My name is Francine and I am ready to become a Certified Public Accountant, now I just have to pass these CPA exams.
I work as an accountant for a small pharmaceutical company. I have my B.S. in Accounting and I always thought about whether I was going to go for the Master’s or the CPA license. I constantly went back and forth with this decision for quite some time.
I applied to 3 graduate schools and got accepted to all three. I took one class and decided that the Master's route was not for me. Kudos to those who have their Master’s degree.
I applied to become a CPA candidate and so far I have passed BEC. I was so excited when I checked my score and saw that I finally passed on the third try. I guess 3 times is the charm, because I took AUD twice so far and got a score of 70 on both exams.
I'm going to study even harder, work through the NINJA MCQ and re-write the NINJA Notes so that I can pass on the third try. I plan to re-take it in April.
Reading through the CPA Exam Forum and Another 71 Facebook page posts has really encouraged me to keep pushing myself and remain motivated. True failure would be giving up on something that I really want.
Giving up is not an option, because I know there are plenty of opportunities that await me when I pass the remaining 3 exams.
Good luck to all those that are taking the exam. Keep studying and stay focused on your goals!
We're on the same page. 3rd time was the charm for BEC and I got a 2nd fail on AUD. We can do it!!!! Good luck on your study plans and future tests! Maria
If you've taken auditing twice, you probably have a solid foundation. I would start with the simulations and then go back to the multiple choice. They have structured the test such that you must do equally as well on the simulations. Even if you get every mcq right you won't pass unless do ok on the simulations. Also, practicing the simulations helps to get the full understanding of the topic.
Thanks Maria!! Good luck to you too. We can do it. 2015 is our year. Thanks for the advice Tomika. I've been doing a lot of MCQ's and I def need to focus on the SIMs. That will be my focus this weekend. Have you passed the exams?
Francine... Sorry for the late response. Yes, I passed all four exams and I'm fully licensed in NC. But I still visit the site because this was such a big part of my life for so long. I had MANY failed attempts at the exam until I learned that the SIMS was pulling my score down. Once I learned that, I rearranged my study plan. When I started concentrating on the SIMS, I learned more and I passed.