Faith and Hard Work Paid off: I Passed AUD!

12 Sep 2013

I Passed, I Passed AUD, NINJA CPA Review

Monique is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

I’m finally sitting down to begin studying for FAR. My review course is known for its bite-size lessons. You have several lessons that are supposed to be around 30 minutes.

In reality, the amount of time varies greatly depending on the subject. When I was studying for AUD I would have lessons that were 7 minutes while others were over an hour! Still, I like how these lessons are broken down.

Anyway, as I was saying … I finally decided to begin studying for FAR. I sat for AUD August 25th … and got my score a couple days ago. My plan was actually to start studying right after Labor Day. I should have known better.

I found it so hard to concentrate knowing that I’d have my score in a week…and not wanting to start down the FAR road if I needed to go back down the AUD one. Well I should have relied on my faith that hard work and prayers would pull me through AUD.

I passed with a 79!

I left work before my score was released so I was refreshing my phone all the way home. When my 2 year old and I got home she promptly told my husband and my 6 year old how my over-exuberant “Thank you Jesus!” scared her and put her in tears on our ride home.

Well, as I am sitting down to study FAR I’m hoping that passing AUD will be the motivation I need to get back into all of this information. With REG & AUD under my belt I’m halfway there. Still, I’ve been trying for the last hour and a half to get through my first 30-minute lesson with little success.

This section is so different from AUD. I described AUD as the “touchy, feely” part of the CPA journey. Well FAR is that stiff, suit and tie part that has no room for mercy! I need all the prayers, Bible verses, and motivation I can get.

I think the only thing that will make this section tolerable for me is knowing that if I did it once I can do it again. And that the good Lord won’t bring me this close without giving me everything I need to get through.

Good luck to all and happy studying!


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Jeff @ 11 years ago

Great post - congratulations Monique!

francis 11 years ago

CONGRATS Monique! Thank u for sharing. Your story God speaking to me! I am sure!! Much prayer and power for your next round :-)