93 on AUD! Time to move on to REG

07 Feb 2014

I Passed AUD, NINJA CPA Review

Cassandra is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

As many of you know, scores were released Monday. I’d been waiting for my AUD retake score, which was a 93! If you remember, my first AUD score was 71.

That’s an increase of 22 points.

It CAN be done, so if you got a failing score this time, don’t be discouraged! This time around I used my self-study course, Wiley, and NINJA Ten Point Combo. I used every format of information available to me—lectures, notes, MCQs, flashcards, audio, video, you name it. I think that’s what helped the information to really stick this time.

Now on to REG!

I am not a fan of tax. I never have been. I think my aversion started when I was a teenager with a part time job and dividend income, and my mom thought it would be a good learning experience for me to do my own 1040. Thanks, mom!

I guess I’m kinda smart and all, but maybe we should leave that to the professionals. (But pretty soon I’m gonna be “the professionals” … EEK!)

So far, I’ve read the first two REG lectures in my study materials, so I’ve learned about Individual Taxation. I took notes as I read, and this time I even typed them afterward! (Mainly because my handwriting was horrific due to the fact that I have an aversion to REG… But that’s another time through the material. Can’t hurt, right?)

I also printed out Form 1040 & several accompanying schedules, and took notes ON the forms. If you have no tax background (which I have a little, from my experience at a CPA firm as a bookkeeper), the forms can be very intimidating. Highlighting important lines and making little notes really helped me to break down the forms and realize that they aren’t so scary after all! (..sort of)

Until next time, NINJAs!

Read more NINJA AUD Success Stories on the Blog and Forum.

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Redo Mohammed 10 years ago

Very inspiring story, thanks Cassandra for sharing.

Ranger 10 years ago

Honestly AUD is a quite tricky one in all CPA sets. It is not that difficult but it requires carefulness. My first try was 73, then 80. While almost of my friends passed at once. REG is really tough one. Good luck