NASBA Updates CPA Exam Score Release Process

11 May 2009


CPA Exam candidates: rejoice. Waiting up all night or getting up early in the morning to check your CPA Exam scores are a thing of the past.

When I set out to dialogue with the AICPA and NASBA about the CPA Exam, my goal was to simply shed some light on the entire process and give candidates a better understanding of what was going on behind the scenes – particularly while they waited to get their scores back. What I did not anticipate was:

1. the AICPA taking the time to answer my questions
2. some tangible change in the score release process by talking with NASBA

My conversation with Patricia Hartman, NASBA Director of  National Candidate Database & CPAES Examination Operations, is still on-going and will be released soon, but it has already brought about a significant improvement in the score reporting process:

CPA Exam candidates will now get their scores through NASBA five to six hours earlier than in previous windows.

People who are new to the process might sluff this off as no big deal. However, those of us who have stayed up all night – or have gotten up so many times the night of score releases that they might as well have stayed up all night, will see this as significant progress.

Under the old process, NASBA scores came rolling in around 3:30 am EST, which made for MANY sleepless nights for those of us hoping/praying that scores would magically appear in the wee hours of the morning, only to have 7am roll around and nothing to show for it but bags under our eyes and frustration.

Patricia told me today that she went to IT and asked them to move the batch scoring process to #1 in the que. Instead of running at midnight CST, they are now starting the process at 7pm. Instead of scores coming out at 4:30am CST, they will now come out between 9pm and midnight CST the night before (plan on it being closer to midnight than 9, though).

The only caveat with this is that there may be some glitches with shifting things around, but just know that starting with BEC in this window, scores should be coming out 5-6 hours earlier than normal…giving candidates plenty of time to go out and celebrate or drown their sorrows – whatever the case may be.

The updated score release predictions (for NASBA only… California, Illinois, Virginia, etc. CPA Exam scores should be released as originally scheduled) are as follows:

  • May 17 – BEC
  • May 19 – AUD
  • May 20 – REG
  • May 21 – FAR

update: AICPA released BEC earlier than expected…here's some bold prediction updates (reckless and not for the faint of heart…)

  • May 14 – BEC
  • May 15 – AUD
  • May 18 – REG
  • May 19 – FAR

Thanks for reading.


Photo courtesy of Flickr user J Weissmahr under this Creative Commons license.

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mrzod 16 years ago

so you basically didn't get what you were seeking... "my goal was to simply shed some light on the entire process and give candidates a better understanding of what was going on behind the scenes - particularly while they waited to get their scores back." so.. can you explain to me what you learned about the process and not the duration it takes to post my scores (which still is a mystery)?

Jeff - 16 years ago

mrzod - good my rush to get the post written, I forgot to leave out the fact that that the interview about the process was still going on and that I hope to have it done soon. This was just to let you know about the scores coming out in the evening instead of early AM the next day. Is there something in particular you would like for me to ask Ms. Hartman?

awade 16 years ago

Jeff, Does this mean that IL (and any other state that posts scores on a separate site) will also receive their scores earlier, or does this only apply to the main NASBA site?

CPA WantaBe 16 years ago

This is a step forward. Prodcutivity will increase; people at work will not spend time checking scores. Or maybe not?

I Wish 16 years ago

I wish "mrzod" would shut his mouth. He's putting this site down and this happens to be one of the best CPA info/prep websites available. If mrzod would just pass the exam and stop procrastinating, we wouldn't have to hear him cry.

adam 16 years ago

Jeff, any update on when you think FAR will be available or are you still holding onto the May 21st date?

Hypnochick 16 years ago

I am from Texas and took BEC for the second time on April 9. I am a bit confused about the score reporting. Is it possible for me to obtain my scores quicker on the NASBA site or am I stuck waiting for the report on the Texas Board Site? This is a great website BTW!

Hypnochick 16 years ago

I am from Texas and took BEC for the second time on April 9. I am a bit confused about the score reporting. Is it possible for me to obtain my scores quicker on the NASBA site or am I stuck waiting for the report on the Texas Board Site? This is a great website BTW!

Martin 16 years ago

BEC results are out in CA! 75! Woohoo!

AV 16 years ago

has anyone gotten their results yet?

RCB 16 years ago

What does it mean that my score posted yesterday but when I went back today no score was reported. I am just a bit confused. Any thoughts?

TX CPA Candidate 16 years ago

I took AUD in TX on Apr 6th, the state board said that they received some scores but just not mine! Does anyone know if NASBA has released AUD to the state boards??!! I'm taking REG in 7 days! and only half way through lectures on Becker.. any suggestions??

MAcpahope 16 years ago

TX CPA, Unless you are wicked familiar with tax law, its gonna be tough, I mean you ahve to know the amterial and practice questions. If its affordable and possible, try to reschedule, seriously. imagine the same for audit, if you were only 1/2 way through, would you be able to take in 7 days (assuming the same level of comfort.knowledge/previous experience)?

MAcpahope 16 years ago

or take the next 7 days off, finish the elctures, and do questions like your life depends on it try to get some rest leading up to the exam tho

ocrzppinxx 16 years ago

BraDG6 smpethmxmdsg, [url=]hcqlksbtfhbn[/url], [link=]hfktjidfwmek[/link],

Allison 16 years ago

I've gotten both my results by mail but neither one of them ever appeared on the NASBA website? It just keeps saying that my Section ID or Birthdate is wrong but this can't be because I've tried it so many times. Has anyone else had this trouble?

Allison 16 years ago

I've gotten both my results by mail but neither one of them ever appeared on the NASBA website? It just keeps saying that my Section ID or Birthdate is wrong but this can't be because I've tried it so many times. Has anyone else had this trouble?

jocelyn 15 years ago

what is my aspa id number?