I Passed AUD! An Eleven Point Boost with NINJA

08 Nov 2013

I Passed, I Passed AUD, NINJA CPA Review

Roberta is a NINJA CPA Blogger.

Where do I start?

It’s been a while since I submitted an update. October 14th I took audit for the second time and passed with a 79!!

I am relieved to have one pass under my belt. My house renovations are complete for now so, I have one less distraction to deal with.

I feel like I’ve full circle. It’s been a year since I started this crazy journey. I am really grateful to my family for putting up with me and my cranky moods.

I’m already studying for FAR and desperately want some PAYBACK!! My study game plan wouldn’t be complete without NINJA Audio. I pay more attention to Jeff than my husband right now, poor guy.

People believe me, the NINJA method works. I increased my AUD score from 68 to 79.

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Ana Buia 11 years ago

First off, way to go!! What did you use to study, to be more specific and how many weeks did you study for? I am really having trouble getting passed a 68 in AUD and I took it many times! I've used Becker, Wiley test bank, Ninja Notes & Audio.