Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger.
After having to reschedule due to work demands, I finally took the BEC exam. Although I didn't want to reschedule, I'm so glad I did. I would much rather feel prepared going into the exam than feeling lost and unprepared during the exam.
My testing experience was, for the most part, good. During the test, there was only one problem that I felt was something I've never studied or seen before. I'm hoping that was a trial question.
Unfortunately, the last testlet was harder for me and it took me longer to get through it. That left me with less time to finish with my communications.
I was not able to finish one communication; however, I made sure I didn't leave it blank. The other two I felt confident about.
After I had checked out and was grabbing my belongings from the locker, all the lights went out in the testing center. My heart dropped for those who were testing, but was very happy that I was finished. We were dealing with inclement weather that day and it may have been the likely cause of the blackout.
Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about my exam. There have been times where I felt I passed and didn't. I guess we'll have to wait and find out.
Next up, I have a retake with REG. Unfortunately, I only have three weeks to study for REG. I know it isn't enough time; however, with the new changes coming I wanted to give it another go.
For the next three weeks, my plans are to get in as many NINJA MCQ as possible and study like a mad woman. I am still unsure if I should watch the course videos or simply start on the MCQ. I will keep you all updated.