An accord is an agreement between the parties to a contract to permit some different performance to replace the original promised performance. Accord alone does not discharge (end) the contractual obligation; accord and satisfaction (carrying out the accord) discharges the obligation. An accord usually refers to the settlement of a disputed contract.

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Contract Acceptance is the agreement of the offeree to the proposal (the offer) of the offeror. It may be either oral or written and must conform to all the terms of the offer (“mirror image” rule) (U.C.C. 2-207). Acceptance provides an exception for nonmaterial terms in contracts between merchants. Any reply to an offer that

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Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, This week has been another uneventful, yet productive study week. I feel like I am almost ready to schedule my exam and get this thing over with. My goal is to get done with my rematch of REG, then jump straight into BEC. As I stated

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Any score update info and all REG comments regarding the Oct/Nov 2008 test window (studying as well as exam results) will take place here. This saves people the trouble of having to read multiple posts on the topic. Please: 1. No posting of actual exam info (hints included) 2. For legal reasons, if you think

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If you sat for REG during the July/August window and want to share a success story or vent some frustration, please do so. Any thoughts or insights you share can be beneficial to current or future candidates. Guidelines: 1. No disclosing or hints about actual exam content 2. For legal reasons if you failed with

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