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Hi, I'm Jeff Elliott Husband, Father, Martial Artist, Goat Herder, Bobcat Driver and Certified Public Accountant.
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Going strong since 2008, forget about Reddit, Discord and Facebook groups. They did not even exist yet.
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Max says, “I've heard that you can request the AICPA to review your CPA Exam test to see if there was some sort of grading error in the system. Is this true? If so, is it true for the California State Board of Accountancy?”
The California State Board determines whether or not you can take the exam and they also determine whether or not you can get your license. The California State Board of Accountancy, or whatever it's called there, the CBA I think, they determine whether or not you're eligible to sit for the exam and also your licensing and certificate after you pass.
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Guy Wilson
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Diane Russell
Acme INC.
Your Guide,
Jeff Elliott
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