Jason is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello Fellow NINJAs,
I write this today with a smile on my face. A few days after everyone else got their scores, I received mine (thanks TX) and found out I passed AUD.
You see Texas loads them between midnight and 4am, so yes I was up at 4am to check. There is no need to kill your f5 button in the Lone-Star state.
I honestly am relieved. I didnt think I passed (and didnt pass by a wide margin), but with my live class, and supplementing with the NINJA Notes and Audio I made it.
If you read my last post I mentioned how the notes helped me learn vouching v tracing and what they test. Im quite confident that made a difference.
To those that didnt make it keep at it! This was my 3rd attempt at AUD!
So now I sit, on the path to REG and a rematch with FAR in early July. I will probably take both within the first wave of July.
I close on the house in mid-June and start repairs immediately. Hopefully that wont hinder my studies too much but when it does Ill be able to pop in the NINJA Audio and follow along with the notes and get myself back on track!