Study for the CPA Exam? But it’s Summer Time!

22 Jul 2013


Carla is a NINJA CPA Blogger.


Where does the time go? It feels like it has only been a couple of weeks since my last post, but it has been almost a month.

It’s hard to believe this year is already half over. Christmas will be here before we know it … and that is not something I want to think about right now.

Most of us like to enjoy our summer by going on vacation, relaxing by the pool, and just hanging out with friends and family grilling our summer time favorites. So how do you study for the CPA exam and still find time to enjoy the summer?

One of the things I have been doing that has been working for me is I set aside one night a week to spend with my husband as our date night. We watch a movie, go out to dinner, go out for ice cream or take our two dogs out for a walk.

Another thing I have done is set aside one Saturday a month to spend time with my friends to do all those summer activities I enjoy the most … water parks, backyard barbeques and relaxing by the pool.

I know some people are probably saying, “I can’t take a day off from studying”, or “my friends will understand,” but taking a day off also gives you a chance to remember that there is life outside of studying. Think of it as a reward system.

If you set a goal of getting through certain sections of the material by a pre-determined date, then you can reward yourself by doing whatever you want on that date.

One of the hardest things about studying for the exam is the amount of time it takes to read the material, work through countless Wiley MCQs, take notes and be ready for test day. Taking a day or two off from studying along the way helps keep you from experiencing burnout or frustration. It gives your body and your brain a chance to recharge.

Plus when you look back on this time in your life you can say that you passed the CPA exam and still had a great summer.

I hope you can all find some time this summer to enjoy the beautiful sunshine. Take time for yourselves and your friends and family …. And remember, the cold weather is right around the corner.

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