Video: Masters in Accounting + CPA Exam at Same Time

11 May 2018

CPA Exam Study Tips



Barbara writes in, Hey Jeff, currently eight months into the studying process and I passed nothing! I say it like that 'cause it was all caps. Not because I was being dramatic.

All right. I'm going to school full-time for my masters, so studying for the CPA gets mixed with studying for classes. I bet. Took the FAR twice, 60 then 73. I just took auditing, 69. I've been using Becker and really question if it's the best material for me. I was wondering if you would suggest an attack plan.

Keep in mind, I finish school in May, start working September or October. Okay. Studying for the CPA exam and getting your masters, you know, I don't recommend that. I'm a big fan of like, doing this, and then doing this. Like focus, you know, it's kind of like I'm dating myself here, kind of like a TV/VCR combo.

It's not a very good TV, it's not a very good VCR. But so, taking your masters and the CPA exam, you're not really doing well at your masters and you're not really doing well at the CPA exam. So you're kind of a B or C student and kind of a 65 on FAR. So, I would focus on your masters, and then spend the summer studying for the CPA exam. You said you have Becker. You don't know if it's right for you.

You don't really know that because you know, I'd love for you to become a Ninja member, whatever. But, like, you have the course. You don't know if it's not for you because you haven't focused solely on Becker. And so that's what I would do. And just focus all of your energy, like, it's kind of like getting out of debt, but still trying to fund your Roth IRA, and fund your kid's college fund, and pay down extra on your house.

You know, I'm talking about credit card debt. Like no, you just stop doing all that, 'cause I follow the Dave Ramsey method. But stop doing all that and focus with laser intensity knocking out all of your credit card debt or whatever, and then move on to the other stuff.

Same thing with studying, knock out your masters and then jump into the CPA exam, and I bet you'll be free and clear by September or October because then you can focus only on your new job and not have to be one of those people who are kind of not good at their job and kind of not good at the CPA exam. And so just finish masters, CPA exam, then work and I think you'll enjoy life a lot more.  

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