I have a question regarding studying for the FAR section of the CPA Exam using two different CPA Review courses.
I now have both the Yaeger course and another course, both are current. I scored a 73 using the other course and have switched to Yaeger.
I am planning on taking FAR again May 28. I was wondering what you would think the best approach is to studying for FAR using two courses?
Since you took Yaeger and passed I was hoping that you could shed some light on my situation (how to make the best of Yaeger while using the other course as a crutch or visa versa).
Thanks Jeff. I really appreciate you time and dedication to helping all of us hopefuls, it means a lot!
There aren't enough study hours to use two full CPA Review courses at the same time and finish in 6-8 weeks.
You have to pick one and then utilize some aspects of the other course, such as software practice problems, during the course of your final review week(s).
Since you made the switch, I would watch the Yaeger Financial Accounting and Reporting videos from start to finish and take tons and tons of notes.
Then, I would work the Yaeger-assigned MCQs in the book (again, do this after viewing all videos). I would also take notes over the MCQs.
Finally, I would re-write my notes and test yourself using the other course's software package. I wouldn't “study” with the two courses and move back and forth, but I would utilize their software to test yourself on the concepts you learned from the Yaeger HomeStudy.
Taking good notes and re-writing them takes time and will seem tedious, but you will ABSORB the info better, which is the whole point of taking them in the first place.
Re-writing your study notes isn't a mainstream idea, but it's something that I decided to do while I was studying and it paid off.
More and more people are doing this per this site's recommendation and are PASSING, which reinforces my belief that this is the best approach to studying for the CPA Exam.
Thanks for writing,
Hi Jeff, Its very encouraging to see your comments on the CPA exam. I am a qualified chartered accountant and was planning to take the CPA exams. The whole format looks scary, but hopefully I would get through. I plan to start with FAR as that seems to be the most difficult. Could you suggest the best review course for FAR,I do not have a big budget. Thanks