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Anxious 14 years ago

Jeff- What is the takeaway for a second batch of a section being released in wave 1? Does it mean borderline like some people have been saying? By the way, this site is a life saver!

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

There really isn't a takeaway on that...it is normal...not borderline. That's Wave 2.5. Jeff

Indiana - Audit 14 years ago

Jeff, If I haven't received my score for Audit (which I took on 10/19), does that mean I am in Wave 2? If so, when will Wave 2 come out? December? Thanks

Kim 14 years ago

Jeff, I took my FAR exam on October 1, the first day of the testing window in Oklahoma and have still not received my score yet. Surely I'm not in wave 2? Thanks!

Cynthia TX 14 years ago

I took FAR in TX on 10/16, no scores yet, how much longer will I have to wait???

Texas- Audit 14 years ago

Jeff, I took Audit on October 4th in Texas and haven't received my score yet... so maybe are they not finished releasing scores for Wave 1? Thanks!

VA74 14 years ago

Jeff, Just recieved my score in Virginia. I was in the second Wave 1 release and received a 74. This would have been my last exam. Suppose it's worth paying for a re-score?

Still Waiting in MO 14 years ago

VA74, I read on the NASBA website that no one has ever successfully appealed their score. It says "historically,a score has never been changed as a result of a score appeal." I'd save that money for Jeff's notes instead ;)

TX 2 14 years ago

TX is gonna get their scores last so..may not be til tomorrow, could be later today. Keep checking. I haven't got mine yet either.

Ike 14 years ago

Jeff, What are the odds of both my FAR and my REG being pushed to Wave 2 in ME. I took both in the first 12 days of the window.....

Masaman 14 years ago

First off, thanks so much for doing all of this Jeff. Don't let the prediction haters keep you down, let them rant away. To all those wondering about being pushed to wave 2, the 2 thoughts on these boards is that 1. you received a new simulation which I would have no idea how you would ever know you had one and 2. you are borderline or that they just need more time to grade your score. Does that mean you are borderline if you are pushed to wave 2? No! I just saw a member yesterday who was pushed to wave 2 for both his tests he/she scored in the 90's.

Lisa 14 years ago

Hi Jeff, I took AUD on 10/22 and I have not received my score yet. I am in California. Do you think I will still receive my scores this week or will I be pushed back to the second wave?

IL - Audit 14 years ago

Did anyone in IL get their Audit score yet?!?

Kevin 14 years ago

Took AUD 10/27 in OH. Still don't have my score either.

No name 14 years ago

No AUDIT score for me too in Cali...took it on 11/5 though

K 14 years ago

i took aud in ca on 10/08 no score yet

squiggles 14 years ago

i think CA is the only state not receive their audit score yet

Still waiting in MO 14 years ago

I took AUD on 10/13 in MO and I'm still waiting for my score.

NM 14 years ago

Took AUD 10/1 and still no score here in NM. Anyone in NM recieved there AUD scores?

texas 14 years ago

no AUD score in TX yet. tested on 10/18

California 14 years ago

Still waiting on REG (took 10/8) and AUD (took 10/29) in California. Sounds like nobody has seen AUD yet in CA, but has anybody seen REG scores?

Benjamin Pasha 14 years ago

Took AUD 10/13 in CO. No score here. Anyone have CO AUD scores?

Amanda 14 years ago

I haven't received my AUD score in AZ...am I alone here?

Travis 14 years ago

Took REG in TX on 10/30 and still no score. My co-worker took same exam on 10/25 and has her score. ERRR! I did notice in my exam however, that there was a simulation that was different. I felt that the shortness of the simulation and method of question was not ordinary. I remember telling myself when I saw it, "they are testing the new simulation format on me!" So maybe this is why I am still pending. Anyone think that it could be borderline though? Any help Jeff?

texas 14 years ago

Travis, Did she get her score today or yesterday? I'm anxiously awaiting my Aud score and need to know if i should forget about it til tomorrow.

abc 14 years ago

@ Amanda I know that AZ people have received their audit scores

Travis 14 years ago

Texas, she got her score today. In Texas, the scores are normally released in the morning. So if you haven't heard by now, I would check back tomorrow.

@ Travis 14 years ago

Thanks, i figured it was going to be in the morning but i was secretly hoping a miracle would occur and i would get it today instead. :(

ugocee 14 years ago

Any news about Michigan FAR taken October 25 2010

Brock 14 years ago

@abc & @Amanda, I'm in AZ and haven't received my AUD score yet..

Hart 14 years ago

AUD Score Released in NY - Tested 10/11.

RDGA 14 years ago

Took REG on 11/8 and already have my "advisory score" on NASBA. (BTW this advisory score is freaking me out). I assumed I was in the second window but went ahead and checked - 79. 2 down 2 to go! BEC on monday, I've gone: 74, 73, ?

Waiting for Audit in TX 14 years ago

@Texas-Audit, I haven't gotten my audit yet either. I don't even know if the TSBPA is open this week. Wouldn't be surprised if we don't get it til after Thanksgiving.

No AUD in CA 14 years ago

I have not received my AUD score in CA yet either. I took it 10/22.

Texas 14 years ago

there open..someone got their reg score today. you'll get it tomorrow. Hopefully!!!

Texas- Audit 14 years ago

I hope we get our scores tomorrow! Waiting is the worst and I am annoying myself checking the site everyday...

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Why is CA is careless about our expectations to see our scores as soon as Nasba released them.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Hi Jeff, Could u please tell me what's going on with CA? The audit scores have not been released as of now.

CPA!!!! 14 years ago

Hi Jeff, I just wanted to thank you so much for all the inspiration you give so many people. I just found out this morning that I passed FAR, which was my 4th and final exam. I was able to pass all 4 on my first try! I have never worked so hard for anything in my life. Sometimes I would think I couldn't do it, and I would get on your website and it would honestly give me that little bit of hope I would need to keep going. Thank you for all of your work and help! Good luck to everyone out there! You can do it if you put in the time and energy! Good luck!!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Any news about Michigan FAR taken October 25 2010

AUD in MO 14 years ago

I released that scores have been released by the AICPA, but when does NASBA release the score to us? Took my AUD exam on 10/1 in MO and still no results.

New at this 14 years ago

This is my first time I've had to wait on a score. When I enter my information in on the NASBA website I get an error message reading "Error: Score not found. Please verify section ID number and date of birth format and re-submit" Does this mean I am doing something wrong or that my score just hasn't been released yet? Thanks in advance.

Texas 14 years ago

@ New at this What state are you in? Are you sure you are a nasba state?

new at this 14 years ago

@ Texas Missouri, it's a nasba state...at least that is where I found my score to my other exam

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Can someone tell what's going on with CA? I called them, anyone is willing to give any info about our scores. It is hard to believe they take so long to release our scores.

Damian 14 years ago

@No AUD in CA & Prospectivecpa. CA received AUD scores from NASBA and they are being posted. We'll be able to see scores tomorrow moning.

Justin 14 years ago

Anyone have their AUD score in Utah? @new at this: That's a normal message you're getting. It just means the score hasn't been released yet.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Thanks Damian, Why do u think they take them two days to release the scores? They usually release them in 24 hours.

New at this 14 years ago

@Justin, Ok thanks! Just wanting to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong.

New at this 14 years ago

Another question, Are the scores released just once per day at a certain time or are they released randomly? Just wanting to know if I could check once a day or need to keep checking back all day long. Thanks!

Melissa 14 years ago

I was one of the three! I'd love to say I passed, but no. I'm wondering if it was delayed because I'm taking the exam for Maine but I sat in New Hampshire? Would that make a difference? Food for thought.

California Reg 14 years ago

Has anybody in California received results for REG?

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Today, 821 AUD, 205 FAR, and 311 REG scores were released by the AICPA to NASBA from the October / November 2010 testing window

Missouri 14 years ago

Jeff or anyone out there- As they released more scores today should we be seeing them this evening? Thanks!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Those of us who are in CA may have to wait after Thanksgiving to get our scores.

Missouri 14 years ago

@New at This Missouri usually releases their scores at 9pm...sometimes there is a 30 min. lag wait...agonizing waiting period. I would check tonight. That is my plan.

Justin 14 years ago

Utah just released AUD...and it was good news for me! Good luck to the rest of you out there. Hope you get your scores today.

Eric 14 years ago

I just got my AUD score in Florida and passed with a 79. The 4th time is the charm! I am guessing that still counts as being borderline.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Hi Jeff, Where do you get this information?

waiting 14 years ago

I gave my audit exam on Nov 5th..is there any hope of being in wave 1?

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Friends in high places :)

Tom 14 years ago

Does anyone know when Wisconsin will post their scores?

K 14 years ago

so, dear jeff when will CA release the scores?

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Yes, u are part of wave 1 score release. You can check score directly if u are in a Nasba state.

waiting 14 years ago

Thanx for the info prospectivecpa! i guess i ll just keep waiting!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Are u in a Nasba state?

waiting 14 years ago

I am in CA. I think CA is not a Nasba state, not sure though!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

We are in the same situation. I called them wihtout having a clear answer when the scores will be posted.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Hi Jeff, Is there any other way to find out what score is?

YM 14 years ago

@waiting Very possible..I took BEC on 11/12 and got my score in wave 1 Good luck!

AUD in TX? 14 years ago

So anyone in TX get their AUD score yet? i tested on 10/14 and no word. I am tired of frantically checking the website!!!

Charles in CA 14 years ago

For those interested in a CA score, I've gathered a bit of intel. I've been told by the California Board of Accountancy that the scores come in to them bit by bit, and the first time that they see the scores is the first time we see the scores. In other words, the scores are loaded directly to the bottom of the "Status" section of the online application. Until then, enjoy this fine little diddy - "California Waiting" by Kings of Leon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZVSEWMurgU

JW in KL 14 years ago

Hello guys, has AUDIT scores been released to CALIFORNIA yet ??? Anyone in CA got the AUDIT scores?

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Not yet.

Yoon 14 years ago

I just got my REG score in CA

Ugocee 14 years ago

Jeff or anyone who can help. What is the status of Michigan? FAR October 25 2010

Illinois 14 years ago

Any Audit scores in IL?

JW in KL 14 years ago

Prospectivecpa, thanks for your input. We're in the same boat (a rocking one indeed). AUDIT is my last section. I passed the other 3 with a low 80 score.

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

My fave KOL song...one of them anyway...

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Hi Yoon, Reg was released on Friday and u just got it. Did u hear anything about AUD?

rebecca 14 years ago

To all my fellow NYers waiting for Audit-just spoke to a rep from NASBA and he said they have not received any audit scores from AICPA yet. Dunno WHAT that is supposed to mean but doesn't look we'll be getting scores before the holiday :( Thank you Jeff for letting us know about audit's new status as last in line... !!

kc 14 years ago

I already tried the loophole in Ohio and Missouri (I am in Missouri). It will let me register for audit :( I would just like to know my score. Still only 2 down.... :-(

NYR86 14 years ago

I am also waiting for AUD in NY. I took it November 4th, This is unbelievable.

MNCPA 14 years ago

I took the auditing section on 10/7 in Minnesota and have not gotten my score yet. Does this mean I wasn't in Wave 1? Just want to know because I have the REG test on Monday.

Hannah 14 years ago

Hi, just wanted to give a quick shout out and thank you to Jeff and another 71. I've now passed all four parts (woot!) and you have been a great help along the way. Many thanks, Hannah

Jeff - another71.com 14 years ago

Congrats Hannah...thanks!

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

Any insight, Jeff? I think I'm about to lose it. I called the AICPA yesterday, and they told me my score was in the batch of 7,000+ that was released on FRIDAY! Then when I saw that people were able to see their AUD scores (released MONDAY) and I still couldn't see mine, I called back and then they told me that mine was in the 1000+ that was released along with AUD. Needless to say----still don't see anything.

Bryan 14 years ago

@ Illinois... I checked this morning and I had my audit score. I dont have a clue how this thing works.. If you took it in NOV, you might be in wave two. @ Jeff - I just want to say thank you for your humor while I have been on the war path to passing all four parts of the CPA exam. I found out today, that I am 1 ethics exam away from calling myself a CPA.

MomOf2IL 14 years ago

I hope that the score release in December goes considerably smoother because this has been an absolute JOKE.

rebecca 14 years ago

Hi momof2il. Amen to that. My family and friends are already getting mad for me. It's simply not nice, is what it is. As soon as I have a free minute I am contacting the AICPA with a long ear full of what I really think about all of this.

Bigben 14 years ago

Anyone hear of any AUD scores being released in CO? Took mine 10/13....no word yet

Tired of checking 14 years ago

You know what? CA, do whatever you what with my AUD score. Tonight and in fact this whole week, is all about Regulation - my last exam on this coming Sunday.... Good luck to everyone.

AUDIT IN MN 14 years ago

Got my audit score in MN tonight - success! People need to relax, I took mine on Oct 4th and didn't find out until tonight. Life still happened between when I took the exam and when I found out, and life will continue now that I know. Don't get mad, the score will be up eventually.

MN cpa 14 years ago

Still waiting on AUD in MN. Hope to see it by morning. This waiting sucks. We should at least get a score OR get an indication that we are in WAVE 2 instead of being left to hang. To all the talk about disgruntled posts. Don't hate on people's remarks about their frustration with the score process. Sometimes that all a person needs is just to get that thought off their back and away they go.

MN CPA 14 years ago

Also still waiting on MN Aud. Frustrating when I see others got their scores, makes me second guess how I did...

MN cpa 14 years ago

yup also still waiting on MN AUD. IDK what the deal is with MN last quarter same thing happened, most of my buddies had their scores and I still didn't. I tried ohio loophole and says still processing so hoping I am in WAVE 1. If I am, will be a great (much happier) thanksgiving this year!! :)

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Does CA really care about us? I cannot believe they take so long to release our scores. The Board needs to do a better job of releasing our scores on a timely manner.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

We need to send a strong message to CA to let them know that we are tired of checking our scores and it is time for them to release our scores.

TEXAS 14 years ago

just had a passing AUD score in TEXAS for breakfast! emails havent gone out but my score was posted when i logged in.

Indiana 14 years ago

Received my AUD score this morning in Indiana - took it on 10/19. Good luck all

CA release???? 14 years ago

Any CA Audit scores yet?

jking5207 14 years ago

those that received scores this morning...were you up late checking last night too??

jking5207 14 years ago

I thought they were only released at night that's why I am asking

dan 14 years ago

Waiting for Audit in CA

@ INDIANA 14 years ago

Good to hear that indiana scores are posted. hopefully MN will be next. Hope there is still a chance to get my score before tomorrow. I agree this waiting is a ***** joke, considering what we pay in exam fees and today's technology.

MN Hopeful 14 years ago

Still waiting for MN. Would the loophole work right now?

Yes 14 years ago

Yes, the lookhole will work. Assuming you are in this wave is my understanding. I tried loophole and says still processing so really hoping I am in this wave. Glad to hear MN is still waiting. COME ON MN. Do the update!!!

No AUD in CA?? 14 years ago

Has anyone received their AUD scores in CA yet??

CALI ???? 14 years ago

No Audit score yet for me in Cali.

aaron 14 years ago

Just checked my audit score in CA. ...75 on my second time taking the exam...I believe other CA scores should be posted today

K 14 years ago

AUD-83 I am in CA

Ugocee 14 years ago

Jeff - what about Michigan FAR wave 1?

Brock 14 years ago

Has anyone received a score for AUD in Arizona?

Asha 14 years ago

Is any one aware about AUDIT result being released in CO. I wrote it on Nov 1st. i couldnt see mine

LOOPHOLE? 14 years ago

What is the loophole and how do I try it?

Ugocee 14 years ago

Anyone from Michigan or anyone know anything about MI - especially Wave 1 FAR results/

@ LOOPHOLE 14 years ago

You try to reregister to take exam in ohio. If it lets you then you did not pass. GL

MN AUD 14 years ago

Anyone, Anyone receive AUD from MN yet?

Blahhh NC 14 years ago

All of y'all freaking out about your online scores not being posted yet should take a BREATH and be thankful that you are not in NC like me where you have to wait for the state board to SNAIL MAIL you your scores, with no way of knowing when they are even being mailed. boo NC, get with the information age folks.

MN 14 years ago

Still waiting on MN Aud. Going nuts.

NC 14 years ago

Sorry to hear that. Yes completely agree. Good thing NASBA doesn't have any competition with other companies lol. If my place of employment stayed that far behind we would lose business to H & R block HAHA

Still waiting in MO 14 years ago

Has anyone in Missouri gotten their AUD score?

IL 14 years ago

I am still waiting on AUD taken on 11/1 for Illinois. Is anyone else still waiting to receive their AUD score in Illinois? Does this mean I am in WAVE 2?

SO GLAD TO HEAR THIS 14 years ago

I am glad to hear ppl still waiting on AUD. Dont know what the deal is? I am still waiting in MN AS WELL. Called NASBA and they would not give me any information on this SECRET release process they have lol. I would imagine by midnight tonight it will be up. But I guess the WAVE 1 process ends at the end of this month so???

PackerFan 14 years ago

Waiting in WI for my AUD score also. I don't know why I had my hopes up to hear it as early as last week. Every day since has been a disappointment.

Loophole 14 years ago

Does the loophole work if you're in Wave 2? I took Audit 10/1 and still didn't receive my score. I tried the loophole and was able to register. :( However, if i happen to be in Wave 2 would the loophole outcome be accurate? I'm assuming that if I'm in Wave 2 then my exam isn't graded yet. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!!

Name (required) 14 years ago

Sorry. If it allowed you to register you will be taking it again. At least there is a very very good chance you will be. If your exam was not scored then it would say still processing, same is true if score is a passing one as well, which is why it is a loophole.

@Name (required) 14 years ago

Do you know why they wouldn't release my score if my exam was already graded?

Texas 14 years ago

I took FAR on Nov 1 in Texas! Will I be wave 1? Whyyyy does TX take forever

Name (required) 14 years ago

IDK, my understanding is that OHIO registration thing must get scores/ updates first and then nasba takes its sweet time loading scores. Last quarter same thing happened to me too. I was able to register and when I got my AUD score the next day it was a 73. Let's hope this time it is >75. and if you do get a passing score let everyone know. Haven't heard of the loophole being wrong yet.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Hi K, Where did u get ur score? I am in CA I took AUD on 10/1 and did not get my score. Why should i do?

waiting 14 years ago

@Prospectivecpa, I am in CA and i havent received my scores too n i know a lot of them from CA hasnt received their scores yet!!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@Waiting, thanks and hope we get a passing score. Do u have any idea why it takes them so long to release the scores?

waiting 14 years ago

I have no idea why they are taking so long this time! usually it used to be the next day (at least not this long)..n G'luck to you too!

IL 14 years ago

Is there a loophole trick for IL? Still waiting on my score here, seems like most in IL have received scores....hope this doesn't mean I am in Wave 2

RK 14 years ago

Hi guys, I'm in California and I just got my Audit score.

AUD In CA 14 years ago

Took audit on 10/5 in CA and haven't gotten my score yet either. Does this mean the earliest I would know is Monday?

Name (required) 14 years ago

Anyone know anyone from Michigan who has received FAR score -wave 1 -Oct 25 or later?

Ugocee 14 years ago

Anyone know anyone from Michigan who has received FAR score -wave 1 -Oct 25 or later?

CA 14 years ago

I'm in CA and i haven't received my score too.

RK 14 years ago

Honestly I didn't think I would find out anything until Monday. I was so tired of waiting. I was getting anxiety attacks just thinking about the test. One moment I'm sure you passed it, the next minute my confidence goes down and it's like a mental battle. An hour ago I decided to check one more time and finally my score was posted. I passed! I had taken audit on October 23rd and finally they decided to post the score. For those of you who are still waiting, I really feel your pain. I wish you guys patience. Just be strong!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Based on what CA is releasing the scores because I took AUD on 10/1. I assume that my score is out on wave 1 and still waiting. I don't know guys I'm tired of this process.

RK 14 years ago

Prospectivecpa, I really hope you get your score soon. I think they are continuously releasing scores, so hopefully yours will come out soon. I think in the next few days excluding Thanksgiving day more people will get their scores. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Very kind of you RK. Happy Thanksgiving.

one more time 14 years ago

One of these times my score will be there. The question is, how many clicks does it take to get to the center of a cpa exam score???

JW in KL 14 years ago

Has anyone taken the AUDIT in November's first week got their scores in CA? I took mine on 11/1, and I read a post somewhere that my scores might be released in Wave 2. That's why I still have not seen my score yet. Prospectivecpa, you took yours on 10/1, right ? You should receive yours soon.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Yes, I took it on the first day of the testing window. It seems that NASBA is responsible for the delay because the scores are automatically posted to our accounts when NASBA releases them to CA. For those of us who aren't lucky enough we may have to wait until the first week of December. I just urge you to forget about the scores for a while so we can have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

JW in KL 14 years ago

A wonderful Thanksgiving is therefore bestowed upon thee, Prospectivecpa. ^_^

K 14 years ago

CA released AUD this morning

David 14 years ago

I took REG on 11/9 in MO and i looked on NASBA on 11/23 and received my score. I really didn't think it would be released until the week of xmas. Is it really possible that my score was released in wave 1?

JW in KL 14 years ago

Hello K, when did you take AUDIT? I took mine on 11/1 and still don't see the score.

MNCPA 14 years ago

I took my AUD exam in MN on 10/7 and just got my passing score tonight. I have been checking every couple of hours and it just appeared now. Hope all of you get you score soon too.

so close.... :O 14 years ago

AUD: CA is up. I got mine around 8:30am today....Passed.

CA release???? 14 years ago

any news about CA AUD release?

haytham 14 years ago

So close, when did you take your AUD exam? mine was November 5th :(

AUD? 14 years ago

Jeff, Still waiting for AUD in CA (Exam taken 11/5) and nothing so far, does that mean that ill have to wait for wave 2 ???

JW in KL 14 years ago

Yes, I took AUD on 11/1 in CA and still waiting...

CPA_CA 14 years ago

No result yet in CA. They become very lazy

@David 14 years ago

I took Reg Nov 9th and received my score on Nov 20th!

chen 14 years ago

Anyone in CO got the AUD score yet ?

No longer waiting in MO 14 years ago

I took Auditing on 10/13 in MO and received my score at 9pm last night. Getting a 90 almost made the last nerve-wrecking week worth the wait..almost :)

JW in KL 14 years ago

Hey, Prospectivecpa, have you got your score yet?

CPA!! 14 years ago

IL - got my Audit score tonight! Took the exam on 10/1 To everyone out there: the Ohio Loophole is a bunch of crap.. I'm sorry but it just stressed me out. It let me register for the test and made me think that i failed my last exam (Audit). DO NOT believe it. Maybe it works for other states but def not IL. :) Good luck everyone!

OHIO LOOPHOLE 14 years ago

Did it let you register just for AUD or all four. If it was all four then you punched in wrong information. So far, between my buddies and I the loophole works 100%, Pass/ fail. The system will not let you reregister for an exam that you passed. (common sense) and will let you if you failed. The only reason it is called the ohio loophole is because that part of the system has to be complete before scores are released. Read jeff's score release book!!! Plus, it just makes sense if you think about it.

wave2? 14 years ago

So when do the Wave 2 scores start coming in? Around the end of December?

MN CPA 14 years ago

Took AUD in Mn on 10/1. Still waiting. This is crap

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

@JW in KL,not yet. Did u get yours?

JW in KL 14 years ago

@Prospectivecpa, I have not seen it either. I really hope mine does not get pushed back to Wave 2. That would be very agonizing.

AUD in CA 14 years ago

Does any one know when is latest release day in wave1? i hope we get our scores before its over. btw, When is wave 2? mid Dec or 20sh?

CO CPA 14 years ago

I took the audit section on 10/12 I still haven't received my score. I also sent an email to nasba to ask about my score. It said: your score is no longer visible online, OCT/NOV scores are posted online. What's that mean ? I should be in wave one. What going on ? anyone?

waiting 14 years ago

anyone in CA receive their audit score today??

AZ AUD 14 years ago

Anyone from AZ receive their AUD score yet?

CA Audint 14 years ago

I'm still waiting for mine. Based on how dead the forum is, I'm guessing no one else got their Audit scores from CA.

CAAudit 14 years ago

If have not received CA AUDIT scores yet does that mean we should expect that we are Round 2 (took exam oct 25)?

waiting 14 years ago

683 audit scores were released today! let's hope we are in this batch!

ca 14 years ago

i took aud 10/12, and still haven't received mine either. this is absolutely retarded.

aaron 14 years ago

I'm in CA I took audit November 5th and received my score on November 24th. ...I passed....took bec yesterday it seemed harder than when I first took it..don't think I passed...for all the other CA ppl I hope u get your scores soon

JW in KL 14 years ago

The slow release of AUDIT score ,I think, is because of the shear volumn; everyone tries to beat the 11/30 deadline lest facing the IFRS in 2011. Anyway, I took audit on 11/1 in CA. Still waiting...till the end of December, maybe.

MN CPA 14 years ago

Here's my question: I have been waiting since Oct 1 for MN Aud scores. I tried the loophole a few times and it always let me be able to select to re-register for Audit. This made me thinkm I had failed, although the score never came up. Now, I went to try to re-register for the exam today and it is greyed out, although the score is not yet posted. Does this mean that I passed the exam?!?!

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

After two months I am still waiting for my audit score in CA, it doesn't make any sense at all because I sat for it on the first day of the window I suppose to be in wave 1. I feel something is not right.

waiting 14 years ago

I am still waiting for my scores too and its soooo frustrating! If i were to be in wave 2, i would have rather waited until today to give my exam since i could have gotten more time to study!

JW back in LA 14 years ago

Guys, I still haven't seen my AUDIT score either. I feel bad for those of you who took AUDIT in OCT, you absolutely deserve to get the score in Wave 1.

waiting in WI 14 years ago

Any word on when Wisconsin will be releasing scores?

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

I Believe this process is unfair to those of us who sat for the exam on October and are still waiting to get our scores. I believe all the entities involved in the scores release need to find a better approach to make that this process is fair.

Prospectivecpa 14 years ago

Is there any way we contact AICPA to find out what's going on?

Lori Zorn 14 years ago

I took Audit in CA on the first day of the window: Oct 1 and don't have my scores either. I took BEC Nov 24th, don't expect that score till late Dec. This is beyond frustration. Out of the 18 month alotted timeframe, you spend 9 months of that waiting for scores.