Ben is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
This last week for me has brought on some challenges and some successes. The closer to my exam date the more worried I become.
I am realizing that I really don’t have near enough time to be as ready for this exam as I would like. I am just hoping that I will be able to get enough information down for a passing score with Audit.
It absolutely amazes me when I think about how simple it should be, or more correctly how easy I THINK it should be. Because, as we all know, none of these exams are truly easy.
I may be a little more worried because I have never taken this exam before. I also could be worrying extra because we have a baby coming in 3 months.
I was talking to my wife the other day about my worries for this exam. This usually helps me release some of my stress and she has always been super supportive of me. I told her of my worries and told her that I have to take it because my NTS is expiring.
I told her it may come down to a Hail Mary for me to pass this thing. She looked at me and said “But we are not Catholic….” (No offense to those of you out there who are Catholic. I was referring to football when I made this comment.) I looked at her and thought, “You really don’t know anything about football do you?”
We then had a quick discussion where I described what a Hail Mary is in reference to football.
Well, I still feel on schedule to pass all 4 parts. The big question is if I will have to re-take this thing in the next window. I honestly don’t know if I can squeeze in any more study time while working and trying to maintain my sanity. I will just have to do my best and see where the dice land. Good luck to all of you in your studies.
And may the force be with you! (Hoping to conjure a little force help to pass this thing!)