2013 CPA Exam Pass Rates Released; Q4 Worst of Year

17 Jan 2014

CPA Exam Pass Rates

The AICPA has released the 2013 CPA Exam Pass Rates for Q4 exams.

The post title and pic is a tad dramatic because it's not that bad.

BEC is up a little vs. Q1, while the rest are down some.

Typically, Q1 is the weakest of the year.

Q1: 45.19
Q2: 48.08
Q3: 46.56
Q4 2013: 42.95
Q4 2012: 44.15

Q1: 53.47
Q2: 55.95
Q3: 58.54
Q4 2013: 54.44
Q4 2012: 50.57

Q1: 47.16
Q2: 49.09
Q3: 51.23
Q4 2013: 45.28
Q4 2012: 45.53

Q1: 47.57
Q2: 49.79
Q3: 49.80
Q4 2013: 46.61
Q4 2012: 46.02

Also check out the CPA Exam Pass Rates 2012

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Kelsey LaPayne 11 years ago

I took FAR in Q1 of 2014. Hopefully since Q4 was so low, they'll bump up the pass rate for this quarter! One can wish, right?

Tomy 11 years ago

On the same boat Kelsey. Took FAR on Q4 and got a 74. Still haunts me because it the last one and I have one more attempt before REG gets erased.

Kelsey LaPayne 11 years ago

I retook on the date that audit expires. It's also my last exam to pass. If I failed, I'll be down to credit for one as BEC expires February 6 (when scores are released). Come onnnnn 75!!

Soufyan Hashmany 11 years ago

Hey quick question, let's suppose if I pass more than one Sections, then does that mean everything expires or Only one of the sections expires if I am not able to clear the last whichever Part it is?

Vickie 11 years ago

Same here got 73 in Q4, hope for a better one this Quarter

jesse 11 years ago

I took all four tests during four consecutive weekends in Q4 and passed them all first try. I am thinking that the overall low pass rates must have set the curve low.

Rose 11 years ago

Do they publish pass rates split between 1st-time takers and additional-time takers? I've got FAR, my last one to pass, scheduled for February so I'm hoping the pass rates improve!

Mark 11 years ago

I took Far in Q4. I got a 73 and feel that in light of this change to the pass rate I should've passed too.

AJ 11 years ago

Wish me luck I'm taking REG Jan 28. It's my last one but if I don't pass audit falls off. I passed audit with a 75. Theres no way I would pass it now if it falls off. I have to pass REG.