Ashliegh is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
Hello NINJAs!
It has been a few months since I have logged in and it my last exam score shows that my brain checked out when the weather got nice. Audit season has hit and the joys of summer have been painfully tempting.
In February, I received a 72 on BEC and just needed a few more points. A few days after tax season, I battled my nemesis again and was so sure I had passed. To my dismay, I found out BEC had defeated me once again and I that received a 73.
Not going to lie, I got cocky in July when I took BEC and did not put as much effort in as the first two times. A few points more were all I needed, right?
A couple weeks ago I got my July BEC score back… 58. Sadly I was not shocked by my score. As soon as I had finished with my exam I felt that I had not done my best. I learned a valuable lesson. Time had passed between exams, theories had been forgotten, and I was “not only a few points away” anymore.
Summertime has not helped my study schedule and I keep getting off track. I have gotten better at passing up river trips on the weekends with friends in order to get more study time in but there have been a few family events I couldn’t miss.
My little sister had her sweet 16 a couple weeks ago and we went on a road trip! I lived every teenage girls dream and saw One Direction two days in a row. It was nice getting away and taking time off from studying but it was hard to get back into the groove.
I am gearing up to sit for BEC again by making a realistic study plan. My exam date is set for October. Fingers crossed this will be the last time I take BEC. My goal is to get at least three hours of studying in a day and to touch on every topic. Planning a schedule that will balance your studies, work, and personal time will help not get you burnt out.
Best of luck to everyone and keep up the determination!