BEC Passed: A Bittersweet Success Story

23 Sep 2013

I Passed, I Passed BEC, NINJA CPA Review

Ali is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

Finding out I passed BEC last week was bittersweet.

I actually forgot to check my score on score release day. My father had an accident at home a few days before, and passed away just after midnight on the day scores were to be released.

The day after score release, I was sitting in the funeral home with my sisters, planning our father’s funeral, when I suddenly remembered to check my score. In the midst of an incredibly difficult, tearful time of my life, for just a moment my sisters and I laughed and exchanged high fives to celebrate my accomplishment. The funeral director even gave me a high five.

Though I wish I could have had a hug from my father to celebrate, I know he was proud and celebrating with me, too.

After taking BEC, I decided to take a mental break before studying for REG. I was hoping to start studying again after my BEC score was released, ten days after my exam date, but needless to say, I still haven’t started.

I go back to work tomorrow, and am traveling out of state for a duathlon this weekend. I plan to start studying for REG next week when my life starts to settle down again. It’s motivating to know that I’m finally halfway through this journey, and the light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little brighter.

This has been a sobering reminder of how life can suddenly interrupt even the best of plans. Sometimes, we just need to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and finish what we started. And sometimes, we really do need to take a break, recharge, reevaluate, and focus on what matters the most.

Read more NINJA BEC Success Stories on the Blog and Forum.

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Jeff @ 11 years ago

Bittersweet indeed. I'm sorry for your loss, Ali.

jenlf 11 years ago

Ali, I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a similar experience, getting a call with a job offer the day after my dad's funeral, after having been unemployed for a few months. I hope you can take comfort in knowing how very proud your dad would have been of your accomplishment, and that you are able to pick back up when you're ready, and keep making him proud!

R 11 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss... Just think that your dad would have been so proud of you... I too went through a very painful experience dealing with the CPA exam.... I was scheduled to take REG on Nov last year but my daughter had to be admitted to a hospital in danger of hurting herself.... I cannot describe how painful and lonely those moments were.... I studied the best I could but only for about a week.... needlessly to say I was short on points....I also had to turn down a wonderful job offer in another state due to my daughter's illness, the job of my dreams!.... But I thank God that my daughter is alive, she made it to college and is stable.... Little by little we are rebuilding our lives.... I got a similar job (not the same) in NYC and I am finishing my Master's and I will sit again and conquer the CPA Exam.... My prayers are with you Ali... Keep going and know that your dad wants you to do just that.....