CPA Exam Scores Update: NASBA Releases BEC and AUD; REG NASBA release expected Saturday?

19 Dec 2009


October/November 2009 Wave 2 CPA Exam score releases started out very slow, but has turned around very quickly. The AICPA didn't release BEC scores until Wednesday, when they usually start Wave 2 on a Monday.

NASBA countered with a quick 24 hour turnaround and got BEC scores out a day later [as posted on the blog and forum].

I received an e-mail that [the AICPA would be releasing Auditing and Attestation scores around noon on Friday]. It happened.

Then,[NASBA expected to have AUD scores out on Friday around noon]. It happened.

Which brings me to Regulation.

Regulation is expected to be released by NASBA on Saturday night “if things go as planned”.

This will be the first NASBA Saturday release that I can remember.

Good luck, everyone.

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Steve 15 years ago

Any news on when FAR will be released by AICPA and NASBA?

Jenny 15 years ago

I just called the MO state board, and Wave 2 releases aren't expected for another week or two. I took BEC Nov. 18th & am about to pull my hair out!!!!