AUD CPA Exam Material Taking Forever | Becker CPA + NINJA

25 Aug 2021

Podcasts, CPA Exam Study Tips

aud cpa exam becker cpa review

Jumping back to the questions. Priscilla says I'm having trouble passing, audit. I'm using Becker CPA Review, but it's so much material I'm taking too long. Getting through the material. I forget the info that I learned in the earlier chapters. I need a study plan. Can you help?

Yeah, between five and seven weeks on an exam because it takes too long to get to the material. You start to forget things as you said, I forget the info I learned in the earlier chapters. And then, so you, so that's your time budget, but then you also have a methodology that you need, which I recommend the ninja framework.

I'm biased because I created it, but the ninja framework and really all it is It's a way of maximizing your study efficiency. I think it's maximizing your study effectiveness too, but efficiency. So if you go Bideo one question sort of questions or videos, chapter one question chapter one, videos, chapter two questions, chapter two by week seven or eight, you're going to have to go back and redo those questions.

Okay. Because you're just going to forget them. So you nail the concepts, get through all the concepts. Then you do non-stop multiple choice questions, take notes. So you're done with the concepts done with the notes. Then you take all those notes and you rewrite them cause you to relearn the material.

So you're learning material twice, which I think is the effective, the more effective way of studying. And then, you have your final review. That's when it all comes together. NINJ(A) – all comes together. And to start with your, we just topic first and work backward, working sets of 20 questions.

So for auditing, if you're weak on audit sampling, and then you're weak on internal control, you keep doing 20 questions sets until you hit 70%, it's an arbitrary threshold, and then you move on. I hope that's helpful.

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