Dear NINJAs,
I am running into a difficulty with the sims with my review course.
It's not that I am confused or don't know the answers. It's that I finish the sim and find out I got 40% of it wrong for not putting a negative sign or not putting something in brackets despite the content of my answers being right.
The problem is that often there's nothing in the directions telling to do otherwise.
This is really frustrating and worrisome that the exam might be the same way.
I'm wondering though if this is a software thing or if another company's sims, like yours might be different.
I'm not seeing anything about this problem when I research online, so I'm starting to think it's just me. Help!
Dear Amie,
The good news is that all CPA Review software programs have their quirks. Only the AICPA has the exact software that you'll see at Prometric on exam day.
With that said, it's possible to get pretty close and most companies do that.
(Close counts in horseshoes, hand grenades … and CPA Exam Software)
Should you let this worry you for exam day? No. It's your mastery of the concepts that will matter on exam day. Everything else will work itself out.
Should you switch to NINJA MCQ? While we NINJAs would love to have you, the scoring of the sims isn't enough of a reason to change. Just roll with it and feel good about knowing that you understand the concepts well.
However, if you're wanting study software that has a NINJA Star to click on to check your answers, now that would be a reason to switch.
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