Fourth Quarter 2008 Passing Rates Down 9% Over Third Quarter; Still Higher Than First Quarter

12 Jan 2009

CPA Exam Pass Rates

By Jeff

I'm not really sure why this is. I'm guessing that there's a logical reason why the CPA Exam pass rate dropped almost 9% overall in the fourth quarter compared to the third (feel free to clue me in if you know…maybe it's obvious and I just don't see it). The average passing rate for 2008 was 48.6% overall, which means that in a given sitting for a single section, 48.6% of the candidates passed that particular exam.

Get the CPA Exam pass rates.

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Jeff 16 years ago

I blame candy corn.

Cowpatty 16 years ago

it makes me even more proud I passed Audit woo hoo

I like that FAR rate but boy that BEC is a real stinky pinky

Anonymous 16 years ago

People procrastinate before the holidays :)

Anonymous 16 years ago


Discount coupon code doesn't work.
Can anyone help?

Anonymous 16 years ago

hi above

mine said didn't show up but check your bill b/c mine was there when I check my bank activity

Anonymous 16 years ago

Do you mean that the order total $ shown up on Yaeger's shopping cart doesn't reflect the correct amount of bill? It says that discounts will be applied on the order review page prior to final checkout. However, mine seems to be processed at the non-discount price no matter when I enter the discount code:

Cart Summary:

Sub Total :$495.00
Tax : $0.00
Order Total :$495.00

Any suggestion? Thanks.

Anonymous 16 years ago

well you can always call them my purchase was just a cram cd so the difference would have been like 6 bucks

with that type of coin thrown around I would call

I prefer cpaexcel but yeager is good if you can handle the lectures

Anonymous 16 years ago

I feel less bad about going 1 out of 2 last window! I blame the ridiculous simulations I got for FAR 16 years ago

If the code isn't working (make sure you're using 1part2go at checkout) Yaeger at 800-824-2811 and they'll fix it.

Anonymous 16 years ago

09 watch %'s jump up a notch from all us another 71's woopin up on tha game

Rob in TX 16 years ago

I bet if everyone watched that 1986 movie RAD sometime say three/four weeks before the exam I bet the pass rate would be 85%

That movie rocks! 16 years ago

RAD? haha...I rented that when it came out on video back in the day...that movie was awesome! 16 years ago

BTW...I spoke with the Yaegers tonight and their computer system isn't taking the discount code on the checkout screen every time, but they wanted to reassure you that if you used the code, that you will get the discount...they may have to manually adjust it, but not to worry.


Anonymous 16 years ago

My explanation? Times are tough and NASBA/AICPA need more money. The more candidates who fail one section after passing another, the more re-registration fees they collect.

Anonymous 16 years ago

Does anyone find it funny that BEC is considered the "easiest" of the exams, yet has the lowest pass rate?

Anonymous 16 years ago

I got my fourth passing grade online just before Christmas and have not received a letter, score report, or anything from my state board. Is it unusual to take them four weeks to get this information out? 16 years ago

I got my passing confirmation last Saturday January the 10th (I took the exam in Oct and got my score in Nov). NASBA sends your passing sheet that lists your 4 passing scores and the date you took them to your state board. Your state board then has to send out a packet to you. If I were you, I would call your state board and ask them when you can expect to receive your packet.

In the meantime, if your state requires an ethics exam - buy it and take it...your state BOA website should list all of that.


Anonymous 16 years ago

Nobody here is going to want to hear this, but here we go. From this article, it looks like we are going to have a glut of accountants in about 5 years. Yes, we will always need accountants and the demand right now is high.

Regardless, it looks like the supply of accountants WILL be growing much more quickly than the demand.

Accounting Audit 13 years ago

How are the scores comparing now to 2009?