Parth is a new NINJA CPA Blogger.
Greetings NINJAs!
Last time I wrote, I shared the wonderful news that I passed FAR with a 90. Since then, I’ve received my score for AUD and I passed with a 93!
Going into the exam, I felt unsure about my level of preparation since I only provided myself about 3.5 weeks to study. I remember telling my father that I expected to receive a score right around the 75 passing cutoff, so seeing a 93 on my computer screen was definitely a pleasant surprise!
My REG studies have continued along reasonably well. I’ve given myself more off-days from studying for REG than previous parts of the exam for two primary reasons:
1) I wanted to reduce my chances of feeling CPA Exam burnout
2) I still want to pass my academic exams and get my degree
I’ve just completed my first round through the tax material covered on the REG exam. I’m at a place where the big rocks seem to be sticking pretty well; however, some of the more nuanced areas of each topic will require more repetition to improve my retention of those parts.
After having passed two parts of the exam already, I have a strong level of confidence going into this exam but I wouldn’t classify it as overconfidence.
In other news, I recently saw the new 300 movie at a movie theater not far from campus. I personally felt that the violence and gore overshadowed a less than stellar plot. Regardless, I enjoyed the ability to spend one of my nights not working through REG material.
I also recently attended a performance by one of the non-competitive dance teams here on campus. I’m perpetually amazed at how much more talent these performers possess relative to the talent I displayed during past high school performances.
My CPA Exam journey is half-way complete; however, I plan to retain the drive and hunger to pass that I’ve shown throughout the entire process to this point. I encourage those of you still on this journey to reach deep down inside yourselves and find the will to finish strong!
Congratulation!!!! you're on your way to become a CPA!!! You deserve the break!
Congrats! Share study tips with us
Thanks! I can definitely focus more of my future blog posts on study tips. Off the top of my head, I definitely think for AUD something that really helped me was to go through each answer choice on each MCQ and mentally run-through the logic of why it could or could not be correct. Sometimes you'll get questions on the AUD exam that are valid answer choices but are impossible based on the scenario the question has given you. Also, I think re-writing my notes not only allowed me to succinctly cover dense information but also allowed me to remember to spend more time on an area I might have struggled with several weeks ago. Sorry for the late response and I hope my response was helpful!
Brilliant work! I'm following your directions rewriting all my MCQs and covering all the options First is AUD then FAR Hopefully I will get the same numbers :)