As expected – and posted on the CPA Exam Forum earlier today, Financial Accounting and Reporting scores were released by NASBA this evening. This concludes the score release process for the October/November 2009 testing window.
…except for Wisconsin candidates who haven't received a single Wave 2 score, as is customary.
Wisconsin is the only NASBA state (that I'm aware of) that holds all scores for a wave until all scores have been received. (???).
If I'm mistaken – someone in Madison set me straight.
Congrats to everyone who passed this window.
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You are not mistaken. For wave 1 of this testing window, scores were not released until the night of November 30th. Hopefully, the wait isn?t that long this time?
im in WI and I haven't recieved anything yet from two of my exams.
This happens every testing window and it totally sucks....I don't know why they wouldn't want us to get our scores as soon as they have them. It's mean. :( Last testing window I called to ask when scores would be posted on the NASBA website b/c all the other states had theirs and they told me it could take 3 weeks...then the next day I had my score. So, who knows what they're really doing. I just want my score...waiting on AUD to make it 3/3. Good Luck to everyone in WI!!
Im in NY and mine are NOT up on the Website???
Anyone from Wisconsin get their scores yet?
Anyone from NY get scores, either Nasba.org, or US Postal
I guess a lot of people are off today?
in wi. nothing yet.
I emailed the WI coordinator and she replied saying that WI scores will not be released until the first week of January...I still check once every day...
It's too nerve racking me checking the scores on nasba everyday. wi peeps let me know when you get your scores..
thanks heather for letting us know also.
I received my scores today! Passed FAR. thank god!
Congrats Ann! I passed AUD...only one more to go-Reg!
Has anyone from Wisconsin ever received their CPA exam scores before the testing window in which they took the exam is over?