CPA Exam Results February 2010

04 Feb 2010


The 2010 CPA Exam is in full swing and candidates are neck-deep in their CPA Review courses trying to fit in another exam in a shortened testing month.

Dates and news that candidates should know:

February 7, 2010: Traditionally, the 7th is the last day you can sit for a section of the CPA Exam and still be eligible for the Wave 1 score release (if you're not included in Wave 1, you will have to wait another month until Wave 2, which begins mid-March).

According to my Interview with the AICPA, if your exam had a new simulation, you will automatically be in Wave 2.

The following are predictions based on historical trends:

February 12, 2010: AICPA is expected to start releasing BEC scores per my CPA Exam score release predictions (which historically are 50% spot-on for Wave 1). Once the AICPA starts releasing CPA Exam scores, California, Illinois, Virginia will follow suit.

NASBA usually releases scores within two business days after the AICPA release.

February 15, 2010: NASBA BEC Score Release

February 16, 2010: AICPA AUD Score Release

February 17, 2010: AICPA REG/NASBA AUD Score Releases

February 18, 2010: AICPA FAR/NASBA REG Score Releases

February 19, 2010: NASBA FAR Score Release


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Rachel 15 years ago

Jeff, Is there any way we can tell whether we had a new simulation? (if it was made up of tabs that were unrelated vs. tabs that were all related to each other). Thanks!!

Jeff - 15 years ago

Good question, Rachel. I think only the AICPA knows for sure. I don't think you can read too much into your sim to discern old vs new, unfortunately.

magic_8_ball_did_i_pass 15 years ago

Ok I watched your video. I went to nasba and clicked on IL. There was no area where you could enter in the info on the side. So my question is...above when you state "AICPA starts releasing CPA Exam scores, California, Illinois, Virginia will follow suit." How do they follow suit? Am I to look elsewhere or just keep loggin onto the IL bd website? FAR 1/9

Jeff - 15 years ago

magic_8_ball_did_i_pass - your score will only be on the IL BOE won't appear on NASBA. IL posts scores usually 1-2 business days after the AICPA release. -Jeff

Laura 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, I live in Washington state, and we just became a NASBA state at the first of the year. When we were with Castle, it was my understanding that when you passed your last exam, you receive an email notifying that your score has been posted, and a second email notifying you that you have passed all sections of the exam. Do you know if this will be the same now that we're with NASBA?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Laura, now that you're a NASBA state, the only way for you to get your score e-mailed to you is via Result Watch.

Laura white 15 years ago

Jeff, thanks for the info. Just to clarify, neither NASBA nor the AICPA send out an email to you after you've passed on 4 sections?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Laura, That is correct. You won't get anything for several weeks because after you pass all four, NASBA sends the packet to your state BOA, which in turn sends it to you. In the meantime, it's best to take care of any ethics exam reqs and I would go online and fill out all of the forms you need to get your certificate and send them in...don't wait for them to send it to you.

Lakeisha 15 years ago

Would the BEC scores be held back because of the holiday on Monday?

Pat 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, First of all, thanks for your website. It I took my first test this January and found your website just through searching on the internet for CPA release information. It is so great. Do you think that the results will still be released today even though it is a holiday?

Pat 15 years ago

Oops! Sorry I didn't see the comment before mine. Also, is there a certain time of day that the scores are usually posted?

Victor 15 years ago

Has anyone gotten their BEC score yet?

Beth 15 years ago

No BEC score yet but waiting anxiously. Haven't heard anything about a possible release date either other than Jeff's predictions.

Tom 15 years ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one hitting refresh every 5 seconds! The holiday probably caused the delay.

Jeff - 15 years ago

Unfortunately, I didn't see the AICPA taking Monday off. I thought only banks and the Federal government observe such "holidays". We're looking at a Tuesday AICPA BEC release and a Wednesday evening NASBA release (keeping fingers crossed). The best way to get info is the CPA Exam Forum

Jason 15 years ago

How can we find out if AICPA released today to NASBA in NY? Im so stressed....when i finally pass all 4 parts im gonna go on a nice long vacation!

Jason 15 years ago

Hey Jeff, Just called NASBA..girl on the phone sadi no scores will be released until last week of february into think thats actually true?? this wait is terrible

Jeff - 15 years ago

That's the "company line" and they hedge on the conservative side. I've been tracking this for over 25 "waves" now...scores will be out this week.

solo12 15 years ago

So now that today is the 16th and no scores have been released - when can we expect thhem to come in.

Stella 15 years ago

Jeff, Thank you for your updates! I really appreciate your predictions! I too am waiting on BEC. I know it is very forward looking but I am taking AUD on Feb 26th... When should I expect a score? Mid March? Thanks!

David 15 years ago

I'm Korean. So my reply time is not correct. It's 10pm Estern time. I'm so looking forward for my BEC score. Anyone get the score?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Stella - I will post Wave 2 predictions soon, but I am terrible at Wave 2 (up until this Wave 1, I was 50% on the money for nailing NASBA release dates). If BEC releases tomorrow (Wednesday), look for NASBA by Thursday...if the AICPA releases AUD/REG on Thursday...look for NASBA on Monday.

Keva 15 years ago

Jeff - I am waiting on BEC and FAR, I took them in January. This site is great I check it more that I check NASBA. I was hoping that someone from the non-NASBA states could tell us if they have gotten any results.

Lauren 15 years ago

It seems like my understanding is that BEC will be released tomorrow? While that may be true I've been trying to check and I keep getting an error that the page cannot be found on the NASBA website and I noticed all states score pages are like this. Is anyone else having trouble checking their scores or lack of scores?

David 15 years ago

Lauren - you're right. I can not connect the score page(Montana) but, I stored the score page in my favorite, I can check it possible. it is still not finding my score. anyway, we will wait more. PS - Thanks for the information Jeff.

Lauren 15 years ago

David- I figured as much that it was everyone, but I just wanted to be sure it wasn't my home internet. I tried again just now and it seems the NASBA score pages are still down. I hope they fix this this morning or I may have to go down a few floors in my building and have a word or two with someone at NASBA.

Mell 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, If I took BEC on February 6, 2010, is there a possibility that my scores will come out in Wave 1 instead of Wave 2? Thanks.

Jerrod 15 years ago

Mell, Every indication I can find is that answer to your question, by popular opinion, is yes. All the blogs, forums, etc. say FEBRUARY 7! Have you seen any indication otherwise? Lauren and David, I share an empathy with you down here in GA. I did not go to sleep last night b/c I was half studying for AUD (2/25) and then "bleeding" the F5 key on the NASBA scores page, which appears to be lacking a pulse at the moment. My hopes are high for today for BEC, but my expectations are not so high...

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Man. I took BEC in the begining of January and I took REG on February 15th (I think that was too little time). BUT, I have been searching (obviously) for release dates, release proceedures, etc. The amount of support/help from everyone is INCREDIBLE. The CPA certainly brings people together!

Misty 15 years ago

If I go the long way through the website to check scores, I get the same problem pulling up the page. But, I have my favorites set up, too, to take me directly to plugging in my code and date of birth, and the site works just fine from there. Here's the link, but obviously it only works for candidates from my state - Louisiana. You might be able to change the abbreviation code at the end to your state code maybe... good luck all!!!!!

Andrea 15 years ago

Thanks for posting that link Misty. It was driving me nuts not being able to check.....I might need some help. :)

Stella 15 years ago

Jerrod- I am taking AUD on Feb 26th. How are you feeling? I am a tax girl so I am very overwhelmed with all of the words... Does anyone have any suggestions? I feel like I am running out of time quickly. I am not working from now until the test... seems like enough time.. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!!

Stella 15 years ago

All of this waiting is KILLING ME! I think this is worse then studying... well.. maybe not. ! :)

Sunny 15 years ago

So did the AICPA release the grades to NASBA yet? I keep checking and its driving me insane.

lol 15 years ago

JCPA, Thanks for having a better life than we do and still be able to join the party with us.

Matt 15 years ago

Even though I do not agree with JCPA's comments, people on this website obviously need to learn to be more patient. The American Heritage Dictionary defines patient as "bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness." Is it both annoying and difficult to wait for these exam scores? You bet. However, freaking out and/or whining about it solves nothing. People should channel their apprehension and frustration, which is understandable, in a more positive manner (i.e., study harder for their next section). Also, keep in mind, Jeff does not work for the AICPA or NSABA. When he hears something, I am sure he will let us know.

Jerrod 15 years ago

Stella - I am fortunate because experience is invaluable for this particular section. During my earlier education, I needed context so badly, because it was all meaningless definitions and procedures and I had no way to organize it in my head. Becker is fantastic. If you can't take the class, get the books, and keep working as many MC as you can. Very good luck! JCPA - Unless you are the gracious blog host we all know as JEFF who kindly offers his time to help his fellows, then your nose and your big mouth have found themselves in a place wherein others pay no heed to your pretentious claptrap. Hope your little belch of rubbish tripe helps you feel better... baby. Good luck to all who await patiently the arrival of good news re: WAVE 1!!!

Sunny 15 years ago

Thanks for the advise but sometimes venting is good for you. Obviously some here are way more uptight than others.

Stella 15 years ago

I was simply trying to make you guys smile... We are ALL studying hard and patiently awaiting our results. Having people to share in it with makes it worth the wait... some people need to loosen up! No wonder accountants get a bad rep!

Sarah 15 years ago

For any PA candidates, I just emailed the coordinator to find out what the deal was with the webpage not loading, and she said the first wave should go out this week, but she has not yet received anything.

Keva 15 years ago

Guys, Guys, come on, let us not do this. Let us not fight because of the one thing that as brought us together. We all have studied hard, we all want to be CPAs. Lets change the tone, tell us where your are from and your line of work, I will go first. Jamaica, Audit, Big 4.

Mitsue 15 years ago

Hi all, I took the AUD on Jan 16 and am waiting for my result to come out! I should be in the 1st Wave this time. This is the 1st time that we (WA applicants) use the NSABA website to check our exam results and that makes me more nervous actually...I know that the transfer from Castle to NSABA didn't go well and we needed to wait for NSABA to fix the problem in the early Jan. And now we have the page loading problem! I need to calm down a little bit...

Jeff - 15 years ago

Still nothing from the AICPA on BEC... I would encourage everyone to get a forum takes less than a minute.

Lauren 15 years ago

Misty-- Thanks so much for the link. :)

Walter 15 years ago

This is the funniest, serious thing I have seen. I'm glad I'm not the only one. In my small firm some other people took the exam but don't seem to be taking it as serious as me. I'm thinking the faster I get finished with this I can get back to figuring out what it is I like to do with my spare time, and not feel like this small firm I work at has me by the b@ll$. And JCPA, your right, the six months I plan on taking and passing the exam, it is pretty much my life. I gave up drinking, and partying until I'm done. But when I'm done you better know that there will be a serious party somewhere!... You're all invited!

Justin 15 years ago

I got my score! I opened up the NASBA scoring page and there it was! Just score yet.

lisa 15 years ago

justin what state are you? are you a nasba or aicpa release state?

Ashley 15 years ago

NASBA website is working again!!!

lisa 15 years ago

wow didn't read your entire post. this is so pathetic

Billy Bob 15 years ago

The AICPA hasn't released the Scores yet

Jeff - 15 years ago

BEC News:

Mell 15 years ago

What might this mean for the NASBA release of FAR? Do you predict some time next week, maybe Tuesday/Wednesday?

beth 15 years ago

Jeff, thanks for the update you posted on the forum regarding the BEC releases. We appreciate you keeping us up to date as you get info!

Matt 15 years ago

Not to take away from Jeff's thunder but: "Today, 7618 BEC scores were released by the #AICPA to NASBA for the Jan/Feb 2010 testing window." Source:

Jeff - 15 years ago

No're not taking away any thunder. I have NASBA's twitter account listed in this post. The key is that candidates get information. There are times when score release info comes out after hours that I post on here that doesn't show up on Twitter until the next day. One way or another, people are staying informed, which is key.

Yasar 15 years ago

Hi can anyone till me when we will receive the results for AUD, and FAR.

Amadi 15 years ago

Got my BEC scores. I passed!

Keva 15 years ago

Congratulations Amadi, which state are you registered with?

ann 15 years ago

if we are a nasba state we shouldnt expect our BEC scores till 9pm?

CannedHam 15 years ago

CA score for BEC was posted this morning at 5:38 am Pacific time. 87 for me

Jay 15 years ago

CannedHam/ Where did you check out the score? I took the exam in CA, too.

CannedHam 15 years ago

At the California Board of Accountancy website - login to your exam account. It lists when you took your exam, and the advisory score - it's on the "status" tab - but it's at the bottom of the page. It might be confusing at first since the top of the page contains the table with the exam and column for scores and credit. That's still blank this morning - but at the bottom is a table with the exam info. and a link to the diagnostic. hope that helps

Bama 15 years ago

Any update on the AUD release?

Dantheman 15 years ago

I'm in CA and got my BEC score this morning at 5:38 Pacific time. I PASSED!!! and that was my last one. Yay me! Hang in there everybody!

Jay 15 years ago

CannedHam/I checked my socre as you advised. I passed the exam too!!!!!!! Thank you~!! Good luck to you~!

CannedHam 15 years ago

CA Exam takers - remember that the CA Board of Accnt'cy is subject to furloughs (1st three Fridays of the month) - it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that this could slow the distribution of the exam scores. For example, if the score release from AICPA came on a Thursday - we might not see it till Mon or Tues.

jeong 15 years ago

CannedHam/ that is true? i had waited the audit score before computer!! oh!! poor my red-eye!!

Lunae 15 years ago

I am waiting on REG scores. I just spoke to VA on the phone and they do not have them yet. BAH!!!!!

Tom 15 years ago

Luane, The good news is that I see an entry for myself for FAR, and I thought maybe I didnt pass, but if they dont have them yet, there is still hope!!!!!

Tom 15 years ago

Luane, The good news is that I see an entry for myself for FAR but no score, and I thought maybe I didnt pass, but if they dont have them yet, there is still hope!!!!!

Lunae 15 years ago

Geesh... the wait is murder. I just asked VA again, and no REG scores today =( If I did not pass REG... I lose AUD. I am utterly sick waiting. BAH!!!!!!

Walter 15 years ago

Lunae, I've been reading your posts, I'm sure you passed. I just hope you don't have to wait the weekend to find out (Or me either, I took REG 1/26 as my 1st exam and I can't wait to see how I stack up). This being my 1st exam I told one of my co-workers the wait is the worst part of the exam... he told me "getting your score back and seeing less then 75 is the worst part"

Tom 15 years ago

Luane, ME TOO! I will lose AUD if I did not pass FAR!

Kevin 15 years ago

Has anyone else seen the NASBA twiter account? Does this imply that all jan/feb tests will be pushed to wave 2, due to the storms on the east coasts?

solo12 15 years ago

The CPA score release process is absolutely ridiculous. While understand there's some rigor that goes into grading exams, it makes no sense whatsoever in releasing score in dribs and drabs. If you are ready to release BEC why must there be an extra day or two needed to release the remaining scores. Jeff - please enlighten.

Keva 15 years ago

I failed - 69. tear drops.

Jeff - 15 years ago

Kevin - NASBA's tweet means that Wave 2 won't be affected by the extension...Wave 1 is unphased. solo12 - this is just part of rhyme or reason it seems.

Keva 15 years ago

My score was emailed to me this morning at 10:08AM. However, it was not posted on the NASBA website.

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Kev sorry to hear it. That's close though so keep trucking! Interesting news about the email but no NASBA. What did you get the email through?

Dan 15 years ago

If I took my first test in August 28th and I receive my test score after the 18 month window but all 4 tests were past w/in 18 months of each other, how does that work?

dan 15 years ago

That's August 28, 2008

Walt 15 years ago

Dan, Your fine as long as you took (and passed) the exam w/in the 18 months, the score release doesn't matter. Keva, Hold your head, stick with it! This exam can't stop you.

Jay 15 years ago

Jeff/ My advisory score is 75, is it possible to be lower when final score is released? T.T This is the first I don't know procedure well... Please help me..

Joe 15 years ago

Jay, Typically if your advisory score is XX, then it'll be that final score. It's safe to say you pass my friend, congrats.

Jay 15 years ago

Joe, Thank you X 100,000 Good bye~BEC~ ^^

Tom 15 years ago

Still no BEC scores for New York!

Paul 15 years ago

Dan, I have no idea what your question is but you would never ever wait 18 months to get your scores. You can take one section at a time and generally you receive your score within 2 months from the exam date. if you pass, your 18 month window begins on the date of the 1st exam you pass. Does thhat help?

ad 15 years ago

Still no BEC results for CO

Dan 15 years ago

I was saying my first test was taken in August 28th, so it expires on feb 28th. I'm waiting on the score of my 4th test.

Keva 15 years ago

murphyqu03 It came in my yahoo mail from NASBA. Does anyone else have this experience.

murphyqu03 15 years ago

wow! I certainly didn't have that experience! It came from NASBA? And you still can't get it on the NASBA website right?

Keva 15 years ago

Still not on the website. I am also waiting for FAR.

murphyqu03 15 years ago

That's pretty interesting... did you sign up for something to get it emailed to you? Good luck with FAR! I've taken BEC and REG (in this window) but am trying to avoid taking FAR!

Keva 15 years ago

On the re-examination from I had selected email as my preferred method of contact. I am from Jamaica so REG (tax) will be a little difficult for me i will take that one last. I had actually passed AUD and lost it.

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Wow I should try that next time! Good luck with REG. I thought there was a pretty fair amount of "professional responsibility/liability", contracts (when an offer/acceptance were officlal, etc), and corporate and partnership basis questions. Obviously there were many others but those were the biggest sections of my test. I'm headed home from work. Good luck!

vid 15 years ago

Can we expect the CO state scores to be out at 9 pm EST ?

Mell 15 years ago

9:03 and still no NY scores. Anyone else from NY experiencing this?

Beth 15 years ago

No DE scores either

jjw 15 years ago

No MA Scores

Tixeri 15 years ago

No NJ scores

al 15 years ago

no ny score for me either

Toya 15 years ago

No MI scores

Ed 15 years ago

How do I get an advisory score?

lea 15 years ago

When should I expect Regulation scores for NY?

ADG 15 years ago

No CO scores

Amoore 15 years ago

No LA scores...anyone from Louisiana has REG or FAR released? These are the final two that I am waiting on.

Rich 15 years ago

Im from CA and waiting for my AUD score. This is my last exam and the wait is killing me. Anyone from CA able to get their score off NASBA? And when do the scores normally post on the CA board website? Thanks

RK 15 years ago

anyone from sc waiting for scores?

Alex 15 years ago

No scores in Ohio either

Kevin 15 years ago

@Rich.. you can only obtain your CA scores from the CA website, which should be your exam login account that you used to register. I'm waiting on AUD as my last one as well! Normally CA seems to be up faster than the NASBA postings, but it needs to come from the AICPA first, and of course, tomorrow is another fantastic furlough Friday, so Monday would be the earliest for us in CA it appears.

Rich 15 years ago

@Kevin...thanks man! Guess I'll check back on Monday...hopefully I can send my expense report to my firm that day $$$$

ad 15 years ago

No CO scores yet !!! Not sure if BEC results for any of the NASBA states have posted yet.

whatever 15 years ago

This is ridiculous. What's the point of a computerized exam if you still have to wait 1-2+ months for a score. I am tired of hitting the refresh button on the NASBA website..... going to go study for my next exam so I won't have to give them anymore of my money.

Misty 15 years ago

AMoore - no, I'm in Louisiana, too. Waiting on BEC and Reg. Nothing yet. Maybe in the morning! A Friday isn't a bad day to get a passing score, right?! :)

AMoore 15 years ago

Misty - You are right! Friday would be a perfect day to get a passing score! Good luck on BEC. That was a hard one for me, but then again, so was REG and FAR...hahaha. Where from LA are you? I am in Belle Chasse (outside New Orleans). Good luck!!!!

AMoore 15 years ago

Quick question - if the REG score was estimated to be released 2/18 and the FAR scored was estimated to be released 2/19 and nothing happened for either score, what would you expect now? Should you just check a couple times a day until now or just wait until Wave 2? I've been lucky that both my AUD and BEC scores were in wave 1. My friend however always seems to have wave 2 scores whenever she takes the exam.

Jay H 15 years ago

Another morning and no scores for REG in NJ ... this is my last part and I'm checking the NASBA site 10x a day. Hoping for good news before the weekend! Good luck everyone out there waiting.

Misty 15 years ago

AMoore - I'm in Lafayette. I took BEC Jan 2 and REG Feb 29th. I'm sure I didn't pass Reg (didn't even finish the exam) I had a problem with the spreadsheet on one of my simulations, and I spent too much time trying to figure it out, so I didn't leave myself enough time for Sim #2. No matter what I put in the cells on that spreadsheet - words, numbers, percentages, fractions, decimals, anything - it kept telling me "invalid format." I didn't even think to mention it during the survey at the end when it asked if we had any technical difficulty with keyboards or mouses or anything. Should have said, "No, but that spreadsheet wasn't cooperating!!" Good luck to you!!!!! Hope you get good news today!

AMoore 15 years ago

Misty - I am sure I didn't pass REG either. I had a simulation that completely fried my brain. By the time I got to the second one, I was frazzled. I know that is a retake. Too bad they don't too test simulations like they do test questions...hahaha. Good Luck!!! I hope you get good news also today.

Melissa 15 years ago

Jay H - It's nice to know that I am not the only crazed individual constantly checking the NASBA sight. I'm in TN and I need my BEC!!

Sarah 15 years ago

No PA scores yet

Keva 15 years ago

Jeff. How is it that NASBA sent me my BEC score via email and have not yet posted it on the website. Yet no other state has received their scores? Jeff - what could be the explanation.

LB 15 years ago

Has ANYONE gotten ANY scores?

KS 15 years ago

Did anybody test in WV? I am waiting for my BEC score also. For the first time I finally feel slightly confident about the exam. (3rd try for BEC)I'm just afraid that I am going to be disappointed. Jeff - the AICPA released the first round of BEC scores a few days ago. When can we expect to see more scores released? How long does it usually take to release all of the WAVE 1 scores?

Walt 15 years ago

Congrats to all of you all that are waiting on your "last" score, I'm in Vegas and waiting on my first score (REG). I can only think how bad its going to be waiting on my last score (hopefully in June).

AMoore 15 years ago

Walt - congrats to you for starting! For me, that was the hardest part.

steve 15 years ago

what is going on! why no scores? i'm a member in NY but i took it NJ. which one do i check?

DReherman 15 years ago

Oh my word...I cannot wait any longer!?!?! I only have AUD left...I took it Jan 16th and I'm still waiting on a score. I took AUD in the 4th Qtr of 2009 and thought for sure I had passed...but NO, I received a 61. :-( I'm praying for a passing score...I'm mentally exhausted from studying.

CPAWannaBe 15 years ago

Steve, you need to check NY. I'm a member of NY but I took it in Louisiana. Still no score yet for NY. I am waiting on BEC.

KS 15 years ago

Steve - you would check NY

Joe 15 years ago

No Scores in MN either

Ryan 15 years ago

I am currently waiting for AUD that I took on 1/23/10. I talked with the MI cordinator and he said that Aud is usually the last score and he thinks by next thursday. Also asked if AICPA had released and he gave no indications. Does anyone know if AICPA has released any AUD scores?

Paul 15 years ago

BEC Wave 1 scores posted in IL - 86 yay! Still no AUD scores, took both on Jan 5th and Jan 7th respectively.

Victor 15 years ago

No BEC scores in MI yet. I thought the test was easy, but this is killing me.

Lee 15 years ago

Does anybody know when are the NY REG scores will be up?

Enny 15 years ago

I am in MI and i have not seen a score either.......

Robin 15 years ago

I'm in Texas and have yet to receive my Reg scores too. This is actually giving me some relief because I thought that since I took it on Jan 31, I was lumped into Wave 2. Gosh, I am so nervous and anxious...

Matt 15 years ago

Has anyone received GA BEC scores?

Steve 15 years ago

i took it on 1/2/10. is there any way i am in wave 2

Cindy 15 years ago

No BEC score in MA......anyone got it?...this is a torture......

Hey Jeff 15 years ago

Your predictions suck

Robin 15 years ago

- Per this website, anyone who took the exam prior to Feb 5th stands a good chance of being in Wave 1. However, if you took it on the 2nd of Jan, I am certain that you have nothing to worry about. I think it's only us who took an exam close to Feb 5 that may be put in Wave 2.

Robin 15 years ago

My last response was for Steve.

jase 15 years ago

I took REG back at Jan 15th.. still no REG score in CA.... sigh...

KS 15 years ago

I took BEC on January 9th....and I'm still waiting. The worst part is that WV is not a NASBA state so I receive my scores via snail mail. :-( Seriously, the waiting is far worse than the studying. sigh.

Kavita 15 years ago

Just havent had the courage to post earlier.... waiting for BEC results and I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!! aaarrrrghhhhhh!!

stkcpa 15 years ago

OMG! All you people who are being rude to Jeff....this is HIS website and HIS's NOT official by any means..and if you don't like what he has to say, then get OFF this website!! Jeff - thanks for all that you do.

steve 15 years ago

stkcpa - he makes money when pple visit. the more posts, the more visits. he is loving this!

Keva 15 years ago

You guys need to check your emails for the scores. There is a possibility that it was sent to your email, i.e. NASBA States. My BEC score was sent to my email yesterday, however, the NASBA site does not reflect my score.

ad 15 years ago

Keva ... What email address did it come from ?

Anxious 15 years ago

You people Jeff is not a GOD so you cant hold him to his predictions. This is a favor on his part because I know a lot of us that come on this site will not be doing this after we pass the CPA. So just relax you arent the only one waiting on ur last or first score. We all studied for the exam and are waiting anxiously :-)

Anxious 15 years ago

And stop with all the questions JEEZ... Jeff do you know this, Jeff do you know that ? HE HAS A LIFE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

ANIT ANXIOUS 15 years ago

SHUT UP ANXIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anxious 15 years ago

To ANIT ANXIOUS... Yes I will shut up but does that make your score come any faster.... NO I DIDNT THINK SO

Nate 15 years ago

so much hostility here.

Andrea 15 years ago

If you're in a NASBA state how do you get set up to receive your score via e-mail?

Reality Check 15 years ago

Jeff is loving answering the questions because it is bringing attention and money to his site. He probably forecasts score releases a few days early on purpose so that it generates all the activity you are currently witnessing.

phillycpa 15 years ago

Who cares whether or not Jeff makes money off this site. He doesnt charge us to post or to look @ his predictions. He has provided us all with an outlet to get through this together and rather than hate and complain about how his timing's wrong, you should be grateful that we have this outlet. if you dont like his predictions dont look @ them.

Jeff - 15 years ago

Score releases bring out the worst in people...sure, it's more traffic, but also more jerks :) The jerks magically go away once scores are out. Still nothing on BEC scores...check the forum for updates. I've never overplayed my hand and shared info that wasn't accurate, vetted, or stretched. I've only passed on what was told to me from very reliable people. When things get fouled up, no one looks stupider than me. :) Thanks again for reading my site. -Jeff

solo12 15 years ago

now now future cpa's keep your eyes on the prize...we shouldn't be mad at each. We should be made at the system. I think we should voice our concerns to the AICPA. As mentioned Jeff is doing us all a favor. Thanks Jeff

Rich 15 years ago

I know everyone is getting impatient with their scores, I for one am waiting for my last score, but all we can do is keep studying and working hard. Good luck to everyone and keep pushing through!

John from Quincy 15 years ago

MA - Stupid Questions, are there still blackout months? A testing center is allowing me to sign up for March, but i'm tentative for obvious reasons.

ANTI ANXIOUS 15 years ago

If NASBA doesn't release them tonight then BEC Scores will not get posted until Monday. THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff - 15 years ago

BEC tonight via NASBA...AUD out shortly via AICPA...

Ahmad 15 years ago

CPA testing window for this cycle has been extended through march 8th due to weather issues. You should be able to register for an exam up through the 8th and will still count in the 1st testing window.

Jeff - 15 years ago

4914 AUD CPA Exam Scores just released by the AICPA

Rich 15 years ago

Hey Jeff, Will will the Audit scores be released in CA?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Tomorrow, probably...CA is fast.

Kimberley 15 years ago

Hey Jeff, Do you know when the Audit scores will be posted for IL?

Jeff - 15 years ago

Could be tomorrow...Monday morning most likely though for IL.

Curtis 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, Can I expect my scores tomorrow or Monday for TX?

Vale 15 years ago

Hey Jeff, How about FAR for NY? Thanks.

Jeff - 15 years ago

Curtis - Monday at the earliest for TX...probably later though. Vale - FAR has yet to be released by the AICPA...not sure

ADG 15 years ago

still No CO scores

Jamie 15 years ago

Jeff- Just to add to the annoying state questions, What is Missouri's AUD outlook? Please say they work OT on Fridays just to get AUD scores out!

Mike 15 years ago

Jeff, Does the board of CA post scores on Saturdays? Thanks

vid 15 years ago

Anybody got scores ?

Jeff - 15 years ago


jjw 15 years ago

Nothing Yet in MA

Mell 15 years ago

No BEC score in NY yet. Can someone who received an e-mail with their score tell me what state you are in and how I can have e-mails w/ scores sent to me too? ...... Goodluck to everyone still waiting

Michael 15 years ago

I am from MI and I called NASBA today and they had not yet received my score. I am sure they can't provide the score over the phone anyway but the guy said specifically that they had not received my score. I did take BEC before the end of Jan and should be in wave 1. This is just a heads up for anyone waiting for a BEC score in MI.

::sigh:: 15 years ago

NY BEC scores are up........ got a 74....... and I passed this exam already 2.5 years ago, but lost it...... back to the drawing board :-(

adam 15 years ago

has anyone received reg scores yet? I took on Jan. 9th.

vid 15 years ago

CO is up... 82 goodluck guys ! :)

Michael 15 years ago

MI is up, 83.

sO rEADY 15 years ago

Jeff (or anyone else)- heard if Indiana BEC scores have been released? Thanks!

Tom 15 years ago

79 on BEC...only my first part but damn it still feels good!!

Ed 15 years ago

BEC 89 yes!

af 15 years ago


qw 15 years ago

Do you know when the FAR scores will be released? Has anyone heard anything

Alex 15 years ago

I passed! Got a 78! Only my first part, but second time taking it (74 the first time). Congrats to everyone else who managed to get through this thing.

iwannabeacpa 15 years ago

Ahamad- thanks! I just rescheduled my BEC test for March- bought myself a couple extra study days! Still waiting on REG score for AL to be released.... any updates?

YJ 15 years ago

BEC 79! this is my 3rd. 73,74,79! couldn't be happier.

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Congrats! Guys that's great... has anyone heard anything about REG? Has the AICPA even released scores yet?... nevermind NASBA...

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Jeff - just passed BEC. Thanks for all the help. I'm still waiting on REG which I took Feb 5. I'm hoping it's in this window but it hasn't even been released to NASBA yet right? So probably no CHANCE until way after tonight/this weekend right? Also, I checked NASBA at 9 pm est. What time was it acutally released? Thanks.

KS 15 years ago

Jeff- I live in a non NASBA state (WV). When do you think I should receive my BEC score? (via snail mail).

Mickey 15 years ago

Anyone from WA? I still can't find my BEC score...

Lauren 15 years ago

Just got my BEC score (TN) and the second time must be a charm! Good look luck to everyone out there and keep your head up if you don't get the result you hoped for and definitely don't give up though I know you want to. I've been there too.

Rich 15 years ago

CA Audit scores are up at an 87!!! My mission is finally complete... FAR 84; REG 77: BEC 80; AUD 87!!!!! Good luck to everyone...if I can do it, so can you!!!!!

CPAhopeful 15 years ago

Jeff - Any word about REG for PA?

CO Candidate 15 years ago

I appeared for BEC on Jan 28 from CO state but still havent got the scores on NASBA. Does that mean i will be in the Wave 2 release??? Can somebody pls help!

Jessica 15 years ago

Hey Jeff, Do you have any idea when the scores for BEC in the state of Wisconsin should be up?

FingersCrossed 15 years ago

This may be a silly question, but does the AICPA release over the weekend? I'm waiting on my FAR score and saw your post stating FAR was still not released by the AICPA as of last night. Just wondering if I should keep compulsively checking this weekend or is my checking in vain until Monday?

Kevin 15 years ago

@Rich.. congratulations!! i got mine this morning too right before heading into work!! 85!! done!!! good luck to everyone else fighting the good long fight!!

stressed 15 years ago

Does the California Board even update on Saturdays?....

John 15 years ago

California AUD is up as of this morning. Passed with an 80, good luck to everyone else on board.

po 15 years ago

When will FAR will be released for CA?

Kevin 15 years ago

California does release on Saturdays, which is strange since they didn't work yesterday with a furlough Friday. CA is always one of the fastest sites for whatever reason, so it's all automated. @po, the AICPA has not yet released the scores for FAR and probably won't until Tuesday or so of next week, so check the website after that.

stressed 15 years ago

Thanks for reply Kevin. Unfortunately, I was waiting for FAR scores...and yes that Furlough Friday thing is quite a pain in the @$$.

Jed 15 years ago

Have the Reg scores been released by the AICPA and when will CA release them?

Kevin 15 years ago

CA is usually the quickest to release the scores (along with IL) once the AICPA releases them.. only BEC and AUD have been released by the AICPA, but I'm sure early next week you will see REG and FAR follow suit. This was my final exam so I've followed the process all the way through so I can make a website to rival this one! haha kidding!

Jeff - 15 years ago

re: Wisconsin You are blessed to live in a state where they hold ALL scores for a Wave until every score for every section of that wave have been released. In other words, you will have to wait for your BEC score until AUD, REG, and FAR have also been released in this wave. WI is the only state that does this to my knowledge. At least you have a cool NFL franchise :)

Scarlett 15 years ago

Has anyone received their FAR score? I sat in NY on Jan 2nd and it is still not posted.

still waiting 15 years ago

Jeff-any idea when scores will be released to the states that are not considered nasba states? Thanks!

Jeff - 15 years ago

All state have the scores...if they are independent, then the ball is in their court to release them. CA released right away...IL followed...some other indie states are slower. -Jeff

ty 15 years ago

Hey Jeff - when you said "CA released right away" you mean just BEC and AUD scores right? because I am still waiting for my FAR score

still waiting 15 years ago

Jeff - thanks for your insight. I'm curious...the AICPA released 7619 BEC scores this week. Does this total represent ALL of the BEC scores that will be released in wave 1 or is it possible that more BEC scores are to be released in this wave?

Hopeful 15 years ago

Jeff- I'm seeing that CA AUD scores are being released. I took the exam on 2/2/10. I don't have my score yet so does this mean I got thrown into Wave 2??

Jeff - 15 years ago

Hopeful - you are likely Wave 2, unfortunately. However, there are times when the AICPA will release FAR with a smattering of AUD/REG stragglers too. There is still hope. still waiting - not sure why you didn't get your score...there is still hope you'll be in a Wave 1.5 ty - yes, CA releases quickly after the AICPA releases the respective section. So, only BEC and AUD are available so far to CA people

CO 15 years ago

CO BEC sources are out, I got a 76! good luck to all !

Amy 15 years ago

Hi Jeff, I goot AUD exam on Feb 13, 2010. When will the score relaese in Wave 2? Is it possible to be released by March 16? Thank you!!

Annie 15 years ago

Jeff, How late does NASBA post on Saturdays? When should I give up checking and wait until Monday? I'm waiting on Audit. Thanks!

Erin 15 years ago

Jeff- I live in Ohio and took reg on January 6. I am still seeing Error score not found- are they released yet? Ohio is NASBA state I believe...thanks for your help.

KS 15 years ago

Still waiting- I took BEC in CO on 15th Jan and havent gotten the result yet

Jeff - 15 years ago

Erin - REG hasn't been released by the AICPA yet Annie - NASBA never posts on Sat...Monday at the very earliest Amy - not sure yet about Wave 2...I'll post the predictions for Wave 2 soon (which are always 100% wrong for Wave 2) :) In general, you're looking at the 18-22ish

ad 15 years ago

ugh !!! didn't get my BEC score for Colorado, even though I appeared on 01/02. Very surprising. If EBC does not have simulations, what reason could push my case to Wave 2 ? Any insights ?

Jay H 15 years ago

Another weekend and no scores for REG (sat for it on 1/2/10) in NJ. Of course the last part is the one that seems to take forever ... just hoping I didn't get a new sim, I'll be waiting until mid-March!! Come on!!!

On Edge 15 years ago

I sat for AUD on Jan 2nd and hurried up to take REG on Jan 28th so I could have both results on the first far I have nothing. Any idea when AUD and REG will be released in Michigan????

thenarvin 15 years ago

On Edge, I completely understand your frustration. I did the same thing (with audit and FAR) and am still waiting to hear back. I think that audit should be posted sometime early this week because the AICPA released scores on Friday. FAR and REG have still not been released, so we'll probably have to wait until the end of the week, if not until the beginning of next week. Is Michigan a NASBA state? Good luck with the waiting. It can be really exhausting.

Danny (CO) 15 years ago

Hey? Where is my AUD result? I took it on 5 Jan.

Jenn 15 years ago

Has anyone received FAR results in NY or NJ?

AT 15 years ago

Hopeful: I took AUD on 2/6/10; my score was posted this morning on IL cpa website. Got 86!!!! Good luck.

Harshi 15 years ago

I took REG on the 7th Jan (PA)....still no results! This wait is killing me - Gotto to study for FAR on the coming 25th too!

Mitsue 15 years ago

I took AUD on Jan 16th in WA. I haven't got the result yet. I am patiently waiting....hope it will come out tomorrow or so.

af 15 years ago

I took REG on Jan 5 in Guam (for Colorado state). I haven't got the result yet.

Rich 15 years ago

Could we get a revised release date schedule for Mass? I believe BEC was released Saturday, so should I assume FAR will be out Wednesday?

Yani 15 years ago

I'm waiting on my LAST part: REG!! I NEED this wait to be overrrrr!! When should we expect REG NASBA release?????

Yani 15 years ago

Annie - just FYI - I guess NASBA does post on Saturdays because my BEC score was not available on Friday 11PM. It was released on SAT afternoon. :) good luck!

Sugi 15 years ago

anyone received result for FAR for NH?

Kyle 15 years ago

Jeff, If I sat for FAR on 2/6 do you think I will be included in the wave 1 FAR scores?

MI 15 years ago

Any ideas on when NASBA will release AUD scores? AICPA released friday, so should we expect scores in NASBA window tonight?

Siddharth 15 years ago

Just got my AUD result from NH via email. However, on the NASBA website it showed "Score Not Found." Good Luck to all.

Dewski 15 years ago

Everybody needs to relax, the scores will be out when they are out. Take a breather folks!

FutureCPA86 15 years ago

I got my score in BEC...I got an 83...two more sections to go!! I am sitting through Idaho!!

Mitsue 15 years ago

Hi I got the email and got the AUD reult that I took on Jan 16 in WA. I got 89 for AUD and passed all 4 exams! Good luck to all!

thenarvin 15 years ago

Mitsue, I am taking the exam in Washington, too. Do you need to sign up to get your score emailed to you or does the Washington Board automatically email it to you?

Walt 15 years ago

So if NASBA doesn't say anything by 4:30cst is it safe to assume that AICPA is not realeasing REG to NASBA today?... P.S. congrats to all that have passed all four parts!! I'm waiting on my 1st score... I think April is the only Month until June that I won't be waiting on exam scores, what a life!!!

Tarique 15 years ago

I sat for FAR on the 6th, and I am praying i got in just before the cutoff (presumably, the 7th) I am studying for audit right now which i am taking in 6 days and I cannot concentrate with the curiosity of my FAR grade haunting me. Good luck to everyone!

Lee 15 years ago

Did AICPA release the REG (NY) scores to NASBA?

Joe 15 years ago

My REG would be nice to have released by now.... I have enough grey hair as it is. = P

YJ 15 years ago

Hi, Joe I am waiting for REG.(ME) It will be my last one and be killing me. What state of yours?

Adam 15 years ago

TN REG has not been released, either. Perhaps, tomorrow?

Lunae 15 years ago

You can feel the vampire's cold breath on the soft flesh of your neck. Knowing that any minute now you would recieve the news... 70... life is over as you know it. He bites, and your hopes and dreams of passing REG pass before your eye and into oblivion. Release REG already.... GEESH!!!

MA123 15 years ago

Anyone got the aud score from MA? still error found. so anxious.

Mitsue 15 years ago

> thenarvin I remember there's a check box on the application forms of NTS. Sorry I am not quite sure though....

Kevin 15 years ago

CT AUD scores are in...that puts things in perspective for me,

MA123 15 years ago

Hi, aud scores from MA are out. I sat on Feb 2nd. Good luck everyone.

Maxwell 15 years ago

Anyone receive NJ aud score?

maxwell 15 years ago

Anyone hear from NJ aud?

weezy 15 years ago

any results on AUD from Louisiana?

Gabe 15 years ago

Anyone get scores from NY? It lloks like NJ & NY score are not coming out tonight.

Danny (CO) 15 years ago

Anyone who got AUD result in CO so far?

antf 15 years ago

Anyone got the scores of REG from Colorado?

Petey 15 years ago

NJ AUD scores are up... finally. Scored a 90 and passed my last part. Time to go back to bed.

On Edge 15 years ago

Jeff, Do you know when the scores for REG will be released?

Rick 15 years ago

CT AUD- still says error, but someone mentioned its up? Anyone else?

mi 15 years ago

Anyone in MI have AUD scores released?

Angela 15 years ago

Has Ohio released AUD scores????

Gabe 15 years ago

Jeff - I just called and was informed my score will be released in wave 2, even though I took my exam on January 4th. is there any rhyme or reason for this? Does this mean I had a new simulation and they need more data in order to grade it properly so they are waiting for more exams to come in? Thanks Jeff.

Laura 15 years ago

Anyone from MO have their auditing scores yet?

Scott 15 years ago

Ohio just released AUD minutes ago. Didn't get an email first like many states do. Feeling good - 87. I take BEC this Friday. Good luck everyone.

Mark 15 years ago

86 on audit. I am done. Now I can finally sleep tonight. Good luck to everyone.

Jenn 15 years ago

Just called NASBA. FAR and REG scores have not yet been received by them.

maxwell 15 years ago

Took AUD on 02/04 in NJ. No results. Guess I'm in Wave 2. Not too happy to wait how much longer???

Angela 15 years ago

Took AUD Jan 6th in Ohio...if my score isnt out yet does that mean it is in Wave 2? OR are they still releasing scores??

Rebecca 15 years ago

Took audit on 2/1 in MA and still "score not found".. anyone else in MA get results?

Scott 15 years ago

I took the Ohio AUD on Jan 28. So Angela, you may have taken the new exam and been placed into Wave 2 release.

CPA LA 15 years ago

Does anyone know when NY FAR will be released?

Monica 15 years ago

Jenn- thats awesome news!! I was worried that not getting REG this morning meant I was in Wave 2. Thanks for the info!

Travis 15 years ago

Has anyone recieved their auditing score for Indiana? I called Nasba and they say my score hasn't been released. Wondering if I am in Wave 2...

Sharan 15 years ago

Jeff, I don't see your predictions out for Wave 2 yet. I appeared for BEC yesterday (02/22) and was wondering when approximately can I expect to see my score? Thank You!

S 15 years ago

Why do they take so long to post results, what is the use of computer based exam then? if they wanted to take so long in examining, then this exam shud be paper based not, computer based. anyway, any predictions about the FAR results?

murphyqu03 15 years ago

Hi Everyone: I just want to try to summarize where we're at right now so I know. AICPA has released AUD and SOME people have received it either through their state or on NASBA and some NASBA people have not received their scores. For REG and FAR, AICPA has not yet released. Is this correct?

Amit 15 years ago

From NJ, haven't received AUD yet. Called NASBA, they said they haven't received my score. Saw that others have posted for NJ though. I dont get it.

Joe 15 years ago

Just got my Florida Audit score......70 :( That sucks.

maxwell 15 years ago

Miswrote. AUD NJ taken 01/04 and still second wave. That stinks!!!

Jeff - 15 years ago

For updates, please read the forum...that's where I post everything. -Jeff

SANDRA 15 years ago

I called CO board to check re: AUD score for exam taken on 01/17/10 and they claim that my score is witheld due to CO's new rules for Chartered Accountants, unless they get my evaluation. How on earth are they penalizing candidates for their past exam scores. Anyone with the same problem ?

Drew 15 years ago

I don't mean to be the pessimist.....but does anyone think that this blog just creates more hysteria and anxiety regarding the exam? I have taken four exams already, and it wasn't until the third that I actualy started getting nervous about my score, which coincidentally was the same time I found out about this site. I like the site - its very informative, but people, relax.

s 15 years ago

Hey sandra, i have also applied for the exam on the CA criteria based. My scores are not released now but just wondering, whether i'll get it or not. Is it true they have withed your scores, coz this shudn't be done for those students appearing for exam they registered before the changed rules.

s 15 years ago

also contact nasba not aicpa for the scores

sandra 15 years ago

Hey S, I did call Nasba-CPA exam services, CO. When I was told that my score will be witheld, I informed them that I also hold a valid NTS for another section. They said you can take the exams but the scores will be released only after they get an evaluation ( per the new Chartered Accountants rule of CO). Now I have written a stinker to Nasba, CO. let's see what happens. They can't enforce their rules retroactively & that too for exams that you were deemed eligible at that time. I guess we'll all have to protest this (class action).

s 15 years ago

Sandra, i just called the nasba and they told the same to me as you said. i was frustrated after hearing that and told her that i have my other exam due in 2 days, she said that u r not eligible so u might receive a cancellation from prometric, which was more frustrating. but i haven't received any till now (hope i dont). Yes, u are right, we have to protest as i haven't seen anything like this anywhere, where a rule applies retrospectively.

s 15 years ago

Also, do post the reply from nasba, as soon as u get.

sandra 15 years ago

Hey S, Will surely do. Hope all goes well with your exam & good luck.

Jay 15 years ago

OTL I took the exam in CA. CA board said, "CBT Exam Advisory Scores received from NASBA. AUD Attended: 01/05/2010 08:13:00(score pending)." When can I receive the result....???

Kevin 15 years ago

How long should the scores stay on NASNA for? I had my AUD score on there yesterday and now it is not showing up. CT

sophia 15 years ago

Jeff is it possible to have taken audit on feb 12th and get your score already. My friend called me and said she failed, but I do not understand how nasba has her grade. I told her it might me a glitch.

DH 15 years ago

I'm applicant of Maine(ME) state and I took AUD exam at 5th Jan. 2010. One of ME applicant said his AUD score was released yesterday (23th Feb). But my score doesn't shown up yet. When can I get the score??

antf 15 years ago

Hey S and Sandra, can you let me know more details about why CO withheld your scores? Are they re-assessing your eligible for taking the exam? Thanks.

s 15 years ago

antf, we got eligibility on the basis of chartered accountancy degree, which is now availability as a criteria for eligibility only from few countries and unfortunately our country do not fall in it and according to them we now do not stand eligible for the exam and thus for any exam we have taken after the new amendment, they are not willing to give our scores. They will do so only after we get our transcripts evaluated again and send them for eligibility. But our point is that, any change that takes place has to be effective prospectively and not retrospectively and coz we got our eligibility before the change, we should not be penalized for it by not getting our scores. I got to know about this from many students in the past 12 hours. its restless for me. are you the victim of it too?

still waiting 15 years ago

Finally received ny BEC score - -I PASSED!! 3 down and 1 to go!!! YAY! CO candidates- what is this evaluation that you keep referring to?

sandra 15 years ago

Chartered accountants(CAs) from other foreign countries including the UK were deemed eligible for the CPA exams under CO board. Recently they have changed their eligibility rules for taking the exams. Most of us have taken the exams before this change and had valid NTS whereby we were found eligible to take the exams. I also hold a valid NTS for another exam. An NTS always states that you are found eligible. Now, CO board has suddenly decided (without any warning) to withold scores of candidates who were eligible at the time they took their test. I only found out about this when I called NASBA -CO & had no clue about this before my call. Is anyone facing a similar problem?

Mel 15 years ago

Anyone receive their FAR scores for IL????

FINALLLY 15 years ago


Untitled 15 years ago

I am the victim of CO too.It is amazing and perahps nobody expects such things from such prestegious institution. They messed up my life and I don't know what to do.

Name (required) 15 years ago

Took my exam in Illinois on 1/9 and didn't get my score. Lame

AT 15 years ago

that is super lame

still waiting 15 years ago

Mel, I have a friend who got their FAR score for IL this morning. I took AUD 1/2/10 and still have no score, this is ridiculous.

NO REG SCORE YET!! 15 years ago

Anyone get thier REG score MI. I am still waiting.

dan 15 years ago

I got my aud score in nj yesterday but am waiting on far, I took them a week apart in early january

Mel 15 years ago

That is so lame... I took FAR on 01/09/2010 as well. Maybe they sent out new simulations on that day? Last time I got pushed into 2nd wave, I failed FAR. I hope it's not the same result.

dan 15 years ago

I wouldn't worry about far yet, scores came out yesterday and it usually takesa a day and a half to post

Future CPA 15 years ago

FAR was posted on the Kentucky State Board Website today.

waaaaiting 15 years ago

also took my FAR exam on 1/9 and have not received my score yet.

Jenn 15 years ago

Mel, I'm also waiting for FAR for the second time with the same hope - I also got pushed into wave 2 the first time with poor results.

Happy 15 years ago

Mel...Others, I sat for FAR in IL on 1/25 and received my score this morning...88!

waiting again 15 years ago

Anyone from IN receive FAR scores yet?

KS 15 years ago

Hi Sandra, I am in the same position as you. Ive taken BEC and they have not released my scores for it because I have to get my Indian CA transcripts re evaluated. I also hold NTS for FAR, when I called NASBA they told me that I could go ahead and take it but I would not receive my score. I am going to wait until I get confirmation that the CO board has accepted my eligibility. It is so easy for them to just delay everything - I do not understand why they did not do it prospectively meaning that they should have had these requirements for those applying after the change.... I am just venting my frustration.

KS 15 years ago

Untitled - I hear you!!

S 15 years ago

Yes, thats what the situation we all are facing, i m from India too. I also heard that there are many students there who gave their exams but didn't receive their scores, this is so frustrating. seeing others checking their scores, while you can't.

NY_FAR_LAST 1 15 years ago

Your Examination Fees are: $Entry not found in index.00 Does anyone know why i get that message when i register for my test through the NY online application.

CO taker 15 years ago

I am one of the CO victims too. I took the exam on Jan.5, the last one. There is no reason for them to cancel my eligiblity. I could have sit for other states if they didn't think I was eligible at the very beginning. It is UNFAIR!

Vid 15 years ago

Whatttttt ? I am from India too n i gave my BEC on Jan 16 th n luckily got my score too. I dint know about this new rule about eligibilities. Please someone eloborate. I ve already given my REG on feb 20 n booked dates for AUD n FAR. Would it be a problem ? Why do they want us to re evaluate our eligibilities ?:(

Jess 15 years ago

Anyone from IL recieved their AUD score yet?? I'm waiting........

S 15 years ago

Co taker, did u send the eligibility papers after getting evaluated again, coz i heard that they will b releasing scores after they get the evaluated documents. Vid, being from India doesn't mean that ur eligibility is invalid. But if you got registered on the basis of CA then it'll b an issue. thats great u got ur score, coz i didnt get mine though i gave the exam on jan 16 too. Did anyone called them and got to know atleast whether they passed/failed?

Vid 15 years ago

S, Thanks for the immediate response. I think i am in touble !:( I registered on the basis of CA(inter - not even Final) only. Got evaluated through FACS evaluation . I guess i ll have trouble while i give the rest of the exams. Its so sad that u guys have nt known about ur scores yet. i jus wish thisgets settled soon at our benefit. Not fair !!

sandra 15 years ago

Vid, Relax. The reason you got your score is because you have sent your FACS evaluation. This is still valid and you don't need to worry. You are good for the other exams as well. This rule only applies to Chartered Accountants who didn't need to get their credentials evaluated previously.

sandra 15 years ago

S, I asked them whether I have passed/failed & they replied saying that they can't disclose the scores or any other information until they get an evaluation.I haven't yet received any response to my e-mail from NASBA.

vid 15 years ago

Aaaah... now i get it. hmm. such a relief. Thanks again Sandra. I msure u ll be fine soon... Good luck n my prayers...

KS 15 years ago

S I asked them too if they could tell me but they would not. Ive just sent my credentials for evaluation this week. Its going to take at least 4-6 weeks for them to send the evaluation to CO board and until then they wouldnt even give us the time of the day....Complete waste of time!! @ Sandra I wouldnt hold my breath for their response...

S 15 years ago

Sandra, Thats sad, what they told. they dont even realize what we are facing. lets get our degrees evaluated and send them, this is only the option we have. we are not only victims, there are many. Hope we get our scores soon and that too +ve. Vid, thats great u got ur credentials evaluated and got eligibility on that basis. u are on safe side. can u tell me how much time it took for you to get the response and did u send notarized copies to them or plain xerox copies. thanks for the support

sandra 15 years ago

S, Thanks for the support. My evaluations are in process with ECE. They just need copies for CO & no originals/no notarization. Don't worry about credit hours -Chartered accountants with B.Com have excessive credit hours for CO, anyway.

KS 15 years ago

Sandra, S, Ive just received my score for BEC by POST!!!! Passed. I am not sure what is going on here but am thankful that I received it. Watch out for the postie..... I had to send notarized copies of the marksheets and the certificates to FACS. Good luck to both of you!!

sandra 15 years ago

Hey all CO candidates, Hurrah! NASBA responded ( Rhonda Willard- chief co-ordinator )to my stinker e-mail. They have agreed to mail the scores. So, relax all CAs, the ordeal is over atleast for now. Look out for your scores by post. Goodluck. Thanks for all your support! By the way, ECE does not need any notarization nor originals for CO. But they do need originals for California.

Vid 15 years ago

Hey great to know that u r starting to get ur scores.. @ S : ahm it took about 4 weeks to get it evaluated from FACS. But the NASBA took longer than 6 weeks to recognise it n send me a NTS. now that u ve already gotten ur NTS, it would take u jus 4 weeks i guess. I had dsend notorised copies of all my marksheets ,not jus photocopies. gud luck !

sandra 15 years ago

KS, Congrats on your passing BEC. S, For Indian qualifications ECE does not need notarized/original cert. Also, CO does not need the evaluation based on originals (unlike California). FACS needs notarization or originals.I'm not sure about other evaluators. Hope this is helful to you and others. Goodluck with the scores & exams!

CO 15 years ago

anyone get a FAR score from CO yet?

Shakes 15 years ago

Anyone from MA get a FAR score? This is grinding my geaaaaars.

Kevin 15 years ago

CT FAR scores are out, never taking that again!!

Torture 15 years ago

Hi CO, I just got FAR scroes and passed with 88. I checked every one hour, but it didn't show up until now. You might go check it. btw, I took it on Feb 7.

Hi 15 years ago

Torture - I've not got it yet from CO. I took REG on Jan 5.

nacol 15 years ago

anybody seen FAR for New Mexico yet?

CO 15 years ago

Thanks Torture...I just checked, nothing yet..Congrats!!

MUMU 15 years ago

Hi, Nacol, I just got FAR score ( 88 ) for NEw Mexico.

Mell 15 years ago

NY FAR is up!! 78 - studied 3 points too much, but man this feels good considering busy season has been hell

David 15 years ago

I cannot waiting anymore... CO,NewMexico,NY,IL,CT are released. I don't know why MT takes it so long Anyone get the FAR score MT?

nacol 15 years ago

thanks Mumu...guess i'm n wave 2

tp 15 years ago

Has ANYBODY received a REG score from PA?

S 15 years ago

KS, Congrats on passing BEC. Vid, thanks for the support. Sandra, thanks for giving the good news. Atleast we can hope to get the scores by post. Though scores are up now, we can't c now..:( no worries, atleast a hope by post. For all CO candidates, facing the same situation, don't you think this is unfair to the candidates registered before the change took place and we should protest this atleast by mailing them. When scores are up and while all can c and we can't, we feel like humiliated like we are punished for something which we were not told to do before and getting punished for that now...

Keva 15 years ago

Has anyone gotten FAR for NH?

Claire 15 years ago

Has anyone from IN received their FAR scores yet?

Ahmed 15 years ago

When AICPA is gong to release REG scores wave 1 ...???

Halee 15 years ago

Claire: I haven't received my IN FAR score yet...

Randy 15 years ago

Anyone receive scores for PA yet?

Ashley 15 years ago

FAR scores were posted last night in TN....passed with an 86!! I am finally done with all 4 parts! Woo hoo!

REG in NJ 15 years ago

No REG scores ... wondering if the are releasing Wave 1 and Wave 2 together in March because of new sims ... anyone have any idea? Haven't seen REG last in the release process before.

solo12 15 years ago

Jeff - Please can you enlighten us (if you have inside info) - Why is REG taking so long???

S 15 years ago

Sandra, can you suggest me what of evaluation do they require, i mean course by course;document by document...etc. there are many options. Can it b done electronically?

KS 15 years ago

S, Sandra, thanks. S - I sent copies of every one of my marksheets from the 10th standard till CA final and also all the transcripts (though CA is more than enough). If you are sending it to FACS then you will have to get those copies notarized by any notary but if you are sending it to ECE then just the photocopies would do.

S 15 years ago

Thanks KS, for the quick reply. What do you suggest FACS or ECE. I was suggested FACS by the Institute i took classes in India but i think getting notarized and then sending will take much time. Will sending thru ECE b a gud option? From where did u get yours? Any idea how long they take?

sandra 15 years ago

S, Only evaluators approved by CO can be used. FACS, ECE are 2 of them but CO's website gives you a list of approved evaluators. They'll not accept from anyone else. Course-by-course eval. is the one. Good-luck!

s 15 years ago

thanks Sandra, Hope we all get out of this soon and receive our scores and get a CPA degree. Good luck to you too!!

tp 15 years ago

Why does the aicpa want to toy with us during busy season!??! Like there arn't enough stresses as is.

KS 15 years ago

S, actually if you have your CA inter and final marksheets (our marksheets have the courses listed down at the back) alongwith your Certificate of Associate or Fellowship membership you can go to any notary (I was told this by a representative in FACS). I went to the district library where they had a notary and got mine notarized. I sent the documents just two days ago. Its just that many of the other evaluators recommended by the CO board required us to send originals - but I wasnt too comfortable to send originals. Anyway you look at it, it is going to take them four weeks to evaluate and then they send it to NASBA.

KS 15 years ago

S - if you are going to go with ECE my sincere suggestion is that please call them up and make sure that photocopies which are not notarized is enough for Indian CA's- you can never be sure with the requirements.... Good luck to both you and Sandra- look out for postie - you will receive your scores and that too +ve ones!!

Lunae 15 years ago

Today, 219 AUD, 1183 FAR & 6148 REG scores were released by #AICPA for Jan/Feb 2010 testing window.

Jess 15 years ago

Anyone receive IL AUD score yet?

Reegus 15 years ago

Lunae, is that correct? Great, we should start seeing some REG scores soon! Where do you guys go to find out what the AICPA did?

MillerTime 15 years ago

Anyone else waiting on an AUD score in Indiana?

sandra 15 years ago

Reegus -Nasba-twitter gives AICPA releases.

YJ 15 years ago

No score for REG?

Charlie 15 years ago

anyone received the AUD-NY score?

AT 15 years ago

IL candidates, Check your scores; they just posted my FRA score. I cannot believe I passed it!!! I am done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shirley 15 years ago

did anyone get their FAR score in NY?

Jessica 15 years ago

Has anyone received any scores for WI?

Nothappy 15 years ago

Scores in IL are up and I got the dreaded 74 (should have been finished today). Huge kick to the face as not only do I have to retake the exam, now I have to retake Reg as that expires Sunday. Additionally, my job is now in limbo, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

Robin 15 years ago

Has anyone received REG scores in TX?

SAM 15 years ago

Hi CPA Candidates from Colorado... I'm in the same Boat as you all..... I have already cleared 3 papers and I received an email from CO Board saying that my result is not yet released by CPA but if I pass I do not have to ge through the evaluation and only if I fail then I have to... I read someone saying we will receive the result by post.... Is it true...not on website??? If that's the case it will take more than a month for me to receive score... suggestions are welcome

will 15 years ago

REG SCORES in Ohio, what is going on!

Jay 15 years ago

I took the exam in CA and I check the score an the bottom of ?status? tab. FARE/REG scores are still pending. Accidentally, I checked the "view score report" and I found the score report of FARE/REG. Is the scores in score report my final score?? Plz help me~!!!

Gabe 15 years ago

I'm with Will. ^^^ Took the test Jan 8, give me a score already!! C'mon guys.

T 15 years ago

got my REG score in california!! passed!!

Mel 15 years ago

Bleh.. failed FAR 73. If you're in Wave 2 with a new simulation, does the new simulation get graded?

NJ REG 15 years ago

Anyone hear REG in NJ - starting to think I got a new sim and wil be in Wave 2 ... booh The AICPA should notify people that are being bumped. This is torture!

HK 15 years ago

I took REG in PA on the 6th Jan. Called NASBA this morning and they said that they have received the scores but would take 24-48 hours to post. I know that NJ, PA, NYC all release around the same time.

Yay! 15 years ago

NY Reg scores out!

HK 15 years ago

Got my Reg scores (PA).....and I cleared with a 81!

Hello 15 years ago

I've got REG (CO) scores that I took on 1/5. I passed! Good luck guys!

Nate 15 years ago

So i was supposed to take BEC today. but since there was a ton of snow the place lost power. and since there are no more testing days in February, do i have to wait till April to retake it. this blows

sandra 15 years ago

KS,S, Thanks for your good wishes.Do you have to take any more exams? S, I just sent my evaluation to ECE -course-by-course and they have confirmed by e-mail that photocopies are good enough for CO for Indian qualif.You can send your queries by e-mail and they reply promptly - phone calls are never reliable as different people tell different versions. You can fill their form online but have to download, print & sign( can't transmit electronically). Hope this helps. Btw, goodluck with your future exams. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the scores.

S 15 years ago

Thanks a lot Sandra,I'll be sending them on monday all the copies so that i can get the eligibility asap. will email them as you told as they are close on weekends and also have to wait a lot on phone for the answer. I have two more exams to go, passed audit and waiting for one. one of them was today but got canceled due to weather. Btw i heard that they are releasing some of the scores on their site, do keep checking!! KS, thanks for your help also. Hope we all get good news either by post or mail. All the best!!

RollTideRoll 15 years ago

Nate- my REG exam got canceled last month due to weather. You will probably have to wait until Monday for them to clear you to reschedule your exam. They have extended the testing window through March 8th. So- maybe you can find a testing center around your area that still has a seat available. If not, you will probably have to wait until April.

Gabe 15 years ago

Reg scores out for Ohio! Passed, yay!! BEC-80, Reg-82, FAR-studying now, AUD-for later

rolltideroll 15 years ago

Gabe did they just release the score today??? still waiting for GA

sandra 15 years ago

KS,S,Vid -thanks for your prayers & good wishes -just AUD score by mail & passed with 85. Goodluck to you all!

Pam 15 years ago

hi I am an Indian CA too. Can anyone tell me how much are they charging for evaluating our CA , B.Com degrees... Thanks

sandra 15 years ago

Pam- ECE is charging $135/- for course-by-course eval.+ $10/- extra if you need addl. copies. Check their website. Urgent charges are extra.Not sure about FACS.

napo 15 years ago

Itook REG on Feb 16, Any chance to get the score in wave 1 For New York. Thanks

RollTideRoll 15 years ago

Napo- I'm still waiting on my REG score for GA (took 2/5). They say we could still see scores come in around Monday night/Tuesday. But, it is still up in the air. We may have had test that had new simulations. I guess its just a waiting game. I'm not giving up though!

S 15 years ago

Hey Sandra, Congrats!! Are you done with exams or still have some more left.

Ashley 15 years ago

Has anyone received AUD scores in IL? I took that on Jan 6.

Robin 15 years ago

TX Reg scores were released... Thank God, I passed with an 80, and I am done... no more becker!!! YAY!!!

KS 15 years ago

Congrats Sandra... that was my first exam, S did you receive your score? good luck to all you guys...

bob 15 years ago

I took AUD in Michigan on Jan 4 and still have not received my score. According to the above, it is possible I had a "new simulation" and therefore will be included in Wave 2.

Bill 15 years ago

Bob - In response to your question, this means you most likely failed. I would start studying again and better luck next time.

StillWaiting 15 years ago

I took AUD on 1/16 and was told I am in Wave 2. Does this mean I had a new sim or that I failed?

sandra 15 years ago

KS,S, Thanks! I still have REG & FAR to go ( the real test). Goodluck to you and hope to hear some +ve news from S.

scott 15 years ago

Took Aud 2/12 got results 2/22 in Rhode Island. Can't believe how fast it was. passed 86.

Nash 15 years ago

I am still waiting for my BEC score, i took the exam on 22 feb. It is really taking long time, can't proceed studing unless i get the rscore and having a praper study plan. And we have 18months to pass all parts.

Amy 15 years ago

Any updates on when will the wave 2 score be released? I took the exam on Feb 13. Thank you.

vid 15 years ago

i guess the BEC results would be out tomo ! All the best guys. I m waiting for REG though. Good luck ! :)

lisa 15 years ago

waiting.... oh so patiently.... for FAR.....

Reshma 15 years ago

I took AUD on 27th FEB. Is any one have score for AUD?

Reshma 15 years ago

AUD is my last one to pass then i will be done!

B 15 years ago

Anyone received FAR result in IL?

Park 15 years ago

this waiting drives me nuts :( i can't do anything. Any updates on when will the wave 2 score be released? I heard BEC in CA was released.

Dave 15 years ago

Today - still waiting for Auditing score. I guess that Eastern winter weather really messed things up.

vid 15 years ago

has anybody from CO got their REG ??? please tel me...

SRI 15 years ago

Has anybody from CO got their REG??? wave 2 taking too long

Alia 15 years ago

I recived REG result from CO by mail last week

DERICK BAYA PETRO 15 years ago

cpa results part 2 sec 3 results for june 2010