Bridgette is a NINJA CPA Blogger.
It’s 12:30 a.m. and I need to go to sleep, but I want to study FAR. Three and half weeks until my first match with the beast and I am feeling the pressure.
I have read the book and listened to the NINJA Audio, and looked at the NINJA Flashcards, and compiled 100+ pages of notes using the NINJA notes as an outline. I’ve used the WTB more than I ever did for AUD.
Don’t laugh, but I didn’t even know there was a textbook link when I used it for AUD. Thank goodness I passed AUD or I would be kicking myself once I found out that wonderful tidbit of information from my #1 source of all things CPA related … the Another71 forum.
I can’t express how much the forum helps me. The FAR study group is like a little family. I feel accountable to the other frequent posters. If I don’t study I feel like I’m letting them down. I won’t be able to help answer questions or provide any useful knowledge to anyone struggling in an area I understand.
If that happens then I won’t feel comfortable leaning on them for knowledge on topics I don’t understand. They are my support system during this journey because only others going through or having been through this process truly understand what it all entails. If you haven’t taken advantage of being part of one of the study groups, you should!
One of the frequent topics for threads in the forum is “How should I study for….” It actually amazes me at how many times that question is asked, but when I look at the last 8 months of my life, the 3 tests I’ve taken, and the 4 tests I’ve studied for I understand why it is a popular question.
Each time I study my methods change. With each test I learn more about the best ways I learn material. It has a little bit to do with the variation of the tests, but mostly it is because I had no idea what I was doing when I started and little by little I find out more about what I need to do to make things click for me.
To anyone starting this journey and studying for your first test please remember that this is not like any college course you have ever seen. You can’t study like you did for a class. In college you were spoon fed the information and regardless of how wonderful the lectures for your review course are, your ability to pass is up to you, not up to the lecturer.
Focus on how you learn best. Don’t watch the lectures if your eyes are constantly looking at the clock to see when they will be over. Don’t read the book if you have to read the same paragraph 4 times because you can’t focus on the actual words and the meaning behind them. Everyone learns and comprehends differently. Find out what works for YOU.
To all my FAR study buddies—thank you for your constant support, advice, and encouragement. Good luck to you all on your upcoming exams!!