CPA Reviewed Podcast #39 – Failure Frustration & Reciprocity

30 Mar 2013


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Today's Questions:

Sheila – I passed the CPA Exam back in 1992, and find myself in the position of needing to pass it again. It’s a long story. What products would you suggest for me?

Christen – I have failed Audit five times but passed every other section. I have NO idea what I am doing wrong. I have the NINJA Notes, Audio, and Wiley test bank, as well as two lecture courses. What advice do you have?

Dolly – I am a full time accountant working 40-70 hours a week with no time on weekends to study. I have failed BEC three times, AUD once, and REG once. I am highly discouraged and don’t know where to go from here. What should I do?

Alex – I was just wondering if you had any specific info on how BEC written communication tasks were graded. If I get a written task about an unfamiliar topic that I don't know a whole lot about, should I only talk about what I'm sure is correct/accurate (even if that is very little)? Or, should I try to give a longer answer and throw a little “BS” in there as long as it sounds plausible?

Kim – I am studying Audit right now. I read your post that you mostly memorize information to pass this section. Is that the best way to approach Audit?

Jeremy – I made a 57 on AUD the first time I took it, so I started from scratch and went through all my videos again. Then I scored a 71. Do I need to go through all the materials again? What suggestions do you have for my next attempt?

Ron – I scored a 44 on REG the first time and a 52 the second time I took it. Should I stick with REG or change it up and try BEC? I’m really frustrated right now.

Joel – I just received my first payment coupon to take the exam in Virginia. I may be moving to Pennsylvania in the next couple of months for a job that requests me to have progress toward the CPA. Should I continue with the exam in VA even if I get the job and move, or should I just switch everything over to PA?

RanaJeff, I am having the hardest time passing FAR. I just took it for the 3rd time. I have made a 43, 65, and now a 53. I am so discouraged. I have thought about moving on to a different part and then coming back to FAR. Any suggestions?

Inketsu – I am currently a sophomore in college, and I chose CPA as my career. I would like to start studying for the exam as soon as possible, but do you think I should wait until I finish school?

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