Here are my CPA Exam scores/results predictions for the July and August 2009 Wave 2 release:
Wave 2:
(All exams taken after August 7 as well as those with new sims)
AICPA Release:
- BEC – Monday, September 14
- REG – Wednesday, September 16
- AUD – Thursday, September 17
- FAR – Saturday, September 19
NASBA Release (posted between 9pm and midnight EDT):
- BEC – Wednesday, September 16
- REG – Friday, September 18
- AUD – Monday, September 21
- FAR – Tuesday, September 22
Wave 2 Prediction History (NASBA release):
- October/November 2008: 1/4
- January/February 2009 : 0/4
- April/May 2009: 2/4
- July/August 2009:
Note – these are based on trends from data that I have recorded from previous windows. These are just predictions.
See also CPA Exam Scores Wave 1
Frequently asked questions about CPA Exam score releases:
Q: What is the difference between an AICPA and a NASBA score release?
A: The AICPA has to release scores for a particular section of the Exam before anything else can happen. Once that happens, then scores can start being released. Everything depends on the AICPA. The way that it works is that the AICPA releases scores to the states. Some states are independent – such as California, Illinois, Virginia, Texas, etc and release through their own state website. The majority of states, however, release their scores through NASBA. It's important to remember that the AICPA controls score releases and until they release scores – all is quiet.
Q: I didn't get my score and Wave 2 seems to be over – where is my score?
A: Your score is in what I called “Wave 2a” – which is usually approx. 5 business days after Wave 2 is released via NASBA for a particular section. This isn't official, but “Wave 2a” scores tend to be between 72 and 78.
I took AUD yesterday, and beyond the exam losing its internet connection between testlets 3 and 4, it got ridiculously tough. I'm nervous as this is my final part (after taking the exams 12 times previously). I want this over with, just very worried that I bombed the ending, and I choked.
My FAR score was up on the NASBA site in WI on Friday but it wasn't there today. What's going on? Was the score I saw correct?
It is likely correct. That happened to me as well on BEC.
(All exams taken after August 7 as well as those with new sims)
Hi, what 'new sims' are you referring to? Thanks
This exact thing happened to me and I hate to tell you but the results were bad. I thought that I still passed because I only didn't finish the very last tab and like one sentence of the communication, but I ended up with a 63 :( I'm guessing that my scores weren't recording properly the entire time the computer was f*ing up (which was also between testlest 3 and 4... weird)... good luck... maybe things will work out better for you than they did me
hey jason... what material did you prepare with? it didnt prepare you for the simulations?
I used gleim questions and becker review. I have a guarded confidence because I didn't feel nearly as prepared back in January and pulled a 69. I've been averaging about 9 point increase in the other sections, and have been pulling 80s on my review testlets. I'm happy I got tough MCQs, just nervous as its my final part.
Do you know anything about scores being released in Idaho? It looks like the scores are mailed rather than displayed on a website?
New sims were ones that were considered pretest sims. Its unknown if you actually got one until you found out you weren't in Wave 1 or 1a.
Has anyone gotten their score from the NASBA website once and not had it available again? I saw my score Friday in the AM. I went to print my results about 30 minutes later, and it was gone. I still can't get it!!
Same thing happened to me for Wave 1 WI FAR score. I'm thinking that the scores we saw were correct - it's not like they could just change them on us - but apparently WI has a different bureaucratic process they have to go through to get our scores to us... which is why it takes so much longer than the other NASBA states to start with... I was told on the phone Thursday (the day before the scores went up) that we would have to wait until the end of the full testing window to get our Wave 1 scores.
But anyway, my completely off-the-wall theory with absolutely no basis in anything is that NASBA wasn't supposed to post those so soon and that WI probably isn't too happy about it :) We'll see when they come back up...
To everyone who gave me their opinion on FAR prep, thanks so much! I can't seem to respond directly to those posts anymore, but still wanted to say thanks.
If they were in the Wave 1 posting area, I shut off comments so that there
wouldn't be people posting on both areas.
thanks Jeff.
Just finished with FAR. 95% sure I failed......
I'm not really sure about Idaho...are they a snail mail state?
For those Idahoans out there, I called the Idaho Board of Accountancy and they are a regular mail state. They'll mail your score to you! Prehistoric.
Hi Jeff, could you answer this breif question. I took REG today and am praying this is the last test I have to take (passed AUD, BEC and FAR). I was just finishing (actually ran out of time as I was filling in the very last part of one of the sims - I had completed the writing and research first) when I ran out of time, hit enter to what I thought was entering an answer, and was told my time was up. I just want to verify that all the work I had done before will be graded although I did not manually click I was done. Please let me know.
You're fine...happens all of the time...I wrote about it in my book (#22) b/c people ask so much about.
I just received my Audit score. I received a 69. I was comparable in MC and Simulations. I was negative in written communication....the only subjective human graded section. I have never received weaker in communications on all my other sections. This was my last section. I am royally pissed off. There is no transparency. I think I should appeal. What is the process, will they discuss my answer with me if I pay $200...etc. I just think this is unbelievable for a test that costs $300.
Jeff, why isn't this more transparent? Who do i need to talk to make these necessary changes? Why do I feel like I was totally jipped....I did better in every section. Could there be a mistake in their grading of my written communication?
Same here, nervous. I just got dominated by that test. The only part of the sims I felt solid on was the research. The rest of it was just fudged. Aahhhhhhh.....this is my last one to pass and if I don't pass this this window, I'll only have one more shot in October before losing AUD and BEC.
Granted, I crammed like crazy for this one because I lost an entire week of studying due to some serious overtime at work last week. Did I mention I don't get paid overtime?
Anyways, I felt only slightly better about REG and did a lot better than I thought. So I guess we'll see what happens. Good luck to you!
Jeff, you should delete this persons name i think they made a mistake.
So if I took AUD on 8/17 & REG today on 8/31, then I should expect both scores in wave 2 unless I scored within 2 or 3 points of 75. Does that sound right or am I being to optimistic that I could get my REG score in only a couple of weeks? What say you another71?
You'll get both scores in Wave 2 or 2a because the AICPA has enough population to grade it. Its why so many people test on the last day of the window.
I would just take it again, its very very unlikely that a score regrade yields a better score. Good luck!
Ok, there are two "3down" names, cuz I didn't just write that above.
Whew...good! I was worried because a screen came up as I was in the process of clicking enter to enter my answer and I had entirely missed what the screen said (hoping I didnt click "quit exam" or anything silly like that) which then sent me to a screen saying I had completed the exam. I justed wanted to make sure I didn't click some weird option to quit exam or anything like that.
Thanks again for everything you do on this site, I am certain everyone appreciates it!!
Just took Audit this afternoon in CA and September 18th can't get here fast enough!! Just hope they don't get all crazy with the releasing like they did in wave 1. HOW DARE THEY STRAY from Jeff's predictions! =D
Jeez do I feel used and abused. I feel as though anyone that sits through this painstaking process feels the same way. I just got through with sitting for FAR. I felt pretty confident going into it, but when I came out, I was definitely feeling the burn. I?ve passed BEC and REG, but FAR as I?ve said before is really a beast. What really ticked me off was when a question came up that I did not know the answer too because I was weak on the topic. Knowingly, I would get the question wrong but then two questions later would be a very similar question on the same topic. I would get that one wrong, then a couple of questions later, again, the same question worded a bit differently on the same topic. I know the test is not predetermined and they pull from a test bank based on your performance through the exam, but wouldn?t you think they would give you a chance with a different topic? I don?t know. It?s a long wait to get wave 2 grades. I?ll take the day off tomorrow and then onto AUD. Alright, my pain and agony is out.
Oh yes! I feel exactly the same. I just finished FAR in CA and I agreed with the fact they keep asking the same questions. It was very frustrating. Good luck to you and me. We'll find out in 3 weeks :D and i'm studying Audit next too.
Hey.. I just took FARE in New York... is it me or was it extremely difficult.. not only that sim. looked too much for such a short period of time.... I almost done passed two parts two down... It was torture... why is it soooo hard.... too much information.... for a 4 hour exam.. and sim.
Did anyone else take FARE on August 31st and thought it was torture....
And can anyone else explain to me why do the parts that you pass expire... and how did they come up with 18 months... things could happen.....unpredictable life events..... if you pass you should pass!!!
I took it in KY yesterday and it was horrible.
Did anybody else have their score not show up on the NASBA site this week even though it posted last week? My FAR score was posted last week and this week it isn't there anymore. Do they ever change grades after they are originally posted by NASBA? Anybody know?
Hmm... mine's gone too. I had received FAR in NJ last week and it was posted on the NASBA site... but it's gone now.
mine is still there
I just got an e-mail from AICPA member services saying that I had a change of address. I just took FAR, my last exam, yesterday. I was wondering if this is something they send out to everybody after taking all 4 tests? I am only asking because I never signed up or registered on the AICPA website,as all my exam scheduling is through IL BOExaminers.
My FAR exam had two of the exact same question. I think I got it right (and I passed so it doesn't matter) but I thought it would be a little unfair to be penalized twice for the same question.
Mine is gone also.
Do you think there is any need to worry if your score is posted one week and the next week it is not there (within the same exam window)? I scored a 77 on FAR and got my score early last week. This week it doesn't show up on the NASBA website.
I am freaking out a little. I took FAR yesterday... along with a lot of others...lol... This is my 3rd time taking it... last time I scored a 69... I studied,like I have neer studied before. The testlets did not seem to get more difficult, and the SIMs seemed too easy. I am freaking out that I missed something.
Hey everyone,
I just finished my last exam and am pretty confident that I passed. If anyone is looking for some cheap study material, extra questions, etc, I would be willing to sell you my stuff for very cheap! I have all sections of the 2009 Wiley books and the Wiley software
I wish I had your confidence. I'm guarded confident only because AUD has its way of screwing with you.
Called NASBA, they said that if you saw your score online than you will get a letter showing that score, regardless of whether it is still showing online or not. They said that it must be computer error that it isn't showing up now.
No worries...it's happened to me before.
Isn't it funny that we all want to double check our scores? ;-) I even double checked my 74 to see if it magically turned into a 75. haha.
yes I received letter from TN for each test!!!!
Hoping I passed FAR this time. I got asked about bond amortization like 7 or 8 times. Is that normal, or was just missing questions? I know how to amortize the premium or discount, I am just worried since it was asked so repetitively that I was missing them for some reason.
I took REG, my final one, last Sunday and its just so frustrating to know that after all the hardwork, time you put in, you still feel its still not enough. They just ask you different stuff most of the time and the sim is too far out... so depressing.. guess will have to wait.
If it helps at all, and not to give you false hope, but when I took FAR in July, I was 99% sure I failed. Guess what? The 1% won out, and I got an 80. I have no clue how, and still feel like I didn't do that well, but I'll take it. So don't count yourself out just yet. I was even thinking about getting a new study program before I got my score!! You never know!!
IL Candidate:
I'd be interested in buying some Wiley material. I only have AUD left though. How do I contact you?
Hey everyone,
I just finished my last exam and am pretty confident that I passed. If anyone is looking for some cheap study material, extra questions, etc, I would be willing to sell you my stuff for very cheap! I have all sections of the 2009 Wiley books and the Wiley software
I feel like I wrote that... I felt the same way. I hope we pass so we can be done with this hell.
I took FAR yesterday and didn't come close to finishing the last simulation. I only completed one testlet, and didn't do the research or communication. The first sim and the multiple choice q's could have gone either way. Has anyone ever heard of someone passing FAR after leaving most of the second simulation blank? Is it even possible?
Yes, I have heard of it happening. (Not to me of course!) But I think you really have to nail the multiple choice for it to work. And you should always go straight to the communication first. That is worth the most points within the sims.
Yes it is possible. I ran out of time and left most of my sim 2 blank. However, I finished the memo and ended up passing.
Hello Everyone,
Just want to say to everyone hang in there eventually it will all be over, after many years of half-hearted attempts I have finally passed all sections of the CPA test! But alas, a license will not be issued yet because the VA BOA has requested I send them my transcripts again because they no longer have them on file because my initial application was back in 2001. So for those of you who may have initially applied round that time frame you may want to check with your respective BOA just in case.
I took AUD on July 18 and still have no score posted. Does anyone know if they are done posting wave 1 scores? I don't get how it could not make the 1st wave?
Does anyone know what book is best to prepare for REG?
To all those who took FAR and think they failed, I'm in the same boat. It was definately hard, and I had some of the same questions over and over as well. Annoying since those are always the ones you don't know. I feel like my whole test was 3 topics. Well I guess only time will tell our fate.
ya... i definitely have a feeling that i totally bombed FAR. should i continue studying for it as if i did fail (its the only test that i have left) or should i hold off on the studying until i find out my score?
I want to do such a thing, but I feel like I would just jinx myself.
Jeff said they were done posting wave 1 through NASBA last week. You are in Wave 2 probably due to a new simulation. There is no way to tell while taking the exam whether you had a new simulation. The new simulations can be on new material that has just been available for testing or it could be a new simulation on old material.
It is personal preference. I used 2009 - 2010 Bisk which in my opinion was overall a good text. On the other hand it did go too in depth on certain topics but overall I felt that Bisk prepared me well. I also had the Gleim Reg book. I only used it for the Multiple choice as a supplement to Bisk. I used Wiley for AUD and BEC, if you are looking for a clear clean concise text, I think Wiley is the way to go. Wiley however doesn't have as many multiple choice questions as gliem or bisk.
I took REG and my first MCQ testlet was really easy, but then the second one was really hard and then the third one was really hard, and also I had no idea about one of the tabs for one of the simulations, but the other ones weren't too bad?!? do you think I passed???
Hold off; at least thats the approach that I'm taking. This is my last test as well. Of all the test this is the one where people are most surprised about there actual grade. Its very tempting for me to study but I can't bare the thought of having put myself through that for nothing.
I felt the exact same way, but that the SIMs were not easy...
I felt that I failed too but I got a 95. You might be pleasantly surprised.
I felt the same way.
MC testlet one was fairly easy
MC testlet two was fairly difficult (lots of calculations)
MC testlet three was fairly difficult (lots of calculations)
Simulation one --> three tabs and research --> all with the usual topics
Simulation two --> four tabs and research --> two of them were way out of nowhere
I hope one of the tabs in simulation two will fall out. I really hope. Because I left them both blank due to time pressure and the fact I had no idea what they were talking about,
Since it's adaptive testing, it may have been a good sign that it got harder and harder. I did not experience Reg this way, most testlets were on the same difficulty level. Sims were out of left field, though.
Looks like BEC does not follow the adaptive test model:
"A multistage adaptive test delivery model is used for Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), and Regulation (REG) multiple-choice testlets. This means that the first testlet presented to the candidate is at a level of moderate difficulty. Subsequent testlets - at the same or slightly more difficult level - are then chosen automatically based on the examinee's performance on the previous testlet.
At the present time, Business Environment and Concepts (BEC) does not follow the adaptive model, and is composed of testlets at the moderate level of difficulty only. "
source: https://www.cpa-exam.org/cpa/computer_faqs_2.html
I took FAR on July 10, in FL, still have not received any scores. Is there any one out there waiting as well? should i be worry that my score might have been misplaced???
I took my FAR on July 11 in TX and I'm still waiting on my score.
Your probably in Wave 2 due to a new simulation. A co worker of mine took FAR close to the same day and received her scores in wave 1.
I recently found out that I failed Reg. I was hoping somebody could help clarify what I have to do in order to re-take the exam. My main question is if I still have time left on my NTS do I still have to pay another fee and submit another registration? Otherwise, do I just submit the re-examination application on the nasba website? Thanks.
You will have to go t NASBA and submit re-examination!!! I believe they charge $35 processing fees and you will receive another NTS just for REG!!!
You'll have to reapply and pay your fees again. Once you use your launch code, its gone.
On the score page of the nasba website, does the message "Error: Score not found." mean the same thing as "No Record found"? Oddly, I have received my score via e-mail ( I passed!!!) for a July 21 test, but when I try to cross reference on the Nasba website shows the Score not found error. I am only interested because I took my forth and hopefully final test on 8/29 and am just checking to see if there is any score info for that one on Nasba.
If you're in a non-nasba state like me (VA), you can't use NASBA's interface to get your score.
the anticipation is killing me. 2 more weeks until the scores are out!!! JEFF, do something!!!!
i hope i passed.
Hold on...
did that work?
I am not so patiently waiting for AUD in PA. The suspense is killing me! I really need to get down to business and study for BEC. Any tips for that section?
Good morning my fellow miserable, manic depressants (temporary, of course). Here's hoping that I can make at least one of you laugh to ease the pain...
I couldn't find time between exam study, work, and family to even get a frickin haircut so I took some clippers and attempted to 'clean up' my cousin it look-alike problem. Instead, ended up with the Britney Spears mainge (sp?) and had to shave my head!
My wife found patches of hair that I missed but not until I had paraded around work all day to the horror of unsuspecting coworkers. I know that everyone is convince that I've lost it now, especially since "Patchy, the CPA exam poster boy" made his appearance.
If I don't get done with this #*^%#%^ exam soon, they're going to commit my a$$ which incidently, I did not shave! :-/'''
On a side note, I have learned how to solve the Rubiks Cube in less than 5 minutes and that, while pop tarts are an easy breakfast selection to grab after getting four to five hours of sleep every single night for months, the tarts ultimately result in disproportionate weight gain in the lower abdominal area. To sum up my seemingly disjointed post, I have gone from the once fit, well-groomed, and somewhat popular male subject to a bald, fat lunatic with zero friends. I owe it ALL to my loyal but totally unforgiving companion, The CPA Exam.
Thanks for that. I took FAR about 2 weeks ago and left the entire second simulation blank, except for the communication tab. I'm pretty sure I tanked the first sim too, but I'm still praying for a miracle. In the meantime, I'm trying to start on the next part (AUD), but keep worrying that I'll have to retake FAR and will have forgotten it all.
Jeff, I took BEC in Oklahoma on August 3rd. I should have gotten my grade in wave 1 but didn't. Is this normal or should I be worried that something is wrong with my test/score/etc?
Want you all to know that Becker books as well as other programs say that simulations rarely test cash flow hedges and pensions.................Not the case for the FAR test I took. I had a simulation on Pensions as well as a communication. Also had a sim on the cash flow hedge. Hope I passed but with those terrible sims and essays I doubt it.
Yes be sure to go to the Becker knowledge base and read up on all of the additional IT addendums!
I've taken all 4 and never received anything from the AICPA
Word of caution -- if you work for the Big Four, once you get your CPA license, you can no longer argue that you deserve overtime pay. See hangryaccountants dot blogspot dot com
that's angryaccountants dot blogspot dot com
It is $95 to re-apply
To take an exam again, you basically have to start over with fees plus add the "re-examination" fee, which is slightly different for each state. So, in FL, for example, REG costs $193.35 (I think it's the same for every state) plus a $60 re-examination fee (varies for each state). So, $253.35. As if failing wasn't bad enough, they have to charge you an extra $60 to rub it in! It should be CHEAPER your second time around, but whatever. The NTS you had for your last REG exam is now void.
"void" as in contract law; not "voidable" (haha - REG exam humor)
Jeff and friends,
Does anyone know whether you lose points if you use the research search tab to get some answers for the memo?
Thanks jackie
I wouldn't think you would. I use it too!
You are in wave 2. You may have had a new simulation or something.
Don't be worried! You are in wave 2. You may have had a new simulation or something. Don't worry, it's coming.
I don't think you would lose any point.
Thanks, the waiting is killing me. I just took AUD a few days ago, so now i have taken two of them and no scores yet.
there aren't simulations on bex
I took FAR July 2nd in VT and still waiting on my score! Over 2 months and still another few weeks to go. This is crazy.
Has anyone used Bisk CPA review? If so, how do you think it prepared you?
its just like any other cpa review.
i passed bec, aud, and reg using it... just waiting on far now :(
Since Oklahoma is a snail mail state for releasing scores. I would recommend you contact your State's Accountancy Board since virtually 100% of BEC scores are usually released. My guess is the hold up is with your state board. They should be able to tell you one way or another if they have your score or are in wave 2. Good Luck!
Yes, it does. If you received your score in the mail but it is not on the NASBA website and your state has online reporting, it is possible that NASBA has your information incorrect. I would suggest that you contact your NASBA coordinator and check it out.
It was pretty good, I passed AUD and BEC with it. It wasn't good enough to pass REG, however - I was weaker in tax stuff, so using Yaeger where they are really good at teaching concepts helped me out a lot. If you are just out of school or strong in the topics to begin with, Bisk is a decent low-cost option. I really liked the Bisk Hot Spot videos taught by Bob Monette.
I used it to get scores in the 90s for both BEC and REG. Also felt prepared for AUD but haven't received my score yet. My advice would be to use the Bisk video lectures... the book has a lot of extra information that you may not need to know in depth... the lectures get more to the point.
I don't use Becker.. I will ask one of my colleagues if they can give me the addendums. Thx for the suggestion.
I agree with the above 100%...I think they are very helpful and help you prepare..I've passed both of the sections I took the first time.
My friend started using the Bisk video lectures when preparing for REG, but switched part way through his preparation to Becker and he scored in the 90's. I used Becker and know that it prepared me to pass.
What happened to the forum? I was just getting used to it. ;-)
I recently took BEC in California. Should I expect the results to be released on the AICPA release date which is today? Or on another date when the state releases grades?
Getting anxious for FAR!!!
I'm guessing that most of the score discussion will take place in the forum this time around, fyi... https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/
Anyone hear anything about BEC for AICPA states?
Thanks Jeff.
Since you're registered with the blog - you should also be registered with the forum...let me know if you have any issues.
Jeff- I'm able to reply here, but for some reason I can't reply on the forum. Do you know what the problem may be?
Have anyone gotten their score back for BEC ???
I just tested it out and I see what you're saying... Unfortunately, it appears you will have to register for the forum separately. On the bright side, it takes less than a minute to complete the registration.
All set! Thank you!
Has anyone received wave 2 BEC scores yet??
nope... im still waiting on mine...its a torture !!!
Has anyone gotten their score for BEC? Jeff predicted this morning, the 16th. Or does he maybe mean tonight? I'm getting anxious here in Houston... ;)
This score discussion has shifted over to the forum... *** https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/ ***
Waiting patiently for my FAR score...1 more week...
i took my FAR in aug31 ... m i in wave 2 and should expect the AICPA result in Sep19
Did anyone who took auditing in 'wave 2' get their scores reported yesterday?
I took aduit in wave 2 and I thought I'd get the score yesterday too...but I'm still waiting. Hopefully it means something good. have no idea when itll post though. anyone??
Hi Jeff~ I'm having trouble figuring out how to post a comment or create discussion in the Forum. Can you please help me?
Is there any news regarding the release of the AUD scores for the July/August Wave 2? Did the AICPA release scores to NASBA yet? Is there a way to find this out?
Please post comments about score releases over at the forum...I am closing comments on this post so that no one gets confused about where to get news about score releases. Thank you for reading, Jeff https://www.another71.com/cpa-exam-forum/