How long do you recommend studying for a retake? Just found out I failed auditing with a 64. I recommend studying for a retake the same as if you were studying for the first time. And the reason for that is people oftentimes go in and they'll fail and then they'll think, okay, I'm just a “cram” away.
I'm just a few points away. And then what will happen is oftentimes they will score, lower than they did before. And then they think they're stupid and, everything's terrible and the CPA exam isn't for them. I would study for five weeks. I have between five and seven weeks.
The NINJA study planner is four weeks and seven weeks. So I would just study for seven weeks for auditing. Do not cut corners on your retake and because when you took the exam, you are, you were exam ready so for those topics that you scored well, you were exam ready on that day. You're not exam-ready now.
And you'd go back and restudy those sections. And then the areas that you are weakest, you need to strengthen those.
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