ha) What I did was to prepare my own very simple example of how a typical formula would work, use small rounded numbers (i.e 10, 20 etc) and then try to memorize what business issue the formula is trying to explain (i.e. the risk of a given choice or the variance associated with an increased cost over budget.). At exam time, I could actually see my own practice problem formulas in my head and could relate how the test question was similiar to the examples that I made for myself. I only scored an 82 the second time, but probably would have done better had I actually studied for the legal entity stuff again. I aced it the first time and ignored it on the second because I was so worried about passing the financial and cost accounting stuff. I scored below average on the legal entity structures for the second exam. Funny too, although I took BEC back in April, I still remember quite a few of the formulas. Hope this helps! Good luck to everyone :) I hope this suggestion helps. I used Becker and the flash cards, which were generally useful, but not stand alone. I had to make my own write-up to cement the formulas in my memory.

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

Thank you for sharing! It is easy to share the good stuff, but when I failed FAR it was really supportive to see others going through the same thing. Although (thank goodness) I am done with BEC I am waiting on REG and it can go either way. So if it does not go my way I will be looking for my support! So keep working and before you know it, you will be Jen, CPA!

Taylor 16 years ago

Mike, I have to agree with Mohamed. I used Becker and their table didn't help me very much. What worked for me was to really understand what they were trying to attribute the variance do and then identify the differing variables between the two. Once I understood what the variance is attempting to identify rather than just memorizing, it clicked for me.

lexcpa 16 years ago

Nope, I failed also. I know it hurts as well but I'm gonna whatever it takes to get back in the game and pass it next time.

whodini 16 years ago

This reply is for hypnochick. Are you saying that you already received your score for BEC in Texas? I am also in Texas and my score was not there? This will make two windows in a row that I will wait the entire window before I receive my score when I have taken a section in the first wave timeframe. 75 last time. Hopefully same luck this time. Jeff--if you are seeing this, is it the usual case that if you take a section in the first wave and don't get it until the end when all scores are posted, that your score will be passing? Thanks. Hypnchick--thanks for that note, I would have guessed the scores just weren't posted yet.

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

Anyone here from NC who has taken a part already? Just wondering what the lag time was between when the AICPA releases the scores and when the state board actually mails them out. We're like dinosaurs over here, we can't even look up our scores on line.

hypnochick 16 years ago

Whodini. My apologies. I didn't mean to be confusing. I took BEC for the second time in April. I am waiting for my REG scores now.

whodini 16 years ago

whew.... thanks.

Marissa 16 years ago

The second wave has nothing to do with passing/not passing. Your score will automatically be released in the second wave if your exam had a new simulation on it or if you took the exam after a specific date. Since you say you took the exam in the first window, you most likely had a new simulation on your exam.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

I am now waiting for my AUD score. How do I know if I had new sims or not?

Josh 16 years ago

77 BEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo

Josh 16 years ago

this is for mike. if you're studying with becker, take a look at the definitions in the back of the book. I found them much easier to understand than the way it was explained in the chapter. GL!

JJ 16 years ago

Josh or any other fellow Becker student that took BEC already... I'm studying to take BEC on thurs. After reading all the negative reviews on Becker, I'm scared that no matter how hard I study my Becker materials, I won't pass. Is it necessary for me to push my Becker material to the side and start all over with a different study program? I can't believe I spent all this time and money with a deficient product!!!!!!

brandon 16 years ago

heck no, becker is completely fine for BEC. put the time in with the materials and the passmaster and there's no reason you can't get a passing score. i used becker and passed.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thanks Brandon, you seriously did not use anything other than Becker? I'm 41 with two kids under 10 that have not had a daddy for the past three years since I went back to school and am now studying for the exam. I just want this nightmare to be over. JJ

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

... did I mention working full time, serving as a board member for two comapnies and managing a partnership. I hate this, there's no nice way to say how I feel otherwise.

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

No. I passed BEC the first time with Becker. I would just get a real good grasp on chapter 3 and chapter 5.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thx again Brandon

cpacrazy 16 years ago

I just got my score tonight for BEC and passed. I have previously passed FAR and REG, each time I used only becker. I would just give it your best shot. Good Luck!!

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

BEC rant regarding the IT component... Censored, censored, and then censored some more.

Mike 16 years ago

Thanks all of you for your input.

hatemyself 16 years ago

I guess they the AICPA never released REG today as predicted?...anyone hear anything?

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thanks Cpacrazy. I just saw your helpful comments. Congrats as well on your success to date. I admire everyone on this board. This exam can break a person's spirit and this board is full of hope, courage, and will.

Kirk 16 years ago

No scores for BEC in Texas yet this time around, that is not right? I talked to a few people at the board last friday and they had not received anything yet and my score has not been posted yet. Texas lags a little bit for some reason?

jeff @ 16 years ago

nope...didnt happen...usually a Thursday release is followed by a Saturday release...

hypnochick 16 years ago

so, not possible for REG to be released tomorrow? This is so depressing!

anonymous (think larry david) 16 years ago

Any hope of a Sunday release?

Lorelai 16 years ago

So REG probably won't be released until Thursday?

jeff @ 16 years ago

if the AICPA releases Monday...then Tuesday probably

eunigirl 16 years ago

becker is great for bec~~~ I didn't even try every question in the database because there were too many Qs!! But I passed first time with a 81~~ not bad =) However I would say just ignore L2, all the econ questions on the exam are so common sense simple and the portion is so small... don't need to waste your time on L2. I don't think becker covers Reg well. I am a tax minor grad student, yet I still felt that REG exam was extremely hard!! waiting for me score............=(

andrewgreiner 16 years ago

you may have answered this question before, but i haven't been able to find the answer yet: is the august 7th date for the 1st/2nd wave cutoff a prediction as well? or is that confirmed with AICPA/NASBA or just common knowledge? i guess we can test it... anyone on here take BEC on august 8th or later and get their score already?

andrewgreiner 16 years ago

also, just curious about certain prep courses... it seems most people on here are recommending using becker or yaeger. my classmates and i have been using wiley. anyone else use that? or is it widely considered awful and nobody uses it?

Devin 16 years ago

Becker is fine... I used Becker and got an 80. Just memorize the PURE DADS pnemonic for variances and focus mostly on finance and managerial acct. The econ and business organization stuff is easy. The IT stuff just tends to be random and poorly worded, so i don't think it really matters what review software you use. You'll be fine! Just know those variances and finance stuff (NPV, CAPM, IRR, etc...)

fromca 16 years ago

Hi, I'm about your age & have a kid. I feel your pain. ^^ I used nothing but Becker & passed BEC & REG. You'll be just fine.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Wiley is a great cpa review book. Yaeger teaches out of the Wiley book.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

I used Becker 2005 materials and passed with a 77. I second the comments below regarding focus on chapters 3 & 5, do as many of the passmaster questions as you can, memorize PURE DADS. It's very doable, and it's very passable, but the key is doing the questions and understanding why you missed a question, you can't just go through questions, you have to understand why you missed it. You can do it!!! Just focus really hard for a few more days, and you'll have BEC behind you!!!

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Does anyone know how to know if you got the new sims for AUD. I took AUD a couple weeks ago, but if I got new sims I won't get my score till Sept, right? How do I know?

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thank you so much everyone. I have some renewed energy and belief that I can conquer this obnoxious monster. Take care and God bless!!!!!!

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

I got the dreaded nuts and bolts sim first which took me over an hour to finish. By the time I got to the second sim, I had less than ten minutes, panicked, and absolutely blew the second memo. So I will be able to tell you if it is true that only one writing is graded since I did well on the first and bombed the second (I aced the MCs except for the third testlet in which I counted six that I was unsure of). My rationale is that there's no way the nuts and bolts sim could possibly be pretest as it has been destroying test takers for almost a year now from what I can tell. Did anyone else out there have a similar experience with good ole nuts and bolts and still passed? I'm really afraid to see my score.

Name 16 years ago

I just took BEC three weeks ago and used becker study materials. They covered the test material very well and I scored an 88 on BEC. (Just found out Friday). Just make sure you have gone through the lectures and problems enough so you know know the concepts very well and can work all the math problems from the book examples. Then you will be more than prepared and do not need to start over with a different study program.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thanks!!!! JJ

Name 16 years ago

I believe for the most part it depends on how much time you put into it. I used Gleim, and passed the first 3 parts the first time. Waiting on the results of the last exam. However I did notice a couple of times when I didn't understand something I would refer to my friends Becker book and it would help clear up some of the things I had a hard time understanding.

UFbrett 16 years ago

I have used Becker for every section of the CPA exam. I think Becker did a good job with BEC, AUD and FAR. REG however, I think Becker could have prepared me a little better, but we will see when I get my score back. GOOD LUCK

Chris L 16 years ago

I used Gleim and have had no problems yet. I am more of a self studier so it works for me. The books and MC CD for all four parts was only $350.

dtgeorge 16 years ago

I had the same experience with the simulations, the first one was redic and caused me to bomb the 2nd simulation due to lack of time..Although a person at my firm told me they passed Reg without completing 3/4ths of a simulation. Fingers crossed.

Jayy 16 years ago

Does the aicpa ever release on Sunday?

BEC-FL 16 years ago

I took BEC on August 7th, no score for me yet :(

jeff @ 16 years ago

I can't recall a Sunday release....lots of Saturdays...but no Sundays. Even Still...If AUD or REG come out on Monday...Tuesday Nasba release is still a safe bet.

HB 16 years ago

Jeff, How do I unsubscribe to this thread?

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I did the same thing! The first sim was similiar and I spent too much time on it. All I was able to do was the essay on the second simulation!

Matty 16 years ago

hey Jeff, Is your estimate of August 7th on the long end or shorter. I took AUD on the 9th, and was wondering if I should even be hoping for my score on Monday the 17th, or just try and forget about the exam until next month. Im about to start studying for REG and don't want to waste time looking for a score that probably won't be there. Thanks, Matty

jeff @ 16 years ago

In your email...there should be an unsubscribe button...

jeff @ 16 years ago

I've seen a few 8th scores in the past, but the 7th is a pretty firm cutoff.

StephanieTX 16 years ago

Jeff, What are the odds Texas BEC scores will be relseased tomorrow?

Jamie 16 years ago

BEC 80!!!! I got a 73 last october and thought i did worse on this one. I was in DC this weekend visiting some friends and got on my laptop saturday morning to the best news ive ever received, 80 on BEC. I spent 300 dollars that day on lunch dinner and drinks I was so happy. Waiting for Audit now, gotta 74 last time but am pretty confident i passed. I cant wait till this whole thing is over.

Name 16 years ago

I have three days to cram for Audit and am using Becker... any advice as to what chapters to focus on?? How to best utilize my time?? Thanks!!

Jamie 16 years ago

know your reports inside and out

Num83rs 16 years ago

NAME: I agree with Jamie- know the reports and the wording of the reports (compilation vs. reviews). Also, how to plan the audit and what effects audit risk...(relationships of sample size etc)

Name 16 years ago


CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Anybody (who knows for sure and isn't guessing).... Completely disregarding the pretest questions, is it possible to get all 70 points possible in the MC testlets WITHOUT answering every question correctly? This is a complex question for which I cannot find a definitive answer. For example, one of us poor souls gets every MC correct except one of the "moderately difficult" ones. Will the higher weight questions in testlets 2 and/or 3 compensate for the lesser weighted MC missed in testlet 1 and therefore result in the maximum 70 points for the MCs? Obviously, this question pertains to any part of the exam which has simulations but can be applied to BEC using the 99 point maximum as the basis of the question. Thanks! JJ

brandon 16 years ago

In theory, yes but because the exact procedures for weighting/scoring the exam are only briefly discussed, it is impossible to know.

AO 16 years ago

I passed BEC with Becker. So if you know what you're doing, you will be fine!

AO 16 years ago

Congratulations and Good Luck! Awesome news!!!

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

I think so too because there have been people on this and other cpa exam blogs that are honestly mystified when getting a 99 based on their less than perfect performance on the MCs. Enough so that it cannot be explained away by good guesses or pretest questions. If true, it could be the difference in my passing audit since I screwed up the sims so bad but feel really good about the MCs. Every point matters and I'm sweating it out!

Texas 16 years ago

Stephanie TX-I'm expecting my score tomorrow based on timing of last two exams I've taken here in TX....

shan1123 16 years ago

All, I am curious to what is the minimum time spent on studying for FAR and passing? I know this seems like a stupid question, but I have exactly two weeks until the exam and am on chapter 3. I planned on studying a lot this weekend, however became very sick on Friday and have been in bed all weekend not even able to think straight, let alone study. Are my chances of passing totally shot or has anyone out there done it before? Any help would be great.... I'm not giving up, would just be nice to know I'm not alone! Good luck to everyone waiting on scores. I'm waiting on audit.

Todd 16 years ago

I just passed BEC with a 75 and Audit with a 77. I am taking Reg next and was wondering if anyone had an opinion on how long I need to study for Reg?

Dave 16 years ago

It is possible. I got a 99 in Audit and know I missed 1 MC question (I looked it up after the exam, and got it wrong). Absolutely can get all 70 points w/ 1 MC wrong.

brandon 16 years ago

Nice score! Hopefully I'll find out my FAR and AUD scores this week, unless i'm in the dreaded wave 2, of course.

mohamed 16 years ago

study well: Basic theaory, cash flows, equity, non for profit , and governmental accounting,

Texas 16 years ago

Texas BEC is Up!!! Passed BEC (2nd time taking it) with a 79! Praise the Lord! I am half way there! Now onto FAR.

Name 16 years ago

anyone heard anything about scores in Oklahoma?

Taylor 16 years ago

As much as humanely possible.

Taylor 16 years ago

The AICPA claims that there isn't a curve and that your score isn't a percentage. I'm thinking that every test taker is ranked by performance and then based on statistical calculations and such they choose a passing cutoff around 45-55% and the distribute the scores around that median (75).

NYC1 16 years ago

When is REG gonna post, taking AUD this Friday, really wanna know that I passed REG before going into the exam

Name 16 years ago

You should try your very best to finsih the rest of the chapters in a week so that you can have a week to just practice multiple choice. At this point you would need to study after you get off till you go to sleep and then all day on your off days. I did the same thing on regulation and managed to pass; tax is not my speciality. Practicing the multiple choice really helped me.

Name 16 years ago

Did you just receive audit or is this from a previous window?

Jason Harris 16 years ago

The FAR wait is the worst. Plus, I may have taken one with a new sim. AUD on the 29th...

CPA2009 16 years ago

I agree, it is worst for me because I took it early in July, its my last exam, and its the last to be released. The other exams I took on the last day of the month so it wasn't as bad. Its been 5 weeks :(. I'm hoping that none of my sims were a new one.

hatemyself 16 years ago

From what I heard, the earliest REG. would be posted would be tomorrow night (Tuesday).

SkiCO 16 years ago

Honestly.....I took about a month of SERIOUS studying (almost every day) and 2 weeks before that of skimming and light reading. 7 weeks of dedicated study time is probably more than adequate.....My only downfall was I felt really ready for REG and came out feeling devastated. Half choke job/half the exam was brutal. I did quite well on AUD and FAR, came out feeling ok on those, but this one was a whole other story. Hoping to see some good news here this week when they release the scores, but I'm not bettin on it.

wantmyscorenow 16 years ago

Why would they release BEC and not release REG as predicted? Since they didn't release the scores on Saturday, should we expect it today. This is so agonizing. I'm not sure the AICPA truly understands the stress that we endure waiting for our scores. The wait is worse than taking the exam itself.

smaudi 16 years ago

I was waiting all weekend for it...finally passed the 2nd time...took the first time back in Nov and got a 74 and never touch the book again until recently...that sure did a lot damage to my motivation =(

UFbrett 16 years ago

Remember Jeff is just predicting what is going to happen. He honestly does not know what the AICPA is going to do and when. Only the AICPA knows that. But, I would believe the AICPA will release some scores today.

smaudi 16 years ago

oohh and congrats to you for passing with a 79 =)

Go 16 years ago

I am pretty sure I got a new simulation on FAR... so it will be a long waiting period ever!

UFbrett 16 years ago

Jeff, Has the AICPA ever released scores, and within the same day NASBA releases the scores? Could NASBA turnover the scores that quick?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Nope - you're looking at a 24 hours lag time...NASBA is doing a good job of expediting the process...they have made it a priority

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, will you pls go back a few posts and read my question about MC weighted scoring, posted as CPArrgghh? I would really like your input. Posted it within the past couple of days. Thanks! JJ

snhokie 16 years ago

It really is agonizing. The biggest problem I have with the system isn't the long wait, although that does suck a lot. I'm more annoyed by the inconsistency of the release dates across different windows. Yeah, usually all four sections are released between the same two weeks each time and you can usually count on BEC first and FAR last, but that's about it. Considering how much we pay in exam fees, I would like to think the whole process would be a little more fine-tuned than that. From the AICPA's perspective, though, I can definitely see why they don't give any advanced notice about when to expect upcoming score releases. Aside from the varying number of test-takers between windows and the constant introduction of new sims and questions that require more analysis, I'm sure the AICPA doesn't want to commit to a specific date for fear of a riot. If people freak out about Jeff's predictions being wrong, I can't even imagine the potential uproar that would result from the AICPA releasing scores later than promised. I know I'm not the first to say this, but thanks so much, Jeff, for giving us an idea of when to expect our results. I'd be much worse off if I had no idea when to expect my score, and I'm certainly not the only one. I've been wondering about this for a while - do any of the other professional exams have such a stressful and unpredictable waiting period for test results? Sometimes it feels like we're the only ones dealing with this.

Joe Macaluso 16 years ago

SwissBlissSC is right—memorize PURE DADS. I found that gem in the Becker materials (not sure how I missed it before) the night before the exam, and it made remembering all of the variance formulas MUCH easier.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Has anyone in WI heard BEC scores yet? Just curious if the state is going to be as ridiculously slow as they have been in the past.

jeff @ 16 years ago

JJ - In theory, if you miss one question in testlet one and get every question correct in testlet 2 and 3 - the higher weighted questions that you would get b/c you were doing so well should compensate for that missed question. This is just based on my personal take...nothing official. This doesn't work for BEC because BEC is not adaptive like AUD/REG/FAR -Jeff

ciatocpa 16 years ago

Just found this amazing resource last week when I freaked out because friends in other states got scores and I didn't! haha :) Anyway, question on the Aug 7th deadline. I took REG Aug 7. It was terrible for me and if I would had to bet, I'd say a failed. So I'm really ready to just schedule it again and start studying. Should I really expect (if I didn't get a new sim) to get my score tomorrow? Or is Aug 7 not a definite but approx date? Thanks!

jeff @ 16 years ago

The 7th seems to be the consistent cutoff. Here's to hoping you get your REG score tomorrow...I know that the wait sucks

Num83rs 16 years ago

For those of you who have used Becker to study for Reg...How well do you think it prepared you? I've heard good things and bad. I would appreciate responses from people who passed and failed. Thanks!

txwannab 16 years ago

Yep, you were right, they were there first thing this morning. I went from a 74 to an 80, so now I can concentrate on FAR for a couple of weeks.

Name 16 years ago

any idea if FAR scores will be pushed back?

Name 16 years ago

It's not that Wisconsin is slow....they just wait until they have the scores for all 4 sections and post them all at the same time. So, you will not receive your BEC score on the NASBA website until a couple days after the AICPA has released it's last section (which is usually FAR). That might not make you happy...but that's how it works here. : (

NateTheGreat 16 years ago

I took Becker for REG and passed with the material they covered. Just remember that most of the learning and knowledge is gained from the time that you put into the material. Becker, along with all other review courses will just guide you in the right direction.

Peter 16 years ago

So consensus is for REG tomorrow? Also, does anyone know what VA uses, ie. NASBA or AICPA? They seem to be in their own little world.

jamie 16 years ago

any word on aud from the early posting states?

lolo3 16 years ago

VA does not go through the NASBA website. This means VA gets its scores from AICPA and then theoretically posts them within the next business day. They don't have a great history of prompt posting, however, so calling in to the Board is generally a good idea if Jeff has indicated that AICPA has released and your score is not posted to the Board website. Also, be aware that it is difficult to find exactly where they post scores on the VA website. It takes at least 3 or 4 links. Try to follow the convoluted directions on the page. Also, you have to be using internet explorer, rather than Firefox, safari, etc., for the site to work.

ciatocpa 16 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

jeff @ 16 years ago

The AICPA releases directly to does CA/IL/TX/etc

jeff @ 16 years ago

I changed the comments per page to 10 so that you don't have to scroll down so much...this comment software isn't perfect, but at least my server hasn't crashed lol

katie_CPA 16 years ago

This question might've been posted somewhere else, but I haven't seen anything as of yet: how can you tell that you got a new simulation? Hands down my M/C were raising in difficulty as I was going through the testlets, however I felt very comfortable and even took a 10-minute break before the simulations (very unwise). Both simulations were absolutely ridiculous: 1. they were very briefly (or not even) covered by Becker; 2. I haven't had a chance to work with these situations after 2 years of practice with a Big 4. Now I am waiting for tomorrow to see if my score is posted.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

VA is released earlier along with IL and CA. Go with the AICPA release. The website has been screwy, so it would be better to call the Board.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I don't think you can tell if you got a new sim. I got a sim where the fact pattern had cells that I could copy and paste (likely in response to calls for better copy/paste features), so I think I'm in the 2nd wave. You just don't know I suppose.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Thanks for the response. I read another comment section on this website where people complained about studying 100+ hours using Becker and then claiming Becker missed numerous topics. I agree with you that it's a matter of how much time you put into studying. Additionally, the effectiveness and efficiency of the time you put in is a huge factor. I appreciate your response.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Are you talking about sims for AUD, because I have been looking for the same answer. I felt my simulations were more FAR oriented, though some tabs were clearly AUD. Does anyone else know anything? How much can we say about simulations to figure out if we had old or new?

katie_CPA 16 years ago

At least one of my sims had a copy/paste function. Not sure about the second, it was a nightmare that I tried to block out of my memory. I guess I will have to wait till September. I took REG, and have 3 more to go, but I bet this question could apply to all exams with sims.

Aaron 16 years ago

BEC is the only exam released by AICAP so far????

Aaron 16 years ago

AICPA** :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

so far...we'll see what happens today

Jason Harris 16 years ago

On one of my FAR sims, the fact pattern called had actual cells that you can highlight the cell (not just the text) and copy/paste. On the other, I could select the text (like numbers), and copy and paste that. Its the former that has me worried that its a new sim, not the latter.

Ray 16 years ago

Great Site......Very Informative...excellent Job...Waiting on Audit in CA....Audit expired for me back in Feb 09....oh well....If I pass Aud only FARE left until BEC Expires in Nov 09....Good luck all

Ray 16 years ago

Nothing yet in CA...I took Audit July 1....and waiting.....

ciatocpa 16 years ago

Oh I'm glad you said that. I took AUD in July and I had the same thing. I haven't taken FAR yet, but it was obvious that it was financial questions in the Simulation. I was devestated. I'm an auditor. I've done this for over 2 1/2 yrs and I do NOT do what was on the simulation. Glad I'm not the only one :)

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Do scores ever show up in the middle of the day? I live in Missouri and am waiting on AUD? The was I understand it is that the scores are released sometime between 7:00 p.m. and midnight. I that correct or do scores ever post up in the middle of the day?

Matt 16 years ago

Jeff Can you reschedule a section when you still have another section to take? There is a glitch on the site. Once I sit for it in (10 days) can I get a new NTS?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I would call their customer service reps...hope you're not running into the same problem I did when I was trying to schedule a re-take when I had a valid NTS for another section

Matt 16 years ago

I read you blog on that. I think I am having the same problem. I wonder if once you sit though you can reschedule. I will call real quickly.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

Same here too.. I took AUD in July.. I blew out the multiple choice questions and took a ten minute break as well.. One section of a simulation was straight up Financial Accounting and another was Regulation... Lets see... Hopefully they aren't considered "new simulations", but based on my history i'm keeping it glass half-empty... BEC (5/09) 74 BEC (7/09) 74 AUD (7/09) ?

Matt 16 years ago

Site is down. So they did fix it then.

Name 16 years ago

Jeff - Should we expect the remaining BEC scores tonight?

Guest 16 years ago

Is that how it works for Oklahoma too? Does anyone know?

Guero 16 years ago

Question - you say CA is an AICPA site, but on the CA site it says "update from the NASBA", which makes it appear to be an "NASBA site". Which date does CA (typically/historically) release - AICPA or NASBA, anyone know?

Jayy 16 years ago

CA is a aicpa state

Guero 16 years ago

So Audit scores could be out today??

Jason Harris 16 years ago

Yes. Being an AICPA state means that while scores through NASBA, CA, like VA, IL, and others, report scores directly to you sooner. NASBA takes a little while longer to report them.

Guero 16 years ago

Great, thanks. I don't see anyone reporting CA audit scores yet, but now at least I know to expect it any time, or realize I am in wave #2.

UFbrett 16 years ago

That will work for me. Thanks

Jason Harris 16 years ago

My wife called (I'm too nervous, and its good luck for her to call) VA, and only BEC is available.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

A girl I am in training with at work received her REG score today on Ohio's NASBA site. She took the exam in early July. I took the exam on Aug. 1 and mine is not there, but maybe soon. Guess we'll see.

NC_Guest 16 years ago

Add 2-3 days to the predicted date since NC mails theirs out to test taker. I got BEC in MAY two days after the posting date, but I live pretty close to Raleigh so they did not have to mail very far.

Peter 16 years ago

Good to know. I really hope they get REG tomorrow!

Num83rs 16 years ago

Who did your wife call? BOA or NASBA in VA?

Peter 16 years ago

Jeff can you change it back? Having only 10 comments per page makes is really hard to read b/c you constantly have to click to the next page. I feel like 20 would be a good number. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Jason Harris 16 years ago

The Board.

wantmyscorenow 16 years ago

That would mean that the scores would have been released? Jeff, is it possible that you were not noitified of the REG release? Would the AICPA release Ohio and not the other states?

Kim in OH 16 years ago

The thing is that the AICPA reports to NASBA. I just think her getting her score was a fluke, because last time the process worked just like Jeff said, and my score was posted AFTER the AICPA states had posted theirs. So, I'm not going to get too worked up about it. I just think maybe a handful got through or something like that.

Derek 16 years ago

If REG is released today, can anyone speculate when TX will post scores? I understand it's not a NASBA would TX post tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning. Thanks

guest 16 years ago

Can you confirm again... she might be kidding...

exit322 16 years ago

My REG score (Ohio, NASBA) is not up, but I could also be in the second wave, who knows.

Name 16 years ago

we are always one day behind, I would say Wed. morn.

SkiCO 16 years ago

Hope she's not kidding....that's cruel! I'm currently waiting on REG also. Doubt I'll be sleeping all that well until I know for sure how I did. :-/

jeff @ 16 years ago

Sure thing...I appreciate the input! I'll try 20.

jeff @ 16 years ago

k...I changed the # of comments per page to was 25...dropped to 10...back to 20. Trying to make it reader-friendly while reducing the amount of scrolling. I haven't heard any thing about scores so far. Sorry everyone!

jacscallin 16 years ago

*if Reg is posted today... nothing yet... and I am waiting in CA... I am glad there is a place where I can vent a little... waiting for scores is so frustrating, and it is so hard to concentrate at work. I check at least once an hour... and it has been on the back of my mind since Fri, when I found out BEC was released! Today is one of my parnter's b-day... and i was really hoping to tell him that I passed for his

cat 16 years ago

Will FAR score be released by tomorrow, 18th???? I can't wait any longer!!

Googlie 16 years ago

Doubt it. Since they're late on Regulation scores, it'll push all other scores back. Sorry cat.

guest 16 years ago

Nothing is comming today.. i will go with the predictions...

CPA2009 16 years ago

It's not to late, BEC wasn't released til 4:30 EDT. There's still hope!

jeff @ 16 years ago

***REG was just released by the AICPA***

CPA2009 16 years ago

It's not to late, BEC wasn't released til 4:30 EDT. There's still hope!

NYC1 16 years ago

Hooray, looking to get it tomorrow.

Name 16 years ago


wantmyscorenow 16 years ago

I took REG July 2, but in Louisiana. We are a NASBA state, so that's why it caught my interest. I just figured the AICPA may have released the scores to NASBA if she received her score and Jeff just wasn't notified. By now, I would have thought that he would have heard something if they were released. This waiting stuff sucks, especially when it's my last section. Well...good luck and I hope that you passed.

jacscallin 16 years ago

I am from CA.. and my score is not posted! Has CA not posted yet... or does that mean I am in wave 2?

Aaron 16 years ago

Sweet! Although I think I failed REG :( I'm looking for AUD!!!!!!

Num83rs 16 years ago

Does this push Audit to tomorrow or Wednesday? (Most likely scenario)

ep 16 years ago

Jeff, I'm in CA and I've just checked exam result but nothing came up. It means I have to wait for wave 2?

Pat 16 years ago

When the scores are released, are they automatically online or does it take a bit for them to show up? I'm worried I'm in wave 2.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Does anyone else notice that the red on top of this page is covered over? Or is it just my screen? The part where it announces what was released, when.

lolo3 16 years ago

There is a lag between when AICPA releases and when states release. It should be up by tomorrow morning.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Yes, Does anyone know, when AUD will be released?

lolo3 16 years ago

There is a lag. If you are in a non-NASBA state, it usually takes them a while to post. It should probably be up by tomorrow morning depending on your state. If you are in a NASBA state, it won't be posted until tomorrow evening.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Several people here with the same question??? What about audit?

jacscallin 16 years ago

so... you are saying I should stop hitting "refresh"... and maybe focus on getting this 990 finished? lol

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

Jeff, Thanks for the update!! I really appreciate this site and all that you do!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

lol. They don't pay taxes anyway. Keep hitting refresh... it feels GREAT!

wishmeluck 16 years ago

Anyone got REG result from CA??

jeff @ 16 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up! It was a coding was fine in Firefox but I forget that people still use internet explorer :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

Looks like AUD will be next...sometime in the next 48 hours...

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Thank you, Jeff. This site is awesome. Just do you have the inside track on release dates?

Eric 16 years ago

No not yet, still patiently waiting...

fingerscrossed 16 years ago

Not yet!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I get an e-mail from someone who likes my site...they know candidates are wondering about scores, so they share it with me.

Joe Macaluso 16 years ago

Come on, Illinois Board of Examiners—make my day. Actually, it will probably ruin it, but I'm still waiting impatiently for that REG score...

Name 16 years ago

Patience, some of us are still waiting for our BEC score.

tjrich 16 years ago

If anyone that took REG the first week of this window (July 1 - July 7) gets their score online tomorrow or the next day, please let me know. I am in a snail mail state, and curious to see if any of us will get scores or if our Sims were newly tested material, putting us in Wave 2. Also does anyone know if EVERYONE taking a section in the first week of a window either gets newly tested Sims or doesn't? Or could one person get a newly tested Sim and another not get it, and therefor two people taking the same section the first week of a window ending up in different waves?

Guest 16 years ago

Yes, unfortunately we are!!!

anonymous____think_larry_david 16 years ago

The way I understand it, you could have sat next to someone in the same testing site taking REG and both had different tests (since theoretically every exam is different, pulled from a bank of questions), potentially giving you a simulation that have not been tested, thereby delaying your score while the person next to you might have received all old simulations, which puts them in wave 1 (assuming testing date prior to wave 1 cutoff).

jeff @ 16 years ago

yes - this same exact scenario happened to me once.

Name 16 years ago

Think positive!!!

Cory 16 years ago

When it says the AICPA released reg today when does that mean it will be on the nasba site - from NY. Thanks!

jacscallin 16 years ago

i sort of wish that I did not know that the AICPA released the scores... that is all I have been able to think about for the past 2 hours... *refresh>>>refresh>>> refresh>>>>>*

Turtle 16 years ago

I cried already...... because I believe I failed REG (I ran out of time and left most of the tabs blank in the 2nd simulation). It made me feel even worse when my friend told me how easy they felt about REG exam. It's the opposite to me. The first testlet was tough to me already. I truly believe I failed REG, but I am still waiting impatiently for the REG score. I am having another exam this weekend. I am not sure if I can handle the depression and frustration and continue studying for the exam this weekend after getting my failing REG score tomorrow....

Name 16 years ago

All i've thought about for the last few days...

exit322 16 years ago

They usually have a business day or two delay - so I'd start looking tomorrow night.

Fate! 16 years ago

Ugh!!!! This wait is so stressful!!!! Refresh refresh!!! I doubt I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.. Anyone know if Delaware is a NASBA state?

JeremyT 16 years ago

Do you think FAR in Texas will be out on thursday?

cpaneedy 16 years ago

You never know.. you may have passed. I didn't even finish my 2nd simulation on FAR and passed inspite of it. No matter what your Reg scores are tomorrow just keep pushing forward!

Kim in OH 16 years ago

She's definitely not kidding. She got a 74.

Turtle 16 years ago

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience and thanks for the encouragement! I didn't finish FAR as well. I will know my FAR score in Sep. It's good to know there is still possibility to pass without finishing the whole exam. Thanks! I will try not to "kill" myself and be strong if I fail REG. I kind of regret taking the fastpass course and taking all 4 parts this August, because the course went really fast and I forgot most of them by the time I start reviewing for each part. I wish I have done the self-study and spread out each part more.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Turtle, I know how you feel. I am waiting on FAR and the more I think about it the more I think I failed. I kinda feel like I did after I took AUD which I failed with a 73. I have AUD scheduled for next Wednesday and I am torn on whether I should look at my FAR score before I take AUD. My gut tells me not to look until after I take AUD. Maybe our scores will be in wave two and this will all be a mute point not that that is better. Went through that last window with my AUD exam took over 70 days to get score which was pure torture, must of had new sim. Regardless of what you decide there is hope that you passed despite not finishing, I have read many stories. Either way continue to give it your best effort.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Fate, Yes Delaware is a NASBA state. If you are waiting on REG, look for tomorrow evening around 9PM EST.

Fate! 16 years ago

yes I was looking for Reg.. Thanks Lee :)

Turtle 16 years ago

LEE_IN, Thank you!!! Good luck with FAR! Although our scores may be in wave 2, I still hope to see it ASAP instead of waiting. Waiting is a torture. Although I have made some wrong decisions along the way, I have tried my best and given all my effort studying for the CPA exams. I will face the result and try to refocus on my study for AUD no matter if I pass REG or not. Thanks!

tm21287 16 years ago

i'm in the same boat! unfortunately i'm waiting on my FAR score and taking AUD on friday! im really hoping for a pass on Thursday night to send me into AUD confident... does PA grade quickly?

NolaBadger 16 years ago

Riddle me this another71. Your blog states that the CPA exam is not curved. However, results of tests with new simulations are delayed until a sufficient number of responses are received to apply psychometric analysis. That sounds like AICPA pscho babble for the test is curved. Here is how I believe they do it. They analyze new simulations and assign a difficulty weighting, which results in the median candidate receiving a 75. They do the same thing with the 4 or 5 ungraded multiple choice questions. If the sample is sufficiently large, smapling risk will be negligible and the pass rate will continue to be 50% with a sandard deviation of around 1%, which should result in passing rates of 50% +/- 3% approximately 95% of the windows.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Your assessment sounds feasible to me.

RobinTX 16 years ago

somthing I have stated before but oh well it is up to us to overcome it......BUT it is a real pain in the ,,,,,,

TXcpaScoreRelease? 16 years ago

I too am waiting on my FAR (tested 7/2) score from TX and my REG (tested 8/7) score. Jeff, since REG was released today, when will I see it in TX? And since FAR has not been released will we not see it till next week. Thank you.

jeff @ 16 years ago

TX is anyone's guess, but I bet you have it by Thursday...push FAR back a day probably

Nikki in CO 16 years ago

I have heard a few people say they thought it was "easy," but I've heard way more people say they struggled. I cried too, I felt so good going in, and left feeling pretty crappy. I'm hoping to see a score tomorrow, because I can't wait another month. That and I have BEC two weeks from today and I need this suspense to be over before I can concentrate on my final review.

TXcpaScoreRelease? 16 years ago

I got my Audit score (first wave april/may) on the 18th. The same date that NASBA and the AICPA released it. My buddy already has his BEC score from TX. Why did NASBA and AICPA release it on the same day? And i am assuming that since i got that one so promptly that I may get REG score when NASBA releases it (which you are saying wed?). Thanks.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I'm really not sure about the rhyme or reason of TX's score releases b/c they're independent.

RobinTX 16 years ago

You should get a email from the TSBPA when it becomes avail. I know I do. But I agree with Wed. not Tuesday; but I will more then likely wake up and check anyway.......I do know for a fact it takes them some time to ratify your score so if they got it today tomorrow it will be ratified and then Wednsday you will have your score available for online viewing.

Turtle 16 years ago

Same here. I'm having audit this weekend and BEC on the 30th. I also want to get rid of this question mark so that i can concentrate on my study. I just feel very bad about myself since my friends are spending less time and effort, yet they do much better on the exams.... It makes me wonder if I am stupid. It makes me wonder if I deserve all my As in college. Good luck! I hope you pass!

Num83rs 16 years ago

If only you could brown nose on the cpa and if only the cpa had "extra credit"...we would all get a's and jeff wouldn't have this site! Really try to understand the concepts they are teaching rather than memorizing large amounts of data. If you understand the concepts inside and out, the memorization of mneumonics will supplement that understanding. Don't worry about your friends or anyone else. The only person you have to worry about is you. Take a deep breath, build some confidence, forget about everything else, and just kick some a*s! You got it!

mrzod 16 years ago

same here, nothing.

andrewgreiner 16 years ago

well, whether it's curved or not shouldn't affect how people study. obviously, it is important to keep in mind how questions are graded and weighted (for allocating time and effort). but i don't think i would change a single thing about how i study if i knew the test was curved. is that just me? or would anyone else? and why?

RobinTX 16 years ago

if anything it makes it harder.......b/c the more we study the harder the test becomes....via higher grades

Gommy 16 years ago

Anyone got REG result from CA ? What time they usually post the result ?

James M 16 years ago

That is a good point, but this does not mean the exam is curved. The fact of the matter the ACTUAL RESULTS of the exam are not curved. The test is just designed to have a certain number of passers and failers. A true curve would analyze the actual scores once they were all computed, than decide on the correct amount of passers and failures. In that situation, your stoned friend taking the test next to you doing horrible, would boost everyone elses scores. That is not the case here, and that is why they claim the grades are not curved.

James M 16 years ago

Give us Reg or give us death!!! Give us Reg or give us death!! Who here has been developing ulcers & anxiety disorders due to CPA exam stress and results suspense? *raises hand* -- jk--- kind of.

James M 16 years ago

Hey turtle, You could be lucky and the simulation they graded might be the one they don't grade! I was almost possible I failed my FAR exam and I got an 83, and my friend thought they did horrible on their REG and failed for sure (ran out of time just like you and didnt do most of a sim) and passed with a 78. Hang in there, and stop crying until you get your score! Than you can cry...

eunigirl 16 years ago

not yet~~ I am still waiting too.... so nervous!

UFbrett 16 years ago

*Hand raises slowly* I have been waiting on this score since 7/10. I literally cannot stop thinking about my score. This is my last section, and I want to be done with this already.

Lindsay 16 years ago

in my personal experience i have always received my scores (3 so far) in the morning - i've checked before bed as late as 1am with nothing posted, but by 7am they were up. hopefully you'll have a passing score waiting for you when you wake up :)

positive28 16 years ago

I am studying my last section FAR with Yaeger. I notice that my Audit section last day of credit period is on 10/28/09. Do I need to have my last passing score posted before that date? Or can I take my last exam on that date and then wait for my score in three weeks and my audit section will not expire?

khumbu 16 years ago

I think the latest date you can take the exam is 10/27/09 ,just to be safe.

pea 16 years ago

Yes, if it makes you feel any better, the wait for the Bar exam results is a bit longer. People who took it in mid/end of July and won't be getting the results back until November 20th. Ouch!

Turtle 16 years ago

lol, thanks James,

Paul 16 years ago

Reg passed with an 83. ALL DONE. HELL YEAH!

Turtle 16 years ago

Num83rs, Thank you!!!

ACD1109 16 years ago

i definitely have anxiety from all this waiting. waiting...studying...waiting.... studying, its a vicious cycle!!!

JimmN 16 years ago

Here's my understanding of the delay. Since questions are ranked by difficulty they need the entire two months of answers to assess the difficulty of questions in the stimulation in order to assign point value.

katie_CPA 16 years ago

congrats! what state?

psansone 16 years ago

REG is up in Illinois.... PASSSED!!! 2 down 2 to go. I take FAR on 8/29....wish me luck.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

Nice job Jeff! 2 for 2. FAR could be really be out by Thursday.

Fate! 16 years ago

I don't see my REG score up yet. I took it through the Delaware Board :( Are you guys looking at the NASBA link below where you enter your Section ID and Date of Birth?

guest 16 years ago

REG is out in CA. I passed. It was my last one waiting. Thanks for all your help, Jeff!! :)

twinpoohb 16 years ago

FYI- ppl can see your section ID and DOB using that link....

bhoomaiah011 16 years ago

Any idea when would CO release REG??

stephen31 16 years ago

anyone get their score for reg in ny?

jacscallin 16 years ago

YEP!!!! In CA...just woke up and checked REG... I am now 3/4 of a CPA!!!! and taking FAR with confidence in 2 weeks! Thanks Jeff!

chintz2000 16 years ago

CA-Passed REG with an 88, 2 down 2 more to go... BEC on 8/26

Fate! 16 years ago

Thanks twinpohb... Jeff can you please help me delet that post of mine? I cant see a delete button since I posted as a guest

ACD1109 16 years ago

thats amazing! im waitin on reg...ne1 get theirs from NJ?

shara1981 16 years ago

Anyone from NH got their REG Scores today? i'm waiting too.

shara1981 16 years ago

congrats !!!

nick 16 years ago

nope :( not yet--i keep refreshingggg

twinpoohb 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten their REG score for FL?

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

Im still waiting in NH. I think we should get it later today

snhokie 16 years ago

REG is up in VA - 89!! Three for the long wait for my wave two BEC score. My score was posted online so I'd check there first before calling in.

CPAmy 16 years ago

Nope, still waiting on FL.

Russ 16 years ago

CA Reg is up! I got up at 530 to work out and it wasn't there... just finished my workout and my score is up from 7/7! I passed with a 79! WOOHOO! 2 down, 2 to go!

Shayla 16 years ago

How do I know if I had a new sim? What is the difference?

gman7589 16 years ago

I have always received my FL scores through the NASBA website when the NASBA release occurs, so I wouldn't expect them to be up until tonight between 8pm and Midnight.

NYC1 16 years ago

Waiting in NY too...

bryannazhang 16 years ago

WA-REG, passed with a 75!!!!!!!! Can not believe my luck~~~~ I kept refreshing the score page to make sure it won't change. Probably will keep doing that this morning. This is my last part. Soooo excited~ Wish everybody good luck~

Shu 16 years ago

Jeff said that NASBA is releasing East coast result today between 8PM and Midnight. That is why score is not up yet for NY, FL, VA and other east coast states.

SkiCO 16 years ago

Colorado REG, anyone????

NYC1 16 years ago

So West Coast is released first? How come someone in VA got it already?

SkiCO 16 years ago

I'm with you, I'm on test 3 of 4 playing the waiting game. First one, NASBA lost my final transcripts twice so it took over 3 months to get my FAR score. BRUTAL!! I've never had so many canker sores in my life. I don't handle stress well. :-) Hoping to see REG tonight, so I can move on to BEC in 2 weeks. GOOD LUCK ALL!

BAIJU 16 years ago

Hello, I am also waiting 4 Colorado REG. I keep checking every 5 mnts. Hopefully up by EST 8 PM today. I cleared FAR n AUD and taking BEC on 29th. It was very hard exam. Hope I passed. All the best to all and congrats to all who passed.

Laura 16 years ago

VA isn't released by NASBA, the state board released the scores once received by AICPA. VA normally reports scores before the NASBA release

Hoping for a miracle 16 years ago

Poppycock! VA, WA, CA, and IL (and a few more) aren't in NASBA. These four states usually report their scores before NASBA does.

Dane32585 16 years ago

REG is up in IL.....86!!!!! I thought I totally failed!! On both simulations, I left one tab completely blank and I didn't find the answer to the research question. I can't believe I passed!!!

olinto2020 16 years ago

Not sure about FL. KY Reg is up. What are the odds that audit will be released by the AICPA today.

Name 16 years ago

It's the difference between the State Board releasing the scores, and NASBA releasing the score. If you are a NASBA state, your score should appear on the NASBA website no earlier than 8pm eastern time. The states that have already found out get their results from their state boards. It is not decided by east coast/ west coast.... I hope that helps. I'm in Missouri, a NASBA state. And my REG score should appear tonight by 8pm CST.

jeff @ 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

What about those of us still waiting for our BEC score? Will that come by tonight?

mrsjparker 16 years ago

NASBA hasn't even taken down the scores from the last window. Is it still possible to get the new REG scores tonight???

jeff @ 16 years ago

There is really no way of knowing...unless you get a sim over material that is recently eligible for testing like a 141R simulation

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Virginia scores out on their website this a.m. Passed with an 81! I am so very thankful.

why am i doing this 16 years ago

Congrats to all who have received passing scores! Best of luck to those who haven't. Jeff - is there an updated projection for when we are expecting the NASBA release of FAR? Thanks!

cpaneedy 16 years ago

Jeff, Thank you for the dead on prediction! I passed Reg :)

Shu 16 years ago

Congratulation! I hope my result be like yours. I also messed up with both simulations. Did not get enough time to complete one tab on last simulation.

Name 16 years ago

Anyone receive REG scores in TX?

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I have no idea how you predict these but you have been dead on for my BEC and REG release dates. Thank you. It keeps me from checking my scores 5 times a day, basically prevents me from insanity and obsession with the scores release. THANKS!! Hopefully AUD comes out tomorrow with more good news! BEC - 91 REG - 83

jeff @ 16 years ago

Once I write the predictions, I leave them...I would bump FAR back a day later though...

jeff @ 16 years ago

great scores...congrats!

FajitaPants 16 years ago

That is exactly how I felt. I walked away preparing myself for failure. I had this sim w/ MACRS and sec 179 that just tore me apart!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Thanks for the help, I'm waiting on REG and FAR in this period (last two!) and I just want to know the scores!

taxdude 16 years ago

Or KS?

eunigirl 16 years ago

hahhaha yay!! i am at CA too! just found out I passed with a 78~ 2 down 2 to go!! waiting for AUD score this week as well!!

anonymous 16 years ago

3 sections passed, and I got Reg Advisory Score of 74 in CA, what a BURN!!! Is there any chance the advisory score can change to an 75???

CPA2009 16 years ago

For TX, it should be there in the morning becaused based on my history it releases the day after Illinois and I saw a comment below that mentioned that Illinois score had been received. Good luck!!!

Name 16 years ago

Really? You really left a complete tab blank on both simulations and got an 86? That's terrific! I am in a mail-state and still waiting on my score but that gives me some more confidence...Congrats.

Hypnochick 16 years ago

Thanks! I sent an email to the state and received a note back that scores would be posted in 24-48 hours. I got up at 4:00 a.m. to check. I am nauseous and ready for this to be over!

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Does anyone have any idea why WI scores seem to be the last to post?? Any idea when we can expect a FAR release in WI??

Shu 16 years ago

It happened to me. I passed all three and then, in REG, I got 74. I re-took the REG exam on August 1 - waiting for the result tonight. I thought of applying for Score Review - but after reading Jeff's blog, I decided to re-take the exam. It takes time to get result for Score Review and I had to finish all four by September 30, 2009. So, I suggest you retake exam if you still have the time left.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Congrats to those who got their Reg scores. Any word on Audit scores? Were they pushed off?

garegulator 16 years ago

Jeff my mannnn!! Can you please give us your best estimate for when the NASBA states (like GA) will release they scores!?! Thanks!

leo831002 16 years ago

Hi. Congrads! I was wondering which score did u receive!

jemmi 16 years ago

is there any one from CA got thier AUD scores??

Name 16 years ago

I already posted this to someone else, but WI waits until they have results for all four sections. So, all scores will be posted on the NASBA website a couple days after the last section has been released by the AICPA. I'm waiting for FAR in WI too.

Lisa 16 years ago

Nope. I don't think they've been released by the AICPA yet.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Thanks a ton, I dont know what you thought of FAR but it seemed more brutal than BEC and AUD (passed both) but I can't stand waiting...

Dane32585 16 years ago

Yes. I think that maybe one or both of the tabs I left blank were pretest tabs.... The only other thing I can think of is that the written part of the simulation (which I did finish) is worth the most points, which makes sense to me because the other parts of the simulations really are not that different from the multiple choice questions.... you either know the answer or you don't. In my mind, the written parts of the simulations should be weighted the most when it comes to grading. Good luck to you!

kscpa 16 years ago

REG in KS will be up sometime after 7pm CST this evening. Good luck to you. I am waiting on my REG score in KS and this is my last one if I passed.

thebirdman 16 years ago

Any news on CO anyone?

jeff @ 16 years ago

For REG? Tonight hopefully!

anonymous___think_larry_david 16 years ago

Basically, no. They review the score very thoroughly and have a verification process. If you have your score reviewed you will waste time, money, and come out with the 74.

Guero 16 years ago

Is AUD pushed out one more day then (like other scores seem to be)??

BAIJU 16 years ago

I am also waiting for CO-REG, Hopefully its up by today EST 8 PM. Thats how its, Once released by AICPA, NASBA will start uploading the scores next day EST 8PM.

tryguessingit 16 years ago

I got 86 in REG for NH. That is end of my CPA studies. I passed all of the four papers I got my results through email and is still not posted on the NASBA link.

anonymous___think_larry_david 16 years ago

Washington State posted REG (85!) Washington contracts all CPA application/testing reporting out to Castle Worldwide, who posted the scores early this morning. So if any other states out there contract with that company your REG score should be up if you're in Wave 1. REG 85 BEC 86 On a side note, I haven't seen anyone mention Gleim as study material. The book & CD test question bank are <$100 per section, and I highly recommend them if you can self study well. They are straight to the point, the CD has ~1500 test questions per exam, and it seems like they are the cheapest. You feel over prepared, which is a good state to be in. 20 sections, per book, I studied a section a day (no weekends) at 2-4 hours per section, plus a few days to briefly review.

katie_CPA 16 years ago

Any hope MI will be out by tonight?

SkiCO 16 years ago

Nothing....I'm also waiting on CO REG

BAIJU 16 years ago

We are in the same boat. Me having scored 96 in FAR n 99 in AUD, bumbed the REG (jul 20). Both the simulation were disasters. I am expecting a miracle. Writing BEC on Aug 29th All the best.

thebirdman 16 years ago

If you got a 96 and 99 on other sections already, I wouldnt be worried at all! That is awesome. This was my first one, so I'm very anxious to see how I did. The simulations were from way out of left field! Thats my only concern, but it seems most people had the same experience...have you noticed when CO usually posts them online?

Guero 16 years ago

Funny how few of us seem to use Gleim. Used them for all 4 sections, thought they were good materials, although I do not have anything to compare them to. Very straightforward, lots of questions to practice on. They also have a good online course (instead of paper/cd materials).

fsumarie 16 years ago

I used Gleim and hated it. i think you are one of the rare people who has passed with it. the questions i think are good, but the books i think could explain things better. i couldnt pass a single test with Gleim but when i swtiched to Becker i have been doing great. 3 down. I dont recomend Gleim to anyone. I am a serious supporter of Becker. :)

BAIJU 16 years ago

they usually post at 8pm est the next day of ACIPA release i.e 2nite 8 pm

runner85 16 years ago

This site is great guys, I felt less alone in my panic and despair, but I'm finally done! A 94 in REG, it's a huge relief. Keep on truckin' guys!

Name 16 years ago

I thought FAR was awful...the only other section I have taken is BEC and I passed with an 84. I thought the MC on FAR went alright, the questions in the 2nd and 3rd testlet were much more difficult than the 1st though. Then, the simulations made me want to cry. I felt like I was tested on lots on odd-ball items in the simulations and couldn't even finish the 2nd one. : ( We'll see I guess...

BAIJU 16 years ago

Wow, thats amazing score. congrats man. Which state are you? Me CO, a NASBA state.

mrzod 16 years ago

Jeff, Thank you so much for this website. Unfortunately, I will no longer need it or be using it anymore because I JUST PASSED THE FREAKING LAST EXAM!!!! I'm so happy right now.. no more studying, no more staying in on Fridays and weekends.. my life is back to "normal". THANK YOU!!!!!!!

mrzod 16 years ago

btw, im in CA.

Guero 16 years ago

Congrats! What section?

SkiCO 16 years ago

Yup mine have been like clockwork so far, 6 pm mountain time the day after the AICPA announces they've released scores. BAIJU, birdman, here's to hoping CO keeps on track with this!

CPA2009 16 years ago

Same here, I used Gleim and I am 3 for 3. Waiting on FAR score, hoping I can say 4 for 4 by next week.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

oh, sorry, reg....

mjan 16 years ago

NH REG out by email passssssssed with 76 :))

runner85 16 years ago

IL, I'm grateful they have such a quick turn around.

klolo 16 years ago

I checked my BEC yesterday (TX) and I passed...sweet!!! It was close though. I got a 78. AUD - 86 BEC - 78 REG - Taking on Aug. 31st FAR - Sometime in October I wish I could get this thing over with!!!

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I haven't gotten my yet! Ahhhh...

Aarika 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten REG scores in CT yet?

Jon 16 years ago

Anyone wating for REG in MA? Is it out?

stressedout 16 years ago

If you fail in wave 1, is it possible to retake in wave 2 without getting a new NTS?

Num83rs 16 years ago

You cannot retake an exam in the same testing window..

stressedout 16 years ago

Since a NTS is good for 6 months, what about the next window? Gotta get a new NTS?

here2help 16 years ago

i believe next window is fine (aka you dont have to wait for your first NTS to expire). you just need to apply for a new NTS before you register obviously. someone correct me if im wrong

JRD944 16 years ago

In MA as well still waiting on REG. Probably won't be posted until 8 tonight.

Num83rs 16 years ago

The NASBA website has all of that information. If you have your jurisdiction id (found on your exam score notice)- you should be able to go online and apply for a new NTS for the exam and you will receive it via email almost immediately. I am not exactly sure on whether you need a new NTS or what. New NTS or not, expect to pay a nice little fee...

Num83rs 16 years ago

Anyone else waiting on Audit in here....?

A.S. 16 years ago

No. Waiting...... Can't get any work done.....

smcpa2be 16 years ago

I'm waiting, anxiously. NJ candidate.

Sonu 16 years ago

Waiting for Audit, CO board... gave exam on July 1.... this is the longest wait for me. If I dont get the result in first wave, I will go mad.

Guero 16 years ago

Yup. CA. Sat on 7/7. Fate willing, will be my last one

olinto2020 16 years ago

I am..Hey Jeff when is audit coming out? Tomorrow?

DontDrinkCoffeeBeforeTheExam 16 years ago

Does anyone eles find themselves checking the NASBA website compulsively despite being fully aware that their grade will not be posted tonight? While we're being honest, does anyone else want to admit that they have been checking since last Tuesday?

DontDrinkCoffeeBeforeTheExam 16 years ago

Err...Correction...I meant "their grade will not be posted UNTIL tonight!

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Yes. I will admit to this crazy, irrational behavior.

hatemyself 16 years ago

You might be better off never drinking coffee at all.

ciatocpa 16 years ago

ME!! Audit and Reg! :) blah

dddll 16 years ago

Hey I got my REG result through email and got exactly 74.

fsumarie 16 years ago

Yep waiting on AUD in FL. My last one. i sat on 7/20.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Call your state might get lucky..

Ray 16 years ago

Waiting for Audit...take FARE..Aug 31....not as prepared as I would like..If passed Audit only FARE left......

ACD1109 16 years ago

I am sorry to hear that...what is your state?

splash1105 16 years ago

Just received my Regulation grade in AZ. I passed.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Yes yes yes yes. Any word on when scores are going to be posed?

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Waiting in Mass....the wait is killing me. I'm going to be disappointed if my score is in wave 2!

dddll 16 years ago


UFbrett 16 years ago

is AZ a nasba state?

UFbrett 16 years ago

I have been checking my score for the past 2-3 weeks, secretly hoping that my score will be there.

Name 16 years ago

I got the same thing in CA, 74 =( Sorry to hear that.

jemmi 16 years ago

waiting 4 the AUD score,,

shar 16 years ago

is Az a nasba state

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well - if AUD comes out today via AICPA, then the predicted Wednesday NASBA release could still be in tact.

mrsjparker 16 years ago


elliej18 16 years ago

Thanks for posting your info on WI's scores! I figured they were waiting until all the other scores were released, but I was hoping maybe I would be the lucky one to get their's early :) I wish that I was living in another state right about now...

Kim 16 years ago

If you don't receive your scores in Wave 1 will you definitely receive your scores in September or could it possibly be October? I think I remember reading somewhere that some scores aren't released until the beginning of the next testing window.?

AR-REG 16 years ago

Has anyone in Arkansas received REG score? Since they send the scores via mail, I wonder when we will receive it.

Bradley Beeson 16 years ago

I got my score in CA this morning for REG. Got a 71. Guess i fall into the category of another 71. Getting this score is very discouraging for me. I studied my best given i work full time and have a new 3 month old baby at home. I hope everyone else has better luck!

Name 16 years ago

Jeff, can you please unsubscribe me from the threads. I made one comment earlier today, and am constantly getting emails from disqus. Although I have hit "unsubscribe" numerous times, I'm still getting the emails. Thanks!

cpahopeful 16 years ago

I am waiting for FAR from NH. This was the first section I took and I'm taking AUD on Saturday. Does NH always e-mail the scores?? Thank you and congratulations to you!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I have no way of unsubscribing you from anything...I have no control over that. Maybe this will help: your "unsubscribe" is delayed b/c Disqus' e-mail thing is messed up and delayed...I didn't get any comments e-mailed this morning and now I'm getting them, but 5 hours later. The comments may stop once it's sync' I said, I have no way of controlling it...I don't know who subscribes and who doesn't...I don't have a list or anything.

snhokie 16 years ago

I've been checking for weeks, as well. Aside from that, I sometimes randomly check just to make sure my existing scores are still there...totally crazy and irrational, I know.

leo831002 16 years ago

has anyone received FAR score in VA??

snhokie 16 years ago

That actually happened to me - I fixed it by registering and then updating my preferences to "unsubscribe". I just had to register with the same email address I used when I posted anonymously the first time. After you register, the posts should link up and you shouldn't get any more emails once you actually "unsubscribe". Hope this works!

waitingg 16 years ago

anyone else get pissed off at comments like this from people who can't take 2 seconds to read the predicted releases. hey leo, AICPA has released BEC and REG, NASBA only BEC. Dont be stupid. I know this is a constructive forum but really?

doune56 16 years ago

The AICPA has not released the scores. The scores will not be available until they are released by the AICPA. Hopefully by the end of the week. I know the feeling since I am waiting for FAR (my last exam).

Bryant 16 years ago

I sat for REG on 7/2 and BEC on 8/1 in Tennessee. Has anyone from TN heard anything? I've been checking about every hour for the last week.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Touche! I had to "clean" my comments up because I went a little overboard on someone complaining about why the failed the exam. My response was a little insensitive.'s better to just ignore the silly ones and encourage everyone else. lol

skhan112 16 years ago

Hey Waitingg.... so does that mean that NASBA reg scores will be updated tonight? I am in VT .... I checked online via NASBA and it says the ususal "Error : Score not found". I took the exam (reg) on 07/17.....

tryguessingit 16 years ago

They only send me my scores for BEC and REG through email, while Auditing was sent through post mail and FAR my results got lost in post mail so I had to pay additional $25 to get a reprint of my score.

Pepper0102 16 years ago

I got my REG score around noon today. I can't believe I passed it with scoring over 90! I really thought I could fail it when I left Prometric and I was hoping for just 78...3 down, one more to go! Good luck everyone!!

m 16 years ago

I feel your pain, I have a 2month old daughter and took FARE July 8th and AUD this morning, not really feeling confident about either, but just got to wait and see.

cpawannabe 16 years ago

I know the waiting is horrible. Just wanna say Good luck everyone! Sitting for Reg on 8/28. Just started studying yesterday -.- If I pass it will be a miracle

jemmi 16 years ago

is there anyone in CA received AUD score??

ashley 16 years ago

Does anyone know when FAR for Illinois will be released? Congrats on those who passed on all the other parts and good luck for all those who were close. Thanks everyone, Ashley

Num83rs 16 years ago

"Error: Score not found" means they don't have the score yet. Try calling the state board if you want concrete answers

DontDrinkCoffeeBeforeTheExam 16 years ago

Talk about an over-achiever! I hope to report the same results shortly : ) PA here- Waiting on Nasba for the fourth piece of the puzzle...

calmnreserved 16 years ago

Question - Why are people receiving scores of 74, 76 etc? Aren't those scores typically held for second wave for the communications to be regraded or something? Just curious if anyone has an explanation for that

Lisa 16 years ago

I'm so relieved to hear I'm not alone in my reaction to FAR. I went in feeling ready, started the test and felt good, then just okay, then awful by the time simulations came around, then to the point of tears by the time I left (I wasn't even close to finishing). Ugh . . . I'm going to be depressed when I get my score, but I still want it to come soon so I can reschedule and move on! In the meantime, I'm studying for BEC.

Guero 16 years ago

Pissed off? No

leo831002 16 years ago

hey waiting, of course i read the predictions. I just wanted to ask a question because predictions are predictions, nothing more. If my comment pissed u off, then i m sorry, i should have said more STUPID things to F*CK u off instead

moman23 16 years ago

Anyone in new york get their Reg score. I took mine on aug 6. so i wonder if I actually fall into the first wave (aug 7) How concrete are these cutoff dates?

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Don't feel bad, that is EXACTLY what I thought. If the tests get harder, that is a good thing. The sims were a little ridiculous though, there was a point where I couldn't gather my thoughts because I was staring at the clock so much.

CPA2009 16 years ago

Depends on when the AICPA releases, usually the day after.

ashley 16 years ago

thanks, ill expect the score probably thursday probably or maybe wednesday.Illinois seems pretty quick to update the website which is why i love illinois.

waitingg 16 years ago

most likely, NASBA posts b/w 8pm and midnight, given a lag between the AICPA posting. If they arent up at midnight. Go to sleep, check tomorrow at 8pm

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Where are you, Jeff? I am ready to hear you announce that AUD is released.

wantmyscorenow 16 years ago

Anyone received their REG score in Louisiana?

Ray 16 years ago

Nope not yet..Took aud on 7/1 and in CA but no score yet..

prash09 16 years ago

NY releases through NASBA, hopefully tonight... I am waiting for the same

daveee 16 years ago

I had a buddy run out of time at the beginning of his 2nd sim and he got a 76! There is hope!!!

Pepper0102 16 years ago

Good luck to you!

skhan112 16 years ago

Anyone heard anything about Reg in VT? I took on 07/17.....

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

Not yet. I am thinking around 7ish. That is when my friend got her BEC score on Friday.

luckyinva 16 years ago

If anyone's wondering if VA has posted REG, the answer is YES! Wasn't even expecting it to be up when I checked...but 95, SON! And in response to all those readers wondering if you can pass even if you didn't do an entire simulation, the answer is YES! All I got done on the 2nd sim was the writing, and I got cut off mid-sentence at that...I didn't even get the chance to look at the other tabs. Miracles do happen :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

all quiet on the AUD front so far...

Taylor 16 years ago

Hot damn! Congratulations! Thanks for posting. I'm glad to know that miracles can happen. That section was brutal.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

My REG score was posted in VA before 10:00 a.m. It may have been there earlier for you lol :) I only finished one tab on my second simulation, did the writing though. 95!!! Congratulations! That's fantastic - I got an 81, now I'm waiting for Audit.

fsumarie 16 years ago

Man. I am sweating this AUD score. Come on AICPA Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD.

CPA2009 16 years ago

That's encouraging! Congratulations!!!

smcpa2be 16 years ago

I'm obsessing too. If we don't hear anything from the AICPA, there's no chance I'm receiving a score here in NJ tomorrow.

khumbu 16 years ago


cfcpa 16 years ago

Anyone know if RI released the REG scores yet?

smcpa2be 16 years ago

NASBA state? Check after 8pm

Ray 16 years ago

Me too...Let's go AICPA.....Release AUD...

ciatocpa 16 years ago

Good to know...I will be clicking refresh over and over from 6:59 on :)

Bryant Coker 16 years ago

NASBA told me they weren't releasing the scores until the end of the month... clearly that isn't the case for a lot of you. Do you have to have 150 hours to receive your scores? If anyone from TN has heard about WAVE 1 in BEC or REG, speak out!

lisacpa 16 years ago

I am going crazy waiting for these REG scores in Texas!!!!!

Cheryl 16 years ago

Just received a 99 on AUD. OMG

IL AUD 16 years ago

omg! congrats!! in what state??

Sean 16 years ago

This is fake.

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

What state are you in?? I didn't think the AICPA released it yet.

prash09 16 years ago


Guero 16 years ago

Very nice, congrats. Still nothing on the CA website (had to check again)

JimmyBuffet 16 years ago

Fake! And lame...

Janet 16 years ago

How do you guys know when the AICPA releases scores?

AT Watchdog 16 years ago

Hey guys, After careful review, I must admit that this score above is wrong and the AUD scores have not been released yet. The watchdog

Peter Wang 16 years ago

I just checked the CA website and got a 74 :(

fsumarie 16 years ago

Jeff tells us! he gets great inside info.

IL AUD 16 years ago

i'm sorry to hear. :( was this score for audit?

Name 16 years ago

not any more Bryant, you will not be able to see online, but you will receive your scores in mail through TN....

Aaron 16 years ago

Come on AICPA. Relase AUDIT so I can get my NASBA score tomorrow!!!!!!!

Ray 16 years ago

That's tough'll get it next time....

TNCPAer 16 years ago

TN BEC scores were out last Friday. I didn't take REG this time around, so I can't speak for that one.

Aaron 16 years ago

Jeff usually knows when AICPA releases scores. If AICPA releases scores and you are a NASBA will get it a day or two after.

John 16 years ago

Virginia REG scores are up. Like a previous poster, I checked this afternoon and didn't expect to see anything (I just took the test Aug. 5th, but saw it may be up today per the score release predictions above). I was shocked to see it was up, and I got an 89. I'm still worried the score is somehow in error, because I didn't finish the 2nd sim. I had to do it in about 14 mins, only got a few sentences written for the writing part, and was just throwing numbers with no idea what I was doing on the problem solving part. But this just goes to show you that you can still pass (handily) without finishing a sim, so keep the faith everyone! Seems like my case is not unique, I wonder if something screwy was going on with REG this cycle...

Derek 16 years ago

If you are in Wave 1, you should see it tomorrow morning. The state's website updates each weekday morning between 3:00am and 3:20am. I'm in the same boat.

bill 16 years ago

FAR release date and time posted???

Kinenbi 16 years ago

I got 69. studied 2weeks for it, clearly it's not enough. get yourself better prepared next time. waiting for audit now!!!

exit322 16 years ago

Time wasn't an issue for me (it never is; I work very quickly), but my REG exam was definitely the toughest of the four I've taken. Such a screwy setup. Hoping for the best, may know tonight.

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I didn't get my NH score ( usually I get it by email).. wonder if I am in wave 2.

cat 16 years ago

What's the website? My friend took it at CA, but she couldn't find the website. Thanks so much!!

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I have received both AUD and BEC by email.

John 16 years ago

I'm sure you knocked it out of the park, it seems everyone comes out of that one scratching their heads. Let us know when you get the good news!

Bradley Beeson 16 years ago

Good luck.

Aaron 16 years ago

So are we expecting a REG NASBA release tonight?

Aaron 16 years ago

Jeff...where are you??????!!!!!!!!!! You are my lifeline to sanity!

guest 16 years ago

obviously yes

thedude 16 years ago

so i took reg aug 8th? it just says approx aug 7th for wave one. any chance at all ill be in this one?

jemmi 16 years ago

waiting AUD waiting AUD waiting AUD ??????????

Hypnochick 16 years ago

Hi John. I am so glad to hear you say that. I did get the writing part done on both sims, but on one sim, I couldn't do much at all. I took REG on July 3rd, so I don't even remember what I missed. I am so ready for this to be over. I don't feel like I can start studyin for Audit until I get this grade. I think that Texas will post at 3:00 tonight.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Agreed. Everyone says FAR is the hardest; I though REG was way harder, both in terms of time management and content tested. Something defintely screwy with REG this window, didn't finish second sim either.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Just fyi, my score in Virginia have always been posted before 10:00 a.m. the morning following the AICPA release. So you may want to check earlier :)

Virginia candidate 16 years ago


Aaron 16 years ago

Doesn't look like we are getting AUD tomorrow via NASBA :(

Num83rs 16 years ago

I have a question for those who have taken REG... With respect to tax credits... Were you required to know the various amounts, limitations, phase outs etc. for the exam? I am asking because I'm not sure when they plan to start testing the new rates/laws/requirements for 2009. The AICPA says: "For the federal taxation area, the Internal Revenue Code and federal tax regulations in effect six months before the beginning of the current window may be tested on the Uniform CPA Examination. For all other materials covered in the Regulation and Business Environment and Concepts sections, material eligible to be tested includes federal laws in the window beginning six months after their effective date and uniform acts in the window beginning one year after their adoption by a simple majority of their jurisdiction" The way I understand this is that it's possible to see old and new pronouncements on the exam. With that said, please refer to my question above as to whether or not one MUST know all the limitations etc. If so, this basically doubles the material... Thanks

thebirdman 16 years ago

keeping my fingers crossed for 8 ET CO release for REG!!! if you are in CO, let me know if yours shows up so ill know to check to see if i have mine.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

As far as the $ amounts for the limitations, phaseouts, etc., I would just have a familiarity. It usually will be obvious on the exam where something falls. I by no means memorized them all, but had a general idea.

Guero 16 years ago

You won't see 2009 rates/laws/regs on an exam any time soon

Waiting 16 years ago

I wouldn't worry about it, however, I still don't know if I passed. Also, since I tend to blackout during these wonderful exams, I don't know how much help I can be to you.

BAIJU 16 years ago

We are in the same boat. 16 mnts to go. Me too REG-CO. Under immense pressure

justwant300 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten anything from GA?

Fate! 16 years ago

:( Its almost 8.. I can't stop refreshing the Nasba site for my Reg score (Delaware board).. I hope it comes sooner than later tonight. Can't bear the torture

graduate09 16 years ago

I haven't seen anything yet for GA.

cpasoon 16 years ago

I know what you mean. I feel like I can't breath every time I hit the button!

jpm212 16 years ago

Florida! anyone for REG yet?

RAC 16 years ago

I'm waiting in GA for Reg as score yet :(

twinpoohb 16 years ago

No not yt...

Waiting4ever 16 years ago

Im waiting in FL too....

justwant300 16 years ago

As far as I can tell, they haven't released anything yet... I'm waiting on AUD and my roommate is waiting on REG.

cpa2b 16 years ago

anyone get REG in Louisiana?

boondagger 16 years ago

Waiting for REG in MA

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Waiting in Mass too!!!! Come on 75!!!!!!

exit322 16 years ago

I'm pretty sure 9 eastern is the time scores come out.

MA - Reg 16 years ago

MA Reg anyone????

Name 16 years ago

Have fun, I've been refreshing for my BEC score for 5 days...I took it on 7/2!

gheitka 16 years ago

Has anybody heard about Reg scores being posted in OH.

Guest 16 years ago

Waiting for REG in NY

exit322 16 years ago

At the earliest, we've still got 35 minutes. I don't know if NASBA is going to post tonight or not.

Jon 16 years ago

Me too... nothing yet for MA Reg?

gina011 16 years ago

Me too. If you're in a NASBA state, like we are, will our scores be posted at the same time or is it just random across all the NASBA states?

Jess75 16 years ago

South Carolina REG scores, please!!!

Jon 16 years ago

Where did you hear 9 est?

jinmn 16 years ago

Thought is was 8 pm ET? So 7 Central? Is all my refreshing for naught??

FL-BEC 16 years ago

Yeah, me too! Come on BEC and REG!

RyanNY 16 years ago

Waiting for REG in NY as well, let me know if you get your score. Thanks.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Ugh. It's going to be a looong week.

ciatocpa 16 years ago

Not yet :( still waiting....

Name 16 years ago

Jeff any update on REG NASBA result release?

DontDrinkCoffeeBeforeTheExam 16 years ago

What a perfect time for a lightning storm...while I'm patiently hitting refresh once every 17 seconds...

DontDrinkCoffeeBeforeTheExam 16 years ago

NOW!!!!! 76!!!!!!! Last one done baby!

MA - Reg 16 years ago

My AUD score from the previous window is still available. I don't think that its a good sign. At this point, I do not even remember how I did on the exam. The MCQ's were okay. In retrospect, the simulations were not bad, but I have a bad feeling that I messed up. I need my REG scores NOWWWW!!!!!

BAIJU 16 years ago

Hello Jeff, Where are you hiding. Please give us an update of NASBA release of REG

Jess75 16 years ago

Congrats! What state?

gina011 16 years ago

Mine is up. Got it. I passed!

boondagger 16 years ago

MA is UP 86!

gina011 16 years ago

Just got my score on NASBA - 99. That's CO.

prash09 16 years ago

Same here, I have nothing yet

Jon 16 years ago

MA is up? Where is my score!!!

Guest 16 years ago

congrats! what state?

MA - Reg 16 years ago

Yeah, Where is my MA score. I do not wish to be in wave 2!!!!!!

BAIJU 16 years ago


ciatocpa 16 years ago

LOUISIANA is up! Passed my 1st part of the CPA! Now waiting for Audit and take BEC (BLAH!!!) next week!

Waiting4ever 16 years ago

Florida??? Im going crazy!! I have FAR tomorrow (2nd time) I cant concentrate!!! I want to know what is feels to pass! :S

Turtle 16 years ago

NY is UP!!!! 79!!! I thought i totally failed!!!!

RAC 16 years ago

any of you guys in GA hear anything? still no Reg score for me...

cpasoon 16 years ago

88 on REG in IN

cpa2b 16 years ago

for REG? still nothing for me???

jpm212 16 years ago

Is Florida up??

Name 16 years ago

NY isnt up for me...what are you suppose to see when your score doesn't show I get... Error: Score not found Please verify section id number and date of birth format and re-submit.

gina011 16 years ago

Don't know if you saw where I edited my comment - it's CO. Does NASBA release state-by-state?

Waiting4ever 16 years ago

At this point I dont know! Im so scared to check!!!!! Is yours up??

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I hope you get your score! It seems like Im going to be in Wave 2, still no score for me!

bhoomaiah011 16 years ago

WOW......... i got 90 in REG.... CO

Jon 16 years ago

MA Reg is up 93!!!!! That's my last part!!!!!

ACD1109 16 years ago


Num83rs 16 years ago

It means your score isn't up. Standard reponse if it has not been released

hijoma 16 years ago

Ohio REG is up! Passed!

No Longer Waiting 16 years ago


Janet 16 years ago

What is it about the CPA exam, I know AUD isn't out but when REG is up I check anyway! This is hopefully my last test and it's driving me NUTS!

John 16 years ago

Is it just me or is everyone really getting shocked by the REG score they received? My 89 shocked the hell out of me...I totally blew the second simulation and was pretty sure I had only done okay on the other parts. I figured it was a score b/t 70 and 80 with a 50/50 chance of ending up on the right side of the 75. Seems like all the other comments have been similar: surprisingly high scores after struggling on the exam. Anyone got any theories for why this is? Then again, who cares? It's good for us, right?

shu 16 years ago

NY REG Released: 83. I passed all section. Good luck to others.

thebirdman 16 years ago

OK i am CO but no score showing for me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it possibly mine not entered yet, or am I wave 2? If so, you gotta be kidding me.

Amanda_NH 16 years ago


RAC 16 years ago

Passed with an 80! Good luck to the rest of you!

taxdude 16 years ago

KS is up! 85! Holla!

Fate! 16 years ago

My REG score was just released for Delaware... Is it the big number that appears with your name??? I got a 95... it seems impossible!!!!!!!!! Do are there details of your score available??

gheitka 16 years ago

Passed Reg in OH with a 75!!!!!!!

wickedwild 16 years ago

Mass NASBA is up... 81 cowboys and girls!! Yee haw! I passed them all!

Waiting4ever 16 years ago

OMG!!!!! Now I know what it feels to pass!!!!!!!!! 78 Florida!!!!!!! 1 down 3 to go!!!! I will take FAR tomomorrow!!! Good Luck everyone!!

Lorelai 16 years ago

REG 98!!! Ninety-freakin-eight!!!!!!! Okay .... for everyone out there who walks out of tests feeling like they bombed it ... you still have a solid chance of doing well. I'm telling ya ... one of my simulations was completely foreign to me. I had to go into the research portion and look at some Regs to get a slight idea of what it was even asking me to do. So don't give up hope!!

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

LA is up! 3 down and 1 to go. Took AUD today....we will see. Good luck to everyone!

JimmyBuffet 16 years ago

Alaska? Anyone? Please done be Wave 2....

gina011 16 years ago

Yeah - I got a perfect score with much less than perfect performance. I just hope it's not some kind of cruel joke.

splash1105 16 years ago

I'm not sure what it takes to be considered a NASBA State, but I did receive an email score notification from NASBA with a PDF attachment that contained my score.

NYC101 16 years ago

REG 97 here in NY, did not expect it at all!

exit322 16 years ago

A true surprise, just as was predicted...REG was a bit screwy. I knew I was within a few points either way of 75...a 90 is a pleasant surprise. Two down, two scores to go (I've taken AUD and BEC).

Aaron 16 years ago

omg...some how I got a 79. This exam is a freaking joke. I did TERRIBLE!

John 16 years ago

Haha, seriously that's what I've got in the back of my head, gina. I'm thinking, holy crap what if they wake up tomorrow and see the REG scores were all posted wrong? It just seems like everyone is shocked at how high their scores are. I certainly was in mine.

thebirdman 16 years ago

94 in COLORADO. It wasn't showing up after everyone's but it did after I reloaded the page from the original, not what I had saved as a bookmark. I am ASTONISHED at my score. MC were cake, but SIMS were CRAZY. I did not even finish any tab of 2nd but the writing and research. People, I am so amazed. Keep the faith and you can do it too. Confidence is the #1 key! ALL MY COLORADO PEEPS IT'S TIME FOR THE BIRDMAN TO FLY!!!!

Kelly 16 years ago

REG MA is out! Walked out of the exam feeling horrible but ended up with an 85!! WOO HOOO!! Three down, one more to go in 8 days! AUD, here I come!

graduate09 16 years ago

GA REG is up!!

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

I feel like everyone here passed REG but me....what a downer!

RyanNY 16 years ago

Holla back! Grades up in NY! 81!

splash1105 16 years ago

Don't give up!

Jarod 16 years ago

GA is up! 93! Any word on AUD for tomorrow?

John 16 years ago

Seriously wondering now that everyone seems to feel like their score was about 10 points higher than they expected....does this happen on every REG exam? Or did the examiners make a huge mistake on the sims and MC questions and only end up grading about 10 MC questions total?

guest 16 years ago

i failed..

graduate09 16 years ago

I failed REG in may with a 74. I know how it feels! But if you just buckle down while its kind of fresh, I think you can do it! I went from a 74 to an 85. It's totally possible! Good luck and just get right back on it! Once you pass it will all be worth it!

John 16 years ago

Yes, definitely don't give up! I'm sorry to hear about your score, but I failed REG my first time, so keep trying. Also, not everyone passed REG. It's just that not everyone has the courage to post that they didn't get as lucky this time; I commend you there. Just think...this gives some extra motivation and it will feel so much better when you pass next time! Hang in there!

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Maybe it's just no one posts when they fail! Oh well, keep on trucking I guess!!! Congrats all that passed!

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Thanks John. This was my first time trying a 68. I'm not totally discourage since I don't do taxes at all. It's a good starting point and hopefully it will only go up from there!

RobinTX 16 years ago

No email from TSBPA; I hope and pray for a 75....I do not care for any grade more or less than a 75......... ..that is all I ask from you O almighty Accounting Gods who reign over the F/S consuming our lives........... Tonight the Great Balance Sheet (or Pumpkin) will fly over Texas and treat only the most faithful of followers ….so tonight I will wait in solemn solidarity for the coming of the Great Balance Sheet

John 16 years ago

Yeah, I got a 69 my first time. But now you probably know what areas you need to focus on. My biggest problem the 1st time was budgeting my time on the exam...ran out of time way too quickly. I agree with another commenter about starting again soon and taking it again in a month or two while it's fresh. Don't be surprised if you end up scoring a 90+ the second time around. Wishing you luck!

RobinTX 16 years ago

it was a wild exam and I feel that to be fair you are probably exam was MC easy, WOW, and WOW....Sims one good one bad....both written easy and both research totaled to equal a fat poo.

pacerfan 16 years ago

just found out i passed reg with a 77. I am totally done! Thank god, i totally thought i blew that test don't know how i passed so for anyone who thinks they did horrible there is still hope.

jemmi 16 years ago

I haven't seen anything yet for AUD;(

RobinTX 16 years ago

most likely tomorrow at 5pm EST,,,,,,,,,then wait like 2 more days or 3

Kinenbi 16 years ago

I failed with a grade of 69, I clearly understand your feelings especially majority people here cheer for passing exam.

Aaron 16 years ago

This was my 3rd time taking REG. I did the absolute worst I've ever done...and I passed. The CPA exam is such a CRAP SHOOT. A total crap shoot! Don't stop trying. It all depends on the test you happen to get!

MACPA2B 16 years ago

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mass is out!! 87 REG, 78 FAR (Last session) AUD exam in 8 days and BEC exam 13 days Rock and ROLL Baby..... I think my head is going to explode......

cpa2b 16 years ago

whoo hooooo.....83 on REG!!! LA is up........1 down. damn this feels good!!!!!

RobinTX 16 years ago

I agree I failed 66/67 so this time I want to replace that grade with a 76 tomorrow when I wake up......I think.... like the CBT states your grade can vary on any given day for a number of factors; so you might have passed given another set of MC and SIMS........just sayin your are pretty close do not give up thousands and of ppl have to pass reg every year

RobinTX 16 years ago

yeah I know most ppl get a 75 and post hurray I just made a 95 woohoo OMG....yeah I know I know

Kim in OH 16 years ago

REG is out in OH. I passed with a 79! I will take it. I felt a lot more comfortable with the REG material than FAR, so I am pretty sure that the score I receive for that in a few days will be below passing. I am taking BEC on Saturday, so wish me luck! I would at least like to pass 3 out 4 on the first shot. Good luck to everyone else who is taking tests and waiting on scores. I won't check my FAR score until after my exam on Saturday (if it's out) because I know I failed it, and I want to focus on BEC.

Name 16 years ago

Jeff, Do you think we will see the remaining BEC scores tonight? We've been waiting since Friday! This is ruining me!

lisacpa 16 years ago

No offense to LA because I am from there originally BUT HOW IN WORLD DID LA GET SCORES BEFORE TEXAS OMG!!!!

cfcpa 16 years ago

83 for Regulation in RI!

FIN/ACG 16 years ago

does anyone else check these things for their gf's/ wife ?? looks like FAR doesn't come out til Thursday and she sits for AUD on Fri (hopefully last exam she'll have to take) I just hope she s not in wave 2

RobinTX 16 years ago


RobinTX 16 years ago

heck no........I mean serious dude I do not enjoy this and would not wish this on anyone...I'd rather take a bullet to the buttocks

justwant300 16 years ago

What's up for GA? We're not getting anything for AUD or REG...

UFbrett 16 years ago

I AM DONE...... 81 on REG and I am out. I spent 45 days on each section and passed everyone on my first try. Work hard and study hard and you will pass this test. Good Luck to everyone

hatemyself 16 years ago

Wow..I got so lucky...77 in REG!

A. S. 16 years ago

92 - FAR - May 27 89 - BEC - Jul 31 79 - REG - Jul 1 And I'll take every one of those scores..... Congratulations to everyone who entered their ID# and DOB and got a passing score.... My heart goes out to those who didn't.... keep at it..... it's a bitch.

aaa 16 years ago

Hi, i m a newbee here... i was wondering where u looked up ur score... NASBA's website or ur state board of accountancy's website

CJL 16 years ago

I'm in TX on pins and needles!!! And YES, I'm checking for my husband. He's the calm, cool, collected one and I'm the one checking every 10 minutes on frayed nerves! Go figure! Come on TX, release the REG scores so we can be done with this mess once and for all!

boondagger 16 years ago

I passed all four on the first try - I will pass advice to those who study Becker and are still on the CPA exam treadmill that I received months ago. Everywhere you go, when you drive, put one headphone in your ear and listen to the Becker video while you drive - again - one ear only and don't watch the screen. Listen to the videos 3 times, try all the questions for each section til you're over 90% and you WILL pass. That's the secret.

A. S. 16 years ago

I look up on, select my state, enter my id # and DOB

endy 16 years ago

i just got 74 on REG.... I HATE TAX!!!!!!

lisacpa 16 years ago

That only works if you have a DVD player in the car and drive more than 30 minutes.

justwant300 16 years ago

Depends on the state... you can go to NASBA's website, click on your state and there should be some info on how to get your score. Georgia posts directly to the NASBA site. Not all states report online though, and some states won't post until all scores, even slow FAR, are out.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Kim I feel the same way. I am waiting for FAR and am taking AUD next week. Failed AUD with a 73 the first time. Felt good about FAR but you really never know with this exam. Really did not put in best effort for AUD and it showed. Did much better for FAR. Will wait till after I take AUD before I check FAR score. Good Luck to you on BEC. Will start studying BEC after taking AUD next week.

MA-Reg 16 years ago

Passed Reg (MA)!!!!!! Three down, One to go!!!

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Anyone want to share some studying tips for when they re-take a part? I am using Becker. Do people general watch the lectures again? Or just keep working the MCQ's, sims, etc. I feel like I end up just memorizing the questions/answer and not actually learning the concept at some point. Any advice/tips is welcomed and appreciated!!!!

Name 16 years ago

I would recommend simply re-watching the lectures, take a few notes, but just watch it and it will make sense. This helped me pass audit the second time I took it.

tmishel 16 years ago

MI scores are out... 83 and I'm finally done. It's been a long time coming. I passed AUD, BEC, and FAR on the first try with Becker. REG took me for a loop (67, 72, and 83!!). The difference this last tIme was I went to Borders and bought the Wiley 2009 Reg book and read it front to back, took notes on everything, and did all the MCQs. By golly it worked!!! I'M DONE!! AAAHHHH!!! Thanks Jeff for your advice, guidance, and support through this long journey :)

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Whats the current thinking on AUD? An AICPA release tmrw? And then, how long is the NASBA lag, 1-2 days? Thanks

jackzues 16 years ago

Me too. Got an 87, It was my highest mark yet. Next week BEC.

here2help 16 years ago

i feel like no one is waiting for FAR haha, everyone keeps asking for REG and AUD. I'm hoping AICPA comes out tomorrow, then scores on Friday, but looking doubtful since AUD isn't out yet.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

I am anxiously waiting for FAR also, you aren't alone!

Jarod 16 years ago

I got REG back tonight. AUD still hasn't been released I guess.

befromks 16 years ago

wooohooo 93 REG in KS!! good luck everyone!!

Num83rs 16 years ago

I haven't had to re-take an exam yet (hopefully I didn't jinx myself) but I have improved my studying based on how prepared I felt and I how performed on my first exam. I have also been using Becker and I find myself in the same position as you. I end up memorizing the questions. My advice is this: Take a ton of the simulated exams and progress tests so the questions get mixed up. Even if you get the question right, be sure to read the answer and take notes on why the other answers are wrong. Furthermore, work questions from the book (the questions that come up on the lectures) as well as questions that have been released. If you still have your college textbooks, re-read applicable chapters and practice questions in the book to improve your weak areas. Hope this helps...

katie_CPA 16 years ago

REG MI 86 :))))

aballa5113 16 years ago

Jeff...this site helped me so much...thank you for all you do and for everyone who posts on the are all a part of my success!!!

brandon 16 years ago

I am very anxiously, and as you pointed out -- quietly, waiting for both Audit and Financial scores to be released. Here's hoping for the best!

JustFARleft 16 years ago

In CO, passed REG with a 76 on my 3rd try. Now only FAR left for the 4th try at the end of August. Hoohaw!

Name 16 years ago

I just got my REG score tonight! Thank you so much for posting the result date predictions!

MACPA2B 16 years ago

Hey ChelleInMA, My approach to REG was to watch the Becker videos, write out the notes and the highlights, then I go back through the book and write out notes from highlights, lecture notes and text on to legal pads. I then do the MC questions, and for every wrong answer I write out the correct answer and how to remember it. Then a give the Sims a glance over.... for the concepts and make sure I have covered the concepts. The sims themselves are almost worthless to go through, they are good for concepts and format you might run into but are highly unlikely to see the same on the exam. For Reg I had 4 legal pads worth of notes. You said you are memorizing the MC answers, the only thing I can say is to force yourself to think about WHY the answer is, and WHY it is not. Its not a big deal if you look at the MC and know the answer as long as you still "work through it" The best thing I have done is to start taking notes on the MC's.... sounds like overkill but...... Hope that helps.

cpa2b 16 years ago

wtf does that have to do w/ anything? hater

angus20184 16 years ago

Did AUD score released in CA yet?

Lisa 16 years ago

Nope. They have to be released by the AICPA first. I'm guessing the AICPA will release them tomorrow afternoon (they seem to be releasing exam scores every other day), in which case the CA AUD scores will probably be on the Board's website early Thursday morning. Trust me, when CA releases their AUD scores and assuming I'm in the first wave, you will *definitely* hear about it--good or bad.

olinto2020 16 years ago

or if you are an incredible bad driver.

Name 16 years ago

got the REG score today. 75. Hell yes.

luckyinva 16 years ago

Haha, same here! So much so that I just woke up for work and had to check my score again to make sure I didn't dream the whole thing! I guess if everyone thought they blew the 2nd sim then that just factors into the weighting of that portion. But I still can't even really accept that as an answer, like I got a 95 without doing basically the entire 2nd sim? Everyone must have bombed it.

lisacpa 16 years ago

Texas is in and I PASSED REG!!!! Jeff for furture reference Texas updated their site at 3:15am, 24 plus hours after AICPA released for both times this wave if anybody wants to know. There is a tiny time stamp at the lower left of the screen I notice when BEC scores went out.

dddll 16 years ago

Waiting for AUD & FAR. As per the prediction hope we can expect AUD today.

dddll 16 years ago

Waiting for AUD & FAR. As per the prediction hope we can expect AUD today.

hypnochick 16 years ago

I passed, with an ugly but I passed. Yipppppeeeeee! BEC 82 REG 76

CJL 16 years ago

Yes! TX scores came in! We passed and are done for good!!!!

CJL 16 years ago

Just to clarify, I meant the TX REG scores!

CPACandidateWife 16 years ago

Haha, CJL, I'm doing the same thing and stalking this website to see when NASBA will release his AUD score... it's horrible isn't it!!!

aballa5113 16 years ago

I had a question...I received my first score yesterday and on the NASBA site if just showed up with my last name, first name, and score. It did not specify what exam I took. I only took one exam this wave but had I taken more would it have specified the test the score was for?

Name 16 years ago

TX REG scores are in!! 91!!! Now off to take AUD this morn:(

lolo3 16 years ago

Good luck with AUD!!!

RobinTX 16 years ago

Well I passed yes sir I did it....I never gave up or lost my Faith I stuck with Phil and Wiley and my review was a long battle and the road was paved with landmines...... it was not easy seeing the 66...and then .67.......but then I played the "eye of a tiger" song and whooped out the most crazy work plan.....documented in replys on Jeffs blog on how I was going to pass...........sweet chicken dinner 83 for me but for all of you online it was really a 95haha just joking.....if you do not pass do what I did it worked it worked yay and I can say now I am 75% finished ........The Accounting Gods have shown love to this devoted soul by sending a passing grade via the Great Balance Sheet(or Pumpkin) and for that I am ever so thankful.

exit322 16 years ago

In this game, 75 is beautiful.

RobinTX 16 years ago

1 point means you studied too hard........but heck I rather study too much then not enough woohoo now go to work your boss is P.O. the IT dept just noticed how much time you wasted on this site so far this joking hahahahahaha congrats

here2help 16 years ago

the Section ID you put it refers to one specific test you took (i.e. your BEC section ID will be different from your REG section ID). Cross reference your NTS to find out which test score you're checking.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

congrats, your last post gave me a much needed smile, REG on the 31st

FajitaPants 16 years ago

Anyone get their Audit scores yet? Or are we expecting that to be pushed back a day? I took AUD July 3rd so I have been waiting soooo long!!

graduate09 16 years ago

ChelleInMA, I actually just went through this process. I actually did not re-watch the videos but rather read through each lecture on my own. I took notes on each section that I deemed to be important rules. Then I after reading the lecture & taking notes, I would attempt the questions. If you feel like your memorizing questions, you probably are. I felt the same way but it still helps to point out your weaknesses. I kept that notebook that I took notes in with me at all times. I would flip through it whenever I had a spare moment. Hope that helps a little bit!

graduate09 16 years ago

I'm pretty sure the AICPA hasn't released the audit scores yet. I think you still have another day unfortunately....

ChelleInMA 16 years ago

Thanks for all the helpful hints everyone! I also have 4 legal pads of notes for REG. I think I just need to keep working at it and put more time in. Once I see where I did poorly on the test I am going to focus my efforts there first, and hit the stuff I did "well" on - if there was any!

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I just checked the NASBA twitter and they have not received the scores from the AICPA yet. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Bring on the AUD scores - let's get this over with already! I booked about two hours of unassinged time at work yesterday just hitting the resubmit button. I need some closure!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

If it makes you feel any better I'm still waiting for a REG score and probably won't get it until next week.

shu 16 years ago

I passed all four section. 3 section in first shot and for regulation, I had to try two times. I studied becker review course for all section. For those of who did not get success at Regulation, I would suggest to keep reading and try all the simulation and multiple choice question in becker. In fact, when I took my second Regulation on August 1, I did very bad and did not think that I will pass. When I get back home, I reviewed backer simulation and found that Section 179 was copied from becker simulation. Same situation, same facts, same questions, only difference was in person's name and numbers. I did not had time to study that simulation and that is the one I thought I missed it. So, I would suggest you guys to study all the simulation and questions. Thanks Jeff for your prediction was right and good luck to others.

waitingforresults 16 years ago

I know! I can't take it anymore! I'm waiting on FARE... had a good feelling taking it but have been wrong before. I can't focus at work at all! So it looks like AUD will be graded next & then FARE?

lolo3 16 years ago

I agree. I am considering marching across the street to the AICPA offices and demanding the release of AUD and FAR scores. It is a hostage situation and I am going crazy.

doune56 16 years ago

I am waitingt for FAR as well and it is killing me since it is my last score... Hopefully, I will not be bumped down to Wave 2. You might be right that they will most likely release AUD first then FAR.

gotrice979 16 years ago

so for audit scores do we wait till tonight? or tomorrow morning?

Guero 16 years ago

Lets hope. The AUD release prediction was off by a few days. Bummer

MrCPA 16 years ago

91 on REG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Jeff! Taking AUD tomorrow, hopefully you're as spot on with your predictions for the second wave. Thanks, and a job well done!

SkiCO 16 years ago

73 on REG. Never failed anything in my 95's on both FAR & AUD and thought they really weren't that bad. I felt ready for it (obviously really wasn't), choked and started second guessing every answer I put.....does anyone have any advice for what I can do to pass this thing????

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Waiting on my audit score...last section to pass, last one is the worst!

SkiCO 16 years ago

Thanks shu. I think the simulations are a lot of what killed me, I didn't get a chance to go through any in Becker. Thanks for the suggestion.

Aaron 16 years ago

Yep. Waiting on Audit. This could be over for me too. I shockingly passed REG so all I need is a 75 on AUD to be a CPA. I felt extremely confident coming out of AUD and terrible coming out of REG. C'mon AICPA!!!!! RELEASE AUDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

My exact experience, felt ok coming out of Audit, I never feel confident lol, so ok is good. Reg sims were a nighmare, ended up passing, thankfully. Seems like everyone felt horrible coming out of Reg this testing window.

Aaron 16 years ago

Yea. REG sims were the absolute worst I've ever experienced. I was so pissed when I walked out of there. I thought I did excellent on the MC...but when I hit my first SIM it sucked up all my time and did terrible. I ran out of time on the second SIM and left much of it undone. I DID fill in all the blanks though. TOTAL CRAP SHOOT.

lmn1015 16 years ago

I need advice, I am waiting for my FAR score, but am pretty sure I failed as I ran out of time and the sims were brutal. I need to buy new review material. I'd rather poke myself in the eye than watch lectures (I used Becker). I retain much more info by studying the books and my own notes. What I'd really like is great books and software with tons of MCQ and simulations. Any suggestions? Wiley?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I would wait and find out your score before I bought anything, you may have passed with no problem :) Wiley is a very good text; however, it is my no means easy reading. They go into so much detail covering every possible scenario that it can be very overwhelming. I used Wiley, but in conjunction with the Yaeger lectures, so the material was narrowed down. Except for a few glitches, the Wiley software is good.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Gleim has MCQs by the 100s. It costs less than $60 for the immediate download.

Jamie 16 years ago

just gave in and subscribed to the NASBA twitter

CPA2009 16 years ago

Don't second guess the answers and practice, practice, practice as many multiple choice problems as possible. Whenever you get an answer wrong during your review make sure you read to see why the answer you chose was wrong; this helped me alot.

exit322 16 years ago

I've found historically that second guessing and changing my answers during tests (not just CPA, but throughout college) has been wrong-to-right about 25% of the time, wrong-to-wrong about 25% of the time, and right-to-wrong 50% of the time. I'd really really be wary about changing answers during the test. Usually your gut feeling is the best answer you're going to be able to come up with, unless you do something and end up clear that you need to change it.

Modest 16 years ago

Come on Audit! This is my last section. I just want this nightmare to be over with. REG 80 BEC 82 FAR 84 AUD ??

ocdcpa 16 years ago

I'm with you - just waiting for the 75 in AUD and I can have my life back......

BrooklynCPA 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff--following along on this blog really helped to get me through the waiting time for the grades. Thankfully I just passed the last part (Reg). Good luck to everyone! Nick BEC 89 FAR 94 REG 97 AUD 96

Russ 16 years ago

Congrats Robin! You worked hard for that one!

Num83rs 16 years ago

Becker has everything you need to pass. Regardless of what review company you use, the MCQ will be similar if not identical because the use mostly prior questions from the exam. When you work Becker's MCQ, spend time reading the explanations for wrong answers and take notes from there. No offense to you or anyone else, I believe it's up to the individual to pass the exam not necessarily the material that's used.

Modest 16 years ago

Those are some great scores! Hopefully I can join you as having passed all parts soon. Congrats!

lmn1015 16 years ago

Thanks all! Num83rs-I completely agree with you, I was just looking for less expensive material than Becker, and needed opinions about other options.

Guero 16 years ago

Me too, where the &*^% is AUD???

doune56 16 years ago

I am anxiously waiting for my FAR score. I got lucky last time with an exact 75 on AUDIT. I honestly thought I failed the exam since my Becker materials expired a week before the exam. I basically read the book for my review so I was static when I got my score. I sat for FAR on July 1st which was brutal since I ran out of time. I did not finish the 2nd simulation so I am hoping for another MIRACLE... God please answer my prayer so I can get my life back. BEC 76 REG 86 AUD 75 FAR ??

Guero 16 years ago

You thought you failed because your materials expired a week before the exam?

Derek 16 years ago

Just FYI for anyone out there....In situations where Becker materials expire, if you have a scheduled exam within the next 30 days, Becker will allow you to have up to a 30 day extension. You must provide evidence of your scheduled exam (confirmation email from Prometric). It worked for me on my last exam and there is no cost for the extension.

Jamie 16 years ago

nasba site down for anyone else?

Janet 16 years ago

That's me as well come on Audit.. I want my life back!

doune56 16 years ago

I thought I failed because I did not have enough time to review the mcq and simulations from the Becker material. They always recommend that you do a final review prior to the exam so I was very concerned that I was not well prepared. But I didn't give up and just read the book for my final review and it paid off with just the right score to pass...

Name 16 years ago

Where the &*^% is BEC???

Jamie 16 years ago

back up, no score

Guero 16 years ago

Good luck with your last one!

doune56 16 years ago

Thanx and same to you!

olinto2020 16 years ago

Right now in the AICPA office there are two staff employees arguing over who should be in charge of sending out the audit scores. My guess is it will come down to 13 games of rock paper scissors, first one to win 7 games.

Lisa 16 years ago


ACD1109 16 years ago

out of this peter olinto from Becker ???!!!

Guero 16 years ago

Tell one of them to go rock all the way through - they will win and we can get our scores!

ocdcpa 16 years ago

why do I think this is realistic possibility??

chris1605 16 years ago

Has anyone seen Reg scores in Oklahoma

CPA2009 16 years ago

I'm in the same boat, waiting on FAR. Really hoping to know by the weekend; that would be great. Not looking good for me since I'm in TX; probably will be next week :(

Jamie 16 years ago

you may have been pushed to wave 2 if you have not received BEC by now

Eric 16 years ago

How long do you have before your becker material expires?? I have heard a year from when you start it, I have also heard 18 months. Can any who is using Becker or anyone that knows for a fact furnish an answer for me? -Thanks a ton and good luck with all of your exams everyone, keep up the good work.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Release Audit already!!!! This is driving me absolutely insane. I want my life back. and tell me, why do I check the Va BOA website even though I know the scores aren't there? Really, I am a rational person.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Becker is good for 12 months. Once you pass an exam it is good for 18 months.

lolo3 16 years ago

You are not alone. I, too, continue to click through the inordinate number of links on the VA BOA site to check if my scores are there, even though I know they aren't. And if I don't, I start getting nervous that I missed the posting, therefore, I MUST check again. I guess we will all look back at this an laugh, but right now it is causing me panic attacks...

aaa 16 years ago

i m waiting for FAR....Unluckier than you I probably will get my score next week.... I absolutely hate VA BoA's website... wondering if they will upload scores as soon as they receive them from NASBA

Eric 16 years ago

Okay I thought so thank you very much. Dang that means I only have til August 31st to pass my last part which I haven't even looked at yet. Since I started my exam in September and Semptemer is an off month, it should expire then right?

Name 16 years ago

You guys need to relax, probably won't be getting your results anytime 'soon'. Many states haven't even released their BEC scores yet, which the AICPA released Friday. Probably a good bet that the remaining BEC scores will be posted before AUD and FAR and at least at the same time as REG. I'd get used to the wait.

Eric 16 years ago

Thanks Derek!

Aaron 16 years ago

btw...I'm getting nothing done at work because AICPA won't release AUDIT!

doune56 16 years ago

I would call Becker and give your serial number so you can know for sure. As Eric mentioned, you might be able to get an extension until October if needed.

lolo3 16 years ago

VA is very quick about posting its scores. BEC and REG scores were posted the morning after AICPA released them. Hopefully, that means if AUD gets released by the AICPA by this evening, VA scores will be posted tomorrow.

elliej18 16 years ago

If you open up the Becker Passmaster software, and click on "About" (the "?") in the upper right-hand corner, it will tell you when the software expries (right underneath your name).

doune56 16 years ago

Sorry I meant to say Derek...

lolo3 16 years ago

For BEC and REG, this window, VA BoA has posted the scores the morning after they were released by AICPA. I am waiting for both FAR and AUD. Hopefully, I will have at least one before the weekend.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

Waiting for FAR but not too hopeful... taking AUD on Saturday so maybe I shouldn't check again until after that test??

Guero 16 years ago

What state?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

well, the good thing is, at least with my other exam sections, VA does flip them pretty quick. I've always had my score before 10:00 a.m. tne next morning following AICPA release - even when AICPA releases late in the afternoon.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yeah, I've never had a problem getting my scores on their website, but it is convoluted, isn't it.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Every window, I get like this. I'm a calm, rational person. But when it comes time to scores, I start becoming obsessive & compulsive. This is just not healthy. I haven't gotten any work done either.

Googlie 16 years ago

where's jeff? been awfully quiet...

Aaron 16 years ago

I think Jeff has joined the evil forces of the AICPA.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Maybe.... he's actually working. Unlike us :)

Sonu 16 years ago

I want Audit result NOW... this is my last one and I deserve it the most as I have waited longer than most of you guys... took exam on July 01, 11 AM and waiting for the result ever since !!!

here2help 16 years ago

OMG. 11am what timezone, though??

Christina 16 years ago

My two co-workers both passed (one took BEC and passed her first part, the other past REG is now all done). I'm hoping luck comes in three's!!

Mary 16 years ago

I think the AICPA is just trying to drive us all insane!! I cannot concentrate at all...I need to know the Audit scores!!

Sonu 16 years ago

Central... did u take before me?

Jason Harris 16 years ago

My BEC score from February was posted last week (I had called after seeing other received their scores via this website). My failing FAR and AUD scores from January still aren't up there. I'm calling tomorrow or Friday for my FAR score.

khumbu 16 years ago


eunigirl 16 years ago

I took Audit July 1 1pm in California~~~ such a long wait!!!

exit322 16 years ago

I did. I took it 11 AM eastern on 7/1.

Guest 16 years ago

OK doesn't even have the BEC scores out yet!!!

Sonu 16 years ago

are you guys done with other 3 sections?

jpsy422 16 years ago

I refuse to start studying for REG until i get me AUD score. at least that's the excuse im using this week.... :) 2 down, waiting on one, and taking another in october. the worst part about the wait is that i have been such a bummer about not having my scores that now everyone is asking me how i did... i better pass or i'll have an embarassing next couple of weeks (assuming im in the first wave).

Name 16 years ago

I should know this by now, but with the delay in releasing the AUD scores, will the NASBA release of the FAR scores most likely be pushed back to Monday?

Aaron 16 years ago

I think if we get the AUD release by AICPA today: AUD NASBA -->Thursday FAR AICPA --> Friday FAR NASBA --> Saturday If we don't get AUD release by AICPA today....FAR will be Monday or later

Go 16 years ago

I would say it is reasonable to say that FAR may be pushed back a day or two depending on when AUD is released. I am waiting on FAR too and I don't even know if mine will be in this wave even though I took it early in July.

AR-REG 16 years ago

When will non-NASBA state receive REG scores? Any idea?

pgl4885 16 years ago

Any word on AUD yet? Has it been confirmed that the scores are delayed?

Go 16 years ago

I have never seen NASBA released a score on saturday though, only AICPA did in the past.

Eric 16 years ago

Perfect Thanks, will do. Good luck on all yuur exams.

Aaron 16 years ago

No confirmation on delay.

pgl4885 16 years ago

Okay, I am still banking it gets released tonight...

chris1605 16 years ago

Thanks, let me know if you see BEC scores.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Jeff, must be at his day job. I vote that Jeff should go pro and put in his notice at work. We need him here 24/7! Who is with me?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yeah, what's with Jeff taking time off of another71 to work a job to feed his kids lol jk Anywho, come away from the dark side, we want you back.

fsumarie 16 years ago

Come on release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD Release AUD

Aaron 16 years ago

Jeff...please come online and at least lie to me and say AICPA released AUD.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

I've been posting via my e-mail ALL DAY and I just realized that they haven't been posted here...sigh...sorry everyone. I bet I've posted 30 responses via e-mail. grrrrr... No word on AUD yet...

treya 16 years ago

VA site DOWN!

Go 16 years ago

Welcome Back!

TimGearty 16 years ago

If I took Audit on August 9th, any chance I will see my score when Audit is released tonight or tomorrow??????

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

it's either back up, or just certain accounts not working. Just logged into mine.

Name 16 years ago

No chance at all, really.

treya 16 years ago

Maybe I checked it the maximum amount for the day. The main site isn't loading.

lolo3 16 years ago

Glad you are back. It gets a little "Lord of the Flies" in here when you are gone :)

lolo3 16 years ago

It worked fine for me too.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

For all those wondering about the AICPA scores release: I'm not sure the exact procedure Jeff uses to verify, but I have been following @NASBA on twitter. They have accurately been posting when they have received the scores from the AICPA. As of now, they still have NOT received AUD scores from the AICPA. So tomorrow doesn't look good for those of us waiting on an AUD score.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

loads for mel... I seriously doubt you beat me lol we're all going nuts

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

ahhh pooey that's all I have to say

Guero 16 years ago

This blows is all I have to say

olinto2020 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Has the AICPA ever released scores past 5PM EST before? (A.K.A. can we expect the scores to be released tonight so we can see them tomorrow morning/afternoon?)

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I cannot cannot last one more weekend. I need to know now! Does anyone have Obama's phone number. Surely he can help us!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - they have released them at 9pm EDT before...happened at least once.

jeff @ 16 years ago

***FAR HAS BEEN RELEASED*** (sorry AUD people!)

Aaron 16 years ago

I thought Jeff used the name "Jeff"? Is this an imposter?

gotrice979 16 years ago

so whens that mean the scores will be ready by? tomorrow morning? or tomorrow night?

Derek 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

hope and change

jinmn 16 years ago

Really?? I thought they were in a predictable order? I'm thrilled, since I'm hoping for FAR scores and haven't had AUD yet (next week). Thanks so much Jeff for the updates!

CPA2009 16 years ago

Yea, maybe I will have a pleasant surprise before the weekend!!!

Derek 16 years ago

So could AUD still come through tonight? Have they every released 2 scores on the same day?

jeff @ 16 years ago

it's me...I've always gone by another71...I sign it as "Jeff" sometimes...there's some problem with the comment avatar isn't showing up...see the update under the banner in red... -Jeff

IL Aud 16 years ago

Does this mean audit won't be released today??

eunigirl 16 years ago

auhhh why FAR first???? I was so excited to see the red headline...=( is it possible AUD scores will also get released today?

Name 16 years ago

I hate the AICPA so eff'ing much right now.

CPA2009 16 years ago

Its across the top in red as well; I hope not!

jeff @ 16 years ago

tomorrow night for NASBA is likely

ocdcpa 16 years ago

Me too - and they want us to join the AICPA (if we haven't already).... I should have taken Abnormal Psychology in college or an at least studied up on S & least I would have been prepared for this!!!

Name 16 years ago

What happens when it's release by AICPA? When will I see the actual score? I'm in California.

IL-Far 16 years ago

So if I took FAR August 7th (your last day in Wave 1) and my score is not up (I'm in IL), I'm probably in wave 2 then, eh?

brandon 16 years ago

well how about that...I would have put money on Audit coming out today. Jeff, once the madness of this score release wave slows down, why not try a follow up on your score release interview and ask the AICPA why they release sections one by one, instead of all of them together, etc. Would definitely be good reading. --Brandon

Guero 16 years ago

Not getting AUD today, really, really blows

Modest 16 years ago

I agree.

Guero 16 years ago

Good for the people waiting on FAR though

CPA2009 16 years ago

I think you probably have to wait until tomorrow to determine if you are in Wave 2.

Russ 16 years ago

The scores are released to the states/NASBA. California is not a NASBA state, they release independently. My score for reg showed up yesterday (Tuesday) morning between 530 and 630am after scores were released by the AICPA Monday afternoon. It's a safe bet you'll have it by tomorrow morning from California.

brandon 16 years ago

As a heads up, the AICPA released 9093 regulation scores and 8534 business and environmental concepts scores this wave release period. Today they only released 7460 Financial Accounting and Reporting scores. Intuitively that suggests that there were a lot of people thrown into the second release wave because of any number of factors, the most likely of which would be a new simulation. Of course its entirely possible that the drop off in exams released is due to fewer people taking the exam but there is a pretty significant difference between the three. In other words, be happy if you get your score tomorrow night but don't be surprised if you don't. I'm in the FAR boat, too and here's hoping for the best!

Paul 16 years ago

Russ is right. I have always seen my score the following morning in CA (I think it gets posted around midnight or 2am). Good luck sleeping tonight! ;)

lolo3 16 years ago

Thanks for the info. How did you find out the number of scores released? Maybe they added more new sims to FAR because of the new consolidations material. I didn't get a consolidations sim so I am hoping I won't get pushed to wave 2. Fingers crossed!!!

jsturge 16 years ago

You can follow NASBA on twitter. Hope that helps.

Zade 16 years ago

OMG I just had a mini heart attack!!! I hope my score's released this wave to i know if i passed or failed...c'mon illinois!!!

Waiting for FAR 16 years ago

So, do we think that NASBA will release the FAR scores tonight or tomorrow night?

Name 16 years ago

Jeff, Will NASBA release the remaining oustanding BEC scores soon? I've been trying to get an answer for days now

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

Anyone from NC get there scores for any of the released parts yet?? Just trying to determine the lag time from the release til we actually receive them here in my snail mail state.

Jessica 16 years ago

What would be the lag time from AICPA release time to the time Illinois posts scores for FAR? I know Illinois is pretty quick on posting. I think AICPA release BEC at 5:30PM and they were up the next morning around 8:50AM. Sounds like Illinois is rather efficient compared to other states.

justwant300 16 years ago

Has your state released other people's BEC? If so, you may be in the second round. Which is kinda uncommon for BEC if you took it before the cutoff, but it has happened.

Name 16 years ago

Sound right! I wish TX was as fast.

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

I have been waiting a month for my FAR score and now I might get it soon I don't want to look!

rayraycpa 16 years ago

agreed - i dont even know why im so anxious to check

fromca 16 years ago

FYI I think they post the scores around 7-9am. I know becaus I was up until 5 am for BEC & REG score ^^

jdnyc 16 years ago

I assume for NASBA purpose you check the score through their website using the state you applied to get licensed in and not the state you took the exam in. Can anyone clarify because everytime I check it just says error: no score found and it was be nice if it just said score pending or something so I at least know i am doing it right.

shan1123 16 years ago

Since when does FAR get released before AUD???? Jeff, have you ever seen this happen before??? I'm going crazy waiting for my score!! My exam froze and I didn't finish but opted to get my score rather than retake it!

Name 16 years ago

I'm ready to see, good or bad. Wondering is terrible.

Name 16 years ago

No, I took it July 2nd. It's been 50 days.

justwant300 16 years ago

State you're applying though... I took a section in FL and got my score from the GA section of the NASBA site.

Go 16 years ago

My personal opinion on FAR being released before AUD in this testing window is because: 1. Many candidates received one or more questions in the simulation pertaining to a business combination under the new standards 141(R) and 160. These questions have been tested for the first time in this testing window. 2. According to Jeff, candidates who received a new simulation that have never been tested before will automatically receive their scores in Wave 2. Considering these 2 facts, it reduces the number of test takers who are eligible to receive their score in Wave 1 substantially when compared to previous testing windows. So I can see why FAR get released before AUD.

Go 16 years ago

NASBA has taken a day for both BEC and REG. So I guess we will have FAR tomorrow night at 9 EDT.

justwant300 16 years ago

Some state haven't released their scores yet. I think the AICPA and NABSA have released all of the BEC scores that made it into Wave 1.

Name 16 years ago

Well, I'm just wondering my my state hasn't released them yet. I'm from Minnesota. I know the AICPA released them, but I'm just wondering what the hold-up has been in getting NASBA to release the score for my state (and about 15 other NASBA states). I'm not complaining, I'm just getting desparate!

jdnyc 16 years ago

In my simulations for FAR i got tested on a wide array of topics. If i had one tab that was related to the new material, is it safe to assume that I wont be getting my score this wave even though I took it in July.

Eric 16 years ago

I really hope you passed Shan. I think you made the right choice though. I mean there is always a chance you did pass. And if you retook the exam you would never know and have to pay no matter what. At least now you have a chance of passing (rolling the dice) and if you didn't it's okay just get back up and restudy while it's fresh and take it again. GOOD LUCK!

khumbu 16 years ago

Had the same situation like you jdnyc,methinks we will def be on the second wave.Lets wait till tomorrow nite,you may never know.

jinmn 16 years ago

I'm in MN too. I didn't take BEC, but did get my REG score yesterday. It's really strange that BEC hasn't come through - did you call NASBA to ask?

eyboi 16 years ago

Does anyone know the Lag time for the State of Missouri

cpahopeful 16 years ago

I don't want to look at my FAR score either... I put in my info, put the cursor over the submit button, and close my eyes before I click :-(

Name 16 years ago


dinglenutz-anticpa 16 years ago

ass like a donkey .... with a monkey

Go 16 years ago

I would not assume but hope that we all get our score tomorrow night. I thought about it from another angle that a business combination is such a big area that I assume 100% of candidates must be tested on. So there are really contradiction between 2 ways of thinking.

Christina 16 years ago

I don't know if I should continue screaming about FAR before AUD or switch to crying. ahhhh the suspense!!!!!!!!!

Jessica 16 years ago

FAR posted on IL tonight or tomorrow morning? Jessica

NolaBadger 16 years ago

Anybody anywhere get a score for FAR yet

Nicky 16 years ago

Since FAR was released before AUD does this mean that AUD will be released on the 20th instead of the 19th?

IL-Far 16 years ago

Most likely tomorrow morning. I've been checking their website like mad, but I haven't gotten anything either.

Name 16 years ago

I am too! It's so frustrating! I took it on July 2nd! It was released Friday, why isn't it out? What state are you in?

Name 16 years ago

Yea they keep telling me that WAVE 1 will be released at the end of the month which is complete bull. I took BEC, REG, and FAR all in July and I should be able to get at least one of those scores. Especially BEC This is so disheartening. I can't get a straight answer from anyone.

Anita 16 years ago

Anybody got AUdit score yet? I am from NY

Name 16 years ago

I am in VT. Took it July 27th. Where is it? Is there a number we can call?

cpasoon 16 years ago

If you are a NASBA state it willshow error no score found until your score is posted. I had the same concerns the first time I was checking the site for my score.

jrplanill86 16 years ago

so annoying! i want my AUD score now!!!!!!! i guess i have to wait since FAR got released first...

B 16 years ago

I was wondering the same thing last night! I heard REG will be 2nite...good luck!

Name 16 years ago

That's what I wanna know. I've tried NASBA, they're coy about everything. All I want to know is if MN did release because maybe there is an error in the system with my birthday? I feel like Jeff would have more pull than me but he hasn't said anything yet.

NolaBadger 16 years ago

I take it that the unusual silence on this board means nobody has received a FAR score yet.

lolo3 16 years ago

I think the earliest non-NASBA states don't begin posting until early the next day after the score release. VA, where I am, will post tomorrow morning.

Name 16 years ago

Also, if you're from Vermont, according to vermont has already released the scores

NolaBadger 16 years ago

so I thought score released Monday and expected tonight....confused

Anita 16 years ago

I wanted to thanks Jeff for this nice and supporting website. Last 6 month I am regular quest reading people postings. Do not feel so lonely anymore. Anyway, whoever waits their score I wish GOODLUCK

RobinTX 16 years ago

my friend in Missouri got his grade already this morning

lolo3 16 years ago

REG scores were released by AICPA on Monday and NASBA on Tuesday. FAR scores were just released by the AICPA tonight. So I would guess that NASBA would release FAR tomorrow night.

Name 16 years ago

I'm in MO and I got my REG score last night around 8pm. Turnaround has been about a day.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

i know for the other scores i have received IL posts around 8am the next morning. Good luck

Almost_There 16 years ago

Can two scores be realeased on the same day?. Waiting for AUD. (South Carolina)

Name 16 years ago

i took FAR in IL on july 1. the anticipation is a killer. if i end up being in wave 2 i might smack someone...

exit322 16 years ago

I doubt it - the switch from the normal release schedule was a bit of a surprise. Oh well. I'll wait another few days, then.

benben29 16 years ago

how do you check illinois scores? I cannot find a link, do I have to wait for them to be mailed?

Name 16 years ago

whatttt! what does that mean? what am i supposed to do now?? this is cruel

bull-man 16 years ago

anyone from GA get FAR yet?

IL-Far 16 years ago You got a login name when you applied for the CPA itself. I did by mail but they sent me an e-mail with it.

jrplanill86 16 years ago

I definitely think AUD scores will be released by NASBA on Friday now :( This could make or make my weekend. Lovely!

NolaBadger 16 years ago

So the release date was projected to be Monday for AUD & Tuesday for FAR, but so far no AUD and FAR just released today on Wednesday, so the NASBA forecast has been adjusted to Thursday for FAR and Friday for AUD. Do I have that right? Is Another71 in da house to answer, please? thanks

Name 16 years ago

Call your board, they might have messed something up. cpanet could be wrong I guess though

leighanna 16 years ago

I took REG on August 7th. Am I included in wave 1, and how do I know if I got a new sim? I am dying for my grade, and it is not up yet, but you said the scores were posted 8/18. Do I just wait around until September 18th?

ydg555 16 years ago

I took FAR last week of July and am almost certain I will fall in wave 2 but I still have hope about my grade coming out in wave 1, the waiting is brutal and I cant imagine waiting another month. I've been checking the NASBA site like crazy but nothing yet. edit - exam disclosure

jeff @ 16 years ago

Hi everyone. My comment system has been messed up...I haven't been able to e-mail responses...I think there is an issue with Disqus. Also - I think my name is normally jeff @ or something. Anyway. FAR people: I'm confident that you will see your NASBA scores tomorrow night. CA/IL/VA people even sooner...TX people...Friday AM @ 3:30am or so. AUD people: it's your turn to get the shaft this window. It was REG's turn in Jan/Feb. I think we'll see an AUD AICPA release tomorrow and a NASBA release Friday PM. That's my updated prediction. I really appreciate everyone reading my site. Thank you again for your comments and readership. "Life" gets in the way of me replying sometimes, but it's not intentional and I'm not ignoring anyone - just know that. -Jeff

justwantstopassthisthing 16 years ago

i am in NYS and the same thing happened to me with my BEC score....i took in Jan. 9th 2009 (jan/feb wave 1 2009) score didnt post on NASBA but i got it in the mail on the following saturday.....i know 3 other ppl that had the same thing happen to them....that could be what is going on....sorry to tell you! GOOD LUCK THOUGH!!!! i always say..."i don't care how long it takes to get my score as long as it is over a 74!"

Name 16 years ago

Alright, so I won't have to wait much longer than if my score doesn't show on NASBA? just a week? I can handle that

justwantstopassthisthing 16 years ago

that is what i would guess is the issue!!! check your mail on your lunch break if you can!!! the suspense is AWFUL!!!! hope you see the magic number you are looking for.....

justwant300 16 years ago

Nope. GA usually releases 24-48 after AICPA. Count on Friday, maybe Thursday if Atlanta is paying attention.

Jonathan 16 years ago

Correct me if I am wrong. I took AUD on July 8th. So per your predictions I should expect to see the score pop up on NASBA tonight or sometime in the very short future granted I had old sims? Also in the NASBA site doe you need to put the slashes (/'s) in your DOB (in other words, should it be: mmddyyyy or mm/dd/yyyy)? Is there any way to know you had an old sim?

Name 16 years ago

Jeff, Thanks for all the work you are putting into this blog. Does that mean AUD won't be released till Friday and we won't get it in TX till Mon... It seems like it is going to be a very long weekend!!

Name 16 years ago

I am in Oklahoma and still don't have my BEC score either!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Maybe TX on Sat morning?

jinmn 16 years ago

Yes, put in the slashes. AUD has not been released to NASBA yet - maybe tomorrow, so would be available to view probably the next evening. If you have a new sim (no way to know until everyone else gets their score and you don't) it will probably be a month from now.

Dan 16 years ago

For those of you in NASBA states - how long does it typically take to get your scores in the mail as opposed to seeing them online? Thanks.

Cat 16 years ago

You're the best! Thanks for all your hard work!!!

angel_x 16 years ago

I am in CA, and I tool the exam on July 20th. I am not sure if I got a new sim. But no matter what is the result, just want to know it. good or bad!

Name 16 years ago

still no sign of my score at 11:56 :( what is wrong with BEC!

waitin for FAR 16 years ago

Same here, I took FAR on the 7th of July. Very anxious!!!

angel_x 16 years ago

Good luck to all of us! Cross the fingers!

Name 16 years ago

1-2 weeks, ish.

Name 16 years ago

you are wonderful.

Dan 16 years ago

I'm not sure, I was hoping Jeff could shed some light on it but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. What state are you ha I feel your pain. The excitement of it getting released Friday and we still don't know!

Dan 16 years ago

Another71 - I was the guy who contacted you on twitter the other day about BEC. Numerous people have still not received their BEC scores yet? Do you know why that is or do you think you could find out? NASBA isn't cooperating with me. I took the test in early July, so the cutoff isn't the issue. Any help would be GREATLY (I want to emphasize that as much as possible) appreciated!!! Thank you

Name 16 years ago

I got my REG on 18th 12:00 Hrs EST by email.. I could see the same result posted in Nasba website by 20:00 Hrs EST on 18th

jeff @ 16 years ago

Dan, Sorry if I didn't get back to you. Most of the messages I read on my phone while at work or doing something else and I make a mental note to get back to that person or answer that question and I forget to follow-through. I don't know what happened with BEC and this is very unusual. You're not the only one wondering where their BEC score is and I almost never have people asking about BEC Wave 1 after it has happened b/c 99% of the people have their scores. It's an AICPA issue...and I don't have an answer or know anyone who does...everything is contingent on the AICPA and they really don't explain their rhyme or reason for changing things up. I can't think of why your score is being withheld unless it's being re-graded (??) and you've gotten pushed to Wave 2. Sorry about your score delay...I know it's maddening. -Jeff

jeff @ 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes -'s 9pm Eastern....still plenty of time...

jeff @ 16 years ago

still 30 min away

jeff @ 16 years ago

that's when they post approx.

jeff @ 16 years ago

didnt hear anything it will happen though...few more minutes...remember - in the predictions area it says 9pm EDT

jeff @ 16 years ago

Im posting from my lawnmower, btw :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

You's a very temporary setback in the grand scheme of things. In a few short months when you are a CPA - you wont hardly remember this moment. I've been there! Jeff

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly dont know about the rest of BEC...usually a very high % of them come out....sorry about your wait for such a simply-graded exam

jeff @ 16 years ago

thank you for saying that and for reading the site! Jeff

jeff @ 16 years ago

Tomorrow night (NASBA) at the earliest at this point...AICPA has to release them first.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well done...that's a great score! I hope AUD goes well for you. If you haven't taken it before - you will likely get done WELL ahead of the 4.5 hour allotment, so don't freak out :) -Jeff

jeff @ 16 years ago

My advice is to consider the Yaeger REG HomeStudy. The Business Law/Ethics handout makes it so that you don't have to read the book. Phil is an outstanding tax instructor. It took me from 74-74 to 92 and all I did was follow the course.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I highly doubt it...this person appears to be a candidate

jeff @ 16 years ago

I'm here...still nothing on the Audit front

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well, I am a member :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

hey - I was responding to questions last night while on my riding lawnmower. That's dedication!

jeff @ 16 years ago

This is probably the case, but only a window or so back, FAR came out SECOND, so anything is possible.

jeff @ 16 years ago

It depends...which state?

jeff @ 16 years ago

yeah...FAR would probably be Monday night if the AICPA releases Friday

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's delayed in the sense that they start releasing one a day or so...and it's almost been 48 hours since they released REG.

jeff @ 16 years ago

haha...I'm trying to not get fired here as it is :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

unfortunately, probably not

jeff @ 16 years ago

doesnt look like it

jeff @ 16 years ago

nope...there are others

Lisa 16 years ago

I don't know how anyone sleeps under these conditions (I'm in CA, so scores come in the morning). And I don't know why I still have hope that I'll be in Wave 1 of FAR (considering the luck I've had on these exams so far).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Maybe TX on Sat morning?

gotrice979 16 years ago

yeah - doesnt look like it's up over here in tx

Go 16 years ago

Some of us in here mentioned that they also received a result via email. I have never heard about that? Is it true? I read on NASBA website and it only says that the result will only be sent via standard mail only.

lolo3 16 years ago

I believe that some states send emails to candidates.

Name 16 years ago

IL has posted FAR

Jason Harris 16 years ago

VA did not post the results when I checked at 6:50 this morning. My wife will be calling sometime in the next hour.

Name 16 years ago

It also depends on what state you are in...I know that my state waits until it has all four sections before you can get your score from the NASBA website. I took BEC in April and when everyone else had their scores, I had to keep waiting until AUD, FAR and REG were received. Then one morning, all four sections were posted at once.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I'm so nervous to check my score because I know I failed. I just want to know how badly I failed. I have passed AUD and REG, but FAR was a beast. I am taking BEC on Saturday, so I just want to get some sort of idea where I stand. Good luck everyone!

dddll 16 years ago

I got via email for REG and now waiting for FAR. NH state.

Lisa 16 years ago

Anyone get CA results?

Jamie 16 years ago

By the looks of it, you may be one of the 1% taken before the cutoff that has been pushed back to wave 2. I will say one thing though. If this is the first test you are waiting for a score on, and have never used the nasba website, you may want to call NASBA and verify they have your birthday correct. Last October I waited forever before finally getting on the phone with a NASBA rep and making them check my information. Turns out when I applied my birthday was entered as the wrong date. So every time I would check my score, i would get the error message, despite it having been out for weeks

waitin for FAR 16 years ago

Nothing so far! Has anybody seen FAR in CA?

Go 16 years ago

Any candidates in non-NASBA states (CA, IL, VA etc.) receive good news on FAR?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

How bout some AUD candidates get some luv today, AICPA!!

AR-REG 16 years ago

I am in Arkansas.

lovejin 16 years ago

CA has posted FAR. I checked at 5:40 am and got 82.

tm21287 16 years ago

anyone in PA get their FAR score yet? would taking FAR on aug 5th bump me into wave 2? the simulations weren't very hard at all (i was expecting something ridiculous and was pleasantly surprised)

Jason Harris 16 years ago

As of 8:50, nothing from Virginia for FAR.

Kim 16 years ago

Anyone in VA get their score yet???

TX_09 16 years ago

Jeff, Is there any chance that the AICPA releases AUD today, or do you think it's mostly tomorrow? Thanks

FAR-IL 16 years ago

Anyone in IL receive FAR scores yet? I saw that someone mentioned they had been posted but mine hasn't yet. Just hoping I'm not in wave 2.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

According to cpanet, someone on those boards mentioned they flip mid-morning. My wife will check sometime around 10-11am.

Jai 16 years ago

Hello Everyone, I gave my AUD exam on August 7th (Maine), yup thats right, right on the cutoff date. Is there anyone from BEC or REG who wrote on August 7th or near then and got their result in Wave 1? This wait is killing me and I have my FAR exam on Monday. Anyway congratulations to everyone who did well and passed their exams. Jeff thanks for having this website, this is my primary source of information about the result date and all. Best of Luck! Jai

why am i doing this 16 years ago

MD has released FAR!

Lisa 16 years ago

My heart is pounding. This is my first score I've ever gotten back and this is what I just saw on the CA website: CBT Exam Advisory Scores received from NASBA. ... FAR Advisory Score: 92 - Attended: 07/08/2009 11:13:00 Hate to sound like an idiot, but I already cried for hours because I was sure I failed! Anyone else who's gotten a score from California, is that RIGHT?! They just put the score on that Application Status box at the bottom (nothing listed at the top)? Did I really get a 92?! I really don't think that can be right, so can I get a second opinion?! This just seems too good to be true.

MeganV 16 years ago

Anyone from MA get there score for AUD yet?

john 16 years ago

ILLINOIS FAR HAS BEEN POSTED!!!! I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILLINOIS SCORES ARE OUT!!!! Thank you Illinois for be such an efficient state!!!!

Name 16 years ago

For the people receiving FAR scores, did they have that NEW simulation with the journal entries?

ashley 16 years ago

FAR POSTED!!!!!!! Dont know if I had new simulations!!!!! I am assuming since it is posted, I did not!

Guero 16 years ago

You really got 92, congrats!

Amy 16 years ago

That is right! You got a 92!! :) Congrats. I got my score this morning and got an 85 :) 2 down, 2 to go

Name 16 years ago

I would like to know this as well. I had the new tab in one of my Sims. I am just crossing my fingers that they considered it pre test. I took the exam in July, and I need to know now! Ive already taken FAR 4 times, and I will lose a part in November. If I dont get results until almost October, I am cutting it pretty close to start study again, especially becuase 9/30 starts my busy season.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

For which state??

ciatocpa 16 years ago

I took REG on Aug 7 in Louisiana. I got my score on Tuesday! So it is possible! Good luck!

beth6652 16 years ago

Did anyone get their AUD grade that took it in NY? I took it July grade yet!!

ciatocpa 16 years ago

AUD has not been released yet so you have at least 24 - 48 hrs before anything will be posted. Hopefully they will be released today.

Jai 16 years ago

Thank you so much for your reply. I have my fingers crossed.

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

Please post when you receive your FAR score, I am waiting for it as well from NH. I figure if you get yours and I don't, I have another month to wait. THanks!

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

Has anyone from MI received their FAR score yet?

Name 16 years ago

YEAH!!! VA FAR scores are out!!! not posted on their website yet, i called them and they checked my score for me. 90 on FAR!

doune56 16 years ago

I just called VA and got my score. I cannot believe that I passed the exam... 80!!!! I can have my life back - going to NYC this weekend to celebrate!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I usually get an e-mail about score releases, but if I'm away from my computer or whatever, I have added NASBA's twitter feed to the sidebar as backup.They started tweeting score release info in May, I believe. -Jeff

Name 16 years ago

Does anyone know if CA posts on a rolling basis or if it's all posted at once?

tomZ 16 years ago

Anybody hear anything about FAR score in NY? I checked mine, but didn't see anything posted.

Zade 16 years ago

I got my score from Illinois this morning. Thank you so much Jefff for all that you do, I've been a silent stalker of your website. I'm done with the CPA exam. I didnt have a life taking all 4 exam feb-july..but I'm done and it was worth it...on to my career as an auditor!

chris1605 16 years ago

Oklahoma Test Takers! Has anyone received any scores?

Cat 16 years ago

Mine isn't there either!

IL-FAR 16 years ago

Well this sucks...Looks like I'm getting pushed into wave 2 for FAR. NTS expires October 4 so i find out I fail, it won't be until September 22nd.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Congrats on being done!!!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Nothing for Oklahoma yet, usually when AICPA releases scores it takes about 24-48 hrs for them to post. So my best bet is Friday around 9:30 am or 10ish.

topher 16 years ago

No. It won't be until this evening, at the earliest.

karencpa23 16 years ago

I gave my exam on july 25th in CA. havent received my you think my scores have been pushed to wave 2

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I received VA. 84!! 3 down 1 to go!

VA FAR 16 years ago

Congratulations - great score!! Did you call or was it posted on the website? I am just going to call I think. I can't focus at work anyhow.

Name 16 years ago

check your email between 11am to 12PM NH time u will find ur score in your inbox :))

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well - CA is out, so unfortunately, it looks like you're Wave 2. It sucks, I know!

aksdfhjo 16 years ago

How you get that? I called them. They asked me to check online this afternoon. Can you give the number? Thank you.

patientlywaitinginMN 16 years ago

Anyone know how long it usually takes MN to post?

rac209 16 years ago

Does New York typically post early, or wait until september and post everyone? Thanks

Lisa 16 years ago

Thank you for your replies! I feel so grateful and blessed to have passed! Thank you to everyone on this site who has kept me as close to sane as possible during this horrible waiting process.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I called. My website has been broken forever. The lady answering the phone answered it right away. I called 804-367-8505.

jinmn 16 years ago

MN is a NASBA state, so should post FAR between 7-11 tonight. For REG, it posted about 7:30.

patientlywaitinginMN 16 years ago

Thank you! I will stop obsessively checking and focus on studying for REG instead...

jinmn 16 years ago

Yeah, I'm studying for AUD... although I know better, I'm still hovering here!

VA FAR 16 years ago

Thank you Jason! I called and I passed with a 79, two down, two to go!

Name 16 years ago

New York typically posts around when the scores are released. I would expect you to see your score tomorrow or Monday if you are in Wave 1.

cat 16 years ago

it depends if you are in wave 1 or wave 2. If you are in wave 1, you should have your score as same as anybody else. I'm waiting for NY to release my score too! I have so much to do at work, but I just can't focus!!!! I hate waiting!!!!!!

Name 16 years ago

Finally got my last score, FAR, 79 and I am done. (AUD 78, BEC 88, REG 87). Thanks a lot for the site jeff, it has been extremely useful over the past 6 months and really helped make studying and waiting for scores a lot easier. Now to ethics exam and the donations page. Thanks again.

dabigkez 16 years ago

NY is a NASBA state - so its generally day after AICPA releases

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

Did you get yours or are you just "hoping"? BEC is tomorrow for me, this would be a nice boost to morale, or a kick in the #### !! :)

LisaNeitzey 16 years ago

Jeff, Any idea on when CA will post scores for FAR? I took the exam July 6th but nothing yet. Thanks!

rayraycpa 16 years ago

people here reported that CA already came out for FAR - check a few pages back. even jeff responded

cat 16 years ago

Which state did you take for?

Craig Segars 16 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score in GA yet?

Name 16 years ago

VA scores are up online. I called earlier this morning and they said they didn't receive my score but I just checked and it was up

1down3togo 16 years ago

NC is mailing the first wave of BEC results today!

ddelapp 16 years ago

Anyone get AUD for CA? I took the test July 27 and have not received. Thanks!!

IL-Far 16 years ago

FAR: 86 in IL!!!!! Thanks IL for being so quick! On to REG...

cpahopeful 16 years ago

Anyone receive FAR for NH yet? Some earlier posts said people got their score by e-mail, but the nasba website says "All scores for the current testing window are mailed via U.S Mail. Scores are not faxed or emailed to candidates. Score notices are only distributed via U.S. Mail."

jeff @ 16 years ago

It sounds like you're wave 2, unfortunately

kansaskid 16 years ago

For everyone posting that they received their scores in wave 1, did you feel that you got "new" sims (i.e. stuff they started testing this window, particularly sims on business combinations and consolidations). I'm curious to know whether these sims are automatically deferred to Wave 2 or whether some of them were pre-test questions. Basically, I want to know if I'll be wasting my time refreshing my score tonight (which I'll probably do anyway) :)

wastate 16 years ago

Anyone in Washington state receive their score from Castle?

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

I am waiting for my FAR now from NH. I usually get mine via email before it is posted via NASBA. I think there was an option to select email when you initially apply, can't remember. But you can call up NASBA and change your score receive status to email if it isnt already.

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Anyone from Oklahoma got their FAR scores yet, I just called the state board and they confirm that they did received few FAR scores.

cat 16 years ago

Jeff, Has NY released the score for FAR? Thanks so much for your help!!!!

corabella 16 years ago

up for FAR? Mine hasn't been posted...

jeff @ 16 years ago

Nope...NY is a NASBA state...look for it tonight @ 9pm EDT

Taylor 16 years ago

Kansaskid, I took my exam on July 15th and believed that I had a "new" simulation. I just checked the Virginia BOA website and my score was posted. My simulation had individual tabs. They were unrelated (as explained in the changes for 2010). The content that I was tested on also suggested that I should have been in Wave 2. I passed! 96! WOOO! 2 down, 2 to go!

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I believe PA gets released with NJ (they're NASBA states)... I took FAR on Aug. 7th (cut-off date for Wave 1/Wave 2) and I haven't received mine yet. I might have had a new sim though... it was HORRIBLE. My friend is waiting on AUD for PA which was supposed to be released last night but hasn't yet.

kansaskid 16 years ago

Awesome score! Thanks for the response. At least I know I shouldn't give up ALL hope for not being included in Wave 1. And the long wait continues....

Aaron 16 years ago


Dan 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff, I appreciate the help!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Jeff, I am a long time follower of your website, just have one question is OK a NASBA state if not then what?

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I'm in the same boat as you... I took FAR on Aug. 7th and I swear I bombed it. It was absolutely horrible. I had that ridiculous simulation and I have no idea if it will count or not... I still have to knock out BEC the last day of August and I start losing parts in November. Also, it's starting to get CRAZY at work with busy season. Ahhh!

Taylor 16 years ago

Yep. Got mine too.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I just looked...OK is *not* a NASBA state...they must release through their own state website(??)

barb_bd 16 years ago

So do you have any information when the AUD scores will be posted? This is my last one I am waiting on. I can't wait any longer.

TheDave917 16 years ago

I see that FAR scores are expected tonight from NASBA. What happened with Auditing!?

TheDave917 16 years ago

I see that FAR scores have been confirmed to be released tonight from NASBA but what happened to Auditing?!

Guest 16 years ago

They haven't even released BEC scores yet.

VA FAR 16 years ago

I just checked and mine's up too. I had already called and gotten my score, but now its on the website.

Christina 16 years ago

I can't find the previous comment about checking scores from blackberry devices.......does anyone know if this is possible?

TheDave917 16 years ago

Still waiting for mine too and I took it July 13

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Hi Jeff, could you answer one quick question for me? Apparently WI only releases their scores on the NASBA website once all scores are in; is there anyone I could contact for my score prior to it being posted on the NASBA website?

Jamie 16 years ago

I have a Blackberry Bold and have not had any luck getting the webbrowser to view the NASBA page correctly. I click on something and it goes to something completely different.

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's delayed until the AICPA acts...that's what we're waiting on...that's all I know at this point

gch289 16 years ago

Nooooo..... you don't want to go down that road trust me. I have a shortcut to the NASBA score pg for my state on my iPhone's home screen. I check it obsessively. I caught myself checking it while driving on the freeway once... It's not good. :)

Name 16 years ago

Thanks for the info! I had a Sim like that as well! Keeping my fingers crossed for tonight! I got a 74 in May, so hopefully the additional 2 months of study made the difference!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Only the NASBA CSRs, but I highly doubt you'll get anything out of them

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Waiting on Audit as my last one, too! This stinks.

ydg555 16 years ago

Hello Jeff, I am waiting for my FAR results (Florida), I read your post about NASBA releasing them 8/20 however I called the State of Florida today (8/20) and I was informed that they had not received my score as of today, does this mean that I'm in wave 2 for sure or does it go through NASBA first then the state???...thank you in advance.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I agree!!! I can't wait any longer for AUD!! Lets hope AICPA release them this afternoon (wishful thinking) If not we probably wont get our scores till Monday. At that point I don't really think of it as an "early release". Who dubbed that term anyways? Yes it is before the full reporting of the scores once the window closes, but its not necessarily early enough for me!!

laurenCPA 16 years ago

I just received FAR in WA. I was 100% positive I had a new sim (based on the material tested), but still received my score in the first wave. I thought it was going to be a close call if I passed since I completely made up numbers for a tab in each sim, but I ended up passing in the mid 90's!

Aaron 16 years ago

Don't believe them. Just wait until 9pm tonight and see.

Christina 16 years ago

I hope you changed the option on your home screen after that :-)

Taylor 16 years ago

Good luck!

Bryant 16 years ago

I called NASBA today and asked if I wouldn't receive scores online because I hadn't completed my 150 hours (in progress) and they said I still should receive them online. I'm in TN and took REG in NC on July 2 and took BEC in TN on August 1. I should be WAVE 1 unless new simulations got in the way but that doesn't explain BEC. Does anyone have insight into this? I've been refreshing and checking my mailbox way more than usual.

ydg555 16 years ago did great!!!

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Has anyone found out they failed FAR yet? I don't want to be the first to post that tonight! Also, those of you who passed, did you feel like you passed? I REALLY feel like I failed. It was awful.

CPA2009 16 years ago

That encouragin, my second simulation wasn't to great. I should receive my score in the morning.

MsM 16 years ago

Does anyone know if I need to know the pooling of interests method for the FAR exam this month? I take it tomorrow.

val_duff 16 years ago

I took FAR last testing window and took a break between testlets just so I could go cry in the bathroom. The exam was going horribly - I was getting questions I'd NEVER seen before (and this was my second a 71 the first time). The sims were ok, but the MCQ seemed to get easier and I STILL had trouble with a lot of them. I left the exam crying. 83 days later I got my score - 75. I heard from so many people that when they felt the worst is when they passed...I didn't buy it until it happened. Does it happen every time? No (I also have a story with the opposite results)...but it really does happen.

fromca 16 years ago

Passed... (Ok, How on earth can this be possible????? but Yeeeeeeehaaaaa~~~! ) 3 down 1 more to go.

NH-FAR 16 years ago

Has anyone received FAR score for NH? I just called NASBA but was told that scores received by NH were posted this morning. How can this be? I thought it was confirmed that NASBA will post FAR scores tonight @ 9:00pm EDT and NH is a NASBA state. So why did they release some of the scores already? Is it still possible for me see my score after 9pm? this is my first exam and the wait is driving me nuts

cpahopeful 16 years ago

I'm also waiting for my first score (FAR) from NH today... just checked and nothing yet. I'm still confused about some people getting their NH score via e-mail and if they receive that before or after the official release... hang in there! I have been checking my e-mail and nasba non-stop since 5am... just hope we're in the first wave or else it will be a long next couple of weeks!

Anita 16 years ago

please let anybody know, I am waiting my audit score, tired to wait (ny)

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago


laurenCPA 16 years ago

I left the test feeling like if I failed, I wouldn't be surprised and a passing score would be a very happy surprise. My sims were terrible. I was so shook up by the sims, I didn't even remember how the MC went. I finished with about 5 seconds left and left blank/inserted random #'s in at least one tab in each sim. I just got my score back and passed in the 90's. I guess I must have done well on the MC!

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

The last 2 times I have gotten an email a couple hours prior to it being posted on NASBA, one time I believe there was about a day lag. I have no clue about these "release dates" and how people figure it out. Everytime I call NASBA I get someone that says they have no clue. My wife is on the brink of going into labor so finding out a passing score for FAR, would be the icing on the cake. Unless it is posted tonight, I guess we are the second wave in NH. YAY for that-!

Anita 16 years ago

Any audit scores release?

txfarscore 16 years ago

anyone know when the FAR scores will be up for Texas?

Num83rs 16 years ago

You should name your child Becker or Yaeger or something like that if you pass...

Num83rs 16 years ago

You're probably in wave 2

123 16 years ago

Congrats!!!! I almost cried when I read your message. I know how you feel! I'm still waiting for mine. Wish me luck!!!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Yeah, really...and I was wondering, why do the results have to be sequentially releaed by exam section for each wave? It's not like in between the days they are grading say 10,000 exams!!! Why not just do one big a## release!

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

haha..More like Gleim. If I really ever considered that as a name I would tell my wife to shoot me b/c I would be as lame as 90% of accountants.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

awww how exciting for you! congratulations!

CPA2009 16 years ago

In the morning. I'm waiting on FAR too; it my last test.

Modest 16 years ago

Peter Olinto

Jennifer Dargel 16 years ago

just got FAR in Oklahoma ... passed 85 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Name 16 years ago

I would say tomorrow, TX is a huge state, maybe they need one more day, shoot for tomorrow morning

CPA2009 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

Jeff, Is AUD most likely tomorrow or this afternoon. Thanks for all your support!

okcpa2B 16 years ago

thanks! i keep going back to check if this is for real... i cant believe it haha

Num83rs 16 years ago

Don't hate on accountants. Regardless of what you tell people, you are still a nerd.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Kim, based on the email I got from the AICPA (if you apply they will send you a test bank of 120 questions that will be on your exam-they only choose 90 of those 120) you MUST know pooling of interests. It's heavily tested, especially this month.

olinto2020 16 years ago

Ha...Then wear wife beaters under your dress shirt with gel in your air! Let's bang it out!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

how come you got yours but i haven't yet for FAR in Oklahoma. When did you took your exam. I hope i am not in wave 2 it happened to me during audit and it was torture. When did you find our you passed. Congrats. PLEASE REPLY

Num83rs 16 years ago

Sorry, that was supposed to be to MsM, not Kim.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Congrats! I would love to have a happy surprise like that, but I'm definitely not going to get my hopes up. It seemed like almost every MC question I got, I was unsure of the answer. I wasn't sure on anything! Then the sims- ooh, brutal. I left one tab almost blank, except to randomly fill in some journal entry titles. I just don't think there's any way. Thanks for the encouragement. I will post if I get my score tonight.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

The AICPA hasn't released Audit yet, so scores won't be out for at least another 24-48 hours.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Anyone in CO get FAR score?

westTX 16 years ago

Just got off the phone with Texas State Board of Public Accountancy and the lady told me they do not expect to receive Audit scores from the AICPA until next week. No reason was given.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Ok, I know this wasn't directed at me, but for when I have to retake FAR, where do I apply for this at, and how do you know they will definitely put 90 out of the 120 on your exam???

Ray 16 years ago

Jeff..Thanks for the Update

NH 16 years ago

Did anyone actually received FAR score from NASBA for NH? If not, I will go with what Jeff said, it will be released tonight! Last time my score was kicked in wave 2, and I failed. I am hoping this time I am in wave 1 and pass, hopefully.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I've tried that before and have never been able to get an answer out of anyone. If you manage to get your score please let me know!

V_in_NH 16 years ago

I am also waiting for FAR in NH. Has anyone gotten anything?

Aaron 16 years ago

I took REG for the 3rd time this window. MC went great..but when the SIMS came....I blew it on BOTH. The first SIM was unbelieveable and took all my time. I left much of it blank or filled in whatever. The 2nd I ran out of time and didn't do much better. It was the worst I'd ever done on this exam (3rd time). I got my results in this week....79. Totallly shocked! Don't give up! It is a total crap shoot sometimes.

Sam-NJ 16 years ago

Some one had previously posted this idea to be able to view your score on a Mobile device (worked on my Palm Centro) 1) On your home computer go to the NASBA Score page and enter your section ID number and Date of Birth then press submit. 2) Copy the address from the address bar (it will now contain your personal information) 3) Paste the link in your email account and send the email to your self. 4) Open the email message on your Mobile device and click the link contained in the email. Your score should now show up on your device.

chris1605 16 years ago

I just got my REG score back in Oklahoma. A 76, which is like a 99 in real life as a 75 is the perfect score. Two more to go (BEC 8/31 & FAR in October). I am so pumped right now.

Num83rs 16 years ago

That would be nice wouldn't it? I was only kidding because the person above phrased the question as if the content of the test is known on a month to month basis. I understand new things become "testable"....just trying to find humor in the exciting life of a cpa..

nervouswreck 16 years ago

I am in KY and waiting for my AUD score too. Please don't tell me I have to wait till next week...

dave2000 16 years ago

BEC and FAR are much harder than REG so be prreppered to study much more!!!

CPAmy 16 years ago

I am waiting for my NTS for the BEC section in FL... does anyone know if testing centers will offer exams on Sat September 5? I am just curious because it is a holiday weekend but I cannot check until I get my NTS. Thanks!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I actually thought BEC was much easier than REG, maybe because I recently graduated and the information was still pretty fresh in my head. Congrats on the score and good luck!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Does anyone have some specific, concrete, and confirmed information about what the hell is going on with the AUD scores?

MsM 16 years ago

Jeff- do you know if I need to know the pooling of interest's method for the FAR exam? Does the acquisition method replace this as well? or does it only replace the purchase method? help- as i take my test tomorrow morning.

ohiocpa 16 years ago

September is a closed month. You wouldn't be able to take the exam till October. Maybe your NTS will get here in time to sit at the end of Aug.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Num83rs answered your question a few pages back under a comments I had posted. Good luck tomorrow!

chris1605 16 years ago

I don't know. I have taken FAR before (71) and I still thought REG was way harder. FAR is just time management. Thanks for the advise.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I'm really gullible! I thought, "there's no way", but of course I still asked. I'm sure MsM will be thrilled because I said you already answered the question and pointed him to this reply! I didn't know it was a joke, honest.

NH-FAR 16 years ago

According to NASBA, NH has already released some of the scores this morning. Let's just pray we'll still see a FAR score posted after 9pm. Good or bad, I don't want to wait another month

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

She is probably getting about 60 calls every minute asking the same question. If I am her, I would probably say the same thing just to stop some of the calls.

exit322 16 years ago

That would be a big ole' "no." I'm hoping they release today, but I figure tomorrow. Maybe they decided just to not release AUD until the second wave! Maybe EVERYONE had a new sim!

Num83rs 16 years ago

MsM Based on the email I got from the AICPA (if you apply they will send you a test bank of 120 questions that will be on your exam-they only choose 90 of those 120) you MUST know pooling of interests. It's heavily tested, especially this month. Just for you Kim ;)

MsM 16 years ago

Doesn't the acquisition method supercede the pooling of interest method? becker says it is only for combinations before june 30, 2001. why would they test on combinations before june 30, 01?

MsM 16 years ago

becker says that method is only for combinations before june 30, 2001. why would this be tested now? especially since 141 r should supercede it. no?

ydg555 16 years ago

I am waiting for my FAR results (Florida), I read your post about NASBA releasing them 8/20 however I called the State of Florida today (8/20) and I was informed that they had not received my score as of today, does this mean that I'm in wave 2 for sure or does it go through NASBA first then the state???...thank you in advance.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

WAVE 2 FOR EVERYONE!! That is not even funny. .....Is there anyone here, that will please shoot me in the face with a pistol? I am like a lame horse that needs to be put out of his misery.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

If it makes you feel better I can't get my FAR or REG score until after audit is released. At least some states release as the scores come out!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Hey guys, I'm gonna go finish up my law degree real quick... I should be back in time for AUD to post up, let me know if I miss anything.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

We can put a G. D. man on the moon, but can't get a 30 day turn around on test results. NASBA needs to get with NASA!

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

Everyone needs to start trusting Jeff regarding the NASBA thing. I will venture to say if you tried all of the NASBA states they would all say they haven't received anything. They won't upload until tonight at 9. Trust Jeff. He knows what he is talking about. The NASBA CSR's are only going to tell you what they are scripted to tell you. You won't know until tonight (after 9pm) if you are in wave 2.

ydg555 16 years ago

funny stuff..

CPAmy 16 years ago

Oh yeah! I completely forgot! Thank you. :-)

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

Yeah don't bother calling NASBA, I know the've told people not to expect scores for weeks and then they show up the next day. I don't think they are allowed to tell you much of anything so calling at least most of the time is a waste of time.

sarahny 16 years ago

Num83ers- maybe I'm missing something. You can apply to something the AICPA does and they'll send you 120 questions, 90 of which you're likely to see on your exam?? what is this and why haven't I heard about it before??? more details please!

Go 16 years ago

Totally agree. Keep calling them does not help because NASBA people are instructed not to discuss about candidate's score over the phone.

Num83rs 16 years ago

I was only kidding on my post above. However, I would know both methods... See page 30

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Num83rs is only kidding

lmn1015 16 years ago

Nothing yet, I check every hour, "just in case"! Maybe by 7?

corabella 16 years ago

I took my FAR exam on 07/22 in VA. I have yet to receive my score either online or by phone (when I called they said look online)...does it mean I am likely in the 2nd wave?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

It seems like BEC, REG, and FAR were all released by the AICPA around 4:30 p.m. central this week (for those of us who have lived on this site all week). Maybe we will hear from Jeff around that time today????

Go 16 years ago

I would assume.

exit322 16 years ago

Here's hoping!

lolo3 16 years ago

That is what I am hoping.

jeff @ 16 years ago

yep - that's the hope!

Lisa 16 years ago

Yeah, don't give up hope! I cried for hours after taking FAR in July--I didn't even get a chance to read all of the simulation tabs, let alone put a correct answer. I got lucky with a 92 anyway! I was 100% sure I failed. I was just waiting to get my score back to see by how MUCH I failed (so I would know how much longer I would have to study before rescheduling). I'll be the first to admit, there is a lot of luck involved!

nervouswreck 16 years ago

Wait, so you're telling me that the AICPA will give you the questions that will be on your test, all you have to do is know the 120?

nervouswreck 16 years ago

I would like to point out that in no way is that funny.

Num83rs 16 years ago

KIDDING...that would be nice though..

MsM 16 years ago see says 141r eliminates the pooling of interests method.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

FAR NH: JUST GOT AN E-MAIL WITH "CPA SCORE NOTIFICATION"... afraid to open it!!!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL NH FAR and everyone else!

Go 16 years ago

I am still wondering about this. It seems that NH is the only state that notify candidates via email too. My state, Tennessee which is also a NASBA state, confirms that score is only available online and standard mail.

Bboston 16 years ago

So are we assuming that audit hasnt even been released by AICPA?

cpahopeful 16 years ago

on NH's nasba page it specifically stated no scores would be e-mailed but I guess it's not true! Maybe TN will e-mail you!

Go 16 years ago

Let's hope so. Who was it sent from? NASBA? or Specific person name?

rayraycpa 16 years ago

dude open it, tell us how you did~!!

Name 16 years ago

Good Luck and plz let us know how your sims were. Still trying to figure out if I will be in Wave 2. Thank you.

sebh 16 years ago

I took mine on 7/18 and haven't heard either. Neither simulation seemed to cover new information or new formatting. This is my last section and it is KILLING me to have to wait!

cpahopeful 16 years ago

It was sent from "Score Notification Services"... looks just like an NTS. This was my first test... 70 :( BUT I am more motivated now because the score came with a candidate performance summary which highlighted the areas I did better/worse on than other candidates. My SIMS were all over the place; each sim had a bunch of questions about all completely different things. It says I performed stronger on my SIMS than the average candidate...maybe because I finished both. But I rushed through the MC and that's where my downfall was. Good luck to everyone! See you on here again for Wave 2 (Audit) and early next year for FAR again!

Name 16 years ago

I totally understand! I'm terrified to check the NASBA site this evening. I took FAR once before (69) and somehow justified it in my mind that failing the first time was "okay" But now if I fail, I dread the thought of studying for it again AND telling my boss..

jemmi 16 years ago


Go 16 years ago

I am glad to hear that you are motivated and will keep up with it. FAR is my second test after BEC. I took it on 07/24 and do expect to receive a score tonight.

confusedinWI 16 years ago

does anyone know for sure how the reporting process works in WI? last testing period my BEC score came in the mail and never posted on NASBA until after the testing period, and my AUD score was posted on the NASBA website.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

Failing is "okay" if you are working your a$$ off to pass and just realize you need to adjust your test-taking strategy or focus on different areas... failing is not okay if you accept it and either a) give up or b) don't change the way you're doing things so you can pass the next time... I hope your boss is understanding! Mine was very encouraging because he had to take it a few times himself (back when you did it all at once), but now he owns his own CPA firm and has a great practice... don't get discouraged as long as you're working as hard as you can to pass! My boss said if you really want to pass and you commit to it, you will get it eventually! GOOD LUCK!

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I feel the EXACT same way! I took FAR a couple weeks ago and CRIED... it was terrible... I had NO CLUE on one of the sims and left a nice chunk of it blank. The MC were ridiculously hard too... I should be getting my score. It would be FABULOUS to get the same as you... although I am certain I failed... ughh... I hate the waiting.

Poosanika 16 years ago

Hey I got my FAR score via email for NH. I scored 79..wooooooooo! Good luck for all. Now I am waiting for AUD.

Taylor 16 years ago

Most likely. I got my score around 11 AM on the VA site and I took it 7/15.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Thanks num83rs. That did give me laugh!

Name 16 years ago

Congrats. Did you have the tab with journal entries?

testtime 16 years ago

I just checked on my Va FAR score, and was told that I would be in the 2nd wave (took it on 7/21). Does this mean that I had a new Sim? Or that I am borderline passing?

rayraycpa 16 years ago

good luck, i believe getting through the material entirely and taking a whole test once is a major milestone in itself. you have an excellent attitude, so keep working!

lolo3 16 years ago

My understanding is that it could be either one. There is no way to know. Hopefully, you just got a new sim.

Hoping In NY 16 years ago

Has anyone got their FAR score in NY? I took mine on 7/20 and am dying to find out since it's my last one. My mom had a dream I called her and told her I passed. Let's hope that's the case...

tm21287 16 years ago

so if you're in a NASBA state (i'm in PA) and you haven't gotten your FAR score yet, does that mean you're in wave 2? or does that mean we wait until 9? i'm confused?

NH 16 years ago

I just got my NH FAR score through my email. Passssssssssss. But not showed on NASBA website yet.

AlmostCPA 16 years ago

From my understanding wait until 9. If you don't have it by tomorrow morning I would assume you are in wave 2.

Go 16 years ago

If you are a candidate of one of NASBA states, you should be able to view your score online sometime between 9 and midnight tonight. If yours doesn't show up, it would be logical to assume that your score gets pushed to the 2nd wave. Based on what I have read on this blog so far, I believe NH is the only state that currently notifies candidates via email. My state does not, and I am patiently waiting... with the hope to be on this 1st wave.

tm21287 16 years ago

thanks... what is it about taking the cpa that makes you feel like an idiot?? my brain is mush

Go 16 years ago

It is the unclear and inconsistency practices, even among states served by NASBA itself, that is driving us insane. AICPA and NASBA themselves do not have a formal communication with candidates causing rumors to go around.

csegars 16 years ago

Does anyone know if the scores from GA for FAR have been released yet?

Aaron 16 years ago

I agree. Please let AUD be released by AICPA today so we have a good chance of getting on Friday rather than waiting til Monday.

Andre CA 16 years ago

so if AUD is not released with in the next how we wait till tomorrow, and then no score till Sat or Mon, not fun!

Nolifeinthesummer 16 years ago

Boy i will tell ya, a 74 on FAR really tastes good in your mouth. NH is emailing FYI.....So far I am 2 for 3 on getting 74's, I probably shouldn't have studied on AUD and maybe I could have been 3 for 3.

lolo3 16 years ago

Jeff said yesterday that the AICPA has released scores at late at 9 pm ET in the past so we still have hope for AUD scores tonight!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I know it's WI's policy to not release any scores on the NASBA website until after all the exam scores have been released. For example, no one in WI has gotten BEC or REG scores yet. The scores should post on the NASBA website as soon as all the tests are in, so hopefully at the beginning of next week. WI's wait is the worst!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

The Wave 2 wait is the hardest! I don't think there's any way to tell if you had a new sim or not. Plus that's not the only reason your exam is pushed into the second wave. Hope that helps and I hope you get your score soon!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I think AUD any minute now.

lolo3 16 years ago

I second that...NOW PLEASE

Chris L 16 years ago

Craig, you should see at 9PM tonight. Congratulations on the baby, when is your wife due?

Guero 16 years ago

I'm thinking not. Not that I dont want my damn score or anything

justwant300 16 years ago

As far as I can tell, only BEC and REG. My experience is that it takes GA about 24-48 hours and they usually post between 8 and 11 pm. If FAR came out early yesterday, expect it tonight. If they came out last night, you may not see them until tomorrow. I'm waiting on AUD. I'm figuring on Monday for me.

V_in_NH 16 years ago

Me too!! Congratulations!

olinto2020 16 years ago

Well to make you feel better, I've never heard of anyone who went down in there scores. You'll get it next time!

Guero 16 years ago

Does anyone NOT think this process is way too complicated and confusing. AICPA release, NASBA release, email, mail, twitter, first wave, second wave, new simulations, on and on. Geez. Maybe this same process should be applied to the job renewals of anyone associated with the exam. "We will release our decision on your rehire during the third week of the second month of the quarter, unless we postpone the release until some time the next month. And, we may just notify you by twitter". If you are from the AICPA, just kidding, please don't give me a 74.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Hilarious...thanks, I needed a good laugh to forget I am waiting for WI to get all scores in, even though they have my FAR score, to release my FAR score...

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yeah, right...we wish :(

cpahopeful 16 years ago

failed FAR today... just called to re-register to take it again... I can't decide what I'm more upset about: failing or going broke trying to pass... for all the money they charge us, they could at least make the score release a little bit less of a mind game!

jeff @ 16 years ago

If you think waiting for scores is bad - wait until Universal Health Care. (did I just say that?)

AUD LA 16 years ago

AICPA, Show mercy to AUD ppl PLS!!!! I am going to bang my head against the wall!!! I WANT MY SCORE NOW!!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

NO he di'ent! That ought to get some discussion going!

wickedwild 16 years ago

I hear ya..I had two 74's for BEC before I finally passed it last testing window. You'll get!

IL AUD 16 years ago

So far the trend seems to be that AICPA releases scores every other day at around 4:30 central time. I hate to say it, but i have a feeling they won't release until tomorrow evening. I hope I'm wrong.

kinenbi 16 years ago

How's your other section in this window? I felt really depressed when the failed result of REG came out early this week. Now I am hoping to pass Aud will compensate my saddness!!!

DavidC29 16 years ago

I'm in IL waiting for my FAR score, sat 7/1. No score yet, but it seems like most IL folks have received there wave 1 score. Does this mean I'm waiting for wave 2 or could the score be delayed a day or two. Any comments would be appreciated.

Sponge2 16 years ago

Its 5.52pm and no AUD score so I guess it will be tomorrow........

NH-FAR 16 years ago

Just received FAR score via email, I got 93!!! I'm way too excited now, this was my first exam and now I have all the confidence going into AUD Aug 31 :) Good luck to everyone!

Go 16 years ago

That is such a long waiting time...

jeff @ 16 years ago

David, It sounds like you're Wave 2, my friend

AUD LA 16 years ago

I took AUD twice, both are 74. anyone has comments about how to score points on written communication on AUD? both tests i did fine on MC, but getting no point from written communication. My english is very bad!! anyone can help? any template i can just memorize and writting the memo by just changing the words and sentences on the templates?

AUD LA 16 years ago

I will jump off cliff , if i am getting 74 again this time!!

Bboston 16 years ago

So sorry to cpahopeful! just failed BEC for the 4th time. It apparently doesn't matter whether I study or not, I get the same score. Waiting on audit.....

JimmN 16 years ago

Just trust the one my friend. Everything is going to be alright.

Name 16 years ago

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm in CA and am waiting on AUD and BEC scores, and when I check my online account it says "score pending". Does that mean that CA has my score and just hasn't posted it yet, or could I be in the second wave? I took BEC on 8/8 and AUD on 7/11. Thanks!

Num83rs 16 years ago

Jeff! Right on brother! If you think health care is expensive now- wait until it's free

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Jeff, would you care to weigh in on the AUD scores. What is your gut feeling?

Name 16 years ago

i hear you. i got a 73 and two 74s on my first three exams. i wanted to punch someone in the face.

barb_bd 16 years ago

Did you get your score fo AUD today?

TheDave917 16 years ago

I'm for CA as well. I don't think 'pending scores' means Cali has our scores yet. My account has shown that for auditing since they posted that i took the exam. From what I'm reading here, the AICPA hasn't even released Auditing scores yet.

Guero 16 years ago

Sounds like they do have it. Where on the site does it say that - "start" tab (not "status" tab)?

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

I got a 93 on AUD on my first try and I am convinced it's because I had an absolutely rock solid study plan that I stuck to. I am also an auditor which gave me a significant edge, but I would be happy to help. Writing is my passion and I hate that I never get to use it in this field. Why don't you give me your email and we can correspond. Maybe I can make up some fake auditing topics and you can write memos and I can give you feedback??

Go 16 years ago

BEC 8/8 is a 2nd wave. AUD has not yet been released for this 1st wave.

Guero 16 years ago

Mine doesn't say "score pending" anywhere on the site

jeff @ 16 years ago

My "gut" says I'll be getting an e-mail in a few hours that the AICPA released them this evening...but it's just based on nothing really. The AICPA *has* released them as late as 9pm EDT before. The "safe" answer is that hopefully they'll be out tomorrow.

AUD LA 16 years ago

No!! still waiting.

luj333 16 years ago

burn through the mc really quickly, and then use the research tab to pull out the info you need i pretty much copied and pasted my written communication portion from the research tab

Steph 16 years ago

The CPA exam scoring is confusing. As I seem to recal each question is worth a different amount of points. So it really is a percentage of points correct over total points, but we just don't know what questions are worth what amount of points.

In short, questions are not worth 1 point each. HTH.

Ray 16 years ago

Thanks for the Info...

jdnyc 16 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score for NY yet?

Michelle 16 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score for NJ yet??

TheDave917 16 years ago

Its under the Status tab all the way at the bottom under App Status info

Guero 16 years ago

Not for me - says "attendance received from NASBA...", which it has said since the day after I took the exam. When mine have changed to "score pending", my score was released the next day (for prior scores). Just me though, maybe is different for others

Googlie 16 years ago

For all those AUD people, I apologize, it must be because I took it this window. I took it in the last window on 4/1 and they gave me my score on 6/20 (waiting 80 days was not fun). Retook 7/20. They must just be trying to prolong my frustration/anger with them and this whole process.

Name 16 years ago


Russ 16 years ago

I've passed em all the 2nd time around except FAR. My 2nd score was a 73 so I crammed for a couple weeks and re-took "for I only need 2 more points!" and my 3rd attempt was a 69. So now you've heard of someone going down. =) Before anyone begins to think Im an idiot, I passed all the other parts so far on my 2nd attempt. FAR just seems to be my hurdle.

Guero 16 years ago

Damn you!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

Same thing here, two 74's in BEC .. awaiting on audit... BEC (5/09) - 74 BEC (7/09) - 74 AUD (7/09) - ?

goincrzy 16 years ago

I am going crazy waiting for my AUD score. I had a dream last night that the NASBA website changed & instead of the white box that shows the score, it was a scrolling screen with numbers that kept flipping (kind of like a slot machine). It would stop on what I thought was my score, and then move again. This went on for what seemed like hours!

AUD LA 16 years ago :) Thanks

AUD LA 16 years ago

Thanks...good idea !!

J22 16 years ago

Hi Michelle, I took FAR in NJ on July 28 and have not received my score yet. If we did not have a new simulation we should be receiving our score online tonight after 9PM.

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

Anyone received FAR via NASBA?

topher 16 years ago


rayraycpa 16 years ago

this place is dead. isn't everyone just sitting there, refreshing the page?

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

The wait is nearly killing me!

siblitz 16 years ago

Anyone in LA received their FAR scores?

NolaBadger 16 years ago

That's exactly what I'm doing

Name 16 years ago

This made me laugh!

AUD LA 16 years ago

same here!!

Just post the scores already! 16 years ago

This made me laugh too...I also had a dream last night about getting my exam scores and that i failed all four sections so they wouldn't let me take it again. This waiting is driving me crazy!

Cat 16 years ago

Me too!

Cat 16 years ago

Anybody received FAR score in NY???

cpa-ny 16 years ago

nope, not yet

Marisa 16 years ago

Me too! I'm going crazy - I don't know if I should look at the FAR score because I take the audit on Saturday and I don't want to get discouraged!

DBlock 16 years ago

I just got my AUD score, got a 99! Wish everyone good luck.

Politics doesn't belong here 16 years ago

Based on that comment, I now understand why you had to take the exam so many times. (did I just say that?)

BigE 16 years ago

What State?

ks84 16 years ago

you got your score?? what state are you in? i thought that scores wouldn't be posted until 9 p.m. EST ... [p.s. congratulations!]

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I know, so frustrating! They have my REG and FAR scores...

kinenbi 16 years ago

He's just joke around. Aud not released by AICPA yet.

NEEDSCORESNOW 16 years ago

I took AUD on July 6 and BEC August 10. I am trying to finish up everything before the end of November. I really need my score on audit to decide whether not that is even possible and how to plan the rest of my year. This is the first score I have ever waited for, and I have to say that it is pretty ridiculous. I felt amazing about BEC when I left the testing center, and I dont see how I could not have passed that one. However, I have heard people say that and then they failed, so I guess you never know. As far as AUD goes (the score I'm waiting for right now), while I was taking the test I felt worse and worse as each new testlet appeard. However, that was before I knew about the way the test actually works with the adaptive testing model. AFter thinking back on it I feel pretty good as I know that the questions on my second two MC testlets were much more difficult on average than the first. Sorry about all of the ranting and raving. I needed to get all my thoughts about this s**t out there so I can feel sane again. As I said I am a newbie and I was really not expecting to feel this anxiety around the time scores were coming out. I need AUD score now. Come on CA.

Marisa 16 years ago

Would you guys look for the FAR score if you are taking the AUD on Saturday? I do not know what to do - I'm going crazy. FAR was the first exam that I took, so I really do not know how I did or what to expect. I don't want to get discouraged or anything, but I'm going crazy waiting. I took the exam on July 10 - so it has been awhile! Any suggestions?

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

Holy Lord I am pissed off

Name 16 years ago

Is anyone else concerned about the fact AUD has not been released!? I HOPE its not beacuse of some crazy problems with the exams given in this window, or worse- everyone failing! (Just Kidding .. I hope) I refresh NASBA, Another71, and Nasba Twitter about every 34 seconds. Its taking over my life more than studying for the exam did! To those who work for the AICPA - My friends and family really would appreciate if you would release the scores soon, they are sick of hearing me complain! :) Ive passed the other 3 parts and this is my 2nd time taking AUD so fingers crossed, this could be the "one". Hopefully I dont DIE from the anxiety building up prior to the release!

FARinlimbo 16 years ago

this is the place to rant and get encouragement i probably would have given up long ago if it was not for this site. just remember never give up.

eyboi 16 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR scores from MO (Missouri)

tm21287 16 years ago

i'm taking aud tomorrow and im def checking far.... i can't help myself

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Just an FYI... 2 of my colleagues took AUD in the last testing window, and their scores came out a couple days late (back in June, I believe)... and they both passed. It must just be something about audit.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

well, the rational side of me says don't you dare check that score if you have an upcoming exam on Saturday, but realistically, that would take some incredible willpower to not check. You'll check lol.

Sic 'em CPA 16 years ago

I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but I called TSBPA about the FAR scores this morning and they said they hadn't heard anything and that it would probably be next week. My fingers are still crossed for tomorrow morning, though!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yeppers! How could you not?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

So...are you studying tonight? If you are, I am most impressed :)

hokie_pokie 16 years ago

not looking will drive you nuts. if the results are good, you'll be encouraged taking AUD. if you didnt do well, all you can do is focus on this next test. it is an awful position to be in. good luck with audit.

ks84 16 years ago

that's *exactly* the situation i'm in, as far as the sections go - it's so hard not knowing whether i'm officially a cpa or not!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

ok, so my husband comes in from work, and he's what did you get? I'm like Audit wasn't released...he's like well can't you find out, why didn't you get your score? I'm lmfao, it's either that or cry. Like I can help it! Is it just my spouse that's irritated? sigh :(

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yeah, it's my last section, too...hence my husband's response. The last section is the worst, isn't it?

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

I'm in the same situation! I don't know who is more upset, me or my poor mother!

tm21287 16 years ago

i'm doing the becker final exam while refreshing nasba.... so fun

Go 16 years ago

19 minutes.... counting down.

NolaBadger 16 years ago

u think FAR will be reported at 8 cst?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

How's that going? I'm impressed!

ks84 16 years ago

definitely the worst! i found out i passed reg on tuesday, so theoretically, i should be happy [and i am], but it's so hard not knowing! good luck to you guys!

siblitz 16 years ago

I hope so...I've been checking all day...I don't want to have to wait another month.

"Name" again. haha 16 years ago

Its awful! I still need the hours to officially be a CPA either way, but I would love to just do a dance/cartwheel/scream out for joy if I never have to take this exam again. I never understood why it takes them so long to grade, regardless of the sims and the results from everyone blah blah. Come on, 7 weeks?! This is out of control! If I'm in the 2nd wave I think I may have to commit myself to an institution and have my mother get me out when they receive my grade (that is, if its passing).

Marisa 16 years ago

I think that I am going to look! I am going insane not knowing and I have studied a lot for Audit and am very prepared. Plus I audit for my job, so I have confidence going into the exam. It just sucks waiting!!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

yep :) we're on the same my REG score bright and early Tues. a.m. I am thankful, because my REG experience was Nightmare on Sim Street, but now I'm fixated on Audit.

name1123 16 years ago

Has anyone received FAR in CT?

smcpa2be 16 years ago

That's not funny, at all. We're suffering here, in every sense of the word.

Marisa 16 years ago

Does anyone know if the scores are posted for sure right at 9, like immediately? This is the first exam I took, so I am a Rookie at all of this!

gotrice979 16 years ago

c'mon texas FARS!

Name12345432 16 years ago

I love when people ask "Has any one received".... look above, no one has received. When you see someone say "i got my scores!!!" then ask specifics........ I'm probably just mad my score isn't posted :(

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

ok, so I have been complaining about not receiving my Audit score. But seriously, GOOD LUCK to everyone waiting for FAR this evening!

Num83rs 16 years ago

pretty much..+/- 15-20 mins

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I have no idea why I'm even looking... its kind of like a car accident... totally horrific and yet you still look. I know I completely failed, but I keep refreshing NASBA anyway... haha... definitely not hopeful with this section, but I hope everyone else does great!

Go 16 years ago

Last friday (8/14), I got my BEC right at 9PM EDT sharp... because my last name begins with "A". I think that helps.

tm21287 16 years ago

i bet the entire Powerball jackpot i'm obsessing over this and i get bumped to wave 2

Go 16 years ago

There is always a chance. You may see a magic number... "75".

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Hey listen, I thought I failed REG and passed earlier this week; so positive thoughts, ok? I bet you passed.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I love your optimism... fingers are crossed

Jeff Anderson 16 years ago

IL candidate here. I did much better than expected. I wasn't sure I passed immediately after the exam but the more I thought about it I really knew the vast majority of the MC and Sims but dwelt on the few things I didn't know. Anyway, I talked myself in to thinking I passed and was cautiously optimistic I would receive a 75-85. Well, I got a 94. My point is a lot of times you did better than you think because you devote a disproportionate amount of time and mental anguish to the few things you didn't know. Best of luck to everyone.

gotrice979 16 years ago

where the scores at??????

Name 16 years ago


john 16 years ago

did you by chance intern with EY

olinto2020 16 years ago

What about Audit!??

olinto2020 16 years ago

What about Audit!??

name1123 16 years ago

Has NASBA ever posted this late? Should we all assume we'll be waiting until tomorrow. This wait is dreadful. I am losing hope and taking Reg on Tuesday. I think I wasted an entire evening hitting refresh on the NASBA sight.

name1123 16 years ago

Has NASBA ever posted this late? Should we all assume we'll be waiting until tomorrow. This wait is dreadful. I am losing hope and taking Reg on Tuesday. I think I wasted an entire evening hitting refresh on the NASBA sight.

name1123 16 years ago

Has NASBA ever posted this late? Should we all assume we'll be waiting until tomorrow. This wait is dreadful. I am losing hope and taking Reg on Tuesday. I think I wasted an entire evening hitting refresh on the NASBA sight.

Greg 16 years ago

I am in TN also waiting on my score for REG. I also have not completed the 150 hr requirement either. Our rep told me that I should be able to see them online now, since they changed the rule that we can find out our grade. Post when your score comes in so I will know, I will do the same.

Enough Already 16 years ago

Give me Audit or give me death!!!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

It looks like we're back...I have a solution to fix the load will be implemented before Wave 2...major site improvement coming...

Sorry it went down!


Go 16 years ago

Tell me about this wait... I am taking REG on the 31st and wants to have some good news going in.

Go 16 years ago

Jeff - Could you please update the red banner at the top of the site for FAR status?

Name 16 years ago

any get far from jersey yet?

ydg555 16 years ago


It seems like FAR scores have not been posted, I dont see any comments about people getting their FAR I right?? Is there still some hope that FAR has not been posted??

po mo 16 years ago

So Jeff what happend with the FAR scores being released tonight? Is there still hope it will be released tonight or do we have to wait till tomorrow day or night? Thanks for this blog its great

Name 16 years ago

this is getting insane. i dont think i can refresh any faster. maybe i should just walk away and come back at 12.

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago


NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I haven't gotten mine yet... (NJ FAR) still waiting....

jeff @ 16 years ago

I was told that barring any server mishaps that they would be out tonight...apparently there was a server mishap...and it was contagious.

I am switching over to a commercial server...a big boy server...could be expensive, but at least the site won't go down...when it needs power - it gets it from other sources...(feel free to donate) :)

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Its 12:30am in NJ and I am TRYING to get some BEC studying in tonight... but between checking for my FAR score, facebook, twitter, and my minor meltdown because this site crashed, I am compeltely incapable of focusing on NPVs tonight! I have officially screwed myself. I'm on chapter 3 (Becker) and my exam is a week from Monday. Oh boy...

ydg555 16 years ago

thats not a bad can set that up through Paypal...I've seen it in other sites.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I owe you my life. :-)

Name 16 years ago

i'm like that with audit. death

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

to the right of the blog... the donate button. :)

kinenbi 16 years ago

I felt really discouraged after finding out failed Reg, even though the outcome was somehow expected. Now I need to reschedule my FAR exam from 8/31 to early October due to lack of confidence.

Please Release Audit, I need some motivation for my FAR Study.

Name 16 years ago

I put in 5 weeks and it was barely enough time. I would give it 6 weeks. In my opinion FAR was the hardest one to take and to study for.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

If you put in some solid study time you will be okay :) I had two weeks for BEC and made it with a 77, stay confident and good luck.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

It depends, I used a combination of Becker and Gleim...Becker for reading and Gleim for MC (which really really really really helped). If you know the material and it is a review for you, then it will take you less time. If it is new to you (such as 141R) you may need some more study time. Everyone learns differently and puts in a different amount of hours each day for studying. Give yourself at least a month and set aside the last week for review, that is my recommendation. Good luck.

kinenbi 16 years ago

5 weeks full time study? yeah, it's heck alot of materials, especially I find time spent on each practice M/C question much longer than reviewing Audit, BEC, REG b/c it takes more time to read, think and calculate each question..I am curious whether the FAR exam comprised of 80%-100% calculation, or 50/50 like BEC exam?

jeff @ 16 years ago

*****PLEASE don't not hit F5 constantly for new comments...clicking from one comments page to the next will do the same thing b/c it's Java based...hundreds of people hitting F5 non-stop crashed the server :)

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Yeah, I haven't gotten my score yet, but I had given myself 6 weeks and I felt like I could have used some more time... theres just so much information. I used Becker and I would definitely recommend that you just continue to do MCs over and over again... (but don't do them to just do them and memorize them... do them to understand and think through them). It was helpful to do the simulated exams and monitor my progress... make sure to gauge your time too... I ran out of time during my exam and I wish I had practiced more with the 4 hour clock going....

Good luck!!!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

with all the money these clowns are taking in, i am sure they would have servers made out of gold..

jeff @ 16 years ago

replying from my this showing up? testing...

cpa-ny 16 years ago

it is showing up

cpaaaaaa 16 years ago

do you think we should still wait, or maybe get some rest... does anybody know whether they released he scores this late in the past?

po mo 16 years ago

jeff @ 16 years ago

no....get some sleeps! nothin' happening this late...

cpaaaaaa 16 years ago

thanks Jeff... but it is easier to say... i can't sleep

lisa0309 16 years ago

FAR is already out, I got my score this morning (about 2:30am Pacific time)

lisa0309 16 years ago

I got my FAR this morning...about 2:30 am Pacific time

Name 16 years ago

wow lucky... I'm still waiting i took it July 16th i should be in the first batch right?

Go 16 years ago

Anyone else? I think when you posted this message, it wasn't 2.30am pacific yet.

Name 16 years ago

Can someone let me know when they receive there FAR score in TX. I checked this morning but mines wasn't there. Trying to determine if I am in Wave 2.

Name 16 years ago

I am in TX too....woke up to look...NOTHING. At the top of the page, since it says no FAR released, if NASBA didn't release last night, maybe TX won't release until Monday???? Anyone else????

Name 16 years ago

Still no FAR in NY. Has anyone else in NY gotten their FAR score? I'm hoping it just hasn't been released in NY yet.

Go 16 years ago

Any NASBA state candidates received their FAR score last night or this morning?

lolo3 16 years ago

I agree with NJCPAhopeful. I passed FAR this window (in VA) and used Becker. I spent a lot of time with the multiple choice. I also made my own flash cards (rather than the pre-printed ones), which is always helpful to me (but may not be for others). Also, practice with the simulated exam at least once so you get a feel of the time budgeting you will need to do on exam day. Don't be discouraged by the score you get on the simulated exams though. It just gives you a percentage of the problems you got right and does not grade your communications. This does not correlate to the way the actual exam is graded.

Good Luck!!!

ZS 16 years ago

Nothing here in MI

AspiringCPA 16 years ago

nope, no FAR in NY yet...

Name 16 years ago

Well I guess that makes me feel a little bit hopeful!

mohamed 16 years ago

35 days

mohamed 16 years ago

i got the FAR result 91, waiting for AUD

JeremyT 16 years ago

Hey guys tx far is out. I got an 85 and felt sick after taking it. That was my last one and now I'm done. In the words of journey don't stop believing. Keep studying hard and you will get through it all. Good luck ya'll can do it. Jeff thanks for the great site, what you do helps more than you know.

Name 16 years ago

Thank you for the update, I'm in TX as well but didn't receive my score. I guess I'm in Wave 2. This is my last one as well. Now I have to wait another month :(

joe 16 years ago

nothing here in south carolina

Cat 16 years ago

So nobody in NY received a FAR score?????

Fissel 16 years ago

I'm in OH and nothing for me. I bet i'm in wave 2. Oh well, gotta get ready for BEC (for the third time). If all goes well this may be my last one.

Go 16 years ago

Which state board are you taking a test with?

Go 16 years ago

I quite believe it is not a coincident that many of us who are NASBA states' candidates have not yet received their score. I read through the blog and found that people who received their score are TX, CA, IL and some NH (who received it through email). Except for NH, all of those are non-NASBA states. So let's keep our hope up.

Name 16 years ago

Did you have to complete an ID card which includes another copy of your passport in addition to the application of intent? I was looking through my account online and it says "An ID card has not been processed and is required." Trying to see if maybe that is holding up my score.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Nothing in NJ yet.... holy moly, I'm exhausted. Definitely going to work from home today and recoup... (okay, and study for BEC.... ughhh)

mohamed 16 years ago


NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

oh yeah.... does anyone have any idea when they release scores in the morning? In another words, should I stop refeshing at 9 am or 10am?? Or is there a possibility that they release on a Friday night?

lolo3 16 years ago

It is so tough trying to study while waiting for scores. I find myself having to read a MC question several times because I am not really focusing on it. I wish they would just set a firm date for when they would release. Then, at least, we wouldn't have to be constantly checking and worrying.

Good luck!

lolo3 16 years ago

From what Jeff has said in the past, NASBA's posting is an IT process, so it is definitely possible that it could occur on a Friday night. I don't know if this means they never run it during the day. Hopefully, even if they don't usually do it during the day, they make an exception during the day today since people were expecting scores last night.

I am crossing my fingers for everyone!

jrplanill86 16 years ago

Is AUD ever going to get released? This is the first part I've taken and I would LOVE to know whether I passed or not. I take REG on Wednesday. Maybe it's better I don't find out till after I take REG.

Fissel 16 years ago

I know that back in Feb I received my AUD score around noon EDT. I checked all morning and then at lunch it was posted, so we may very well see scores today. Cross your fingers.

Lisa 16 years ago

they have released on a Friday night around 9pm EST before.

kdice 16 years ago

Still no FAR in PA..... I am going to scream

jeff @ 16 years ago

Morning all - do you like the comment box at the top like it is now or at the bottom?

Do you like the default view to show the newest first or the oldest where you have to scroll to the bottom and click to the last page?

...I'm just experimenting with what is easiest for everyone...

I'm changing servers sometime in the next week, so I may be able to go back to the old fashioned comment system. It doesn't have as many features, but it takes you to the last post of the last page by default, which is nice...this one does not have that feature.

Please remember that clicking on a page number back and forth will refresh these comments b/c they are Java-based. Hitting Refresh or F5 x 1,000 constantly creates a mini Denial of Service (DOS for the BEC crowd :) ) attack and down she goes....

I really thought FAR was coming out and was told that it was barring problems...they must have had problems.

AUD're getting a raw deal...

MemphisANiD 16 years ago

I took REG on Aug 15th so I know I am in the 2nd wave, just wanted to wish everyone good luck with your scores and hope they get to you before the weekend so you can enjoy it.

Angelina_in_Miami 16 years ago

Did anybody receive their FAR score in FL?

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

This is emotional abuse! The test is bad enough but all the waiting is horrible!! This is probably their way of preparing us for busy season and seeing how much stress and anxiety we can take.
Personally I am glad we have to have 150 credit hours. I have found my alternative career in jewelry making, which I will probably be an expert by the time they release the scores!!!

Go 16 years ago

Jeff - I like the box on the top better. Thank you for all the hard work to keep this site valuable.

I was so excited to see my FAR score last night...

Go 16 years ago

Jeff - By the way, somebody in NASBA must have bet on your prediction and try to make some money if it is not coming out right. :)

BCool 16 years ago

Comment box at top
Default: most recent comment shown first

lolo3 16 years ago

I prefer the comment box to appear at the top and the newest posts to appear first.

With regards to AICPA release of AUD scores, do they always do it in the late afternoon/evening or is it possible that they could release AUD scores in the morning or by midday? I am in VA, so if they released before the VA BoA closed, I think it would be possible to get my score today. If they released this late afternoon/evening, however, I assume I would have to wait til Monday for my score.

Thanks so much for your help and support. You are truly a lifeline to sanity for all of us.

fsumarie 16 years ago

Yes us Audit people are getting screwed.

jinmn 16 years ago

Jeff - I don't care where the comment box is, but really prefer the default view of the newest first. Thanks for changing it. Also good to know that it's better to click a page number to make it refresh - I'm probably one who helped crashed your server last night... didn't know better.

So will NASBA likely release FAR at some (any) point today? Or will it be this evening? I guess I don't know if there's a reason it's usually 8pm, and therefore it's just delayed 24 hours, or if I should continue haunting the site all day.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Ditto. :-)

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

Me? I did.

Guero 16 years ago

For those of us in CA, the CA Board of Accountancy is closed today, so that is not going to help get us our scores by tomorrow (if released by AICPA today)

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I'm going Ghandi style.... Today begins my hunger strike until AUD scores are released!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Thanks for the input!

FajitaPants 16 years ago

^^^ agree

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

love it...I need to lose weight anyways. Seriously, what's the deal? Now it's going to be another whole weekend you know.

yllejane 16 years ago

Newest first is better. Thanks

Sonu 16 years ago

This is torture for Audit candidates... unnecessary suspense. I have wasted entire week waiting for the result.
This was my last one + took on July 1 (longest wait) = perfect recipe to get depressed, just to find out no Audit score yet !!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I am as good as dead.

Aaron 16 years ago

LOVE the newest comments on top!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Anyone got FAR scores in Oklahoma. Please let me know... please please this wait is killing me...

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

My last one too! and now we're going to have to wait through the weekend. So frustrating, just release already, please...

bige 16 years ago

Is the NASBA site down for anyone else. Maybe they are uploading

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I'm joining your hunger strike! we can still drink though, right?

ZS 16 years ago

It's not down for me, just not reporting a score. Hopefully tonight damn it

NY 16 years ago

it's down for me too

jkps 16 years ago

Nasba is not working for me either

iwanttopass 16 years ago

NASBA is down for me too! Hopefully that means good things!

Name 16 years ago

it is down for me I hope they are uploading

rayraycpa 16 years ago

down like jay sean and weezy

waitinggames 16 years ago

anyone in MD receive FAR yet?

waiting 16 years ago

im in virginia and thankfully got my FAR score yesterday morning, but am still waiting for audit... does anyone know when the virginia nasba closes for the day? is it even worth checking the site today or should i just pack it in for the weekend? thanks

njmeadowlanders 16 years ago

Nasba is down for me too (Jersey) as of 12 seconds ago...

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I'm drinking right now! In fact, let's change it to a drinking strike... One drink every hour until the scores come out!

jinmn 16 years ago

Nasba's back up, still no score though.

njmeadowlanders 16 years ago


cpaseekerfromla 16 years ago

going directly to isn't working for me either. however, if i refresh the historical web address, which includes my section id, in my browser history, nasba works. weird. -

Whitney 16 years ago

Can all states check their scores on NASBA? I'm in Oklahoma and I thought we had to wait for the results to be up on the OK website.

Name 16 years ago

Its back up!

givememycertificate 16 years ago

I am from Oklahoma too, no we can't check from NASBA website we have to check from state website, are you waiting for FAR scores as well?

rayraycpa 16 years ago

we're getting all excited. we're probably the ones killing the website - yet we still believe that they brought the site down to update the scores. we're sillies

FajitaPants 16 years ago

Just a hypothetical question:

If the AICPA released AUD scores today, is there any way we could see them on Saturday. I'm in IL, a non-NASBA state, and I am curious if they would post the scores on a weekend? My past experience is that the release of the scores on the IL website is pretty reliable and seems to be the morning after the AICPA scores release....what do you guys think???

bige 16 years ago

Anyone call NASBA to check status?

lolo3 16 years ago

VA BoA closes at 4 pm (I have called at 3:30 and they haven't answered the phone in the past, this is government after all). Unless AICPA releases AUD scores this morning (which I don't even know if that is possible), it looks like we won't have scores in VA until Monday at the earliest.

I am in the same boat as your are with AUD, but I am very thankful that VA doesn't post via NASBA so at least I got my FAR score.

Name 16 years ago

And now it is back down, hopefully they will be posting scores soon.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I typed my section ID and birthdate in and saved that page as a "favorite" to check my score quickly... and via this method, the NASBA site never went down....

Go 16 years ago

NASBA site is still down for me.

Name 16 years ago

I called NY NASBA yesterday, they told me that they started releasing scores last week and will continue through October and that you can only find your score online or through mail.

Whitney 16 years ago

Yes I am waiting for FAR. I called the state board yesterday and they told me they should be up soon, but didn't know when. They also said NASBA updates the state board website directly sometime between 9am and 11am everyday. So if it isn't up by 11am it isn't going to be up that day.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Alright...good news on the site...last night's outage should not repeat itself tonight...memory has been upgraded

rac209 16 years ago

So do we think FAR will be posted during the day or not until 9pm.. Thanks!

lisa0309 16 years ago

I am in Cali, and I got mine in the wee hours Thursday morning.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Not until 9pm EDT...

Stephen 16 years ago

that is just plain evil

Aaron 16 years ago

Having the newest comments on top is great!

name1123 16 years ago

Looks like we'll all just have to stay on the edge of our seats until this evening. Good luck everyone!

Angelina_in_Miami 16 years ago

Does it apply to all the states that have not received their scores yet?

IL AUD 16 years ago

That's a good question. Did you try calling IL to ask them?

JB61 16 years ago

Jeff, if AICPA releases audit today (likely?) then would nasba release tonight, tomorrow or monday? I just don't want to get my hopes up and check all weekend.

MI CPA 16 years ago

Any news on FAR in Michigan, another71 predicted they would be out yesterday.... The wait is killing me

wickedanxious 16 years ago

Does anyone know what the worst case senario is as far as when AUD scores could be released? Like what would be the latest they would release scores for someone in the first wave with no new simulations?

LP 16 years ago

When do you think we can expect audit results?

Whitney 16 years ago

Let me know if you get your FAR score. I'm hoping I didn't have a new sim-I'd hate to have to wait until Sept. to find out.

topher 16 years ago

We will have to wait until at least 9pm tonight.

iwanttopass 16 years ago

this is really crazy how they make you wait. they should at least give us a countdown or something. we could be waiting all day, and find out we still won't get them, especially if had new sims.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I'm checking...trying to get some info...

olinto2020 16 years ago

People I don't have the Audit scores (Yes I'm waiting too) but I do have the answer to our problems.... We need to initiate a "peer review" of the AICPA exam grading practices. I expect we will find some internal control issues, as well as efficiency issues. Who's down?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Worst case scenario? Monday AICPA release.

Most likely? Today or Saturday.

jeff @ 16 years ago

btw - I enabled video the "Use Media" under the post button...I may use my Mac to record a message sometime (after a few beers, of course)

123 16 years ago

Jeff, I didn't receive my FAR score from NY. Do you know if I will be in wave 2? Or nobody in NASBA states gets their scores yet? Thanks!!!

IL AUD 16 years ago

If AICPA releases today, when can we expect our scores in non-Nasba states (like IL)?

Name12345432 16 years ago

You have got to be make someones life harder by not reading others comments.

ChrisFromCharlotte 16 years ago

I honestly wish I lived in a state where they don't offer electronic score reporting to candidates. This guessing game is worse than a 4-year old on Jeopardy. (I guess that means I have the patience of a 4-year old.) Patiently waiting on AUD, my last exam (2nd attempt [70])

ChrisFromCharlotte 16 years ago

Or rather this is my 2nd attempt, b/c I got a 70 on my first attempt.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

I wouldn't mind, as long as it's not too much work :) Waiting on AUD, just like the rest of the world.

exit322 16 years ago

Maybe everyone got a new sim and we're all waiting till the second wave.

If so, then I guess I rest easy for awhile at 2/2.

guyinKS 16 years ago

Its' 2009...i should be able to take and get scores for all four parts in TWO WEEKS tops....lets vote for change in 2012...or something like that

AspiringCPYinNY 16 years ago

Thank you, some people should fail just on principle...READ!!!

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

ok, if by some slim chance AICPA releases Audit here soon, what are the chances of getting our scores in Virginia. VA is really efficient, they usually report their scores the next a.m. after AICPA release...but has anyone ever seen them update their website on the weekend? I haven't :(

Go 16 years ago

To me... it seems that everybody is efficient except for AICPA itself.

Name 16 years ago

I am supposed to be going away for the weekend, and leaving at 9pm tonight. This anxiety is too much, I took out my anger on waiting for FAR, and sent some mean texts and refused to go on my trip.

This was my 4th attempt at FAR and if i dont pass I have one more shot before I lose AUD. Not to mention I have REG next week.... I might have a panic attack soon.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Suggestion for site:


It seems like you are always having to answer the same questions multiple times (which you always do with great patience); I would volunteer to help out on the project, but I was thinking of setting up an excel spreadsheet or something simple where the user enters their state, the date they took the test, and the section and then it would estimate their AICPA (and NASBA, if applicable) release date for wave 1 and 2. I guess when the predication date passes, it would have to be manually updated each day... maybe you already been down this path. Your thoughts?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Disgusting isn't it?? Pending scores are like a dark cloud hanging over you.

jeff @ 16 years ago

That is a very good idea...I'll set up a Google Doc...

Another Jeff 16 years ago

When I talked to NASBA today, I was told they expected AICPA to continue to release scores through the first week of September. Exactly what that means, I have no idea.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Count me in!

njmeadowlanders 16 years ago

I can't deal with this anymore...I'll check next time I see a red-update posted atop the homepage here, but I'm just gonna go resume my daily activities and just assume I'm not getting squat until September 22nd...a mere month away... It's torture.

jpsy422 16 years ago

How many accountants does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

5. one to hold the lightbulb while standing on a table and 4 to Pivot it.

wah wah.

Name 16 years ago

They are! If I find out I passed before its time to leave, I'll go. If I failed... I am staying home. I think my boyfriend is very pissed off, but he's trying to deal with my insanity over this.

I am praying for the 24-48 hour's after AICPA release to be correct. Didn't that happen Wednesday at 4ish? If I could get a score before I leave work, that would be excellent!

rayraycpa 16 years ago

people still going to ask "expecting" something to have changed - they're going to want updates from the last time the google doc was posted.

Refusetostudyin2010 16 years ago

This is weird but I find myself in the same EXACT situation as you... except for the fact that I already lost REG back in April and I'm restudying for it now. The fact that I'm in another situation where I could be loosing AUD is just down right ridiculous. I just have the feeling that somehow, somewhere, someone is just pointing and laughing at me...

jeff @ 16 years ago

Pivot Table! (buh-doom-CHING)

olinto2020 16 years ago

I know Kentucky (an AICPA state) doesn't update on the weekends. I would bet since today is Friday the AICPA will take a 2 hour lunch break.

Thrilled to be DONE! 16 years ago


Thanks for running this site, over the past year it has helped me get though the exam. After failing FAR twice, I found out I passed:
FAR 82
AUD 76
BEC 79
REG 85

So thanks again for bringing a little bit of sanity to this painful process!

LisaNeitzey 16 years ago

Thanks for letting me know! That helped out a lot. I was looking for my score in the wrong place.

Name 16 years ago

Darn! This morning at 5 I honestly thought maybe the TX release was just going to be backed up until Monday too...I guess no such luck for me...looks like I'm wave 2 as well. This is my last test too! It's going to be an agonizing 4 weeks!

lisa0309 16 years ago

No it wasn't 2:30 Friday morning.  I got my scores Thursday morning so when I posted I already had the scores for almost 20 hours.  I'm in Cali, hope yours gets posted soon. ________________________________

givememycertificate 16 years ago

what state?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Well done! Congrats!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Pivot Table! (buh-doom-LAME)

jeff @ 16 years ago

Link to Google Doc (we'll see if this works...)

Anyone can edit the document...dangerous, but I'll give it a shot...

Modest 16 years ago

Just imagine if it was your last part....

givememycertificate 16 years ago

sure i will let you know if mine came thru this morning, you do the same.

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

VA usually flips them the next morning after AICPA release, they're very efficient and usually we get our score earlier than NASBA states; however, during the last testing window AICPA released one of my scores on a Friday and they didn't update until Monday morning. I've never seen them update on the weekends. I'm waiting for Audit too.

Guest 16 years ago

I'm from OK too and I still don't have my BEC grade. I should have been in the first wave because I took my test August 3rd. The OAB was NO help when I called.

Guest 16 years ago

Yes, FAR scores are out in Oklahoma.

southerncpa 16 years ago

How do we know if the AICPA has released our scores? GA FAR my last part... I prbably should not have put a NO in the AICPA released column..

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I have never used google docs. It looks like a lot of good information, but kind of hard to digest without sorting. Also, the headings keep changing. Is there a way to at least lock editing rights on the headings (once the users decide how they want it)?

Cat 16 years ago

You're awesome, Jeff!! I like the google docs!!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Sorting ideas anyone?

Maybe a tab for each state and a heading for each section???

Ray 16 years ago

My Guess for CA is Audit comes out via the AICPA on Monday as the Board is on furlough the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Friday's of each month starting in August 2009. Just my Luck..

Good Luck all.....

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I know it's so frustrating! I'm waiting on FAR and REG but cannot get either score until AUD is released.

jeff @ 16 years ago

AUD is the only section still pending AICPA release

jeff @ 16 years ago

I will try to lock the headings...this could be a disaster anyway :)

AspiringCPAinNY 16 years ago

I can't take the pressure anymore! I'm just going to assume that I'm in wave 2 and maybe I'll check on Monday. I'm waiting on my FAR grade from 7/15. I've already passed the other three. I'm not getting anything done just sitting around waiting for it, so I have to get out and do something other than obsess about it. Good luck everyone!

jeff @ 16 years ago

See you in 15 minutes :)

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Imagine if you couldn't get your last two parts (REG and FAR) because AUD hasn't been released...

calmnreserved 16 years ago

CA board is closed Fridays.. So even if AUD gets released today, CA wont see it till monday?
If someone can confirm that then i wont be expecting it on sat morning

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Has it ever taken this long for all sections to be released? we're over a week now since wave 1 BEC release just wondering

Guero 16 years ago

Can't "confirm", but the CBA is closed today, so even if released, I don't see how they will have scores posted by tomorrow. Bummer. (I posted this same comment earlier)

mikefromNY 16 years ago

I just took the FAR section yesterday (in NY) and a few thoughts -- the multiple choice section wasn't that bad, surprised that there were a decent amount of questionst that looked like BEC-type questions and how many government/NFP questions there were. The sims were insane. I don't know where they got some of that information - I am just hoping that everyone else skrewed it up just as bad as I did. And now the wait begins....

Name 16 years ago

NASBA web site is down

jeff @ 16 years ago

The open spreadsheet was a great idea in theory, but some people lack the maturity to handle such freedom.


Name 16 years ago

NASBA wib site is down maybe there updating the FAR scores now at least I hope so.

floridaFAR 16 years ago

OMG please

lolo3 16 years ago

Unfortunate but not surprising :)

iwanttopass 16 years ago

I noticed that too, but who knows at this point. Trying to stay optimistic, but waiting sucks!

brooklyn cpa hopeful 16 years ago

hey i took far a few weeks ago too and also thought the sims were very difficult, totally different than things i had seen before, not sure if that means i'm gonna be in wave 2 because the questions definitely seemed to be of a new type.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

Is it very likely AUD scores could be posted today, or should I just give up and start checking next week?

Name 16 years ago

Yes, even my bookmarked NASBA website is down

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I thought I posted this before, but...has it ever taken the AICPA this long to release all sections of a wave, just wondering since BEC was released over a week ago.

Guero 16 years ago

I posted this earlier - CBA is closed, so I am not expecting scores tomorrow. Damn CA budget crisis!!!

IL AUD 16 years ago

Jeff, I'm curious if AICPA does in fact release audit scores today, will non-Nasba states (such as IL) release scores tomorrow even though it's a Saturday?

Modest 16 years ago

I'm going to go with...give up. They won't be out tonight.

Angelina_in_Miami 16 years ago

Webiste is up again - No FAR grades for FL yet, well at least for me...

waitinginNY 16 years ago

likewise in NY

Scott 16 years ago

Still waiting for FAR in GA. Site is back up now but no scores for me. Looks like tonight or Monday.

IL AUD 16 years ago

Jeff, if AICPA does in fact release audit today, can IL still release the scores to us tomorrow even though it's a Saturday??

Kevin 16 years ago

Damn you audit. It's my last test. When will you come out!?

bige 16 years ago

Is there any chance we may have to wait until Monday for FAR?

Guero 16 years ago

Me too

farr is taking farrreveerrrrr 16 years ago

I WANT MY FAR SCORE NOW. THIS WAIT IS KILLING ME. I've passed the other 3 (after a few tries) so this one determines whether or not I get my company bonus of 5k for passing within a year of starting...I started last Sept, so if I dont pass NOW then I don't get the bonus.


waitinginKS 16 years ago

You are probably right, I just didn't want to hear it. :) Thanks and good luck.

Name 16 years ago

Ha, you must work at the same firm I do. All of my frist years have passed since they were offered a bonus. My class was not, so now we are all struggeling along to get it done soon!

bige 16 years ago

NASBA's Twitter stated "7460 FAR & 9 REG scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the July/Aug 2009 testing window" on 8/19/09 @ about 3pm. It also stated scores would be posted within 24/48 hours. 24-48 HOURS IS UP - WHERE IS MY SCORE?????????

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

No fair, I didn't get my Audit score :) I'm stuck here in VA getting ready for back to school, while my husband is hanging out in Florida checking on our house we can't sell...and hanging out at Siesta Key.

jaijoshi 16 years ago

I guess there is this BIG frustration with FAR scores not being posted because AICPA decided to release FAR before AUD, and now NASBA is confused :-D.

Had they posted my AUD mark all this would not have happened.

I hate this shuffling of order. I also want my AUD score and concentrate on my FAR preparation which is scheduled for coming Monday.

Anyway Good luck to everyone who is waiting on scores like me. And congratulations to all who have their scores in and have passed.

waitinginNY 16 years ago

Jeff, Does NASBA ever update there site in middle of the day or only between 9 PM & midnight, Should I even bother going to NASBA or not?

regexamafteroneweek 16 years ago

I received my score form NH for FAR via e-mail

ndow 16 years ago

Audit should be release today (if you observe the pattern of the release of BEC, REG & FAR.) They all appear to be release every other day (excluding weekends). Go figure!

CK350Z 16 years ago

You get a bonus of $5K if you pass as well? Which Big 4 are you at?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Only 9pm EDT or later...

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

Congrats! I still waiting on my score for REG.( Looks like I'm in wave 2).

waitinginNY 16 years ago

I just spoke to NASBA and they told me my FAR score will be posted tonight at 8 oclock NY time. I took my exam 7/14/09. Hopeing for the best. GOOD LUCK

wickedwild 16 years ago


If the AICPA releases scores after 5pm today will NASBA post them by 9pm Saturday. Has NASBA ever posted scores over the weekend?

JimmN 16 years ago


JRD944 16 years ago

Question for the Group.
I am using Beckers to study for BEC (my last one hopefully). I have heard rumors of some topics on the exam that Beckers doesn't cover. Anyone have this problem?

AUD - Took 8/20
FAR - 92
REG - 95

Aaron 16 years ago

My job isn't giving me Sh$%. I'm looking for a new job next week. Damn salary freeze blah blah.

Aaron 16 years ago


cpa-ny 16 years ago

I received a 90 in BEC after about 2 weeks of studying with becker. My opinion is that everything is covered in Becker BEC that I encountered on the test. Now did I remember all of it, no, but I didn't see anything on the exam that wasn't at least familiar.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I studied using the Becker Materials only. I got a 91 on BEC. There is only a small portion of IT that Becker doesn't cover. A supplement to their materials can be found on their website. I didn't actually get any questions that Becker didn't cover. Best of luck!

FajitaPants 16 years ago

KPMG gets a 5k bonus if passed within a year of starting. KPMG also reimburses for one round of exams and for Becker.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I am in your exact same shoes. I am agonizing over my audit score while I should finish my studies for FAR, which I am also taking on Monday.

I despise governmental and not-for-profit acctng.

Best of luck!!!

Go 16 years ago

NH candidates are so lucky to get their score through email.

I wish NASBA realizes that we are now in 2009... we have computers... and we can even check email from the phone. There is no need to wait for USPS mail.

lolo3 16 years ago

Deloitte does the same. I think it is basically the same across the Big 4.

Name12345432 16 years ago

Correct, use the becker material, do the multichoice..... I actually found the Becker Multi Choice to be quite a bit more difficult than the actual questions on the real test. If you are doing well on the Becker questions you will do great on the real test.

J22 16 years ago

PwC has the same policy.

Name 16 years ago

they didnt have that bonus for my start class... if I had that kind of motivations, I wouldnt still be taking it as a senior!

Name 16 years ago

so the 24-48 hours thing was just all BS?

lolo3 16 years ago

I agree about the governmental and NFP. UGH. Good luck!!!

Name 16 years ago

NASBA web site is down maybe there updating the FAR scores now at least I hope so.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

I had an entire essay on one of my FAR sims that wasn't even mentioned in Becker...however I have heard other people say that they have info on one test that they think really belonged under another test... maybe that was the case with that sim...hard to say because FAR is the only one I've taken to date

jeff @ 16 years ago

hmmm...not sure about that one...I've never seen a Sat NASBA release, but there are some who claim that they have had one (prior to me tracking it..)

LP 16 years ago

So what is the final status for Audit score? Is AICPA releasing Audit today, any word Jeff?

CPA2009 16 years ago

TX - I called the board since I didn't receive my FAR score and they say that I could possibly get my score next week as they are expecting more scores to come in then. Has anyone experienced this are were they just telling me something to get me off the phone?

Name 16 years ago

so does EY

Go 16 years ago

It's friday afternoon... and we have been waiting for the score since last night instead of having fun somewhere else, thanks to NASBA.

givememycertificate 16 years ago


Can NASBA post the score tonight or we have to wait till Monday night for them to post. Although OK is not NASBA state but i have gotten my result the next day when NASBA release the score. If they do it tonight i might be able to see in tomorrow or best bet is Monday for sure unless in wave 2.

MN CPA 16 years ago

called 1-800-CPA-exam just now, they check my FARE info and said I am in wave 1 and should be receiving my score online later this evening or saturday morning...

jeff @ 16 years ago

no word....all is quiet

TheDave917 16 years ago

Auditing and more FAR scores were released to NASBA

jinmn 16 years ago

Audit's out!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

This is a joke??? If so, not funny. If not, YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

wickedanxious 16 years ago

what state?

TheDave917 16 years ago

So it takes NASBA 24/48hrs to post scores. Anyone know how long it takes for non-NASBA states to post scores, specifically CA?

smcpa2be 16 years ago

They're right. NASBA tweet

smcpa2be 16 years ago

7157 scores

Brett 16 years ago

Anyone know if NASBA posts on weekends? If AICPA released audit are we going to have to wait for monday/tuesday for scores?

Guero 16 years ago

CA could be as early as the next day, but think we will have to wait for Monday as the CBA is closed today

ralucapana 16 years ago

California Board of Accountancy is closed on Fridays....does that mean no chance of results for AUD in California until Monday?

ZS 16 years ago

Deloitte must have changed their policy b/c my offer letter stated "$5,000 bonus" and the bonus was to cover the costs of the exams and study materials. Anything left over was the bonus.

ZS 16 years ago

I studied for 2 days on BEC and passed with an 80 something. BEC doesn't take much but general business knowledge that should have been learned in business courses through college. Just concentrate on Chapters 3 and 5. Those are the most difficult.

Also, why do people care what they score on this thing? It doesn't matter unless you get in the top 10.

cocpa2b 16 years ago

Does this mean they are posted or that NASBA will be posting them tonight?

cpa-ny 16 years ago

581 FAR scores.... that doesn't sound too reassuring

ralucapana 16 years ago

I think I answered my own question...I looked back at my result for BEC, it came on Sat, Jun 13, after it had been released by AICPA on Friday afternoon.

lolo3 16 years ago

It always takes them at least 24 hrs I think. So maybe tomorrow night.

brandon 16 years ago

more scores always seem to trickle out for each section after the initial release. 9 more REG scores were released with the FAR group. don't know why but nothing terribly unusual about it.

lolo3 16 years ago

Those are in addition to the 7000+ that the AICPA released on Wed.

TheDave917 16 years ago

Good to know. This is actually the first time I'm keeping track of scores being released. I wish I could say it would be the last...

cpa-ny 16 years ago

That is more reassuring, thanks for the clarification

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

What state?

jdnyc 16 years ago

Why is IL the only state that has an acceptable reporting method by having their own site and it actually tells you that the score is pending as opposed to the NASBA method of just showing Error: Score not found?

ZS 16 years ago

How do you know how many scores/when they are relased?

Go 16 years ago

Good to hear news about score release. Hopefully, I will see one of mine tonight.

PA 16 years ago

I just called that number and a woman told me they have not received my score from the AICPA. If anyone else calls, please post their reply!

I am hoping she was just confused. She tried to give me my scores from May.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I'm pretty sure Oboma set that up

bsekula 16 years ago

Does anyone know if they have released the Texas FAR Exam scores yet? I took it on the seventh of August and I am praying I am in wave #1.

lolo3 16 years ago

Just called VA BoA and they have not received any AUD scores yet. They also confirmed that if they did receive them later this evening, they would not post them until Monday. Looks like I will be calling them again bright and early Monday.

Name 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten their FAR score in NY yet?

jdnyc 16 years ago

But we should be 1 nation, not 1 state

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

Thanks for posting this lolo3; I was just getting ready to call them so now I don't have to. Yeah, I think it will Monday a.m., too.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I just got off the phone with the IL board and the message I received was that they would have our AUD scores posted tomorrow morning. Nothing was confirmed, its just what I took away from the call. So IL AUD people...let the wait until tomorrow morning begin!!!

Fissel 16 years ago

Called 1800cpaexam and they said ohio scores for FAR have not been received yet. I'm so confused.

Sana 16 years ago


MG 16 years ago

Has anyone heard anything on Florida audit scores. I took it on July 1st.

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

I just got off the phone with IL (didn't see this post) and their response was "It's possible"

cab 16 years ago

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? stupid ohio... i can't wait any longer!

eunigirl 16 years ago

I want to know too!! can I expect to see my AUD score tomorrow morning on the CA site?? =0
plz don't make me wait until monday....

Erin Shepet 16 years ago

I just called up NASBA and they told me my score for FAR..... Minnesota

PASSED! :-) And I thought i FOR SURE failed

po mo 16 years ago

NASBA dont give any scores over the phone not even if pass or fail

IL AUD 16 years ago

thanks for letting us know!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Congrats Erin!

ralucapana 16 years ago

CA ...sorry

cpaseekerfromla 16 years ago

Jeff, when FAR is released by NASBA tonight, will you send us a tweet?

jeff @ 16 years ago

They actually do in some cases...85% of the time, they wouldn't play ball,
but I got my pass or fail from them on more than one occasion over the
phone. The key is to tell them a sad, sad story.

cpaseekerfromla 16 years ago

Jeff, when NASBA releases FAR scores tonight, will you send a tweet? Thanks!

Name 16 years ago

There was a comment earlier this morning that someone received there FAR score in TX. I haven't received mines yet; I'm hoping I'm not in Wave 2 because this is my last time. I took my exam on July 11th. Has anyone else received there score in TX for FAR?

Erin Shepet 16 years ago

Well they just did! I was just calling to see if I was even in Wave 1 cause I thought I had a new simulation and the lady just told me my score.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Sure - I can do that...

A 16 years ago

can we expect scores for AUD to be released tonite in NY???

Marisa 16 years ago

Has anyone received the FAR score from Michigan yet?? I have been waiting since July 10th!!!!

A 16 years ago

hi jeff can we expect AUD scores to be posted tonite in NY?

Sonu 16 years ago

When would NASBA state like CO show their result online?? Any possibility of getting result on Saturday?

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

uh people in NASBA release states are picking up their phones.

Matt 16 years ago

are we sure its going to be tonight?

Num83rs 16 years ago

Did you call a specific nasba number or what?

jkps 16 years ago

I called this morning (for Ohio also) and they pretty much told me that they don't know anything, they don't get that information and I should wait until the end of the month. It's ridiculous how we pay all those exam fees and can't even get decent customer support...

po mo 16 years ago

I called twice but no luck

Fissel 16 years ago

Just called nasba again, talked to a different person and they said in general that Ohio FAR scores have not been released yet (they acted like they haven't received them from the AICPA yet). I'm not going to hold my breath on getting them anytime soon.

jkps 16 years ago

Thanks for the info, they seem to be clueless when you call them. I can't sleep, work or study, please nasba post those scores already...

Sonu 16 years ago

When can we see our scores online? Audit - CO state. I know NASBA states need to post it. Dont want to wait till Monday.

Num83rs 16 years ago

I thought the One wanted one world...?

Erin Shepet 16 years ago

nope just 1800cpaexam. she just asked for my SS# and what section, then told me my score. took 30 seconds

Num83rs 16 years ago

Are you calling 800-cpa-exam?

Num83rs 16 years ago

NASBA office is closed now..can't get through

jeff @ 16 years ago

no...***maybe*** Saturday night, but Monday night is a safer bet.

jeff @ 16 years ago

not sure....haven't heard a thing today about their apparent computer issue last night

jeff @ 16 years ago

That's the standard worries

Fissel 16 years ago

Now that you say that it sounded like he was emphasizing to check online periodically. With my luck i'll probably be in wave 2 anyway.

Name 16 years ago

hey jeff... new to the website. love it though. when or if FAR is released tonight. is there a time to shoot for? I've heard 8pm EST?

Guest 16 years ago

Has anyone received an Oklahoma BEC grade yet?

CK350Z 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

Hey - thanks for reading!

If scores come out, it will be around 9pm Eastern.


Go 16 years ago

Good stuff.

TracyNY 16 years ago

I can't wait! I took audit and reg in this window and thought for sure I failed them both. I got an 83 in reg, I'm hoping the same holds true for audit. I'm taking bec in thurs. If anyone used becker for bec, did you feel their materials were adequate? Thanks, good luck to those testing and congrats to those who passed. :)

"Name" again. haha 16 years ago

Do we know why it takes NASBA 24-48 hours to update? Is it a lag in the system? An approximation so people like us dont jump through the computer at them for it not being up immediately after release? Or do they just want to torture us? And why do they release on a Friday afternoon? Thats the worst thing I've ever heard.

mendycpa 16 years ago

I just did it about an hour ago. I told the rep that FAR was my last section and I really really really had to know whether my score is in wave 1 or not. The rep asked me for my state and SS# and told me that my score was posted. Then I asked if she can give me some indication about what I should expect. She giggled saying "You will have good news".
That's it, I'm done. Thank you Jeff for this great website. I was following your website since Sep '08. Your story of passing the CPA is really inspiring. I told all my friends about this awesome website and I keep on telling them not to give up, using your story of success as a living example.

FARTN 16 years ago

Hopefully we all hear something tonight. 9/8c

cpaseekerfromla 16 years ago


mendycpa 16 years ago

BTW I took FAR in NY

buckeyeauditor 16 years ago

I just spoke with Ohio NASBA about my FAR and to see if I was in wave 1. They said they couldn't see my score but that it would be released tonight between 8 and 9PM.

Ray 16 years ago

What about Audit Scores in CA??? Tomorrow Morning or Monday?????

smeal2009 16 years ago

I took BEC at the beginning of July and passed with the Becker materials. They covered the majority of information, but I would be sure to read the additional information that they provide online.

jeff @ 16 years ago

boom! I've had that "You have good news" line from NASBA's

Congrats to you mendy!

jeff @ 16 years ago

CA could be out tonight or tomorrow...probably tomorrow...

Fissel 16 years ago

Cool, i guess it all depends on who you talk to.

Rebekah 16 years ago

What about audit scores for Florida? Tomorrow or Monday?

Name 16 years ago

I stumbled upon your blog this week actually! I wish I had found it sooner. I'm waiting on AUD in Louisiana. What are the chances of LA getting the scores up tonight?

Ray 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff....You the Man.....I'll let the crowd know if I see any results

Toni Jones 16 years ago

Do anyone know if the FAR scores have been released for TX? I'm trying to see if I'm in Wave 2. I took my exam on July 11th.

Ren 16 years ago

Any news on NJ?

waitinginKS 16 years ago

...and KS Audit scores? Sorry for the redundant question, I am new to the details of the scoring process...

TNFAR 16 years ago

Jeff- I used the name "Go" to post messages on here. My messages wouldn't get posted anymore. I don't know why??

I am trying a new name.

Name 16 years ago

Does anyone know if the FAR scores have been released for TX?

Probably in wave 2 anyway... 16 years ago

Anyone know what effect the fact that the CA BOA offices are closed today will have on how quickly scores come out? From their website:

"Pursuant to the Governor's Executive Order S-13-09, beginning in August 2009, the California Board of Accountancy office will be closed the first, second, and third Friday of each month until July 1, 2010."

lacpawannabe 16 years ago

Wouldn't it depend on when the scores were uploaded? For example, someone might have received their score on a Saturday morning because it was uploaded Friday night which would lead them to believe they released scores on a weekend. I'm just taking a shot in the dark here because I'm sick of BEC!

Aaron 16 years ago

So AUDIT NASBA tomorrow or Monday Jeff?

Name 16 years ago

Has anyone received there FAR score in TX?

mastelroy 16 years ago

Any1 hear anything about NY FAR scores and when they will be posted????

DBlock 16 years ago


Why could AUD scores be posted in CA tonite and NY def not tonite. Is there any reason?

Guero 16 years ago

Good luck everyone, I'll be back on Monday, sweatin it out like most everyone else

Name 16 years ago

Has anyone received there FAR score in TX?

hopefulcpa 16 years ago

Hey all - I haven't seen anything on here about TN scores. I'm waiting for FAR...anyone know if NASBA has released FAR scores in TN yet?? I called but the message said the office was closed. I'm really really hoping I'm in wave 1...

hopefulcpa 16 years ago

Hey all - anyone here waiting on TN scores? I'm waiting on FAR, and didn't know if NASBA has posted them yet. I was confused reading the feed on here - it looks like they haven't posted scores for any states yet due to computer issues??

Name 16 years ago

i wish.

Pat 16 years ago

Still waiting for FAR and AUD in Missouri; any updates on when those will be released?

khumbu 16 years ago

Another hour and a half ....FAR.......mmmm sacred,it was a monters and a half.

TNFAR 16 years ago

I am waiting for FAR/TN. I took it on 07/24 and am hoping to be in the 1st wave too.
When did you take it? So far nobody from NASBA states receives their FAR score, except for NH that they are getting it through email.

I am hoping I am seeing it at 9pm. Last friday, I got my BEC at 9pm sharp.

Good luck!

IL AUD 16 years ago

Has anyone received AUD scores in IL? They posted a note on their website saying they have posted scores for all four sections. I hope I am not Wave 2!!

Name 16 years ago

I'm waiting in NY too. Hopefully around 9. I hope I can keep my mind busy that long. I want to work for NASBA someday. Can you imagine what it must be like to have all that power? To know that you control when someone receives their score. Must be amazing!

Name 16 years ago

Its because CA does not use NASBA, NY does use NASBA.

CA is always faster than NASBA

IL AUD 16 years ago

Has anyone received an IL AUDIT score? I just noted a new comment on the IL BOE website that they have posted all scores received. I hope I am not in wave 2!!

hopefulcpa 16 years ago

I typed two comments cause it looked like it didn't post the first one - OOPS! haha...I'm so nervous I'm kinda scatter brained. I took it July 6th, so I feel like I've been waiting forever!! I am just hoping and praying that I'm in wave 1. I've got REG left after this (hoping I passed FAR), so it would be nice to know one way or another now.

Thanks so much!! Good luck to you too!

IL AUD 16 years ago

Has anyone received an Audit score in IL? They just posted a note on the IL BOE website saying scores from all four exams have been posted. I hope I am not in Wave 2!!

Aaron 16 years ago

I'm gonna be checking or AUD on NASBA tonight just in case :(

gotrice979 16 years ago

yeah - i got it this morning at 3:15am. i think that means you're in the 2nd wave buddy. sorry bro.

Name 16 years ago

I haven't gotten mine either. This is only the 2nd person I've seen who's gotten their score in TX...based on some of the other posts I'm hoping it may be possible that we could see some other scores released next week...any ideas on this?

topher 16 years ago

FAR posted for MI on NASBA!

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

Any chance AUD is out tonight for SC? Tomorrow morning?

cpa-ny 16 years ago

NY Far scores are up, good luck

cpa-ny 16 years ago

Not sure if posting is working but FAR NASBA scores are up for NY

bige 16 years ago

Just got FAR score for PA

cpa-ny 16 years ago

Comments haven't been working but NASBA NY FAR scores are up

bige 16 years ago

FAR Is up for PA

Lonely 16 years ago

Where is everybody? NASBA has posted FAR for NJ. This silence is lame...

Name 16 years ago

FAR score posted for IN...pass!

njmeadowlanders 16 years ago

I'm in NJ and got an 82 on FARE...woot!

(I also got an 82 on BEC and i keep changing the # from my NTS and loading it separatly and am paranoid that it's just an error and not a coincidence? I am smiling though...)

bsweeney 16 years ago

FAR for MA is up

brandon 16 years ago

Hell yeah! FAR in Florida is up...83 babayyyyy!

jinmn 16 years ago

Yahoo! 95 in MN! Two down, two to go.

tomZ 16 years ago

84 in NY Happy!!!

NolaBadger 16 years ago

FAR out LA....94...gonna have a cocktail and then back to Reg book

sad in nj 16 years ago

i guess i'm wave 2 for nj.

Passed Far 16 years ago

I just got my CT Far score 95!

FARinlimbo 16 years ago

See you guys for FAR wave 2 in a month as well as audit.

seanb2009 16 years ago

Congrats to everyone who passed FAR !!

I'm waiting on my score in MI. Didn't feel so hot leaving

JPH 16 years ago

FAR out in OH, 82!!!

rayraycpa 16 years ago

so if someone from your own state got their score and you didn't, that means you're in wave 2?

brandon 16 years ago

i didn't feel all that hot either after that monster but just got my passing score...think positive!

rayraycpa 16 years ago

anyone else in Massachusetts waiting for their score? i think this means I'm in wave 2 (took it july 6th)

PhillyAngie 16 years ago

I keep doing the same thing! Got an 83 for FAR in Pa. Great feeling! Congrats :)

Fissel 16 years ago

anybody in OHIO get their FAR score yet?

Ryan 16 years ago

Anyone in FL get a score yet?

taylor 16 years ago

check ur score im from MI and just got mine along with some ppl I know from MI

Ryan 16 years ago

Still waiting on FL as of 8:53

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's Friday be expected...congrats to all of the FAR passers!

megan 16 years ago

ohmahgawwwwwd I passed FAR!! 86 and smiling (and crying!) in Florida!!

I didn't finish either sim, so it IS possible-- just study your little butts off!

csegars 16 years ago

Still waiting on GA FAR as of 8:55. Anyone else in GA checked lately?

Name 16 years ago

heyyyy did anyone else get there scores for MA yet, haven't got mines yet...hoping im in wave 1... took the test end of july

oh11 16 years ago

Still waiting in OHIO

jkps 16 years ago

Just got my score in Ohio. I passed FAR with 83. My first exam - yay!!!

HarryEY 16 years ago

Still nothing in CO. Anyone got their score in CO ?

csegars 16 years ago

Anyone else seeing commengs disappear off the wall?

NY 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff for everything!

Lilysmommy 16 years ago

87 in MI. I can't believe I passed! My celebration won't last long cuz I have to get ready for Auditing in one week.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Just got FAR score in IN, Passed with an 80. First one. Feels very good. Congratulations to everyone who passed. Those who haven't (Failed AUD last window) do not give up.Those who are waiting. I feel your pain on waiting. Took 73 days to get AUD score last window and then failed.

Back to studying for retaking AUD on 8/26. Passing FAR will definitely give me a boost.

rayraycpa 16 years ago

took mine july 6 in MA, didn't get mine yet - although someone below said they got theirs from MA

good luck

ZS 16 years ago

ANyone from Michigan get their's yet?

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

I'm in LA and still no FAR score :(

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

Sat for FAR on 7/1/09

csegars 16 years ago

Any results for FAR in GA yet?

hopefulcpa 16 years ago

I PASSED!!! doesn't feel real. Congrats to all the fellow FAR passers. Three down, one to go...

jkps 16 years ago

Just got my score in Ohio. I passed FAR with 83. My first exam - yay!!!

ohiocpa 16 years ago

Ohio is up! I passed!

jkps 16 years ago

Just got my score in Ohio. I passed FAR with 83. My first exam - yay!!!

FLgirl 16 years ago

Anybody got a score from FL yet?

ant209 16 years ago

Should i have already received my score if i took it in NY?! and took it july 31st???

jkp 16 years ago

Just got my score in Ohio. I passed FAR with 83. My first exam - yay!!!

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I just got my FAR score in OH!!! I passed with an 80!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even know how it's possible!! I am so freaking excited, I can't even tell you!! 3 for 3. I take my last part tomorrow- BEC. Say a prayer for me to pass!! I can't wait to be done!!!

FARinlimbo 16 years ago

Welcome to wave 2 my friend, by the way congrats to all who passed.

hollaback09 16 years ago

1st section I've taken....96 in LA!!!

Fissel 16 years ago

I haven't got mine yet in Ohio, must be in the 2nd wave. That stinks.

LoriJo33 16 years ago

81 for FAR in Ohio! I'm done after nine months - what an incredible journey!

cpaobsessed 16 years ago

So, am I to assume that if I'm in NY and my score hasn't showed up that I'm in wave 2? This is agony...

aamplusn 16 years ago

Did AUD scores come out in OH yet?

FLgirl13 16 years ago

Anyone got a score in FL?

oh11 16 years ago

I haven't got mine in ohio either. I took it on July 20. I thought for sure I would be in this wave.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I used Becker and passed with an 86. I don't remember anything on the exam that wasn't covered at some point in the study material. Good luck!

m 16 years ago

passed FAR in IN, 93!!!, I felt terrible coming out of the exam, unbelievable. Good luck to everyone else!

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I passed FAR in OH!!! I got an 80!!!

I have no idea how it's humanly possible. I am so freaking excited!!! I take my last part tomorrow- BEC!! Wish me luck!!

Good luck to everyone out there!!

Num83rs 16 years ago

I think I'll have a few cocktails and check for audit tomorrow...

cpaobsessed 16 years ago

I'm in the same boat with you! I posted above, I didn't see your comment. With my other 2 parts, I never checked right at 9. Maybe they most them in waves within the wave? IDK, I'm grasping at straws...I sat for the exam on 7/13, by the way

boowave2 16 years ago

Lee - Amy from work here. Apparently I'm in 2 this time. This is the worst.

DBlock 16 years ago

lol, u got a 94 on FAR, and now your gonna study? go out and party!

kinenbi 16 years ago

Will Illinois release AUD tomorrow morning???


cpamom2009 16 years ago

Has anyonr received there FAR score in TX?

Ohioz 16 years ago

I didn't get mine either :(. Took it middle of July.

jamiero 16 years ago

If my score isn't up for FAR in CT, does that mean I'm in the 2nd wave? Noo!!

exit322 16 years ago

The AICPA just released them today. If I'm correct, the earliest NASBA would then release is Monday night at 9 PM.

iwanttopass 16 years ago

FAR for PA is on NASBA's website! Got a 90!! Passed Reg (88). Need Audit score (but just took it on Wed) and take/score for BEC. Let's get it done!

boowave2 16 years ago

Also - congratulations :)

Modest 16 years ago

Just give it a little more time. It could be released between now and midnight if you are a NASBA state.

Name 16 years ago

75 in NY! I'm done!!!!!

patientlywaitinginMN 16 years ago

Even though others in your state have already received scores?

RLFL 16 years ago

Has anyone received there FL FAR score tonight?

flgirl13 16 years ago

I'm waiting in FL and haven't seen my score either

LEE_IN 16 years ago


Do not give up just yet. AICPA released an additional 500+ FAR scores today with the AUD release. Not sure whether they would update tonight or would update Monday or Tuesday night. If I had to guess, I would say they would update next week. And just because you might be in wave 2 does not mean you failed.

Keep the faith until you really know.

Thanks, we are here to support each other in good times and bad.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

No score yet for FAR in NJ... does anyone else have theirs?

jeff17 16 years ago

has anyone gotten a non passing score yet?

Fissel 16 years ago

Do they post all of the scores for one state at a time? Since other people from Ohio have their scores and I don't does that mean that i'm in the 2nd wave or do they post scores throughout the night for one state? Anybody know this?

i wish waiting didn't exist 16 years ago

some people said they got their score in NJ. I am just not one of them

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

hahaha... I know... I feel like when I get my score, If I bombed it, I'll feel like a reject posting that I failed because it seems like noone fails on here....

J22 16 years ago

According to CPA Net, not all of the states have received scores yet:

Mark 16 years ago

I have the same question. In Indiana, but my score has not posted while others have.

jrk4 16 years ago

Just got my FAR score (NJ jurisdiction - exam date 1st July 2009) - passed with an 85. PHEW!

Good luck all

Erin Shepet 16 years ago

FAR MN is up

taylotl23 16 years ago

When was your score for LA posted? I am still waiting on mine.

psychogenesis 16 years ago

So if I have not received my score in DE, I should assume I am in the second wave, right?? I took it on August has been a very tense day to say the least!!

name1123 16 years ago

CT FAR is out. I passed, can't believe it. FAR is a real beast, I was afraid I would fail it again.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Yeah, I took mine on the 7th too.... still waiting (NJ)... I feel like I might be in the 2nd wave

jeff17 16 years ago

no doubt, are those who didnt pass just not posting, or did NASBA only release the passing scores

mew 16 years ago

Anyone from NE received their score yet?

DBlock 16 years ago

When is AUD cuming out?

Cat 16 years ago

I got FAR score from NY. I can't believe I just passed my last one!!!!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

For those of you who have been waiting for your scores only to be let down by a failing grade:

I am still waiting on AUD, but when I failed REG a few months ago, It seemed like everyone was passing. People are more likely to post passing grades on this site than when they fail. However, statistically about half of us are going to fail. Don't get discouraged. If it were easy, we wouldn't get paid as much.

MN CPA 16 years ago

Thank god!!!! PASSED FARE......

flgirl13 16 years ago

Anyone got a score in FL?

cpahopeful 16 years ago

like certifiedpissedoffaccountant said above, people are more likely to post a passing grade on here. You are not alone so don't get discouraged! a lot of people posting a passing score now might also have failed a couple parts before

IL AUD 16 years ago

Has anyone received an AUDIT score in IL? The BOE posted a note saying all scores had been posted. I hope I'm not in Wave 2!

GA 16 years ago

FAR is out in GA. I passed.... AM DONE FOREVER!!!!! :) :)
Good luck to everyone that is still waiting!

Eddie 16 years ago

83 FAR NJ im DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Good luck to everyone else out there!

RLFL 16 years ago

I just checked again. Still nothing....

Name 16 years ago

NY FAR Passed 81- Its my last one!!! Good Luck to everyone still taking exams, you can do it. Don't give up!! Thanks Jeff for having this site!

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

No worries, all... I'll let you know if I fail..... maybe it will make others feel better....

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

If our score isnt post by tomorrow morning we should assume we are in wave 2?

FutureCPAHopeful 16 years ago

93 FAR in IN! Wow I thought the exam was terrible. I studied with Becker 20 days straight, 6-8hours a day (was not working at the time).

How I did it: I took Becker Fast Pass, but missed the first 5 lectures (due to becoming a new father), so I ended up jumping in on Lectures 6-9 and then went and self studied lectures 1-5. I went through all the MC and Supplemental Q's 3 times (all 1359 Q's, yes that's over 4,000 Q's in total) I kept a spreadsheet of my results on each lecture and focused in on those parts that I scored lower than 75% on. I took the 2 practice exams and got an 80 on the MC on the first one, then the day before the exam, I took the 2nd practice exam and got a 64 on the MC, so I was freaking out, but yeah Becker is obviously amazing. Highly recommend it. Good luck to everyone!

J22 16 years ago

According to CPA Net not all the states have received scores:

AspiringCPAinNY 16 years ago

I have my NY FAR score...I'VE PASSED ALL OF THEM!!! YAY!

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Yep looks like it...any idea what the new sim is that everyone is talking about?

Name 16 years ago

NY FAR - 81!!!! Good Luck to all those still completing exams. Thanks Jeff for having this site. To all of those who have failed, don't give up. You can do it!!!

Wally 16 years ago

FAR is out in FL

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Ughhh.. I had a RIDICULOUS sim... but it was so bad, I thought it would be something they'd throw out... I can't say what it was on.... but it was an off-the-wall topic (none of the typical FAR issues) and it had a bunch of J/Es. It was brutal. I just lciked options because I had NO CLUE what any of it was.

psychogenesis 16 years ago

If you are a NASBA State, I would give up hope already if everyone else has gotten their least I have...people in DE have got their scores and I am tired of refreshing my screen...oh well...another month's wait!!

LP 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,
So Audit has been released by AIPCA. When can I expect scores is Maryland. Do you know if MD releases score on a Saturday?

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Everyone that is still waiting. Not sure who can answer this question, but there were 500+ FAR scores released today along with the AUD release. Not sure if those scores would be posted tonight or next week. Does anyone know? If I had to guess, I would bet on next week. So maybe there is still hope that you might get your score. I know how you are feeling, it took me 70+ days of waiting to get my AUD score last window and what made it worse is I failed with a 73.

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Ok...we had similar sims!! Maybe thats the new one then!! J/Es suck!! Oh well...what another month's wait, right?? ;-) I couldnt even digest my food let alone be social at work today cause of all the tension around the results....we can only pray for the best,....this is my last one and I hope I pass else I lose BEC and I think I might just give up on the exam as well...

Leo85 16 years ago

Same here I just checked FAR and still nothing.....

jeff @ 16 years ago

if you're a NASBA state, yes

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

On NASBA twitter, it says that CPAES post the scores.... are these people who post scores?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

so auditing scores are coming out currently?

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, any idea if the new 581 FAR scores might have been included in the release tonight? Thank you for all your help here....all of us owe a lot to you and your site for all the motivation, information and guidance!!

Fissel 16 years ago

Do they post all of the scores for one state at a time? Since other people from Ohio have their scores and I don't does that mean that i'm in the 2nd wave or do they post scores throughout the night for one state? Anybody know this?

boowave2 16 years ago

Thanks for that info, Lee - I didn't know about the additional 500 FAR scores. See you Tuesday :)

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

When I applied to take the exam I was finishing up my last course for my BA. Was I suppose to send them proof I finshed in order to get my scores released? I am freaking out a little thinking that I might have my score voided because I didn't send them my transcripts again.

ellie 16 years ago

I got my score for FAR--CO--took it 7/15. Unfortunately, I didn't pass. Hope those of you waiting did.

topher 16 years ago

I applied before I was finished, and I had 30 days after taking my exam to submit proof that I completed my requirements. I do not know if that is different for different states, though. You should definitely figure that out, because you will likely need to submit final transcripts still.

hopingfora75 16 years ago

what does being in a NASBA state mean?

olinto2020 16 years ago

FL FAR is out.

J22 16 years ago

How were you given permission to sit for the exam if you never sent proof you finished your last course?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

what does being in a NASBA state mean? and what does it mean if we are in wave 2?

sorry i'm new to all of this.

AMay127 16 years ago

Massachusetts FAR scored just posted!! Tested on July 1st.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

The states sets there own requirements to take the exam. I have read some states will allow you to sit for the exam but will not release scores until you provide proof of meeting their eligibility requirements. Just depends on the state requirements.

TheDave917 16 years ago

Yeah, if they allowed you to take the exam, you must have turned in your transcript already.

rayraycpa 16 years ago

it JUST posted? were you checking before? i took mine on july 6th, and i've been refreshing all night.

AMay127 16 years ago

Has anyone who tested in August for AUD received scores?? Has the august 7th cut-off shown to be accurate?

I'm curious because I tested for AUD on August 8th. Any ideas???

shan1123 16 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD scores??? I'm desperate!!!

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Ok, I am calling it a night and gonna watch Bill Maher....CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who passed...hope to come over to your side soon!! To those who failed...hang in there and keep going!!! It will all work out in the end!!!

J22 16 years ago

Has anyone from New Jersey received a FAR score?

psychogenesis 16 years ago

I took FAR on the 7th of August and have not received my result yet so Wave 2 it is....I would definitely think you are in Wave 2!!

Name 16 years ago

Failed FAR for the second time - last score 69, this score 74. The bad news - I have to retake this $%^&**& beast. Good news - Yeager boosted my score by 5 points...

As Cindy Simpson would say " I probably chose "A" one too many times.

anxiousinsc 16 years ago

Anybody from SC got a FAR score yet?

J22 16 years ago

According to NASBA just released NJ (and a bunch of other states) today. So 24-48 hours from today?

rayraycpa 16 years ago

AMay127 - did you JUST receive your score? were you checking all night too? I took mine on July 6 in MA and I've been checking all night - no score still

patientlywaiting 16 years ago

Anyone receive their FAR score from July (Massachusetts)?? I took it July 24th. I'm still waiting...trying to be patient but this false hope is pretty frustrating..

Name 16 years ago

Ok, I commented earlier but I can't find where it posted so I will ask again. Has anyone received a BEC score from Oklahoma? CPANET.COM says OK BEC scores are still outstanding whatever the crap that means.

Name 16 years ago

is anyone else having trouble posting a comment?

Fissel 16 years ago

Do they post all of the scores for one state at a time? Since other people from Ohio have their scores and I don't does that mean that i'm in the 2nd wave or do they post scores throughout the night for one state? Anybody know this?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

no i got nothing--i'm from PA, not sure in what order they release. I took mine JULY 2ND! grrr.

Name 16 years ago

Failed FAR with a 74. Who's with me? I know you're out there! Come on, we're the lucky ones. While so many who have passed have posted their scores, think of what they'll be missing come September and October. Pensions, bonds, 141R, leases. WHOOO HOOO.

(Puke - just the thought of going through that crap again makes me want to VOMIT)

rayraycpa 16 years ago

AMay127 - what time did you receive your score? were you checkign all night? I took FAR on 7/6 in MA and I've been checking all night - no score yet.

Why are my comments being deleted?

Name 16 years ago

Not only does the OAB hate me, but so does another71 because it isn't letting me post comments!!!

waitingonfarinma 16 years ago

MA FAR Out...86....wooohooo i got my score tonight.....i'm living it up....3 down 1 to go

Joe B 16 years ago

Just received my FAR score in NJ, tested Aug 7th, thought I completely bombed it, lucky to get a 50 and got an 84, I cannot be happier, 1 more to go!!!

patientlywaiting 16 years ago

congrats!! when did you take FAR? I took it july 24th in MA still waiting on my score..

TheDave917 16 years ago

Took AUD July 13 and still waiting for scores. AICPA just released scores today. Waiting for NASBA now...

bryan91901 16 years ago

I'm taking it that California residents won't here about AUD score today since the CA Board of Accountancy is now closed every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Friday of every month?

here2help 16 years ago

MASSACHUSETTS FAR PEOPLE - did you JUST receive your score now? were you checkign all night too, and it just popped up? i took mine on 7/6/09 and i've been checking all night - no score yet

AMay127 16 years ago

Congrats! I'm in the same boat in MA...3 down and waiting for AUD (tested Aug 8th). You?

Fissel 16 years ago

I give up. Others from Ohio have their FAR scores, not me. I guess i'll wait until mid-september.

Sonu 16 years ago

When are NASBA states posting results? Saturday or Monday? Somebody please tell me...

mohamed 16 years ago

Does, NASBA- California will release the AUD tomorrow or i have to wait until Monday?

onlyhalfwaygoodenough 16 years ago

i passed FAR! i can't believe it- i think i'm in shock. i've rechecked my score approximately 8 times to make sure it's real. 2 down, 2 to go.

luj333 16 years ago

wisconsin is like that... i got my NTS and scheduled while i was still in school. they won't release your score until your transcript is sent in though

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I remember reading on Twitter (either NASBA or AICPA) that the cutoff for FAR and REG that was released was 8/7/09, so that's probably the case for Audit :(

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's always the 7th of the second month...always...

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I read on Twitter (NASBA or AICPA) that the cutoff was 8/7 - for reg and far; audit probably the same.

Chandler 16 years ago

I ran into a similar situation. Georgia would not release my scores online while I finished up my undergrad. They did send my scores through snail mail. So I would guess you find out your scores a week after everyone else (that's how long it took for me).

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

oops, sorry 2x, sorry first one didn't show up initially.

TBone25 16 years ago

70 FAR ouch... next try october

3down 16 years ago

It means that your state uses NASBA to handle everything (sending out the notice to schedule, registering for the exam, posting scores). If you have never heard of NASBA or never had to go to to register for your exam and pay the exam fees there, then I'm guessing you are not in a NASBA state.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Awww man... I took FAR in NJ and no score yet. I guess I'm in Wave 2?

Joe B 16 years ago

I received my FAR at around 9PM, somehow I got an 84. 3 down, 1 to go!! Hope I pass Reg on Friday...

siblitz 16 years ago

What a relief? 91 on FAR...Done with two and BEC exam in a week. Congrats to everyone who passed!!!!

taylotl23 16 years ago

Me either. I took my test on July 11

halfwaycpa 16 years ago

i passed FAR! i think i'm in shock. i've checked my score about 8 times to make sure it's real. 2 down, 2 to go.

ydg555 16 years ago

Wow...I am so down right now, just got my FAR score and failed bad..I knew I had done bad in the sims but I felt really good on the MC...I have no idea how to improve my grade, I did study a lot and I am used Gleim.

FutureCPAHopeful 16 years ago

Passed FAR in IN, 93!! Definitely unexpected.

How I did it: (maybe you'll find it helpful, maybe not). I took the Becker Fast Pass Course. I missed the first week of classes (the first 5 lectures) due to the birth of my daughter. I then showed up to class the next week for lectures 6-9. I worked through all the HW Q's each day, but not the Supplemental Q's. I then made up lectures 1-5 including doing all the HW Q's using self study. I kept track of my scores for every lecture on each topic (in a spreadsheet, yeah I know a huge nerd) and then honed in on those topics I did less than 80% on. I then reviewed for the next 11 days 6-8 hours a day (I was not working at the time). I went over the MC at least 3 times and the Supplemental Q's a few times. I then took the final exams they have in the Becker software. I got an 80% on the MC on the first one and was feeling good. The day before i sat for the exam I took the second final exam and scored a 64% on the MC and was freaking out. Obviously, Becker tests you much harder than the actual exam. And apparently the actual CPA Exam score is on a huge curve, so I strongly recommend Becker! Good luck to everyone on these brutal exams!

NolaBadger 16 years ago

I saw mine around 7:50 cst in LA. I heard that they don't always go up at the same time and we both know things move pretty slow here in LA. I hope thats the case and your score comes tonight.

taylotl23 16 years ago

Congrats to you and thanks for the update. I took it on 07/11 so I hope I don't have to wait longer.

master58 16 years ago

58 on FAR - I'm not suprised. I hadn't gone into anything so unprepared since...well, never. Anyway, anyone heard of a lower score? Still waiting on AUD which I took July 3rd. I studied for AUD, so I'm at least hopeful. I took FAR August 6th, so it's a bit odd to get that score first. I suppose welcome to the odd world of The AICPA. Well done to those who passed!

WaitingForAUD 16 years ago

Has anyone seen NASBA release scores on a Saturday? As I don't want to be caught up between studying for FAR and refreshing NASBA page ;) .... if you know what I mean, " F5 " NASBA website to death.

Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS to everyone whole got their FAR scores and passed.

eunigirl 16 years ago

I took my AUD july 1... so i have waited longer than you!! haha

Jai 16 years ago

Has anyone seen NASBA release scores on a Saturday? As I don't want to be caught up between studying for FAR and refreshing NASBA page ;) .... if you know what I mean, " F5 " NASBA website to death.

waitingonfarinma 16 years ago

Thanks and congrats to you as well!!! Shocked i got my score...since I had a business combination question in one of my sims. I have REG on the 31st of August and this just gave me the motivation to cram hard for the next week. Good luck with bad it looks like you will have to wait until Sept for a score. This exam needs a reality check at all levels!!!

lmn1015 16 years ago

Anyone out there waiting for Colorado FAR score?

waitingforaudinma 16 years ago

Congratulations... I am sure that you feel like you are preparing for a marathon, right? # down ! to go... congratulations!!! Just imagine that you've been crowned the champion of the half marathon... now go get the big one! All the best!!!

A 16 years ago

i have the same question!!! does nasba release scores on a saturday??? cant wait more!!!

andrewgreiner 16 years ago

you're such a n00b

Jai 16 years ago

Has anyone seen NASBA release scores on a Saturday? As I don't want to be caught up between studying for FAR and refreshing NASBA page ;) .... if you know what I mean, " F5 " NASBA website to death.

waitingforaudinma 16 years ago

Congratulations... I am sure you feel like you are preparing for a marathon, right? 3 down 1 to go...?! congratulations!!! Just imagine that you've been crowned champion of a half marathon... now go get the big one! All the best with REG!!!

dr4 16 years ago

Anyone in Arizona waiting for audit?

BCool 16 years ago

Waiting somewhat impatiently for my Colorado AUD score - it's my last one...

Laura 16 years ago

I am. No email yet.

Waiting for FAR 16 years ago

Hi Jeff -
I took FAR in Michigan on July 23. 2 of my friends took it later than me and have their scores already. Mine still hasn't posted. Could I be one of these 500 or so that were released at the same time as AUD??? I'm going CRAZY!

Fissel 16 years ago

I'm taking BEC (for the 3rd time) on Monday. Does anyone suggest the audio version of the Yaeger Cram?

jamie 16 years ago

hope nasba releases those aud scores tonight, i cant imagine waiting till monday

Waiting for FAR 16 years ago

I'm STILL waiting for my FAR score in Michigan even though everyone else I know who took the test before or after me (July 23) got their scores last night. WHAT is going on? Could I be in the group of 500 or so FAR scores that got released with AUD? Or could I have one of the dreaded new simulations? If so, how long will that take? AAHHHHHH!

kdice 16 years ago

I am going to create I hate Financial

cantsleep 16 years ago

Has anyone received an AUD score from IL? According to the ILBOA, they should be posted.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

WHy isn't this letting me post??

jpsy422 16 years ago

I took my test on July 27, and the sims did not feel like new ones (though they were both about the exact same topic... which is kind of bullsh*t. I have not received my score yet

kinenbi 16 years ago

i haven't, i dont know whether they'll post on sat.

Kim in OH 16 years ago

Oh, of course it lets me post that!!

I found out last night that I passed FAR!!!! with an 80!! it truly is a miracle!

I am taking my final part today, BEC, in about 2 and a half hours. I sure hope i can wrap this thing up today!! Good luck to everyone!

finallypassed 16 years ago

Its been a long, hard year, but I am finally finished. Just got my FAR score and I am done-zo! On my way to a CPA! This has been a journey that has taught me a lot about myself, about my strengths, weaknesses, fears, and also taught me some great life lessons. It is such a relief once you find out you have passed all 4 sections.

Honestly, I could not have passed in my own strength. It is only through the grace and mercy of God, that I could get to this point. There is no way, in my human-ness, with my overall lack of desire to study, that I could find enough strength to hit the lectures, books, and flash cards on my own. It can only be through the devine grace from Jesus Christ and the loving support and prayers of my friends and family.

To those of you who have just started the journey, have experienced hardships along the way, or are waiting for the last score to come, please hang in there! Know that the reward in the end will be well worth the price of pain and suffering you may have or will experience to get there.

Good luck everyone!

kourtneesmom 16 years ago

Cheer up. I beat you. Try a 41 for FAR! You'll do better next time. I knew I wasn't prepared when I walk through the doors and obviously I'm not a good guesser either.

mtil 16 years ago

I'm waiting too. There are 3 other people in my office who took it in July and didn't get their scores yesterday. I have a feeling they updated the announcement before they posted grades. I have received a score on a Saturday before, so there is hope.

Audit IL 16 years ago

I didn't get mine either. I hope I am not in wave 2!

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

The memo link on the ILBOA home page says all 4 sections should be posted (memo dated yesterday). No score for me for audit. Guess I'm in the second wave unless they haven't really posted AUD

Almost_There 16 years ago

I think you will be able to see your Score tonight between 8 PM and Midnight.

FajitaPants 16 years ago

im still waiting too. there is no way we all had new sims

FajitaPants 16 years ago

i hope not. IL is non NASBA and has had a strong track record of posting grades around 8am the day after release

cantsleep 16 years ago

Thanks, I took my test on 7/9 and I thought it was possible that I had a new sim, but wasn't sure. Maybe the ILBOA will come through for us today.

What is up with AUD? 16 years ago

Could you please ask your friend for a little more grace and mercy and release these freaking AUD scores? Thanks.

Rebekah 16 years ago

for audit scores for Florida too?

AMay127 16 years ago

Anyone in MA still waiting for AUD??

jpsy422 16 years ago

Im at work right now, i just checked and saw "waiting for score" and just yelled out "ARRGGH!!! GIMMIE MY DAMN SCORE!"

needless to say, my co-workers now think im crazy.

needaudscore 16 years ago

Just wondering if there is anyone from MD who has received AUD score.
Sat on 7/13/09 and this is my last section.

MeganV 16 years ago

Ya, I am. Still haven't recieved my score from AUD and I'm from mass..........this is torture

calmnreserved 16 years ago

CA AUDIT is out!!!...Got an unexpected 87! 2 down.. 1/2 a CPA now haha!

jpsy422 16 years ago

Congrats! get those other 2 done so you can make the BIG bucks!

now would you kindly send your good juju my way.

Rebekah 16 years ago

Anyone hear anything about Florida AUD?

FutureCPAHopeful 16 years ago

Passed FAR in IN, 93!! completely unexpected.

None of my comments stay posted and I can't seem to unsubscribe to the e-mails, slightly annoying.

cbp2cpa 16 years ago

I guess we are waiting until Monday for Audit results. Good Luck Everybody.

IL Aud 16 years ago

From IL and no aud yet.

Lisa 16 years ago

Yep, CA AUD posted. 89. That'll do, AICPA. That'll do.

Almost_There 16 years ago

Anyone received their AUD scores in any other state?

3morepoints 16 years ago

Congrats to everyone that passed FAR. i wish i can say the same, 72. Any advice out there for restudying (how much more time, focus points), how soon to reschedule, anything at all. I really beat myself up over this one, part of my wishes I wasn't so close, but at least i know its possible. Thanks guys.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Great post! congrats!

Lisa 16 years ago

FYI: I took AUD in CA on August 7th, and my score was posted this morning. I think that is the cutoff for Wave 1.

jeff @ 16 years ago

congrats on FAR!

What do you mean your comments don't stay posted?? I'm not deleting

craig 16 years ago

Anyone had any luck yet with FAR scores in GA?

mastelroy 16 years ago

any1 in NY who took FAR August 1st or later receive their scores yet??

nervouswreck 16 years ago

In KY waiting for AUD, does anyone know if the KY state board posts on weekends?

goingcrazy 16 years ago

Anyone in GA receive FAR yet?

karencpa23 16 years ago

i just got my FAR score in CA. I passed.. 78

Guero 16 years ago

CA AUD scores are up on the website. Passed the last one! Good luck to everyone. Keep at it, if you hit a bump (I did), you will get there!

shan1123 16 years ago

I'm also in MA waiting for AUD.... this sucks.. I have a wedding tonight... I want to celebrate not sulk... fingers crossed!!!

rebekaha 16 years ago

Any word on Florida AUD scores??

shan1123 16 years ago

Jeff, do nasba states post on Saturdays??? If we are waiting for AUD is there a chance of tonight or should we just count on Monday

jaadi 16 years ago

3morepoints, i am sorry to know abt the scores. I can realise how painful it must be to come so close. Please do not lose heart or your courage. Now that you have had the experience of giving FAR and studying it, you dont need to start from the scratch but need to strengthen whatever you have read. Read the textbook again maybe 2/3 readings. Sometimes, you may feel bored and sleepy..but still its worth it. Do the MCQ's till the point where you dont get 90% and above. Thats the thumbrule. This should suffice.

Christina 16 years ago

So is the consensus that even though AICPA released scores last night, NASBA wont' release scores until Monday night?

Jai 16 years ago

I want to know the same as well... like should I even bother checking score tonight...:-S

karencpa23 16 years ago

hey jeff. CA just released my FAR score today. I thought i was pushed to wave 2. Anyways i passed.

jaadi 16 years ago

3morepoints, i am sorry to know abt the scores. I can realise how painful it must be to come so close. Please do not lose heart or your courage. Now that you have had the experience of giving FAR and studying it, you dont need to start from the scratch but need to strengthen whatever you have read. Read the textbook again maybe 2/3 readings. Sometimes, you may feel bored and sleepy..but still its worth it. Do the MCQ's till the point where you dont get 90% and above. Thats the thumbrule. This should suffice.

ralucapana 16 years ago

AUD is out in CA. I got an 88!! I am done! OMG! 4 for 4!
Good luck to everyone!

meghhhhan 16 years ago

anyone in MN waiting for FAR?... do they release scores on weekends at all?

eunigirl 16 years ago

yay CA's AUD scores are out!!!!!!!!!!! I passedddddddddd 79! Can't believe my awesome luck. just passed reg with 78 earlier this week!! =D All first try!!
BEC- 81
AUD- 79
REG 78

now i just need a 80 for FAR to complete my chain of numbers heehee!! FAR on aug 31.. hopefully this cpa nightmare will end in a week for me!! good luck everyone!!

Name 16 years ago

I had the same problem last night.

Name 16 years ago

We have the same sequence of grades; interesting. I took FAR on July 11th and I'm still waiting on my score. I'm hoping that it might come in next week with those extra scores that were released with audit. Otherwise we will receive our scores at the same time in Aug. Good luck wih your last exam!!!

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

What's going on here? NASBA has previously released BEC scores for me in SC on a Saturday, but I think it was first thing in the morning. Is there a chance AUD posts before Monday? Has anyone besides CA seen AUD scores? This guessing game is absurd. Why can?t they set a release date for all sections and stick to it? I would gladly concede a few days if I knew a concrete release date.

IL Aud 16 years ago

Did anyone from IL receivetheir audit score?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Good question...tonight would be a great opportunity for it to happen...

rebekaha 16 years ago

Do non-NASBA states usually release before NASBA states?

Ray 16 years ago

Jeff no Audit score for me yet in CA. I took the test July 1st and didn't think I had new they post scores in a certain order or would all scores be posted for CA and thus I am in Wave 2.....

IL Aud 16 years ago

Did anyone in IL receive their audit score yet?

treya 16 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in VA.. while reviewing for Reg for a Wed. test. Here hoping taking notes on each MC I don't know will prove the 3rd times a charm

Brian_in_CA 16 years ago

Hi Eunigirl, Congrats on passing AUD. i am taking AUD on Aug. 31. How much time did you spend preparing for AUD?

brandon 16 years ago

I twittered NASBA and they replied back 24-48 business hours, but that could just be the company line.

dr4 16 years ago

I'm still waiting in AZ.

Ray 16 years ago


I just check my audit score in CA and it's not posted yet. I took the test July 1...and was pretty sure I did not have a new sim. It seems like quite a few people in CA received their audit scores..Are scores released to everyone all at once or in bunches? Or do I have to face the fact that I could be in Wave 2......

Adam 16 years ago

I got my FAR score online last night (MN). I'm not sure if they release scores on the weekend... You might be in the 2nd wave, but I'd check again Monday.

exit322 16 years ago

Some do, some don't. NASBA is simply a central organization that works with a lot of the states (as an analogy in Ohio, it's kinda like CCA or RITA with city returns). The other states beat to their own drummer.

Has NASBA ever before posted on a weekend. I was under the impression last window that they do not.

Name 16 years ago

took the FAR test on July 27th....didnt think I had a new sim but i might have as my scores havent come yet =((( anyone else in MA get their scores that took FAR around my date??

LP 16 years ago

Anybody for MD got their score yet? Does MD post score on Saturdays? I feel like we might get our scores early morning Monday.

newcacpa 16 years ago

AUD out in CA finally; the wait is over. 4 for 4 and now am done.

Thanks to Jeff for running this great site; I have logged on everyday for the past 10 months and have found it to be a great resource for not only information but to also network with people who are also in the same boat I was.

Good luck to everybody who is still testing; do not give up and you will succeed!!.

patientlywaitinginMN 16 years ago

I am :( I know several MN people who received their scores last night, so I'm finally admitting that I'm in wave 2...

aamplusn 16 years ago

Any word on AUD OH scores coming out anytime today?

FutureCPAHopeful 16 years ago

well of course that one posts, the 2 I posted yesterday I can't find. O-well, not a big deal.

Illiniguy 16 years ago

Didn't someone say IL scores were supposed to come out early this morning? I really hope I'm not in Wave 2. That would mean finding out FAR, AUD, and BEC all one week before my NTS expires.

chadcpa 16 years ago

i received mine last night so i am guessing you are in wave 2

PA_FAR 16 years ago

Anyone know if PA has posted FAR? There was 1 person on CPANET that says they got it but I would of thought more chatter if PA actually posted. I took FAR July 27th for the second time and needless to say after many, many years of foolish attempts at studying I finally have 3 down and just waiting on this grade to move on with life. Very, very, very frustrating NASBA/AICPA!!!

Does anyone know the total number of FAR grades posted, is the additional 500 new or is that the total and everyone is being defaulted to September due to new Simulations?

If anyone know's if PA is up, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it so I can stop this anxiety and move on to waiting until September.

Thanks to Jeff and all for the good info over the last year, keeps my hope alive!

TheDave917 16 years ago

I just barely passed auditing. Advisory scores don't change, right?

Fissel 16 years ago

Since there were two releases from the AICPA on FAR scores, does that mean that the previous released scores are from the first release and that we should expect the additional 500 to be released tonight/monday? or did they release them all on the same night? Anyone know?

AO 16 years ago


certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Still waiting in Missouri

A 16 years ago

any news if AUD will be releasedtonite in NY?

jpsy422 16 years ago

I think the answer to everyone's questions is:
"We have no idea"

horzenj 16 years ago

hmm i took AUD July 24 in CA and I my score isn't posted yet :(

any idea why?

jpsy422 16 years ago


Passed with an 84!!! YES!

Ray 16 years ago

I took Audit on July 1 in CA and my score is not up eithier???????

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

Which part?

Mary 16 years ago

Yes, which part? AUD? Mine still says "waiting for score"...I will go nuts if I have to wait until Sept!!

jpsy422 16 years ago

Sorry, AUD.

in my excitement, i got carried away.

Num83rs 16 years ago

IL is not a NASBA state...don't get your hopes up. To see if your state is a NASBA state go to: PAGE 7 ( I think)

jeff @ 16 years ago

It depends...CA/IL/VA/NH release before NASBA...the others are usually after

jeff @ 16 years ago

They release them all at once, although there's sometimes a small % of
stragglers that get released with other sections (more FAR got released with
AUD)...but I think Wave 1 is done...

jeff @ 16 years ago

That's accurate assuming they don't have computer issues...NASBA has been
doing a good job the past 2 windows of getting scores out fast....

(of course, you know who you can thank for the evening release vs early the
next morning, right?...ME) :)

omancpa 16 years ago

IL AUD is up. 95!

B - 87
A - 95
R - 93
F - 8/31

jeff @ 16 years ago

well done...CONGRATS!

dabigkez 16 years ago

is IL a NASBA or AICPA state?

Name 16 years ago

Has anyone in Oklahoma received a BEC score yet? I still haven't and I should have been in the first wave. And Jeff, my comments are not staying posted either!!

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

Nothing in KS so far for AUD.

taney 16 years ago

CA AUD is posted!

AUD Advisory Score: 83 - Attended: 07/31/2009 11:33:00

Thanks everyone, especially JEFF! It's been wonderful! (=

Num83rs 16 years ago

IL and CA are not NASBA states. To see NASBA states, check out PAGE 7 here:

kinenbi 16 years ago

Illinois is up, 77, ugly pass

mtil 16 years ago

Boo, IL hasn't posted mine. I really hope I'm not in Wave 2. I took this test July 6th and it is hopefully my last one.

J22 16 years ago

According to CPA Net Forum, a bunch of NASBA states just released the scores on yesterday. So does this mean that those states could receive scores 24-48 hours later (tonight or Monday night)? Or has their been confirmation that all NASBA states should have already received scores?

nicky79 16 years ago

IL isn't a NASBA state. NASBA states haven't posted AUD yet. It probably will either be tonight at 9pm or Monday.

WIFAR 16 years ago

Anyone from WI get FAR scores yet? Been checking for scores the past few days with no luck. Thanks!

nervouswreck 16 years ago

Hey, a pass is a pass. If I get a 75 on AUD I will be over the moon.....

LP 16 years ago

Does anybody know if MD posts scores on a Saturday? or should I expect Monday morning?

cpahopeful 16 years ago


I believe it would be a great tool to have a list of AICPA & NASBA states posted on this website.

prayer999 16 years ago

Hi Jeff and All CA friends,

I took my audit on 7/21. I didn't receive my audit score. This is my last part. Here is the website that I checked my score: Did you guys find your passing scores from this website or you have another source to find your audit score?

Would you please let me know? I really appreciate it. I took audit once before and they pushed my results to the 2nd wave. I waited for like three months. It really sucks if this happenes to me again...Thanks.

jeff @ 16 years ago

congrats Taney!!!

Kim in OH 16 years ago

I keep trying to post, but for some reason they are not showing up.

I found out last night that I passed FAR in OH with an 80!!! I truly can't believe it!!

I just got home from taking my last section- BEC. I did a lot of praying beforehand, so hopefully I will pass and be done. Good luck to everyone out there!!

horzenj 16 years ago

same here, I took mine 7/24. Its gonna suck if we got pushed into the second wave....

jeff @ 16 years ago

k...will do...I'll have it in place for Wave 2 in a few weeks. Thanks for
the suggestion!

LBlock 16 years ago

Where the h is why Audit score!!!

prayer999 16 years ago

I don't think that I have new sims. Why do they do this to us? I hate it!!!!!!

NEEDSCORESNOW 16 years ago

F*** YES. 92 CA AUD. Whats up

LBlock 16 years ago

Why does my messages not show

Num83rs 16 years ago

AICPA released scores to NASBA. NASBA released FAR but no sign of Audit yet

Erin 16 years ago

Has anyone in WI received any scores yet?

Num83rs 16 years ago

Jeff, my comments keep getting deleted. When I submit, they post; however, when I refresh they are no longer posted. Not saying you are deleting but do you have an idea why this is happening?

Ray 16 years ago

Same boat here ...Took audit on 7-1-09 and no results CA....

karencpa23 16 years ago

CA FAR was released on Thursday. I didnt get my scores on thursday but got it this morning.

LP 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

If you comments are not showing up - I have no idea why...I certainly am not deleting them. If you're replying via e-mail to the comments - THAT could be the problem, as that service has been glitchy this week....

LP 16 years ago

Hi Does anybody know if MD board releases scores on a Saturday. I am waiting on my audit score. Should I expect it Monday morning?

prayer999 16 years ago

Jeff, how to delete my own post on our website?

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

Just got my IL AUD score. Got a 99!!! Not bad for a 60 year old guy (that;s right, 60!!) taking the exam for the first time. Got a 87 on BEC. Still got to take REG and FAR.

prayer999 16 years ago

Jeff, how to delete my own post on your website?

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

a 99 means you essentially aced the exam.

kat_NY 16 years ago

wow, congratulations!! what a great accomplishment :)

brandon 16 years ago

mine aren't showing up either, Jeff...let's see if this test works.

nervouswreck 16 years ago

Holy sh*t. Yeah, that's 24 points higher than I hope my test turns out. Congrats though, that's amazing.

eunigirl 16 years ago

ya i got my aud score from that CA website this morning! you have to scroll down to the very bottom to see your score. (the score won't appear "Credit" on top until like 2 weeks later)
If at bottom it still says that your score is pending... then I guess you are in wave 2

aimee_mi 16 years ago

this happened to me. i got my nts while i was still finishing up one class. you will need to send them an updated transcript in order for them to release your scores. i ended up having to wait about 2 weeks after scores were released to finally get my score :(

ImGonnaEatThoseYummyLegs 16 years ago

Hello everyone. Has anyone received AUD in GA?!!!

joeinca 16 years ago

I took Aud on July 6th in CA. I've been anxiously waiting. I still have not recieved my score. Do i have to wait another month? If so that really sucks.

ImGonnaEatThoseYummyLegs 16 years ago

I'd like to know the answer to this as well. I'm testing in Georgia (NASBA). No score yet :-

Name 16 years ago

Hey Jeff,
Do you think it is still possible for me to get my CA FAR score in the first wave? I took my test on 7/25. I am dying here. Third time the charm?!

Nov 08: 71
May 09: 73
July 09:???????????????

Chandler 16 years ago

I'm waiting on AUD in GA too... no score so far

Num83rs 16 years ago

NASBA released FAR scores..they received Audit scores and additional FAR scores..

cbp2cpa 16 years ago

I hope they do a Saturday release, however knowing New York State - maybe not.

Anon 16 years ago

When will NASBA release the scores???

J22 16 years ago

Yes but they didn't release all NASBA states on the same day...

val_duff 16 years ago

Thanks for this, Jeff. I know I'll be logging into NASBA tonight to see. Now to try and get this REG stuff down between now and then for Friday's test.

Name 16 years ago

74 for my second chance at FAR. ARGGGHGHHHHHH!
Good news - my score went up by 5 points from the last time with the help of YAEGER! (they're awesome) Bad news - I have to take the %$%^&*& Beast AGAIN. Who's with me in October? We're the lucky the ones :)

Cindy Simpson was right - I probably chose "A" one too many times

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Does anyone know when WI is going to release scores?? Some CSR from NASBA said the WI coordinator was on vacation, does that mean they are going to be delayed until the coordinator returns?!?

sleep_deprived 16 years ago

anybody in MO got AUD scores yet?

3morepoints 16 years ago

im with ya in october, attempt 2... how are you going to approach FARE this time around. I am looking for advice.

anxiousinsc 16 years ago

Has anyone from SC received their FAR score yet?

Where is AUD? 16 years ago

Wow you don't have FAR yet in SC? I wonder if that hurts my chances for AUD tonight in SC? Any thoughts?

joeinca 16 years ago

Does anyone know if I should give up hope of getting my score for auditing in the first waive. I took it on July 6th. I have no idea if i took a new simulation. I really believe that if you take it in early july, you should be guarenteed first waive. Seven weeks is already unbearable. Three months is absolutely insane!!!

CAFAR 16 years ago

anyone else still waiting on CA FAR?

jeff @ 16 years ago


studyingsucks 16 years ago

Hey everyone, random question. When checking your score on the NASBA site is it typical that they only give you a score? The only thing that showed up was the number/ score I got (87 on FAR woohoo...but it was very anti-climatic. I would have liked it to say pass or something at least...LOL).

Also, I wanted to take a look at my diagnostic score thing (mainly because I'm taking Audit on Friday and wanted to see how I did on the sims/ multiple choice). Anyway, this was my first test so I'm new with all of this stuff.

Thanks and congrats to everyone that has passed (and to all that didn't get good news, keep your heads up!!)

Billy Wong 16 years ago

Passed AUD in CA! 88! I took it on 7/14.

Num83rs 16 years ago

Typical...very anti-climatic, unfortunately

joeinca 16 years ago

when did you find out your score?

Poosanika 16 years ago

Did any receive AUD score for NH?

Dinesh Ganglani 16 years ago

I passed FAR, which was my lasy section !!!

hi guys. for months I have been reading posts about ppl who were so thrilled that they passed the last section of the exam. I was dreaming of the day that I too would be able to take a breath of relief and say "I AM DONE !!!" . quite honestly, I thought I'd fail as the MCQs and similuations were soo freaking difficult. But I ended up with 81, only god know how on earth I got 81 when I was so sure that I'd fail. Infact i only had 40 mintues when I started with the sims. and infact, i had to leave a couple of tabs and even the essay in the last sim as I ran out of time... I am just very gald that I passed. This web site has been of great help and keeping track of release dates and sharing the pain of these exams with others. Good luck to all of you that are on their way to a CPA too... you do not need brains to pass the CPA, you just need discipline... my advice, just focus on the homework questions of Becker, they are the best and if you can answer all of them right, you are sure to pass... This worked for me... feel free to email me if you need suggestions. I am more than glad to help...

J22 16 years ago

Anyone receive FAR scores in NJ?

horzenj 16 years ago

still waiting on CA AUD....getting worried I will have to wait another month now.....

Tired of waiting on Audit 16 years ago

Once AICPA releases, what's the delay?? Hasn't everything been checked, validated, etc. which is why it takes so long in the first place? Isn't everything transmitted electronically?? It's 2009!

Num83rs 16 years ago

The AICPA grades the scores then transfers them to NASBA. NASBA matches the graded scores to the actual person who took the exam (the AICPA does not receive names). NASBA may or may not do this electronically, it's a good question. Regardless, 2 months+ is a bit ridiculous to get scores out..

siblitz 16 years ago

You only get the diagnostics if you failed. So you may not really want it.

Tired of waiting on Audit 16 years ago

Good point. Thanks...still frustrating :(

Russ 16 years ago

I'm with ya in Oct. It will be my 4th! Yikes! time at FAR.. 61 (didnt study right), 73 (Studied hard), 69 (Just study a bit more and you'll get those extra 2 pts right!?). I do have REG and BEC under my belt and with my new method of studying Im hoping to have AUD wrapped up next week too. Just hope I can finally tackle FAR in Oct once and for all.

craig 16 years ago

According to CPAnet Forum. Some people in GA have recieved their FAR scores. Can anyone confirm this? I took my exam on July 2nd and really hope I dont have to wait until September to find out.

dr4 16 years ago

Is Arizona a NASBA or AICPA? What would be your best guess as to when to expect audit results in wave 1? Thanks in advance...

Num83rs 16 years ago

Are you aware of anyone in your state that has received a score? It's possible you are in wave two or in the 2nd release that took place yesterday which I assume NASBA will release simultaneously with Audit...good question :)

Masha Shenfeld 16 years ago

So you don't get a score report in the mail if you passed?? Only if you failed?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

agreed, "tired of waiting on audit", i'm also tired of waiting on audit! ughh. been checking constantly.

Ian 16 years ago

My friend and I both received our GA FAR scores last night. Pass. 1/4 down.

TheDave917 16 years ago

at least for California, you get a score report if you pass. Its posted to our state board website. Thankfully I know from experience

Tired of waiting on Audit 16 years ago

It depends on your state board - some states will include the diagnostic report with your mailed passing score; however, most states only provide the diagnostic report information if you fail.

J22 16 years ago

Anyone waiting on FAR in NJ?

joeinca 16 years ago

That really sucks, 3 months just seems wrong!!! I might be in the same boat. I took Aud in CA in early July and still have no score

Ray 16 years ago

I'm in the same boat..and I took the test on July 1st..Horrible.....

joeinca 16 years ago

I'm in ca, and it just says attendance recieved from Nasba, and attended July 6. Will It say score pending if your in wave 2?

J22 16 years ago

No, I am not aware of anyone in my state (NJ) that has received a score. I'm waiting on FAR. I would love to know the answer...

master58 16 years ago

Well look who joined the party...
Yea, GA FAR scores are up on NASBA. Now just waiting on AUD. AHH!!!

ImGonnaEatThoseYummyLegs 16 years ago

I hear that...this is excruciating. My day has consisted of eating lunch and waiting for my AUD score. Not cool.

givememyscore 16 years ago

I'm from PA and a friend of mine took FAR in July and received her score last night (8/21). I'm waiting on AUD still, good luck!! :)

Divya 16 years ago

depends on state to state. Some states send the score reports by mail only if you have failed. Some send in both the pass and fail cases !

exit322 16 years ago

Only if they screwed up when posting the advisory score.

eunigirl 16 years ago

I think it will just say "score pending" until your score is shown. I don't think it indicates which wave you are in.

trumpster7 16 years ago

Sorry, i posted this earlier in the wrong part:
I'm in IL and I havent gotten my score online yet (audit, july 31st), but i see that everyone else has. I heard that there are 2 reasons why a test score is not released in the 1st window-
1. there was a new sim that was not previously tested
2. the score is very close so they grade it 2x/ include it with the entire wave 1 and 2 scores.

I remember hearing that it was maybe a 73-76 or something like that. Does anyone know the score range that will put your test into the 2nd window? I was gonna take reg in a week, but if i wasnt ready for audit, i sure as heck am not ready for reg, so i might as well reschedule and plan to take both next window. Any suggestions?

Nicky 16 years ago

My prediction is that NASBA will post in AUD in approx 47 min. 9pm CST seemed to be the golden hour this week for other sections. If not, then tomorrow is going to be a loooong day....

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

I haven't gotten mine yet... in the same boat as you.... (this is painful). Think we're in Wave 2? My luck, they'll create a Wave 3 just to put me in it....

brandon 16 years ago

nasba said it's 24-48 business hours, so we may not get them til monday. i'll be checking at 9pm, also but i don't have my hopes up. good luck!

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

I sure hope your right!

dabigkez 16 years ago

NY has never issued scores on a Saturday so I am assuming Monday

guest 16 years ago

Jeff, any hopes of audit today at 9 PM EDT?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I think BEC and REG posted at 8pm CST...right?

Nicky 16 years ago

9pm *EDT*

Nicky 16 years ago

I think so, I know one of them was posted 8pm CST on Wednesday on NASBA

FajitaPants 16 years ago

I am from IL and I did receive my AUD score already. I have never heard of them holding onto a score if it was on the borderline. It would be safe to assume that you had a new sim. But, I am in no way an expert.

If I were you I would cram as much as I could for REG and forget about AUD for now. I walked into REG hoping for a miracle. After the exam, I knew I failed. I thought there was no way I passed. I left half a sim blank, but I passed with an 83. Might as well give it a shot rather than keep pushing it back. But, if you really don't feel prepared enough, it might be worth the money to push it back. Only you can decide that.

Best of luck!

J22 16 years ago

I havent found anyone in NJ who has received a FAR score... so maybe we will have some luck on Monday? I sure hope so. Good luck!

exit322 16 years ago

I had my REG score around 8:40 EST, so maybe a hair earlier.

Dave 16 years ago

Does anyone have a definitive answer about whether or not NY or any of the NASBA states has any chance of releasing scores tonight? Its ridiculous that not a single CPA forum has anyone with any connections that can get a straight answer on this.

I also was able to get my REG score on Tuesday in NY at 8:30 EST

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

There were some NJ people that received their score already... I saw some posts about it earlier today.... sadly. I'll see if I can find them... haha.... a couple of hours is like 20 pages on here though...

jeff @ 16 years ago

dont know...anxious to would be the first time...

Dave 16 years ago


I got REG in NY at 8:30, so that would be 7:30 CST, can't say how long it was up there though before I checked....but it was def there before 8 CST.

exit322 16 years ago

Well, NASBAs one organization, so if NY is released, I'd think all NASBA states get released.

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Yeah... the current pages 9 & 11 have posts from people in NJ who got their FAR scores & they both passed. (ahhh)

one more to go 16 years ago

yay audit out in ca and i passed. whhheeeee! only far left and i am taking it this friday :-/ i think i will take a study break to make a bonfire out of my aud book/notes.

exit322 16 years ago

I could be mean and scream AUD OUT IN OHIO I GOT 99 WOO!

But that'd be a lie, and if NASBA is going to release scores, I don't want to crash their site.


wannabecpa 16 years ago

Got my Aud score today. I am in IL

needaudscore 16 years ago

just wondering if anyone in MD received AUD scores yet. It is my last part and I am dying to know.

prayer999 16 years ago

Urgent!!! NEED HELP!!!

I posted twice on this website this morning! Weird thing happened to my personal email box. My email box receives EVERY SINGLE POST on this website every since then. I have to constantly delete them from my peronal email box. Does anyone here knows what happened?

Jeff, please help!!!

a 16 years ago

i dont think audit is coming out today

CAFAR 16 years ago

Hi Jeff,
Do you think there is still hope for CA FAR score to come out for first wave?

cpacrazy 16 years ago

Anyone from NY get their AUD? I didn't get mine yet, maybe I'm in wave 2.

BCool 16 years ago

The default option is to "subscribe" to this blog thread when you post on it. There's an option somewhere to unsubscribe - search around.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I'm still waiting on MO... I think if they are not up by Monday night, we may be in Wave 2. In which case, I will be jumping off a building!

Nicky 16 years ago

I dont think so either.... I'll stick with my day job of studying for FIN. Hopefully the outcome of that will be better than my "predictions".

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

not yet... i'm thinking monday or later on this evening...

master58 16 years ago

This should work:
Make sure you're logged in.
Click: the face next to your username on your post --> View Full Profile --> Account (top right) --> Notifications --> Uncheck any/all boxes (whatever you want).

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

9:05pm EST - No AUD in SC... anyone else? This is insane...

guest 16 years ago

Its not comming out today... enjoy for next 48 hours....

luj333 16 years ago

about 10 days

steve 16 years ago

thats my feeling, tonight or Monday because they may not release scores on weekends.

jamie 16 years ago

yep, go out and get drunk. check in the morning

Dave 16 years ago

9:08 nothing in NY, sucks.

ImGonnaEatThoseYummyLegs 16 years ago

I hit the Submit button 25 times easy. Scores are not out. This is ridiculous. I'm going to sleep.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

drink but don't drive... good luck everyone!

bobbyjoe 16 years ago

no score for MA AUD, exam taken on 7/11

jrplanill86 16 years ago

C'mon NJ! I just want my score already. Is that too much to ask? At least the AICPA finally released the scores.

NASBA 16 years ago

No scores are coming out tonight for NASBA states. Please check back Monday.

JimmN 16 years ago

that's not nice NASBA

Nicky 16 years ago

Can you tell us approx what time on Monday to expect them - at least morning or afternoon???

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

Jeff, FYI, disqus started going chinese on me.... 4 ? ago.. - thanks for a great website..

RLFL 16 years ago

Did anyone get scores for FAR in FL?

khumbu 16 years ago


dave2000 16 years ago

when did you take the test?
i'm also waiting for NY AUD

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Waiting on AUD in NJ. I am definitely disappointed but not surprised. In this past year that I've been sitting for the exam, I have never received a score the same day as IL. It's always been the next day.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

NASBA only releases at 9PM EST if all goes well give or take 30 minutes.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

This post will probably be deleted, but oh well. I think anybody frustrated with NASBA's score release procedures should email and let them know how you feel. Sort of like emailing your senator or congressman.

trumpster7 16 years ago

Hey i'm in IL and I havent gotten my score online yet (audit, july 31st), but i see that everyone else has. I heard that there are 2 reasons why a test score is not released in the 1st window- 1. there was a new sim that was not previously tested 2. the score is very close so they grade it 2x/ include it with the entire wave 1 and 2 scores. I remember hearing that it was maybe a 73-76 or something like that. Does anyone know the score range that will put your test into the 2nd window? I was gonna take reg in a week, but if i wasnt ready for audit, i sure as heck am not ready for reg, so i might as well reschedule and plan to take both next window. Any suggestions?

MissingAUD 16 years ago

I guess MA NASBA doesn't want me to know my AUD score before I take my REG exam on Monday :-(.....

exit322 16 years ago

NASBA has always made it clear that they release within 24-48 "business" hours (1-2 business days) from when they get scores. It's only been 8 business hours (Friday around 4 PM EDT it was released). They've not done anything wrong here.

It sucks. I'm waiting on my AUD score (Ohio). But whining and complaining about it does absolutely nothing but make you go batty. You've got at least two days to wait till the score. Just relax, sit back, worry about what you CAN control (your next exam, whatever else you're doing if this is your last), and enjoy life. It's too short to be this worried about a test score.

No one here is stupid. We'll all pass, even if it takes a few shots. These two days won't ruin your life.

jeff @ 16 years ago

why would it get deleted Mark

waitinginKS 16 years ago

I agree it is too frustrating, it would have been nice to hear from the horse's mouth on Friday that the scores for sure would not be released tonight... at least we wouldn't have spent all day hoping, wondering, obsessing...

MsM 16 years ago

Took FAR- the exam was definately the hardest. Not sure if I passed as it doesn't seem like testlets got harder as they progressed. Sims were definately in left field. Anyone else take FAR recently?

cpacrazy 16 years ago

I took at end of July. Although I cud be in wave 2, so who knows if we'll even get our scores Monday anyway.

anxiousinsc 16 years ago

I'm still waiting on SC FAR :(

dabigkez 16 years ago

Wouldnt you figure - Uniform CPA requirements = Uniform CPA exam = Uniform Release

Buckees 16 years ago

You know I always say take as long as you may just so long as you let me pass

I bet ya'll folks gonna be in wave 2 or next week you will see scores
typically ain't till bout 23rd or so is normal for wave twoers

I got my score in Texas in 2weeks took 8/5 got score in 8/19 or REG you win some and you lose some just move on and quit harping on this so much; I want to discuss FAR now but aint no sense in it b/c all you folks care about is ya'lls grade dag nabit

olinto2020 16 years ago

I took REG today. MQ okay...Simulations were tough. But I made a good attempt at everything and wasn't pressed for time. But I will say I did Becker and I don't think I could have been any more prepared. (Well I could have paid attention more in Tax I 3 yrs ago.)

FAR - 88
Aud - ?? (waiting)
Reg - ??

needaudscore 16 years ago

just wondering if anyone in MD received score. Thank you. It is my last part and I am dying to know.

timd 16 years ago

congratulations Dinesh. Go enjoy having your life back!

FL-J 16 years ago

Yes, got my FAR score in FL last night around 9 PM EST

brooklyncpahopeful 16 years ago

Hey I took far on august 5 and really thought i failed, did not have time to finish and left out most of the 2nd sim and i thought the sims were really hard... and i just checked my score and got a 95! so you really never know. most important things of sims are the memos which i was able to do on both so if you felt ok about those and not bad about the mc's, you definitely have a good shot

Tired of waiting on Audit 16 years ago

I took FAR last testing window, but I thought the same thing; my testlets were all comparable. But then when I started looking a few questions up, I realized some of the theory questions in the second and third testlets were picky details. Some sometimes and increase in difficulty can be qualitative as opposed to quantitative. Also, what is easy for one person may be hard for another. Try not to worry about it...I'm sure you did great :)

Name 16 years ago

Why does WI have to be so stupid and wait forever to release their scores! Anybody know what's going on?!?!

Name 16 years ago

I took my BEC test August 3rd so I was in wave 1. I am in Oklahoma and STILL don't have my grade. Anyone else from OK having this problem too??

joeinca 16 years ago

we (i took Aud on july 6th in CA) probably got a new simulation, which means were automatically in wave 2. Really sucks huh

jeff @ 16 years ago

I heard zilch on contact must have been out of the office...I
didn't think they would come out tonight, but if there was ever an ideal
Saturday for them to be released, this was it. From now on - until I see
otherwise, I will always say "no" to "is there a Saturday release??"

Sorry for the misery everyone.

cmbagd 16 years ago

I took AUD the first week of July in Arkansas, and I still haven't seen/heard a thing. Also, we don't even have the capability to check our scores online. UGH!

Name 16 years ago

Any word on Audit scores in TX? I took it right on the border, August 7, so I'm not sure if I'll be considered the first wqave or 2nd. Any thoughts?

ilcpacan 16 years ago

Anyone know what the Elijah Watt Sells award scores usually are? I've heard some really high scores on here and was just curious

tjrich 16 years ago

I know a couple from this past year were 390 cummulative

Tired of waiting on Audit 16 years ago

*So - can't type

TX_09 16 years ago

I checked TSBPA, it is updating, can't asign in hope AUD will be in soon!!!!!

Name 16 years ago

TX website is updating , let's hope AUD scorres will be in soon

TX_09 16 years ago

Jeff, I commented twice, but I can't see my comment, the (newest ) last one I see is the 12:37 a.m. comment by ilcpacan. I am positive there is some that are not downloading. Thanks for all your efforet and support!!

trumpster7 16 years ago

Never mind, i found it: taken from Another71's CPA Exam Myths Debunked:My Interview with the AICPA ' Another widely held sentiment about score releases is that if a candidate doesn’t receive their score in Wave 2 of a testing window, then they are “borderline” — i.e., 72-77. Would you say that in general, the most candidates who don’t receive their score by Wave 2 are “borderline?” AICPA: There are several possible reasons why some scores are released faster than others. If psychometric analysis is required, for example, the scores of all candidates who took a articular examination version — whether passing, failing or on the brink — are held until the analysis is completed. For those who took AUD, FAR or REG, the “second reads”of written communication responses may also be a factor. “Second reads” are additional reviews of essays for candidates whose scores are close to passing. ' taken from

elliej18 16 years ago

Somebody else mentioned in previous posts that WI waits until they have all 4 scores before releasing any of them. I know, it sucks :( Once people actually start getting their auditing scores, I bet it will take a couple more days for us to get all of our scores.

I had a dream last night that I passed though, so hopefully it comes true!!!

hoping4amiracle 16 years ago

I'm new at this, took my 1st FAR on jul/14, but I'm not sure if my score will show up on the NASBA page, since I'm from Puerto Rico. It always says SCORE NOT FOUND. If anyone recieved FAR scores in PR, let me know!

waitinginKS 16 years ago

No reason for you to apologize! If it weren't for your site, no one would have a clue as to what was happening with the scoring process. Thanks for all you do!

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

anyone received AUD scores in Texas yet?

Joeypiza1 16 years ago

Puerto Rico scores will show up on NASBA. Good luck!

ISU_Ed 16 years ago

I took audit 8/7. My score showed up in IL yesterday. It will depend on whether you got a new sim

hopingfora75 16 years ago

stillllllllll waiting in PA.

FL-J 16 years ago


It is difficult to find information, but I have seen scores like 99,99,99,95 and the like. I assume 390 is ballpark.

cocpa2b 16 years ago

I saw somewhere that you can expect to need about 385 cumulative, but I'm now sure how reliable this is. I know a guy who got it with 99, 99, 98, 93, as I remember.

HM 16 years ago

Anyone get their FAR scores in NY??

Name 16 years ago

nothing yet, hopefully tomorrow morning?

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

So, are we thinking first thing Monday AM or 9 PM EST? I'm in SC. Are scores ever released Monday AM?

Almost_There 16 years ago

I am in SC too... I dont think the scores will be released by tommorrow morning, but deffinetly by 9 PM EST.

jdnyc 16 years ago

Yeah, I got my FAR score in NY, you must be in the 2nd wave, sorry

Num83ers 16 years ago

For those of us who greatly appreciate this forum and take for granted the lengths Jeff (the creator and care taker of another71) goes to keep everyone informed, I recommend looking to the column on the right and clicking on the "Donate" tab. Give a dollar or two and buy Jeff and beer or a coffee. He earned it.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Jeff, how do you know if scores are in the hands of the aicpa for non-nasba states? Just trying to approximate when I might get my score in the mail. The lag time in the past has been 7 days from the time that my fellow sufferers on this board begin announcing their scores but it's so unpredictable/sporadic now that I don't have a clue as to how to even render a wild guess. Any advice? Thx, JJ

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

To clarify, I am asking for non-NASBA, state-specific release date info, not the general "scores have been released" statement.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

I agree. I participate in the "Elliot Children College Fund" by being a member of Club 75.

jeff @ 16 years ago

JJ - every state has the scores...the AICPA releases them en's up to the states to get them out either via NASBA like most states, or independently like CA, TX, etc. The AICPA basically just releases them all at the same time.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Thanks Num83ers :)

2Old2CPA 16 years ago

Jeff, I have looked far and wide, and cannot seem to learn if NASBA ever releases on Sunday. Could you enlighten? Also, I saw comment that WI NASBA Coordinator is or was on vacation. Would a coordinator's vacation schedule impact when scores are released for a particular state?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Nope - not going to happen, I'm convinced. No weekend releases until I see
otherwise...fool me once...

Also - a coordinator's vacation has no impact whatsoever on your score

Good luck! - hope you're Wave 1!


J22 16 years ago

So the 500 FAR scores that were released on Friday, could they possibly be available Monday or Tuesday or were they already received?

jeff @ 16 years ago

My impression is that they have not been received yet...Monday night

3morepoints 16 years ago

Congrats to everyone who passed audit!!!!... I take audit on Wed. I am through the lectures and ran through the MC once and scored pretty well. I was wondering if anyone has any tips as to what to really concentrate on in my last hours on studying for AUDIT. Any tips would be appreciated!!!... i really don't want to take this one again.

Name 16 years ago

Know what goes in the reports, when you need an explanatory paragraph, differences in GAAP and GAAS limitations. Internal control, audit documentation and audit evidence.
Other types of communication requirements (engagement letters, SAS 112, and 115 commnication letters).
Good luck on Wednesday.

Num83ers 16 years ago

I agree, MEMORIZE what is in the reports and the differences between them (compilation vs. review ) and the placement of certain terms within the report (intro, scope, opinion). Understand the conclusions expressed in attestation (examination, review, a.u.p, comfort letters) and the type/level of assurance they provide. Finally, a good understanding of the audit risk model and what affects it as well as the segregation of duties to different business processes.

Wow, almost sounds like the whole book. lol...By merely understanding the audit risk model (how sample size affects detection risk, timing etc.) you can easily work your way through most problems relating to that topic.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

Thanks Jeff, you answered my question. I very much appreciate your help.

Gargamel 16 years ago

Make sure you understand Substantive test, Test of details and Alternative Procedures. Also don't forget Quality Control and Predecessor Auditor. Understand the content of the following: Letter of Audit Inquiry, Management Representation Letter, Engagement Letter and communication with the Audit Committee. Good luck!

Trying to be patient 16 years ago

As far as an final time left, I'd go back of the report module because there's no chance of reasoning through the questions and making an educated guess as with say evidence or internal control. You either know what's in the reports or you don't, and it's a big area tested.

Trying to be patient 16 years ago


Need Help +) 16 years ago

Hey Jeff, Any chance of the 500 FAR scores released on I think Friday to be posted tomorrow night....I didnt believe I had a new sim to put me in Wave 2 but who knows at this point as I haven't received my score in MA...

jeff @ 16 years ago

This topic is timely....

MeganV 16 years ago

Hey Everyone -
If scores for MA regarding audit have not been released yet, should I expect that they would be released (hopefully) Monday after 9pm? Or would they get released during the day? I've read some simliar posts below but don't seem to follow a straight answer.


wondering200 16 years ago

OK, so I take FAR on the 31st. Here's where I am. Been through the whole book (Becker) w/ Lectures. Typed notes on all 9 chapters, and re-typed the flashcards. I am in the process of reworking the homework (through chapter 6 as of tonight). What I want to know is how should I approach this next week? Aside from going through the rest of the homework for the second time, what's the best way to approach studying for the Sims? I've heard more than one person say that they weren't anything like Becker. Should I waste my time?

luj333 16 years ago

If you are in WI, don't even bother checking for scores for like another week... you're just wasting your time

wondering200 16 years ago

I took AUD 7/1 (still waiting for my score), but I can say that I didn't feel prepared for all the internal control questions. Everyone told me to memorize the reports and the types of opinions and I didn't have a single question that required me to know either.

wickedwild 16 years ago

Historically they load the scores between 9 and 11pm.

jeff @ 16 years ago

If MA is a NASBA state, then 9pm EDT only....that's when they run the batch process.

Name 16 years ago

I wouldn't waste your time with the sims, my simulations were nothing like anything I saw in Becker. What I did my final days before the exam was take the 2 practice exams and progress tests to see what areas I needed the most work on and focused on those areas. It must have helped, I just found out I got an 88!

Name 16 years ago

any word on AUD in TX?

jeff @ 16 years ago

please edit...exam disclosure

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Looks like AUD will come out Monday night. I can't wait: If I have to hear "well gang, I hope you did gangbusters on those last mulitple choice questions," I'm going to apply for med school.

Trivia: Name that instructor??

Nicky 16 years ago

Tim Gearty - what do I win???

MsM 16 years ago

Tim Gearty?!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

You win a pink dress... JK

You don't win anything, but you are "now on your way to a C. P. A.."

cc_slater 16 years ago

Tim Gearty

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

This trivia is kind of fun....

Question #2. What is Peter's claim to fame?

MsM 16 years ago

I'll take a pink dress.

MsM 16 years ago

not sure! but doesn't he also have a law degree?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

It looks like you need a hint...

It has to do with his highschool footballs days....

MsM 16 years ago

his highschool football championship?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

didn't he grow up or live in same neighborhood as puff daddy? or am i making this up?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

he's jersey right, i know it has something to do with a famous person, besides himself, growing up in his neighborhood

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Bingo Blamo!

Excellent job hopingfora75!

Maybe the rest of you should apply yourselves. You never know what will be on the exam.

I also would have accepted:
Peter is also a closet homosexual

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Question #3

How many lame jokes on on lecture #1 of REG?

hopingfora75 16 years ago

lol ughh i've repressed that. sorry can't answer that one.

hopingfora75 16 years ago

hahaha awww i love him....he's what go me through alot of it...tim's a little dry. even my nursing major ex-roommate loved PETER!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago


Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Storamin 16 years ago

he played football against DIDDY in NYC!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

The correct answer is zero. The examiners were tyring to trick you on this one. Jokes are generally lame when told by Peter, but the exception to the rule is when they are told by Tim in which case they are not even considered jokes.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

And for the showcase showdown...

Question #4: What is Peter's son's name?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I'm deleting this entire thread of was fine until someone said something that could get ME in trouble. 2 strikes and you're out. Thank you.

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

I’m in the same boat, taking FAR on the 30th. Hopefully my last one but won’t know for sure until Fing AUD is released. I’ve read all 9 Becker chapters and worked 40 GLIEM questions in chapters 1-6 and hopefully will do 7 tonight as well. Any advice on how to cram would be great. When you say you’ve done all the Becker questions, how many questions are you talking about? Is it about 100 per chapter? Based on the amount of time left, I think it will be tough for me to get more than about 100 questions in per chapter. Is there still a chance to pass or should I postpone the exam until Oct?

Jean 16 years ago

Is there any chance I will be in Wave 1, if I took Audit on August 12th.

jeff @ 16 years ago

no...August 7 is cutoff...

WheelOfFortune 16 years ago

Hey Jeff,

Im up here in MA, took the FAR exam on July 27th....didnt think I had a new simulation but who knows at this point as I havent received my getting a score tomorrow night my last chance of hope?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I would say so...if you are one of the 500

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Jeff... just out of curiosity....when do you sleep????? I log in several times a day and it seems you're always responding to a post and keeping track of all activity! Thank you for all you do... its so nice to have a little world (or a link on my "favorites" list) where I feel like I'm not completely crazy over this whole CPA exam thing... because in my world, noone understands so its wonderful to have this site to help me realize there are people just as crazy as me. :-)

jginboston 16 years ago

Same here, I took FAR July 24th and assumed I didn't have a new simulation...still no score. Hopefully tomorrow is our chance.

jeff @ 16 years ago

haha...excellent question. I took a 30 minute nap today...I should be good
to go :)

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

nothing yet for me...

ddrake2079 16 years ago

Anyone see AUD come up in TX this morning?

gotrice979 16 years ago

no... i don't know what's going on. the website isn't even working for me. anyone getting similar results?

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

its back up now. but no score for me yet. anyone have theirs?

gotrice979 16 years ago

nope - no scores... and does TX only update at 3:14am everyday? so we'll have to wait till tomorrow morning then...

lolo3 16 years ago

I also recommend taking the practice exams. It is really helpful to practice timing the exam so you don't either run out of time or rush through sections and end up with a lot of extra time. I passed FAR using only Becker and in the final week I focused mostly on taking the progress test (which use the homework questions but give you a different sampling of questions each time) and the simulated exam. As for the Sims, the ones on my exam were similar to what Becker had. Obviously, they were somewhat different but I thought the practice with Becker sims was helpful.

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

This is such a stupid process.

gotrice979 16 years ago

Does TX update at any other time besides 3am?

ddrake2079 16 years ago

Nope! In fact, the site stays down until 4am-ish. I've lost a lot of sleep because of the TX site.

dinva 16 years ago

AUD out in VA, Sweet Jesus 75!

Done in Virginia 16 years ago

Yes! Virginia scores were posted promptly at 9:00 a.m. Passed with an 84! I can't believe it! I am completely DDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNEEEEEEE!! Passed all sections the first time. Thank you Team Yaeger!

Name 16 years ago

Jeff ,

When can i expect CO aud score. I took on july 2 :(

Guest 16 years ago

This is approximately the 20th time I've asked this question and gotten no answers... HAS ANYONE RECEIVED A BEC SCORE FROM OKLAHOMA??? I took the test Aug. 3rd. The OAB has been no help in answering questions.

maya82 16 years ago

Does anyone know what time NY may post the scores?

givememycertificate 16 years ago

wait till 9am - 11am, i have seen all my result posted between these hours. i think they only update once a day. what section you are waiting for?

Guest 16 years ago

BEC. It should have been out 2 Fridays ago if it was consistent with my other score releases. FAR has already been released for OK. That score was posted the day following the AICPA release.

jeff @ 16 years ago

NASBA releases at 9pm EDT now...their batch process starts at 8pm and scores come out at 9pm.

dddll 16 years ago

any updates for NH AUD scores?

gacpa 16 years ago

I haven't checked my score since Friday and it hasn't been up, suddenly it appeared this morning....82 for FAR in GA! So great. I failed the first time with a 69 and redid Becker. I passed the others on the first time with Becker. I thought it was much harder the second time, but I guess I knew my stuff. I'm surprised that it is out since I know that I got a new sim (the new material). Just glad to be finally done! Good luck all.

Jason Harris 16 years ago

is it normal to be excited to want to get into the testing room and take AUD. I haven't been more confident to sit than ever before.

Laura 16 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD score in Arizona yet?


Anonmynous 16 years ago

just received MD audit score

ihatewaiting4scores 16 years ago

Maryland audit scores just got released, goooood luck everyone!!!

lmn1015 16 years ago

Has anyone out there received FAR for Colorado????

dor1979 16 years ago

just got my FAR score and failed badly...score in the 50s...I'm really down on myself right now as I studied 3 full months and felt prepared. I was able to finish the whole exam...this was my first time taking a CPA exam..I'm hopeful to get my confidence back...right it just stinks.

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

You got no response, because people probably didn't have a response. Chill out. Your score is probably one of those rare ones that Jeff mentions gets bumped to wave 2.

bsekula 16 years ago

Has anyone in Texas received their FAR score yet?

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

Has anyone heard anything about REG from NC? I emailed Phyllis over there and this the response I got, "I don't know when we will received them to be mailed". If the AICPA released them a week and a half ago wouldn't the board have received them by now? This state is the worst.

chris_wants_a_CPA 16 years ago

Has anyone heard anything about when AUD scores will be released in Pennsylvania? I took the exam July 2 and have been paitiently waiting.

You're not alone 16 years ago

Stick with it! When you do MC, don't just know what the right answer is; be able to explain why it's the right answer. That's what helped me at least. (So far I've passed BEC and FAR, waiting on AUD and take REG Saturday)

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Just hang in there, i myselt been thru many rough patches but remember you are doing this for yourself not for anybody else, you will get the rewards in the end once you finish it all, just think about changing your study pattern. Keep it up :)

CPA2009 16 years ago

I haven't yet. I took it on July llth.

needaudscore 16 years ago

Did you actually receive your score?

Katie 16 years ago

I took AUD on July 1 in PA, and I've been patiently waiting, too!

waiting4auditinMA 16 years ago

Any word on AUD scores in MA?

dr4 16 years ago

No. I am waiting and checking constantly. I called the Arizona State Board and they said they would email them out "immediately" as soon as they got maybe today.

dor1979 16 years ago

thanks a lot for the advice guys...I really appreciate it.

needaudscore 16 years ago

If people have received scores for AUD in MD, and I have not, does that mean I am in wave 2 or is there still a chance I could receive my scores soon?

hopeful12345 16 years ago

Took AUD Exam August 8th. Will results for my exam definately be in wave2 or is there a chance i get them tonight? Thanks.

dor1979 16 years ago

nope...cutoff is August 7th.

exit322 16 years ago

There's a chance, apparently, but I'd not be too surprised if you didn't get a score here.

MeganV 16 years ago

if they come out today it will not be until we'll see then

bhoomaiah011 16 years ago

CO FAR i received on Friday night...

Name 16 years ago

I haven't either...took it Aug. 6. I've seen 1 post on here from someone in TX saying they got their score. I know 2 other people who took FAR in TX and neither of them have received scores either. Anyone else???

waitingforfare 16 years ago

Anyone recieved a FARE score in MO yet??

Anonmynous 16 years ago

hey, took reg back in april (in MD) and when people from MD started reported their scores came in, i received nothing so just assumed i was in wave 2.....but then ended up getting my score the next day, so theres still a chance you were in this wave

ajohn419 16 years ago

I took FAR on July 1 and received my score on Friday.

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

NC just mailed REG !

ihatewaiting4scores 16 years ago

yeah a little after 10 am i got an email and the score was immediately available online. a friend of mine was in the same siutation, so you might be in wave2

lmn1015 16 years ago

Thanks, I guess it's Wave 2 for me. Hopefully I can now refrain from checking every hour, lol!

dor1979 16 years ago

Hello if anybody is interested on selling their used study materials for FAR, please let me know, I am on a budget and just cant afford to buy any new stuff.

Name 16 years ago

I took FAR in July and I got my score friday, I also know of at least 2 other people who received their scores as well.

givememycertificate 16 years ago

has anybody from OK received their FAR scores yet. PLEASE RESPOND ANYONE ANYONE....HELLO...

dor1979 16 years ago

I apologize in advance if I am not supposed to write something like this on this website...

Guest 16 years ago

My friend has received her Oklahoma FAR score. She tested on July 13th, I think.

hopeful12345 16 years ago

Is there a link from nasba or whoever that shows what the official wave dates are?

waitingca 16 years ago

What is going on with CA? I took AUD July 13th and still no score? Anybody else get their AUD score in CA yet?

bsekula 16 years ago

I took mine August 7th. I wonder if that has something to do with it. I can't remember if I had a new simulation though...

Aaron 16 years ago

Please God let NASBA AUDIT be released tonight!

waitinginKS 16 years ago

How would you know if you had a new sim?

CPA2009 16 years ago

I don't know how much you are wanting to spend; however I was on a budget as well and I used Gleim for each one of my test which cost $93 for the book and cd for each section, the cd has over 2,000 practice questions. I believe both are important because the book doesn't give you enough practice problems.

needaudscore 16 years ago

Thank you very much. It is my last part and I have become a little obsessed.
Have a good day.

goincrzy 16 years ago

I am praying the same - and I am adding, God, please let me have passed!

dor1979 16 years ago

I was just looking into Gleim...did you feel prepare enough with the book and cd. or do you think audio, video, flashcards, etc is also needed??? thanks.

sickofstudying 16 years ago

I want my Audit score back, but not if I failed.

ocdcpa 16 years ago

I second this motion!!! I took this section July 29th - but it is (hopefully) my last section.

CPA2009 16 years ago

I never felt prepared enough; however I passed BEC, AUD, and REG on the first try. I took FAR in July and I am still waiting on the results. I think the thing that helped me the most is working as many multiple chose as possible. For example, FAR had around 2500 MC, before it was over there was about 200 that I never answered correctly. I made my on flash cards after each chapter for things I thought was important and for any multiple choice I consistently had trouble with.

hopeful12345 16 years ago

Is there a link from nasba or whoever that shows what the official wave dates are (wave 1 vs wave2)?

guest221 16 years ago

I'm in CA and someone I know got the'r AUD already (think he took it on 7/1)

guest221 16 years ago

oh wait, it was REG. sorry! good luck!

futurecpa 16 years ago

I took my AUD exam on August 8th. Do you think my score might make it into wave 1?

briankim 16 years ago

I took the AUD on July 27th. But I haven't gotten the result yet.
Does anybody get the AUD result who took the simliar time period?

floraw 16 years ago

Anyboday received the Audit score in New Jersey? Thx

J22 16 years ago

No the cutoff date was August 7. Sorry :(

Juan 16 years ago

I took Audit on July 11th in CA and still no score. Hopefully by tonight I will receive a passing score.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

My turn for the notorious "Has anyone...?" question.

Has anyone, FROM A NON-NASBA STATE, received your Wave 1 AUDIT score in the mail?


jeff @ 16 years ago

it's doubtful, unfortunately

far 16 years ago

does anyone know when NY is supposed to release FAR scores? i have been waiting since last friday.

shouldhavebeenanartmajor 16 years ago

I am taking Reg in one week and was wondering if i need to memorize all of the dollar value limits for the tax rules. Also anyone have advice on what I should really focus on? I heard I should memorize tax forms because weird ones appear on Sims.

Aaron 16 years ago

I'm going to go ahead and write my thank you Jeff email ahead of Audit NASBA release tonight. Jeff thanks for the fantastic site and all of the updates. If I pass audit tonight I'll never use this site again....but it was priceless while taking the exam (been at least 1.5 years). Hopefully I'll have passed them all by 9pm tonight!

BEC (68, 76)
REG (68, 71, 79)
FAR (71, 83)
AUD (70, ???)

waiting 16 years ago

audit scores for virginia were up this morning, fyi

3down 16 years ago

Aaron, just wondering: I see that your FAR scores jumped from a 71 to an 83. Did you do something drastically different for the second sitting or not really? Just curious cuz I'm in the same boat. Thanks.

jinmn 16 years ago

I wouldn't bother learning exact dollar value limits. Rarely will you need that. Just know what applies in what circumstances, and concepts. It's hard to know what to focus on, as every exam is different. Try to review everything, and hope for the best.

joesmo77 16 years ago

They were released last must be in wave 2

Shuchi 16 years ago

This past week for me has been nothing but eating, sleeping, and waiting for my audit score.

Gopi 16 years ago

Yea same here.

maya82 16 years ago

I am doing the same thing. I feel so miserable. I can't concentrate on anything. I am adding myself to everyone who asks God for help tonight in re Audit :)

Chris L 16 years ago

I only remembered to the thousands but didn't even need that. That was an ugly test but I ended up getting a 82.

OKpoke 16 years ago

If anyone hears about AUD posting in OK, please post!

Ray 16 years ago

waiting ..I took the audit exam on July CA and no scores eithier.....

christieco 16 years ago

I took FAR on July 10th in CO, but no score yet. Has anyone else gooten their score?

dr4 16 years ago

call the arizona board and ask what "wave" you are in...they have a list of who is in which wave i guess.

LP 16 years ago

HI guys MD score is up for Audit :)

cpa-ny 16 years ago

It would make sense for them to have that wouldn't it. However as far as I know what you are looking for doesn't exist.

JimmN 16 years ago

Same boat here (but 7/7). They aren't released yet. Hopefully tonight! (Good luck BTW)

jeff @ 16 years ago

It's been real, Aaron! Congrats (in advance) !!

Num83ers 16 years ago

CO FAR is up. You're either in the second wave or one of the 500 released by the AICPA Friday.

Leo85 16 years ago

Same here I'm in FL and took it 7/10 no scores yet.

Num83ers 16 years ago

NASBA has not released Audit yet. Colorado is a NASBA state. Hopefully tonight around 7pm mountain time..

studyingforFARE 16 years ago

I agree with these folks, dollar amounts aren't the biggest part. I wouldn't worry about memorizing the tax forms as much as I would familiarize myself with understanding how to fill them out. Just look at three or four of them in your book and you'll figure it out. Like everyone is saying, it's more about understanding the concepts than memorizing raw data. Also, my best study tool was working through all of Becker's HW problems. I went through each of them three times and passed Reg with an 84. 'Hope this helps, and best wishes to you!

justin1212 16 years ago

Looking for information regarding Indiana AUD scores. I took AUD 7/15. Has anyone received their AUD score yet? Thanks.

givememycertificate 16 years ago

I am also waiting for FAR score in OK. No luck yet

taylotl23 16 years ago

Same here. Took Far in LA on 07/11. Still no score.

Name 16 years ago

I am from a Non-Nasba state (AR), and I spoke with someone from our accounting office today who said that they have not received the scores in the mail yet from the AICPA. I would say it will probably be around wednesday or thursday of this week?! (hopefully!)

MJCPA 16 years ago

I haven't received mine yet. I think Indiana is a NASBA state, therefore, we will receive them when NASBA posts them to their website. From what Jeff posted earlier, that could be at 9 pm tonight.

People who have said they have received their AUD scores are from people in states where their state accounting board releases the score, for example, IL. Good luck.

Shuchi 16 years ago

Where are you from. Me and Gopi are in NYC.

christieco 16 years ago

Thanks! You too!

needaudscore 16 years ago

When I called the MD board, they said they have nothing and once they receive scores from NASBA, we get them at the same time. I am confused.

maya82 16 years ago

Shuchi and Gopi, I am from NYC as well. Waiting patiently for 9PM.........

Jason Harris 16 years ago

I pulled a 73 on FAR in January. When I began studying for the section again in July I found I retained much of the information. As a result, I just did reps, reps, and more reps of Gleim questions. I've always been weaker on MCQs, so this was my approach. I had Becker materials, and while they worked to teach you, doing questions made me feel much more confident. I ended up scoring an 84.

NEEDSCORESNOW 16 years ago

Does anyone know when the official scores usually come out in relation to advisory scores?

justin1212 16 years ago

Thanks MJCPA

Name 16 years ago

Anyone from the big 4 care to comment - what is the average starting salary for a CPA at the big 4?

Alex 16 years ago

Any info on Audit scores for NJ?

JJ 16 years ago

Depends on the cost of living of the city you're working in. Anywhere from $40,000-$50,000

Sic 'em CPA 16 years ago

I took mine July 10th. Still don't have my score and I don't think I had a new sim. I'll be calling TSBPA today.

Sic 'em CPA 16 years ago

Okay, just called TSBPA, they asked my social and were able to tell me that my score came in today, couldn't tell me what it was, but I should be able to see it after midnight tonight.

exit322 16 years ago

For mine, it's been about a week that I received them in the mail from NASBA. The advisory scores in both cases were the same as the ones I got in the mail.

dor1979 16 years ago

thank you CPA2009

Shuchi 16 years ago

Maya, where in NYC, I live on 44th street near times square.

cpacrazy 16 years ago

In NY around 55K starting last year, and it doesnt matter if you start with your CPA or not. You just get a bonus once you pass.

Laura 16 years ago

I just called. I am in the first wave, thankfully. They said they just received the scores and will send an email out in the next 24 hours.

CPA2009 16 years ago

I called too, my score still isn't in, but she indicated that she expected more to come in. I guess I will keep my fingers crossed.

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

47,500 in Atlanta

rshah0521 16 years ago

What does it mean when it says "after August 7 as well as those with new sims"? Does that mean even if you took it before August 7th but you had newer simulations then it would take all the way till September to get the scores because I took it on July 29th and 2 people who took it the day before I did already got their grade last week!?!?

CK350Z 16 years ago

Anybody fail AUD as badly as I did? (60, and I'm actually going to be working in audit) This is my first time taking the CPA exam, just graduated from college and don't start my full time job with a Big 4 next month. I decided to take all four sections this August before I started because I was afraid I wouldn't have time to study once I start, and don't think I passed the other three sections. Did I rush it, maybe? Thanks.

fsumarie 16 years ago

wow i am surprised people are reporting so low. i work at a small regional firm and it is pretty comparable. i prefer my workload to what i hear is from the big 4.

Shuchi 16 years ago

Maya, I live on 44th street and 8th in the Promendae building on the 32nd floor. let me know if you want to meet. ttyl. ill be at the pool.

kat_NY 16 years ago

58,000 in NY

CK350Z 16 years ago

55,000 Chicago

haf 16 years ago

Anyone know when Audit scores will be released in NH ? Took the exam on 07/01

slowWIscores 16 years ago

The date you sit for the exam has nothing to do with when you receive the grade. It depends on the state you live in and the questions that appeared on your exam. I took REG July 2nd, but have not received a score because WI doesn't release any until all 4 sections have been released by the AICPA.

The new sims are the worst part, because you can't control if you get one or not on your exam. Good luck and I hope you get the score soon!

Aaron 16 years ago

NASBA State AUDIT scores have a very high chance of being released tonight at 9pm. You can view them online at the NASBA site after 9pm.

ocdcpa 16 years ago

If I understand correctly - go to the website and get to the map - choose your state - get to the scores area - if you are able to enter your section id# and birthdate - too bad :( you are in a NASBA state and you have to wait with the rest of us for 9 pm est for NASBA to post our scores....

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Sorry, should have said that the date you take the exam doesn't matter as long as you sat prior to the Wave 1 cutoff date (August 7th)

maya82 16 years ago

Sorry, I am working and still waiting like all of us...............

smcpa2be 16 years ago

Alex, I am also waiting here in NJ. I'm hoping I get my score tonight, sat for AUD 7/13.

TracyNY 16 years ago

I didn't get my results for audit yet, hopefully tonight. Don't stress reg cause I thought I had absolutely no shot of passing and I got an 83. Did you take Becker's fast pass?

waitingforscores 16 years ago

Has anyone received from Washington state received AUD score yet? Thank you!

3down 16 years ago

Thanks Jason.

CK350Z 16 years ago

I used Bisk Review (just the textboks and cd-rom) Do you think fast pass would work or do they try to cram so much in a short period of time?

rshah0521 16 years ago

How would you know how your state releases the scores? I am in Texas if anyone happens to know.

jeff @ 16 years ago

TX releases via their own site...not NASBA

JM 16 years ago

Chicago - I started at $57K

jeff @ 16 years ago

Wave 1 ain't over YET!!!

***676 AUD and 351 FAR scores were just released by the AICPA*** (and one REG score)

TracyNY 16 years ago

I took the fast pass program throughout June and July and I loved it. Its definitely intense but it is doable if you commit yourself to the process. I sat for my first test, audit which I took while the course was in session and I'll let you know later if I passed. Unfortunately, I don't think I did because of the sims. Once the class ended I reviewed reg for a week and passed. I'm taking BEC thurs and I pushed financial off because I ran out of time in this testing window. I totally agree with you wanting to get the test out of the way, I feel the same way. The only downside to Becker is that it is really costly but its definitely worth it. Good luck. :)

rachael82 16 years ago

9pm in what time zone? I am in Central - in Louisiana - and I don't think I can take much more waiting!!!!

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

$50k in Philadelphia with $2k signing bonus

jeff @ 16 years ago


here2help 16 years ago

you're the man

patientlywaitinginMN 16 years ago

Why must they torture me so? I gave up hope that I'd get my FAR score in Wave 1 (took it 7/13) and then they had to release more on Friday and then again today. ...I'm never going to be able to focus on REG now!

ocdcpa 16 years ago

Now I am praying I passed and I'm in Wave 1a vs. Wave 1b or Wave 2a...... ARGGGGH.....

CPA2009 16 years ago

TX - Thanks for giving me a little more hope for receiving my grade in Wave 1. I took FAR on 07/11 and have not received score.

Michigan FAR 16 years ago

I'm so frustrated - I took FAR on July 23 and haven't heard although all of my co-workers have. When will these ones be posted by NASBA?

Ray 16 years ago

You continue to impress............Thanks for the heads Up!!! Hopefully I passed!!!!!

steve 16 years ago

CK350Z - I took the AUD section on July 24th (should get my score back any day now) and I used same Bisk products as you did. Just wondering, did you read all of the book and complete a lot of the simulations/MC's? How much time would you say you studied? I'll let you know how I fare, but I am not sure if I am convinced with Bisk's products.

pecosbilltx 16 years ago

Jeff, There have been 2 AUD releases, one on Friday and one today. When would they show up in Texas?

Gopi 16 years ago


Well feel free to stop by anytime. We just got back from the pool and are about to take a shower. Ciao.


jeff @ 16 years ago

Probably Tuesday early AM and Thursday early AM for TX...just a guess...

MeganV 16 years ago


Should we expect AUD scores for MA tonight @ 9?

jeff @ 16 years ago

Yes - tonight @ approx. 9pm EDT

RestlessInSeattle 16 years ago

I took AUD on July 1 for WA. Still waiting...

MeganV 16 years ago

Thanks! Ahh...i'm so nervoussssssssss.

Aaron 16 years ago

Yes. I killed myself on that FAR exam. I studied more than ever. I went through the Becker book 1 line at a time and make sure I understood it. LINE BY LINE. Don't skip ANYTHING. Don't move on until you totally understand it. Taking more practice exams probably helped too. But the biggest difference was going through the text line by line without the videos and making notes in the margin when something clicked. I took my time and scheduled my exam when I was close to being finished. I went to the library MOST nights of the week and studied for several hours if not all night or afternoon. I didn't go to church...I didn't go to anything...and I have a wife and 2.5 kids (one 5 weeks out).

Shuchi 16 years ago


Is there anyway to delete messages?

a 16 years ago

even for NY right?

cc_slater 16 years ago


Is there any chance I will get my FAR score in wave one if I took the exam on 8/15?

bsekula 16 years ago

I called and all I could get out of them was that they have a bunch that they still have not received. Has any faired better with the TSBPA?

slowWIscores 16 years ago

No, cutoff is August 7th

jeff @ 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

Zero % chance, my friend.

AMay127 16 years ago

Is this always are hard and fast rule for every state? I tested in the AM of August 8th and I was praying that August 7 was an estimated cut off.... any thoughts?

TiredofWaiting052408 16 years ago

Does anyone know when FL should receive AUD scores? I took the exam mid-July. Thanks!

aamplusn 16 years ago

What about OH aud scores? Can we expect those sometime tonight as well?

exit322 16 years ago

The AICPA is the one that first gives out scores, so yeah, that's the hard and fast rule everywhere.

exit322 16 years ago

Interesting; I'm looking forward to it.

If MA is going out for sure, OH is, as both are NASBA states.

3down 16 years ago

Is this a joke? I see this ongoing conversation between three people and it has nothing to do with the cpa exam...

exit322 16 years ago

That's quite a few AUD scores, so it'll definitely be worth looking wednesday night or so on NASBA if nothing pops up tonight.

rebekaha 16 years ago

Should be tonight...i'm hoping. I took AUD in FL mid-July too, so I'm in the same boat as you.

James 16 years ago

Does anyone know when Montana will receive Aud scores?

jeff @ 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

jeff - what does it mean if i took the bec test (VT) on 7/30 and still have not received my score. i also took fare on 7/3 and haven't heard that score either.

Name 16 years ago

less than a hour :))) cant wait any more

guest 16 years ago

i think 30 mins more..

J22 16 years ago

You could find out your score this week. If not, you are in Wave 2 and will receive you score at the end of September.

smcpa2be 16 years ago

NJ AUD is out! 85!!!!

khumbu 16 years ago

hopefully its not in another 24 hours.

TracyNY 16 years ago


Name 16 years ago

my score is up AUD in NH im done with my CPA :))))))))))))))))))))))))

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

any word from NY ?

shuye 16 years ago

NH AUD is out. 89! I'm officially done.

darkhatter 16 years ago

Smaller firm in DC, 54,000 last year with $5K bonus.

MIcpa 16 years ago

MI AUD is out! 96!!

delaud 16 years ago

you guys are NASBA states?

exit322 16 years ago

Looks like I'm waiting, as NASBA's released and I'm not getting a score. No biggie. Will check back tomorrow.

exit322 16 years ago

Yes, most of these are.

delaud 16 years ago

FML mine still says error score not found....ARGH i hate this BS

TED 16 years ago

Audit out in PA, 78!!!!!!

TracyNY 16 years ago

New York is out!! 76

Modest 16 years ago

SC Audit is out! 86!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm DONE. Now I can have my life back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

Come on baby! One time for me in SC!! Lets see it....

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

SC is not out for me. Do they do it by state or last name or Section ID number or what? WTF? I took it on 7/8....

Sonu 16 years ago

How abt CO... did anybody get in CO??

exit322 16 years ago

I took it on 7/1 and don't appear to have anything, so don't feel too bad.

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

Why? What's the deal? Do they do it in waves? Will I get it tonight? GD THIS STUPID SYSTEM.

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

I'm in MI and nothing yet for me either, it's not 9pm yet, don't totally panic...

Sonu 16 years ago

I too took on 07/01.... nothing is CO yet?

"Name" again. haha 16 years ago

NY scores are out!!! I passed THANK GOD! No more CPA exam for me!!! I think Im going to have a becker burner party tonite! haha Congrats to everyone else who passed! What a grueling wait! And to everyone who was close, KEEP your heads up!! Long hard journey but the feeling of passing is worth it!! Good luck to everyone!

Noid 16 years ago

Anyone have a FAR score show up tonight?

bobbyjoe 16 years ago

ma aud is out....93 baby WOOO

delaud 16 years ago


pacpahopeful 16 years ago

PA is out!!! 80 - only 1 more to go.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

yes to the later part... this is really frustrating... im actually in hysterical laughing at this process...

goingcrazy 16 years ago

Just got FAR score in GA - 77 and I am done FOREVER. Thank you for this wonderful website Jeff; you helped me maintain my sanity these past few weeks!

Sonu 16 years ago

CO is up... is 75 pass? I got 75... please tell me... is 75 pass?

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Anyone in WI hear scores yet?

Where the F is AUD? 16 years ago

OH YES!!! they must do it in waves.. SC is out... 84 baby. FAR, you better watch out, im comming for ya.

still waiting 16 years ago

75 is definitely passing.

Whoopee 16 years ago

GA Aud is up! 94!

maya82 16 years ago

NY, I passed, 86!!!!!!!!!! Ready to study for the last one!!!!!

Sonu 16 years ago

thanks... my husband confused me.... I am done guys... took 1 year to complete with an infant... was difficult, but finally done !!!
Thanks Jeff... thanks guys...

goincrzy 16 years ago

Congrats - that is a pass....sadly, I got a 70 :-( back to the drawing board.

cpa-ny 16 years ago

Yes, 74 is a fail, 75 is a pass congrads

fmlandthecpa 16 years ago


ImGonnaEatThoseYummyLegs 16 years ago

anybody get GA AUD score yet?!!! Please respond!

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

I want my AUD score so BAD! where is mine?!? I can't handle the stress anymore!

maya82 16 years ago

It was worth studying so haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!!!!! Thank you everyone for this website that we share our emotions and tough times!!!!!!!!!!

Sonu 16 years ago

dont feel bad... dont know why but audit feels like it went ok, but actually its hard to pass... all the best for your next one.

gbl2 16 years ago

I just got my Michigan AUD score. Got an 85. Two down, two to go. FAR Aug 31st!

nuinitari 16 years ago

Wooooo 75 on AUD. I was going to complain how long the score process takes but I don't seem to care at the moment. I also don't care how close it was, a pass is a pass. Two down two to go.

dmr 16 years ago

MN AUD is out!

strong25 16 years ago

Michigan AUD out..83..FAR in 5 days and then hopefully done studying forever!!

khumbu 16 years ago

Colorado out ,Audit 75.....yipeee.........jeff and the forum members you are my source of inspiration.Love you to bits guys.keep the ball rolling

75% CPA 16 years ago

AUD is out in NJ!!! 98! 3 down 1 to go!

bdesim11 16 years ago

NY - Reg 78
BEC - 62, 68, 77
FAR - 68, 71, 77
Aud - 72

I AM DONE - Congrats All

onedown 16 years ago

Yes, posted about 30 minutes ago

rebekaha 16 years ago

AUD is out in FL!!! PASSED!!! :) Thanks Jeff for keeping us updated on all the releases!

doneforever 16 years ago

99! I am done forever, thanks jeff for the site

flgirl13 16 years ago

78 in FAR, I am done! Officially a CPA!

givememyscore 16 years ago

78 in AUD!!!!

Name 16 years ago

92 in OH - finally done with this stupid test.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Sounds like everyone is passing! I hope the streak keeps up for me. Did anyone get their score in Missouri yet? I am still waiting.

Aaron 16 years ago

I'm a CPA! AUDIT 89

Jai 16 years ago

Any body got Maine State Audit results. I gave on Aug 7th, did any one got their score who their exam on Aug 7th.


chris_wants_a_CPA 16 years ago

Audit is up in PA! I'm a CPA!

ks84 16 years ago

AUD results are up! I passed all four sections - I'm now a CPA!

Good luck everyone!


aamplusn 16 years ago

AUD is up in OH! I got a 82!!! Soooo excited! :)

Only three more to go!

waitinginKS 16 years ago

I am in KS and don't have mine yet...

fsumarie 16 years ago

AUD is up in FL. I am done. that was it thank god.
Congrats to all who passed!

finallypassedtheexam 16 years ago

I passed all four sections! Now I am just a 20-some page application from being a CPA. Thanks Jeff for the website!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Hopefully, it's a midwest thing and we should be hearing something any minute.

LP 16 years ago

Hi, I had called MD board today morning and they told me the same thing, but I got an email aroung 10 AM EST saying that my audit score is up.I checked my score and it was up. They should be releasing scores today. Good Luck

cpaseekerfromLa 16 years ago

FAR LA out (again). I passed....I'm finally done!! Thanks Jeff for everything!!!! You made grueling process a little easlier to digest!! Good luck to everyone else !

justwant300 16 years ago

Well, I may not get exactly 300, but I'm gonna be cutting it close. Passed AUD in Ga. Three down, one to go. Thanks Jeff!

anxiouslyawaiting 16 years ago

JEFF-Is there any way (without comtacting the KY Board of Accountancy) to find out if my Audit exam taken on July 21, 2009 has (or hasn't been) been graded? Apparently, KY had some issues with the file received from th AICPA and I am afraid that my score may have gotten lost while trying to recover the file.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

hopefully.  i feel like i am going to puke!

Name 16 years ago

Congrats to everyone who passed! I'm in TX still anxiously awaiting my score. Why does TX have to post at strange hours? Hopefully there will be a nice surprise waiting for me when I wake up in the morning!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

you don't know how frustrating this is...... i want my score now.. i'm registered in New York...

I will go to Albany first thing in the morning... this is ridiculous...

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

Has anyone checked have there score not be there and then later it shows up? I took mine 7/15 so where is it? It's my last one come on!!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

i'm joking of course...

kourtneesmom 16 years ago

Failed again for the 3rd time....This time a 74. That's it. I'm done. It's just not in the cards for me. I'll take BEC Friday because I paid for it, but after that, I'm out. Congrats to all who passed.

Name 16 years ago

I know that is right! I am in Tx too and waiting on my score. Did you get the e-mail from the State Board letting you know scores are in (as with prior times)? I didn't so I am expecting it on Wednesday.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

thats what i am hoping for.... i'm in NYS...

oh11 16 years ago

I am in the same situation. I took FAR 7/20 and still nothing. I see some people have received some more FAR scores tonight. Where is mine? Does this mean I'm in the second wave?

Modest 16 years ago

Don't give up! I failed my first 3 and passed my last 4. Don't lose hope!

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

kourtneesmom....there have been many people that have failed more than 3 times in a row that have gone on to pass the exam....and with a lot lower scores than a 74. I'm just saying.

dave 16 years ago

anyone get their AUD score in MA

dave 16 years ago

still nothing here.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

do you have your AUD score from KS yet??

smeal2009 16 years ago

PA AUD 95....2/2 so far

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

I haven't checked yet. It's too emotional to build up to checking the score. I actually don't care if I find out tonight or not.

jginboston 16 years ago

I took FAR July 24th in MA. Still no score. Guess I'm wave 2?? Taking audit this Friday.

Congrats to all who passed!

gobucksOHIO 16 years ago

I took FAR in the middle of July, no score yet either. There was the 350 FAR scores that got released today by the AICPA, but not going to hold my breath for it. When I called NASBA today, they told me to wait till October.....

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

two 74's in BEC... i'm going to do it again... i am in IT and i've seen computer jobs that wanted someone with a CPA designation... don't give up,, they give you 18 months...

bostoncpa 16 years ago

I haven't received mine in MA either... still waiting. I spoke with someone at NASBA this morning who told me that they had 72 business hours to post. Given that the AICPA released scores Friday, perhaps there's a possibility they could post until Wednesday? Or is it all or nothing tonight? When did you take yours?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Don't forget that more FAR scores were released today and will probably post up Wed night.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

I wish I had that outlook... I think I was less stressed before I understood the scoring process.

3down 16 years ago

Thanks Aaron.

cpahopeful 16 years ago

AUD 81!!!!!!!!! 1/2 way to a cpa baby!!!!!!!

MeganV 16 years ago

MA scores are out for AUD! I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WaitingforFAR 16 years ago

Same here. I took FAR on July 23 in Michigan. Still no posting, although 2 of my friends who took it after me had scores posted on Friday night. Let's hope that I'm one of the ones released to NASBA today. Still trying to study for REG on Aug 31 while not stressing out about my missing score.

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

I've burned myself too many times getting my hopes up. It's really quite depressing thinking that you did so well and to so matter-of-factly be told by an online score that you didn't pull it off. I'll wait till I see some KS people saying that they received their scores before I check.

Laura 16 years ago

Has anyone heard anything about AUD from Arizona?


fmlandthecpa 16 years ago

My friend is still waiting. He is supposed to be getting an e-mail. but its still 6 over there

3down 16 years ago

the big 4 try to be comparable with the market on salary. the reason everyone wants to work there is because it is the golden ticket for your resume. I started at small firms and now work for a big 4 firm. the hours are similar, however, it really depends on what department you work in, which city, and how reasonable your managers are.

Name 16 years ago

Anyone heard about AUD scores for CO?


charlie555 16 years ago

I'm in FL (waiting on audit) and nothing yet!!!!

cpafrustrated 16 years ago

I am in MA and just checked for my AUD score and I got the stupid "Score Not Found" arghhhh

dr4 16 years ago

No word in AZ.

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Anyone got a FAR score today? I saw someone mention their FAR score and was wondering if more would be released tonight.

dave 16 years ago

I was wondering if the scores all came out at once during the night or if they are released gradually over the course of the night?

FINALLY 16 years ago

DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took BEC 4 times... and I just found out today I am a CPA! I have almost given up so many times, but it really is possible, believe me. Have faith. Good luck to you.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

From my experience, the scores pretty much come out all at once.

hoping4amiracle 16 years ago

Oh god, oh god, oh god!!!! a 77 on FAR my first time! I really cant believe it, I left like half of the 2nd simm and only answered a few sentences on the memo... but I guess it was enough! well now I can concentrate full on AUD (jul/28). soooooo happy!!!!! congrats to everyone!

jackzues 16 years ago

so if you passed your CPA you won't get a bonus?

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

KS scores are out.

pacpa 16 years ago

I am a CPA!!

Jeff K 16 years ago

82 in audit, 4/4. Thank you Jeff for all your work on this site, and thanks to everyone else in the community here keeping everyone updated! I think I'd have gone crazy with anticipation this past week if it wasn't for you all!

Congrats to all who passed and good luck next time to those who weren't so lucky.

minnesotajoe 16 years ago

I am verifiably, certifiably, and undeniably a Mother Lovin' CPA.

Congrats to everyone else who passed their last and to rest I give my best!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

can some in Albany please put down the wacky pataki and post my score please? in this case bad news is better than no news at all!

congrats to all my fellow NY/NJ people who passed...

newguy03 16 years ago

Anybody heard from FAR in GA?

brandon 16 years ago

96, in florida!

MJCPA 16 years ago

Indiana AUD up yet?

Jai 16 years ago

AUD for Maine for anyone?

Name 16 years ago

what section?

StillWaiting 16 years ago

Anyone receive their score from FAR in Vermont?

dave 16 years ago

Still waiting for Audit here in Mass. I'm thinking next time I take an exam, I'm going to take it on the last day of the testing period so I won't have to go through this excrutiating waiting.

cocpa2b 16 years ago

Mine was just posted. I took it July 28.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

Is WI not going to be up tonight?? If NASBA is delaying scores because of the whole Brett Favre thing, I can assure you we had nothing to do with it :-)

Gargamel 16 years ago

AUD 83 NJ after first attempt. Congrats to others who passed, for those who didn't good luck next time. My advice, read the textbook (my case Gleim) and keep practicing those multiple choice questions!!!

BCool 16 years ago

Oh what the hell, I took mine 8/1 and still don't have it...

Laura 16 years ago

So frustrating! I hate being patient.

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I'm still waiting in WI too...took the AUD section on 7/9!

Stephen 16 years ago

I am still waiting too. Haven't heard anything yet.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

good idea... this is insane..

TracyNY 16 years ago

Fast Pass definitely works I just passed audit with a 76. I literally guessed my way through the simulations but I knew the multiple choice and felt good about the communications.

jrplanill86 16 years ago

I'm from NJ and I STILL don't have my AUD score. WTF????? I know I'm in Wave 1. Any thoughts? Thanks :)

cpafrustrated 16 years ago

I am in Mass waiting for audit also...getting a little annoyed, especially because someone posted earlier they had their audit score in MA

slowWIscores 16 years ago

WI probably won't be up for another couple days (worst state when it comes to releasing scores). And I pretty much blame Favre for anything that goes wrong these days :)

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I'm waiting on REG (7/2) and Far (8/4). This is almost worse than studying and sitting for the exam!

wickedwild 16 years ago

Thanks for the website Jeff! You helped me out through this wicked process. I took Audit on 8/7 and I just received my final passing score (85) tonight.

AUD 85
BEC 77
FAR 79
REG 81

I'm a CPA!!!!!!!!

hrfinney 16 years ago my score a little before 9

shan1123 16 years ago

So I don't know how many of you follow this regularly, but if you do you might remember me posting that my exam froze, I had problems, etc... well I had chose to roll the dice and get the score because I felt really confident about the rest... not so much... failed with a 63 :(

It doesn't make any sense, the first time I took it I got a 67 and barely studied... this last time I knew the stuff pretty solid, but got a 63... I guess not finishing one tab is a big deal. I'm wondering if the exam wasn't saving the entire time it was acting up... any thoughts???

Anyways, I've never felt so discouraged and like a failure in all my life... how do you get past this???

Congrats to all who are passing; you should be so proud... if I could only imagine!!

barb_bd 16 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD score in Nebraska yet?

shan1123 16 years ago

I'm in MA and already got my score... hope you guys aren't in wave two :(

If it makes you feel better, I'd rather not have gotten it!

angryalmostaccountant 16 years ago

I took the test on July 1st in Georgia. Still nothing... WHY!!!!!!!!

exit322 16 years ago

Looks like I'm wrong again. 89! 3 down, 1 to go!

val_duff 16 years ago

Yay! I finally passed something on the first shot! Got a 90 on AUD! Now to try and focus enough to get through REG on'll be my second try there and I'm not doing so well on the practice MCQ's.

JimmN 16 years ago

Passed in Colorado! I am so stoked. This is my last one. This has been a long journey (6+ years). Jeff I will write a story for your website. You do a great thing.

barb_bd 16 years ago

I know! I took mine July 1st in NE and I don't have my score either. Come on already!

jeff @ 16 years ago

well done! Congrats on being finished!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Some articles that might help:

Keep moving forward:

Rebounding from failure:

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

Have you ever called and asked anyone about your score? Just wondering how this works. This is my first test that I have taken.

Kevin 16 years ago

Anyone heard anything for AUD in CA? Still waiting

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I have REG on Friday too. Good luck!

Erin 16 years ago

No, still waiting :(

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

A friend I know called the whoever does the releasing thing for WI and they directed him to someone else, they said his scores were in but didnt tell him the scores. I am sure it killed him a little inside to know that the CSR was looking right at the numbers and didnt say anything...

master58 16 years ago

Passed AUD in GA - 82!!! If I can do it, anyone can. After getting a 58 (didn't study) in FAR I was pretty bummed, but now I know it's possible!!! Good luck to all and congrats to everyone who passed!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Execellent - I'm looking for more submissions...thank you!


angus20184 16 years ago

Do anyone know where to request a diagnostic report?

luj333 16 years ago

ya, they tell you to quit calling and bugging them

luj333 16 years ago

wait 5-7 days...

jeff @ 16 years ago

you only get one from NASBA if you fail...

vyse 16 years ago

Should we tell this guy that you need a 75 to pass?

angryalmostaccountant 16 years ago

Congrats, did your score just show up online or what? I still haven't gotten my score from GA.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

That's what I figured. This is the third time waiting so you think I'd know better than expect the score out with everyone else's...

Anita 16 years ago

Jeff! Thank you so much for this website. It has been my freind for the last 6 month. I have one more to go. BEC 67, 71, 74 and 09/29/09. Hopefully I will be done soon, can not wait to go backto normal life. This is my last section Just found I passed audit with 85 after 74 last window.
Once again, goodluck to everyone.

angryalmostaccountant 16 years ago

Why do they release some scores in a state, but not all scores? Yes, I was in wave 1.

Gargamel 16 years ago

When did you take it, I'm from Jersey too, I took AUD on 7/11 and just found out I passed. Good luck!

Anita 16 years ago

Just got audit score in NY , waw 85, one more to go!!!!!!!!!

gobucksOHIO 16 years ago

I have a friend that took AUD in CA back in July. He got his score last Saturday.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

Yes, it is pretty harsh. They should at least make the font really small if you fail, haha. This is my second encounter with audit so if I don't pass this one I need to decide whether to shelve it for 2010 and move on to FAR or keep trying...

doneforever 16 years ago

Yes you need a 75 to pass hopefully that was a typo as a 72

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

i was just thinking that...

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

KS scores are out.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

Are you in Kansas or does "ks" in ks84 stand for something else? P.S., congrats!!

waitinginKS 16 years ago

thank you

val_duff 16 years ago

Thanks! You too!

Mark_in_KS 16 years ago

Post your score here when you find it out.

Ryan 16 years ago

AUD 81......finally it is done
I fail AUD twice, REG once and FAR once
the whole thing took me almost 2 years since I started studying this.....
it is either I will be CPA or I will give up because I will lose my BEC if I fail AUD

I am so excited, not because I passed it but i don't have to touch the becker again and waste my weekend!!! Cheer fellows

jrplanill86 16 years ago

Two of my friends passed and I STILL don't have my AUD score. C'mon NJ, just give me the score. I take REG on Wed. I need to know whether I passed or not.

master58 16 years ago

It was posted online (nasba) around 8:30pm ct. You may be in wave 2...

justwant300 16 years ago

Yup, my GA audit score was up at 8:32. But I think some more are coming out Wednesday. Good luck!

dr4 16 years ago

this sucks

timdaly 16 years ago

I'm sorry. Keep your chin up. I hope you're not thinking about quiting! I know you're discouraged, but that will pass in a couple days. You had an unfortunate situation happen to you, and you rolled the dice, which was gutsy. You'll get there, but you need to keep working hard towards it. 63 without even doing one of the tabs is pretty good, especially if that is the simulation that was graded. I'm not sure if you should just move on towards the next one or keep focusing on this one where the computer froze up on you. Maybe you can prepare for both, and then devote the 10 days leading up to the exam 100 percent focused on the AUD exam... try purchasing the Becker Final review or this Yaeger one that Jeff swears by.

dr4 16 years ago

this is my first test. How did you receive your grade last time? And if you got an email, what time did it come? I never thought I would be on a message board discussing CPA stuff....but I can't do anything until it comes.

CK350Z 16 years ago

Thanks Tracy, I'll give the Becker FastPass a shot, if I don't pass any parts.

CK350Z 16 years ago

I studied for about 3 months for all four parts. I would have to say that none of the simulations on Bisk helped me...I was confused on just about every Sim on all four parts. The MCs were ok though, just the simulations were the problem.

waitinginKS 16 years ago

It looks like I am in the unlucky group this time, still no score for me. Hopefully it will be in the stragglers on Wednesday because I really do not want to wait until September if I had a new sim. Have you looked yet?

Juan 16 years ago

I took audit 7/11 in CA and still no score. Nobody from CA has posted on this site that they received their score, only two people have posted that their friends got it. Not sure what to make of that, but to make myself feel better I'm choosing to ignore the hearsay.

Julian_80 16 years ago

AUD results for NH posted on NASBA, but still no e-mail. Passed with 90.

Name 16 years ago

I received my Audit score in CA on saturday morning. No hearsay here

brandon 16 years ago


Monkey 16 years ago


No score yet, hopefully i passed and it will be there Wednesday night and not next month.

haf 16 years ago

My colleague recieved their AUD score on the NASBA (NH) website, and we both took the exam on 07/01, does this mean i am in Wave 2 or will there be another release tonight or tomorrow night ?

TX_09 16 years ago


justwant300 16 years ago

So far, the AIPCA has released two sets of AUD scores for Wave 1. Friday's scores were released last night. Expect Monday's scores tomorrow night if you live in a NASBA state. And who knows, they may ever release some more...

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

seriously, i want to punch somebody right now.

Tom321 16 years ago

FinalIy I am a CPA. Thanks to Jeff and Yaeger. Last year during August I cleared BEC and FAR in first attempt. That made me little lazy and this year when I appeared for REG and AUD in May I failed for both with 68 and 73. I did not prepare properly and I was using outdated material (Becker 2006). Then from this site I heard about Yaeger and I have ordered for REG and AUD homestudy. I had only less than 2 months to prepare and appear for exam. I have appeared form REG on 31 July and AUD on 7 Aug. I got 83 for REG and 81 for AUD. Once again thanks to all.

Name 16 years ago

well i got my audit score yesterday...52. After passing the first 3 parts, this killed me as i felt best about audit. I did take all the exams in one month, though, but i had nothing else to do and started work 3 weeks ago so now i'm dreading studying during work. anyways, has anyone heard of someone jumping from a score this low to passing? i'm really nervous after receiving this score.

hopingfora75 16 years ago

anyone get auditing scores in PA? I'm still waiting.

Name 16 years ago

i know!! what is taking so long?????

Name 16 years ago

No way!!! We have not received them yet....even some Nasba states did! Cm'on TX, release please

Name 16 years ago

IL Audit:

Has anyone received their score in the second smaller release from yesterday. I'm not sure if IL has released them yet, but let me know. I'm still waiting on mine and I'm hoping I don't get pushed back until September.


shan1123 16 years ago

Thanks for the kind words... no I would never quit, it is not within me. That could be what makes failing so much harder... I'm not used to it. However, if I'm being honest after reading Jeff's articles, I probably did not devote as much time as necessary I suppose (even though I really felt like I knew the stuff the second time around). But yeah, having the exam freeze and time out probably wasn't the best situation either. As far as taking it over soon, it's not an option. I have financial scheduled for Monday (which again, I'm not prepared for so it will take a miracle to pass). I just started a new job and really underestimated how much I would be working and how hard it would be to study while learning a new job.... oh well... lessons learned. The soonest I'll be able to take audit again will be in November.

CPAinPA 16 years ago

Got my audit score last night in PA. Final test and I am finished. You may be in the smaller release, check tonight.

lap0074eva 16 years ago

Anyone heard about NC? I haven't heard about any scores being released. Waiting on FAR and AUD.

ocdcpa 16 years ago

AUD score is finally out - I'm done!!! Thank you Jeff for your help - without Yaeger (Phil and Gary) I would be back to studying again!!!! Thanx I can finally have my life back!!!!

loademan 16 years ago

...My AUD score was posted this morning. 77, woot. Reg on Monday, then all done! I took it on July 6th, but had a co-worker take it on the 1st with no score released yet...It's anybody's guess what's up.

Alex 16 years ago

Finally got my AUD score for NJ ....I m done with CPA.....

NC_Guest 16 years ago

No word yet, but they are good at getting the mail out pretty fast. If you took these tests before Aug 7th and don't have new sims you should be receiving them in the mail this week. I'm expecting Wed or Thurs for Audit.

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

an aggie can pass AUD? i guess anything is possible... except for the TX board being in way, shape, or form competent. idiots.

steve 16 years ago

I took the exam august 7th and got results (paper copy) on august is that possible....I have never received my scores that fast......86 on Reg from a 74 last window. I have to REPASS FAR now because of the stupid 18 month in essence I passed all four parts.....Just a stupid technicality.

joekulesza 16 years ago

Does anyone have an idea of when they may post my score for FAR... I took it in PA on July 14th...

mtil 16 years ago

My co-worker just received her score this morning from the smaller release from yesterday. I'm still waiting.

lap0074eva 16 years ago

Thanks I took FAR early July and AUD late July. I hope I get them this week.

gman7589 16 years ago

Predictions are up above. Jeff has always been relatively close in his predictions, he got 2 in wave one spot on.

Laura 16 years ago

I received BEC by email around 3:30EST a week ago Monday. You will only receive an email if you selected that as your preferred means of communication. It is extra frustrating because it seemed like there was much less of a delay from when they received the BEC scores from the AICPA scores until when they sent the emails out to candidates.

3down 16 years ago

geez, you should have NO PROBLEM passing Audit by itself if you previously took all 4 exams in one month. yes, people have jumped from a 52 to a passing score. you shouldn't worry about it too much unless you spent 3 months studying for only one section and then failed; that's when it really hurts!

BCool 16 years ago

Does this go for ALL NASBA states, or just NH?? I'm CO - that'd be great if that was the case...

Eliot 16 years ago

FAR score in MA posted last night. Got a 78 on my second try. Sat for it on July 11.

bmw16 16 years ago

Anyone receive AUD scores in WA yet? Took it July 6 and still waiting, I really hope my score comes out in wave 1!

hopingfora75 16 years ago

thank you! and congrats! that's awesome :)

ajohn419 16 years ago

I took AUD in TX on July 27 and received my score this morning. Hope yours gets out soon.

TX_09 16 years ago

Congrats!! how early was your score available?

ajohn419 16 years ago

Thanks. It was up when I checked it at 5AM but it appears it was updated about 3:15AM.

waitingpatiently 16 years ago

Does anyone know anything about Iowa? I took AUD there in early July...

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

It seems like the lag time between when the NASBA releases them and when they get mailed is 6 days. The NASBA release for Reg was the 18th and they mailed REG on the 24th. It was 6 days for BEC too.

Kelly McAuliffe 16 years ago

NC mailed REG yesterday. I know our mail system is really fast so if anyone gets them in their mail today let me know. I am out of town and it's killing me not to know if they are sitting in my mailbox right now.

waitingformaine 16 years ago

I know this is bit annoying, but did anyone get their AUD score for Maine? I know some people who appeared on August 7th got their AUD score.

But has someone got score for Maine?


CK350Z 16 years ago

Name-same situation here. I took all four parts and got AUD back (60) and I felt the same way about AUD, I thought I did really good. Now I'm not sure if I passed the other three parts. I start my job 3 weeks from now and I am also dreading to study again (and pay another dam $900 if i don't pass any other 3 sections)

Whitney 16 years ago

Has anyone in Oklahoma recieved their FAR score? I sat on July 14th and am still waiting.

givememycertificate 16 years ago

Still waiting for my FAR scores as well, good luck to you and hope we both get happy news.

CPArrgghh 16 years ago

No signs of life here in the great state of Mississippi. Took AUD the third week of July. Nothing like perpetuating the "things move slower in Miss" label.

If there are any fellow Mississippians on this hoard that have rec'd their AUD score from wave 1, pls use your commodore 64 with matching cassette tape deck input peripheral device to inform, accordingly. Gracias.

futureNCcpa 16 years ago

Here is the website for the NC Board where it shows the release dates. Nothing yet for audit.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Anyone got their AUD scores in Missouri yet?

horzenj 16 years ago

Took AUD in my score...72....brutal, so close yet so far :(

Name 16 years ago

Did anyone in TX receive a FAR score this week? I can't get a straight answer from the board. One person says they haven't received any scores this week, but on the posts yesterday someone said they called and they told them their score was received Monday and they should have it today. Has anyone gotten any scores other than the Friday release in TX?

TNcandidate 16 years ago

Has anyone in TN received their FAR score yet? Good luck to all

Ray 16 years ago

When did you get your score this morning????

NC Study 24/7 16 years ago

Got Reg scores via mail in NC today.

74 so frustrated... this is the one I did not want to take over.

andi86 16 years ago

Does anyone have problems checking their score on the NASBA website? I'm in CO and every time I try I get a score not found. This has happened with the other tests as well. It's very frustrating knowing the scores are there but I can not get it!

Guest 16 years ago

My friend sat on July 13th and has her FAR score from OK already.

horzenj 16 years ago

Yes, checked last night and it wasn't posted then they posted it this morning 8:03am PDT

waitingpatiently 16 years ago

Score not found just means that they have not posted your score yet.

waitingpatiently 16 years ago

Did NASBA release any scores yesterday? I know many people had thought they would do a 9:00 p.m. EDT release.

guest221 16 years ago

Same exact section/state/score here! Good luck next time around!

Luo 16 years ago

I'm in MI and I can't get my AUD. score yet, anyone got the AUD.?

jeff @ 16 years ago

yes - AUD and some FAR scores came out last night...

Name 16 years ago

I'm waiting for my AUD score in CO also and it is driving me crazy! I took the test on 07/02.... I can't believe it takes this long to get some scores back...

CPA2009 16 years ago

No, but they didn't tell me they received mines but they indicated they expected more scores this week. When I called yesterday they had not received my score.

andi86 16 years ago

I think something is messed up for mine. For the last two tests, after I have received my score in the mail, I went online just to see if it was there and still showed score not found.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

NEEDSCORESNOW 16 years ago

Does anyone know if there is a site detailing exam score statistics? For instance, mean and standard deviation of scores for each exam section? Thanks

Ray 16 years ago

Horzenj...Thanks for the response..Took Aud July 1,,CA..No scores yet...
72 is rough but your right there...I got a 68 on Reg and a 68 on Bec..but eventually passed them both....Passed audit over 18 months ago--so it taking it again...

Good luck..Your right there...a few weeks of stuyding and you'll get that 75 and above.....

Bill 16 years ago

I am in MI and I my AUD score was posted last night. It wasn't available during the day, but was there last night abou 10:30 pm.

jeff @ 16 years ago

Please fill out the short reader survey if you have time...thank you!</b>

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I heard that same thing from a woman I work with that took the exam last year. She said that half of her scores were online and the other ones she had to wait for in the mail. Gotta love WI!

loademan 16 years ago

I tried logging in closer to the 3:14 release time with no dice. They black out all logins until 5 (and the page tells you so if you try earlier).

loademan 16 years ago

Incompentence seems to run rampant in Austin. Probably because of all those TU people running around. I'm not an Aggie, just a wanna-be. In my real life i'm a Trinity Tiger. But I can still Saw Em Off with the best of them! Good luck to everyone still waiting.

Name 16 years ago

Has anyone Non-NASBA received their AUD scores through the mail yet?

horzenj 16 years ago

Yeah, just gotta stay positive i guess. Thx for your input, and ill keep my fingers crossed that you passed! thx again

emclark2003 16 years ago

I in Wisconsin and my FAR has not been posted on NASBA yet...Just waiting...

futureilcpa 16 years ago

I passed AUD in IL! The score was posted around 11am this morning!! Good Luck to everyone!

dr4 16 years ago

I'm waiting in AZ. They have my score and I am in wave 1 (i called them) but they have not emailed it out yet.

PR123 16 years ago

Hi!! I passed audit the score was posted yesterday for Puerto Rico

NC_Guest 16 years ago

Thanks for the website link. The good news is that scores seem to be getting to people the day after they are mailed. BEC was mailed on the 20th, my friends in Greensboro and Durham both received on the 21st.

Laura 16 years ago

This is torture...

Did they say when they might email the scores out?

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

I'm in MI also and did NOT get my score yet. I'm hoping like you that I'm in with the 600 that were released yesterday. It's my last one too!

kourtneesmom 16 years ago

Thank you to everybody who sent words of encouragement. This has been a long journey and the end doesn't seem near. Jeff, Thanks for the personal words of encouragement. After dropping countless tears, I think I've finally composed myself enough to be able to talk about it. I've failed test before, but this one was by far the worst. I'm going to reevaluate my study habits and study material and see what I can come up with. I already know the answer will be staring back at me in the mirror. Thanks for your continued support.

tjrich 16 years ago

A good rule of thumb for NC is that they mail out the scores exactly one week after the AICPA (not NASBA) release. For example, AICPA released BEC Thursday, August 13th and NC CPA Board mailed out the scores on Thursday, August 20th. They followed the same pattern for REG as it shipped out yesterday. FAR and AUD should ship out at the end of this week. I am across the country from NC and somehow the scores get here in 2 days with just regular US postal service delivery. If you are in NC I assume you will see it the day after it mails out.

bsekula 16 years ago

I tried to talk to them this morning and all I got was that they had not received any scores this week. I asked when they expected and all I got was they will get them when they get them.

Name 16 years ago

Ugh I took on July 8, and I feel like it is torture. I take BEC in a week and would love to know where I stand with audit going in!

waitingca 16 years ago

Jeff, any news on CA? I took AUD on July 13th and scores have not posted.

NC_Guest 16 years ago

Good catch. AUD may be expedited though (Thurs or Fri mailing?) since it was released on Monday instead of later in the week with REG (Tues) or BEC (Friday), which both straddled the weekend. Though this might just be unrealistic optimism. Regardless, I've e-mailed the lovely Mrs. Phyllis at NCCPABoard, hopefully (but doubtful) she'll get back to me on projected dates and I'll let you know.

far 16 years ago

Jeff - Do you know if there are more FAR scores that will be released by NASBA in NY?
I took my exam July 24, should I be waiting for my score in wave 2?

Name 16 years ago

From MN. My 2 coworkers both got their AUD scores last night, but not me........... Not happy.
All took in July. Please let me be in the small release on Monday!

Guero 16 years ago

FYI - received my AUD score on 8/22. Took on 7/7

cpafrustrated 16 years ago

That is strange, because I am in MA and took Audit July 12th and the NASBA website still says score not found

joekulesza 16 years ago

Yes, I was asking if anyone know when they may post them since obviously my date falls within wave one and has not yet been posted... What is relatively close?

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

hey, its not austin, its the government! and i don't feel the need to even defend THE University of Texas at Austin. I think our accounting program ranking and football program (the two most important things any university has to offer) speak for themselves. i believe the clip of a certain aggie gentlemen feasting on his own boogers is sufficient evidence of the quality of the aggie nation.

taylotl23 16 years ago

I called NASBA after lunch today and she said that if my FAR scores are not posted tonight then expect to get them in Sept. This is supposed to be the last posting for Wave 1 FAR scores. I took mine on 07/11. Good luck to you.

Mary 16 years ago

I received my score from IL this morning. I know it wasn't thre last night because I was checking obsessively since last week!! I got a 76 -- never been so happy with a 76!!

andi86 16 years ago

I just called NASBA and they did have my birthday wrong, which is why I couldn't get my score. I passed AUD!! I am done!!

goingnuts 16 years ago

I passed! I got a 97! LOL. And I was worried that I would fail. I feel for anyone that didn't end up so lucky, b/c I went through a lot of stress right after the exam thinking I had bombed. So, apparently, you can exclude a memo and still get a good score.

WaitingforFAR 16 years ago

I am still waiting on my FAR score from July 23 in Michigan. I'm starting to think that it might be delayed because I wrote some negative comments about the facilitators in the electronic survey I got at the end of my test. I was upset at a long delay caused by a girl taking an exam who wanted to wear a hat, scarf, have a special filter on her screen, etc., and therefore delayed me 20 minutes from starting.

Could this be why it is taking so long? Have you ever heard of this delaying score relases?

Kim in OH 16 years ago

So, I have posted this several times but it never shows up!

I passed FAR by a miracle of God, with an 80! I thought FOR SURE, I had failed. It was awful.

I took my last part, BEC, on Saturday. Wave 2 scores can not come fast enough for me. I just want to know if this part of my life is over yet, or if I will have to take BEC again. I am 3 for 3, just need that last 75. I am doing some major praying about it!

Good luck to everyone who is waiting on scores and taking tests soon.

jrplanill86 16 years ago

I just called NASBA to see if my score is released, but they're not allowed to check. They said they're releasing until the first week of September. Do I have to wait that long? GRRRR!

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

I cannot believe that WI has NO SCORES posted yet on their website...what are they waiting for?!? This is extremely frustrating.

Dave 16 years ago

Had they had your birthday wrong for your previous exams? I'm waiting on my AUD exam and was stunned when it didn't come out last night. They had my birthday correct on my previous three exams, so I think I'm shooting in the dark here.

Thanks and congratulations

bcommerf 16 years ago

I took my exam on 7/10 and I got my score back last night on NASBA in CO. You might want to check again. Also AICPA released a small batch later. If you don't have your score by tonight I would say you must be in WAVE 2.

Robie 16 years ago

ND AUD score has been received.

gbl2 16 years ago

I took my AUD exam on 7/31 in MI and got my score at 8:30 PM last night.

andi86 16 years ago

Yea, I have never been able to get my scores online. Today was the first time.


2Old2CPA 16 years ago

I'm from WI also, and have not gotten my AUD score. How were you able to determine that WI has not posted any scores? If that is the case, I would feel better. Misery loves company.

WaitingInWI 16 years ago

I haven't got my score for FAR in WI either. Last time scores were released, other states got them middle of June, and I didn't get mine till July 1.

Name 16 years ago

I had said that all the sections post at the same time, once all the scores for the wave have been received for WI. I came to this conclusion because during the April/May window, I took BEC and two of my friends took other sections. We will got our scores early in the morning on Friday, May 29th. So it seemed like they waited until they had everything and posted it all at once. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but unlikely. Since the AICPA just released more scores yesterday, I'm guessing it'll still be until Thursday morning before we see ours. : ( Waiting on FAR....just want to know either way.

NC_Guest 16 years ago

Phyllis at NCCPA board, says still no word on when scores for FAR or AUD will be in the office. Looks like it will still be a while.

Name 16 years ago

*all got our scores...sorry!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I have posted this before with no response, but has anyone received their score from Missouri yet? I am trying to determine if I am in wave 2.

Someday 16 years ago

Anyone from AZ get their FAR scores yet

waitinginKS 16 years ago

I haven't seen any messages from MO people, sorry... I have also not received my audit score from KS so hopefully we are in the small batch of scores that will be posted in the next day or two.

Laura 16 years ago

I am waiting on AUD in AZ.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I actually just noticed that some received their audit score from MO - Look under the AUDIT FORUM. It makes me think I am in wave 2. I have called the NASBA a couple of times today and they said my score had not yet been received from AICPA. I don't know why, but I just don't believe that. I think they are telling everyone the same thing so they stop calling.

here2help 16 years ago

lol - your username realy says a lot about you.

there are a TON of people who took the test in early July who are in NASBA states who haven't received their scores, although many others in their states have received their scores. I am included in this bunch. I took FAR on 7/6/09, and lots of other people in MA took the test before/after me who got their score, while some people didn't. I know you're waiting for Audit, but if you're score isn't there - it's very possible you're in wave 2.

john 16 years ago

does anyone know when North Carolina will release AUD and FAR scores, Last testing period, they waited to release all FAR scores at the same time. I hope i don't have to wait another month to get a score back for a test i took july 1st.

andi86 16 years ago

Yea, I have never been able to get my scores online. Today was the first time. Thanks!

waitinginKS 16 years ago

I agree, I called today too and they just give the same vague answer... I don't understand why there has to be so much mystery involved. They should be able to release the score if you give them your ssn, in my humble opinion.

NC_Guest 16 years ago

Exams for Aud and FAR have not been mailed yet. Most people's guess is mailing 1 week after AICPA release. So AUD Friday and FAR Wednesday. If you are in Wave 1 (no new sims) you should get in 1-2 business days depending on where you live after mailing. Greensboro and the Triangle receive via mail in 1 day.

cpamo 16 years ago

i got my audit score from MO last night about 7:30pm fyi.

anonymous 16 years ago

Can you please take my IP address off of your blocker or whatever because I cannot access any website that I need to, and it's annoying me. I am not going to access another 71 again! thanks!

jeff @ 16 years ago

You are not blocked or banned or're posting on my site. I checked your IP also.

Did your work block my site???

Jamie 16 years ago

Scores in NY

80-BEC (73 last year)
83-AUD (74 last year)

REG in October
FAR somewhere on the horizon

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be
in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep
your fingers crossed).

waitingformaine 16 years ago

Anybody got their scores for AUDIT for Maine State? Or is it just me how is looking for them?

nosa 16 years ago

Has anyone received an AUD score from CT yet?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Do you know of anyone else in MO that received their AUD score? I really had my hopes up for last night, but I guess I'm going to have to wait (so more).

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I guess there is a chance of wave 1b being posting on NASBA tonight around 9:00. I hope I am one of the lucky ones.

2Old2CPA 16 years ago

Has anyone gotten, or know of someone who has gotten, an AUD score from Wisconsin either yesterday or today? An earlier post made it sound as if Wisconsin had not posted ANY scores. I'm not sure how they would know such a thing. I took AUD in July, and have not seen my score yet. If you are from Wisconsin, and in the same boat as me, I would be interested in hearing your story.

anonymous 16 years ago

Alright I think it's better, thanks for fixing it.

luj333 16 years ago

No. All scores release at once... once you hear of someone receiving any score in WI, then yours will probably be out

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

me too...

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I haven't gotten REG or FAR from WI, so chances are they haven't released scores yet.

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

Took audit on July 9 in score yet.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Pretty quiet tonight. I guess no scores are posting. Oh, the agony!

gobucksOHIO 16 years ago

I'm hoping to be in wave 1c for FAR

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

9:01 ET ... no score for NYS.. did you get yours??

NJCPAhopeful 16 years ago

Just got my FAR score in NJ about 5 minutes ago.... 72... ughhh... I take BEC on Monday and I am taking if for the second time (got a 72 in April). Unfortunately, I leave a part in November so I am super worried and now back to studying for multiple parts while working busy season at a Big 4. (horrible)... no longer hopeful.

wendyohio 16 years ago

I just received my Ohio FAR score as part of wave 1c...75, not a pretty pass, but it is still a PASS. It posted at 8:55 for reference.

Fissel 16 years ago

Just got my FAR score in Ohio, thought for sure I was in wave 2 since I had that one simulation, but I guess not. 77. Now just waiting on my BEC score (took it for the 3rd time yesterday). I hope I pass it so I can be done with this test.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

congrats!! i recv'd two 74's in BEC... 75 would be like me winning the Mega Millions tonight!! i'm still waiting on Audit in from NYS and the lotto numbers..

StillWaiting 16 years ago

Just got my FAR score in Vermont about 10min ago.

cpafrustrated 16 years ago

Just got Audit in MA...73 I have gotten 73 on Reg, 74 on BEC and 73 on Audit, this is getting really annoying

so close but so FAR 16 years ago

Got FAR in NY 72 I feel your pain potentially dropping a part come dec. All I can say is thank you to everyone who encourages me to stay with this and without this site i may have given up long ago. So congrats to all who pass and i encourage all who did not pass to stay with it you will get it.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

i hear you... two 74's in BEC and i have to wait 2.5 months for my AUD results....

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Nope )<

gobucksOHIO 16 years ago

Still no FAR score for me and I took it July 18th. Looks like I truly am doomed to be in wave 2. arrrgggg!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Hang in there. I truly feel like the people who make between 70 and 80 are basically on the same level, the ones that passed were just tested on the material they really focused on. It's just luck of the draw in that range.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

You should change you name....

charlie555 16 years ago

73 on audit....bombed the last sim (damn flowcharts)

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Yikes! Flowcharts would suck. It looks like most people posting tonight are nonpassing scores. Better luck next time.

dave 16 years ago

Is the consensus that these will be the last scores released in wave 1?

sullyinnh 16 years ago

76 FAR in MA
Back at 3 of 4 parts - BEC to go

psychogenesis 16 years ago

Looks like it...waiting on FAR from DE...wrote it on Aug 7th. Dont think it will come before Sept 20th! Good luck!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Is it just me, or are most of the scores posting tonight right around 75. I wonder if wave 1b are the rereads for those who are really close.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

I feel like more scores will post up tomorrow from those that were released in wave 1b. After that, I think you should probably assume you are in for a longer wait (wave 2).

Name 16 years ago

Does anyone have any experience with getting your scores reviewed? I am considering having my done. I got a 69 and now I got a 74 on AUD for the second time. I've about had it with this exam.

anonymous 16 years ago

Then why when I try to access a blog site, it keeps forwarding me to some other random website. Like if I try to access cpanet or any other blog site i am forwarded to some other site like

luj333 16 years ago

you are more likely to get a passing score by randomly clicking answers without looking at the questions and skipping both simulations than getting a passing score by having them reviewed...

psychogenesis 16 years ago

I have not heard of anyone who has personally got their score reviewed but from all the interviews on this site, etc the review has not resulted in a change in score for anyone for a long while. Moreover they take a long time so it is best to do the exam in the next testing window. I am sure you will pass. This exam is as much a test of the materials as it is a test of one's endurance! Hang in there and good luck!!

WheelOfFortune 16 years ago

Hey guys and gals,

Its the night before my audit exam...I have the test at 3:30 pm tomorrow. Do you guys have any last minute advice on things I should go over or refresh for tomorrows exam??

Name 16 years ago

Get some sleep!

PArelease 16 years ago

Has anyone in PA received their audit score tonight? I haven't received mine yet...I didn't think Audit was having new simulations...

panda 16 years ago

Anyone got their FAR score in CA yet?? I took it on July 18... and I am still waiting... and waiting...

slowWIscores 16 years ago

This is the only time in my life I wished I was from Illinois... :)

Noid 16 years ago

Audit and FAR scores in the same night...passed...This stuff feels more to go.

cpamom2009 16 years ago

Sic 'em CPA - did you get your score today as TSBPA indicated?

dave 16 years ago

Thanks, I'd love for this to be my last part, but I just am not going to expect it until mid September.

here2help 16 years ago

75 FAR in MA

loulabella 16 years ago

anyone received any wave 1 scores from az. what's going on here?

jrplanill86 16 years ago

You're not the only one who got that score. I might have gotten the same SIM. Oh well, we will PASS next time. This time, we'll kill it. I have REG tomorrow and I have no choice but to pass. Good luck! We can definitely do this :)

barb_bd 16 years ago

Just got my AUD score - 74. First time I got a 69, I guess I improved but not quite enough. If anyone has any tips let me know!!

waitingformaine 16 years ago

OK so Maine AUD did come out. I got 76, just managed to pass. I am not going to complain.

Gargamel 16 years ago

I recommend practicing all the multiple choice questions (Becker) and make sure you understand why you get some wrong. With the ones you get wrong refer back to the test book and make sure you get the concept. Also use for supplement questions. It worked for me and I'm confident it can work for you too. You can do it!!! Good luck!!!

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

What materials are you using?

barb_bd 16 years ago

Becker. What have you used?

MsM 16 years ago

I used becker too, I just tried to memorize the entire book, read it multiple times. try and know the reports inside and out. I hope you pass this next time around.

Joe Macaluso 16 years ago

3000 comments. wow! :-)

jazzmanmb 16 years ago

I am pretty sure that is the reason. I got a 76 tonight on AUD.

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

I used a combination of Gleim and Becker. I read Becker because it was an easier read and did the Gleim multiple choice questions. You can buy the Gleim multiple choice questions CD Rom I believe. However, for AUD I read very little and did as many MC questions as I could. You learn a lot more than you think from the MC and also practice taking the test by doing multiple choice questions. I would worry more about memorizing MC answers when you do computations. Hope this helps. Sims are different because if you have enough knowledge on the subject doing the sims just teaches you the format.

PA 16 years ago

My FAR score was not posted as of tonight at 9pm, but it was up just about 10 minutes ago when I checked!!! 77! What great motivation, I have REG in the morning, and it will be my last one!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

dr4 16 years ago

Any word? I called them twice today and they said "within 24 hours of this morning"....none of them seem to know anything that we don't. I take BEC on Saturday. Any advice? I have just been doing a mad amount of MC for each section over and over again. The finance section seems kind of hard...

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

Kevin 16 years ago

Same boat. 74. First time 72. Just crank out the MC i hear.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

wheresmyflippinscore 16 years ago

TX AUD is up. I passed!

TX_09 16 years ago

More TX AUD is up. Passed sweet 75 ! thanks God!! score was posted at 4:06 a.m.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

stillnoTXscore 16 years ago

still no score for me in TX =( I took AUD on July 17th and am so tired of waiting. Will more of them be released?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

Missouri is a NASBA state, so scores are out. However - you may receive your score tonight.

Laura 16 years ago

I am still waiting on AUD from AZ. They keep saying the scores will be out within 24 hours...

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

PASSED AUD and I'm DONE, thanks Jeff for all of this, I couldn't have done it without you!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

waitingpatiently 16 years ago

Are there supposed to be anymore NASBA scores released tonight?

jeff @ 16 years ago

I honestly doubt that this would affect your score. You very well could be in Wave 2 due to a new sim. There should be another release tonight (keep your fingers crossed).

syc300 16 years ago

anyone in NY still waiting for AUD?
i dont know why mine hasnt come out yet
im getting worried...

mtil 16 years ago

Jeff, do you think Audit will still have one more small AICPA release or is it safe to assume if we haven't received our score we are in Wave 2?

pregnantexamtaker 16 years ago

I got my FAR score last night online for NY. I took my exam on 7/15. AUD should have come out before that I thought. Good luck!

jeff @ 16 years ago

Wave 1 is *not* done...more AICPA releases to come according to the little birdie I talked to this morning...

.. 16 years ago

Still haven't received my AUD score from NASBA. I'm a FL candidate and took the exam on 7/18. Anyone else in a similar situation?

mtil 16 years ago

awesome! Thank you.

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

still waiting here... we're probably in the second wave...

MJCPA 16 years ago

Do you have any idea if all of the scores have been released by NASBA? So if I have not received my score yet, I took AUD Jul 29th, that my only chance for a wave one release is if I am in the next score release by the AICPA?

rcorcoran 16 years ago

Awesome, this means WI will never get reported. Thanks for the updates Jeff.

ZJS1 16 years ago

Wave 1 for FAR and AUD or are you just talking about Audit?

emclark2003 16 years ago

Did your little birdie know which exam parts?

CPAafterAUD 16 years ago

Just wanted to let some of you guys know also that although I'm a NASBA state I got my score this morning, thought that was a little weird, not sure why? But others might want to check. Might have to do with I changed my address recently and was issued a new NTS days before my test and mine was suppose to be uploaded initially and wasn't I'm not sure.

Guest 16 years ago

Please, please, please let my Oklahoma BEC score be released ASAP! I don't know if I can handle much more wait. Grr.

Nichole984 16 years ago

I got my REG score last week, 73. I know this was due to my bad time managment. I was unable to complete most of the last Simulation. I did finish the Research and Communication but the other three tabs I just plugged in numbers. So what I'm wondering is I've already been studying to take FAR the first week in Oct and I had planned on taking BEC right before Thanksgiving; retaking any sections I needed in 2010 but now I'm wondering if it would be smarter to retake REG before Thanksgiving and push taking BEC back to Janurary. Which would mean studying in Dec since my NTS runs out 1/26 for BEC, which I was not planning on doing. Any Advice?

pdxjoseph 16 years ago

There's three of us in my office here in OR that took FAR between July 1st and July 3rd (an eternity ago) and no one has heard anything yet. Our scores aren't posted online so checking the mailbox each night has become a heart-wrenching ritual. Has anyone else from OR received a Wave 1 score?

CPA2009 16 years ago

I think you should retake Reg sooner than latter. Of the exams I have taken; Reg is the one I feel I remember the least from. It depends on the person though and which area they are stronger in. Reg was one of my weaker areas.

ZJS1 16 years ago

There's absolutely no reason why BEC should take longer than a week to study for. I studied for 2 days (5 hours/day with Becker material) and got an 84.

CPA2009 16 years ago

2 days, thats really good!!! I definetly don't feel like I could study that in 2 days. I suggest about three weeks; but it depends on how long you have been out of school.

emclark2003 16 years ago

Not in OR, but I took FAR on the 7th. Nothing yet!!

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

That's why they are not getting released??? Ugh...WI is letting me down in general (Brewers, Favre, construction all the time...)

Laura 16 years ago

Arizona AUD is out, finally.

Passed with an 87!

here2help 16 years ago

So it sounds like you're debating spending your time in Late Oct / Early Nov to either study REG (for the 2nd time) or BEC (for the 1st time)? That's a personal decision - I personally would do REG since it'll be more fresh in your memory, as opposed to loading ANOTHER cpa section (BEC) in your brain and wearing you out even more.

If your NTS for BEC runs out in January, I don't see any harm and putting it off until then and just taking REG before that. of course, i think registration fees will be bigger if u keep reapplying separately.

it sounds like you've passed AUD already. is that right?

pregnantexamtaker 16 years ago

I got my FAR score for NY at about 4 pm yesterday afternoon. I took the exam on 7/15. I got an 80!! I was 7 months pregnant when I took it too!

dr4 16 years ago

That's awesome. Congrats. I haven't been sent an email yet....Good luck on BEC thanks for the advice.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Called NASBA again today. I can tell they are growing frustrated with the recent call volume, but there is no way they are as frustrated as me!

NJTProadwarrior 16 years ago

i might call just to frustrate them too... btw any word?

Waiting on Regs 16 years ago

Anyone in WV receive scores for any part?

Name 16 years ago

Well for any of you waiting on your scores in a Non-NASBA state that doesn't post online, I contacted AR's board of accountancy today, and they still haven't received anything from the AICPA. I am beginning to think AR is the only state that does snail mail though!

Nichole984 16 years ago

Yeah passed Audit early summer. I think I just need confirmation from other people who have taken the test to change my original plans, and spend the extra money on getting the NTS for just one test.

Name 16 years ago

Nothing for my AUD PA score.

futureNCcpa 16 years ago

I don't know if this is a big deal or not, but some of the items in the Regulation material that is tested on might change in 2010. I have no idea what they would be, but that might be something to look into. If things do change, it might be easier for you to take it sooner rather than later so you don't have to relearn new material. And it seems like the Reg material would be much more likely to change than the BEC material. Just a thought...

Waiting on Regs 16 years ago

WV is snail mail. It takes at least a week, sometimes 2 to get our scores after NASBA states get their scores online. I sat for REGs on 7.2, my last exam, so the waiting is especially frustrating.

Laura 16 years ago

I called NASBA and pestered them. They are the ones that send out an email.

Name 16 years ago

I am taking BEC Monday and waiting on AUD as well! I have already sat for BEC once and wasn't as prepared as I should have been (got a 69). To be honest, the IT section was the most challenging, as most of the material on the exam was not in the book. My best advice is to be sure and read all of the IT Addendums on the Becker site and know all of your Variance calcs in the Cost section.

joekulesza 16 years ago

has anyone taken FAR in PA in the first wave and gotten their score???

Name 16 years ago

Thanks for the info! I sat for AUD on 7/8 so I feel your pain, although I am not even close to being done with the exam!

jeff @ 16 years ago

****UPDATE: Upon further review - Wave 1 is confirmed complete. ****

lmn1015 16 years ago

Ugh, 73 on FAR. Stupid simulations.

cherly_csr 16 years ago

I feel your pain. I got 73 in Reg.

The Simulations got me too!

This sucks!

mtil 16 years ago

Boooo :o( Another month to go before grade stalking can begin again.

Do you think Audit will get released last again?

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago


Just to clarify what that actually means: Are you saying that the AICPA has released all the wave 1 scores to NASBA, or are you saying that NASBA has released all wave 1 scores to candidates? In other words, are there scores that were released by the AICPA to NASBA that NASBA has not yet made available?

I was kind of expecting some more scores to post up tonight.

PArelease 16 years ago

Jeff, is NASBA's release of Wave 1 complete or the AICPA? I'm in PA waiting for an audit it possible NASBA would still post tonight?

Waiting in AR 16 years ago

I sat for REG on 7/30 in AR and received my score (90) in the mail today. Not sure why the AR state board told you they hadn't received scores, they obviously have for REG. Maybe they haven't received AUD yet? Not sure. Still waiting on FAR (sat on 7/9)...

Waiting in AR 16 years ago

I sat for REG on 7/30 in AR and received my score (90) in the mail today. Not sure why the AR state board told you they hadn't received scores, they obviously have for REG. Maybe they haven't received AUD yet? Not sure. Still waiting on FAR (sat on 7/9)...

TNcandidate 16 years ago

Has anyone in TN gotten their FAR score in the mail yet?

Name 16 years ago

Yeah I asked specifically about AUD, which I don't think they have received yet. I stalk the mailbox daily! It's starting to get frustrating. Congrats on the 90!

2Old2CPA 16 years ago

Anyone out there gotten, or know anyone who has gotten. an AUD score from Wisconsin?

slowWIscores 16 years ago

No. WI doesn't send out scores until all have been released. Jeff noted that the AICPA is still releasing scores, so we most likely won't get any until next Monday (last day of the month). I think some other people are waiting for AUD in WI too, as talked about in the other comments on the site.

waitingca 16 years ago

Nope, I took AUD on 7/13 and haven't received my score.

PAscores 16 years ago

Any PA Audit scores yet?

smeal2009 16 years ago

I got mine Monday night

AR-REG 16 years ago

For those of you who want to quit-

I took all 4 exams more than 20 times all together; can't even remember. But, the first one was in 2005. Received scores from 29 to 85. And now, here I am will all passing scores.



PArelease 16 years ago

Did you pass? I am still waiting and I don't know if I passed or not...

elliej18 16 years ago

Check the latest comment from Jeff...he posted an updated note that Wave 1 has been confirmed complete. So hopefully that means we will be getting our scores soon!!!!!!!

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

NICE WORK! Congrats on being done:)

Name 16 years ago

Congratulations! I see you are from AR, did you happen to get that audit score today? :) I am patiently waiting...I feel like we are the slowest state!

emclark2003 16 years ago

I hear you. I am in WI and am waiting on two scores!!! This sucks!!

slowWIscores 16 years ago


slowWIscores 16 years ago

I had to check the NASBA website as soon as I saw that :). Nothing yet, but hopefully soon!!

elliej18 16 years ago

haha, yeah, NASBA was the first place I went as soon as I saw his comment too...and about every 1/2 hour after that :) Now I'm starting to feel tortured like everyone else was when they knew their scores were getting posted soon. Last time I got a score during Wave 1, it was on the 27th of the 2nd month...tomorrow is the 27th!!!!! Hopefully that means something!

luj333 16 years ago

now thats dedication...

luj333 16 years ago

i predict next monday...

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I'm also waiting on two, and it's like torture!!

cpashenanigans 16 years ago


I noticed on NASBA's Twitter they said that if you didn't receive scores to call 800-CPA-EXAM. Does this mean that if NASBA did not post scores on their website (such as my state, WI) that they will give the score to you over the phone??? Please let me know...this wait is brutal! Thank you!

olinto2020 16 years ago

92 on audit! F'in pumped! Thank you Peter Olinto!!

Hopefully just one more left!

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

Alright I need some advice... I just got word that I can retake my REG exam for free. Originally I took it at the end of July and the conditions in the room made it so that I couldn't concentrate ( I heard someone talking in the room, a toilet flushing, conversation in the other room,etc. Overall it was a nightmare!). I only did the writing part of the 2nd simulation (I didn't get to do any of the other tabs) So my question is do I sign up to retake it for free.. or do I wait till Sept to see if I passed? If I wait till Sept. and find out that I failed then I will have to pay to retake it. Any thoughts?

Name 16 years ago

Man, that sucks! What happens if you sign up to retake it? Can you sign up for the exam and then cancel it when you get your score back?

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

No, they won't give me my score if I sign up to retake it..

cpashenanigans 16 years ago

hey all, can we call for our scores tomorrow? nasba tweeted that if you took your exam and didnt get your score to call 800-cpaexam

panda 16 years ago

My FAR score is still not up yet... >.<.... anyone from CA got theirs?

slowWIscores 16 years ago

You can try it but as the whole state hasn't been released yet I doubt that they will give you scores over the phone. No one in WI has gotten anything yet, and they tend to wait really late. I'd say scores will be posted on the website as soon as tomorrow or by Monday at the latest.

This is my third time doing the long wait and it never gets any easier!

cpahopeful 16 years ago

Hi guys,

I have a question and I was hoping that someone can help me out here?

I am taking BEC this Saturday and I registered to take BEC again in October in case I fail on Saturday. (I did not study as much so I am not feeling too confident).

I just wanted to make sure that you are allowed to re-register for an exam that you have not taken yet???

MsM 16 years ago

Congrats! You did it!

Nicole 16 years ago

Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of receipts to prove I paid for the exam?? The fees are reimbursed by my firm once you've passed, however you need to submit proof of payment. I was wondering if there was a place to obtain the payment receipts. I dont remember them issuing receipts after each payment was made. Thanks :)

elliej18 16 years ago

If you go to your state on the NASBA website, there should be a contact e-mail address. I have e-mailed my state's e-mail address and they have sent me a receipt. Hope you can get ahold of someone!

elliej18 16 years ago

If you go to your state on the NASBA website, there should be a contact e-mail address. I have e-mailed my state's e-mail address and they have sent me a receipt. Hope you can get ahold of someone!

luj333 16 years ago

WI hasn't released their scores yet, but you can try... i doubt you'll get anywhere

Nicole 16 years ago

Thanks!! Much appreciated. I've been searching through various credit card statements/bank statement for the past year and a half and I'm sure they need additional support, because nothing is ever easy! Fingers crossed they get back to me. Thanks again

elliej18 16 years ago

I don't think this relates to Wisconsin unfortunately, but you could always give it a try. I called NASBA yesterday to ask when Wisconsin would be releasing their scores, and they gave a general answer about how they will be posting "sometime during the last week in August and maybe into the first week in September". As various comments have stated, WI waits until all the scores have been released until they post them, so I still believe they will be posting WI scores soon, but who knows.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

I just retook AUD (scored 73 first time on 4/21) today and nothing surprise me on the exam after just 3 weeks of studying (approx 55 hrs). I know how you feel leaving an exam can be no indication of how you scored but if I do not pass I will be severely disappointed. I feel that that you should retake REG sooner than later. Restudy was more like a review even after 3 months and I agree with that the material is more likely to change for REG then BEC. Also, I studied for and passed FAR (80) in between the two AUD exams. Good Luck regardless of which way you go.

dr4 16 years ago

Did you get your score yet? AZ seems to be very slow.

MJCPA 16 years ago

Any scores released tonight? Waiting for AUD!

here2help 16 years ago

that means you paid for it twice? (you need a section ID to register, and you need an NTS for a section ID, and you need to pay registration for an NTS).

why would u pay for it twice.. i assume you haven't done this (although you certainly make it sound like you paid twice already)

smeal2009 16 years ago

I took it on around July 25th (not sure of the exact date) and I got a 95 on it. You may be in wave 2...

AR-REG 16 years ago

Yes, I am from AR, Little Rock. And, I received my REG score today. I am not sure about AUD.

MsM 16 years ago

Hey I have a short term memory so when I failed REG i found it helpul to take it again right away since the info was still fresh. I knew if I waited I would forget things and have to re study everything again. If you think you can remember the info for a few months then just wait to take it.

MsM 16 years ago

the becker lectures for 5 chapters are longer than 10 hrs, how did you do that?

jrk4 16 years ago

Is there a way to know first attempt pass percentages for all 4 exams. In other words,
how many exam candidates pass all 4 exams in their first attempt, in a given year/ window?


cpainpa 16 years ago

Just found out i passed what i think to be my final part of the CPA exam. I passed the first part 1/11/08 but my sheet from NASBA said it expired 7/31/09 and i took the final part 7/28/09. Have not received my score sheet yet but was just nervious because it technically was more than 18 months. Is it standard for the 18 month period to always end the final day of the month? Thanks for any comments

3morepoints 16 years ago

Olinto is the MAN. i take audit on friday... im assuming becker did you well? i am studying with becker and have run through the lectures, mc (90%s), and simulations. from you experience with becker would you say im perpared? any items becker missed? hope to hear from you PETEY!

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

you are finished. As long as you sat for the exam before 7/31, then you are fine!

cpainpa 16 years ago

Thanks. My score sheet will probably be coming in the mail like tomorrow. But couldn't wait that long and was hoping someone could help. Thanks again.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

I was under the impression that NASBA would not allow you to register for the same exam twice. Thought I read that somewhere, but cannot remember where. I see no benefit in register twice for the same exam regardless of how you feel prior to taking it.

AO 16 years ago

My thoughts exactly!

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Actually this situation has come up before. If you think you might have passed it and money is not an issue, then I would letit ride and wait for the score. However, if money is an issue and you really feel like you did very bad and you do not want to fork over an another exam fee (I wouldn't), I would just leave to bad luck and retake the exam in the next window assuming time is also not an issue. This could allow you to get that extra studying done to make sure you pass or know the material that much better.

Having said all of this, I have not taken REG but I have taken FAR and I would not want to retake FAR under any circumstances if I had a choice. Best of Luck in whatever decision you choose.

AO 16 years ago

Congratulations!!! I have also taken the exams multiple times. I have one left, AUD, which I take tomorrow. I am feeling very comfortable. I took it in April and got a 71. I feel I will have no problem this time around. I'm prepared. Congratulations again! And Good Luck to everyone!!!

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I thought I read somewhere that 10% pass their first time and 80% or so eventually pass when they keep trying. I think i may have seen that on Becker's website or something.

Name 16 years ago

anyone else still waiting on bec? took it 7/30.

luj333 16 years ago

your state probably hasn't released it yet

hell_yes 16 years ago

Still waiting on my AUD score from FL. I took it 7/18 - any chance I get it as part of this first wave?

siblitz 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

uh...I didnt do a thing....I have no control over your computer...that"s weird

jeff @ 16 years ago

Pretty sure there will be no more releases via NASBA...I think they've
released them all. I would spend your evening doing something else and then
check once before going to bed just in case.

i need luck 16 years ago

No, I am still waiting. But I took my test on 8/4, so it might not have made a cut for the wave 1 score release.

jeff @ 16 years ago


sullyinnh 16 years ago

Congratulations looks like you studied the correct amount. That's how I felt about my 75 in Reg last testing period. You should be proud of your accomplishment. Best of luck and thanks for updating me with your progress. All my best, Paul

jeff @ 16 years ago

This has been more scores :(

jeff @ 16 years ago

My understanding is that both the AICPA and NASBA have released all scores for Wave 1.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I don't believe so...pretty sure NASBA has released everything.

2Old2CPA 16 years ago


I am waiting on AUD from Wisconsin. Some posts on this site have indicated that Wisconsin NASBA has not released any scores as of yet. Your message indicates that all NASBA scores have been released. Would you advise that if I have not gotten my score from WI NASBA as of yet, that it will be a 3 - 4 week wait until Wave 2?

Amanda_NH 16 years ago


jrk4 16 years ago

thank you! I remember Becker citing 'less than 10%' in their textbook foreword...never understood where they got that statistic!

Nasba has this:

Candidate Performance Book 2008

Maybe this contains definitive statistics?


Name 16 years ago

I don't know anyone from WI who has received a score via NASBA for any section this testing window. They have to post some scores soon I would hope....this happens every testing window...

jeff @ 16 years ago

WI is the one section I don't know comment about NASBA releasing
all scores did not take WI into account. There's still hope!

MJCPA 16 years ago

So in your experience, would you say that a wave 2 release is a good indiciation that I failed. I had that happen with FAR last year and I got a 74. I guess it could be that I had a new simulation, but what does that mean? It looked normal to me.

Thanks again for your site.

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

You should review the areas that you are weak on. I wouldn't suggest registering again.
My advice study hard for the next couple of days. Also don't second guess yourself during the exam!
I ended up passing BEC with a 79 after changing some of answers! I can still remember some of the answers I changed ( of course I changed them to the wrong answer).

You can do it!

Amanda_NH 16 years ago


jeff @ 16 years ago

No, I wouldn't assume that at all. You very well could have had a new sim on
an old may have looked standard, but it was new? Don't read too
much into it. My co-worker had to wait 11 weeks for his FAR score...sat July
3rd 2008 and got his passing score late September.

hell_yes 16 years ago

I just called NASBA with a similar question and was given very vague answers. "If you haven't yet received it it's because the AICPA has not released it. They release scores up through October." Great...

gman7589 16 years ago

You are probably in Wave 2. I am a FL candidate and received my score Monday night. FL uses NASBA, I have always received all my scores with the rest of the NASBA release.

hell_yes 16 years ago

Well... that's not what I wanted to hear, but thank you.

3down 16 years ago

Does anyone know of ANYBODY that has actually received one extra point when having their score re-graded? I got a 74 on FAR. Please, please respond and let me know if you have tried the re-grading thing and what happened. Or if you have ever heard of anybody else getting a point out of it. I have never heard of a case where the score was changed. Thanks.

Dave 16 years ago

Similar situation here. I took it on 7/22 and haven't heard a thing. I'm not going to expect it before mid September. I've heard of people who did get their scores however, so I think we must have got bumped back to wave 2.

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago

Whiteflag -

I woke up this morning and check my score one last time. I have accepted that fact that I am in wave II (AUD in Missouri). It's a jagged little pill.

Looking foward to September 21st, 2009!!!! Almost one more freaking month!

certifiedpissedoffaccountant 16 years ago


gman7589 16 years ago

Never heard of anyone getting their grade changed, NASBA states it on their website that they have never issued a grade change as a result of a score Appeal. here is a link read at the bottom of the page in the bullet points, 2nd one.

here is the quote:

Candidates are advised:

* the score appeal fees are non-refundable.
* that no score changes have occurred as a result of a score appeal. However, the decision to appeal a score is up to the candidate.
* that the submission of a Score Appeal form should not prevent a candidate from re-applying for the same examination section(s) in the next testing window.
* it takes at least eight (8) weeks to obtain score appeal results from the AICPA.

For additional information, contact 1-800-CPA-EXAM or email:

WaitingForResultsIsFun 16 years ago

I took my exam on July 16, 2009 for AUD (NJ). I check my score and got the error message on NASBA's website 5 minutes ago. I'm guessing that I am in wave II as well. If released on September 21 I will have waited over 9 weeks for my results. This is my last part and it's KILLING me not knowing...

WISucks 16 years ago

Has ANYONE in Wisconsin received their score for any section yet? This state's score process is so stupid.

parry 16 years ago

Just a quick question... Are the questions in Wiley CD and Wiley Book the same or different?

cpaing 16 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD score from Massachusetts yet? I took mine on 7/13 and still haven't received it yet. Thanks for the help!

rcorcoran 16 years ago

Not yet...

Headake 16 years ago

Just to Confirm: The consensus is if you havnt received your score yet, you have to wait for the wave 2 release. I took FAR in Md 7/11.

Headake 16 years ago

Sorry that was supposed to be a question, not a statement.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I haven't heard of anyone from WI receiving scores, and I highly doubt that the whole state is in wave 2 :). I'd look for scores on Monday

gman7589 16 years ago

I was taking AUD and went on a break to find a women entering the test center with the largest purse i have seen. The employee said you can't take anything with you into the test room, the lady through a tantrum. I should have seen what was coming. The employee looked puzzled and checked the lady's pockets and caught her trying to take in a pocket full of the papers, cell phone, pens, pencils, etc. I went back in to continue testing and my luck she sat behind me. About an hour goes by of her groaning, extremely heavy breaths, etc. then out of the blue she pops up out of her chair runs over to the see through window and starts BANGING on the glass as hard as she can then moves to the door, which is unlocked. Once she figures this out she then proceeds to open it and YELL "Can I get some coffee?" the employee runs over and starts yelling at her no, you can't be up and about your not on a break on your exam. Thank goodness i was on my last sim (the communication part) and left shortly there after. I just had a good laugh and passed on the story to friends and fellow CPA Candidates. I passed though. It is up to you how confident you feel about the test.

jeff @ 16 years ago

"Can I get some coffee?" Classic! I sat next to a dude who kept farting once. I'm not sure which one is worse.

jeff @ 16 years ago

****Just an fyi...comments will be shut down for 24-48 hours while I migrate to a new server. The plan is to start the migration this afternoon. I can be reached via the Club 75 message board if you wish to join. There's 40+ people on there currently. (convenient excuse to plug Club 75) :)

Virginia candidate 16 years ago

I have both, only some are the same. Wiley CD overall more comprehensive . Same content though. With the CD, you don't have a series of questions with the same fact pattern as you do in the text.

NEEDSCORESNOW 16 years ago

Can anyone tell me how to retrieve scores from the NASBa website? Thanks-

jeff @ 16 years ago

In my AICPA interview, they said that zero scores were changed in 2008 due to appeal. -Jeff

Guest 16 years ago

Hi All, I take Audit in two days and I was wondering if any of you prepared for Audit with Becker. I am using Becker and am scoring well on the MC and Simulations, so I am wondering with your prior experiences, is becker material enough to pass audit. I also have no real life audit experience so I hope that that doesnt come back to haunt me. So yeah, my question is to those who prepared with Becker, is that enough to get by or should I reach out to more resources (last minute). Thanks guys!!!

jeff @ 16 years ago

In my AICPA interview, they said that zero scores were changed in 2008 due to appeal. -Jeff

waitingca 16 years ago

Please help. Does anybody have suggestions on preparing for the BEC exam? I'm using CPAExcel but not sure if I should supplement the course with something else. Suggestions are appreciated!

LEE_IN 16 years ago

CPAINPA, I am not sure how PA does it, but here in IN, I receive a letter for a passing score with the expiration date of each section and for FAR my expiration date is 28 Feb 2011 for the exam taken on 4 Aug 2009. It does appear that the end date is the end of the month. Your best bet is to contact NASBA if you are a NASBA state or your state Board of Accountancy to be sure. Good Luck!!

olinto2020 16 years ago

Yeah you'll be set. I recognized a lot from prior questions. With audit..there are only so many ways you can twist those questions around. Becker covers everything, that's all I used. You'll have plenty of time. Good luck.

dianehuffman 16 years ago

I got my official results today. CRAP! This makes twice now failing the BEC. I feel like the stupidest person on earth. (Took the test on 7/18 in OK if that helps anyone waiting)

cpaing 16 years ago

How is that possible tho? Because they clearly state it should take 4-6 weeks to receive your score. Considering i took it on 7/13 and they arent going to release it now till 3rd week in September, thats 9 weeks. That just seems absolutely ridiculous to me i dont know if anyone else feels that way too.

cc_slater 16 years ago

To 3morepoints: I used becker for audit last window and scored an 89. I viewed all the lectures, did all homework and sims. the day before the test I did the final exams. I felt very prepared. Good luck.

AMay127 16 years ago

I was just wondering how long you took to complete the actual exam when you earned an 89?

Num83ers 16 years ago

Take the Final Exam which is in the same spot as the simulations. When you finish the exam, go through and take notes on where you need work. You will probably find trends of where your weaknesses are. Also, use the Final Exam to help with your time management of the exam. I took one Audit class in college that I didn't pat attention to and I have no Audit expexperience. I scored a 90 on Audit. Becker has everything you need to be prepared

Num83rs 16 years ago

I am talking with a friend about Regulation and I wanted to get everyone's feedback who has taken the exam. What was your experience with the AMT and Estate/Trusts? Did you have a lot of questions relating to them?

AMay127 16 years ago

I was just often to people complete the Audit exam early? I was wondering if this had any correlation to the score they received......any thoughts???

jeff @ 16 years ago

??? ...that's a big AICPA no-no.

Name 16 years ago

I agree with the post about the final exams. Becker MC completely prepared me for the multiple choice on the exam, but I felt like the final exam simulations were much more thorough in preparing for the actual simulations on the exam. Also, if you have the final review, it's good to look through those sample simulations as well. I had the most issues with the simulations, so I would say if you have both down then you are good to go!

jeff @ 16 years ago

This is actually one of the topics in my book...*most* people finish it early.

Name 16 years ago

WAVE 1 WISCONSIN scores are posted on the NASBA website! Passed FAR!!! Yay!

Name 16 years ago

Has NASBA received the 2nd and 3rd release for FAR yet, i am in a snail state, and have not received my score yet

num83ers 16 years ago

As in quantity, not particular types of questions etc. AICPA gives % of what the exam will cover. Plenty of folks have provided answers along the lines of "My exam was heavier on pensions than I expected" or "I was suprised at how many questions I had on Detection Risk" etc...

num83rs 16 years ago

I don't think there is a correlation. Some people take exams quicker than others. I flew through the MC and had about 2.5 hours for the simulations. I obviously took my time and made sure I had my communication down to a "T". I used the entire window..

TNFAR 16 years ago

Jeff- Would you please take the red banner at the top right of the page off until next score release?

elliej18 16 years ago

I KNOW!!! I just found out I passed REG & BEC too...what a great night!

elliej18 16 years ago


here2help 16 years ago

lol who cares

brandon 16 years ago

I finished it two hours early and scored a 96, sometimes you just know the material very well. Plus it helps on that exam that there are virtually zero calculations, its 98.7% theory.

jeff @ 16 years ago

I would love to, but I haven't been able to change anything on my theme since Monday or so once the new server transition began. Trust me - it's not due to laziness. I will change it this weekend, hopefully.

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I passed AUDIT!!! It was my first exam taken. Tomorrow is REG..hope my luck continues:) Congrats to all who passed in WI now that we FINALLY know our scores!

Guest 16 years ago

Thanks everyone... yeah I take it in about 48 hours so I hope Becker does me well! Anymore people out there use Becker for Audit?

cpaing 16 years ago

Can someone please explain to me how the whole Wave 1 and Wave 2 thing works. I took my Audit exam on 7/13 i should have recieved the score in Wave 1 but haven't. Does this mean i have to wait until Wave 2? In which case it will be roughly 9 weeks until i receive my score. Thanks!

Donna (TX) 16 years ago

I'm using CPAExcel as my main review source and suplementing with the Wiley books for mcq just to give me more variey of problems. I've noticed there are some things CPAExel doesn't have that Wiley does and vice versa. I passed REG first try and had to take BEC twice (due more to that fact I didn't spend enough time studying). The wiley books are $60 for the study guide (covers all four sections) and the $60 for the mca/sims (covers all 4 sections).

wisccpa 16 years ago

Took audit in WI 7/1. My scores not posted. Any ideas?

3down 16 years ago

I finished it about 20 minutes early and that was after taking my time to check my answers and really elaborate on the written communication in the last sim. And believe me, if I can finish it early, ANYBODY can b/c I always run out of time on standardized tests. Why oh why can't they give 4 1/2 hours for FAR instead of AUDIT? Anyway, I got an 80, first try.

3down 16 years ago

Thank you!

3down 16 years ago

For those of you who have passed FAR easily, what was your study approach? It is my last section to pass and I just failed it again, this time with a 74. I have one more testing window (Oct-Nov) to pass it before I lose credit on my first section passed. I don't know what other study approach to take at this point. Please give advice as this will be my 5th time taking it! (admittedly, I didn't prepare well enough the first two times for sure; all other sections I passed on first try though, weird) I have Becker materials (although a little outdated now) and the Wiley book (didn't use it much yet; didn't have time). I guess a lot of you like Yaeger, which I had never heard of until seeing this site. Do I need a "cram" software? Thanks in advance.

Gargamel 16 years ago

Weird except if you had a new SIM, that puts you in the 2nd wave. I took AUD July 11th and got my results Monday night (passed). NASBA has completed posting for wave 1, do you know for sure if your State is a NASBA or Non NASBA state.

Name 16 years ago

took audit yesterday using becker (also have very limited real life audit experience), didnt finish the material, didnt do the sims, and didnt complete all MC and i still felt extremely prepared. def the easiest exam ive taken so far (passed BEC and FAR) and i felt much more confident leaving that exam than the others. becker correlates very well with the actual exam so if youve covered all material and MC you should be alright. good luck!

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I haven't taken FAR yet so I can't comment on passing. I like the Yaeger cram for FAR. I find watching some of the videos helpful ( and that I retain the information better than just writing it). I think Yaeger does a good job of presenting the information so it isn't boring. This is the first time I bought Yaeger and I like it.

Amanda_NH 16 years ago

I took all of the time completing the exam and I passed with an 88.

luj333 16 years ago

91 AUD 92 FAR - 1 last one to go on Monday!!

luj333 16 years ago

i completed REG about 20 min early - 92 FAR 45 minutes early - 92 AUD 1 hr 30 min early - 91

luj333 16 years ago

uh... you're in wave 2

luj333 16 years ago

I used becker.... watch the videos, read the book, and most importantly- do multiple choice questions so much that you know the answer before you even look at the list of answers

WICPAHOPEFUL 16 years ago

I took mine on 7/9 so I can't imagine that you would be in wave2 if I took mine after you....

cpaing 16 years ago

Im not 100% but i beleive im a NASBA state. How do i check? Also, how do i know if I had a new simulation?

wisccpa 16 years ago

WOW great, and since we're the slowest state, will get them by 2010. Doyle needs to do something bout this.

TNFAR 16 years ago


minnesotajoe 16 years ago

I used becker for audit in July. Hadn't touched it a week out from the exam and started burning through a chapter a night (had to work during the day), including all the mc's. By Friday I'd gone through all the lectures and mc's. I went back and did some supplemental Q's on the chapters I wasn't getting 75% or better on. Then saturday morning i read through the answer sheets of the sims and took the exam. 94. So I'd say yea, you got a shot. But then again, I've been an auditor for the last two years. If you're running out of time, skip the lectures and just read through the book. It'll save you an hour or two a chapter, and give you more time for mc's. I did that for FAR and it turned out fine.

jeff @ 16 years ago

why does it bother you? I will probably leave the banner, but get rid of the red AUD update

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

I got a 72 the first time and then a 79 on the second round. Both times with Becker. My weakness was really nailing down calculations. I mean REALLY knowing why items are calculated the way they are and knowing (not just memorizing) how to implement. Sometimes with we think reading is studying but it is not one in the same. That was my first mistake. Also there are some changes with the FAR material. I can't remeber which section. I would go to the Becker website and get it....I think it is on impairments. My second weakness was I hatejournal entries. But most sims will require you to know them so remember those acronyms (SIR I AGE) and (CAR IMAG). Lastly, know the government material. They say it is a small % of the test, but most that % is in MCQ and could be the difference between a 74 and 75. In summary: Calculations, journal entries, and government material.Just my 4 cents (raised from 2 cents based on inflation)

TNFAR 16 years ago

Jeff - Don't get me wrong. What I asked you to take off is just red AUD update. I shouldn't have used the word "banner". The blue banner is great. Only the red AUD update one is giving me a heart attack ... like... is there a new score release again??? :)

jeff @ 16 years ago

All gone :)

CMB 16 years ago

Anyone from a snail mail state receive AUD yet?

Gargamel 16 years ago

You can go to NASBA site, select your State, click scores. If it tells you online scores are available for your state that means it's a NASBA state, if not it will just refer you to the site of your State board. There's no way you can tell if you had a new SIM or not.

Name 16 years ago

Anyone from snail mail state receive AUD yet? I'm going nuts!

joekulesza 16 years ago

seriously a heart attack?

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

Hey Jeff! Are you sticking with your Wave 2 predictions? Just curious since Wave 1 was a cluster.

luj333 16 years ago

what state are you in??

Name 16 years ago

AR...seems like we are the slowest!

jeff @ 16 years ago

yeah - Wave 1 was a cluster, but there's no way to account for a cluster...they were still 2/4 on the money...not too shabby

waitingca 16 years ago

I used CPAExcel and got an 86 first time in February. This was my first exam and I studied 6 months taking notes and making flash cards. The review system is pretty good too as it breaks the concepts into short readings and pre-tests.

Loch_Ness 16 years ago

P.S. cluster comment was directed at the AICPA and not your prediction. My REG score came in on the $, so no complaints.

luj333 16 years ago

I thought you just said that you passed FAR in WI

Name 16 years ago

No that wasn't me...

slowWIscores 16 years ago

The date you take the test has nothing to do with when you receive results, as long as you take the exam before the wave 1 cutoff date.

slowWIscores 16 years ago

Congrats! I just found out I'm done, I passed REG and FAR!!!

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I finished Reg with 45 mins to spare (89), FAR with 3 minutes (90), BEC an hour and a half early (86) and AUD 2.5 hours early (92). I don't think time correlates with scores

slowWIscores 16 years ago

I would recommend getting an updated Becker version, because the entire section on consolidations (section 3) has changed due to implementing 141R. Good luck on the exam!

jeff @ 16 years ago

I know :)

SwissBlissSC 16 years ago

SO, I took AUD today in 1.5 hours. It felt like the easiest exam in the world, but that was probably because I studied as if it was the hardest since I wanted this to be my last exam. September 21st seems very far away......Good luck everybody.

spstarla78 16 years ago

So I just got out of FAR a couple hours ago, and yeah - it was just like everyone said it was going to be - brutal! Easy first testlet, second testlet from hell, easier third testlet. Had the multiple-topic sim, which was really not fun. Had a communication where the topic literally was covered in the Wiley book in 1 sentence (and very briefly by Cindy), and I had to find a way to write a paragraph about it. Not fun at all. Journal entries like crazy! Whew... Guess we'll see in three weeks...

LEE_IN 16 years ago

I agree with Loch_Ness comments. especially about government and not for profit. Since it is remote that you will get a simulation on the subject the whole percentage between the two subjects total 18-24%. Doing the math that would equate to approx. 1 of 5 multiple choice questions relate to one of those subjects.

I used Becker and passed FAR with an 80 this past window. It is a beast I studied approx a total of 180-200 hours over approx 10 weeks doing the multiple choice questions and listening to the all the lectures again.

depressed 16 years ago

so i took far last night... i think i totally failed again. sigh. september 22 is going to suck so bad.

LEE_IN 16 years ago

Just go to the website and click on cpa exam and then your state. If your state have online reporting you will be able to put in your section id and date of birth to get your score. If there is no place to put your section id and date of birth then NASBA should direct you on how to get your scores from your state. Scores are released in two waves by section from the AICPA. Wave 1 for this test window was from 7/1 to 8/7. There is no guarantee if you take the exam during the period that you will be in wave 1. Wave 1 release is complete. It you took the exam after 8/7 then you are in wave 2. Wave 2 predictions are at the top of this blog. There is no way to get your score early from the AICPA or NASBA. Hope this helps.

3morepoints 16 years ago

Hey... I take audit on Monday... what did you prepare with that you felt so prepared. I am using Becker and have nailed the MC... think I'm ready? haha

benben29 16 years ago

Has anyone used Bisk CPA review? If so, do you think it prepared you for the exams?

jeff @ 16 years ago

New poll in the sidebar...I'm trying to decide which comment system to go with...with my new server I'm at a crossroads...can go one way or the other.

shan1123 16 years ago

So I'm taking FAR on Monday and pretty much doing a 3 day cram...I know, I know, not the brightest idea, but I know of a couple people who have pulled it off. I'm basically just reading the chapters and doing MC over and over and over.... I had to scrap the lectures due to time... anyone out there ever passed this exam in cramming?? If so, any last minute words of advice!!! Thanks in advance for any help!!

CAFAR 16 years ago

I usually get a diagnostic report after two months regardless if i pass or not

jeff @ 16 years ago

Certain independent states give out diagnostics if you pass...NASBA does not

15 years ago

Hi Jeff, What is a difference between Wave 1 & Wave 2? - I took my exam on Oct - 3rd and when you do you think the results will be out/posted? What is a difference between Wave 1a & Wave 2a? I also saw Wave 2a - in your contents- can you please advise? Thanks.

Hasan Hussein 15 years ago

I took the REG exam today, actually i passed the other three parts, but the REG I retake it for the second time, i think that the time is very tied. especially i am not us therefor im not familiar with the US Tax and business law. i hope that i did well

Lance Read 15 years ago

If only more than 11 people would read about this..