Revised FAR Schedule + Walking with NINJA Audio

07 Jul 2012


Jaquetta is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger.

As stated in a previous post, I’m pregnant and that is one of the motivating factors for getting the CPA exam over with.

I am considered high-risk, and I am afraid that I will develop preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) because I have been on high blood pressure medicine in the past.

Before the pregnancy I was running a few times a week, but because I am high risk I am not allowed to continue any strenuous activities. So, I am walking or going to yoga 3-4 times a week to stay healthy.

This week while walking on the treadmill at the gym I decided to start listening to the NINJA Audio for FAR. Initially I created a playlist with all of the tracks, but I found it more helpful to create a playlist that includes only the tracks for which I have completed my initial review. The audios are helpful at reinforcing concepts. If you’re not using the NINJA audios, you should be.

Additionally, I kept my commitment to myself this week. I revised my FAR schedule and made some decent progress. It feels good to be making progress and the information makes sense. I am not sure if this is because it’s my second time around or because I’m in a different mind frame. Either way I feel more confident in my knowledge and I don’t feel so overwhelmed.

Until next time,

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