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JBo-GA 14 years ago

Absolutely Genius.

David 14 years ago

NASBA has just released the REG ahead of AUD. So when AUD comes out?

txs4zlaugh 14 years ago

Thanks 4 z laugh Jeff .. looks like somebody @NASBA really mad @ u .. I mean, they r trying every chance to screw ur prediction.. ...z good thing, now u got them "Aud is next!!" perfect!! .. Let's c if they can derail this :)

Nicole 14 years ago

not nice Jeff...I thought you were going to say something like Audit was released :( Oh well, I guess I'll forgive you...this time. lol.

Ike 14 years ago

I'm a little peeved that I took FAR on 10/9 and REG on 10/2 (Maine) and I still don't have anything......any counsel oh wise Jeff?

Shawn 14 years ago

I feel like the red headed step child of CPA candidates. I took Regulation first, then FAR after that. I finally took Auditing expecting to be in the front end of the score release process only to have the AICPA throw this curveball. Taking BEC on Wednesday and need the results to motivate me in some way. Thanks for everything you do Jeff, it is appreciated, even if it is "one step below a weatherman."

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

I've been wating for my audit score after they released bec and to my surprise aicpa will release it as last part of wave 1. Why do they change the release order? Do they try to make our predictions worthless? Guys, I understand your frustration, but there is no reason to be mad at Jeff. He tries to do his best, but it seems that aicpa is not happy about what he's doing.

Indiana 14 years ago

Is it possible to receive scores over the weekend?

Tina 14 years ago

I woke up 6 times last night to check my AUD score :'( 3:10am, 5am, 5:30am...... I didn't want to. I just couldn't help it.......

Ty 14 years ago

Got my REG results on NASBA last night. Took it in NH on 11/2.

SC 14 years ago

Has anyone in SC received their scores yet?

Ike 14 years ago

Anybody from Maine got REG or FAR yet?

Name (required) 14 years ago

The waiting is killing me! I have passed BEC and REG took AUD on 10/1 and take FAR Wednesday. This score could mean the difference between being done after Wednesday and being only halfway done and worrying about my window expiring.

Tabitha 14 years ago

I just purchased the Wiley questions. How long will it take to get my pin number? I would like to start practicing tonight! Thanks!

Liz 14 years ago

i got my REG SCORES on 11/19 at around 9!

Badgers 14 years ago

as Wisconsin continues to wait...

MN07 14 years ago

Took my final exam (FAR) on 10/4 and still waiting...starting to question the legitimacy of these exams...

Ike 14 years ago

I think their purpose in life is to torture us with waiting. Obviously, instantaneous score results is technologically feasible...they get sick twisted pleasure out of procrastinating.

PLEASE!!!! 14 years ago


Tricks? 14 years ago

I tried to re-registed (in OH) to see if the Audit box was greyed out, and got "all sections of this exam are currently in process" does that mean the AICPA hasn't released scores yet?

MN07 14 years ago

I also tried the "Ohio Loophole" and received the "in process" message. I took FAR on 10/4 in Minnesota...is it possible I am in Wave 2???

Name (required) 14 years ago

live in NY. got my FAR score last night. anyone else get theirs?

Missouri 14 years ago

Waiting on REG in Missouri, from some of these comments its looks like you have received them. I am in a NASBA state. @Liz...what state are you in?

Angel 14 years ago

There is still no FAR score released in Maryland. WTF!!! It seems like every other state got the FAR score.

CM 14 years ago

Has anyone seen REG scores in VA yet?

SC 14 years ago

I live in SC and I still haven't received my FAR score. I took it 10/4.

Indiana 14 years ago

Has anyone from Indiana received their FAR score?

@Angel 14 years ago

I'm in Maryland too waiting on FAR so just wanted to let you know you're not alone! I have found over the past 6 months that MD usually releases scores between 10am and noon on their website. So hopefully we still have a chance hearing today! Good luck everyone!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Jeff- I took Reg October 25th and my score is not out. I called NASBA and they said my score will come with next wave in December. Is this a bad sign?

Jenn 14 years ago

REG scores are out. According to NASBA twitter, "Today, 7114 REG scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Oct/Nov 2010 testing window. #cpaexam 19 Nov via HootSuite Favorite Retweet Reply"

FAR in MO 14 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score in MO?

cynthia 14 years ago

still waiting on FAR test results for TX any idea when they will be out????

Travis 14 years ago

My buddy just got his FAR grade this morning (11/22) in TX. If you are still waiting past Wednesday, you my be in the border line group. I'm waiting on REG in TX. My prediction is that I should see it tomorrow morning, but before Turkey Day for sure! Good luck everyone!

cynthia 14 years ago

Thanks Travis! I took it on the 16th so I'm hoping I'm in Wave 1. I'll keep checking, thanks again!!

M.Lee -- REG in IL?? 14 years ago

I saw that some REG scores were released in other states. Anyone have REG for IL yet?

TA - Connecticut 14 years ago

Anyone get Audit back yet? I'm hoping today is the day..

TE - Connecticut 14 years ago

Waiting on FAR in CT. I took it 10/16. Anyone in CT get back FAR yet?

FAR IL 14 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score in IL? I took it 10/25. Am I in wave 2? Why is it taking so long?

Indiana 14 years ago

In Indiana - no Audit score yet. Took it on 10/19

Audit in IL 14 years ago

Did anyone get Audit back in IL @M.Lee - I'm in IL and i got my REG score on Saturday.

Damian 14 years ago

AUD in CA yet?! Took exam on 10/9.

REG in IL 14 years ago

@ M. Lee - I'm also waiting for REG in IL...what date did you take it? @ Audit in IL - really? How did you get your REG score? Mine isn't posted yet. :( When did you take it? I took REG 10/7 and it feels like I've been waiting FOREVER!

Audit in TN 14 years ago

No audit score in TN. I took it 10/8.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone in MA still waiting on REG results?

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

I'm in IL and waiting for REG as well. What's the holdup?!?

Ike 14 years ago

I'm still waiting for FAR AND FOR REG in Maine. I took both early in October and if BOTH got pushed into Wave 2 I am gonna be sooooooo PISSED

DB 14 years ago

Im in TN and have not received my REG score. Maybe they will release additional Reg scores today or tomorrow.

WT 14 years ago

Ditto on no AUD in CA. Took it 10/2. Amazingly I took FAR on 11/8 and got my score on 11/17. Very Bizarre.

Matt 14 years ago

Does anyone in PA know how quickly the scores have become available through the new NASBA system after the AICPA releases them?

Mark 14 years ago

No REG score in Indiana...Took it 10/18

Katie 14 years ago

I emailed NASBA about my Reg score because it wasn't out yet. They told me it would come out in second wave. I don't know if I am on border line or what. My state is TN.

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone in OK still waiting on REG or BEC scores? The idiots at the OAB don't know anything.

John 14 years ago

@ Katie: From what I have heard, I believe you most likely had a new simulation. I believe the AICPA wants to collect as much data as possible before they score that part of your exam. Hope that helps and allows you to keep your hopes high!

IL REG 14 years ago

Took my Reg test on 10/16 and have not received my scores back. Anyone take REG in IL after this and got theirs??

Mike 14 years ago

Just got REG scores in AZ. Took exam on 10/31.

K 14 years ago

did anyone ask NASBA about AUD? I took it on 10/08. I can't concentrate on my study.

M.Lee (REG - IL) 14 years ago

@REG in IL: I took REG 10/4. Hopefully there are more IL scores to be posted yet. Fingers crossed.

MN07 14 years ago

Isn't NASBA a national organization? If so, why is there a difference between score release for different states? Still waiting for my FAR score. This is my last exam, but I haven't heard if anyone else in Minnesota has their score???

MN07 14 years ago

In addition, why can't they just email you your scores?! I am sooo sick of checking their stupid site!

Marianna 14 years ago

Just got my result for REG - CT state; took it on 10/23. I am taking BEC tomorrow... my last one I hope!

CO 14 years ago

Jeff I took FAR on 10/18 in CO and I have not received my scored. Why is it taking so long? It is my understanding, based on what I have read on this page, that they were released on Thursday by the AICPA to NASBA. Then, what is stopping NASBA to release them? Please advice.

IN 14 years ago

If your score is on the bubble will they wait longer to return your results back to you??

@CO 14 years ago

I'm waiting on FAR scores in MD too. FAR scores were released by the AICPA this past Thursday but some states take longer to release. Unfortunately if we had a new simulation we have to wait to hear about our scores in the second wave (which should come out before Christmas). They do this so they can compare our simulations to more candidates but there is no way of knowing right now if we had a new sim or not. From my experience, there may be more FAR scores that the AICPA hasn't released yet for wave 1 (which is what we should hope for!). This happened to me with AUD too and I passed so keep your hopes up!!

@CO 14 years ago

Thank you for the prompt reply. I understand now. I guess I need to keep waiting. However, this process is torturer!!

Andrew 14 years ago

In NM, took REG 10/29 and no score yet? Anyone from NM that took REG got their score yet?

K 14 years ago

Today, 8100 AUD, 3 BEC, 2391 REG & 1543 REG scores were released by AICPA to NASBA for Oct/Nov 2010 testing window. #cpaexam

Deborah 14 years ago

they released auditing and more BEC and REG scores!!! It's on Twitter

CO 14 years ago

Where's my AUD score??? I took it on 10/12. What's going on with NASBA??

TE - Connecticut 14 years ago

CT just released FAR - 78 (I'll take it!!!)

Ike 14 years ago

Why would they even waste time putting out "new simulations" given they are going to a totally different formant in January? I swear they are so bass ackwards

AUD 14 years ago

Has anyone gotten AUD in NY yet?

Tino 14 years ago

Has anyone received AUD score? Nothing from OHIO yet.

Donnie 14 years ago

Yes - just rec'd AUD score in NY.

k 14 years ago

did anyone get socre of AUD in CA?

squiggles 14 years ago

nothing in CA as of yet

IN 14 years ago

Anyone from Indiana get their Audit scores?

soonerorlater 14 years ago

Did anyone get results from Ohio? FAR on 10/15 and no score yet.

tg 14 years ago

I got my FAR results from Ohio. Still waiting on Audit in Ohio.

IL-IL 14 years ago

Anyone from IL get their AUD score?? How soon will it be posted?

ODD IT 14 years ago

Just got my Audit grade in CT. Passed with an 80 :). Taking BEC on Saturday. Hopefully, this is the last time I sit for a CPA exam!

Audit in OH 14 years ago

Audit is up in OH!

joyce 14 years ago

Did anyone in Florida get Audit scores yet? It's difficult to study for FAR (Saturday) when I'm checking the site every 15 seconds!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anybody get their FAR score from Indiana yet?

Philip 14 years ago

Anyone get an Audit or Reg. score in Oklahoma yet?

DB 14 years ago

Anyone in TN get REG score...just trying to see if I need to give up till wave 2.

audit in ny 14 years ago

Wow this is really frustrating-waiting for audit grade in ny...so far nothing doing. having really hard time studying for my next one with no score on last one!!

audit in CA 14 years ago

Totally Agree: "having really hard time studying for my next one with no score on last one!!" Waiting in Pain.....

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Are the scores available in California?

audit in ny 14 years ago

Thanks for your sympathy, it's good to know I'm not alone :) Good luck to you!!

soonerorlater 14 years ago

I assume if others in the same state have already received their score for the same section, but I haven't...it's not a good sign.

AA 14 years ago

anyone in NY received the AUD score??

duke 14 years ago

no - site bombing out now for me

Agentsmith24 14 years ago

yeah, where is aud in NY? System has shut down for me. This is torture. At least the rangers won.

skm 14 years ago

Has anyone in MN received their AUD score yet?

ashley 14 years ago

Audit, Reg, and BEC I know have been released in OH. I don't know about FAR. I sadly haven't seen my score for REG yet but my other friends have :(

MaineREG 14 years ago

Did anyone get REG score from Maine? I took it on Oct 4th but haven't received the result yet.

dre 14 years ago

Haven't received a score for AUD in MN yet...

Kevin 14 years ago

why is the NASBA website ALWASY down

audit in ny 14 years ago

Yup the site down for me too-last time that happened i woke up to my grade....so could be they're loading some grades up or s/t??? waiting not so patiently for audit score....

MaineREG 14 years ago

I got the REG score from Maine and I passed!! It wasn't there a few minutes ago, but now there it is!

Neil 14 years ago

I took FAR on 10/14 in Indiana. I received my score on 11/19.

Ellie in FL 14 years ago

AUD in FL...gonna take that again - I absolutley thought I passed that.

haytham 14 years ago

Any Audit scores in CA yet?

IL-IL 14 years ago

IL-AUD is posted btw 6-7am.

Ike 14 years ago

Congrats MaineREG! I am still waiting for both my Maine scores....Can't believe both got pushed to Wave 2. That really sucks

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

Anybody see anything on IBOE for REG in IL? I don't understand how people in IL are already seeing their AUD scores when they were just released yesterday and REG was released Friday. I confirmed with the AICPA that my score was in the batch that was released on Friday. What's the deal?!?!?

DB 14 years ago

Just got my score for REG in TN....I passed....Three down and one to go!!!

WT 14 years ago

still no AUD in CA for me.

Still Waiting in OK 14 years ago

I was wondering if anyone in OK have received their scores on any exam. I took BEC on 10/24 and a friend took FAR on the same date, but neither of us have gotten our scores yet.

Still Waiting in OK 14 years ago

@Name (required) - Just spoke to a friend who called the OAB this morning. OAB said that they have posted all scores released by NASBA, but then in the same call said scores should be posted today or tomorrow. I don't know what the hold-up is, but it appears that there is some problem at the OAB with uploading the scores since there are so many of us waiting on all sections to be released. I know this doesn't help, but I wanted to let you know you are not alone waiting for the OAB to release your scores. I am waiting on BEC to be finished and would love to know before Thanksgiving if I have to study again! Good luck!

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

Anybody get a REG score in IL yet this morning?

rebecca 14 years ago

Anyone get grade for audit in NY? am i the only one that didn't get my grade yet?

AP 14 years ago

Did anyone in CA receive their scores for Audit today?? sooo stressed! :(((

K8 14 years ago

No AUD scores in Cali yet... limiting to checking every two hours. :/

skm 14 years ago

I just checked MN and my AUD score from 10/23 came up! 94!

Had enough waiting :( 14 years ago

Still waiting for AUD in CA, any news about CA AUD release time?

Jon 14 years ago

MN Still not up for me. Anyone know if the loophole would work/be accurate right now?