BEC Exam: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize

04 Jan 2017


VanessaVanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger.

Recently I was scheduled for the BEC exam; however, I decided I wasn't as prepared as I would've liked.

It would have been nice to just take the test and see how I would have done on my scheduled date. Doing so just didn't seem like the right thing to do.

If I don't feel confident, there's really no point in taking the test knowing I'm going to fail.

I rescheduled for early January because I know I'll do a lot better with that time frame.

With the end of the school year underway, I must admit it is a bit difficult to study. So many things are screaming for my attention.

Some days I question whether this career path is for me. I know the road is hard and very few finish. I just need to keep my eye on the prize and really try to understand the material.

I've noticed recently that I've been getting lazy and just glazing over MCQs I get wrong when really I need to pay attention to those parts the most.

Up until my next exam, I will do my best to focus and understand instead of flying through the material just to get it done.

Talk to you all later! 🙂

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