Video: NINJA Monthly Feedback

31 Mar 2018

CPA Exam Study Tips




Michelle says “Jeff, No question. Just thank you for NINJA CPA Review Monthly. This is an amazing way to utilize the NINJA program.” Thank you, Michelle, and I didn't have to include that but I really wanted to. Can't imagine why. 😉



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NAVNEET 6 years ago

Hello Mr. Jeff, I will be starting my journey to CPA by next year. I have to take one accounting class and then I will be able to sit for CPA exam. I do have some queries, if you could please guide:- 1. What review course will you recommend. Should I take Roger or Wiley CPA? Will you courses be sufficient to pass the CPA Exams? Or your course is aligned to review courses to make you pass. 2. I am going to be 40 years and people always say CPA is hard and people give up, do you still think will I be able to achieve my dream. Any words of motivation or encouragement will be a blessing. Thanks! Sincerely, Navneet (Navy)