Mia is a NINJA CPA blogger.
What’s up NINJA friends!
With passing BEC and REG, I finally got enough courage to start my FAR journey. I expected it to be a long one because the material was very challenging.
I started studying back in March. Documenting how I study for each section was something I told myself I would do from the beginning.
I didn’t write a blog post about my FAR take. I guess I was living by Olinto’s words when he said “study it, take the test, then you can forget about it.” And forgot I did.
It made me cry a couple of times that I figured I needed a break from FAR forever. I took the test … did my best and passed! Woohooo best day ever.
Special thanks to Jeff for the NINJA materials! I love the flashcards most of all because it works for me.
Everything’s such a blur now – all I can remember is taking notes and answering a bunch of MCQs while everyone was barbecuing and drinking. My parents live outside the country and they come here once or twice a year. This time we went to a whole bunch of places because I’m still new to this place as well – NM White Sands, Albuquerque, etc.. It was fun even in the midst of studying for that test!
After taking the test in April, I took a small break to focus on doing freelance design work and personal stuff that have piled up. I felt bad about neglecting some clients and my family.
About 3 weeks left for my AUD NTS to expire, I started studying for it. I kept making an excuse that I’ll study “full-time” (but do we ever?) once my parents left. I got my NTS in December of last year. Wrong move.
I read the whole book but didn’t really pay attention to all the little details here and there … I really, really wanted to be done with this test, and WHY would I fail? This is my last section and I can’t afford to fail with the July changes coming.
I was in another reality, I answered MCQs faster than ever before. I would answer one in less than 20 seconds. Yes, I timed it like that. Unfortunately, I was oblivious to the fact that I was doing quantity over quality. Epic but deserved fail.
Ah, all the thoughts about being free from these tests, finally being able to work on that side project (web and mobile app I started but haven’t finished yet), and finally taking a vacation to my home country I felt were taken away from me.
I spent a whole weekend feeling down, but at the same time, I knew that was a necessary thing so I could come back up. Giving up is the absolute worst thing to do. Life is either a great adventure or nothing at all right?
Now I feel ready to dive into some new material for my AUD revenge in August. I have been doing a lot of reading in the Another71 Forum on how people went from failing AUD to scoring in the 90’s.
Two people I could remember at the top of my head are MCLKT and MintsRGood. There are many others that inspire me. I’ll continue posting and sharing my progress here like them!
Good luck with your studies!